Aquarian Theospophist Vol-2-3

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The Aquarian Theosophist

Volume II, No. 3 January 17, 2002

Knowledge Comes in Visions

Knowledge comes in visions, first CONSCIOUSNESS AND SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS
in dreams and then in pictures presented
The cycle of consciousness. It is
to the inner eye during “Visions” and “pic-
argued that there cannot be more than
meditation. Thus have I tures” may be used
here to emphasize one object of perception at a time before
been taught the whole that knowledge from
above comes as a the soul because soul is a unit. Occult-
system of evolution, the unit, a hologram, or
ism teaches that simultaneously our con-
laws of being and all synthesis.
scious[ness] could receive no less than
else that I know — the
seven distinct impressions, and even pass
mysteries of life and death, the workings
them into memory.
of karma. Not a word was spoken to me
of all this in the ordinary way, except, This can be proved by striking at
perhaps, by way of confirmation of what the same time seven keys of the scale of
was thus given me — nothing taught me an instrument — say a piano. The 7
in writing. And knowledge so obtained sounds will reach consciousness simulta-
is so clear, so convincing, so indelible in neously; though the untrained conscious-
the impression it makes upon the mind, ness may not be capable of registering
that all other sources of information, all them the first second, their prolonged
other methods of teaching with which we vibrations will strike the ear in 7 distinct
are familiar dwindle into insignificance sounds, one higher than the other in its
in comparison with this. One of the rea- pitch. All depends on training and atten-
sons why I hesitate to answer offhand tion. Thus the transference of a sensation
some questions put to me is the difficulty from any organ to consciousness is al-
of expressing in sufficiently accurate most instantaneous if your attention is
language things given to me in pictures,
and comprehended by my by the pure TABLE OF CONTENTS
Reason, as Kant would call it. Knowledge Comes in Visions 1
Consciousness and Self-Consciousness 1
Theirs is a synthetic method of
The Eternal THAT 1
teaching: the most general outlines are
Vinobha Bhave on Politics 2
given first, then an insight into the
Sai Baba on Mind 3
method of working, next the broad prin- The Wish of the Cocoanut Tree 3
ciples and notions are brought into view, Correspondence 5
and lastly begins the revelation of the The Coffee Klatch 13
minuter points. A Spice takes on Alzheimer’s Disease 15
Dnyaneshvari — XIV 16
The Eternal THAT The Global Village 18
Without the word THAT, the Lord, the
word THOU (individual soul) hath no sub- The Big Blue Umbrella 21
sistence; hear then again regarding the Point out the Way — XIV 22
word THAT. Thoughts for Thinkers 24
Ethics as a Power 25
He who is Param Atma, or Supreme
Samvritti 27
Spirit; Maha Vishnu, or the Great Per-
vader; Adi Purusha, the Primordial Soul; Key Notebook — III [see Supplement]
[CONTINUED ON P. 27] [Supplement follows in three days]
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 2
fixed upon it; but if any noise distracts molecular, invisible unless condensed,
your attention it will take a number of the other atomic-spiritual….
seconds before it reaches consciousness.
The Occultist should train himself to re- Idea of Ego the only one compati-
ceive and transmit along the line of the ble with the facts of physiological obser-
seven scales of his consciousness every vation.
impression or impressions simultane- The mind or Ego, the subject of all
ously. He who reduces the intervals of and every state of consciousness is essen-
physical time the most, has made the tially a unity. The millions of various
most progress. sub-states of consciousness are a proof of
The names and order of the 7 scales are: the existence of this Ego. Even the brain
1. Sense-perception; cells furnish us with those states which
2. Self-perception (or apperception) affirm to us that there is an immortal soul
3. Psychic apperceptions — which car- etc.
ries it to Every one of the five recognized
4. Vital perceptions. senses was primarily a mental sense. A
These are the four lower scales and be- fish born in cave is blind — let it out into
long to the psycho-physical man. Then a river and it will begin to feel it sees,
come until gradually the physical organ of
5. Manasic discernment; sight evolves and it will see. A deaf and
6. Will perception and dumb man hears internally, in his own
7. Spiritual conscious apperception. way. Knowing, feeling, willing, not fac-
ulties of mind — its colleagues.
The special organ of consciousness
[From a MS. in HPB’s handwriting in Adyar Archives,
is of course the brain, and is located in printed in The Theosophist, Vol. XLVI, Aug. 1925; and
the aura of the pineal gland in the living reprinted in Collected Works, Vol. XIII, pp. 288-89]
man. During the process of mind or
thought manifesting to consciousness,
constant vibrations of light take place. If
one could see clairvoyantly in the brain
of a living man one could almost count
(see with the eye) the seven shades of the
Vinoba Bhave on Politics
successive scales of light, from the dull- Inaugurating the Sarvodaya
est to the brightest. Samaj Conference at his Ashram at
Paunar, near Wardha in Central India,
What consciousness is can never be in the last week of December [1976],
defined psychologically. We can analyze Acharya Vinoba Bhave advised the
and classify its work and effects — we Sarvodaya workers to keep aloof from
cannot define it, unless we postulate an politics and lead a pure life based on
Ego distinct from the body. The sep- the principles of truth, love and com-
tenary scale of states of consciousness is passion. He added that through the
reflected in the heart, or rather its aura, various constructive work pro-
which vibrates and illumines the seven grammes that Gandhiji chalked for us,
the workers can spread the message
brains of the heart as it does the seven
of love and compassion not only in
divisions or rays around the pineal gland. India, but in countries abroad. This
has to be done with great patience,
This consciousness shows to us the
discipline, determination and mutual
difference between the nature and es- discussions. Governments come and
sence of, say, astral body and Ego. One
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 3
go, but the lasting one is the love and subdue it and shape it into a useful tool,
friendship silently developed amongst reduce desire.
all. To achieve the desired goal, Sar- SAI BABA
vodaya workers will have to eschew Spirit and the Mind, p. 144, Samuel H. Sandweiss, MD, Birth Day
politics altogether. Publishing Company, San Diego, Calif. USA

