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Nature and the Environment Unit 3 Growing Roses
M : Excuse me, ma’am. I have a problem with my
Unit 1 A Picnic by the River rose bush. It used to produce a lot of pink roses.
But now it doesn’t produce any flowers at all.
W : This is a good spot. Let’s stop and have our picnic
W : I see. That does seem like a problem. Do the
next to the river.
leaves on the plant look healthy?
M : Good idea. Walking always makes me hungry.
M : Not really. The leaves used to be very green.
I’m ready for lunch.
Now, most of them have turned brown.
W : We can sit here on the grass. Oh no! Someone
W : Well, I think your rose bush needs some fertilizer.
forgot to throw these empty paper bags away.
M : OK. What sort of fertilizer do you think I should
There is litter everywhere!
M : Why do people always leave litter around? It’s
W : This liquid fertilizer is very good. It will help
not a nice thing to do. It spoils other people’s
make your rose leaves green again. Then the
plant should produce roses quite soon. The
W : I think they are lazy. Or maybe they just don’t
fertilizer costs about ten dollars.
care. Look, there are some empty cans and glass
M : How long will it take for my rose bush to recover?
bottles under that tree, too.
W : About two weeks, I think.
M : People should clean up before they leave, and
M : Great. I’ll take it. Thank you so much for your
not leave litter lying around.
W : That’s right. Well, after our picnic, let’s pick up
W : You’re welcome!
all the litter we can and take it out of here.
M : OK! And next week, let’s come back with
friends and pick up some more.
W : Good idea!
Unit 4 Bird Watching
B : I want to go bird watching tomorrow. Do you
know a good area for birds?
Unit 2 Let’s Recycle! G : There is a quiet park near here. There are always
many beautiful birds there.
M : Hi, Jane! Have you heard about the new laws to
B : Will I be able to see different types of birds in
help people recycle?
this area?
W : I heard about them on the news last night. I
G : Yes, I think so. If you use binoculars, you can
don’t think I like them.
see the birds, even if they are far away.
M : The government wants to keep the environment
B : Great! I have a book about all the different types
clean by recycling paper, metal, and glass
of birds.
instead of throwing these things away.
G : It seems as if you really like bird watching.
W : But who wants to pay an extra 50 cents each
B : Yes, I do! Would you like to come with me
time you buy a cup of coffee? That’s a lot of
G : No, thank you. I think bird watching is boring.
M : 50 cents? It’s only five cents extra for a paper
B : That’s not true! Birds are very interesting. Some
birds have colorful feathers. Some birds sing
W : I thought it was 50 cents!
beautiful songs. Some birds make special nests
M : No, it’s only five cents. Don’t worry. And you
to lay eggs in.
can get your money back when you return the
G : Really? Maybe I will go bird watching one day
after all!
W : That’s fair. Well, maybe the government is right,
after all. I’ll return all the paper coffee cups I use
from now on.
M : Good! We all need to recycle. It helps to keep
the environment clean.

Unit 5 Trees in the Forest Unit 7 Cell Phone Messages
B : There are many forests in North America. W : I need to check my messages.
There are many trees in these forests. Some of M : How are you going to do that? We are in the
these trees are more than two hundred feet tall. middle of the freeway!
Some are over five hundred years old. W : I’m going to use my cell phone. Haven’t you
Several kinds of trees grow in these forests. ever done that?
Fir, cedar, and pine are three. These trees grow in M : No. I just use my cell phone to talk to other
different areas. Some grow in forests. Some grow people.
on the mountains. People who lived in this place W : Now you can also use a cell phone to send and
long ago used these trees to make things out of receive short text messages. It’s very useful.
wood. M : How do you send a message that way?
Many of these trees are now in special areas. W : I just use the keys on the phone to type a short
These areas are called forest reserves or national message. Then I press the “send” button. It’s
parks. cheaper than making a phone call.
Some parks charge a small entrance fee. M : That’s a great idea! You can save both time and
Visitors must pay the fee to enter the parks. money that way.
Then they can walk among the beautiful old W : Right. All my friends usually send me text
trees. They must take care not to damage the messages now.
trees. We should all take care of forests. M : Thanks for telling me about this. I’ll have to try
W : You’re welcome. I think you’ll find it useful.

Science and Technology Unit 8 Bubbles in Boiling Water

G: Where do the bubbles come from when you
Unit 6 An Easy Way to Shop boil water?
Water is a liquid. When it is heated, it moves
G : Hey, Steve. Look at my new MP3 player!
around faster and faster. When it starts to boil,
B : Wow! It looks cool! Where did you buy it?
the liquid turns into a gas. This gas is called
G : I bought it online at an electronics website.
water vapor. This gas is lighter than the water
B : I’m not very good at using a computer. Is it hard
around it. It rises to the top. Then it disappears
to buy things online?
into the air.
G: It’s really easy. All you do is go to the website,
As the water gets hotter and hotter, it starts
and choose the item you want to look at. There
turning into gas very quickly. A lot of bubbles
are so many items to choose from on the website!
form at the same time. All these bubbles try to
After you choose what you want to buy, you
escape at once. The bubbles push the water out
click on the “check out” button.
of the way and “jump” out. This is what we call
B : That does seem easy!
“boiling water.”
G: Yes, it is. It only takes about a week for your
More and more water turns into gas. More
item to come. Of course, if you are in a hurry,
of it disappears into the air. After a while, every
you can pay more to get it sent faster.
drop of the water will be gone. Try it and see!
B : Do you pay for the item when it comes?
G: No, you have to pay for it online with a credit

Unit 9 The Blue Sky Art and Culture
B : Joe asked me something about science just now.
But I didn’t know the answer. Unit 11 Gold
G : I’m good at science. Ask me.
M: Gold has been a part of many cultures for
B : OK. Why is the sky blue?
hundreds of years. People made coins and jewelry
G : I’ll explain it in a simple way. Light comes
with gold.
through the air from the sun in waves.
Gold is a soft metal. It is easy to shape into
B : The light is in many colors, right?
sheets, long wires, or rings. People sometimes
G : Right. Blue light waves are smaller than air
mix gold with other metals. This makes the gold
molecules. They sometimes get absorbed by
harder. Then it can be made into beautiful jewelry.
these molecules.
Why do we value gold so much? It has a
B : OK. What happens then?
special color. No other metal is a bright yellow.
G : Then the blue light waves scatter in many
We also value gold because it is rare. A rare
directions. Your eyes see this blue light from
thing is hard to find. Even after hundreds of
above you, after it leaves the air molecules.
years, gold is still a precious metal now. It is still
B : So that is what makes the sky blue! What
valued for its beauty. It is still rare.
happens to the other colors?
Today, banks store gold in the form of bars.
G : They reflect off the things that they hit. Your
Its value is more than $600 per ounce. Gold is
shirt is red because our eyes see the red light
more useful now than ever before.
reflected from it.
B : Now I understand why the sky is blue!
Unit 12 The Summer Music Festival
Unit 10 A New Camera W : Have you heard about the music festival next
summer? I read that it is going to have about 20
M : I just bought a digital camera!
different bands playing in it.
W : What is wrong with your old camera?
M : I think I did hear someone talking about it. Are
M : Nothing. I bought this one because I want to
you planning on going?
store my pictures on my computer.
W : I’ll go if I can get tickets. I heard that people are
W : I see.
going to line up overnight to get tickets. I might
M : I can also delete pictures that are not very good.
line up overnight, too.
I don’t have to print them.
M : I don’t think I want to line up all night long!
W : I like to print all my photos. That’s why I like
W : Well, I’m going to do it. I think it is going to be
the old cameras.
a great music festival that I won’t want to miss.
M : Oh, you can print digital photos, too. Many
M : Maybe. Do you know how much the tickets are
shops will print them for you.
going to cost?
W : Really?
W : I’m not sure, but I think each ticket will be
M : Yes. You can even buy a good printer and do it
about $75.
from home.
M : That’s a lot of money! I don’t think I want to
W : That seems easy! How do you store these digital
spend that much on a ticket. Good luck, anyway!
M : You can store the pictures on your computer.
But you might run out of space. I save all the
pictures I like on compact discs. You can store
more than seven hundred photos on one CD!
W : Great! Maybe I should get a digital camera, too.

Unit 13 The School Play Unit 15 Monet’s Garden
B : Are you going to the school play on Saturday W: Claude Monet was a great artist. He was the
night? first of a group of artists called the
G : The school play? I didn’t know there was going Impressionists. This group of artists thought
to be a play on Saturday night. about how things in the world made them feel.
B : Yes, I heard about it in English class yesterday. I They tried to show this in their work. This way
think it will be really good. of painting shows how light can change shapes
G : Who told you about it? and colors.
B : Ms. Martin, our English teacher, told us all Monet did a lot of his work outdoors. He
about it. This is the drama club’s first play of the wanted to show how daylight made things look.
year. Many of his paintings are of gardens. He liked
G : What is the play about? I hope it’s nothing boring. to paint flowers and trees. He loved to paint in
B : Can you guess what it is? his own garden. His garden was in a village. He
G : Oh, come on, tell me please! lived there for many years.
B : It’s The Sound of Music. Today, many visitors come each year to this
G : Really? I watched The Sound of Music on TV garden. They come from all over the world.
last month! It’s very good! Are you sure? Most of them are art lovers or artists. They
B : Of course I’m sure, that’s what Ms. Martin said. come to see the place that Monet loved so much.
Would you like to watch the play with me on
Saturday night?
G : That would be great! Let’s go early so we get
good seats!
Leisure and Entertainment
Unit 14 Ballet Class Unit 16 A Haunted House
W : Hi Cindy, where are you going? G : Oh no, it’s raining! I wanted to go to the beach
G : Good afternoon, Mrs. White, I’m going to ballet today.
class. B : Well, I’m visiting a haunted house this afternoon.
W : Ballet class? I didn’t know you were studying You can come with me if you like.
ballet. How long have you been studying ballet? G : A haunted house? What is it like?
G : Today is my first day, and I don’t want to go. B : It’s really dark, with lots of old furniture and
My mom and dad want me to learn ballet. I’m pictures on the walls. It’s called a haunted house
not sure I want to learn how to dance. because it’s full of ghosts!
W : I used to learn ballet too, when I was your age. G : You’re joking, right? I don’t believe in ghosts!
Now I teach ballet in a dance school. Where is the haunted house?
G : Oh, I didn’t know that! Where do you teach B : The house is in the old forest.
your classes? G : Oh! Are you really sure you want to go?
W : Down the street at Easy Steps Dance Academy. B : What’s wrong? I thought you didn’t believe in
Ballet is fun to learn, and it’s a very graceful ghosts!
dance. You’ll need to learn the steps and practice G : Well, I don’t really believe in ghosts, but . . .
a lot of course, but I think you’ll enjoy it. B : That’s OK, I don’t believe in ghosts, either! I was
G : I hope so! only joking. The old house isn’t really haunted;
W : Well, go and have some fun dancing! it’s just a very old, empty house.
G : Whew, I’m glad to hear that! Sure, I’ll come
with you!

Unit 17 A Big Screen TV Unit 19 A Housewarming Party
M : I’m thinking about buying a big screen TV. W : Hi, Steve! Thanks for coming to my housewarming
W : Wow! I’ve seen those in the store. They cost a lot party.
of money. Can you afford to buy one? M : Hello, Sue! Thanks for inviting me to see your
M : They do cost a lot of money. But I really enjoy lovely new home. It’s beautiful!
watching TV. I think it’s much more fun to W : Thank you. I’m glad you like it.
watch TV shows on a big screen. M : Did you decorate your house all by yourself?
W : I’ve never watched TV on a big screen. Do you W : Yes, I did. I traveled around Europe last year. I
think the quality of the picture is good? got some beautiful furniture for my house
M : Yes, the quality is great. When you watch soccer there.
games, you feel like you are right there on the M : Do you plan to go on a new trip this summer?
field! W : Yes, I am planning to visit China.
W : When you buy the TV, can I come over to your M : That’s great! How long will you be there?
house? Then, I can enjoy watching TV on the W : I will be there for a month.
big screen with you! M : You can find some beautiful things in China for
M : I have to save some money to buy the TV first. your new house. You should go shopping while
It will be a few months before I can afford to you are there.
buy it! W : Of course! It will be fun to go shopping there. By
the way, please help yourself to the refreshments.
M : Thanks. The food looks delicious!
Unit 18 He’s Famous!
B : Are you going to the new Tim Cross movie
Unit 20 Making Music
G : I don’t know. It looks kind of boring. M: Do you like to listen to music? Music is
B : Really? I think it looks quite interesting. Besides, made up of sound. People all over the world like
Tim Cross is a famous actor. music. People have liked it for hundreds of
G : He may be famous, but I don’t think he’s a very years.
good actor. He always acts in the same sort of People who write music are called composers.
movie. He never does anything different. Most of the time, a composer does not sing or
B : Well, at least you think he’s good looking, right? play his own music. He writes it all down in the
G : No, not really. He always looks so sleepy. form of notes. Those who know how to read
B : But most girls think he’s handsome. Maybe music can understand these notes. This is how
that’s why he is so famous. people can sing the song or play it.
G : None of my friends think he is good looking at Lots of people like to play music. Music can
all. I used to like him a few years ago, but now be played on instruments. There are many types
I think he’s not handsome at all. of musical instruments. Some of these are the
B : Hey! I just got a haircut to try to look more like piano, the violin, and the drum.
him! People can make music as a group. A choir
G : Well, that explains why I don’t like your new is a group of people who sing. An orchestra is a
haircut! group of people who play musical instruments.

School and Family Unit 23 Arts and Crafts Class
G : Hi, Mom, I’m back from arts and crafts class.
Unit 21 Where Is Your Homework? Look at what I’m wearing.
W : Well, you’re wearing a blue T-shirt and jeans.
G : Did you finish your homework for English
G : Sure, but what else am I wearing?
W : Oh, those earrings are very pretty! Is that what
B : Homework? There wasn’t any homework.
you’re learning to make this week in arts and
G : We had to finish reading a book and then write
crafts class?
a 200-word essay on it.
G : Yes, we’re learning to make jewelry from beads
B : I don’t think Ms. Jones gave us any homework.
this week. The beads come in different colors
I always write what I have to do in my notebook.
and shapes. First, we decide what sort of jewelry
Did she really tell us to write an essay?
we want to make. Then, we choose the beads we
G : Yes. Look, here’s my essay. See?
want, and string them on transparent plastic
B : Oh no! What am I going to do? We’ve only got
10 minutes before class starts.
W : That sounds like a lot of fun!
G : I don’t know. Maybe Ms. Jones will let you
G : Yeah! Tom made a bead necklace for his sister,
hand it in tomorrow.
and I made some earrings. Guess what, Mom? I
B : Hey, let me copy your essay. I’ll change a few
made a pair of earrings for you, too!
words. Ms. Jones will never know.
W : Oh, these are very pretty! Thank you very much.
G : No, I’m sorry. That’s not the right thing to do.
G : Next week, I’m going to make a necklace.
B : Oh, come on! I thought you were my friend.
G : I am your friend. That’s why I’m not letting you
copy my work!
Unit 24 Grandfather’s Birthday
B : Hi, Mom! Guess what? We got our English test
Unit 22 After School Activities back today. I got the highest score in my class!
W : Oh, Billy, I’m glad you did so well! You worked
B : Will you play any sports this school year?
hard for that test.
G : I want to play hockey. But I’m not sure if I will
B : Thanks, Mom. I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?
have enough time.
W : We’re going to your aunt’s place for dinner
B : I’m on the school soccer team. I’m also going to
tonight. It’s your grandfather’s birthday today,
take up swimming.
G : You’re going to be on the soccer team and swim,
B : Oh no, I forgot! I haven’t got a birthday gift for
B : Yeah.
W : Don’t worry. I bought a gift for him yesterday
G : That seems like a lot. You will be very busy! Do
from the three of us. Anyway, your English test
you think you will have any free time?
score is a good gift for your grandfather. The
B : I will play soccer with my school team during
whole family will be at the party tonight. All
the week. I will go swimming during the weekend.
your aunts, uncles, and cousins are coming.
G : When will you have time to do your homework?
B : I haven’t seen the whole family in a long time.
And when will you study?
W : Well, you’ll see them tonight. Now, hurry up
B : I do my homework after school every day. I
and get ready.
study every weekend. My mother won’t let me
B : OK. When are we leaving?
play sports until I have done all my work.
W : When your father gets home from work.
G : Well, I hope you find enough time for both
schoolwork and sports. Good luck!

Unit 25 The Lesson Unit 27 My Future Job
W: There was once a man who lived with his G : What do you want to be when you grow up,
two sons. The two sons were always fighting Mark?
with each other. One day, the man decided to B : I want to be a teacher. I think I would like to
teach his sons a lesson. help children learn.
The man gave his younger son two large G : Well, you know, teachers work very hard, and
sticks. He told the boy to break them. The boy they are not paid much money.
tried hard, but he could not break the sticks. B : I don’t care about money. Teaching is an important
The older son also could not break the sticks. job.
At last, the man gave only one stick to each G : What subject do you want to teach?
son. He said, “Break them.” Each son broke his B : I want to teach mathematics, like Ms. Kim. She
stick easily. makes learning fun. I didn’t know that I would
The man said, “You are like these sticks. If like math so much until I joined her class. Now,
you work together, no one can break you. But if mathematics is my favorite subject.
you fight with each other all the time, one day, G : If you want to teach math, you’ll have to work
someone will break both of you.” hard and learn it well.
After that lesson, the sons stopped fighting. B : No problem! I got an A on the mathematics
They started to work together. examination last week. With good teachers like
Ms. Kim, learning is easy.
G : I want to be a teacher, too. But I want to teach
English, not math!

