Amendment Worksheet

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Amendment Description In your own words/real life example

​ ongress shall make no law

C Congress should not make any laws
1 respecting an establishment of disgracing someone else’s religion.
religion, or prohibiting the free They should not be allowed to prohibit
exercise thereof; or abridging the other people's religious beliefs, as well
freedom of speech, or of the press; as freedom of speech. An example is
or the right of the people peaceably allowing Jews to go to temple to
to assemble, and to petition the practice their religious values.
government for a redress of

​ ives people “the right of the

G This allows people to have their own
2 people to keep and bear Arms" weapons at home​ for their own
defense.​ An example is some people
own guns to allow them to feel safer at
home in case of intruders.

“​No Soldier shall, in time of peace This means that no soldier is allowed
3 be quartered in any house, without to force their way into homes to live,
the consent of the Owner, nor in time and must obey the homeowner, unless
of war, but in a manner to be given consent to stay. An example of
prescribed by law. this could be now with all the riots
going on soldiers are not allowed to
come into homes unless given consent
even though they are part of the riots.

​ he right of the people to be secure

T T​his means that the police can't
4 in their persons, houses, papers, and search you or your house without a
effects, against unreasonable warrant or probable cause. An
searches and seizures, shall not be example of this is because in case
violated, and no warrants shall issue, police have the wrong home unless
but upon probable cause, supported they can prove why they are there they
by oath or affirmation, and can not enter.
particularly describing the place to
be searched, and the persons or
things to be seized.
To plead the 5th This means that a person is allowed to
5 refuse to answer a question, especially
in a criminal trial, on the grounds that
you might incriminate yourself. An
example, of this is if a police begins to
question you, you have the right to not
answer because anything you say can
be used against you in court

​ he Sixth Amendment​ guarantees

T This means the person going to court
6 the rights of criminal defendants, is allowed to have a fair and equal trial
including the right to a public trial no matter what the person did. An
without unnecessary delay, the right example, of this would be if someone
to a lawyer, the right to an impartial went to jail and they wanted a chance
jury, and the right to know who your to get out they have the right to fair
accusers are and the nature of the and unbiased trial and lawyer to help
charges and evidence against you. them out of their situation

The 7th ​Amendment codifies the This allows​ civil cases, or lawsuits
7 right to a jury trial in certain civil based on disagreements between
cases and inhibits courts from people or businesses, to have a right to
overturning a jury's findings of fact. be decided by a jury in federal court.
An example, of this would be if
someone was sued and they wanted a
chance to get out they have the right to
have fairness

The 8th Amendment o​f the United This means that the government is not
8 States Constitution prohibits the allowed to give excessive fines or
federal government from imposing cruel unusual punishment. An
excessive bail, excessive fines, or example of this makes sure people
cruel and unusual punishments. don't have to pay a high fine to be
bailed out of jail if they are accused of
a crime.

Unenumerated Rights. The This means that ​the rights not listed in
9 enumeration in the Constitution, of the Constitution belong to the people,
certain rights, shall not be construed not the government. This means that
to deny or disparage others retained the people also control the laws made,
by the people. not just the government.

​ he 10th ​Amendment​ states that

T This means that ​anything that was not
10 any power not specifically given to given to the Federal Government and
the federal government by the not banned by the Constitution is a
Constitution belongs to the States power of the states. An example of
and the people. this are policies on issuing drivers'
licenses is not mentioned in the
Constitution but it is a state power.

The 1​4th Amendment​ is that which This means people should be allowed
14 concerns equal protection under the equal protection. An example of this is
law, and the rights of the citizens that no matter of race, ethnicity, or
residing in each state. even part of LGBTQ community you
are given the support and equal
protection under the law

“​ The right of citizens of the United This means ​prohibited state and
19 States to vote shall not be denied or federal governments from denying
abridged by the United States or by citizens the right to vote because of
any State on account of sex.” their sex. An example of this was now
allowing women to vote, because they
weren't allowed to for a while.

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