Women WHO Lift Weights: The Busy Women's Guide To Meal Prep

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L I F T Includes
Simple, H
W E I G H T S Recipes,
List and M

The Busy
Wo m e n ’ s
Guide to
Copyright 2018 by Rob King and Danielle Rideout!
Copyright © 2018 by Rob King and Danielle Rideout. All rights
No part of this ebook may be reproduced or redistributed in whole or
in part in any way by any means currently or as yet unknown without
prior written permission from the author.
The information presented in this work is by no way intended as
medical advice or as a substitute for medical counselling. The
information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and
care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning
this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition
program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your
physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration
of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are
agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions.
Introduction! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Page 4!
Getting Started! ! ! ! ! ! ! Page 6!
At The Grocery Store! ! ! ! ! ! Page 8!
Preparing Your Meals! ! ! ! ! ! Page 9!
Portion Everything Out ! ! ! ! ! Page 11!
Weekly Meal Plan!! ! ! ! ! ! Page 12!
Weekly Grocery List! ! ! ! ! ! Page 14!
Recipes! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Page 16!
! ! Breakfast Cup Page 17!
! ! Turkey Strata Page 18!
! ! Tomato and Herbed Eggs Page 19!
! ! Egg Muffins Page 20!
! ! Greek Slow Cooker Eggs Page 22!
! ! Salsa Chicken Page 22!
! ! Spicy, Sticky Chicken Page 23!
! ! Chicken Chili Page 24!
! ! Teriyaki Chicken Page 25!
! ! Chicken Fried Rice Page 26!
! ! Buffalo Turkey Balls Page 27!
! ! Balsamic Beef Page 28!
! ! Beef and Broccoli Page 29!
! ! Baked Steak Page 30!
! ! Apple Cinnamon Pork Page 31!
! ! Balsamic Pulled Pork Page 32!
! ! Baked Cod Page 33!
! ! Garlic Cod Page 34!
! ! Maple Salmon Page 35!
! ! Garlic Shrimp Page 36!
! ! Beef Stew Page 37!
! ! Butternut Squash Soup Page 38!
! ! Chicken Thigh Soup 39!
! ! Garlic Spinach Page 40!
! ! Zucchini Casserole Page 41!
! ! Parmesan Asparagus Page 42!
! ! Buffalo Chicken Dip Page 43!
! ! Veggie Dip Page 44!
! ! Spicy Red Pepper Dip Page 45!
! ! Creamy Dip Page 46! !3
Between kids, work, pets, working out, and then trying to prep your meals;
Is there ever enough hours in the day?!

It’s harder to say no to unhealthy convenience options like frozen pizza

when you’re busy and exhausted. So, it’s no surprise that crazy work
schedules is the reason most often given for not eating healthy.!

Preparing healthy meals can be one of the most daunting tasks and road
blocks to starting a healthy lifestyle. !

BUT, It doesn’t have to be.!

I have been doing meal prep twice a week for years and once you get the
hang of it, it’ll save you time, money and frustration in the long run.!

This doesn’t have to be complicated. You can simplify the process and get
everything done in a couple of hours and then you do not need to think
about it again for a few days.!

No more stressing over what’s for dinner or grabbing easily accessible fast
food. I have wrote down the steps I take every week to ensure I eat healthy
and I do not spend endless hours in the kitchen. !

Plus, I included some of my go to healthy recipes as well.!


Coach Danielle

By Failing to Prepare,
You Are Preparing to Fail!
Benjamin Franklin
S TA R T E D The protein should come primarily from
lean options like chicken, turkey, fish,
Organization is the key to being able to
lean beef, eggs, or Greek yogurt. My go
get your meal prep done in the shortest
to sources of protein: Chicken, and Extra
possible time frame. Meal prepping is
Lean Ground Beef. Then I usually try to
the process of preparing ingredients and
pick one other one such as pork, fish, or
recipes in batches so you have fewer
a roast. Roast, bake, or poach poultry,
kitchen tasks during the week. Some
meat, or fish.

people like to prepare an entire week’s

worth of recipes in one day, making it Something to keep it from becoming too
simple to grab and go throughout the routine.

week. Others prefer to prep the

ingredients so when it’s time to eat, it’s PLAN YOUR SIDE DISHES
easy to combine the prepared
ingredients and cook them. I like doing a Next decide what you want to have
combination of both.
along side your protein. Do you like
sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa. Try to
PLANNING THE MENU keep your carbs complex instead of
refined. Brown rice, quinoa, vegetables,
Step one is deciding what you want to and whole wheat bread or pasta all work.

eat this week and what recipes you want

to try. I always start by cooking by What healthy fat sources are you going
basics but to keep it interesting and to have this week? For fat, think good
avoid getting bored, I always try at least sources like olive oil, canola oil,
one recipe a week.
avocado, and nuts.