People and Work

Unit 28 Shopping
Unit 26 A Problem at the Office W : We are having a summer sale. Everything is
M: I had a big problem at the office today! 50% off the normal price.
W: What happened? M : Really? Everything?
M: I could not use my computer all day! W : Yes. Everything is on sale, including sunglasses,
W: Was it because of a virus? hats, and bags. All the summer clothes are on
M: Yes. I opened a file that had a virus. sale, too.
W: Oh no! You must be careful when you open files M : I do need some new sunglasses. I lost mine when
in your email. A virus can make your whole I went to the beach this summer. Oh, these are
computer crash. really nice. What is the price of these? There is
M: It was an accident! I didn’t know the file had a no price tag on them.
virus. I’ll be more careful next time. W : Well, sir, there’s no price tag on those sunglasses
W: What did you do next? because they are mine!
M: I asked a computer repairman to come to the M : Really? I would like to get a pair of sunglasses
office. He worked all day to repair my computer. just like these. Where did you get them?
But the real problem is that I may have lost W : Actually, I got them for $15 at Super Glasses.
some of my work. M : There is a Super Glasses store in this mall, isn’t
W: Don’t worry. Your work is probably still on there?
your computer. I can help you get it back. Next W : Yes, but let me show you the sunglasses we have
time, make sure you have back-up files. Just in on sale.
case it happens again! M : No, thanks. I think I’ll just go to Super Glasses!

Unit 29 A Part-time Job Sports and Health
B : I want to find a part-time job. Do you have any
ideas about where I should look for work? Unit 31 The Marathon
W : Have you looked in the newspaper? There are
W: Did you watch the Boston marathon?
lots of job advertisements in the newspaper.
M: Yes, I went to Boston to see it.
B : Yes, I have. But there were no jobs I was interested
W: You were in Boston for the marathon?
M: That’s right. My friend is a runner, so I went
W : Did you search on the Internet? Many companies
there to watch her run. We traveled to Boston
put job advertisements on the Internet.
B : No, I haven’t looked on the Internet. I don’t
W: You are so lucky! Which part of the marathon
know what I should search for.
did you see?
W : There are many websites that have job postings
M: I watched the entire race, from start to finish.
that you could look at. You could also search
W: I don’t know how the runners can finish the
for the type of job you are interested in.
whole race! It’s so long and difficult! I could
B : OK. Thanks for telling me what I need to do. I’ll
never do something like that.
start my Internet search right now.
M: I tried to run a marathon once. It was really
W : I have a list of some websites. You could start
difficult. I just can’t run like my friend can.
looking at those first. That might save you some
W: Yes, running a marathon is not an easy thing to
do. By the way, how did your friend do in the
B : That would be very useful. Thanks!
M: She did quite well! She was not the fastest runner,
but she was in the top 50.
Unit 30 Teamwork
G: When people work together as a team, they
can achieve a lot. You can easily get things done Unit 32 Racquetball
when you share the work.
B : Racquetball is a popular sport. It was first
We practice teamwork in my family. Both
played in the US. This game started just a little
my parents have jobs. My father is a doctor. My
more than 50 years ago. That makes it quite a
mother is a teacher. Both of them work long
new sport.
hours all week. My brother is a student at college.
Other racket sports like tennis and squash
I am a student in school. We all have very busy
have been played for a long time. Racquetball
lives. So, when it comes to household chores, we
rules are a mix of rules from both handball and
all work together to get them done.
squash. A short racket is used to play this game.
Each of us has different chores. My parents
This game became popular almost at once
take turns to cook. My father takes out the
when it first came out. More and more people
trash. My mother does the laundry. My brother
wanted to play it. Clubs began to build racquetball
washes the dishes. I sweep the floor. We share
courts. They built these courts for players of this
the chores and work together. Everything gets
new sport.
done fast.
People of all ages can play this game. But
People should practice working as a team.
most players today are young people. Most of
Teamwork works!
them are between the ages of 12 and 34.
Racquetball is now a famous sport. It is played
all over the world.

Unit 33 Summer Sports Unit 35 The Olympics
B : Hi, Alice. What have you been doing? You look W: The Olympic Games are a famous world
tired. sports event. These games are held once in four
G : I stayed up late last night to watch the years. There are summer games and winter
Olympics. We won a gold medal for men’s games.
basketball. We also won the silver medal for People come from countries all over the
women’s tennis. world to compete in the games. These games
B : That’s great! What about gymnastics? started a long time ago in Greece. In those days,
G : The men’s team didn’t do so well. But the only men took part in them. There were only a
women’s team won the silver medal. few sports events.
B : I haven’t had much time to watch, but I saw the Now, women take part in the Olympic
opening ceremony. Games, too. There are team sports, like basketball.
G : What have you been doing this summer? There are martial arts, like judo. More and more
B : I’ve been playing baseball and taking swimming types of sports are in the games each time they
lessons. are held.
G : I like to watch baseball. Maybe I can come and It is very hard to win a medal at these
watch your team play some time. When do you games. Only world champions take part in the
usually play? Olympics. Those who compete must work hard
B : We have a game this weekend. Why don’t you for years. Their bodies must be very fit. They
come and watch us play in the park? must be the best to win medals in these games.
G : Sure! Just let me know what time the game
starts. See you later.
B : Bye!

Travel and Transport

Unit 34 Inline Skating
B : Oh! My legs are so sore! Unit 36 A Bicycle Trip
G : Really? What did you do during the weekend? M : I’m planning to go on a bicycle trip around
B : I went inline skating with my friends at the park. Europe.
G : Did you have fun? W : Why do you want to go on a bicycle trip?
B : Yes, I did. But it was also my first time, so it was M : It is an environmentally friendly way to travel.
really difficult. I was scared that I would fall W : What do you have to do in order to go on a
down. After a short time, my muscles were really bicycle trip?
tired. M : Before the trip, I’ll need to ride my bicycle a lot.
G: Next time will be easier. You just need more That will make me fit and strong. I also need to
practice. get some equipment.
B : What about you? What did you do during the W : What kind of equipment will you need?
weekend? M : I need road maps of the countries I am going
G: Actually, I also went inline skating. I go every to visit. I also need strong bags to carry clothes
weekend with my father. We usually skate about and food. I need to carry all these things on my
20 kilometers each time. bicycle.
B : Wow! How can you skate so far? Your muscles W : Are you traveling with another person?
must be really strong. M : Yes, I am going with a friend of mine. He likes
G: I’ve been skating for three years now. You could bicycle trips.
skate that far, too. You just need to build up W : I wish I could go on a bicycle trip, too! Well,
your muscles. Let’s go skating together next don’t get too many flat tires!
B : OK!

Unit 37 Driving Down South Unit 39 Taking the Train
B : Isn’t it great that there aren’t any classes on M : You’re so lucky, Marian. You’re leaving for
Monday? We have a three-day weekend! Hawaii in five hours! I never travel because I
G : That’s right! Do you have any special plans? hate flying in airplanes. I don’t like buses, either.
B : My family is taking a trip to Las Cruces. I’m W : That doesn’t matter, Dean. There are other ways
really looking forward to it. Have you ever been to get around. You should take the train
there? somewhere.
G : No, but I’ve heard about it. Is it nice? M : That’s true. It’s been a long time since I last
B : Yes, there are so many things to see. The city is traveled. I’ve always wanted to take a long train
famous for its nuts. trip.
G : What kind of nuts? W : What’s stopping you? Go to the travel agent
B : Pecans. There are many pecan trees growing in now and ask about train trips!
and around the city. M : What do you think the fares are like?
G : I like pecans. How far away is Las Cruces from W : I’m not sure what train fares are like now. I
here? think it depends on your destination. That’s a
B : It only takes about four hours by car if you use question you’ll have to ask a travel agent.
the freeway and drive directly south. M : Can you suggest a good person to talk to?
G : That certainly makes for an easy trip. When are W : My travel agent is always very helpful. Here is
you leaving? his phone number.
B : We’re going on Saturday morning. We’ll be back M : Thanks! I’ll call him right now. Where’s the
on Monday evening. phone?
G : Have a nice time! Bring me some pecans!

Unit 40 Go on a Cruise!
Unit 38 The Travel Agent M: Are you sick of long road trips in a car? Do
W: I want to go on a trip to China. you find long trips in an airplane boring? Do
M: How long do you want to stay? you want to travel in a special way? You should
W: Four or five days. take a cruise to all the places you would like to
M: We have a very good package tour that is for see!
four days and three nights. Go by cruise ship to the northeast part of the
W: OK. What can you tell me about it? US! Go late in the year. Then, you can enjoy the
M: Well, you’ll fly directly to Beijing. Your tour colors of the autumn leaves on the trees. It is a
guide will meet you at the airport and take you beautiful sight.
to your hotel. Over the four days, you will do Do you like to look at man-made wonders?
a lot of sightseeing. You will see many famous Go on a cruise to the Panama Canal! Do you
landmarks, like the Summer Palace, the Forbidden want to see icebergs? Do you want to look at
City, and the Great Wall of China. seals and whales? Go on a cruise to Alaska!
W: That sounds great! What sort of transport will Wherever you may choose to go, a cruise is
we use to get from one place to another? a great way to travel. Book a trip on a cruise
M: You will take a bus with your tour group. ship today! You will love it!
W: OK. Can I book this package tour now? There
will be five of us going on this trip.
M: Sure!


Nature and the Environment Unit 3 Save the Turtles
M : Have you heard about the plan to save turtles in
Unit 1 Antarctica Mexico?
W : No. What is the story?
B : Antarctica is another name for the South Pole.
M : Turtles are in danger of becoming extinct
It is also a continent. A long time ago, the South
around the world. Every year, thousands of turtles
Pole was close to the equator. That was 500
lay eggs on the beach. After the turtles lay their
million years ago. It was once joined to Australia.
eggs in the sand, people come along and take
Then, all the land on Earth started to move.
Antarctica moved away from Australia and went
W : I suppose the people like eating turtle eggs.
M : Exactly. Turtles are beginning to stay away from
Dinosaur bones were once found at the South
certain places, now. There are fewer and fewer
Pole. Do you know why? Dinosaurs lived there
of them left. There is a new project in Mexico to
millions of years ago. This was before it moved
save these eggs. Then turtles will not become
away from the equator.
extinct. I think it’s a very good project.
About 98% of this continent is frozen. The
W : Is there anything we can do to help?
rest is made up of rock. The South Pole has 87%
M : I’m going to call the Environmental Protection
of the world’s ice. But did you know that it gets
hotline. They might have some information about
very little snow? Only about two inches of snow
the project to help save turtles in Mexico.
falls each year.
W : They might even have a brochure. Let’s find the
How many people live on your continent? No
website on my computer. Oh, here it is. The
one lives in the South Pole. Only animals, like
address is There’s plenty of
penguins, live there. Scientists and tourists visit
information here.
there, but they don’t stay long. Do you want to
M : Great! Let’s see what we can do to help save turtles
visit Antarctica? It is the coldest, driest place on
in Mexico.

Unit 2 A Hiking Trip Unit 4 Hiking in Iran

G: Most people think that the Middle East is
M : Hi, Anne! Did you sign up for the trip on Saturday?
only a desert. This is far from true. Last year, I
W : What trip is that? I didn’t know there was a trip
went hiking in Iran. Iran has many mountains.
on Saturday.
You can find trees that lose their leaves in winter.
M : The hiking club is going to Bear Mountain. The bus
If you’re lucky, you may see a yellow deer or
drops us off at the bottom, and we’re going to hike
a brown bear, two species that live there. The air
until we get to a cabin halfway up the mountain.
is fresh, and you can swim in clear, clean lakes.
W : That sounds really great! Where can I sign up?
I definitely recommend it.
M : Go and see Jennifer. She’ll help you sign up.
There are so many birds to see. It is fun to go
W : What activity will we do when we get to the
into the forest with binoculars to look at birds.
cabin on the mountain?
Seeing the birds through binoculars makes them
M : Well, it takes seven hours to hike to the cabin, so
seem much nearer than they actually are. You can
it will be late by the time we arrive. After we
write down all of the species that you see. You
unpack, we’ll start a campfire. Then we can sing,
should learn about their calls first. That means
eat, and tell stories around the fire. The following
the sounds that each bird makes. Sometimes it’s
day we’ll leave at dawn and hike to the top of the
hard to see the birds. However, you can identify
mountain. After we take pictures, we’ll hike back
them if you happen to hear them.
down. If we have time, we might go swimming
I want to go back to Iran again someday. It’s
in the lake on the mountain!
so beautiful that I want to see and explore much
W : Those sound like really fun activities, and I can’t
more of it!
wait to go!
M : True, but wouldn’t it be nice to fly over traffic
Unit 5 Jane Goodall
jams, instead of sitting in the middle of them?
G: Jane Goodall went to Africa when she was 26 W : Yes. But then we might end up with traffic jams
years old. She went there to research chimpanzees. in the sky!
At that time, no other women scientists worked
there alone.
At first, Jane studied the chimps from far Unit 7 The Perfect Gift
away. The chimps were afraid of her. They ran
W : Hello, and welcome to Robuck’s. How may I
away if she came close to them. After some time,
help you?
the chimps saw that she was not going to hurt
M : I would like to buy my wife a home appliance
them. They let her walk near them.
for her birthday.
Soon, she was living among them. She wanted
W : What sort of appliance are you looking for, sir?
to learn more and more about them. Jane did a
M : I think a dishwasher might be the perfect gift
lot of research on chimps. She discovered many
because it will help with the housework.
new things about them. She learned that each
W : Oh yes, dishwashers are very useful. This one
chimp has its own personality. She saw that they
here is our most popular model.
have feelings.
M : How does it work?
Jane discovered that chimps have very close
W : It’s very simple. First, collect your dirty dishes
families. Mothers and fathers take good care
and scrape off the leftover food into the garbage
of baby chimps. An adult female chimp will
can. Then, rinse the dishes in the sink. Put glasses,
sometimes adopt an orphan.
cups, and cutlery on the top rack. Plates, bowls,
In 1977, Jane started an institute to help
and pots go face down on the bottom rack. Then,
protect animals. She wanted to help animals all
fill this compartment with detergent and close the
around the world. Today, this institute runs
door. Next, choose the wash cycle, and finally,
programs in over 70 countries.
press the start button. You’ll have sparkling clean
dishes in 45 minutes!
M : That sounds easy to use. I think my wife will
really like it. How much does it cost?
W : You’re lucky, sir! It’s on sale this week for $400.
Science and Technology M : Great, I’ll take it!

Unit 6 Flying Cars

M : Listen to this! This newspaper article says that
Unit 8 Acupuncture
some scientists are working on a new kind of B : Acupuncture began in China thousands of
airplane. People can use these “flying cars” for years ago. It is a special way to treat sick people.
short trips. There are many acupuncture spots on the
W : How interesting! human body. Small metal needles are put into
M : The article says the first flying car might be spots on the body. Each spot is connected to a
ready within the next few years. special body part or system. There are many
W : That’s quite soon! How would this flying car spots for each part.
work? Can anybody use one, or is it only for An expert puts the needles into these spots in
people who know how to fly airplanes? a person’s body. These spots connect to the body
M : You don’t need to be an airplane pilot to use a system that has a problem. The needles do not
flying car. The article says there would be a go deep. People say that the needles do not hurt.
computer inside the car that would know where We are not sure why acupuncture works.
you want to go. The driver does not need to But studies have shown that it works very well.
control the car unless something goes wrong. No one can explain why. Doctors think that it
W : Does the article say how much a flying car would helps the nerves in the body. Some doctors use
cost? It will probably cost too much money! We acupuncture to treat people who cannot take
would not be able to afford one. medicine.

People in Asia have been using this special G : Mars is the closest planet to Earth. Many scientists
method for a long time. At first, people outside believe that Mars once had rivers and oceans just
Asia did not trust this method. They did not like Earth. Mars has two moons.
think that it would help them. Now, it has B : That’s cool! What is the other planet near Earth?
become very popular around the world. G : The other planet near Earth is Venus, but Venus
has no moons.
B : Do you think people will ever be able to visit
Unit 9 Albert Einstein Mars or Venus?
G : Maybe someday people will be able to visit Mars,
B : Albert Einstein is famous around the world.
but not Venus because it’s too hot.
He is famous for his work in science. Many
B : Well, at least we can see them with your new
people think that he was the greatest scientist of
the 20th century.
Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. His
interest in science began when he was very
young. Someone gave him a compass in 1884.
Young Einstein was interested in how it worked.
He wanted to learn science. He wanted to
Art and Culture
become a scientist.
Einstein tried to enter a top Swiss university. Unit 11 The Mona Lisa
At first, he met with failure. He did not get a G : What are you looking at, Billy?
place. But Einstein did not give up easily. He B : This is a copy of my favorite painting. It’s the
applied again to the same university in the next Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.
year. This time he was successful. Einstein was a G : Why is that your favorite painting?
good student. He graduated from this famous B : Well, there are a few things that make the Mona
university in 1896. Lisa great. First, she has no eyebrows. Second,
As a scientist, Einstein did important work she has a really beautiful smile. Most of all, I
in the field of physics. His work was very good. like the soft colors of the painting. Have you
He received the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921. seen the Mona Lisa before? It is a very famous
In 1933, he went to live in the United States with painting!
his wife. G : Of course! I’ve seen the painting a few times
before. But I never noticed that her eyebrows are
missing. I wonder why she has no eyebrows. Do
Unit 10 The Telescope you know why?
G : Come and look at the telescope I got for my B : At the time da Vinci painted it, it was fashionable
birthday. for young Italian girls to shave off their eyebrows.
B : That’s neat! Every girl wanted to be fashionable.
G : Yeah, now we can look at the moon. Did you G : Wow! That’s really interesting! In what year was
know that the moon is the Earth’s only natural the Mona Lisa painted?
satellite? B : I think it was painted sometime between 1503
B : No, I didn’t know that. I thought the moon was and 1505.
a planet. G : I wonder what a modern Mona Lisa would look
G : Well, a planet moves around the sun, but a satellite like.
moves around a planet. B : She might have purple hair!
B : Oh, I see. Can you see other planets with your
G : Sure, I can see two planets close to Earth really
B : Which planet is closest to Earth?