[From Sarvodaya, Jan-Feb 1977, p. 197, Punkunnam,

Trichur 680 002, KERALA STATE (INDIA)]
he W ish oof
Wish f tthe
he CCocoanut
ocoanut TTree
re e
Sai Baba on Mind A tree in the cocoanut grove.
An old man passing by.
The Mind Binds, the Mind Releases
The Tree: Dear Old Man, whither are
The thorn it is that pricks; the thorn it you going in the hot sun? Sit in my
is that removes the thorn. The mind binds; shade and rest a while; you and I may
the mind releases. talk for some time. I am an old tree.
You too are old.
Transform the mind into an instru-
The old man sits in the grove under the
ment of progress for liberation. Clarity of
shade of the tree.
mind can be earned only by withdrawing it
from external objects and teaching it The Old Man: Cocoanut trees! Are you
through meditation to concentrate on the all keeping well? There were many
One behind the many. When you see the big groves here before. What hap-
One and not the many, you are liberated pened to them? Or, have I lost my
from the coils of delusion. Egoism is a way? I was living many years with
doctrine that binds; but the ego as the re- my son in Kandy and I returned only
flection of God in you liberates. However a few days ago.
many trials and tribulations come in the
The Tree: Do you ask about the cocoa-
way, look upon them as an unconcerned
witness, with detachment, and do not let nut groves? What shall I say? They
your mind be affected. Teach it this wit- have all been cut down. In their
ness attitude. Man has all the capabilities place, people have put up houses and
in him, but he is unaware of his glory; he
garages of brick and mortar and ce-
knows only a fraction of his power, and
ment. The roads of red mud have
been tarred in black.
even that faintly and falteringly. He is
degrading himself by yielding to three The Old Man: I went to Mylapore and
temptations: physical, worldly and scho- Triplicane. All the streets round the
lastic. The scholastic temptation attracts temples are now lined by shops.
people who are learned; it prompts them People, it appears, live behind these
into controversy and competitive shops.
exhibitionism and ruins them by bloating
their ego. The worldly temptation leads The Tree: They are not the house-
man to seek cheap renown and gain fame owners, Old Man, but tenants. Look,
and favor through all means available. The there comes one like the very Death.
physical temptation insists on beautifying He is going to measure this grove.
the body and resorts to measures which He is going to cut all of us also.
will hide the oncoming of age. (A crow comes flying and perches on another tree).

Foster divine thought; cultivate non- The Crow: Caw! Caw! What are you
attachment; remember the fleeting nature complaining to that old man?
of things. Then the work of resistance will The Tree: Nothing, brother Crow.
be easy. Mind grows in strength every Where are you going to perch tomor-
time you yield to desire. So in order to row?
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 4