G e t c re a t i v e . P re p p i n g a c o u p l e o f I know this may seem time consuming

ingredients in bulk is easier than cooking but once it’s done, you can reuse this
different ones for every night of the week to week.

week. Think about how you can utilize

core ingredients in different ways. For Use your choices to design your menu
instance, you can cut chicken breasts and grocery list.

slice it into thin strips for stir-fries or I break my grocery list down into meats,
fajitas, or simply baked in the oven and produce, frozen, pantry and other.

added to salads, Bell pepper and

zucchini can be eaten raw with dip, I use the same list every week and just
tossed into salads, or added to stir-fries.
make adjustments to it depending on the
recipes I’ve decided to use that week.

! I’ve included mine at the end for you to

use until you develop your own.

Stick to the
parameters and
stick to your list

This is where you really need to stay

AT T H E focused. A lot of time can be wasted
here and you can come home with a
GROCERY hundred things that you do not need.
Also, do not go grocery shopping when
STORE you are hungry, you’ll buy things just
because they look tasty.Tip: When you
! go to the grocery store, stick to the
parameter. Almost everything you need is
! located on the parameters.
Look at the recipes and meals that you plan on making and figure out the most
efficient way of getting it done. This will take practice and get easier with time. I’ve
included a sample of my meal prep day to give you an idea.

PREPARE YOUR longest cook time.

Fried Rice. As everything
is cooking, boil the water
MEALS BY In my example that would for the rice.

LONGEST TO be the seasoned chicken.

Now that the chicken is in Steam or roast
SHORTEST the oven, I set the timer vegetables in a big batch,
COOKING TIMES and go directly to getting bake potatoes or sweet
my breakfast cups ready.
potatoes, and wash and
I always start with the chop raw fruits and
p ro t e i n s t h a t t a k e t h e AFTER EVERYTHING vegetables for salads and
longest to cook. If you IS IN THE OVEN, snacking.

have a slow cooker, use

it, they make life easier
PROCEED TO THE Assemble what you can.
as you can usually set it STOVE TOP Toss hearty salads, layer
and forget it.
a casserole so you can
Boiling sweet potato pop it straight in the
Preheat the oven while requires more time then oven, and put solid
you are getting the rice or cooking the ingredients for individual
ingredients ready for the chicken in a wok, so that smoothies in zip-top bags
s l o w c o o k e r. O n c e is where I would begin. so you can quickly throw
everything is in the slow After they are in the pot, I them in the blender.
c o o k e r, s e t y o u r t i m e r move onto getting the
and move on to the next chicken for the Chicken

Slow Cooker Beef and Broccoli

Oven Breakfast Cups and Seasoned Chicken

Stove Brown Rice, Sweet Potato and Chicken Fried Rice

Chopped Peppers, cucumbers,

Peppers, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, chop everything up so it is ready to go
when needed.

Keep track of your timers and write down what times things need to come out of
the oven if necessary.


EVERYTHING Containers with lids will help you keep
OUT everything organized. Glass containers
work really well and will last longer then
plastic ones.

Now that everything is cooked, portion

out your meals and snacks for the next Portion out even things that do not need
few days and place them in the t o g o i n t h e re f r i g e r a t o r, l i k e y o u r
refrigerator. It is much easier when you almonds or mixed nuts. Again the easier
are having a hectic morning to just reach you can make things, the more likely you
in, grab a container and go.
are to stick with it.

With fruits and vegetables, plan to slice,

dice, or chop on at least two days during
the week. Prepared peppers, broccoli,
and carrots can last for up to a week,
but others, like cucumbers, will go bad PORTIONS
after about three days. Store prepared
produce in airtight containers. If you’re Each time you do meal prep, put a little
portioning out leafy greens, like lettuce, aside to be frozen. Freeze a few meals
wash and dry the leaves well, then place so that when life gets crazy, you just
them in a bag with one or two paper have to defrost.

towels to absorb water.