Unit 12 Bang Yi Unit 14 An Outdoor Exhibit
G: Once upon a time, there was a poor, kind M : Do you like photographs?
man named Bang Yi. He had a rich but greedy W : What kind of photos?
brother. One day, Bang Yi asked his brother to M : Photos of plants and animals, for example. Or
give him some grain seeds to grow. His greedy mountains and oceans.
brother gave Bang Yi some poisoned seeds. W : The sort of photographs a nature magazine
Only one plant grew from the poisoned would publish.
seeds, but Bang Yi was very happy. He took M : That’s right.
good care of the plant. Then, one afternoon, a W : Of course! I love nature photos. They are very
bird came and stole the plant. Bang Yi chased the beautiful.
bird into the forest. In the forest, he saw two M : Some of them are very colorful.
monsters using a magic stick to turn rocks into W : Yes. Most nature photos are so interesting.
food. Bang Yi hid behind a big rock and Sometimes, I buy nature magazines just for the
watched the monsters. The monsters ate a lot of photos.
food. Soon, they became very sleepy. When the M : Me, too. I like taking nature photos with my
monsters had fallen asleep, Bang Yi took their camera. But they are not very good.
magic stick. He became very rich! W : My photos are not good, either. Famous nature
Bang Yi’s greedy brother went to the forest magazines only publish very good photos.
to find a magic stick for himself. The angry M : That’s true. People must be very talented to get
monsters saw him. They chased him deep into their photos published.
the forest. The greedy brother was never seen W : Yeah. Why are we suddenly talking about
again. photographs? Is there an exhibit somewhere?
M : How did you guess? There is an outdoor exhibit
going on right now.
Unit 13 Friendship Day W : Really?
M : Yes. Nature photographs from all over the world
W: Friends are an important part of our lives.
are on display.
They help us in many ways. Do you tell your
W : That sounds great! I would love to see it.
friends that you are glad they are your friends?
M : Me, too. Would you like to go with me?
Everyone should tell their friends that they are
W : Sure. How about Sunday morning?
M : OK! It will be fun to see all those photos!
Did you know that there is now a special day
just for friends? This day is called National
Friendship Day. The first Sunday in August was
chosen to be National Friendship Day in 1935.
Unit 15 People Are Different!
This holiday is not as big as Christmas or New W: There are more than six billion human
Year’s Day. However, it is still a special day. beings in the world. Each one is different from
People are usually too busy to visit their all the others. No two people look exactly alike.
friends often. But this day is different. On this People from one country may look the same in
day, people take time to tell their friends how general. But they are not totally alike.
much they care. They write cards or send emails Most people in Vietnam have straight black
to their friends. They may also call their friends, hair and black eyes. But they all look different.
no matter how busy they are. People hug their People in America have straight hair, curly hair,
friends or spend time with them. or wavy hair. Their hair may be black, brown,
There are many ways to show you care. You yellow, or red. Some people have brown or gray
need not wait for a special day. Call your friends eyes. Some have blue or green eyes. Even people
right now! in the same family look different from each

We all think differently. We all like different W : It’s called “Good Fences,” and it’s all about
things. We like different kinds of food and neighbors. This reality show is the only one I
different kinds of music. We also like different like, because you’re right, the others are just
styles of clothing. silly.
Wherever you are, you are different from M : I never watch reality shows at all. I prefer to
everyone else. Nobody else looks just like you. watch shows that teach me about something,
Nobody has your thoughts or your talents. like science and nature programs, and travel
There are more than six billion people on Earth, shows.
but none of them are exactly like you. You are W : Oh, I like travel shows, too. My favorite travel
one of a kind! show is the one with that chef from England.
He travels, cooks, and eats all the time!
M : I like that one, too. He really makes me laugh.
He has a good sense of humor.
W : Let’s watch it together this week. It’s on Thursday
Leisure and Entertainment at eight o’clock, right?
M : That’s right, but where shall we watch it?
Unit 16 Karaoke W : Well, I have a big-screen TV and a comfortable
M : It’s nice to see you, Karen. How have you been? M : OK, we’ll watch it at your place then, and I’ll
W : I’ve been very well, thank you. How are you, bring some snacks. See you then!
M : I’m fine, thanks. I went to the movies Saturday
night. I wanted to invite you, but you weren’t Unit 18 Have Some Fun!
W : That’s right, I went karaoke singing with some W : OK, great, we’ll meet you in an hour. Bye.
friends on Saturday night. M : Who was that on the phone, Jane?
M : Really? I’ve never sung karaoke. What’s it like? W : That was Amy. She wants to meet us in front of
W : I had never gone karaoke singing before her apartment building in an hour.
either, but I had a great time. My friends were M : Why are we meeting her there?
experienced karaoke singers, so they showed me W : Because her apartment is close to the bus stop.
what to do. We’re going to go downtown and watch a movie,
M : Did you have to sing in front of a lot of strangers? so hurry up and get ready.
W : No, the place we went to rented out small M : Oh, I honestly don’t think I should watch a
private rooms. Nobody else could hear us. They movie tonight. I’m studying for an important
even gave us free sodas! test on Tuesday, so I really don’t have time to
M : Cool! What kind of music did they have? have fun!
W : They had hundreds of different songs to choose W : You have been studying for several days, Joe.
from. They had both new songs and old songs. You don’t need to study anymore. You need to
They had songs in English and songs in several have some fun because you’re too tired to study,
other languages, too. It was really fun! anyway.
M : I think I’ll go karaoke singing next weekend! M : I don’t know, maybe you’re right. Is it just Amy
and us going?
W : Lily is coming along, too.
Unit 17 Watching TV M : Really? I need time to take a shower and get
W : Did you watch the latest episode of that new W : Don’t worry, you have time.
reality show last night? M : It will be fun to see Lily and fun to watch a
M : There are so many of those reality shows these movie together.
days. Which one are you talking about? W : I told you so!

Unit 19 Tickets to the Game School and Family
W : You won’t believe this, but I have some great
news! I’ve got two tickets to the baseball game Unit 21 Blood Types
next Saturday.
G : Thanks for meeting with me today, Professor. I
M : Did I hear you correctly? You have two tickets
don’t understand last week’s lecture on blood
to the baseball game? How did you get those? I
types. Could you please explain it to me?
thought it was impossible to get tickets because
M : No problem, Angela. First, let’s see what you do
they were all sold out last month!
understand. Can you tell me about blood types?
W : It was easy, actually. My colleague and her
G : There are four types of blood: A, B, AB, and O.
husband have to go to London that week, so
M : Good! How is your blood type determined?
they’ll miss the game. They offered me their
G : You get your blood type from both your parents.
tickets, and of course I was happy to accept.
Your blood type is a combination of genes from
M : You’re so lucky! Who are you going to take with
your father and your mother.
M : That’s right.
W : I was thinking that maybe you would like to go.
G : Before the lecture, I always thought that all
Otherwise, I might take my brother instead.
blood was the same. Why can’t two different
M : Don’t do that, I would love to watch the game
blood types mix?
with you!
M : In some ways, every person’s blood is the same.
W : I was just joking. I know you really want to go.
But it is very dangerous to mix two different
Where shall we meet on Saturday?
blood types. Your blood cells may begin to stick
M : Well, the game starts at nine o’clock in the
together. If you are given the wrong type of
morning, right?
blood in a hospital, you could die.
W : Yes, shall we meet here at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday?
G : I see. So, that’s why blood types must be matched
M : Good idea. I can’t wait!
in the hospital. And this must be done before
blood is given to anyone.
M : Exactly!
Unit 20 Wonder Woman
B : Comic book heroes have been popular for many
years. One hero has the strength of one hundred Unit 22 The Car Ride
men. This hero also has the speed of lightning. This
B : Mom, Danielle’s on my side of the car again.
hero cannot be killed. If you think this hero is
Tell her to move over!
Superman, you are wrong! This hero is Wonder
W : Listen, both of you, I’ve had enough of your
nonsense. Sit still, be quiet, and enjoy the scenery!
A man called William Marston created Wonder
G : Mom, is Toronto still far away?
Woman in 1941. He was a graduate of Harvard
W : It’s going to take a long time to get there, so read
University. He used a false name on his comics. He
your book.
did not want his colleagues to know that he wrote
G : I don’t like to read in the car because it gives me
comics. The false name was Charles Moulton.
a headache. Can we put a CD in?
Mr. Marston wanted to make a strong female
W : I suppose so, but it had better not be rap music.
hero for little girls. Of course, he hoped that
That music is awful, and I can’t believe you
little boys would like Wonder Woman, too. Wonder
children actually listen to it.
Woman was not very popular at first. Then, World
B : Oh, please, can we play some rap music? You
War II began in 1941.
might like it, Mom.
Wonder Woman became a role model for
W : Well, only if you promise that there is no bad
children around the world. She was both strong and
language in it.
beautiful. She always tried to do what was right.
B : There isn’t any bad language, I promise!
Today, she is still one of the most popular heroes
W : All right, I’ll play the CD, but it will be at the
of all time.
volume I choose.

B : Thanks, Mom. or two students. The student’s mother or father
W : Have I ever told you about the songs I liked at is the teacher. Another benefit is that students
your age? People listened to real music in those can study interesting things.
days. Some people think that home schooling is not
G : Oh, Mom! Rap is real music, too! good for students. They believe public schools
teach children discipline. They feel that public
schools give a sense of community. In the end,
Unit 23 The Report parents must decide if home schooling is the right
choice for their children.
B : I finished my report on the French Revolution
last night.
G : How did you finish it so fast? I’m still trying to
find books about it.
Unit 25 Big Brother
B : There was something about the French Revolution G : So, how does it feel to have a new baby brother
on TV last week. I wrote down the names of all in the house?
the people who were on the show. B : It’s really exciting, but not as easy as I thought it
G : What did you do next? would be, because the baby cries constantly. I
B : I went to the library and looked for their books. love my baby brother, but I don’t like all that
It was very easy, especially because I already noise!
understood what they wanted to say. G : I know! When my baby sister was born, she
G : I guess I could have done that, but I missed the cried and slept all the time. I had to help change
TV show. Why did Ms. Dessard make us write diapers and feed her.
about French history, anyway? She’s a French B : I hope I never have to change a diaper! My mom
language teacher, not a history teacher. and dad do a good job of that. I learned how to
B : Ms. Dessard said that if we want to understand heat the bottle to the right temperature, though.
the language, we should understand the culture. Having a new baby around is hard work.
I don’t know if I speak better French, but I know G : What do you like most about your new brother?
more about French history now. If the French B : He’s really cute, and everyone says he looks like
Revolution had never happened, French would me, but with darker hair.
be a very different language. G : Smaller too, of course!
G : You’re right. I’m going to talk to Ms. Dessard B : He laughs when I tickle his little feet. When he
now. I’ll see you later. grows up a bit, I’ll teach him how to ride a bicycle,
and we can also play games together! I’m going
to be the best big brother in the world!
Unit 24 Home Schools
M: There are many kinds of schools for many
kinds of students. One kind of school is the home
school. Home schools are exactly that-schools at
People and Work
Parents choose to home school their children
for many reasons. Some people feel that public Unit 26 The New Boss
schools are too dangerous. Some people think that M : You know, Kim, I think our new boss doesn’t
the level of education is too low. Some parents do like me. I don’t understand why.
not approve of the subjects their children learn in W : That’s not true, Trevor! Why, just this morning
public schools. If parents choose to home school I heard her say you’re a very good employee.
their children, they must be ready to teach them She said you work very hard every day.
well. M : That’s news to me. I wish she would say it to me,
There are many benefits to home schooling. but she just criticizes everything I do.
Home schools are very small. There are just one W : I think that you’re being too sensitive.

M : Do you really think so? Maybe I just need a M : Of course! You can donate a lot of money to
vacation. I haven’t had one for years. help other people. Bill Gates donates millions to
W : It’s not good to work so hard, Trevor. I think a charity every year. He also employs about
vacation is a great idea. 55,000 people in 85 different countries.
M : How about you? Are you happy at work these W : I heard that he got interested in computers when
days? he was really young.
W : Yes, I’m really enjoying working for this new M : That’s right. He started programming computers
boss. That’s why I’m surprised that you think when he was 13 years old.
she criticizes your work. Actually, I think she is W : Really?
helping you to improve your work. She’s just M : Yes. Then he studied computers at Harvard
trying to help. University.
M : I didn’t realize that. Now that I think about it, W : He was a Harvard graduate? This shows how
you’re right. I feel much better. important education is to success.
W : Good! Let’s go for lunch! M : Actually, Bill Gates decided to drop out of
Harvard. He was an excellent student. But he
did not want to graduate.
Unit 27 The Principal W : Why not?
M : He had a dream. He dreamed that computers
W : How long have you been a school principal, Mr.
would be in every home and office in the world.
W : I see! He decided to follow his dream.
M : I have been a school principal for 18 years.
M : Yes. He made the right decision!
W : What made you get involved in education?
M : When I was 12 years old, I read an article about
how the human brain works. I studied very
hard. I tried to use my brain well. Soon, I began
Unit 29 Mark Twain
to get interested in education. G: Here is a story that Mark Twain, the famous
W : I see! author of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of
M : After college, I became a teacher. I was given the Huckleberry Finn, told one afternoon.
position of principal 12 years later. Years ago, I was on a train leaving New York.
W : Do you ever wish that you had done something There were too many people, and the sleeper
else? train was full. I asked the young man at the ticket
M : When I first started as a principal, I missed being office if I could have a room in the sleeper section
a teacher. I liked spending time with children of the train. He answered rudely, “No!”
and helping them learn and grow. However, I I left feeling quite angry. As I was getting on the
knew that I could do a lot of good as a principal. train, I saw a man watching me. He watched me
W : You have certainly done a lot of good, Mr. Shin! for a few minutes. Then he spoke to the conductor
You started a special program to send all the in a whisper. Immediately the conductor came
students in your school to college! over to me.
M : I have been planning to do that for some time. “Can I help you?” he asked. “Do you want
I’m glad the program is so successful. a place in the sleeper section?”
“Yes, give me anything.”
“We have two beds and chairs in a private
Unit 28 Bill Gates section.”
The conductor made sure I was comfortable.
M : Look at this article I am reading. It says here
Then he said, “I’m so proud to have you on
that Microsoft made over $36 billion in 2004.
this train, sir.”
W : Wow!
“Oh? Who am I?” I asked.
M : I wish I was Bill Gates, the owner of Microsoft!
“General McClellan.”
W : Is it just because of the money?

These are just a few ways we can stay fit
Unit 30 A Soccer Star
when we don’t have a lot of time to exercise.
B : Soccer is a very popular team sport worldwide. Do you know some other ways?
Many people love to watch it. Hong Myung-bo is
a famous soccer player. He started playing soccer
in 1990. He played for the Pohang Steelers for Unit 32 Stop Yawning!
six years. Then he played for the Los Angeles
W : Stop yawning, Jason!
Galaxy. He was the first Korean to play for a
B : I’m sorry, Ms. Terry. I can’t help it!
major league soccer team in the United States.
W : You can! You yawn because your lungs need
Now, he is a coach for the South Korean soccer
more oxygen. When you need more oxygen, you
open your mouth wide and take in a lot of air.
Hong is famous because he played soccer
B : What can I do to stop yawning?
well. He played in more than 125 international
W : You should go outside into the fresh air and
games. He also played in four World Cups. He
breathe deeply. Then you won’t need to yawn
played in the World Cup in 1990, 1994, 1998,
anymore. Your lungs will have lots of oxygen.
and 2002.
B : We just came in from recess, so why am I yawning?
Hong won two soccer awards in 2002. His
W : Are you tired? Being tired also makes you yawn.
team won the award for the Most Entertaining
This is because your body needs rest. Oxygen
Team in the World Cup. People thought it was
helps your body rest. Sleeping rests your body
fun to watch Hong’s team play soccer! Hong
and makes you take long, deep breaths.
also won the Adidas Bronze Ball Award. This
B : Then, why do I yawn when I am bored, Ms.
award was for his outstanding performance in
the game. Even though Hong did not play in the
W : Well, Jason, when you are bored, you are probably
final game, he played well.
not breathing deeply enough. The best way to
stop yawning from boredom is to do something
interesting. If you can’t do that, try taking deep
breaths. This will not stop the boredom, but it
will help you stop yawning.
Sports and Health

Unit 31 Keeping Fit Unit 33 The Gym

W: We all need regular exercise to keep fit. But W : Did you hear that a new gym opened on one of
if we study all day, we don’t have time to run, the streets nearby?
swim, lift weights, or play basketball. What can M : That’s great news! I’ve gained some weight, and
we do to stay in shape? I’d like to lose it through exercise.
One thing we could do is walk more often. W : I need to lose weight, too, and I’ve always wanted
Walking is good exercise. Instead of going to to take yoga classes.
school by car or bus, we could walk. During M : Do you know if the new gym offers yoga classes?
recess, we could go outside and stroll around W : I’m not sure. I’m planning to go there on Friday
before we go back to class. Instead of taking the evening to look around. Do you want to join
elevator in buildings all the time, we could use me?
the stairs. M : Let me check my schedule for this week. I’m too
Another important thing is to take breaks busy on Friday, so can we go on Saturday
from studying. If we sit at our desks or in front of a afternoon instead?
computer for a long time, we should stand up W : Sure. We can see what the new gym has to offer,
and stretch our arms and legs once each hour. If and get some exercise, too. It’s fun to work out
we stand for a long time, we should sit down in a gym with other people. We might even meet
and stretch our backs. new people with similar hobbies!

