Sep 2010-Audited Results

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City Union Bank ltd.

Regd.Office: 149 T.S.R. ( Big) Street, Kumbakonam 612001


(Rs in Lakhs)
Quarter ended Half year ended Year ended
30.09.2010 30.09.2009 30.09.2010 30.09.2009 31.03.2010
Audited Reviewed Audited Reviewed Audited
1. Interest earned (a+b+c) 29214.05 23565.26 55936.15 46393.56 95660.80
a) Interest/Discount on Advances/Bills 22920.05 18532.77 44066.72 36940.66 75582.71
b) Income on Investments 6032.21 4954.52 11432.48 9173.91 19366.92
c) Interest on balances with RBI and other Inter Bank funds 261.79 77.97 436.95 278.99 711.17
2. Other Income 4394.25 4932.89 7606.72 7527.36 14349.97
3. Total Income ( 1 + 2 ) 33608.30 28498.15 63542.87 53920.92 110010.77
4. Interest Expended 18814.42 17654.96 36319.56 34856.25 67846.58
5. Operating Expenses (i) + (ii) 5292.42 4438.17 9861.14 7934.17 16585.11
(i) Employees Cost 2468.72 2239.94 4777.79 4053.29 8012.40
(ii) Other Operating expenses 2823.70 2198.23 5083.35 3880.88 8572.71
6. Total Expenditure (4) + (5) excluding provisions and
contingencies 24106.84 22093.13 46180.70 42790.42 84431.69
7. Operating Profit before provisions and contingencies
(3) - (6) 9501.46 6405.02 17362.17 11130.50 25579.08
8. Provisions (other than tax) and contingencies 1592.96 250.00 3216.59 1500.60 6052.60
9. Exceptional Items 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
10. Profit (+) / Loss (-) from Ordinary Activities before tax (7)-(8)-
(9) 7908.50 6155.02 14145.58 9629.90 19526.48
11. Tax Expenses 1750.00 1579.72 3550.00 1900.00 4250.00
12. Net Profit (+) / Loss (-) from Ordinary Activities after
tax (10) - (11) 6158.50 4575.30 10595.58 7729.90 15276.48
13. Extra ordinary items (Net of Tax Expense) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14. Net Profit (+) / Loss (-) for the period (12) + (13) 6158.50 4575.30 10595.58 7729.90 15276.48
15. Paid up equity share Capital (Face value of Re.1/- each) 4017.05 3200.00 4017.05 3200.00 3995.96
16. Reserves excluding revaluation reserves 78567.64
17. Analytical ratios
i) Percentage of shares held by Government of India Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
ii) Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) - Basel I 11.84% 13.16% 11.84% 13.16% 12.09%
- Basel II 13.41% 14.08% 13.41% 14.08% 13.46%
iii) Earning Per Share (EPS)
Basic EPS - before/after extra ordinary items (Not annualised)
(Rs.) 1.54 1.21 2.65 2.05 4.03
Diluted EPS - before/after extra ordinary items (Not
annualised) (Rs.) 1.52 1.20 2.62 2.04 3.99
iv) NPA Ratios
(a) Gross NPA 10111.41 11542.19 10111.41 11542.19 9350.27
(b) Net NPA 4279.16 6660.81 4279.16 6660.81 3966.89
(c) % of Gross NPA 1.26 1.99 1.26 1.99 1.36
(d) % of Net NPA 0.54 1.16 0.54 1.16 0.58
v) Return on Assets - Annualised 1.98% 1.86% 1.75% 1.60% 1.52%
18. Public Shareholding
- No. of shares 40,17,13,678 32,00,00,000 40,17,13,678 32,00,00,000 40,00,00,000
- Percentage of shareholding 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
19. Promoters and promoter group shareholding
a) Pledged / Encumbered
- Number of Shares - - - - -
- Percentage of shares (as a % of the total
shareholding of promoter and promoter group) - - - - -
- Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share
capital of the company) - - - - -
b) Non-encumbered
- Number of Shares - - - - -
- Percentage of shares (as a % of the total
shareholding of promoter and promoter group) - - - - -
- Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share
capital of the company) - - - - -
Notes :

1. The above audited results have been taken on record by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on 15tb November 2010.

2 The working results for the period ended 30 September 2010 have been arrived at after providing for Standard / Non-Performing
Assets, Depreciation on Investments as per RBI Norms, employee benefits, taxes & other usual and necessary provisions.

3 During the quarter and half year ended 30 September 2010 the bank allotted 17,16,111 of shares pursuant to the exercise of
option by certain employees.

4 Provision Coverage Ratio as at 30 September 2010 stood at 72% as against RBI's stipulation of a minimum 70%.

5 Earnings per share for the previous period is after factoring in the Rights.

6 The figures of previous year have been regrouped, wherever necessary to conform to the classification in the current year

7 Number of investor complaints pending at the beginning of the quarter- Nil. Received during the period - Nil :
Disposed of during the period - Nil : Pending complaints as on 30.09.2010 : Nil

By order of the Board

Place : Kumbakonam S. BALASUBRAMANIAN

Date : 15.11.2010 MD & CEO


Particulars 3 months ended 6 months ended Year ended

30.09.2010 30.09.2009 30.09.2010 30.09.2009 31.03.2010
Audited Unaudited Audited Unaudited Audited
1. Segment Revenue
a) Treasury 6538 7903 12658 13148 24656
b) Corporate / wholesale banking 7729 4142 14563 10792 23856
c) Retail Banking 18312 16409 35215 29870 61168
d) Other Banking Operations 1028 44 1106 111 331
Total 33607 28498 63542 53921 110011

2. Segment Results
a) Treasury 1940 2542 3362 2895 6652
b) Corporate / wholesale banking 2679 1198 5107 3176 7500
c) Retail Banking 3885 2649 7847 4999 11197
d) Other Banking Operations 997 16 1046 61 230
Total 9501 6405 17362 11131 25579

Operating Profit 9501 6405 17362 11131 25579

Other Provisions & Contingencies 1593 250 3217 1501 6053

Profit Before Tax 7908 6155 14145 9630 19526

Taxes including Deferred Tax 1750 1580 3550 1900 4250

Net Profit 6158 4575 10595 7730 15276

3. Capital Employed:
Segment Assets - Segment Liabilities

a) Treasury 16373 25957 16373 25957 27366

b) Corporate / wholesale banking 19513 9727 19513 9727 12274
c) Retail Banking 50227 28454 50227 28454 33427
d) Unallocated 7268 9684 7268 9684 9497
Total 93382 73822 93382 73822 82564
There are no significant residual operations carried on by the bank.


The bank operates only in India

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