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Glendale Careeer College ADN Program

P Precipitating, Provoking, Pattern:
What caused the pain?
What relieves it?
What makes it worse?

Q Quality: Ask client, “What does it feel like?” If unable to qualify, suggest: Sharp? Stabbing? Dull? Aching?
Crushing? Pressure-like? Burning?

R Region, Radiation: Where does it hurt? Does it radiate to other areas? (MARK LOCATION ON DIAGRAM)

S Severity: Ask client to rate their pain, or choose face that best represents their current pain level. (CIRCLE number or
face) Indicate time. ACCEPTABLE LEVEL OF PAIN: .

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No Moderate Worst
Pain Pain Possible Pain

T Timing:
When does it start?
How long does it last?
Related to other events?

Barriers: Emotional, motivational, financial, physical, and/or cognitive limitations, educational level, language,
literacy, beliefs, values.

Nurse’s Signature: _____________________________________________ Date/Time: _______________________

Sept 2013 KA

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