Endless Realms - Spirits of The Realms, Vol 1

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Project and Design Lead: Kirsty Garbe

Artist: Jennifer Elliot
Writers: Kirsty Garbe, Katherine Weldon, Ramon Martinez
Layout: Kirsty Garbe
Website Design: Bryce Walter

All rights reserved

Althea, the Scheming Breeze Personality
Greater Wind Spirit Althea is a shapeshifter in both form and personality. A
trickster at heart, she revels in creating chaotic, unpredictable
Summary situations and keeping those around her on their toes.
Althea is a Greater Wind Spirit who has gone by many While she doesn’t usually intend to cause harm, her playful
names over her years in the Corporeal Realm: Althea, antics may, at times, border on dangerous. Althea is not
Altheus, the Shifting Kalamir, the Meddling Matchmaker, bad-natured, however. She simply judges those whom she
and the Scheming Breeze. She is a Vagus spirit, albeit a meets based on her first impression of them.
powerful one, who chooses to wander Lumis instead of She may decide, for example, that she does not like the
developing and defending a territory. She is characterized hat an adventurer is wearing, and thus that person often
as a trickster spirit with a special interest in mortal affairs becomes the target of her crueler pranks and schemes.
and is well known among the Sileans and inhabitants Or, she may like the way a particular person pronounces
of the Red Scale Desert, although she does not confine something, or the quirky way they lick their finger and hold
her travels to that area. She may be found anywhere in it to the wind to see which direction its blowing. Those in
the Corporeal Realm, appearing as either a humanoid or her good graces will often find her meddling in their affairs
shapeless form in the fog or as a beautiful Kalamir male or as well, but with the best of intentions. She might play the
female. unwanted matchmaker, or secretly sabotage a rival for
someone she has taken a liking to. Althea is a creature of
whims, and she follows those fleeting feelings and desires
Appearance without delay or consideration for the consequences.
As a Wind Spirit, Althea is not naturally visible to the Althea’s quick wit, sideways smile, and flirtatious demeanor
mortal eye any more than the wind itself is visible. have been the downfall of many a mortal. She delights in
However, Althea thoroughly enjoys interacting with the teasing others with her enticing Kalamir forms but has little
mortal races and likes to take on a visible form in order to interest in long-term partnerships with mortals. Althea
more easily communicate with non-spirits. In fact, Althea might pledge her undying love or loyalty to someone,
likes to masquerade as a Kalamir. In this form, Althea swearing to always stay by their side throughout their
appears with grayish green skin, long silver hair with a hint adventures, and then be gone the next day if something
of pale green, piercing green eyes, and a devilish grin. more interesting comes up. Constantly chasing greater
entertainment, there is nothing that Althea loathes more
Althea, sometimes known as Altheus, freely switches than boredom. In fact, she will often go to great lengths to
between male and female body types, clothing, names, create a more “interesting” situation out of the mundane
and pronouns as well. In both forms, Althea presents – sometimes to the great annoyance of those around her.
herself as wearing loose-fitting clothing such as flowy
skirts, open vests, scarves and peasant blouses in Like a child, Althea is oftentimes single-minded in her pursuit
lightweight fabrics and pale colors with an abundance of of whatever fantasy or whim has popped into her head.
silver jewelry, including multiple piercings. She likes to While she usually pursues her desires with almost manic
wear her hair in elaborate styles, piled atop its head or glee, she is also prone to sudden mood swings if something
in complex braided patterns, often utilizing feathers or gets in her way. Screaming temper tantrums can subside
silver hair pins. In her true spirit form, Althea often makes as quickly as they come on if Althea becomes distracted or
herself visible by generating a pale fog and forming it into a otherwise consoled.
humanoid shape or shapeless cloud. Despite the mood swings, Althea is most often found in a
state of engaged amusement. She enjoys watching plays,
or even performing in them if the opportunity arises, as
she is very good at getting into character. She loves a good
joke and anything novel. A new style of art or music, for
example, is of more interest to Althea than a classical and
perfectly executed work of art.
Like the town gossip, Althea is incredibly good at sniffing
out secrets and enjoys having the latest piece of news
or gossip to share. While she can keep a secret for short
periods of time, her love of stirring up trouble and lack of
self-discipline make it difficult to keep to herself.
When in her Kalamir form, whether male
or female, Althea has distinctly feminine
mannerisms. She moves with a sultry swing of
her hips and a light, bouncing step as if dancing.
Her hands move like fluttering butterflies as
she speaks, illustrating her point with fluid
movement. Everything about her feel light and
airy, and when she becomes elated, it almost
seems as if she might float away.
She laughs often and wears a constant smirk,
her eyes always conveying a sense of having a
delicious secret that she’s dying to divulge. Her
hair and loose-fitting clothing are often tousled
by a light breeze, even when there is none.
Her body language is typically open and inviting,
and she often sits with her legs propped up
on some inappropriate piece of furniture or
perched on top of something with her legs
crossed and leaning forward to better hear
the flow of conversation. She often holds her
shoulders slightly eschew and leans to one side
when she stands, her weight shifted back onto
one leg. Many of her gestures mimic that of a
dancer. When she laughs, it is either a snarky
giggle hidden behind one hand or a full-bodied
experience that has her doubled over in wild