The Crow: On you, you are my old Second Crow: Yes, but the whole thing
friend. was finished quickly. It appears fuel
wood fetches a good price now.
The Tree: They are going to cut me
Only the traders in fuel nowadays
down. build many big houses.
The Crow: If they destroy every grove First Crow: If they hew down all the
like this, what will they do for trees like this, what will they do for
cocoanuts? tamarind?
The Tree: They will import them from Second Crow: Who knows? Perhaps
elsewhere. Moreover, why do they the Government will plant seeds to
need cocoanuts? grow new trees.
The Old Man: The other day I saw that
The Tree: How funny! How many
in Mylapore; people have built rows
of shops breaking the temple walls. years will it take for the new tama-
rind trees to grow and yield! And,
The Crow: No, Old man. The Temple will the goats let them grow?
has not yet been destroyed. It lies
The Old Man: I don’t like this place. I
hidden behind the shops. The outer
courtyards have now become shops, shall go back to Kandy.
that is all. Second Crow: They will not let you in
The Old Man: Why so many shops? there.
The Old Man: Oh, what shall I do? It is
The Crow: They earn revenue for the
temple. Devotion decreases, income there that my son lives.
increases. The prices of the articles First Crow: Don’t weep, Old Man!
sold in the shops rise. Nothing is left What is the connection between son
for us even in the drains or in the and father? Learn from us. Where is
dustbins. our father, or mother?
The Old Man: If the whole town be- The Tree: You are a bird, you will fly
comes a bazaar, who will be there to anywhere, but what can we poor
buy the wares? trees do? We can do nothing to pre-
The Crow: Don’t ask me about all this. vent the man who comes to cut us.
There comes my brother. Ask him. Nor can we run away and escape.
He knows all. His abode is the tama- Our fate is to fall down and wither.
rind tree on the fort. One feels like falling on the wood-
cutters and crushing them to death —
Second Crow: Brother! Brother! An but these devils secure us firmly by a
interesting piece of news! rope.
First Crow: What is it? Good or bad? First Crow: Don’t cry Tree! In the next
Second Crow: Very bad news. At ten life you may be born a man.
this morning those villains, the fuel The Tree: No. No. I do not want such
depot men, cut down our tamarind a sinful birth.
tree, hewed it to pieces and carried
them all in a big lorry. Second Crow: Would you like to be
born a bird like us?
First Crow: But I saw it standing only
this morning! The Tree: That certainly is better.
[From Stories for the Innocent by Sri, C. Rajagopalachari, Chapter 19]
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 5
Dear Gopi,
[A comment from Florida and a response from Do you think that the Afghan prob-
Bangalore on the Afghanistan events.]
lem is really solved? Is the Taliban fun-
damentalism really eliminated? It may
Hello every one, appear to be so far as appearances go but
we have learnt enough from our great Gu-
Now that we can be certain that Af- rus that there are no violent solutions to
ghanistan is getting rid of its foreign men- any problem and that's precisely what is
ace called Taliban (it may still take long being resorted to. America may have
time), it is highly likely that the out come bombed them out of existence, physically,
of it will be a reasonably modern govern- but what about the deep-rooted religious
ment in Kabul. misconceptions and their violent manifes-
The leaders will be democratic and tations in the form of intolerance, the rag-
the western governments and people will ing fire of hatred and revenge burning in
not let the Afghans treat women like they the minds of the vanquished? What about
did in the past 20 years. the causes of these hatred and intolerance
in the minds of their enemies? Have these
The Burqua (the horrible veil) may also have been bombed out of existence?
be a thing of the past allotted only to the If that were really possible then bombing
old and conservative tribes. There will be would have been the best remedy but is it
schools, colleges, elections and so on that really so?
we take for granted in our societies. (I
wish the world community push this idea What is the reality?
to the other Arab countries, Saudis in par- Though our misguided brothers are
ticular.) bombed out of life physical their miscon-
One of the most horrific things that ceptions remain, their rage, anger and
the Taliban have done was to blow up the burning desire for revenge remain. Can
statues. Wouldn't it be great if they are these be obliterated? We know pretty well
rebuilt (not tomorrow but within a reason- they cannot be obliterated but remain as
able period of time). That will be im- potent force with destructive potentialities
mensely satisfying to HPB and the Masters which is sure to come back to life with a
as well. This is a task that all of the The- ten-fold worse form whenever appropriate
osophy minded people can join in and ac- conditions are furnished Karmically. In
complish it as a single minded task. the meantime, their thoughts and impulses,
born of fanaticism and violence are already
I remember that when Aswan Dam wreaking havoc in the world, are they not?
was being built in Egypt in the mid 1900's Can they be contained? We cannot see
Israel (I believe with the help of UN) saved them nor hear them but they are there in-
the Colossal by moving them to a higher jecting and poisoning the minds prone to
ground. these tendencies and sowing seeds of more
and more violence. The very pictures of
I wish all the Theosophists (ULT,T/S violence, war and bloodshed our mass me-
and so on) can join in. I would not be sur- dia subject their billions of viewers to each
prised if Dalai Lama and the Governments day — are these not inducing thoughts of
would bless this task. violence and rousing base human passions
in the billions of minds, many of which are
Any ideas!!!
tender young minds, which in turn are pro-
jecting them into the Astral Light which is
reflecting back on humanity with unimag-
inably dark consequences?
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 6