M : Hold on, let’s see what the gym looks like first M : Salads alone may not be nutritious enough.
before we start planning anything else. Let’s W : So, what should I eat?
meet for lunch at the West End Café before we M : You need some protein and carbohydrates. It is
go. It might be the last good meal we eat! important to eat a good variety of food at each
W : Good plan! meal. You should have balanced meals. Make
sure you eat cereals, fruits and vegetables, and
some bread or rice. You also need milk and dairy
Unit 34 A Healthy Lifestyle products, and some meat. You’ll be healthier.
You’ll have more energy. You’ll even look better!
W : This burger is delicious! Do you want some?
M : No, thank you. I’m working out at the gym
these days. I want to be healthy, so I’ve also
started eating good, fresh food.
W : You’re exercising? That’s fantastic! When did
you start thinking about your weight and staying
Travel and Transport
in shape?
M : Last month I had a check-up. My doctor told me Unit 36 Across Canada
that I should be leading a much healthier W : I’m so excited! I just got back from the travel
lifestyle now that I’m getting older. Now, I try to agency.
eat small, regular meals instead of one or two M : Travel agency? Where are you going?
big meals a day. W : I’m planning to go to Canada on vacation.
W : I see. What types of food do you usually eat M : Canada! How exciting! How long are you going
now? for?
M : I eat lots of fruit and vegetables. I try to limit W : I’m going for a month. I want to see as much as
carbohydrates like bread, rice, and pasta. I also I can!
try not to eat sugary foods. M : You are so lucky! What places are you going to
W : Oh dear! I love sugary foods, especially cakes. visit?
M : Well, try to eat food that is good for you. You W : First, I’ll spend a few days in Vancouver. Then
need to take care of yourself. I’ll take a train through the Rocky Mountains.
W : You’re right. I should start thinking about a M : Oh, you’re riding through the Rockies! That’s
healthier lifestyle. But first, I’m going to finish really exciting!
my burger! W : Then I’ll fly to Toronto, and take a bus to
Niagara Falls. Did you know that you can
actually take a boat under that huge waterfall?
Unit 35 A Balanced Meal It’s called Maid of the Mist.
W : I have lost seven pounds in one week! Skipping M : Wow! That’s an amazing thing to do! You’re so
breakfast really works. lucky!
M : I don’t think that’s a good idea. W : Well, I hope I don’t get seasick! I’ll finish my trip
W : Why not? in Nova Scotia. I want to eat lobster for dinner
M : People who skip breakfast eat more at the next every night. And I’d like to bike around some
meal. Eating breakfast is very important. small fishing villages, too.
Breakfast gives you energy for the day. M : Have a great time, and take lots of pictures!
W : Well, I eat one big meal a day at dinnertime.
M : Having one meal a day is not good. You should
have several small meals a day. You’ll have more
energy that way.
W : Maybe you’re right. I have been feeling really
tired lately.
M : What do you usually eat?
W : I only eat salads now.

Unit 37 A Trip to Europe Unit 39 A Good Way to Travel
G : Where are you going on vacation this year, Andre? M: Traveling is a good hobby. If you have very
B : I’m going to Europe with my parents. We’re going little money, backpacking is a good way to
to take a tour of France, Italy, and Germany. travel. Many students like to backpack. They
G : Oh! That will be such fun! How long will you be can travel cheaply. They can travel to many
gone? places. These travelers carry their belongings in
B : Three weeks. We’re going in the summer, so I large backpacks. They are called backpackers.
won’t miss any school. Backpackers take buses or trains to save
G : What will you do there? money. They camp outdoors to sleep. If they
B : We’re going to visit historical sites, like the stay in a city, they may go to a hostel. A hostel
Coliseum in Rome. We’ll also see famous museums, is like a hotel. Hotels are not cheap. Hostels are
like the Louvre in Paris. And, of course, we’re very cheap. Travelers often share rooms at hostels.
going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. There are only a few toilets and baths. People
G : How will you travel from one country to another? share them, too.
B : There’s a famous train that goes all over Europe. Hostels are a good place to meet other
It’s called the Eurorail. travelers. You can make friends. They can tell
G : I wish I could go with you! My family is going you about fun things to do in the area. Many
to the seashore again, just like last year. I’d like hostels have kitchens. These kitchens have
to go somewhere I’ve never been. stoves. Some have toasters. You can buy your
B : Don’t worry, Julie. I will take lots of pictures, food from a store. Then, you can cook at the
and I’ll buy you a souvenir. hostel. This is cheaper than eating out. Just
G : Thank you! I’ll collect some seashells from the remember to clean up when you are done!
beach for you.
B : Thanks!
Unit 40 A Train Announcement
W: Welcome on board the TGV 740. We are
Unit 38 New Mexico now leaving Paris. We will arrive in Marseilles
B : Hi, I haven’t seen you for two whole weeks! at 3:00 p.m.
Where did you go on your vacation? We offer free beverages in each car. Please have
G : I visited my cousin in New Mexico. I had a great as much coffee, tea, or soft drinks as you wish.
time! There is a restaurant on the train. You may
B : Mexico? I thought you went to the US. purchase a meal there during the trip. The
G : I did. New Mexico is a state in the southwestern restaurant is in car 11.
US. It’s between Texas and Arizona. Guess what? We will make two stops on this trip. We will
A lot of Americans don’t know that New Mexico pick up passengers in Provence and Dijon.
is a state. The license plates on cars in New Mexico Passengers changing trains can ask the attendant
also say “USA.” This is so that people don’t get for a free timetable. This will help you with your
confused and think the driver is from Mexico. onward trip.
B : That’s funny! So, tell me what you did in New Please note that smoking is only permitted
Mexico. in cars 15 and 23. Newspapers are given to all
G : My favorite part was visiting Carlsbad Caverns. passengers. Mobile phones and the Internet may
There are 30 miles of caves! In one cave, we had be used in cars 18 and 25. If you need assistance,
to wear hats with lights on them so we could see please press the button near your seat to contact
in the dark. Sometimes we had to crawl through a cabin attendant.
very narrow tunnels on our hands and knees. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the trip. We
B : Weren’t you scared? are pleased to have you on board. We look
G : No, it was a lot of fun! I’m going to visit my forward to serving you again in the future.
cousin again next year. You should come with


Groups of elephants can communicate with each
Nature and the Environment other, even if they are far apart. This is very useful
because it helps the elephants to find water and
Unit 1 A Big Responsibility food. The elephants cooperate to help each other.
B : Mom, can I get a puppy?
W : No, Billy. Taking care of a pet is a big responsibility.
B : I promise to take good care of him, and you Unit 3 Ants, Ants, Everywhere!
won’t have to remind me to do things for him. G : Hello, Mrs. Wilson. How are you?
W : A dog isn’t a toy that you play with for awhile. W : I’m worried, Brianna. Thousands of ants are all
He will be part of our life for the next 10 or 20 over my patio!
years. He is a living creature. G : That’s quite a problem.
B : I understand that, Mom. I promise to feed him every W : What’s worse is that my daughter’s birthday
morning and take him for walks every afternoon. party is in a few days and I wanted to have it on
W : That’s part of the responsibility, but there’s more. the patio.
He needs a license and has to go to the vet to get G : Why don’t you call an exterminator?
shots. A dog also needs companionship. You can’t W : I would, but I don’t want all those hazardous
go off with your friends and leave him locked up chemicals around my children. It’s harmful and
in the house all day. unhealthy. I also don’t want dangerous substances
B : I understand, Mom. I have almost $100 in the to seep into the garden.
bank so I can pay for his license and shots now. G : I usually don’t have problems with ants, and I
W : There are other expenses, too. Dog food is rather don’t use any chemicals.
expensive. W : What’s your secret?
B : Well, I have my job mowing lawns and I’ll get a G : Well, ants are difficult to control, so I planted a
newspaper route. lot of mint plants near my deck. I also use cinnamon
W : I think we should discuss this with your father and cayenne pepper. I just sprinkle them around the
when he gets home. This is a family decision. places I don’t want ants. Some people have tried it
B : OK, Mom. Thanks! and said it worked. Others said that they needed to
try something else.
W : I think it’s worth a try. I would rather use cinnamon
Unit 2 Elephants Are Amazing and mint around my patio than some hazardous
M: Elephants are interesting. They are intelligent. chemicals. Besides, I don’t mind having the ants in
They also have a great memory. You should the yard. I simply don’t want them coming to the
always be kind to elephants. They remember birthday party. Would you mind helping me?
everything. A woman from India told me a story. G : It would be a pleasure. I have a lot of cinnamon
When she was a little girl, she knew of an evil at home and I can run to the store to get the
elephant keeper. He often hit his elephant. He was plants for you.
very mean and cruel to the elephant. Then the evil W : Thank you, Brianna. You’re such a thoughtful
keeper sold the elephant. The new keeper was a person.
very kind man. Many years later, the evil keeper
met the elephant again. The elephant remembered
the evil man. He picked up a stone with his trunk and Unit 4 The Oil Spill
threw it at the evil man. The elephant still knew the G: My best friend Katy lives near a beautiful
man, even after so many years. white sand beach. Her parents take us there every
Elephants help each other, too. Elephants use summer. The water is clean and refreshing. We
a special sound. The sound is so low that people have a lot of fun in the waves. Last year, there was
cannot hear it. This sound travels really far. an oil spill at Katy’s beach. We volunteered at the

beach to clean up the oil and help the birds that
were caught in the spill.
Science and Technology
When we arrived at the beach that day, the
water was slick with oil and the white sand had Unit 6 Research
turned black. It was an ugly sight. At first, the W : What are you doing, Billy?
rescue workers would not let us on the beach. B : I’m doing research. I found a lot of great websites.
We had to watch from a distance. We watched W : You know, I think you might want to go to the
as they put a huge float in the water, called a library and look at some books.
boom. This device kept the oil slick from B : I don’t want to. It takes too much time, and
spreading. Once they stopped the slick, we were besides, this is fast, easy, and fun. This paper will
allowed on the beach to help. Each of us was be done in no time.
given a broom. We swept the oil into a pile. The W : The Internet is great for finding information.
workers took it away in big trucks. We all But it is also full of misinformation and lies. You
worked very hard that day to restore the beach. don’t really know what you are looking at unless
Once the oil was removed, the birds that had you are at a reliable site. It’s safer to get some
been caught in the oil had to be helped. The books first and then search for more information.
workers showed us how to remove the oil from B : Grandma, I love you, but I think you are a little
their wings. Then the birds could fly away to old-fashioned. Look at all this great information!
safety. We were very proud of ourselves that day. My report is on Albert Einstein. Now, according
We helped save our beautiful beach and the to this site, he was born in 1979, came up with
birds who visit it. the theory of relatives, and was awarded the
Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922.
W : Your information is wrong. Albert Einstein was
Unit 5 The Amazing Amazon born in 1879 and developed the theory of general
M: The Amazon is an amazing river. It is unique relativity. He won the Nobel Prize in 1921.
in many ways. It is the second longest river in B : Wow! That means all this stuff is inaccurate.
the world. It is 6,500 kilometers long. It starts How did you know all that?
up in the Andes Mountains. Its drainage basin W : Come with me to the library and I’ll help you
(the area of land that collects water) covers 40 find the books with those facts.
percent of South America. The Amazon River B : Thank you, Grandma. You’re a real life-saver!
has many small rivers that supply it with water.
It is the widest river in the world. The river
rises more than nine meters during the rainy season. Unit 7 A New Calculator
It overflows its banks. It floods large areas of the W : Hi. I’d like to see your calculators.
rainforest. During that time, in some parts, it has a M : Did you have a certain model in mind, ma’am?
width of up to 40 kilometers. The Amazon River is W : I’m not thinking of any specific model. I want
over 325 kilometers wide at its mouth. It has more something simple for basic math.
water than any other river in the world. M : Is it for personal use?
The Amazon River is also home to many animals. W : Yes. I just need it for shopping and keeping
Over 2,000 types of fish live in the Amazon track of my bills.
River. One kind of fish is the piranha. The piranha M : Well, the great thing is that these simple calculators
is a terrifying fish. A piranha grows up to 60 are very inexpensive and small. Here is a solar
centimeters long. It hunts in a group. A group of model that never needs batteries. It is thin, too.
piranha can kill and eat cattle in a matter of minutes. W : It’s too small. I can’t read the numbers very easily.
They are so efficient that only the bones are left. M : How about this one? It is a pocket calculator. It’s
This fish is one of the most dangerous creatures in a bit bigger. The display is easier to read.
the Amazon River. W : Yes, I can see the numbers better. It is easier to
hold, too. Is it also solar?

M : Yes, it is. It is battery-powered, as well. It has an W : Online chatting can be very addictive, not to
eight-digit display. This calculator also has a mention expensive.
memory key. B : Well, if you have DSL, chatting is not expensive.
W : How much is it? Also, not everyone who chats is an addict.
M : It is only five dollars plus tax. It comes with a Disabled people are better able to socialize online.
one-year warranty. You know, not every area is wheelchair-accessible.
W : I’ll take it. W : True. However, I’ve read that there are lots of
strange people online who are dangerous.
B : I’ll be careful. Besides, you can always see what
Unit 8 Racing Robots I am writing and who I am writing to. In my
opinion, the biggest fault with chatting online is
M: I have been interested in robots for as long as
the lag time or delay in the system.
I can remember. The first thing I did when I
W : I agree, I have noticed that there is some lag time
entered high school was join the Robotech
in you getting off the computer!
robot-making club. We get together after school
every day and create our own robots. Nowadays
it is very easy to find kits to build your own
robot and these are what we use.
Unit 10 The Nobel Prize
The highlight of the year for us is the annual W: One of the greatest achievements in the
Robot Maze race. Everyone who wants to take world is to win the Nobel Prize. It has been given
part has to make a small computer-controlled to people since 1901. There are prizes for physics,
robot. You need to race it to the center of a chemistry, and medicine. There are also prizes for
maze. We work together in teams of three or literature, economics, and peace. The Nobel
four. This year, I am working with two students Prize is named after Alfred Nobel. He was born
who won last year’s competition, so I think we in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1833. Alfred Nobel
have a really good chance of winning. invented dynamite in 1866. Dynamite is used in
Our robot is about 30 centimeters high. It mining, construction, and war. Before he died, he
weighs two kilograms. It should be really quick. wrote that all of his money should be used to
We have been practicing often, and we have create the Nobel Prize. He died in 1896. The
already equaled last year’s speed, so we just need first prize was given in 1901.
to get a little faster. We are keeping the design of Each prize has three parts: a diploma, a gold
our robot secret. If we win, we will get $500. I medal, and money. The money has increased
hope this will be my lucky year. since 1980. It is now ten million Swedish crowns.
This is about one million euros. How are the
winners chosen? Five committees secretly meet to
Unit 9 Online Chatting pick the winners. The Nobel Prize for Economics
is the only one that is not decided that way. That
W : Philip, are you still chatting online? It’s 9:30 p.m.
is because it was created in 1956 by the Bank of
You have an exam tomorrow.
Sweden in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of
B : Yes, Mom. I’ll get off in a minute.
Alfred Nobel’s death. The Bank of Sweden decides
W : I read some articles about chatting online. I’m
who gets the Nobel Prize for Economics. Since
not so sure you should be spending so much
1901, over 750 people have won the Nobel Prize.
time in front of your computer.
B : Mom, that seems unfair. It can be very educational.
You meet people from all over the world who talk
about lots of different things.
W : OK, maybe these people share their knowledge.
I still think it is better to join clubs and socialize
with real people.
B : Do you think chatting online causes bad behavior?

drum, and leave an opening at both ends. Then
Art and Culture they fit an animal skin on each end. There’s a
string between each of these ends. When a player
Unit 11 Great Art holds the drum under an armpit and squeezes, it
M: What makes a painting a great work of art? tightens the string and raises the pitch.
There are many answers to that question. Some B : Why do they call it a “talking” drum?
people think that a painting should look pretty. M: The drummers are so skillful they can make the
Others disagree. The skill of the painter is drums imitate human voices. They seem to cry,
important. The techniques used are also important. laugh, and shout.
Most of all, a great painting has meaning. A B : I’d like to hear that.
great painting has a special element in it. M: Why don’t you come to the community college
Sometimes, a painter’s special element is the with me tomorrow? A troupe from Africa is giving
way he portrays his or her feelings in a piece of a concert, and they are supposed to have the
art. An example of this is Picasso’s painting, best drummers in the world.
Guernica. It has strange shapes in it. It shows B : Now, that sounds great!
suffering people, too. It is not a very pretty picture.
However, it makes people understand Picasso’s
feelings about war. Unit 13 The Hot New Movie
Other times, the element is a memory or feeling. W: The latest blockbuster movie Robots Attack
This comes from inside another person. Someone 2 starring Garrison Fort opened yesterday. Fort
may see a painting and be reminded of a beautiful and Andy Robot are at it again, saving people
memory. A painting can also remind people of a from the jaws of death. The evil robots are
feeling. For example, Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona invading Atlantis once again. The crowds
Lisa is very popular. Many people like her smile. seemed to love the sequel. Maybe they loved it
Some people say it is a mysterious smile. Others as much, if not more than, the first Robots
say it is a happy one. Still others make up stories Attack. The special effects are fantastic! Mr. Fort
about the woman in the painting. seems to have worked on his fighting technique.
Which element is the most important? Is it His martial arts skills are amazing. He beats the
the skill of the artist or the feelings of the person evil robots easily.
looking at the painting? Whatever the case, a Of course, our leading man saves a lady in
painting that grabs people’s emotions is popular. distress, the fair Angie. She promptly falls in
love with Garrison the hero. However, Andy
Robot is jealous of this new love.
Unit 12 Talking Drums He spends a good part of the movie trying to
B : I want to be a member of a heavy metal band. I ruin their plans. Another surprise is the evil
love heavy metal drums, James. robot, Homer, who decides he wants to become
M : I don’t, Henry! They are too heavy, if you ask a do-gooder. His partner, Ethel, works hard to
me. I prefer a more traditional style, like African make him return to his evil ways.
barrel drums. Does Andy Robot succeed in rescuing
B : Barrel drums? What are those? Garrison Fort from love? What about Ethel?
M : They are made with hollow logs and animal Does she bring Homer back to his evil ways? To
skins. First, they cut down a tree. They cut a section find out, head for the theater, buy a ticket, and
that’s about as thick and tall as a barrel. They sit back and relax.
stretch an animal skin over the top, and tie it to
the sides with wooden pegs. These pegs can be
tightened to change the pitch. Unit 14 A Faux Pas
B : Hmm... that sounds interesting. G: It happens a lot. So many people visit and
M : In Nigeria, they have “talking” drums. They use live in foreign countries nowadays. The culture
a hollow tree trunk that’s smaller than a barrel and manners of every country are different. It is