Althea came to the Corporeal Realm as a very
young spirit. When she arrived, it was a blustery
day in the plains of Lumis. She felt the wind
twist around her and decided immediately to of her new appearance and practicing her mortal behavior.
take on the aspect of wind on the corporeal plane. Instead Once she felt confident in her disguise, Althea decided to
of settling into one place to gather energy by establishing test out her new form on some unsuspecting mortals.
a territory, Althea chose to travel across Lumis. She found
Althea appeared to a small band of traveling entertainers
herself spending more and more time in the cities and town
who had set up camp for the night. They told Althea that
of Lumis, yearning for greater interaction than her wind
they were on their way to visit Silean Chieftain Acha Nobelis
spirit form would allow. Although she loved her newfound
in the western edge of the Red Scale Desert in order to
powers in the Corporeal Realm, she secretly longed to be a
perform at the Chieftain’s son’s wedding. Althea said that
corporeal being.
she was also on her way to visit Chieftain Acha for the
One day, she was blowing the research papers off of a busy wedding – in fact, she was to be the officiant! The troop of
Al’Miren’s desk for a laugh. Much to the Al’Miren’s dismay, performers were impressed by her claims and said that she
one of the papers flew through the window and into the should travel with them in order not to miss the wedding
street. Althea felt a strong hand reach out and pluck the date and delay the ceremony. Althea agreed and traveled
paper from her breeze. It was a tall, muscular Kalamir with them all the way to Chieftain Acha’s chiefdom.
woman, and she smoothed out the paper and strode up to
When they arrived, the chieftain was surprised to hear
the window to return it to the despairing Al’Miren. Althea
Althea introduce herself as Minister Althea, the wedding
was so impressed by the kind stranger that she began working
officiant. After all, the chiefdom had already called upon a
on creating a Kalamir form of her own so that she could
shaman from a nearby chiefdom to perform the marriage.
interact with mortals on a deeper level. She meticulously
Althea produced a letter from the nearby chiefdom and
groomed her Kalamir disguise, perfecting each minor detail
claimed that she came as quickly as she could after receiving Vices & Virtues
the summons. “The shaman is a fraud and a conman! I’ve Althea has a very Generous nature, but the help, advice,
seen his type before – pretending to be the officiant in order and assistance that she offers is non-negotiable and may or
to take advantage of your hospitality and then he will sneak may not make things worse in the end.
away in the night with the rings and other valuables.”
She is also incredibly Obsessive and once she becomes
Unfortunately for the true shaman, Althea convinced fixated on something, it is difficult to get her to back down
the Chieftain that she was the true officiant sent by their or change her mind.
neighboring chiefdom. He was thrown out of the chiefdom
in disgrace, but not before Althea convinced the Chieftain
that such a crime would be punished in her home chiefdom
• Escape Artist 5
by magically adhering a wooden mask with a long, • Performance: Acting 10
upturned nose to the conman’s face before tossing him • Forgery 5
unceremoniously into the desert. • Sneaking 8
Althea’s fun wasn’t over. As the officiant of such an important • Subterfuge 9
• Disguise 8
wedding, she was treated as a distinguished guest. She took
• Etiquette 4
a liking to theatre and began gently “incapacitating” various • Judge Character 7
actors before a performance so that she could take their • Geography 4
place and star in the shows. When the day for the wedding • History 9
finally arrived after many days of celebration, Althea had • Linguistics 5
another fun idea: what if she performed the ceremony in
such a way that she married the chieftain’s son to the wrong
person? It would be the performance of her career.
With the help of a few outdated laws, careful wording, and
some tricky positioning, Althea managed to marry the son
to the woman standing next to his fiancé. At the banquet
following the ceremony, Althea gave a toast to the happy
couple, revealing to the amusement and dismay of the
crowd that the son had married the wrong woman. The
Chieftain ordered the guards to seize the phony minister at
once, but it was too late – she materialized into her true
form as a wind spirit and simply blew away.
Although she still enjoys match-making and poking around
in people’s personal lives, Althea does actually have a few
regrets in her immortal life. The woman that the son was
meant to marry was so devastated and hurt by the prank
that she lived out the rest of her life alone. Althea didn’t
exactly learn her lesson, but she did decide never to marry
two people against their will again, which is at least some
form of repentance on her part.

Motivations & Goals

Althea is mainly motivated by her desire for new and
interesting ventures. She loves to meet new people, invest
herself in new situations, and meddle in other people’s
business – for better or worse, depending on her mood and
whether she likes the individuals involved. She loves to play
the matchmaker and bring new couples, new friends, new
jobs, and even new pets and owners together in an attempt
to make up for the love she ruined long ago.
Allies & Relationships
Due to her past meddling in the lives of Silean Chieftains, Roleplaying Hints
Althea has a slight preference for Sileans as well as Kalamir You are deviously clever and constantly involving
whom she admires. She is fond of entertainers of any kind, yourself in the affairs of others. When you set your mind
but especially actors. to something, it is hazardous for others to attempt to
dissuade you. You love to hear yourself talk but can be
She gets along well with most other trickster spirits and silent when necessitated by your schemes. Your tone
Vagus spirits, except for those who are especially cruel or of voice varies greatly depending on your mood and
malicious. One particular ally is a Greater Spirit she calls Mel. who you are interacting with, and you always judge a
Mel is a Spirit of Bagboos who lives in the forest alongside newcomer within the first few minutes of conversation
a large clan of his namesakes. They are companions and based on some particular detail you notice about them
fellow pranksters and enjoy supporting one another in all or something they say.
their schemes. Between them, Althea is the clever one and
Mel, despite being a more powerful spirit, respects her for
what she has seen and experienced in the Corporeal Realm.
Althea typically does not get along with Judicars or Spirits
of Order, but she particularly dislikes Dominus Desert Spirits
after a few unpleasant encounters in the Red Scale Desert
during her early travels across Lumis.

Rituals and Worship

There are no designated temples to Althea in Lumis,
although small, roadside shrines have been erected in
places where Althea met with travelers. These shrines often
contain an image of Althea in one of her forms and quotes
from plays that are popular in Lumis. Traveling troops of
actors will often stop in front of these shrines and recite
a few lines of poetry or perform scenes from one of their
plays in honor of Althea.
Appropriate and well-received tributes and gifts include
parts in a play, a performance, a joke or prank played on
someone else, juicy bits of gossip, and artifacts from Kalamir
culture or history. If Althea is pleased with an offering, a
pleasant breeze might caress the offeror’s cheeks, or Althea
herself might appear to engage the mortal.
Althea, Sceming Breeze Mercurial Form: Althea can manipulates her body,
Solitary Level: 15 becoming a creature up to Large size or down to Tiny size.
Spirit · Medium · Corporeal – Any She is polymorphed by this effect (it is not an illusion), but
Her skin is not the usual gradient of Kalamir grays and her Stats do not change and she may still use her abilities
browns. Instead, it is the color of succulents or a moth’s and Spells. In her base form, she is invisible. Treat this as a
wings – a pale, milky green that reflects in her long, silvery Rank 5 Chaos Spell. MP:9
hair. Her lips twist in a slight smirk, her bright eyes brimming
with secrets.
Vitals Attributes Amorphous Form: Althea can shift her appearance between
HP: 234 MP: 276 Immune to Wind several different shapes. In her base form, she is visually
SP: 46
invisible. She can become visible and interact with physical
Resists 18 Earth and Chaos
objects more readily by taking on the form of any Medium
Combat Weak 15 to Ice or Small Humanoid or partially visible by taking on a cloud
SPD: 40 DMG: 18/22 form. A Hard Magic Talent check used during Detect Magic
Spirit Attributes: Spirits are
AP: 10 DEF: 7 can notice the traces of Chaos Energy surrounding her
Immune to being poison,
DR: 2 PRE: 3 humanoid guise. This is a polymorph effect. Treat this as a
diseased, and nauseated.
MR: 18 ACU: 6 Rank 5 Chaos Spell. MP:9
They can detect the presence
INI: 15
of active magical effects and Tactics
Saves items within 30 ft, though
CON: 4 DIS: 5 they need an AWR check to If engaged in battle, Althea will try to stay away from subjects
BAL: 8 MAG: 7 detect the specific location of and will always start off flying. She will stay at maximum
Trainable Stats an effect or item that is not in range and prefers to bombard subjects with spells from a
plain sight. distance. She never wants to deal lethal damage and prefers
STR: 3 FOC: 10
Flying: Althea has an to use spells that will relocate or disable subjects rather
DEX: 5 SPR: 16
S-Ranked Fly SPD equal to than harm them.
AGI: 12
twice her base SPD. She can She will use damage spells at first, but as her foes become
Inherent Stats
make use of this regardless of weaker, she will change her combat style to become more
WIL: 4 PRS: 5 what form she is in. of an annoyance. If she feels at any point that her foes are
LUK: 7 AWR: 3 going to perish or that she will be defeated, then she will
fly away.
Windy Heart: Althea is Immune to Wind, Resistant to Earth,
and Weak to Ice (already included). Her melee attacks deal
Wind damage instead of any other damage type.
Althea, Air Incarnate: Althea can instantly disperse her form
into a gaseous state upon being struck, leaving her Immune
to physical damage, Immune to bleeding, and preventing
her from being unwillingly Grappled.
Spells: Althea can cast all Wind Spells up to Rank 8 and
below. Each round, she can cast a single Wind Spell of Rank
6 or below as a Short Action.
Trickster Spirit: Althea can also cast the following Chaos
and Spirit Spells: Emanation (Shrine Keeper Rank 3), Share
Thoughts (Shrine Keeper Rank 4), Erasure (Rank 5 Dancer),
Obscured Form (Dancer Rank 6), Animated Illusion (Dancer
Rank 6), Auspicious Skills (Dancer Rank 7), Resurrection
(Shrine Keeper Rank 7), and Regeneration (Shrine Keeper
Rank 7).
Magical Items
Earrings of Whispers: A set of earrings that, when two
people each wear one of the earrings, enables them to
freely send messages to each other. Upon activating the
earing with a simple touch, the user may send a thought or
phrase that will go directly to the other earring wearer. Can
be used 6 times a day. (Lesser Magic Item)
Hair Clip of Changing: A simple hairclip that, when activated,
will shapeshift the user into any humanoid form they desire.
However, after the effect wears off, they will return to their
normal state except that their sex will have changed. Each
time the item is used, their gender will swap. Treat this as a
polymorphed, effect. MP: 15 per use. Duration: 6 hours.
(Greater Magic Item)
Scarf of Gales: A pale green scarf that, when activated, will
release a burst of Wind Energy in a 10 ft radius, knocking
any subjects back 30 ft and causing them to be knocked
down (Greater Magic Item)
Vocalization Necklace: When giving an adventurer this
item, Althea will tell them that it will allow them to speak in
any voice they wish. This beautiful necklace will change the
wearer’s voice to that of the opposite sex and cannot simply
be taken off. For Yakshi, it will change their voice to that of a
Skidi, and for Al’Miren, they will speak in the voice of a male
Ulvar Kyr. (Cursed Magic Item)
idnir, Spirit of deSpAir
Greater Spirit of Despair

