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hapter INFERENCE AND SYLLOGISM oeger a e oee inTRODUCTION We'e done wth the first two mental operations. Through sina Sorehension and judgment, tre human inlet simple sperewetie ne, it the vast complexities, that tipo ow ema toy cae Bor tnanifestation is syogism. x 1 reasoning is # mental ac whereby starting with several sent we reste to one another we arive at © 96 Judgments rey nczesariy flows fom the preceding Ones. ‘A venices are instruments of transportation ve come to know ths new truth “Jeep ts an Instrument of ane aren® by Interrelating te prevous ones for they taney in common, = the concept vehicles” - ak have Semeteg, relate the cancests “instruments! of crates tion and "jeep”- No conclsion can be dram fom rata re wat nave. nating In common, Examples Tine hvbn i ld." “The day Te hot.” What Nex? every reasoning process, therefore, Involves a number of rey enown tutte, Tse ruth are cle the prams, previous Anat rracess algo involves the Krowledge of 2 6 aa esr on), whichis inferred from the premises. A seth Che corr an argument consisting of exactly three tego Tons (two, premises and © cnelsion) 19 0 reno son Which thore appear a total of aaaiy eee categrka tems (Major Term, nor Term an:Mdate Term, exch, wich (ftiged excty tree in the ybsim, For example: “AMythig hat moves is moved by anathbt ie ball moves; therefore, the\ban 's moved by another he passage from the premises {Behe conculon the ersena of reasoning, and ils caled Tnterence. this new tath(eoason flows necessary fom [INFERENCE Inference is the dante ot 9 onelsion from one ot rors premises: There are to ind of inference: Immediate, Ted mediate, When 2 conexian te srawn from only one Premise, the inference. Imadata; when 2 conclusion Is Elan fom two premises, theeerence Ts mediate (because the concison& infrred Tem one. premise through the Iedioton of anothet. “The mental product of nfm! thinking is argument: the cial irrion a an ara celta, hes Sie"two nus of loge arapancal and hypetnetcal. A ‘Tiger yogi nena Unt ow ‘Srclsion in an absolute mane Example Punishing te guilty cestorserder inthe county: but, puting crmiols beh bar isa form of uishing the uit Aiton eominals behind basrestres order nthe county ‘A hypothetice! syliogsn, on the other and, is an Inferett thneing leh cnses with certainty, sifting oF tfnving a statement, Mom tmaemation or dent of another. ene students plagians then tne shoul be punished; But the sucents pages, ‘They Should be punish icone ones enner you pass the test or you fa But you ass? You an a ‘one cannot be in Mania and Quezon city atthe <2” Bn you aren ena Pat drat in Quezon Cy “THe NATURE OF CATEGORICAL SYLLOGISM ‘we deunqush baowoen the mating and orm of Oe cag maa a ine mater ref te pest ese Mig ses efor he HX seat omens ance ‘A evogiam is considered val wen i mpasbe ts aera eer the premises ove rues ote, ele 2 fe, ect gaapin tte soundness od Vay Ok 2) he Sc ve eter a us OF (SE srgumenk) a copia ts anon om ase Pen cans on coneaqunce om he foe preMes t strat 9 Pes cenental wo such ferential, Sonsetr Ig meray tern ve tue, does Ao nessa oon rs prem ae ue xample: (Fone premiaes but seeing ee cancun) Money makes man five comfortabiys Botan goal money: Bi galt ive comfrey. pe omer hand, an argmentcon ave rue reise ane cent fae barns of the fetes form example: (True premises bt false conclusion) ‘square i 0 geomevica ure Bae ace ea georetics!19Ure7 ‘cies 9 sau0re. oy toon on oe Since reasoning &s 2 Yopleat process aiming at trth and consistency, loge doesnot content Ralf wth mere cansisteney ft pushes ect toward the Fath. A eoract.sllegsm To therefore, understood or tht whch both ound 3nd val “THE CONSTITUENTS OF CATEGORICAL SYLLOGISH. The categorical sylogiem |s composed of three terms: ‘major term () wen is tha pesieae term of the concuston nds contaied in ta major premise, minor term (S) hich isthe subject term of the conduson and i contained In the Trin premise, snd middie erm (M) whic is commen °, and {Bund In, both premises. The major term and the miner term trae called extremes: Each of the texms apposrsin exactly two of the propositions, He appears inthe order f majo premise, minor Dremse and eoedlusion. Examp All gnimals are substances ‘ue 9g isan nial dog isa substance, ‘Te fist proposition “All animals are substances” Is the ajr prams. ‘The second proposition "A cog is an anim” the Minor Premise, °& dog fr 2 substance” ls the Conclusion, ‘The aor term le "eubstanes* nh is found nthe aloe {remus and ste predicate ofthe cancusion The nr term eog® whic fold In the nésor arms and the Subject, ‘tthe conclusion, "ania ste midlet which ts ound in both premises This Is the arangament ofthe ters and the ‘ter of the propostons. ‘Ina nest chapter wil ge us the rules of the categorical _yogism 1 Differentiate the following terms: ‘a immediate and mediate inference CHAPTER 4 General Notion of Inference 