likely that a foreigner will say or do something W : Vine charcoal is specially-burned wood. Burning
inappropriate. This is called a faux pas. In one it makes it like a black chalk. It is commonly
culture, it is fine to do something one way. In used for drawing. Vine charcoal is very easy to
another culture, it is rude. erase, so we keep it next to the erasers.
For example, my friend visited a relative in G : That’s everything, Dad!
Israel. She offered to wash the dishes. She did not M : Great! Let’s pay for all these supplies.
know that it was important to wash the meat
dishes with a special sponge. She used the wrong
sponge. Her friend’s father was very upset. In
Canada, it is fine to use the same sponge to wash
all of the dishes, but not in Israel. Leisure and Entertainment
Something similar happened to me when I
visited a temple in India. I was surprised when Unit 16 Family Camping
two officials stopped me and told me to take off
my shoes. It was only then that I realized that B : There are many popular leisure time activities,
people are not allowed to enter a temple with but one of the most enjoyable is family time. Most
their shoes on. I was very embarrassed. Of people enjoy being with their families. There are
course, I apologized for my mistake. many things to do with your family, too. Families
A faux pas is embarrassing. No one wants to can go to the movies, travel, visit museums, and
be rude. No one wants to cause problems. play sports together. The most common family
However, when two cultures meet, there can be activity is probably camping.
misunderstandings. The next time someone is Many families like camping. It is a chance for
rude, be patient and understanding. He may the whole family to work together. They can stay
think he is acting politely. in the wild. Children gather dry wood for the fire.
Their parents set up the tents. Then the whole family
gathers around the fire. They enjoy a special meal
Unit 15 The List together. Then, they set off into the woods with
a compass and a map. After hiking the trails,
G : Thanks for coming, Dad. I can’t believe my first everyone gets a fishing pole. Each person casts
day of school is just next week! the fishing line out into the river. Who gets the
M : Your mother and I are proud of you. Greer is a biggest fish? It’s a great contest.
very prestigious art school. Later, the children clean the fish by the river.
G : There is an enormous list of art supplies. They They take the scales off the fish. Mom fries the
are mostly items I don’t recognize. fish over the campfire. Dad cleans up when
M : Let’s look for the supplies that you recognize, everyone is finished. You don’t want wild animals
Megan, and then we can get help with the rest. coming to eat your leftovers! Then everyone
G : I need a large drawing board. I also need a goes into their tents for a restful night.
drawing pad one meter by half a meter in size, While there are many things that families
newsprint paper, and a set of artist’s drawing can do together, camping is probably the most
pencils. exciting.
M : Here is the drawing board, and I noticed the
pencils over there. What’s next?
G : I need watercolor paint, various brushes, India Unit 17 The Amusement Park
ink, and a fountain pen.
M : They are on the wall display. M : I love this amusement park, Fran! Thanks for
G : Now we need to locate the vine charcoal. suggesting it. I am having a fantastic time. There’s
M : Excuse me, miss. that new ride! It’s called, “The Volcano,” and it’s
W : Yes, sir? How can I help you? supposed to be amazing.
M : We’re trying to find vine charcoal. Do you know W : That looks awfully high. Do you really want to
what that is, and where we can find it? try it? We’ve experienced “The Rocket,” the

giant Ferris Wheel, and those bumper boats. G : OK, let’s get set up and think of a plan to get
Don’t you think that’s enough? Besides, I am some customers and make some sales!
absolutely starving. B : Why don’t I attract the customers and you serve
M: If you come on “The Volcano” with me, I’ll buy the lemonade?
you a pizza with whatever toppings you want. G : Sounds good to me.
W: Do you really mean any topping, even mushrooms,
which you don’t like?
M: Yes, I will even order a pizza with mushrooms! Unit 19 At the Movies
W: OK, Michael. I will try this last ride.
M : Ticket prices have certainly gone up!
M: Great, Fran! I know you will enjoy this. Did you
W : Yes, but I really needed a break, so if the price is
know that when the volcano erupts, our seats
a bit higher, it doesn’t matter. Besides, I really
shake? I heard it is quite an experience.
want to see this movie on the big screen.
W: I am not sure that I want to get on this ride anymore.
M : Would you like something to snack on while we
M: Don’t worry, Fran. Look at the people getting
watch the movie?
off the ride. They look very satisfied.
W : Sure. What do they have?
W: I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can do this, even
M : It looks like the standard popcorn and soda. But
for pizza. How would you feel if I bought lunch
there’s also ice cream, hot dogs, and coffee.
W : I have a craving for chocolate, but I should attempt
M: I don’t want to force you to do something you
to eat something healthy. I want to avoid getting
really don’t want to do. And I am hungry. Sure,
sick this year. I am trying to change my diet.
let’s get some lunch.
M : I’m afraid the healthiest item may be the coffee.
W: I want to try this new restaurant called Skylight.
W : Do they have any muffins?
The top of the restaurant spins while you eat!
M : No, but they do have brownies.
M: Oh, wow! Let’s go!
W : I haven’t had a brownie in a long time. Please
get me a brownie and a coffee. What are you
Unit 18 Fresh Lemonade M : I’m getting the large popcorn and a cola.
B : How can I earn some extra money this summer? W : Here is some money.
G : Why don’t we start a lemonade stand, Will? M : It’s on me.
B : That’s a great idea, Mary, but do you think we W : No, please. The tickets were extremely expensive.
will make any money? I know you are on a restricted budget.
G : If we set up in an area with a lot of traffic on a M : I insist. Did you want cream and sugar in your
hot day, we will get plenty of customers. We can coffee?
charge $1.50 per cup. W : Well, thank you very much. No cream in the
B : That sounds a little expensive. coffee, please.
G : But we need to charge that much to cover our M : So, you probably don’t want sugar, either?
expenses. By charging $1.50 per cup, we can W : No, I think there is enough sugar in the brownies.
make good money with our lemonade stand. I’ll find us some seats near the aisle.
B : OK. What do we need to get started?
G : We need the ingredients to make lemonade, so we
need lemons, sugar, and water. We need something Unit 20 Hobbies
to keep our money in, a sign to advertise the
G: When someone does an activity that is not a
lemonade, paper cups, and a cardboard box to use
part of his or her job and is done for fun, it is
as a stand.
called a hobby. Most people enjoy hobbies during
B : Should we sell food to go with the lemonade?
their free time. Some people spend a lot of time
G : I think that would be too complicated. We would
on their hobbies. There are nearly as many kinds
need a permit and either a cooler or stove. We
of hobbies, as there are people. A hobby can be
should stick to just selling lemonade.
about making or collecting things, or enjoying an
B : You’re right, let’s just keep it simple.

Creative hobbies are popular. Some creative when I try to dart toward my opponent, I keep
hobbies are writing, drawing, and making pottery. tripping over my feet.
A lot of people like making jewelry or clothes. M : When you move forward, put your right foot in
People who do these kinds of hobbies sometimes front of you, with your toes pointing in the
become writers or artists when they retire. direction you want to go. When you move
Collecting is also popular. Most collectors used backward, just reverse it: follow the direction of
to buy coins, stamps, or baseball cards. Today, your left foot. How are you feeling?
toys, games, and model cars are trendy. Collectors B : My legs are tired and my back aches.
buy and sell things on the Internet. They also shop M : Playing defense is hard work. Take a break, then
online in stores all around the world. we’ll try it again.
Enjoying an experience is a hobby, too. Some
people listen to music. Others watch movies or
read books. Many people travel or play sports. Unit 22 The Importance of Writing
Helping people is a hobby. There are places you
B : This is terrible! I hate this assignment.
can help build houses for poor families. You can
W : What’s wrong, Timmy?
help feed the homeless at soup kitchens. You can
B : I am frustrated because I need to write a book
also tutor children or help the elderly.
report, and I can’t get started.
A hobby is something that is done for fun.
W : May I see your paper? There’s nothing here!
With so many choices, there is no reason not to
B : I can’t think of anything to write, and it’s due
enjoy a hobby.
tomorrow. To make matters worse, we have to
perform an oral presentation in front of the entire
class. I don’t see the purpose of writing a book
report, anyway.
W : Writing is a necessary skill that you’ll use for the
School and Family rest of your life. This book report is just one way
to begin learning that skill. It’s another form of
Unit 21 Defense! communication and a means of expressing your
M : Stay low and bend your knees! Come over here. thoughts. It allows others to understand what is
B : Yes, Coach? in your heart and mind.
M : Jackson, when you’re playing defense, keep B : I’ve never had to write before. Why should I
your knees bent and your body low. It helps you start now?
keep your balance. And it allows you to move W : Now is the best time to begin. The best writers
more quickly in every direction. read a lot, and practice writing. Anyone can
B : Like this? learn to write well. I know you can do it.
M : That’s right. You should attempt to stay on the B : OK, Mom. When you put it that way, I think I
balls of your feet. It’s like you are getting ready can do it.
to pounce. Athletes never rest on their heels. W : That’s the right attitude. Let’s try to organize
B : Should I stand with my legs close together or far some of your thoughts by brainstorming. What
apart? can you tell me about the book?
M : It is best to keep them about shoulder-width apart. B : The book? I’ve only watched the movie! Does
Bend your knees and keep your back straight. that count?
Spread your arms straight out at your sides. W : Oh, goodness! What kind of child am I raising?
B : This seems almost like I’m getting ready to attack B : One that probably won’t be a famous writer!
the ball.
M : It is a little bit like that. Your stance looks much
better than before. Unit 23 The Course Schedule
B : Coach, how do I move forward and backward W : It’s so difficult to choose what courses to take
on defense? I feel like my stance is fine, but this semester. Henry, have you chosen all of your
courses yet?

M : No, Sue. I’m having a hard time making up my we are thankful for before we eat. Some of us
mind, and I still need to select two more. Do you are thankful for our health, and others are
have any ideas? Do you know anything about thankful for their jobs. Everyone is thankful for
the professors? something different.
W : I heard that the psychology professor is tough There is a lot of activity after the meal. My
but fair. If you work hard, you can get a good aunt and uncle clean off the table. My sister-in-law
grade. helps me wash the dishes. The teenagers wash
M : Psychology sounds interesting. and put away the silverware. The children help
W : How about we both sign up for psychology? to tidy the dining room. My brothers take out
Then we’d be in the same class, and we could the garbage. Then they go play football in the
help each other with assignments. backyard. The rest of us sit down and relax. We
M : I remember the last class we took together. I’m are thankful for the food and our blessings.
not so sure that’s a good idea. Most of all, we are thankful to have each other.
W : Oh, come on. It would be fun. I promise I’ll
attend the classes and not just borrow your
notes this time. Unit 25 The Project
M : Thanks!
B : Hey Dad! Do you think you can help me out?
W : I was thinking about taking film studies. Why
I’ve just been assigned this enormous project at
don’t you take that?
school, and I really don’t know where to begin.
M : I like going to the movies, but I don’t want to
M : Sure Jason, I’ll give it my best shot.
study them.
B : Oh, Dad, I know you will be a great help and
W : I know someone who took that course last year,
inspiration to me.
and she said it’s very easy. Almost everyone gets
M : OK, OK. That’s enough flattery from you for
an “A” or a “B.” And there is no homework.
one day. What’s this project about?
M : That is tempting, but I want to learn something
B : Well, I have two choices. I can research a
profession, or I can interview someone that I
W : Fine, but don’t complain to me if you get a “C.”
admire about their profession. If I do the second
option, I must also add my own opinion about
their profession.
Unit 24 Food, Family, and Fun M : Well, I am an expert when it comes to my
W: Thanksgiving is a special family holiday in profession. Accounting is a noble profession and
America. Families come together to give thanks one that I am always happy to talk about.
for all they have. Although every family celebrates B : Dad, I know how much you love your career. It
in slightly different ways, a typical Thanksgiving isn’t that I don’t admire you. But what I was
is full of food, family, and fun. My family celebrates hoping actually, was that you could speak to
Thanksgiving, too. Mr. Chang, your diving friend, and see if he
Everyone in my family goes to my parents’ would agree to an interview. Diving for a living
place for Thanksgiving. We have a large meal. sounds cool!
Everyone helps on Thanksgiving. The children M : I see. That’s a great idea! You know how I really
set the table. My mother cooks the turkey using dislike talking about myself for too long. Let me
her own secret ingredients. My father makes the give David Chang a call right now and find out.
side dishes. He makes potatoes, beans, carrots, B : Thanks, Dad! You’re the best! I know this will be
stuffing, oysters, and beets. My mom makes an awesome project!
cranberry sauce. My sister-in-law brings a
pumpkin pie. I come early to help my parents
When it is time to eat, we put all the food on
the table. Everyone sits down. We each say what

17, 1975, but she was raised in San Francisco.
People and Work She has made records in English and Chinese.
Her 1998 album, DiDaDi, won the MTV Asia
Unit 26 The Assignment music award for best album and best music
B : Hello Wendy! Who did you do your homework video. CoCo’s next album was in English. It was
about? called Just No Other Way. It introduced her to
G : I wrote about my dad because he is a firefighter. American audiences.
B : Really? Does he actually go into burning buildings? Apart from her beautiful voice and stunning
G : Yes, and he sometimes has to crawl into tight looks, CoCo Lee is intelligent. She had a 3.8
places to rescue people. grade-point average in college. She also earned a
B : Has he ever been trapped in a burning building? double major in bio-chemistry and bio-science.
G : Well, one time he needed to break down a door. One of her dreams, she says, is to help find a
He was carrying a little girl out of her house. cure for cancer.
Someone left the stove on, and it ignited a fire in Who knows? CoCo’s mother may yet get her
the kitchen. wish.
B : Was everyone all right?
G : All five people living there escaped safely, but
the house burned to the ground. Unit 28 A Blind Date
B : Your dad is incredibly brave, a real hero. What W : What’s wrong, Mike? You appear to be depressed.
does he do at the fire station? M : I haven’t slept in days, and I feel awful. My
G : He resides there for a few days when he works. fiancée and I broke up just before I went to
All of the firefighters cook, eat, and clean Madrid for the concert.
together. When there’s a fire, they slide down a W : Why didn’t you say something? No wonder your
pole into the fire station’s garage to get their playing sounded so bad. Oh dear, I’m really sorry.
fire-fighting equipment. They quickly put on M : It was an appalling performance, I agree. I was
their gear and then jump onto the fire trucks. miserable and unhappy, but I had to perform,
My dad loves to drive the fire trucks. anyway.
B : Wow! Maybe I should be a firefighter someday. W : Have you been seeing anyone else since you
G : I’m definitely going to be a firefighter, Ian. I broke up with her?
want to be just like my dad. M : No, I have been working overtime instead. The
conductor was not pleased with my last performance.
Besides, don’t you think it’s too soon?
Unit 27 CoCo Lee W : Not at all. You might just need to get out and
G: Ferren Lee’s mother hoped her daughter would socialize. Hey, I’ve got a fabulous idea!
follow in her footsteps and become a doctor. M : Oh no, not another one of your ideas. What is it
However, Ferren always knew she wanted to this time?
sing. W : Do you remember me telling you about Julia, a
In her spare time, Ferren sang along with friend from work?
pop songs. Ferren also entered singing contests. M : I think so. Why?
She won many competitions. Her big break came W : Well, she is single. I could set up the two of you.
after high school. She was on vacation in Hong M : A blind date? I tried that when I was younger,
Kong and took second place in an important and it was a disaster.
singing competition. She got a recording contract W : Come on, Mike. I’d be helping two friends who
with Fancy Pie Records, and, a few years later, will, of course, have a great time together. She
Sony. has a charming personality, and she also plays
Today, CoCo Lee, as she is now known, is the oboe. You can go to the concert in the park
one of the most famous pop singers in the on Saturday afternoon. Maybe you can have
world. She was born in Hong Kong on January coffee afterwards.

M : She plays the oboe? OK. Let me know when and M : How would you describe yourself?
where to meet her. W : I really enjoy problem solving, and I’m
hardworking. I’m also very organized, so when
I have a lot of problems to deal with, I make a
Unit 29 Crime Does Not Pay list and work through it from the most to the
least urgent. That way, I can get everything done
B : Have you ever thought about committing a
within the set deadlines.
crime? Have you ever dreamed about holding
M : That’s a good way to manage your time. Just
up a bank and driving away in a fast car? Or,
one more question. Why do you want to work
have you ever thought about taking a famous
for us?
painting from a big museum?
W : Your company is well-known, and is respected in
There are many stories in movies and on TV
the computer industry. I would really like a
of criminals who make a lot of money. They go
chance to be part of your company.
on to live a life of luxury. However, for every
M : OK. Thank you for coming in. I’ll be in touch.
successful criminal, there are many, many more
W : Thank you. Goodbye.
who fail. These crooks soon regret their crimes.
Take the example of a man in Winnipeg who
tried to break into cars in a police academy parking
lot. The man was found by the police in the
parking lot. They saw him trying to open the
doors of all the cars. The man was hoping to
Sports and Health
find some loose change, or maybe take some
good car stereos. Unit 31 An Ounce of Prevention
However, he did not know that he was being M : Hi, Sandy. I have a question for you.
watched by police officers. He chose the parking W : Sure, Joe.
lot because it was in a very quiet area. He M : I need to have a physical examination, and there
thought that no one would see him. He was is a new clinic on Elm Street. Have you heard
soon arrested by the police. A foolish criminal anything about it?
like this man shows us that crime does not pay. W : One of my friends went there recently. She said
it was very hygienic and well-run. It is great to
have a new clinic close by, since there is a shortage
Unit 30 A Job Interview of doctors around here. Why are you going?
M : Hello, Ms. Jones? Please, come in and sit down. M : I’ve just joined a gym. I want to get more exercise,
W : Thank you. and they require a medical exam before I can
M : So, you’re applying for the position of computer start.
technician. W : What kind of tests do they want you to have?
W : Yes, that’s right. M : They want to know my blood pressure, how
M : My name is Mr. Smith, and I will be interviewing much I weigh, and results from a blood test to
you today. check for any possible diseases. I feel terrific, so
W : Nice to meet you. I’m not worried.
M : Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? W : I had a routine check-up last month, and the doctor
W : As my résumé shows, I graduated from Leeds discovered that my blood pressure is a little high.
University with a Computer Science degree. It’s not serious, but I am glad that I found out
During my junior and senior years, I worked part- about it. I am walking every day, and I have cut
time as a computer lab monitor in the university. As down on my salt intake. I would rather not take
part of that job, I helped students with PC and medication if I don’t have to. The change in diet
desktop application problems and did hardware has really made me feel better. You know the
and software maintenance. I also taught a weekly saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a
one-hour class on how to use Microsoft Office pound of cure.”