Idnir is a Greater Spirit of Despair and a wandering
spirit, or Vagus. He takes the form of an adorable
housecat, but he is anything but sweet. Known to
cause problems for spirits and mortals alike, Idnir is
a master of deceit. In order to easily feed off of the
despair of others, Idnir likes to be near warzones,
jails, and areas plagued by disease, poverty, or
violence. His favorite is the energy that comes from
slave camps.

When Idnir first arrived in the Corporeal Realm, his
form more clearly matched his intention: a hunched,
shadowy figure with an evil grin. Not surprisingly,
this form frightened mortals, but the energy of their
fear was not enough to sate Idnir’s lust for power.
Instead, he found that he gained more energy by
first befriending the mortal and then dragging them
down into the depths of despair in whatever ways
he wished.
To further that goal, Idnir created his most common, He thinks of himself as a hilarious prankster who is cleverer
and deceptive, form: that of a large, fluffy housecat. His than all those around him. While other spirits might indulge
fur is a deep, eggplant purple with hints of emerald green their sadism in straight torture, murder, or other direct
when the light hits him just right. His wide, innocent eyes means of causing despair, Idnir sees this is crude and dull.
are bright and yellow until he reveals his true nature, then His approach is much more stylish and subtle, and he values
they turn a dark, forest green. the quality of despair over the quantity. The deepest, most
delicious despair comes from bringing a person to their
Personality highest point before ripping it all away from them. He
Idnir is a master of deception. In fact, he would have also loves watching mortals accidentally bring about their
continued tricking other spirits in remote areas that had own ruin and disaster due to his brilliant work behind the
not heard of his bad reputation out of their territories in the scenes. After all, the less people know his true nature, the
Spirit Realm if Nephal hadn’t decided to take action against more people he can secretly lead to the depths of despair.
him. He loves to convince spirits and mortals alike that he is In particular, he revels in bringing strong-willed individuals
their most loyal friend and ally, if only to use that very same to their breaking point.
trust in order to ruin them. This disastrous surprise is what
Through flattery and promises of magical items and great
Idnir lives for.
rewards, Idnir often lulls his victims into a false sense of
Although he is a spirit of despair, he rarely feels this emotion confidence before sending them off on missions that are
himself. Idnir, for all his sadistic and cruel tendencies, bound to fail. He will even pretend to be a weak, struggling
is a happy-go-lucky fellow at heart. No matter that the spirit (or sometimes just a plain cat) in need of help,
situation, Idnir remains optimistic that his schemes and then when the kind citizen attempts to aid him, they will
plans will eventually bring him great power. So while the entangle themselves in a complex web of Idnir’s weaving
interference of others in his plans might annoy him at first, that inevitably leads to despair.
Idnir will likely shrug it off and continue his schemes with
If Idnir is truly in need of more despair energy, he will
another target in mind. Being a Vagus suits him in this way,
cut deals with bandits and other unsavory characters:
as he truly enjoys meeting (and then utterly destroying)
Idnir sends potential victims their way in return for their
new people. He will go to great lengths to hide the sadistic
prolonged torture and toying with of the victims. In this
side of his personality so that his long con is not disrupted,
way, the bandits or beasts get loot or a free meal, and Idnir
and he is quite good at it.
gets a burst of energy from their despair. camp: to become a feared dictator, ruling over his dominion
with an iron fist and feeding off the despair of his followers
Mannerisms as they toiled in his name. So he set about trying to trick
In his most common form, Idnir moves like your stereotypical
other Domini spirits out of their territories. He did not
happy cat – he approaches others with his fluffy tail held up anticipate that his enemy, Nephal, would follow him to the
high and his ears crooked forward. With a sweet, slightly Corporeal Realm, warning nearby Domini of Idnir’s tricks.
scratchy meow, Idnir will weave between people’s legs, While he would attempt to share another spirit’s territory
rubbing up against them in an aggressively friendly way. If for a time, the relationship would always end with Idnir
the person is not paying enough attention, he will playfully being pushed out and forced to wander Lumis once more.
climb up their pants legs with his claws or climb onto Even without Nephal’s interference, it seemed that people
something tall and bat at their faces with his paws or even and spirits alike simply didn’t like Idnir. So Idnir took
jump onto their backs. on what is now his most common form: that of a sweet,
Once the audience is engaged in playing or petting him, he lovable housecat. This disguise has helped him to gain the
will use a sweet, high-pitched voice to introduce himself as trust of many an unsuspecting mortal, and even a few less
a spirit. He often calmly licks his paws and cleans himself discerning spirits, and he uses that trust to bring strangers
while speaking to further win over his target. He’s often and followers alike to a state of despair for his own benefit.
found sunning himself or napping near jail cells, gallows, Although Idnir is still a wandering Vagus, he dreams of one
and sanatoriums. day acquiring his own territory and followers.