Weekly !
Meal Planning
H e a l t h y
E a t i n g
P l a n n e r
Breakfast Snack Lunch Snack Dinner







Weekly !
Grocery !
G r o c e r y L i s t
Protein Produce
Protein Powder Spinach

Eggs Broccoli

Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast Asparagus

L e a n G r o u n d Tu r k e y Kale

Lean Ground Beef Bell Peppers

Salmon Mushrooms

Tu n a Cauliflower

Plain Nonfat Cottage Cheese Brussel Sprouts

P l a i n N o n f a t G r e e k Yo g u r t Green Beans

Starchy Carbs
Sweet Potato
Brown Rice
Whole Wheat Bread
Healthy Fats

Coconut Oil Other

Olive Oil


Flaxseed Oil


Natural Peanut Butter

Simple, !
Healthy !

12 Strips Turkey Bacon! Spray muffin pan. Cut turkey

1/2 Bell Pepper, diced! bacon in half and make an
"X" in the bottom of the
12 eggs!
muffin pan. Crack an egg on
1 Cup Salsa! top of the turkey bacon.
Pierce the yolk. Top with
peppers. Bake at 325F for
approximately 25 minutes.
Top with salsa or cheese.!
Makes 6 Servings!
Calories: 230!
Protein: 17 g!
Carbs: 5 g!
Fats: 16 g

! Place bread in an 8-in. square baking

! dish coated with cooking spray; set
aside. In a small nonstick skillet, cook
4 slices Ezekiel bread, torn the sausage and onion over medium
into pieces! heat until meat is no longer pink;
8 Lillydale turkey sausage drain. Spoon over bread. In a small
bowl, combine the milk, egg substitute
links, casings removed,
and sour cream. Stir in cheese. Pour
crumbled! over the meat mixture. Cover and
1/3 cup chopped onion! refrigerate overnight.!
1 cup fat-free milk! Remove from the refrigerator 30
minutes before baking. Bake,
3/4 cup egg substitute!
uncovered, at 325° for 35-40 minutes
1/2 cup reduced-fat sour or until a knife inserted near the center
cream! comes out clean. Let stand for 10
1/4 cup shredded reduced-fat minutes before cutting. Serve with
salsa. !
cheddar cheese!
Makes 4 Servings!
1/4 cup salsa!
Calories: 317!
Protein: 25 g!
Carbs: 23 g!
Fats: 14 g

! Preheat oven to 350. Cover

! the inside of one ramekin or
1 TBSP Sun dried oven safe dish with olive
oil. Line the bottom of the
tomatoes! dish with sun dried
1 TSP olive oil! tomatoes and break two
eggs on top. Sprinkle with
2 eggs! fresh herbs.!
Bake uncovered for 15-20
1/2 TSP fresh minutes until egg whites
basil! are firm. Serve immediately!
1/2 TSP fresh !
Makes 1 Servings!
parsley! Calories: 201!
! Protein: 13 g!
Carbs: 4 g!
Fats: 14 g

! Preheat the oven to 350F. Chop

6 Large Eggs scallions and bacon. Whisk the
2 Scallions, finely eggs together with salt and
pepper. Add the cheese and
stir. Place the batter in muffin
4 OZ Low Fat Cheddar,
forms and add bacon and
grated scallions. Bake for 15–20
4 Slices Bacon, cooked minutes, depending on the size
! of the muffin forms.!
Makes 4 Servings!
Calories: 220!
Protein: 19 g!
Carbs: 1 g!
Fats: 14 g

! Whisk the eggs, milk, salt

12 eggs, whisked! and pepper together in a
1/2 Cup Skim Milk! large mixing bowl. Add the
1/2 TSP Salt! red onion and garlic. Add
1 TSP black pepper!
the sun dried tomatoes,
1 TBSP Red Onion, diced!
1 TSP Garlic, minced! mushrooms and spinach.
1/2 Cup Sun Dried Tomatoes! Pour the mixture into a
1 Cup Mushrooms, sliced! crockpot set to low, then
2 Cups Spinach! top with the feta cheese.
1/2 Cup Feta Cheese! Slow cook on low 4-6
Makes 4 Servings!
Calories: 317!
Protein: 26 g!
Carbs: 11 g!
Fats: 19 g