M : I think you are right. Prevention is very important. I’m to make it sweet. Chicken soup is popular in
going to call right now and set up an appointment. America. A large chicken is boiled in a pot.
Carrots, onions, garlic, and other vegetables are
usually added. Ginger tea is used to help a cold in
Unit 32 Herbal Medicine China. A ginger root is peeled. It is then crushed.
The ginger is boiled for about thirty minutes.
G: Everyone wants to be healthy. People see
Some honey can be added after it is done.
doctors. They take pills to stay healthy. However,
Each family usually has a home remedy for
plants have been used to heal for thousands of
a cold. Some remedies work. Some do not. Some
years. More and more people are trying herbs to
taste good. Others do not. No matter what,
stay healthy. Plants used to heal are called
home remedies are sure to be around for a long
“herbal medicine.”
There are many plants used in herbal medicine.
Each plant is used in a certain way. Herbal medicine
works more slowly than most pills. Many people
think plants are gentle on the body. There are a
Unit 34 Too Much of a Good Thing?
lot of examples of helpful plants. Ginger can M : Hi, Jenny. Are you drinking coffee again?
help your body. Eating ginger often may help you W : Hi, Sam. This is my third cup.
stay healthy. Another helpful plant is parsley. It M : Are you sure it’s all right to drink so much?
can stop bad breath. Don’t you think all that caffeine is bad for you?
Herbs may be gentler than some pills. W : No, that’s a misconception. Everyone thinks coffee
However, this does not mean that anyone can is bad for you, but it’s not.
take them in any way. You should always be M : Really?
careful. Some herbs can be harmful, too. Too W : According to an article I read, coffee can be
much rosemary can be very bad for your stomach. beneficial to your health.
It can make you sick. Foxglove is a very pretty M : That’s interesting. But you should remember
flower. It also has poison in it. that one study does not prove much. There are
Nevertheless, if you are afraid of using herbs, a lot of other studies out there, too.
you may be surprised. You have probably already W : This doctor in Italy found a lot of benefits.
used some kind of herbal medicine. Coffee, garlic, M : Such as?
ginseng, and peppermint are all used in herbal W : She says the chemicals in coffee can be good for
medicine. Herbal medicine is becoming popular your heart and may relieve headaches, too.
again, as people become more interested in their M : I know that some coffee can be good sometimes,
health. but drinking too much is not beneficial. Coffee
has a lot of caffeine, which is addictive. It affects
your blood circulation and removes calcium
Unit 33 Home Remedies from your bones.
W : The doctor did admit that it is not for everyone,
W: Everyone gets a cold now and then. Doctors
and that you shouldn’t drink more than three
cannot cure colds. Sleep and rest are good for taking
cups a day.
care of a cold. However, in almost every culture,
M : You seem nervous when you drink a lot. And
most families have a home remedy for colds. These
remember when you told me that you are not
remedies are passed down from parents to children.
sleeping well? Do you think that maybe you
They have changed very little over time.
should cut back?
Different cultures use different ingredients.
W : I appreciate your concern. I was thinking of
In Mexico, cinnamon, raisins, oregano, and hot
cutting back. Would you like a cup of green tea?
water are used to make a special tea. Honey is
sometimes added. A fruit called genipap is used
as a cold remedy in Puerto Rico. The fruit is cut
up. It is then soaked in water. Sugar can be added

attractions of Frisco City. There are also two
Unit 35 Soccer Rules
amusement parks just outside Frisco City. You
B : Soccer is one of the most popular sports in can enjoy a day of fun in the sun at Water World
the world. Although the main idea of the game Park. You can also spend the day enjoying the
is easy to understand, there are many rules to be roller coasters and other rides at Sun Land.
followed. Visit Frisco City! You will have a great time.
A player gets a yellow card for not following
the rules. A yellow card is a warning. If a player
keeps breaking the rules, he gets a red card. Unit 37 Asking for Directions
When this happens, he cannot play anymore. He
W: Asking for directions can be risky. I realized
is ejected from the game.
exactly how risky it could be when I needed to
Another rule is about “handling.” “Handling”
meet one of my friends one day.
is when another player touches the ball with his
A while ago, I arranged to meet my friend at
hands on purpose. Players cannot handle the ball.
a new mall. My friend had been there before and
A player may not do anything that is dangerous
indicated that we should shop there together.
to another player. He cannot kick an opponent’s
We planned to meet at 3:00 p.m. at Burger
legs to get the ball.
Palace in the mall.
There are also some lesser-known rules. A
When I arrived at the mall, I realized I did not
player is not allowed to impede an opponent.
know where Burger Palace was, so I asked a
This means that a player cannot purposely slow
woman for directions. She advised me to go
down another player on the field. A penalty can
straight past the bank, and turn right before the
be called if this occurs. There is a rule about
food court. She mentioned that I would walk
blocking a goalkeeper, too. A yellow card or an
for a few minutes, passing a shoe store until I
indirect kick can be given to the opponent’s
reached Burger Palace, which was next to the
team if a player tries this. Yes, soccer is full of
bookstore. I followed her directions and arrived
just in time.
Twenty minutes later, I was beginning to
wonder where my friend was. Thirty minutes
later, I was worried. I did not know what to do,
so I just kept waiting. At around 3:40 p.m., I saw
Travel and Transport
my friend walking quickly toward me. I rushed to
him and demanded to know what happened. “I
Unit 36 Visit Frisco City! was at the other Burger Palace!” he cried. We
M: Frisco City is the place for your next vacation. had not realized there were two Burger Palaces
The city has lots of shopping, food, and fun. There in the mall.
are so many things to do! Since then, I have made sure that I get the
The River Walk is a must-see. Take a city bus directions from my friends before I go to meet
to any of the three downtown stops. There, you them. It saves me a lot of trouble!
will find stairs. The stairs go down to the riverside.
There are about five kilometers of sidewalk on
either side of the river. Palm trees and cypress Unit 38 Fixing a Flat
trees decorate the area. There are also tropical M: When your car gets a flat tire, do not panic.
plants. You will see many unique shops, casual First, apply your brakes and pull over. Inside
cafés, and upscale restaurants. Every shop is the trunk, you will find a spare tire and a toolbox.
different. You can ride one of the riverboats and One of these tools is a jack, which is a tool
hear a guide talk about the history of the River you use to raise the car. This makes the tire easy to
Walk. remove. Position the jack beneath the car, behind
However, the River Walk is only one of the the tire that is flat. Insert the jack handle and turn

it clockwise. Continue turning the handle until the You can also find money exchange stores in
car rises high enough, so that the flat tire is well most large cities.
off the ground and spins freely. Make sure that the W : Wonderful. I will look for a bank. I appreciate
jack is securely supporting the vehicle. If the car is your advice.
unsteady or the jack is unstable, lower the car. M : My pleasure. I hope you enjoy Venezuela.
Reposition the jack and begin again.
Next, use a crowbar to pry off the hubcap
(the metal cover on the side of the tire). Inside Unit 40 The First Nations
the hubcap are four bolts that hold the tire in
G: The First Nations are the people who lived
place. Loosen these, using the long L-shaped
in North America before Europeans migrated
tool. Push firmly on the tool to get the bolts to
turn. It may be difficult.
There is a place in Canada where you can
Once the bolts are loose, the flat tire can be
learn about the culture of the First Nations. It is
pulled off easily. Now you can put on the new
where the First Nations people used to live.
tire. Once it is in place, replace the four bolts and
Now, a Visitors’ Center is there. There is also an
tighten them. Place the flat tire and the toolbox
archeology lab and walking trails. You can learn
back in the trunk.
about the culture through the displays in the
Finally, drive to the nearest service station
Center. The displays show everyday activities.
and get your flat tire fixed!
They show how the people lived.
The gift shop in the Visitors’ Center sells
crafts made by the First Nations people. There
Unit 39 The Exchange Rate are jewelry, paintings, and pottery. You can also
M : Welcome to the Atlanta International Airport, eat at the restaurant. Bison meat is in many dishes.
ma’am. How may I help you? There are also wild rice dishes, fruit pies, and
W : I am traveling to Venezuela. Can you tell me traditional bread. All of the food is tasty.
what the exchange rate is for the dollar? The archeology lab is run by the local university.
M : One moment, please, and I will look it up. The A big window lets you see the archeologists working.
currency in Venezuela is the bolivar. The They found a very old spearhead. They also
exchange rate is 200 bolivars per dollar. found ancient human bones.
W : That seems rather low. Are you certain that that The First Nations Visitors’ Center is a great
is all the dollar is worth? place. You can learn about the First Nations’ culture.
M : There may be several local businesses that may You can also see archeologists at work. You can
exchange for a higher rate, but the official rate walk on the trails, or enjoy a traditional meal. It
is the one I gave you. is an experience to remember.
W : Can I exchange 100 dollars? I need to have some
money for a taxi and a hotel once I arrive in
M : No problem. Here is your money. Would you
like a receipt?
W : Yes, please. I will need it to keep track of my
business expenses.
M : Is there anything else I can do for you?
W : I just have one more question. Do you know
where I can exchange dollars in Venezuela once
I arrive? I will probably need more cash, and I
want to find a reliable exchange.
M : The best place to exchange money is at a large
bank. They will always give you the official rate.


from green to red, yellow, orange, or brown.
Nature and the Environment Actually, the leaves are really these colors all
year long. They look green because of a chemical
Unit 1 Hibernation called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll works with the
W: Some animals in cold climates hibernate. sun to help the trees make food. In autumn,
This means that they spend the winter months in when there is less sun, the tree cannot make
a very long and deep sleep. Many animals find chlorophyll, so the green color fades. This
shelter underground. They dig out shelters to reveals other colors, like red and yellow, that
sleep in. Animals that cannot dig find cracks or were always in the leaves.
holes at the base of trees and bushes. If they like Like trees, animals also sense changes in the
the place they find, they might use it for years cooler autumn climate. Animals that hibernate
and years. eat a lot during autumn. They gain weight to store
Animals that hibernate include cold-blooded energy in the form of fat. They use this energy to
animals, such as lizards, frogs, and snakes. Many survive the winter while hibernating. Many birds
warm-blooded animals also hibernate, such as survive the cold in a different way: they leave.
mice, bats, and squirrels. When these animals Each year, many birds migrate south to warmer
are hibernating, they seem like they are not alive climates during autumn. They migrate north
at all. Warm-blooded animals seem colder to the again in the spring. Not a bad idea if you ask
touch. However, their blood is still very warm. me! After all, who would refuse a mid-winter trip
Hibernating animals have a very slow heartbeat. to sunny Thailand?
They almost stop breathing. Extra blood sugar
and fat in their bodies keep them alive. They eat
lots of food just before they hibernate. Unit 3 How the Dinosaurs Disappeared
Winters that do not stay cold are dangerous G: The death of the dinosaurs is a great mystery.
for hibernating animals. They can sometimes About 65 million years ago, dinosaurs lived all
wake up in their shelters when it gets a little over the Earth. They had existed for nearly 200
warm. Then they use energy by moving around. million years. Suddenly, they all became extinct.
During winter, there is very little food. These Many scientists believe that the dinosaurs
animals can get very thin and weak. If they move were killed by a large meteor. They think that
around too much and do not eat, they can die. this meteor was about six to twelve miles wide.
Animals hibernate to escape the cold. There It crashed into southern Mexico and made a
are also animals in hot climates that escape the hole about 130 miles wide. The crash threw dust
heat. During very hot or dry weather, they sleep and dirt into the sky. Dust clouds darkened the
underground. This is called aestivation. Earth’s atmosphere. The crash caused fires,
earthquakes, and tidal waves. The plants were
killed. The oceans were poisoned. Very soon,
Unit 2 Falling Leaves there was no food left for the plant-eating
M: Autumn, or fall, is the season between summer dinosaurs. When they died, there was no food
and winter. The days become shorter, and the air for the meat-eating dinosaurs. The meteor killed
gets cooler. Trees sense these changes, so they almost 70 percent of all plants and animals on
start preparing for colder weather. Earth. The only animals that could survive were
Trees that have leaves block water and food small ones that could eat many different kinds
from coming through the branches to the leaves. of food.
When this happens, the leaves die. They fall off Some scientists say the meteor alone did not
the tree or the wind blows them away. This is cause dinosaurs to become extinct. They think
why autumn is usually called fall in America. As that dinosaurs were already getting weaker.
the leaves start to die, they appear to change They are not sure why. One reason might be
disease. Another might be climate change. A big

part of the mystery is why some types of animals M1: Well, Sue, residents of Seattle will be happy to
survived. If climate change killed dinosaurs, it hear that this rainy spell we’ve been having is
should also have killed frogs. If the meteor killed finally coming to an end. Although we’ve seen
most sea reptiles, it should have killed crocodiles. occasional showers today, by tonight things
Yet frogs and crocodiles still exist in the world should dry out, and Friday morning should
today. be clear and sunny. This fine weather should
continue until the end of the weekend, with
temperatures ranging from 55 to 75 degrees, so
Unit 4 Acid Rain! everyone can put away those umbrellas. Back
to you, Sue.
M : I hate this rain. It’s causing the traffic to back up
W1: Thank you, Barry. On behalf of the Thursday
for miles!
Six o’clock News team, we wish you a pleasant
W : Well, I hate this traffic, because it’s helping turn
this rain into acid rain.
M : I heard that acid rain has really bad effects.
Part II
Doesn’t it cause cancer and brain damage, and
M2: Did you hear the weather report, Jenny? It
even Alzheimer’s disease?
looks like it’ll be a clear weekend after all, so
W : It definitely can, but the major thing it does is
we won’t have to cancel our trip to the lake.
cause breathing problems. The acid in the rain
W2: That’s almost unbelievable! I’m really looking
comes from smoke and gases that are given off
forward to getting out of the city and camping
by cars and factories. It’s like riding your bike
under the stars. But we’d better get our stuff
behind a bus that’s showering you with its
ready tonight, Paul, if we’re planning to leave
exhaust fumes.
tomorrow right after work.
M : Oh, I was reading something about that the
M2: Yes, we’ll need our tent, sleeping bags, camping
other day. It said there’s too much sulfur in the
stove, and a cooler for the drinks. What about
air and that it’s killing thousands of people every
W2: Let’s stop at a store and pick up some groceries
W : Yes. Sulfur is the major element in factory and
on the way out.
car exhaust. It combines with oxygen and nitrogen
M2: Sounds good. Well, we’d better get packing if we
in the air to become the acid in acid rain. This
want to be ready to go by 5:00 p.m. tomorrow.
stuff doesn’t just kill us, you know. It also kills
trees and lakes and animals. The acid soaks into
the plants and animals, so that anyone who eats
the plants and animals is also eating the acid.
M : This sounds terrible! What can people do to
stop acid rain?
Science and Technology
W : One simple thing they could do is to use less
energy. Another way to stop acid rain is to drive Unit 6 Who Invented That?
less, or at least carpool. Imagine if every car on W : What’s so funny? I can’t concentrate on my
this road had four people in it right now. There work if you keep laughing loudly like that.
would be fewer cars and a lot less acid rain. M : I’m sorry. It’s just that I’m reading this article in
Science Today magazine about some of the
unusual things that people have invented. These
Unit 5 The Weather Forecast inventions are incredible!
Part I W : OK, tell me about some of these inventions, and
W1: And now, over to Barry with our weather let’s see if I think they’re as funny as you do.
forecast for this weekend. How’s it looking for M : All right. The first one is a ladder for spiders, “a
this weekend, Barry? Speaking for myself, I thin, flexible, rubber strip which attaches to the
know I’m looking forward to clear skies. The top edge of the bath.”
past two weeks have been even rainier than W : Ha ha! I wonder how long it took someone to
usual for Seattle. invent that.