Backstory Rituals and Worship

Before coming to the Corporeal Realm, Idnir had built quite
Idnir occasionally has a few followers that fear and obey
a reputation for himself among the other spirits in his him, but that never lasts long. Despite his best efforts,
realm. He would present himself as weak and in need of there are no shrines dedicated to him, although there are
assistance, then use this misconception to his advantage folktales that detail fictionalized versions of his despair-
in order to attempt to steal energy from other spirits. It inducing schemes. These tales warn of black cats with hints
wasn’t long before the spirits of the Spirit Realm caught of purple in their fur and that putting out a dish of sour milk
on to his true nature and began to shun him. Nephal, a will deter Idnir from approaching the inhabitants of the
Major Spirit of Justice, became aware of Idnir’s unjust ways house in question.
of gaining power and decided to gather all the spirits who
had formerly been duped by Idnir together. Nephal and the Motivation & Goals
other spirits used their full strength to force Idnir to leave Idnir’s goals are simple: he wants to cause suffering and
the Spirit Realm, threatening him not to return to the Spirit despair in order to gain power and eventually fulfill his
Realm unless he changed his ways. dreams of having his own territory complete with plenty of
followers, toiling in agony.
Idnir, however, was not discouraged. The idea of the
Corporeal Realm excited him, and he left without a fight. His secondary goals involve showing off how adorable he
Once he arrived in Lumis, Idnir was thrilled to see how many is and scoring his every victory in style points, which are
different forms of energy were available. Very few spirits arbitrary values he assigns to each devastating prank he
on Lumis knew his name at this point, and practically no pulls.
mortals were aware of his “prior conviction” or even his
existence. As he wandered around, getting a feel for his Vices & Virtues
new home, Idnir came across an internment camp where Idnir, on the surface, is incredibly Amiable. However,
mortals were being forced to work themselves to death to beneath the veneer of friendliness is his truly Cruel nature.
build a temple for their leader. On top of that, Idnir is Dishonest until his sadistic side is
Idnir watched in fascination as worker after worker collapsed revealed. He is also very Patient – he almost never becomes
or cried out in agony. These people knew that they would angry or frustrated, and he is willing to wait a long time for
suffer until their painful demise and had no hope left. The his plans to come to fruition.
energy that the camp exuded was powerful and dark,
and the promise of growth that their despair held was
overwhelming to Idnir. He greedily devoured their despair,
growing to twice his former strength in mere days, firmly
cementing his status as a spirit of despair.
He wanted what he saw during his time at the internment
• Disable Traps 4
• Subterfuge 10
• Thievery 5
• Escape Artist 6
• Magic Sealing 2
• Street Smarts 4
• Forgery 5
• Sneaking 10
• Tracking 4

Allies & Relationships

Idnir does not have the best relationships with other spirits.
In fact, most spirits who know of him or have encountered
him despise him. This is partly because Idnir doesn’t
care whose followers he harms or what spirit he might
inconvenience with his ventures. Every time Idnir has tried
to share a territory with another spirit, he has been forcibly
ousted (often with the help of his enemy, Nephal.) Nephal,
in particular, often comes to the Corporeal Realm in order
to thwart the plans of Idnir. Nephal takes the form of a large,
white hound and can be seen sniffing around for traces of
As for actual allies, it is rumored that Idnir once had a friend:
a Skidi who successfully outwitted Idnir. Although Idnir will
dodge any questions about this alleged Skidi friend, the
rumors state that Idnir was loyal to the Skidi and never
caused his friends any pain or suffering.

Roleplaying Hints
Idnir will only show his true form or sadistic nature to
his intended victims when they are at their lowest. First,
he will pretend to offer a hand of help and tell the victim
that he will be able to save them from ruin. However,
just when their hope has been renewed once more, he
will reveal his actual intentions and crush their dreams
for the last time.
Idnir, Spirit of Despair Abilities
Solitary Level: 13
Spirit · Tiny · Corporeal – Any Isolate: Cloaking an enemy in darkness, Idnir leaves them
at his mercy. This attack deals 32 Dark damage (Level+19)
A spritely little meow surprises you as a large, black cat and has a range of 40 ft. A hit subject needs a MAG save
approaches with its fluffy tail held high. Its dark fur shines or becomes blind for 1 round and rolls at a Disadvantage
slightly purple in the sunlight as the cat sits down, licking on all rolls for 10 rounds. Treat this as a Rank 7 Dark Spell.
lazily at its paw with a loud purr. MP:14
Shadow Betrayal (Trigger): As the shadows shift, Idnir
Vitals Attributes swaps positions with a nearby enemy, leaving them at
HP: 192 MP: 238 the mercy of their own allies. This Spell may be used once
Resists 23 Chaos and
SP: 42 per round when a ranged attack or area attack would hit
Combat Idnir. One subject within 15 ft needs a MAG save (vs ACU),
Weak 7 to Light if they fail, Idnir swaps position with the target and they
SPD: 40 DMG: 15/19
must defend against the attack instead. Treat this as a Rank
AP: 10 DEF: 8 7 Dark Spell. MP:12
DR: 4 PRE: 3 Spirit Attributes: Spirits
MR: 11 ACU: 5 are Immune to being Tactics
INI: 14 poisoned diseased, and
Out of combat, Trickster’s Ways allows Idnir to take the
Saves nauseated. They can detect better of two rolls on all Subterfuge checks, making his lies
CON: 3 DIS: 6 the presence of active all the more believable. Additionally, Altered Signature and
BAL: 5 MAG: 6 magical effects and items Still Form can prevent subjects from realising he is casting
within 30 ft, though they Spells or hide the nature of his Spells when casting them,
Trainable Stats
need an AWR check to allowing him to better conceal his nature from those he
STR: 4 FOC: 8 detect the specific location interacts with. He’ll frequently use his small form, tiny even
DEX: 5 SPR: 15 of an effect or item that is in his true appearance, to lead his targets into a sense of
AGI: 10 not in plain sight. superiority or complacency.
Inherent Stats
During combat, Idnir will generally try and avoid slaying
WIL: 6 PRS: 3 enemies unless absolutely pressed against a wall, instead
LUK: 6 AWR: 4 choosing to leave them alive so it can torment them further
through other actions. In these cases, he’ll use Spells that
harass and hinder enemies, such as Grasping Hands to
Somber Form: Idnir has increased Resistance to Chaos
interfere with movement across the field, and his emotion-
and Dark, but is Weak to Light. His melee attacks deal Chaos
based Spells like Hopeless Anguish to leave the opponent
damage instead of any other damage type.
unable to do much. Isolate ensures his other Spells
continually get through due to the Disadvantage the target
Spells: Idnir has access to the following Spells: Grasping gets on all further Saves.
Hands (Dancer Rank 2), Trembling Heart (Dancer Rank 2), If forced to kill enemies due to danger to his own self and
Trickster’s Ways (Dancer Rank 2), Conceal Room (Dancer an inability to escape, Idnir will do so one at a time, focusing
Rank 3), Greater Illusion (Dancer Rank 3), Still Form (Dancer on a single enemy relentlessly until they’re gone and then
Rank 4), Altered Signature (Dancer Rank 5), Erasure (Dancer moving on. Even in these cases, he’ll only continue until
Rank 5), Frightening Countenance (Dancer Rank 5), Hopeless escape becomes possible, letting the misery of fallen allies
Anguish (Dancer Rank 5) fuel his own growth.
Each round, he may cast a single one of these as a Short
Magical Items
Idnir’s Ring: This ring may be activated twice per day
to restore 10 HP to the wearer. The wearer must feed
the ring some of their blood each day before this power
will work. (Greater Magic Item)
orlArA, mAiden of the Vine
Greater Spirit of Vineyards