4 boneless, skinless Chicken Combine everything is slow
Breasts, cut into cubes! cooker and cook on low for 7-8
1 16oz Jar Salsa, I used my hours. Once cooked shred
own but store bought is fine! chicken and serve!
1/3 Cup Water! !
1TBSP Dried Parsley! !
1 TSP Onion Powder! !
1 TSP Garlic Powder! !
1/2 TBSP Dried Oregano! Makes 4 Servings!
1/2 TSP Paprika! Calories: 215!
1/2 TSP Cumin! Protein: 34 g!
1 TSP Chili Powder! Carbs: 9 g!
Salt and pepper to taste! Fats: 4 g
S P I C Y, S T I C K Y C H I C K E N
Preheat oven to 400F and grease a large
4 boneless skinless chicken baking sheet. In a medium sauce pan whisk
breasts, pounded to even together all sauce ingredients. Bring to a
boil over medium heat and boil for 3-4
thickness! minutes. While sauce is boiling, season
salt and pepper to taste! chicken with salt and pepper on both sides,
grease a skillet and cook chicken on both
! sides 1-2 minutes over medium heat, just
enough to brown the very outside. Arrange
chicken in a single layer on prepared baking
5 TBSP brown sugar sheet. Brush with sauce. Reserve remaining
sauce for later. Bake for 20-25 minutes until
substitute! chicken is cooked through. Pour remaining
4 TBSP hot sauce (use less if sauce over the chicken and serve hot.!
you don't like spicy)! !
2 TSP garlic, minced! Makes 4 Servings!
Calories: 258!
1 TBSP apple cider vinegar! Protein: 31 g!
Carbs: 6 g!
1/3 cup water!
Fats: 10 g

Heat coconut oil in a medium

3 boneless skinless chicken breast, saucepan. Add garlic and onion. Cook
cooked (mine were baked from the for 2 minutes, add in peppers. Cook
day before)! for another minute. Add in black
1/2 onion, diced! beans. Since my chicken was already
1/4 red pepper, diced! cooked, I just chopped it and tossed it
1/4 green pepper, diced! in the pan as well. Pour in salsa and
2 cloves garlic, minced! water. Add in chilli powder, salt and
1 can black beans, drained and rinsed! pepper. Simmer over low heat for
1 jar salsa (I used a medium and put it about 30 minutes to allow the flavours
in the magic bullet to get rid of the to blend. Enjoy!!
chunks lol)! !
1/2 cup water! !
2 TSP chilli powder, more if you like it Makes 5 Servings!
spicy! Calories: 192!
salt and pepper to taste! Protein: 27 g!
1 TSP Coconut oil! Carbs: 13 g!
Fats: 4 g

Pound the chicken breasts to ½-inch

3 boneless, skinless
thickness. Cut into bite-size cubes. In
chicken breast! a small bowl, whisk soy sauce, brown
sugar substitute, lemon juice, ginger
1/2 cup reduced-sodium
and garlic. Pour marinade over
soy sauce! chicken in a sealed container.
Marinate in the fridge for at least 3
2 TBSP brown sugar hours.!
substitute! Heat oil in a large skillet or sauce pan
over medium heat. Pour entire
1 TBSP fresh lemon contents of container into skillet and
juice! cook chicken until no longer pink,
approx. 10 min.!
1TBSP ginger, grated! Makes 3 Servings!
1 clove garlic, minced! Calories: 338!
Protein: 41 g!
2 TSP coconut oil! Carbs: 11 g!
Fats: 14 g