M : Another inventor has designed a portable seat
Unit 8 Inches and Centimeters
that you wear on a belt around your waist. In
this picture it looks like a big plastic cushion. B : Hi, Julie. I’m trying to figure out the dimensions
W : Well, that is very unusual. But who would want of this MP4 player I want to buy, but I’m having
to walk around with a portable plastic seat trouble converting these English measurements.
hanging from their waist all the time? You’re really good at mathematics, aren’t you?
M : Another unusual invention is this one. Look, it’s It says that the MP4 player is 3.6 inches tall and
a car plate that indicates whether the driver is a two inches wide, but what does that mean in
man or a woman by using different colors on centimeters?
either side. There’s one color for males and one G : Well, according to my math book, one inch
for females. equals 2.54 centimeters, so to convert that, we
W : What’s the point of that invention? need to multiply each English measurement by
M : The inventor says that other road users will that number. Wait, I have a calculator in my
change the way they behave. They will become pocket.
more polite if they know a woman is driving, so B : Great!
there will be fewer car accidents. G : According to the calculator, that would make it
W : Ha! Do you really think that will happen? That’s 9.1 centimeters tall and, let’s see, about five
completely unbelievable! centimeters wide.
B : So, its height is about nine centimeters and its
width is about five centimeters, but what about
Unit 7 The White Noise Machine its weight? The website says that it weighs 3.6
W : And now ladies and gentlemen, the moment you ounces.
have all been waiting for. Here’s the winner of G : We multiply 3.6 by 28.3, which is the equivalent
this year’s science contest: Charles Moore! in grams, and that converts to about 102 grams.
Charles, tell everyone about your invention. B : All right then, the MP4 player is about nine
M : Thank you! For the science contest this year, I’ve centimeters tall and five centimeters wide, and
invented a white noise machine. Let me explain weighs about 102 grams. I thought it would
what that is. Have you ever been kept awake at have to have larger dimensions to be able to
night because of the sound of traffic, or people hold 5,000 songs, but it’s small and light! Do
talking, or loud music? These types of noise are you think I should buy it, Julie?
sometimes called dark noise. Dark noise is made G : It sounds like a good product, but it depends on
up of sounds that bother you so much that you the price.
can’t concentrate on what you are doing. B : Well, now I have the same sort of problem
White noise is not exactly noise; in fact, again. Could you help me figure out how to
white noise can’t be heard at all. White noise is convert Chinese currency to our currency?
made up of invisible waves of sound that reduce
the effects of dark noise by making sounds of
the opposite frequency. It’s like being in the Unit 9 Communicating Online
ocean and seeing a large wave coming toward M: Computers have transformed the way people
you. It might knock you down. But if you could communicate. In some ways this transformation
send a wave, or many small waves, toward the is good, but in other ways it could be harmful.
big wave, it wouldn’t be as powerful, because Statistics show that millions of people use the
the small waves would hit it and reduce its size. Internet every day. People shop online, play
My machine does this with sound. As a sound games, and search for information. Studies also
enters the microphone, the machine determines show that people use the Internet mainly for
the sound’s frequency. Then it makes a sound in the communication.
opposite frequency that cancels out the first sound. The Internet has made communication fast
I hope my machine will give some peace and quiet and convenient. Email can travel anywhere
to people living in noisy places. Thank you. within seconds. Chat rooms include people from

all over the world. People can even make In school, my teachers were surprised. They
Internet telephone calls. were used to boys giving all the answers in
However, this type of communication is very science class. They were impressed with my
different from what people did in the past. science exam scores. I have lots of confidence in
People spend less time talking face to face. They myself. I know that boys are not smarter than
might “chat” for days without being in the same girls in science and math classes. I just wish I
room with a real person. They also might could convince my friends!
communicate with many people at the same
time. Some researchers think this is unhealthy.
One study on Internet use found that people
who used the Internet a lot were lonely. Also,
they did not communicate as much with members Art and Culture
of their family.
Many people have criticized this study. They Unit 11 On Stage!
say it did not include enough people and that
loneliness is hard to measure. In my opinion, all W: Love. Hate. Death. These things are at the
types of communication are good. It is great to heart of Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, Romeo
email someone and get a fast response. It is also and Juliet. The St. Stephens High School drama
nice to talk face to face. We can do both. The club performed this play last weekend.
Internet is a fantastic tool. We should use it Romeo and Juliet is the story of two families,
wisely to benefit from it. the Capulets and the Montagues, who are bitter
enemies. Tragedy follows when the son of one
falls in love with the daughter of the other. The
Unit 10 Science for Girls play is set in Verona, Italy, in the late 16th century.
Allison Bourne played Juliet, Capulet’s
G: Hi. My name is Sandy. Welcome to physics, beautiful young daughter. She showed the mixed
my favorite class. Although there are 30 students emotions Juliet felt after secretly marrying the
in our class, only six of us are girls. son of her family’s most hated enemy. At times,
Most of my friends don’t like science as she was happy, and at times, she was afraid.
much as I do. They are convinced that science David Taylor played Romeo, Montague’s
and mathematics are “boys’ subjects.” They say son. He put on a good performance despite
that boys learn about science and mathematics having a head cold. His lines were said with
by playing with toys like building blocks, racing great feeling in a clear voice.
cars, and simple machines, while girls play with Eric Parker was the perfect Tybalt: dark and
toys like dolls and tea sets. They say their parents angry. Maggie Jones played the nurse. She acted
didn’t do science experiments with them or the part of a gossipy old woman very well. She
encourage them to learn math. made everyone in the audience laugh at her
Well, that wasn’t the case with me! I played jokes and her comic character.
with dolls, too, but my parents also built up my The whole cast showed enthusiasm in every
confidence in science and math. They used long scene. The actors knew the meaning of their
plastic rods, which are like sticks, to help me lines. They used body language to show this
learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and meaning well. The stage lights were sometimes
division. For my eighth birthday, they gave me a too bright or too dim. But the sword fights looked
kids’ chemistry set, which helped me do all sorts very real, and the costumes were wonderful.
of cool experiments! Whenever we went to the Overall, St. Stephens’ production of Romeo
park, my parents asked me different questions and Juliet was a great night of high school theater.
about the plants and animals that we saw. When
we got home, we looked up the answers together.

birds fly?” Then he would try to find the answers.
Unit 12 A Famous Portrait
He was interested in everything. For example,
B : The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous he studied the inner workings of the human
paintings in the world. It was painted by the body. He would cut up dead bodies to examine
great Italian artist, Leonardo da Vinci, between their insides.
the years 1503 and 1505. The portrait was done Leonardo was also a talented inventor. He
with oil paint on a simple piece of wood. The believed that by understanding how each part of
portrait shows a woman in front of a landscape a machine worked, the parts could be changed
with mountains. Many people believe that the and combined in different ways to make new
model for the painting was the wife of an important machines. Using his artistic talent, Leonardo drew
man in the area. However, some people now pictures of many inventions. However, few of
think that da Vinci actually drew a picture of them were built and tested during his lifetime.
himself. They say the face looks similar to his. For example, his parachute wasn’t built until
Apparently, da Vinci loved the painting so much 1783. Also, his war tank wasn’t used until World
that he carried it with him at all times until he War I in 1917.
sold it to the king of France.
The portrait is famous for several reasons.
The best-known reason is for Mona Lisa’s Unit 14 Ludwig van Beethoven
unusual smile. It is difficult to say if she is being
G: Ludwig van Beethoven was a musical genius.
pleasant or looking arrogant. Another reason
He composed hundreds of songs in his lifetime.
the painting is famous is that it was stolen from
The first four notes of his Fifth Symphony---bom
an art museum in 1911. Both France and Italy
bom bom bommmmm---are the most famous
sent people to look for the lost painting. It was
in the world. These notes are played on a
then found two years later in a hotel in France.
trombone. Beethoven was the first composer to
It is currently on display at the Louvre Museum
use trombones in a symphony. A symphony is a
in Paris. People from all over the world go to the
very complex and beautiful song. Beethoven
museum each year to see the Mona Lisa. In fact,
wrote nine symphonies in all. He said that he
the painting has so much appeal today that it
first composed symphonies in his head. He
has been copied many times.
heard the part for every instrument in his mind
before he wrote the first note on paper.
Beethoven was born in 1770 in Bonn,
Unit 13 Leonardo da Vinci
Germany. His birthday was probably in
M: When most people hear the name Leonardo December. Nobody is sure. He gave his first
da Vinci, they think of art. But in fact, he was a public performance at age seven. He wrote his
man of many talents. He was a scientist, an first composition before he was 12. Sadly, at the
inventor, and an artist. age of 28, he started to go deaf. But he continued
Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 in to compose music and to lead the orchestra. He
Vinci, Italy. When he was 14, his father sent him never got married.
to Florence to train under Andrea del Verrocchio, After his death in 1827, friends found love
one of the best artists in the area. Leonardo letters that he had written to someone he called
became better than Verrocchio. By his early “Immortal Beloved.” To be immortal means to
twenties, Leonardo was famous for his painting. live forever. “Beloved” is a way of saying you love
He was especially good at painting colors and someone. His lover’s name still remains a mystery.
details. This made his paintings very lifelike. His For these reasons, and because of his wonderful
most famous paintings are the Mona Lisa and music, he is remembered as a remarkable man in
The Last Supper. history. Perhaps no other composer has had
Leonardo was also a great scientist. He was such a large effect on the history of western
a good observer of life and nature. He would music as Beethoven.
ask himself simple questions like, “How do

letters come with stamps on them. All you need
Unit 15 A Nice Gift
to do is remove the stamp from the envelope. It’s
W : We’ve been invited to Lisa and Tom’s wedding true that nowadays we may not get as many letters
in August, so we need to get them a present. Do as we used to. In that case, you might want to
you have any ideas about what to buy them? buy your first set of stamps. Stamp dealers often
M : I don’t know. I’m not very good at buying gifts sell a lot of stamps for only three dollars!
for people. What do you usually buy people for Second, stamp collecting is educational.
wedding gifts? Stamps have pictures of everything from world
W : I’d like to buy something that they have especially leaders to endangered animals to various sports.
asked for. Most couples who are getting married It is interesting to learn about the people and
go to several department stores and make a list things that are pictured on the stamps. It’s much
of what they would like, and the stores put the more exciting than reading a boring history
list into a computer system. Then you can go book.
and print out the list and choose something that Also, stamp collecting can help build
they would like. friendships between people from around the
M : Are Lisa and Tom registered somewhere? world. Stamp collectors in India, for example,
W : Yes, they are registered at two department can build stamp-trading friendships with people
stores. I’ve already printed out their list from from Mexico. They can learn about each other’s
one store. culture while they exchange stamps.
M : What have they asked for? Finally, collecting stamps is something that
W : Well, they have asked for different things for families can do together. Parents and children
their new house. They would like towels, linens, can spend time enjoying the same hobby and
decorations for the house, small appliances for build a closer relationship, instead of sitting in
the kitchen, china, silverware, crystal glasses, front of the television each night.
garden tools, and a patio set. So there you have four good reasons why
M : Wow! That’s a lot of stuff, how should we stamp collecting is the world’s number one
decide what to get them? hobby. I hope you have enjoyed my talk. There
W : They have listed a coffee maker as one of the are refreshments in the lobby. Thank you.
things they want, so why don’t we buy them a
nice coffee maker?
M : OK, how much is it? Unit 17 Rock, Paper, Scissors
W : It’s forty dollars.
G : Come on, Tony, let’s go to a movie tonight.
M : Maybe we could get them some nice coffee cups
B : We went to a movie on Saturday, Mary, but we
and some coffee to go with it.
haven’t gone bowling for a long time.
W : That’s a great idea. I think that will make a lovely
G : I know, let’s play rock, paper, scissors to decide!
wedding present.
B : Rock, paper, scissors? It sounds like an interesting
sort of game! How do you play it?
G : First, we each make a fist with our right hand,
and then we shake our fists at the same time:
one, two, three. On the count of three, you can
Leisure and Entertainment
keep your hand in a fist---that’s rock---or open
your hand with the palm flat---that’s paper---or
Unit 16 Collecting Stamps keep your fist, but put out your first and middle
M: Hello, everyone. My name is Franklin. I’m fingers---that’s scissors. The winner is the person
the president of the Greenville Stamp Collecting who has the stronger item.
Club. Many people ask me why stamp collecting B : That sounds stupid, because rocks are stronger
is such a popular hobby. There are several reasons. than paper and scissors, so the rock will win
First, stamp collecting is inexpensive. Most every time.

G : That’s true in real life, Tony, but that’s not how
Unit 19 The Active Leisure Center
it works in this game. Rock can break scissors,
but rock can be covered by paper, and paper can M: Bored with nothing to do? Come and check
be cut by scissors. So rock defeats scissors, paper out the Active Leisure Center. We offer something
beats rock, and scissors beats paper. for everyone.
B : It’s interesting that each item in the game can The center has a heated outdoor swimming
defeat one other thing and lose to one other pool with five different water slides for those
thing. I wonder who invented this game. who want some fun. There’s also an indoor pool
G : I don’t know, but it’s played all over the world. with lanes for more serious swimmers. Swimming
There’s even a rock, paper, scissors world lessons are available for all levels.
championship that has been held every year in The Active Leisure Center also has a fitness
Europe since 1934. center for those who want to exercise. We have
running machines, exercise bikes, weight machines
and free weights, and daily aerobics and jazz
Unit 18 Man’s Best Friend dance classes. Our fitness experts will be happy
to provide you with a fitness program to suit
W: Why are dogs often called “man’s best
your needs.
friend?” Probably because dogs have many of
The center has a sports hall where you can
the qualities we want in our human companions.
play indoor soccer, badminton, basketball, and
They are loyal, friendly, never argue, and are
various other sports. You can join community
always glad to see us. This is one reason why we
sports groups, sign up for tournaments, or just
have dogs and other pets. Sometimes we might
book the hall for you and your friends to use.
even prefer the company of animals to that of
With the school holidays coming soon, why
fellow human beings.
not come and find out about our special holiday
Pets provide us with many other benefits as
programs? We have programs for all ages, from
well. Studies have shown that having a pet nearby
kindergarten to high school students, and if you
lowers the blood pressure of elderly people and
join now, you can even get a family discount.
raises their spirits. One study in Britain showed
So come and take advantage of all that
that people with pets recovered more quickly
the Active Leisure Center has to offer. We’re
from heart attacks than those who didn’t have a
open from six a.m. to ten p.m. on weekdays,
pet. The study also found that pet owners suffered
and eight a.m. to eight p.m. on weekends. For
from fewer common ailments, such as colds,
more information, call 325-6188 or visit our
headaches, and fevers, than people who don’t
website at
own pets.
Pets help children to learn responsibility. By
learning to take care of their pets, children learn
Unit 20 The Audition
how to take care of themselves and other people.
Walking dogs each day gives children regular B : Hi, Cindy. Are you ready for the big audition
exercise. this afternoon?
Pets can also help keep us safe. Dogs, for G : I don’t know, Greg. I’ve been practicing the
example, guard our homes and scare away script all week, but the princess has so many
burglars. Guide dogs help blind people “see” lines that I don’t know if I can remember them
when they need to go outside. Cats catch mice all!
and rats in our houses. B : You don’t have to remember all of them for the
Finally, pets teach us compassion. They give audition, just the lines for the main scene, where
us a chance to show our love to other living the pirate meets the princess and tries to kidnap
creatures. If we can love our pets, it becomes her.
easier to love each other. And that might be the G : I know, but even in that scene, the princess has
most important benefit of all! quite a few lines!

B : You’ve got to think positive and have some group is a sign with the number 200 on it. At the
confidence in yourself. I think that you’re going front of the field is a huge sign with the number
to get the part, and that you’ll be a fantastic 2,000 on it, because 200 times 10 equals 2,000,
princess! right? But the problem requires 200 times 10
G : Well, I’m glad that somebody has confidence in three times, so, I just add two more fields of
me. I think I’m just worried that I’ll forget my people to my picture, with two more signs that
lines. By the way, which part are you going to say 2,000. Now I have 2,000 times three. The
try out for? answer is 6,000!
B : I’m trying out for the part of the pirate, the one
who tries to steal the princess away from the
prince. Unit 22 I Spy
G : Oh yeah, the pirate and the prince get to have
B : Dad, this is so boring, just sitting back here with
that cool sword fight in the final scene, and then
nothing to do!
the prince kills the pirate with his own sword!
M : Playing a game is a fun way to pass time on a
B : Yeah, I remember reading that in the script. But
long car trip.
at the audition today, we’ll be practicing the
B : OK, but what kind of game can we play when
scene where the pirate first sees the princess, and
we’re going 70 miles an hour in a car?
falls in love with her.
M : Well, when I was young, we used to play a game
G : Hey, I’ll help you practice your scene if you’ll
in the car called “I Spy.” One person decides on
help me practice mine.
an object that he or she can see, and tells us its
B : You’ve got a deal! Let’s start now.
color, then the rest of us have to ask yes-or-no
questions to try and find out what it is.
G : I’ll go first, and I spy something that’s. . .
B : Hey, I wanted to go first!
M : Billy, let your sister begin. Remember, it’s
School and Family considered good manners to let girls and
younger children have their turn ahead of us.
Unit 21 Add, Subtract, Multiply, and G : Yeah, remember your manners, stupid!
Divide M : Betsy, it’s also good manners to treat each other
B : Hello there, Terry. How are you doing? with respect, and not to call people names. I
G : Not too well. I’m really having trouble figuring think you need to apologize to your brother.
out this arithmetic assignment. I can add and G : I’m sorry, Billy. Let’s start, OK? I spy something
subtract pretty well, but without a calculator it’s small and green, it’s on the steering wheel, and. . .
difficult for me to multiply and divide. Hey, B : Stop, Betsy! Dad said that you’re only supposed
Olaf, I heard that you’re excellent in math. to tell us its color, not its size or location or
B : My technique is that I try to imagine pictures in anything else.
my mind, so the numbers aren’t just figures on a G : Oh no, I forgot!
page, but something I can apply to real life. One M : That’s OK, honey, everybody makes mistakes.
way I do this is to imagine the numbers as if they Remember the saying: “If at first you don’t
were money. For example, if the equation is 753 succeed, try, try again.”
minus 236, I think about seven dollars and 53 G : OK, let me try again. I spy something. . .
cents minus two dollars and 36 cents. It’s five
dollars and 17 cents, or 517. Easy!
G : Wow, that does seem easier, for adding and Unit 23 American Families Today
subtracting. But how do you apply this technique W: American families today are very different
to multiplying and dividing? from what they were about a hundred years ago.
B : OK, suppose the equation is 200 times 30. 30 is The main difference is that families are now
three groups of 10. So, first I imagine 10 groups much smaller. In the past, most families lived on
of people standing in a large field. Next to each farms. They needed children to help them work.