Across the many climates of the Corporeal Realm, there are
a wide variety of vining fruits that are used to make wine.
Grapes are the most obvious, but other popular vining
fruits include bright red vreeberries which grow in desert
climates, white ice muscadines which grow even in the
tundra, and the prickly vines of the heckleberry. Orlara, a
Greater Vagus Spirit, draws her power from the vineyards
she visits across the Corporeal Realm as well as the wine-
making process and wine drinking itself.

Orlara, like many spirits that inhabit the Corporeal Realm,
takes multiple forms when interacting with mortals.
One common form Orlara takes is that of a large ceramic
container or glass bottle full of wine. Another inanimate
form she will often take is of an ancient oaken barrel with
bands of pure gold holding it together. Orlara will even
appear as a glowing bunch of grapes or vreeberries on a
healthy vine.
Although spirits have no true sex, mortals prefer to give the
spirits a designation of male or female in order to describe
and categorize them. Orlara is considered a feminine spirit, out the worst and then the best in people, eases social
and she has, on occasion, appeared in the Corporeal Realm tensions, and makes every occasion a celebration.
in a female humanoid form. Sometimes she is a vineyard
worker dressed in a simple chemise and long skirt, bare feet A mediator at heart, Orlara believes deeply in the power
stained red from stomping on grapes and hair covered with of connection and compromise. She does not simply pass
a patterned scarf. This same form sometimes appears in judgment, however; she brings the parties themselves to a
taverns where the wine flows freely, during harvest time in place where they can find common ground. She is fair, level-
well-tended vineyards, and even in villages during festivals headed, always optimistic, and sees the best in people.
to celebrate the grape harvest and making of wine. Orlara is incredibly outgoing and has never met a stranger –
in fact, she often immediately delves into the personal lives
of the mortals she meets if she senses that there might be
Personality a dispute or issue that she can help resolve. In this way, she
Unlike many other spirits, Orlara began developing a unique is often characterized as nosy or a busybody. In truth, she is
personality before coming to the Corporeal Realm. She an excellent judge of character and believes that, through
was well known as a talented, if unconventional, mediator sharing and digging down to find the truth, all conflicts can
within the Spirit Realm, and when she came to the Corporeal eventually be resolved.
Realm, Orlara took on the same role for the mortals she
encountered. She quickly realized that wine held a special Her passion for the beautiful vineyards and wines of Lumis
place in mortal culture as a social connector that, like has also had an effect on her personality. She is very
herself, had a powerful way of bringing people together. protective of the vineyards across Lumis, and the only
time she will ever show anger is if these beautiful lands
Orlara associates herself with the many aspects of vineyards are threatened by mortals, creatures, or other spirits. Even
and wine. Like the vines that curl around the fenceposts, then, she will smile through her rage and dispatch justice
Orlara excels at winding around the hearts of others and with a calm, seemingly unbothered demeanor. She loves
bringing them closer together. Like the juices of macerated to help with the harvest and stompings, and she will even
fruit aging in barrels, Orlara is patient and able to wait for participate openly in wine festivals. She is not a shy spirit
compromise to come to fruition. Like the vineyard workers and will show herself to followers and others freely in her
who stomp the grapes for wine making, she is joyfully various forms. Although she enjoys the energy that she gets
forceful when needed. Like a good bottle of wine, she brings
from gaining followers and their devotion, she does not been selling more than his share of the wine and not sharing
allow mortals to refer to her as a god. All other forms of the profits. James argued that, because he did more of the
devotion are allowed, but Orlara is adamant that she is only work, he should reap more of the rewards.
a wandering spirit.
After hearing both sides, Orlara told the two men to bring
her a bottle of their best heckleberry wine. They did as she
Mannerisms asked, and Orlara drank her first cup of wine. The flavor
Orlara speaks to mortals in a clear, calm tone so as not to surprised her – it was rich and fruity, but just tart enough
spook any people passing by. She stands with an unassuming like the heckleberry itself. The powerful aroma filled her
stance, uninterested in any of the pomp and circumstance with warmth and she complimented the farmers on their
of other spirits. With her feet hip-width apart and her wonderful creation. She beckoned them to drink with her,
shoulders square, Orlara presents herself with a welcoming and the neighbors could not refuse. James and Elric drank
smile and knowing gaze. alongside the spirit well into the night.
The wine brought forth the arguments again, but after a
Backstory stumbling, ineffective fistfight, the two men were arm-
During her younger years in the Spirit Realm, Orlara become in-arm, singing folk songs from their youth with renewed
known as a mediator in territorial and other disputes gusto, Orlara right beside them. Elric admitted that he had
between the spirits who inhabited that realm. Other spirits not worked as many hours in the field as James, and they
liked her style of conflict resolution: rather than acting as agreed on a new profit split as long as James kept all the
a stone-faced, impartial party, Orlara acted as a friend and sales above board. James said that he didn’t mind the work,
confidant to the feuding spirits. She would allow them to and Elric said that he didn’t need the extra money as much
voice their frustrations fully, even allowing the parties to as James did with his seven children. In the end, the two
come to blows over the matter, before bringing the two men awoke in a haystack with splitting headaches and a
together in compromise and laughter. It was her jovial fitting business agreement that benefited them both for
nature that worked its magic in these tense situations – only years to come. With the friendship and business salvaged,
Orlara, the spirits would say, could take two enemies and Orlara began delving into her newfound interest: wine
turn them into the best of friends. making in Lumis.
But growth was slow in the Spirit Realm, and Orlara longed Although she entertained thoughts of settling down and
for a greater challenge. After all, bringing together spirits establishing a territory, she was drawn to explore the many
who are immortal and have an unlimited amount of time to vineyards across Lumis in search of the perfect wine. She
resolve their conflicts was easy for someone like Orlara. So fell in love with the taste and rituals of wine drinking, as well
she set her sights on Lumis and traveled to the Corporeal as the process of growing the fruit and making the wine.
Realm. She tried vreeberry wines, red and white grape wines, and
Upon her arrival, Orlara quickly found her chance to make even ice muscadine wines, although heckleberry is still
a name for herself: two neighbors who had agreed to share her favorite. The potential that it held for bringing people
a portion of their fields for growing heckleberries for wine together was what interested her most. As the mediator of
making were now bickering over the ownership of the wine the Spirit Realm, Orlara saw wine as a way to ease tensions,
in the cellar they had dug together. increase connections, and eventually bring compromise. So
Orlara made the vineyards and their products her aspect in
Orlara appeared before the two arguing Humans in her the Corporeal Realm, deciding to draw her energy from the
spirit form, shocking them both into silence with her growth, harvest, and production of the vineyards in Lumis.
ethereal presence. They bowed down to worship her, but
she materialized as a Human herself and lowered her feet
to the ground. After all, a good mediator always meets the Rituals and Worship
parties where they are at, not as a holier-than-thou spirit, In some rural areas where grapes and other fruits are grown