! Heat oil in a large wok over

4 TBSP Coconut Oil! medium heat. Add shallots
2 Shallots, peeled and finely and scallions and stir fry for
chopped! a few minutes. Add garlic,
2 Scallions, whites and chicken and red peppers.
greens, sliced! Stir fry for 5 minutes. Add
4 Cloves Garlic, minced! fish sauce and salt. Stir to
2 Boneless, Skinless Chicken combine. Reduce heat and
Breasts, cut into strips! add in basil and rice. Cook
1 Red Pepper, cut into strips! until throughly heated.
2 TBSP Fish Sauce! Garnish with cilantro and red
1/2 TSP Salt! pepper flakes.!
1/2 Cup Basil! !
2 Cups Brown Rice, cooked! Makes 4 Servings!
1 Handful Cilantro, chopped! Calories: 390!
Pinch Red Pepper Flakes Protein: 31 g!
Carbs: 30 g!
Fats: 15 g
Preheat oven to 400ºF. In a large mixing
bowl, combine the ground chicken with the
onion, garlic and savory, and season with
1 pound ground turkey! salt and freshly ground black pepper. Shape
1/2 small onion, grated! into balls – you should have roughly 12
meatballs in total. Arrange the meatballs in a
2 cloves garlic, grated! glass baking dish. Place in the oven and
bake until the meatballs are cooked through
1/4 cup savory! and golden brown, about 25-30 minutes.!
While the meatballs are baking, melt the
Salt and freshly ground coconut oil in a large skillet over medium
heat. Add the hot sauce and whisk to
black pepper! combine. Toss the baked meatballs in the
hot sauce to coat.!
2 TBSP coconut oil!
1/2 cup hot sauce (I Makes 4 Servings!
Calories: 245!
used Frank’s)! Protein: 23 g!
Carbs: 6 g!
Fats: 15 g

1lb topside of beef, cut Combine tomatoes, red onion,
into 1 inch cubes! basil, olive oil, balsamic
2 roma tomatoes, diced! vinegar and garlic in a small
bowl. Let set for 3-4 hours for
1 red onion, diced!
flavors to combine. Add beef,
5-6 basil leaves, chopped!
tomato mixture, soy and
1TBSP olive oil! Worcestershire sauce to a slow
3-4 garlic cloves, minced! cooker. Cook on low heat for 8
1/4 Balsamic Vinegar! hours.!
Makes 4 Servings!
1 TSP Soy sauce!
Calories: 258!
1TSP Worcestershire
Protein: 31 g!
sauce! Carbs: 6 g!
Fats: 10 g

! In a ziplock bag add steak

pieces and flour. Shake to coat.!
1lb Lean Steak, cut into Add olive oil, minced garlic,
strips! soy sauce, water, brown sugar
1/4 Cup Whole Wheat Flour! substitute, carrots and broccoli
2 TBSP Olive Oil! to slow cooker. Stir
ingredients. Add coated flank
2 Cloves Garlic, mince! steak and stir again until
1/4 Cup Soy Sauce! coated in the sauce.!
3/4 Cup Water! Cook for high 2-3 hours or on
1/4 Cup Brown Sugar low 4-5 hours until cooked
throughout and tender.!
Substitute! !
1 Carrot, peeled and grated! Makes 3 Servings!
1 Cup Broccoli Calories: 422!
Protein: 48 g!
Carbs: 14 g!
Fats: 31 g

! Preheat oven to 350F.

4 Top Sirloin steaks, cut Mix all ingredients
into bite size chunks! together in a baking
1/2 onion, chopped!
dish. Bake for 35-40
1/2 green, red, yellow
and orange pepper, cut
min, stirring
into bite size chunks! occasionally. Nice on
2 cloves garlic, minced! its own or served
2 TSP soya sauce! over brown rice.!
1/2 cup Guys Sugar Free !
Makes 4 Servings!
BBQ sauce, spicy! Calories: 267!
1 1/2 Cups Brown Rice Protein: 28 g!
Carbs: 22 g!
Fats: 5 g

2 lb. boneless pork loin Season the pork to taste with salt
and black pepper. Heat oil in a
roast! large skillet placed over a high
3 medium apples, sliced! heat and brown the roast on all
sides. Using a sharp knife, cut 3-
1 red onion, halved and inch deep slits into the pork.
sliced;! Insert the apple slices into each
1 TBSP cinnamon! pork slit. Place half of the
remaining apples in the bottom
1 Cup chicken stock! of a slow cooker. Place the roast
2 TBSP Olive Oil! over the apples. Then add the
onion and remaining apples. Add
salt and black pepper! the chicken stock and sprinkle
everything with cinnamon.Cover
and cook on low for 6-8 hours.!
Makes 5 Servings!
Calories: 334!
Protein: 37 g!
Carbs: 18 g!
Fats: 13 g