Today, most families live in cities. Parents do A fourth method is to let the head of the
not expect their children to work for them. It is household decide what is best. That is the way we
also becoming very expensive to raise and educate do it in my family. The head of our household,
children. Many parents cannot afford to have a my father, listens to all our opinions. Then he
large family. Others think that there are already makes a decision. We agree to follow his decision,
too many people in the world. If they have more even if we don’t like it.
than two children, it will increase the population. Making family decisions is not always easy.
Also, the types of families are changing. The important thing is to choose a method that
Statistics show that there are more single everyone agrees on. That could cause a problem,
parents than ever before. More and more however. Which method should you use to decide
unmarried couples are having children, and a which method to choose for making decisions?
growing number of couples are choosing to have
no children at all. Traditional families---a married
couple with children---live in less than 25 percent Unit 25 My Favorite Teacher
of all US homes.
M: The best teacher I’ve ever had was Mr.
One reason for this trend is the greater
Lambert, my high school French teacher. He
number of working women. In the past, women
was short, with dark hair, a thick beard, and a
depended on their husbands for money. Now,
big smile. His legs were short, too, so his arms
many women have jobs. They don’t have to be
always looked too long. He was a very good
married to have money. Another reason is
teacher because he always brought so much
divorce. This is when a husband and wife decide
energy to the classroom. His classes were never
not to be married anymore. Almost half of all
boring because he was always active, trying to
US marriages end in divorce. Many people
find new methods to communicate ideas.
decide not to get married at all. They prefer to
Because he taught French, English wasn’t
be single and live without a husband or a wife.
allowed in class, so he often had to demonstrate
the meaning of new words through gestures and
Unit 24 Making Decisions Once, he had to communicate the word
G: How does your family make important “above” without saying it in English. First, he
decisions? Do children have any say in making pulled a desk near the blackboard, and then
these decisions, or do parents simply tell them put a wastebasket between the desk and the
what to do? There are several different methods blackboard. Next, he put his feet on the edge of
for making family decisions. the blackboard and his hands on the desk so
One method is to have a vote. Each family that he was above the wastebasket. I’ve never
member writes his or her own choice on a piece forgotten that demonstration. It was difficult
of paper. With this method, each person gets not to enjoy the subject when he was so excited
equal say in the issue being decided. What if the about teaching it.
vote is a tie? You should think of an idea to The most important reason that Mr.
break a tie before you vote. Lambert is the best teacher I’ve ever had is that
A second method is to give older children he loved all his students, even when we made
special privileges. If you’re moving into a new him angry by speaking English in class.
home, for instance, the oldest child might get Whenever that happened, the students always
first choice of bedrooms. felt guilty because they had so much respect for
A third method is to take turns making the him. Now that I’m a teacher, I try my best to be
decisions. Suppose a family goes on vacation like Mr. Lambert. He is my role model.
together each year. One year they might let their
daughter decide where they should go. The next
year, the choice goes to the son.

W : Well, I just hope you can lead and guide all of us
People and Work to the beach this weekend.
M : Ha ha, very funny! So, your nickname is Jen,
Unit 26 Meet Debra and your given name’s Jennifer. Do you know
W: Hi! My name is Debra Garrel. I’m a 20- how you got that name?
year-old communications major at New York W : Actually, I was named after my father’s
University. I love being at university. I’m enjoying grandmother, Guinevere.
my courses and I meet many new people every M : Wasn’t Guinevere the wife of King Arthur in
day. It seems like a new adventure, and I love that old story from England?
adventures! W : Yes she was, and her name means “pure.”
I spent my childhood traveling all over the M : It’s interesting how people get their names. In
world and learning about different cultures. You India, we don’t name children after their relatives
see, my father works for the World Bank, so our like they do in America. To me, it’s strange to see
family has always moved around a lot. I’ve lived names like Jack Johnson Junior and George
in Mongolia, East Timor, Brazil, Nigeria, the Bush Senior.
Netherlands, and the United States. The hardest W : Usually it’s a way to show respect for a person,
part of growing up was saying goodbye each but some people make it ridiculous. You’ve
time we had to move. But I would always heard about George Foreman, the famous
remind myself that I would make new friends boxer, haven’t you?
soon, and I always did. I’ve learned not to be M : No.
shy! W : Well, he had five boys, and he named each one
After leaving one place, I would always email of them George, after himself.
or call my old friends. I would tell them about M : It must be confusing when the phone rings at his
the new adventures I was having, and ask them house!
about new things in their lives. That is probably
the reason I chose to major in communications.
I like to keep in touch. Unit 28 The Right Career
It’s obvious that I love to travel, isn’t it? But B : People need to consider important factors
I also enjoy dancing, reading, going to the theater, when choosing a career. In my opinion, the most
and riding horses. If you share any of these important factor is to choose a job that goes
interests and would like to learn more about me, well with your personality. Are you an outgoing
please let me know. And if you have different person who loves meeting new people and talking
interests, I’ll remind you: I’m always looking for to them? Perhaps you should become a tour
a new adventure! guide or a teacher. Are you shy? Maybe you
should be an accountant or a scientist.
Remember, you will do your job almost
Unit 27 What’s in a Name? every day. If you have to change your personality
W : Sy, do you have a local driver’s license that we when you work, you probably won’t be very
can rent the car with for our trip this weekend? happy. And neither will the people you work
M : Sure, Jen, here you are. with. Nobody wants an unfriendly tour guide or
W : It says here that your name is Sarang Patel, but an impatient teacher. Are you a moody person?
I thought your first name was Sy! In most jobs, you will be expected to control
M : Sy is my nickname, and Sarang is my given your emotions. That’s hard to do if your mood
name. It means “navigator” in Hindi. At the changes often. In that case, you might want to
time I was born, things were confusing and work alone. Perhaps you could be a writer or an
difficult for my family in India. My parents artist.
wanted a son who could lead and guide our There are other factors to consider, such as
family to success. salary and status. However, what good is a large

salary or high status if you don’t like your job? give medicine.
You should consider your personality, find out When an animal is sick, vets examine it to
what you are very good at doing, and then find find out why. They look for clues in the way an
the right career to go with all this. Too many animal looks and acts. For example, if a dog is
people choose a career because it pays well. Too walking in a strange way, it might have injured
often, they find they don’t like their jobs. But by its leg. Vets need to observe animals carefully,
then they feel like they’re in a trap, and they since animals cannot speak to tell anyone what
can’t escape. Finding a good career is important. is wrong.
Think about it and choose carefully. Vets prevent health problems in animals by
giving vaccinations and check-ups and fixing
teeth. They also teach owners how to feed and
Unit 29 Body Language train their animals. Vets use special tools to
perform surgery. They fix broken bones, take
G: Did you know that words are not the only
out tumors, take X-rays, and treat wounds.
thing we use to communicate? Most of our
Most vets treat small pets, including dogs
messages are sent through body language. Only
and cats. A few vets focus on large animals, such
about 10 percent of communication is done
as sheep, cows, and horses. Large-animal vets
through the actual words of a conversation. Isn’t
usually drive to ranches and stables where their
that strange? If we understand body language well,
patients live. Often, they help when the animals
we can learn a lot more about what other people
give birth. Vets who work with large animals
really think. We can also use body language to
often work outside in all kinds of weather.
send the right message to others. Have you ever
A few vets work in zoos and aquariums.
felt dislike for someone without knowing why?
They care for zebras, sharks, and other wild
Well, he or she might have been sending out a
creatures. Because animals can get sick at any
negative message through body language.
time, vets often work long hours. Many vets like
What kind of things should you look for if
their work because they can be with animals every
you want to understand body language? First,
day, even though sick animals can sometimes bite
look at people’s eyes. If people are lying, they
or kick their vets.
may not look directly at the person they are
talking to, and the pupils of their eyes may
shrink. Next, look at people’s arms. Arms
crossed in front of the body might mean a person
is unfriendly or afraid. He or she might be trying
to say, “Stay away.” If the arms are by the side
Sports and Health
or at the back of the body, the person might be
saying, “Come closer. I won’t hurt you.” But Unit 31 I Feel Awful!
keep in mind that there is no accurate way to B : Mom, I feel awful, I think I’d better stay home
interpret body language all the time. Sometimes, from school today.
talking is still the best way to communicate. W : I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. What’s the
However, knowing about body language will problem?
improve the way you communicate and help you B : I have a stomachache, my head hurts, and I have
understand other people better. a sore throat.
W : Well, we’d better take your temperature and
make sure you don’t have a fever. Keep this
Unit 30 Veterinarians thermometer under your tongue for a minute or
M: If you like animals and science, you might two. Remind me to call your teacher and tell her
want to be a veterinarian. Veterinarians are animal you’re sick later on today. All right, let’s check. Oh
doctors. They take care of sick and injured dear, you’ve got a fever. Your temperature is 103,
animals. Like doctors, vets perform surgery and so I think we need to give Dr. Thompson a call.

B : I don’t understand how my head can be so hot serious disease called the plague. At that time,
when my body feels so cold. the plague was killing thousands of people. It
W : That’s called the chills, and they often come was thought that saying “God bless you” would
along with fever. You’ve certainly got a fever. protect people from getting this awful disease.
B : But what about my stomachache, and my sore Today, the saying is simply a nice way to wish
throat? someone well.
W : Well, that’s another reason we need to go see
Dr. Thompson, because when you have a
stomachache, fever, chills, and a sore throat, it Unit 33 Skiing and Snowboarding
usually means that you have something more
B : My name is Michael Bryce, and I love to ski
serious than a common cold. I think you’ve
and snowboard. I am 16 years old, and I have
probably got the flu.
been skiing since I was five, and snowboarding
B : I hope it’s not too serious, because we’ve got a
since I was eight. Both my parents like skiing,
basketball game Thursday, and the coach told
and my older brother likes snowboarding.
me that I’ll probably start.
In my opinion, snowboarding is more fun
W : If you want to recover from the flu in time for
and exciting than skiing. When I ski, it feels really
your game, you’d better get plenty of rest, take
easy to control where I go and how I move. The
the medicine the doctor gives you, and drink
ski poles make it very simple to change my
plenty of water.
direction. There are no poles in snowboarding,
B : I promise I will, Mom. Let’s go and see Dr.
however, so when you snowboard, you have
Thompson now.
to understand the snow very well to make
sure you don’t fall. The feeling I get while I’m
snowboarding is more exciting than when I’m
Unit 32 Why Do We Sneeze? skiing, because I like having less control. I enjoy
G: A sneeze is a very interesting thing. We use the challenge. I never know what’s going to
many different muscles when we sneeze. These happen. This makes it more exciting!
include stomach muscles, throat muscles, and Some people think that the reduced amount
eye muscles. Remember, our eyes always close of control in snowboarding makes the sport more
during a sneeze. dangerous. But in my opinion, snowboarding is
A sneeze begins when something gets inside actually safer than skiing, because when you ski,
your nose, like a tiny particle of dust. Your nose you are standing on two skis. If you fall while
sends a message to your brain. Your brain sends on skis, it is very easy to break your bones
messages to the muscles, getting them to work by getting your skis stuck in the snow. On a
together in the correct order. When you sneeze, snowboard, your legs stay together even when
the dust that was in your nose flies out as fast as you fall. While I still love to ski, I like
100 miles an hour! Usually something like dust snowboarding much better. It is more fun and
or cold air makes us sneeze, but some people exciting, and maybe even safer, than skiing.
sneeze whenever they look at the sun. Some people
think that your heart stops when you sneeze.
Actually, it really doesn’t, but sometimes it Unit 34 A Nice Cup of Tea
might feel like it does.
M : Could I offer you a cup of tea?
After someone sneezes, people often say
W : Yes, thank you very much. What kind do you
“Bless you,” or “God bless you.” To bless
someone means to wish them good and special
M : I have Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Irish
things. Why do people say this? Long ago,
Breakfast, and Darjeeling.
people believed that this saying kept bad things
W : Those are all black teas. Do you have any green
from flying down your throat. Another story is
that people thought this saying would help keep
M : I’m sorry, I don’t really like green tea.
the person who sneezed from getting a very

W : How could you not like green tea? It’s so much When the swelling on my ankle reduced a little,
easier to drink than black tea. my coach asked the doctor if he thought I would
M : I just don’t think green tea tastes as good as be able to play any more. But the doctor replied
black tea. Green tea has a simple flavor, but that I would have to sit out the rest of the game
black tea has many kinds of flavors. and come to see him the next day. Not only did
W : Well I don’t taste many flavors when I drink I receive an injury, but we also lost the game by
black tea. It just tastes bitter to me. a score of 68-66. What a disappointing night!
M : Then you should drink more black tea, because
after drinking it for a while, you begin to
appreciate its flavor.
W : Whatever its flavor, black tea can’t be nearly as
healthy as green tea. I read about a study last Travel and Transport
week that showed people who drink green tea
are less likely to get serious diseases, like cancer Unit 36 Moving
or heart disease.
M : Well, history tells us that in the past, good black M : Hey, Sheena! I haven’t seen you for ages. What’s
tea has been considered more valuable than new? Where are you going with all those suitcases?
gold. Wars have been started over it. W : Hi Mark, it’s been a while since the last time we
W : Really? Which wars? ran into each other! I’m bringing these suitcases
M : The American Revolution. home to pack because my family is preparing to
W : The American Revolution had nothing to do move across the bay to Port Anderson.
with tea! M : Really? How are you going to transport all your
M : One of the things that started the Revolutionary furniture?
War was an incident where a group of W : I’m not sure. I considered hiring a moving van,
Americans dumped a British shipment of tea but someone told me it might be more convenient
into the ocean in Boston. This was called the to rent a huge container and ship everything
Boston Tea Party, and it had nothing to do with across. The details are a bit complicated because
green tea! we’ve got so many boxes!
M : Well, when my sister and brother-in-law moved
to Dallas last year, they sent all their furniture
Unit 35 The Injury and heavy items by cargo flight. They hauled it
there on a massive cargo plane, then rented a
B : I’ve just returned from the doctor’s office, truck and picked it up at the airport after they
and he told me that because of my injury I will arrived.
have to miss the next two weeks of basketball. W : That’s interesting, but the problem is that we have
I’m really disappointed! Last night, I hurt my so much junk, we might need two cargo planes!
ankle during a very exciting game against West M : Well, however you get it there, it sounds like
High School. It was five minutes before the end of you’ll need help once you get it to the other side.
the game, the score was 60-60, I had the ball, and I’ve got a friend there who owns a self-serve
I heard my coach shouting at me to shoot. truck company. He can rent you a truck at a
So I started to jump, but suddenly I found discount rate. Which day are you moving?
myself lying flat on my back on the court! A W : Next Saturday.
West High player had accidentally knocked me M : I’m free that day, so I’ll help you out! I’ve still
down. I tried to stand up, but my ankle hurt so got my small truck, so I can haul some stuff for
much that I was unable to walk. Two of my you, too.
teammates had to help me leave the court. My W : Thanks, Mark. That would be great!
ankle started to swell up, so the team doctor
brought me a bag of ice to put on it. The ice was
cold, but it felt good on my ankle.

M : My dad knows someone who works for Qantas
Unit 37 Wear Your Seat Belt!
Airlines, so we were able to get a good deal. The
G: Some people think the government should tickets were only $800 per person for a round
require passengers by law to wear seat belts in trip.
cars and taxis. They say that seat belts save lives W : Wow, that is a good deal! When we went on
and money. Statistics show that 60 percent of vacation to Bangkok last year, it cost $1,000 for
people killed in car accidents were not wearing a round trip ticket, and Thailand’s closer than
seat belts. Statistics also show that most people Australia.
who wear seat belts survive. In the past 30 years, M : What did you like best about Thailand?
seat belts have saved almost $600 billion in medical W : Well, the food was delicious, and riding elephants
costs. The average car accident costs $820 for was exciting, but I’d have to say that the beach
each person in the United States. Some states was the best part. The only unpleasant part of
require people to wear seat belts. In those states, the trip was after we got home, when we found
about 80 percent of the passengers follow the law. out that the airline had lost some of our luggage.
However, other people think it’s wrong to My father’s suitcase and my sister’s backpack
require seat belt use by law. They say that were missing.
passengers should decide for themselves. Many M : So, the airline lost two pieces of luggage? How
of these people agree that seat belts save lives, long did it take you to get them back?
but they don’t think the government has the W : Three days, but the good news is that when they
right to force people to wear them. They point finally found them, they delivered them right to
out that smoking cigarettes is also unhealthy. our front door.
But the government lets adults smoke if they
want to. Leaders cannot force people to do
what’s good, they argue. It’s better to educate Unit 39 Traveling by Airplane
people so they will want to wear seat belts.
B : Airplane travelers can choose between three
Those who want seat belt laws say that the
kinds of tickets: first class, business class, and
right to public safety is more important than
economy class. Most people buy economy class
the individual’s right to free choice. But their
tickets. They are cheaper, so travelers can go to
opponents say people must be careful to protect
more places more often. Business class is more
their individual rights. They should decide how
expensive, with good seats and good service.
to live their lives, not the government. What is
First class is very expensive, but offers very
your opinion on this?
comfortable seats and excellent service.
In economy class, the seats are small and
close together. There is not much leg room. In
Unit 38 Going on Vacation
first class, the seats are huge and wider apart.
W : Hey, Carl, I’m surprised to see you here! Jeremy There is lots of room for passengers to stretch
told me that you were on vacation. their legs. Economy class passengers usually must
M : Hi, Shelly. We were visiting some relatives in all watch the same movie. First class passengers
Sydney, but we returned last night. have their own TVs, and each person can watch
W : Oh, I’ve wanted to go to Australia ever since I different movies. Economy class passengers eat
was little! Tell me what it was like. cheaper food. First class passengers are served
M : It was fantastic! We fed kangaroos, walked delicious, fresh food. It is difficult to sleep in
through rainforests, and swam in the ocean. economy class because of the small seats and all
What was really great was when we took a train the noise. In first class, the large seats can be
to Brisbane to see the Great Barrier Reef. pushed back to make a comfortable bed. There
W : I’ve heard that flights to Australia are pretty is a curtain between sections, so it is nice and
expensive. quiet.

Economy class is a good choice for short
flights within the same country. Business class or
first class is a good choice for business travelers
taking an international flight across an ocean.
These people often have to get off the plane and
go right to work. For them, it is important to
arrive fresh, rested, and ready for a full, exciting

Unit 40 A Family Cruise

G: Family Cruise Line is offering a new, exciting
cruise that the whole family can enjoy! We have
a special deal for families all year round on our
Family Caribbean Cruise. This special one-week
cruise leaves from Miami, Florida and stops at
six fantastic Caribbean islands. There is so
much for the entire family to see and do!
On board, we have a variety of great food
for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We also have
lots of interesting and fun activities. There are
music and dance shows every evening. We have
a movie theater and a KTV bar. For kids, we
have shows each day with their favorite TV
friends like Mickey Mouse, Goofy, and Elmo.
Playing with television characters isn’t the only
activity children will enjoy. They can play
volleyball, swim in one of our three huge pools,
or take dancing and art classes. There’s so much
variety, the kids can try a new activity each day.
Mom and Dad can join them, or rest in lounge
chairs on our wide ship deck.
On shore, you can shop, swim, and enjoy
fresh food while you learn all about island life.
With four to seven hours on shore each day,
you’ll have plenty of time to explore each island.
Does this sound exciting? It is! So, when it’s time
to plan your next vacation, remember Family
Cruise Line. It will be a trip your family will
never forget!


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