In The Asian Pa-WPS Office

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In the Asian Parliamentary debate format you have two teams.

One team is called the government

team, and the other team is called the Opposition team. Sometimes it is referred to them as the
Affirmative and the Negative team.

The Government team will always support the topic and the Opposition team must oppose the topic.
Each team will have three speakers. Three in Government and three in Opposition and they will speak in
alternating order. So first you will have one speaker from the Government, and then from the
Opposition, and then the Gov. and then the Opp. and then the Gov. and then the Opp. Each speaker will
speak for seven minutes. So an entire debate will take 42 minutes.

At the end of those 42 minutes, both the teams will get to make an extra speech. It is kind of a
summation speech, where you are comparing the teams, and you are trying to persuade the judge Why
my team wins over the other team. So it is not really a speech where you are making new arguments. So
at the end of those six speeches, the teams get to make a reply speech. This one is shorter. Remember,
the earlier speeches were seven minutes long, this speech will only be 4 minutes long. And if you
remember, the government team started the debate by making the first speech, this time the
Opposition team will start, by giving the first reply speech.Points of information in Asian parly

When speakers are speaking, between the first and the sixth minute of every speech, speakers from the
other side have the opportunity to rise up and offer a question. So you can say Point of information, Can
I ask a question, On that point, or something to that effect. If I’m speaking, I can choose, whether or not
to accept this interruption. So I can say Yes, go ahead, ask your question, Or make a statement, you can
say anything you want. But it usually has to be short, about 15 seconds long, that is about two
sentences. So you can get up, you can say your statement, or ask your question and then I have to
respond to it. I don’t have to accept every question, but if I accept a question, I must respond to that
question. So this adds a huge element of interactivity to the debate. So every speaker, Government
speaker or Opposition speaker has the chance to be questioned by the other team during their speech.
You can only ask points of information to the other team, and not to your own team. And you should
take at least one, preferably two points of information in your speech. There are no points of
information in the reply speech. So only points of information in the first six speeches in the debate.

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