1 pork tenderloin! Whisk together vinegar,

1/2 Cup balsamic vinegar! water, and remaining
1 cup water! ingredients. Add pork to
your slow cooker. Pour
1/4 Cup honey!
sauce over pork. Cover and
3 TBSP brown Splenda! cook on high for 4-5 hours
1 TSP Onion powder! or on low 8 hours. Shred
1/2 TSP Black pepper! pork with two forks and
2 TBSP Soy sauce serve!
Makes 5 Servings!
Calories: 253!
Protein: 28 g!
Carbs: 21 g!
Fats: 5 g

! Heat oven to 450F. Lightly coat a

roasting pan with vegetable
Vegetable cooking spray! cooking spray. Arrange the cod
1 1/2 lbs fresh cod fillets fillets skin-side down. Sprinkle the
cod with the chili powder, oregano,
(about 3/4-inch thick)! and salt. Roast 5 to 7 minutes or
1/2 TSP chili powder! until the cod is just opaque and
1/2 TSP dried oregano! flakes when tested with a fork.!
Meanwhile, melt the coconut oil in a
1/2 TSP salt! small skillet over medium-low heat.
1 TBSP coconut oil! Add the cumin and lime juice and
continue to cook, swirling, 1 minute
1/2 TSP ground cumin! longer. Remove the cod from the
juice of 2 limes oven. Drizzle the cumin-lime
coconut oil over the top.!
Makes 4 Servings!
Calories: 155!
Protein: 21 g!
Carbs: 1 g!
Fats: 8 g

! Preheat oven to 400F. Place fish

in a baking dish large enough to
4 pieces cod (approx. 3 hold the fish in one layer. Season
oz each)! fish with a little sea salt and
2 cloves garlic, crushed! freshly ground black pepper
Place coconut oil and olive oil in
1/2 TBSP Coconut oil! a small nonstick skillet. Heat on
1 TBSP olive oil! medium low. Add garlic and
Juice of 1 lemon! sauté for 1 minute. Add lemon
and parsley, then remove from
2 TBSP flat leaf parsley, heat. Drizzle garlic mixture over
chopped top of fish. Bake for 12-14
minutes until fish flakes easily
with a fork.!
Makes 2 Servings!
Calories: 250!
Protein: 31 g!
Carbs: 6 g!
Fats: 12 g

! !
6 Salmon fillets ! Place salmon pieces
1/2 Cup Maple Syrup! in a slow cooker. Mix
1/8 Cup Lime juice! the sauce ingredients
1/4 Cup Soy sauce! and pour over
2 TSP Garlic, crushed!
1 TSP ginger root,
salmon. Cover &
minced! cook on HIGH for 1
Makes 6 Servings!
Calories: 319!
Protein: 28 g!
Carbs: 19 g!
Fats: 14 g

1/2 Cup extra-virgin olive Combine the oil, garlic, paprika,

salt, black pepper and crushed
oil! red pepper flakes in the slow
6 cloves garlic, thinly cooker, stirring until blended.
sliced! Cover and cook on HIGH for 30
1 TSP Paprika! minutes. Stir in the shrimp to
coat evenly; cover and cook on
1 TSP Salt! HIGH for about 10 minutes,
1/4 TSP Black pepper! then stir to ensure the shrimp
1/4 TSP crushed red are cooking evenly. Re-cover
pepper flakes! and cook for 10 minutes or
until all of the shrimp are just
2 lbs extra-large raw opaque.!
shrimp, peeled and
deveined! Makes 6 Servings!
1 TBSP parsley, for Calories: 300!
garnish! Protein: 27 g!
Carbs: 3 g!
Fats: 20 g

2 lbs beef chuck, cut into Brown the beef by heating oil in a
large sauté pan. Working in batches,
6-8 large pieces! add a few pieces of beef to the pan
1 lb. carrots, cut into 1" and brown on all sides. When
browned, transfer to the crock of a
pieces! slow cooker. Repeat with remaining
8oz button mushrooms, beef. Place carrots and mushrooms in
with the beef. Add onion to the pan
halved! you browned the beef in. Stir to scrape
1 large sweet onion, up any browned bits. Add balsamic,
Dijon, and broth to the pan and stir
diced ! until well combined. Pour the whole
1 TBSP Balsamic vinegar! mixture into the slow cooker over the
beef, carrots, and mushrooms. Place
2 TSP Dijon mustard! rosemary on top. Cook stew in slow
2 cups beef broth ! cooker on HIGH for 3-4 hours, or LOW
on 7-8 hours. Shred beef into the broth
2-3 sprigs fresh mixture after cooking.!
Makes 6 Servings!
rosemary! Calories: 390!
salt and pepper, to taste! Protein: 9 g!
Carbs: 13 g!
2 TBSP Olive oil Fats: 22 g