hovering above. She told them that she was no god and to for wine making and no resident vineyard spirit blesses the
cease their worship and instead tell her of their dispute. crops, small chapels devoted to Orlara have been built.
These chapels are built like friendly taverns, with a fireplace,
The two neighbors, Elric and James, sheepishly told Orlara long wooden tables, cozy booths, and a bar that is well-
of their situation: they had each portioned off a section of stocked with wine. During festivals surrounding the grape
their farmland to plant heckleberries for wine making. As harvest or the tapping of aged wine barrels, locals will erect
there was no tavern in town that sold heckleberry wine, temporary shrines to Orlara in hopes of summoning her to
they believed that they could make a large profit from their their celebration. This is usually in the form of a brand new
joint venture. But James said that Elric was lazy and didn’t wine barrel on a small platform with an arbor of grape vines
do his fair share of the work, and Elric said that James had framing it. Every time a villager passes by the barrel, they
must pour a little of their drink out into the barrel with a Talents
prayer to Orlara. A favorite prayer to Orlara goes like this: • Wilderness 5
Drink up, Orlara, Maiden of the Vine – • Subterra 3
• Mercantile 8
Bring us together and ease our troubled minds. • Medicine3
Typical tributes to Orlara include the obvious: wine, fresh • Foraging 6
heckleberries, and decorated wine bottles. Ceremonies in • Geography 10
devotion to Orlara often include the planting of a grape vine, • Judge Character 7
singing songs in her name while harvesting or stomping the • Etiquette 8
grapes, or simply giving a toast to the Maiden of the Vine
before drinking together with friends and family. Allies & Relationships
Orlara has a fondness for those who own, work in, and
If Orlara takes notice of a follower’s tributes, she might support the vineyards and wineries of Lumis – especially
actually show up and give thanks for the gift with a low bow. the grape stompers and migrant workers who travel across
Or, the devotees might receive a mysterious glass of wine Lumis like she does from harvest to harvest. She has a deep
at their table, the effects of which will vary from person respect for Knights who follow their code, but will attempt
to person but are always geared towards connection, to coax sober Knights into having a few glasses of wine in
conflict resolution, and celebration. She does not approve order to relax for a while. She also feels compassion for the
of drinking wine alone. In her mind, this is antithetical to town drunks.
the true purpose of wine and is wasteful. While she does
not see her job as punishing those who waste or harm the She is typically supportive and respectful of Domini spirits
vineyards and wines of Lumis, she will do what she can to who choose to make a particular vineyard, winery, or
prevent, dissuade, and fix the problem behavior. Those tavern their territory. However, if one of these spirits
who are hungover might also pray to Orlara to ease their begins corrupting their territory, she will become angry
symptoms. and seek out powerful Shrine Keepers to help her remedy
the situation. Her favorite Shrine Keeper is a grumpy old
drunken Dengu named Hyam who can be found sleeping
Motivation & Goals off a hangover in the local barn after wine-making festivals.
Orlara is driven to solve problems. She believes strongly
that there is a solution to every dispute or issue between Spirits of sobriety are irritating to Orlara, but their
two people and is very persistent in her efforts to resolve transgressions are forgivable as long as they do not interfere
interpersonal problems – sometimes against the will of one with her festivals or wineries.
or more parties.
The other desire that motivates her is the growth and
protection of Lumis’ vineyards and wineries. Anything that Roleplaying Hints
threatens the continued success of these institutions will You are calm and fair, but if you find a dispute that you
enrage Orlara and cause her to react defensively. She also feel needs to be resolved, you will not let it go until
deeply enjoys the warmth of taverns where the wine flows the parties have come to a compromise or mended
freely, as well as drinking, dancing, and laughing late into their relationship. You love to encourage those who
the night. are particularly strict or tight to drink a little wine with
you in order to loosen them up and allow them to have
some fun. You are bright, jovial, and fun-loving, but not
Vices & Virtues
a sloppy drunk.
Orlara is somewhat Indulgent, not only in her wine drinking
and revelry, but in her desire to see the best in all people
despite their past actions. She is exceptionally slow to
anger, perhaps to a fault, and is quick to forgive all wrongs
against her.
Similarly, Orlara is very Patient. She will work towards the
resolution of an issue for days on end, her warm smile often
outlasting the disputants’ frustrations with one another.
Orlara, Maiden of the Vine Abilities
Solitary Level: 12
Spirit · Medium · Corporeal – Vineyards and Taverns Inebriate: Orlara fills a subject’s mind with clouded, yet
happy thoughts. One subject within 30 ft needs a CON
The tart smell of fresh heckleberries wafts by as a woman
save or becomes confused and gains joy for 3 rounds.
steps out from the rows of leafy, green vines. Her feet are
This is a mind effect and each round, the subject may
bare and stained purple. She holds a basket overflowing
attempt a WIL check (against ACU) to end the effect early.
with fruit, beckoning you to come have a taste.
When the effect ends, either on its own or through other
Vitals Attributes means, the subject gains stress for 1 hour. Treat this as a
Rank 6 Chaos Spell. MP:13
HP: 176 MP: 240
SP: 38 Immune to Chaos Tactics
Combat Resists 18 Animus
SPD: 30 DMG: 15/18 Orlara tends to move more towards diplomacy rather than
actual combat. If pulled into combat, she uses Inebriate
AP: 10 DEF: 5
Spirit Attributes: Spirits on opponents followed by overloading opponents with
DR: 4 PRE: 4
are Immune to being conflicting emotions through Positive Vibes and Negative
MR: 13 ACU: 7 Fervor, leaving them unable to do much beyond stand about
poisoned, diseased,
INI: 10 in a daze. Direct violence and murder is out of the question,
Saves and nauseated. They can as this is so against her nature that performing it could very
detect the presence of well drive her into Corruption.
CON: 5 DIS: 4
active magical effects and
BAL: 4 MAG: 6 items within 30 ft, though Magical Items
Trainable Stats they need an AWR check to
STR: 2 FOC: 12 detect the specific location Flask of Everwine: A small flask that will always be full of
DEX: 7 SPR: 14 of an effect or item that is low-quality wine. No matter how much you drink from it,
AGI: 8 not in plain sight. it will always refill with wine within 10 minutes of being
Inherent Stats empty. However, each night the type of wine will change,
WIL: 4 PRS: 5 for better or for worse. (Lesser Magic Item)
LUK: 8 AWR: 2 Barrel of Vines: A small wooden barrel that, when any
kind of fruits or mushrooms are placed into the barrel
with water, within 32 hours wine will be produced.
(Greater Magic Item)
Tumultuous Form: Orlara is Immune to Chaos. When she
would take Chaos damage, she instead heals for half of the Goblet of Fine Wines: A silver goblet with green vines
damage she would have received. decorating it. Any liquid put into this goblet will instantly
turn to wine. Poisonous or toxic attributes of the prior
Intoxicating Presence: Subjects within 30 ft of Orlara find liquid are removed, leaving behind only the wine.
their inhibitions lowered and their mind more open to new (Greater Magic Item)
things. All subjects within range roll Saves made against
mind effects at a Disadvantage as well as WIL checks against
their Vices and Virtues.
Spells: Orlara knows the following Spells: Flourish (Shrine
Keeper Rank 1), Purify (Shrine Keeper Rank 1), Object of
Desire (Dancer Rank 4), Object of Ire (Dancer Rank 4), Life
Sight (Animancer Rank 5), Sacrificial Harvest (Animancer
Rank 5), Negative Fervor (Dancer Rank 5), Positive Vibes
(Dancer Rank 5), Revival (Animancer Rank 6)
Each round, she may cast a single one as a Short Action.
YShA, Spirit of heAling WAterS
Lesser Water Spirit