1. SOME DEFINITIONS rnvnunce, ccoding tt rat meaning, iis ay 1088 BREE poco noe ware peptone 0 te ea cont be ano he ener Hwee, ate ee mene nips the eparaton yh the Spf comely avec ert So a rence i thes ed ropes st wil be hae Bi Re courted tnndiae sod mode eo. henner iw ny te epi 1 ET etme eld te CONSEQUENT, flows ith bp Soy tam one nore ery call the ANTECEDENT, SERS, anne pon trite comment lat, ewe See tated fr hh # fos se aly ete (Barve ont Lata one) nt Hh as iH did a “a om ih ‘mer lr “Como” (derived forthe Ltn co sen tae wah flows ate defo ox “a ‘SER ttre fn te stent Fe tec on snus a od inference te 0 lat tarhc tnt ofthe acecdent eas the rt fe nego Se eta) andthe Ey th omtqunt ave the Ait ede (ut tga te ye ana th soars (f 8 realy a coment) se Ay ae seergeon fal the aneodet i ab Wee take etcadeat fase the cmegart lca eee ee el snd cen om ae ° pene a te a eo) Paes ae eae Cee Sota ee pee eee Sh ines ele mpl eae se ec eoving She ic? Rapa ad ded yor 1 Alle emer et yo r+ ma hari you ae etal Meeks lg ocd ere ng nn. 1. i man ol rine ata 44. Te by ly gd hy wry He me Pas aay Sawa ewe” 7 MO eo Reger era neeacotoas, Besos Reece Seep ee eee aeabrsiea ea en teeth 2, FORMAL AND MATERIAL SEQUENCE ‘al soqucce igs ter roth fo of tafe fon thy spell rst of the mater ought ett Ha 2 geen om Se ew et eee BO RL het apnent silt be erally sad formally joe rng am te cial eter of te ‘Sought ster sgaencee MATERIAL andthe argamet SSG berry wal "The LOGICAL FORM o fron the order that he par of rc ne to ons, pas ei neem spree he lope am tafe y the ‘genes tesa ropes on trate page For in ‘the folowing example st on nd of Ineo tat ‘imal va ‘We an slit ying we wast for $a Fan he come SSL Sey be toe ested ve fe be gd undssanalfeFwe ET a oe 1a utter for Sa “htn for Pe get ‘We sh ow eae a fre th i foraliy el Bat steal eo "rnp re ere hy te ih in Sey Ae tn th sample he comet dot nt ow fm the etd? {ect tony Et dc Soe oe ec cane See a fi ney he mie Sr te elation 2 T's tlre erogete ‘ith Supers bore tha we ea these frm at ats Te loge tig aaa er foe Bp ede by Dn wh un pene ee ory So al ESLe Ey ath a ‘he eee voy ol otha ay he ae om ‘the tey wl nlc ie toe The lam eae ute tate ae opeang of mater sequence {TRUTH AND FORMAL. VALIDITY ‘agit contin th coforiy of ou ids with ty ‘A petptio,twe epined phe we thingy area te ‘etonon ye they a Loge oder ease tome for ARIE USES Samp dat dos nt Boe a % CGevrnAs, NOTION OF DOFERENCE qin trithyad the atasret rth mar er remain he tan hein Sli the cpr femal ae then sh sty ony one pas of he proces of tag rh ent be Sst eonered th acing tr da ot Ices he eof om dna we da ieferenet Frm tom nator vids, we Baan tak och eras Frm att anon hath et Canetti) ar tte the ena Comers) wl necessary be bom, Fame (etd cece ecto one Wl fu Se We stn ye a enon As the fem ue, et, Doo cms fw fom he proc ht he en “The lowing yg cet otis) see vg tie rents ond he sonhon re ab Etec nit a ‘This logan scoot formally aes the cnn relly ins Bom the penis bys ol the frm, suc fe evra Eo pei est, Consol a be he following sf mot coretfomallyalugh he pre ‘es th sts ae es rey eg hah et ilaetaae (Bde pt an aia ‘Ths opan lm cxretBrniehecneaion dvs ot realy (hw wth geet Tt aby wl be obviate ean the sane eet change the mer Vy pbsttng ow” for SM ane {cee cou an aia nhl (i ely aly mts spun Uh Pun'eviaay ae omen sos ater obiowly tae are det ogame fst fr mw core id lg nly a xn Ely fom th 4 IMMEDIATE AND MEDIATE INFERENCE Infemce ter Immeate of mate. tei secre con ping em te he ere dae eet tr propo) fem oe propontion ot new fret fa opie sin of is er eth expen inthe organ popes sce fo ter Pi by Shon aed he egies imei erence Bs Ey tu tons abject term ao rete er (ot as mo eTrust pei ase wave te kr ‘Sesto nit ac ets sco ‘Eh pesca ody lati bro e oropeeent 1 Hela ltrs oath oes and ess one. fbm re groponics (tod fon) sed dae vee a avant Enowldge Caroouny, mediate nfeeace feces te ‘tat oop cee med io eer tw 3s, tthe (Stora eogain ao opty th je el pele ‘Stet the coorlaon tough the Ineraniny of + ede tere Inthe hypattalmllopom the mj gree “rsa” the a ‘hae ogh the terme ef scone proportion. "Te gal cite treet sot oly & ne propa et dy te it ae arn we ha nen he Si abe n ole. Tie sane i air he ere ok ‘Taney cin the lr deena ar expat "he whee kn Kaleo th ner of coer hen Wo peted om sknven tia ane th ht we id 38ers Fie to be ret rth of cua, mt conte sce a et the refresh premio ould wt be etn tf thm St Ran te pees en ‘aly ond ly. phos olson ee tated oct yan ep "Ee avn onl athe endef donensetin when weeny nthe ath of ts stated Ue eoelon But Mw ee cp Hrs new ean or ave cre tuner it swan Pv ny ive screed on utero To object of ee aural cre But now we see ee et lng ee 1) pe oe wth ei 1) tog + ae wo anew popnion Int |<) ately anew Form sce nen ath tn bu a + te §& DEDUCTION AND INDUCTION ection the pce yc or minds oven rm me coecioal tates nie us nthe lg “Alc “herr Peter rate,

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