2 cups vegetable stock! Add vegetable stock, garlic, carrot,

apple, butternut squash, sage, onion,
2 cloves garlic, minced!
salt, pepper, cayenne, cinnamon and
1 carrot, peeled and diced! nutmeg to a slow cooker. Toss to
1 Granny Smith apple, cored combine. Cook for 6-8 hours on low,
and diced! or 3-4 hours on high, or until the
squash is completely tender and
1 medium butternut squash,
mashes easily with a fork. Remove
peeled, seeded and diced! and discard the sage. Stir in the
1 sprig fresh sage! coconut milk. Transfer the soup in two
1 white onion, diced! batches into a traditional blender, and
puree until smooth, being very careful
1/2 TSP salt!
when working with the hot liquid..
1/4 TSP black pepper ! Taste, and season with additional salt,
1/8 TSP cayenne! pepper and cayenne if needed.!
pinch of ground cinnamon !
Makes 6 Servings Makes 6 Servings!
and nutmeg! Calories:154!
1/2 cup canned coconut milk! Protein: 2g!
! Carbs: 28 g!

! Fats: 5 g

2 TSP Olive Oil! Heat oil in a large heavy skillet over high
heat. Add chicken thighs and cook for 7
1 1/2 lbs boneless skinless to 8 minutes, until browned. Flip and
chicken thighs fat trimmed! brown other sides. Remove skillet from
1 large Spanish onion diced! heat and transfer chicken to a large slow
1 cup shiitake mushrooms sliced! cooker. Return the skillet to medium-high
heat. Add onion, mushrooms, and garlic
1 TBSP Garlic, minced! and cook, stirring often, 3 to 5 minutes,
1 TSP five-spice powder! until onion is softened. Add five-spice
1/2 TSP Ginger! powder, ginger, and red pepper flakes and
cook, stirring. Transfer onion mixture to
1/2 TSP crushed red pepper the slow cooker. Add broth, syrup, soy
flakes or to taste! sauce, and vinegar and stir to combine.
4 cups low sodium chicken broth! Place carrots, celeriac and potato on top
1/4 cup Maple syrup! (do not stir.) Cover and cook for 4 hours
on low. Garnish with sesame seeds and
3 TBSP white vinegar! scallions and serve.!
1 cup large-diced carrots! !
1 cup large-diced peeled celery! Makes 6 Servings!
1 cup large chunks peeled yellow
Protein: 35g!
Carbs: 39 g!
2 TBSP toasted sesame seeds! Fats: 14g
1/4 cup thinly sliced scallions!

5 cups baby spinach Heat oil in a large wok over

medium heat. Add garlic
leaves! and cook until beginning to
1 TBSP extra virgin brown, 1 to 2 minutes. Add
olive oil! spinach and toss to coat.
Cover and cook until wilted,
2 cloves garlic, 3 to 5 minutes. Remove
thinly sliced! from the heat and add
1/2 TSP salt! lemon juice, salt and
crushed red pepper. Toss to
1/4 TSP crushed red coat and serve immediately.!
pepper! !
Makes 4 Servings!
1 TBSP lemon juice Calories:39!
Protein: 1g!
Carbs: 2 g!
Fats: 4g

3 large zucchini, cut Preheat oven to 450F. Mix

zucchini, garlic, mint, olive
into bite-size pieces! oil, smoked paprika, and salt
4 cloves garlic, in a large bowl until zucchini
crushed! is evenly coated; transfer to a
baking dish. Drop dollops of
1/4 cup fresh mint,
ricotta cheese atop zucchini
finely chopped! mixture. Season with
2 TBSP olive oil! cayenne pepper. Bake in the
1/4 TSP smoked preheated oven until zucchini
is tender and cheese is
paprika! browned, about 30 minutes.!
salt to taste! !
Makes 4 Servings!
1 cup ricotta cheese, Calories:211!
or as needed! Protein: 9g!
Carbs: 8 g!
1 pinch cayenne Fats: 15 g

1 bunch thin Preheat an oven to 425F.