Deep in the mountains lies the home of the water spirit,
Ysha. Known to be a kind and gentle spirit, she is even
more renowned as a spirit who provides rest and healing
to all in need. Such is her reputation among the common
folk of the region, that many who have heard of her are
more than willing to travel days or even weeks in times
of need, in the hopes of receiving the blessing of her
Many stories about her healing powers have spread
among the residents of in the mountain region. These
tales claim she is able to heal a wide range of injuries
and sicknesses, and some claim that she can even heal
physical deformities and defects. Some stories even
claim that her healing powers can fight against magical
diseases and curses.

Ysha has a humanoid form about the size and height of
a small human girl, consisting of a clear, luminous liquid.
She has indistinct facial features, save for two eyes that
shine brightly within the waters of her form.
However, few have seen her in this form, as Ysha prefers
to either remain invisible to mortal eyes, or to hide within
the waters of her pool. Even when mortals come to her
pool to be healed at her invitation, she typically chooses Mannerisms
to remain unseen.
Ysha tends to hold her hands together before her, often
partially covering her mouth as she speaks. Given her
Personality meek personality, she tends to avoid eye contact and will
Her reputation as a kind healer is well-deserved, as Ysha typically look down to the ground or into her pool when
welcomes and accepts all visitors who come to her home. in the company of others. Ysha also rarely stands tall,
Gracious and generous, all pilgrims who find their way to giving her the appearance of being slightly hunched over
her cave are allowed to approach, though her followers do in prayer.
prioritize those who clearly have the greatest need of her
powers. While she does offer her healing to all who come, Backstory
regardless of whether they bring offerings or not, she does
Most of Ysha’s followers believe that she created the pool
accept any and all offerings, devotion, and worship with
with her power, but the truth is that the spirit discovered
great humility and gratitude.
the pool by accident as she sought out a safe place for
Ysha is typically so meek that any sign of aggression causes her lair. She quickly realized the pool’s healing properties
her to retreat and vanish from sight. Despite her nature, and chose it as her home, gaining permission from the
she is very protective of her followers and will do what Dominus of the mountain region in accordance with
she can to keep them safe, including forcefully pushing tradition. Some days later, she aided a passing traveler,
aggressors out of the cave using the waters from the pool. who then told others of the kind and gentle spirit who
healed her hurts and exhaustion.
Her Shrine Keeper, Elencia, is the only one other than Ysha
who knows the truth about the magical pool. The origins
of the pool are a mystery to Ysha herself, and she has not plain cloth draped over it. A simple carving of a humanoid
sought to discover the source of the water from the spring. figure stands over the cloth, a representation of the spirit
She is content to use the pool’s power as her own and to Ysha. Before the figurine is an undecorated clay bowl where
gain the devotion of those that need healing. a small amount of glowing water is stored; this water is
typically drizzled over any offerings to the water spirit. This
Rituals and Worship table serves as a shrine to Ysha.