Place the asparagus into a
asparagus spears, mixing bowl, and drizzle with
trimmed! the olive oil. Toss to coat the
1 TBSP olive oil! spears, then sprinkle with
Parmesan cheese, garlic,
1 1/2 TBSP grated
salt, and pepper. Arrange the
Parmesan cheese! asparagus onto a baking
1 clove garlic, minced! sheet in a single layer. Bake
1 TSP sea salt! in the preheated oven until
just tender, 12 to 15 minutes
1/2 TSP ground black depending on thickness.
pepper! Sprinkle with lemon juice just
1 TBSP lemon juice before serving..!
Makes 2 Servings!
Protein: 5 g!
Carbs: 7 g!
Fats: 8 g

4 oz Greek Yogurt Preheat oven to

Plain Cream Cheese! 350F. Combine all
1/4 cup hot sauce! ingredients in a
1/4 cup Walden's Farm
baking dish. BAKE
Ranch Dressing!
2 boneless, skinless
20 min. or until
chicken breast, mixture is heated
cooked and shredded! through; stir. Serve
1/4 cup fat free with veggies or pita.!
cheese, grated !
Makes 4 Servings!
Protein: 25 g!
Carbs: 3 g!
Fats: 4 g

1/4 cup canned white Combine beans,

beans, rinsed and chives, lemon juice,
drained! and oil in a small
1 TBSP chopped
bowl. Mash with a
1 TBSP lemon juice!
fork until smooth.
2 TSP olive oil! Serve with 1/2 cup
Assorted raw raw vegetables.!
vegetables, such as
Makes 1 Serving!
sliced green and red Calories:158!
Protein: 5 g!
peppers, baby carrots Carbs: 15 g!
and celery (not Fats: 9 g
included in calorie
break down)

1 (8-oz.) package Greek Process first 7

Yogurt cream cheese, ingredients in a food
softened! processor 30 to 45
1/2 cup 0% plain Greek seconds or until smooth,
stopping to scrape down
1/4 cup Walden's Farm
sides. Stir in red peppers
2 TBSP chopped fresh and green onion. Cover
cilantro! and chill 1 hour. Serve
1 1/2 TSP lime juice! with sliced zucchini,
1/2 TSP hot sauce! peppers, celery, ect!
1/4 TSP salt! !
1/3 cup jarred roasted red Makes 4 Serving!
bell peppers, chopped! Calories:153!
2 TBSP green onion, finely Protein: 10 g!
Carbs: 8 g!
Fats: 8 g

1/4 cup Walden's Stir together mayo and

Farms mayo! ketchup; season with
1/4 cup reduced cayenne, onion
sugar ketchup! powder, pepper, and
1/8 TSP cayenne salt. Serve with
veggies or sweet
potato fries. !
1/4 TSP onion powder! !
1/8 TSP ground black !
pepper! Makes 4 Serving!
1/8 TSP salt !
Protein: 0 g!
Carbs: 2.5 g!
Fats: 0 g
Danielle Rideout, is co-owner of Heavyweights
Training Center and sponsored Athlete. “I’ve
always been interested in fitness, but nothing
seemed to hold my attention for long. Machines
bore me...I need a challenge! This is where HWTC
comes in. I started with the 'Ripped in 42'
programs and was hooked.. When the Built in 42
program was developed I saw the biggest change
in my physique. It's what comes from lifting heavy
weights! I developed a love of lifting all things
heavy. The key to the success of these programs
for me was goal-setting and being held
accountable to it. HWTC not your typical gym, nor
do we want to be. Lifting weights and pushing
sleds is fun. I wanted to put my passion,
knowledge and genuine love of helping people to

I created the Strongher in 42 to help women learn
to lift, become empowered and gain confidence.”

Certifications Include:

- Training For Warriors Level 1 Coach with Martin Rooney

- ISSA Personal Training

- CPPS (Certified Physical Preparation Specialist) with James Smith & Joe DeFranco

- Precision Nutrition


- Competed in several bikini shows

- Competed in powerlifting, winning Provincial Competitions

- Coached athletes to go onto win Powerlifting Nations, set National Squat Records and win
medals at the World’s Powerlifting Championships

- Magnum Sponsored Athlete

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