While Ysha has only been active in the region for a few short Just beyond the table hangs several heavy cloths of different
decades, she has managed to attract a small community of types, suspended from the ceiling by brass and copper rings.
loyal followers. These followers reside just outside the cave These serve as a curtain that separates Ysha’s true home
Ysha calls her home and serve as her guards, assistants, and from the rest of the cave, allowing Ysha to have privacy even
worshipers. They also help keep all visitors and pilgrims while visitors and pilgrims pray within the cave itself.
peaceful and organized, so as not to overwhelm the spirit Past the curtains, the darkened area is lit by a pool of
with their presence. luminous water found at the end of the cave, where it is
Her Shrine Keeper, Elencia, also serves as the leader of the narrowest. This is Ysha’s healing pool, where she spends
community, and acts as the spirit’s voice to the outside most of her time. Vaguely tear-shaped, it is no more than
world. four arm-lengths in diameter at its widest point, and only
waist-deep for a Human at its deepest. Water constantly
bubbles up from the bottom of the pool, but the water
Lair never overflows and remains at a constant level. Even when
Ysha’s lair is a large cave at the foot of the mountains, deep someone wades into the pool, the water only shifts slightly.
within the mountain region, several days’ travel from the Ysha’s healing powers, derived from the magic of the pool,
nearest village. The location of this cave is an open secret, are minor, able to soothe minor aches, pains, and injuries.
with most who are aware of it willing to tell others as long Greater injuries need to be treated by direct contact with
as those asking appear to be in genuine need. the waters of the pool itself. Bandages are soaked in it, and
The cave is surrounded by forest, with the area just outside water taken from the pool is given to the injured and sick
the cave entrance cleared out by Ysha’s followers for their to drink. Repeated treatments are able to increase natural
use. Several simple structures made of wood and stone healing and can even heal mortal or magical injuries over
stand just outside the cave entrance, most of which serve time. However, outside the cave, all healing properties of
as living quarters and sleeping areas for Ysha’s followers, the water rapidly dissipate, unless held in specially prepared
with a few reserved as common sleeping areas for visitors. containers.
In times of need, tents may also be set up to accommodate
more visitors. Motivation & Goals
Behind most buildings are small gardens that are used to Like many other spirits, Ysha desires to grow in power,
grow fruit and vegetables. What little food is available is but has chosen a slow, safe path of doing so, choosing to
shared freely, though this is often supplemented by the remain in relative isolation, and interacting with the outside
bounty of the few hunters among Ysha’s followers and gifts world as little as possible. However, her kind nature and
from grateful pilgrims. her desire to help others prevents her from completely
Most buildings are arranged along the path that leads to isolating herself, as she finds herself unwilling to help those
Ysha’s cave. A lone shack, used as a guardhouse of sorts, who need her aid.
stands closest to the wide cave entrance, but does not
directly hinder the way. It is here that pilgrims and visitors Vices & Virtues
are sorted to determine who may approach the cave and
Lazy: Ysha prefers to avoid doing anything at all and will
when, typically by Elencia herself or one of her disciples or
spend all day within her pool if allowed to do so. Important
tasks are often passed on to Elencia or her other followers,
From the wide cave entrance to the middle of the cave is unless it is something she must do herself.
an area reserved for prayer and meditation. Here, the cave
Generous: Ysha has a kind and merciful nature and is drawn
walls and floor are smoothed by both time and the efforts
to help those she sees in need. This often reflects itself in
of mortal hands. Small, scattered pools of slightly luminous
her willingness to share the healing abilities of her spring,
water provide both illumination and serve as gathering
though she will rarely go completely out of her way to do so.
places for worshipers.
At the center of the cave is a small wooden table with a
Talents Adventure Hints
• Etiquette 4 Adventurers may hear of Ysha should they pass through
• Judge Character 8 communities within mountains. However, unless the
• Magic 4 Adventurers have obvious need of her healing abilities,
• Medicine 7 any residents of the mountains will be at least hesitant to
• Spirituality 7 reveal the location of Ysha’s lair, and some may even use
• Subterra 3 misdirection or lies to keep them away from it.
• Wilderness 5
Should the Adventurers find Ysha’s lair, her followers will
be welcoming, especially if they come bearing someone
Allies & Relationships
obviously sick or injured. Those who come without need
Elencia may be questioned or asked to leave, depending on the
The Human woman Elencia serves as Ysha’s Shrine Keeper. behavior and attitude of the Adventurers.
Relatively young for a Shrine Keeper in charge of a spirit’s While at Ysha’s lair, her followers may request for help with
shrine, she was born to farmers living in a nearby village, small tasks such as expanding the compound, repairing
where she contracted a terrible disease as a baby. Her buildings, or even helping secure food for the community.
parents brought her to the water spirit, who managed They may also request aid in defending them from any hostile
to cure her disease after a week of almost continuous creatures that may be a threat to the community. Should
treatments. Once she came of age, she returned to Ysha to a threat be significant, Ysha herself may ask personally, or
serve the water spirit. through Elencia.
Loud and friendly, Elencia’s personality differs greatly from
that of the water spirit she serves. They are almost complete
opposites, in fact: where Elencia is open and welcoming,
Ysha is shy and reserved. Elencia’s contagious laughter
often echoes throughout the cave, whereas the spirit, when
she chooses to manifest herself, offers only timid smiles.
Despite their differences, they both share a genuine desire
to help others and have developed a deep friendship not
often heard of between a Human and a spirit.

Roleplaying Hints
You are shy and soft-spoken. Unlike some other spirits,
you actually prefer the company of the mortal races over
your own kind. You do, however, prefer them in small
numbers as social interaction exhausts you and you
do not enjoy crowds. At times you prefer to be alone,
especially after long interactions with others.
You are also kind and compassionate, willing to provide
help when you can. However, you will not go out of
your way for just anyone. While this is something you
feel some guilt about, you assuage that guilt by helping
those who are within your circle as much as you can.
Meek and quiet, you prefer to spend your time within
your pool. However, you will always act to protect your
followers and guests, using powers and abilities without
feelings of anger, resentment, or thoughts of retribution.
Ysha, Spirit of Healing Waters Tactics
Solitary Level: 8 While Ysha does have some offensive Water Spells, she
Spirit · Medium · Corporeal – Am’Ell mountains refrains from using them to attack except when her home
or her followers are in danger. She usually resorts instead
Quick Description – A vague humanoid form rises slowly from the
pool of luminous water, its body shaped from the very waters it to healing and ensuring those nearby are kept healthy and
emerges from. Arms huddled close to itself, its eyes look warily safe through Rejuvenating Caster’s effects along with the
around. healing her Spells may already provide. She’ll use Dispel to
remove harmful magical effects on her followers as well as
Vitals Attributes beneficial effects on invaders.
HP: 126 MP: 158 Immune to Water Her high SPR does allow her to exclude up to four subjects
SP: 24 when casting Spells, allowing her beneficial and offensive
Resists 26 Fire area Spells to only hit those she intends to the majority
of the time, making her less wary of holding back in such
SPD: 40 DMG: 10/13 Weak 8 to Lightning circumstances.
AP: 10 DEF: 4
DR: 4 PRE: 2 Spirit Attributes: Spirits are Magical Items
MR: 10 ACU: 5 Immune to being poisoned, Yshas Vial: A vial of water that when consumed will heal
INI: 11 diseased and nauseated. a player for 5 HP & 5 MP, can be used twice per day and
They can detect the presence refills itself each morning. (Lesser Magical Item)
of active magical effects and Yshas Jelly: A jelly substance that when applied to a
CON: 4 DIS: 3 items within 30 ft, though subject makes them Immune to bleeding, the jelly shifting
BAL: 5 MAG: 6 they need an AWR check to to seal any open wounds. The jelly can be removed with
Trainable Stats detect the specific location a short prayer to Ysha, allowing it to congeal back into
of an effect or item that is a round mass. While completely submerged in water
STR: 1 FOC: 8
not in plain sight. with the jelly applied, the subject regains 1 HP a round.
DEX: 2 SPR: 13
(Lesser Magical Item)
AGI: 7
Inherent Stats
WIL: 6 PRS: 5
LUK: 5 AWR: 3

Aquatic Lifeform: Ysha is Immune to Water, Resistant to

Fire, and Weak to Lightning (already included). She has a
Swim SPD equal to twice her base SPD and is Immune to
bleeding. Her melee attacks deal Water damage instead of
any other type.

Rejuvenating Caster: When targeting a subject with a

Spell, Ysha can restore HP to the subject equal to her Level
in addition to any other effects of the Spell. She may also
cast the following Spells: Expel Toxins (Shrine Keeper Rank
3), Restore Body and Mind (Shrine Keeper Rank 3), Dispel
(Shrine Keeper Rank 4), Steady Heart (Shrine Keeper Rank

Watery Form: Ysha’s body is composed largely of water,

making her Immune to Piercing and Slashing damage.

Spells: Ysha has access to all Water Spells up to Rank 4. Each

round, she can cast one of these Spells of Rank 2 or below
as a Short Action.

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