Teachers whom we revere have HH the Dalai Lama in his message
shown us that no matter what the provoca- of sympathy to the Americans put it like
tion is violence breeds more violence, ha- this:
tred breeds more hatred. They have shown
one more important truth--how Karma "I am confident that the United
acts. That is: If we punish the one who States as a great and powerful nation will
offends us, what have we done? Instead of be able to overcome this present tragedy.
leaving "Punishment" to the implacably The American people have shown their
just and wise Law ("Vengeance is mine" resilience, courage and determination
— Revelations) we have taken the law into when faced with such difficult and sad
our hands and punished the offender. situation.
What is the Karmic result? Karma, being
"It may seem presumptuous on my
the highest aspect of Atma--its working
part, but I personally believe we need to
agent so-to-speak-- is no respecter of per-
sons. It can neither be prayed to nor de-
think seriously whether a violent action
flected from its course, for the result is is the right thing to do and in the greater
wrapped up in the cause. Taking the law interest of the nation and the people in
into our hands and punishing our offender the long run. I believe violence will only
only continues the circle-of-blood with increase the cycle of violence. But how
degradation and detriment on all sides. do we deal with hatred and anger, which
The law acts automatically and takes no are often the root-causes of such
notice of our sentiments or our justifica- senseless violence? This is a very
tions or our vain rationalizations. difficult question, especially when it
concerns a nation and we have certain
Trying to remove evil in society by fixed conceptions of how to deal with
violence — whether it is hanging a criminal such attacks. I hope you will make the
or waging war to eliminate an enemy, right decision." (From Tibetan Bulletin for Sept.
however much the enemy may seem to 2001.)
deserve it — is like trying to cut off the
poisonous weeds from the surface of the What do we as students of Theoso-
ground of our garden leaving the prolific phy do? What is our duty? Should we
roots below the ground intact; the roots expend the time and energy we have in
will throw up the poisonous weeds with a tinkering with outer effects or should we
vengeance and with greater vigor and work to remove the root-cause? If we
choke up our garden again. [vide “Is De- really honor our great Teachers then let us
nunciation a Duty?”] do what they taught.
So the lesson is: perhaps there were
non-violent, and for all that very effective, The Magic of November 17th
solutions to the problem. One of which "I think the first reason that
we should love our enemies, and
was a little heart-searching on the part of I think this is at the very
the powers who thought that they would center of Jesus' thinking, is
eliminate the evil and see what they them- this: that hate for hate only
intensifies the existence of
selves have done — their policies and atti- hate and evil in the universe.
tudes, their national greed and their inter- If I hit you and you hit me and
national political games — to generate the I hit you back and you hit me
back and go on, you see, that
evil. So ingenious a civilization which has goes on ad infinitum. It just
invented weapons of mass destruction can never ends. Somewhere somebody
surely find very effective non-violent and must have a little sense, and
lasting solutions to the kind of problem that's the strong person. The
strong person is the person who
Afghanistan posed. can cut off the chain of hate,
the chain of evil. And that is
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 7
the tragedy of hate, that it
doesn't cut it off. It only
intensifies the existence of AN INTERVIEW ON NON-VIOLENCE
hate and evil in the universe.
Somebody must have religion A Theosophist is one who gives you a
enough and morality enough to theory of the works of God, which has not
cut it off, and inject within a revelation, but an inspiration of his own
the very structure of the for its basis.
universe that strong and
powerful element of love."
[Excerpt from "Loving Your Enemies", a sermon
delivered by Martin Luther King, Jr. on November 17, A man once abandoning the old
1957 at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery,
Ala.] pathway of routine and entering on the
solitary pathway of independent thought
A Christmas Sermon on Peace — Godward — he is a Theosophist, an
"Now let me suggest first that original thinker, a seeker after the Eternal
if we are to have peace on
earth, our loyalties must become Truth, with an inspiration of his own to
ecumenical rather that solve the Eternal problems.
sectional. Our loyalties must
transcend our race, our tribe, Such a one as this is Count Tolstoy,
our class, and our nation; and the Russian novelist, and his words are
this means we must develop a
world perspective. No taken from an interview with him by Mr.
individual can live alone; no George Kennan (Century, June 1887). The
nation can live alone, and as interview first describes the surroundings
long as we try, the more we are
going to have war in this world. amidst which Count Tolstoy lives, and
Now the judgement of God is upon gives also a description of the Count's
us, and we must either learn to appearance.
live together as brothers or we
are all going to perish together
as fools." Apparently the first thing which
[Excerpt from "A Christmas Sermon on Peace", impressed Mr. Kennan was the sight of “a
delivered December 24, 1967 at Ebenezer Baptist wealthy Russian noble, and the greatest of
Church, Atlanta, Ga.]
living novelists, shaking hands upon
terms of perfect equality with a poor,
ragged, and not over clean droshky
driver,” who had been engaged in the
[One of the best modern critics of streets.
violence is a British war reporter for the
Independent News of London: John Fisk. Then follows a description of the
He rises to such eloquence and clearness rooms, the furniture, etc., which was
of thought that I wonder if he’s Count observed during the time that
Tolstoy returned in a fresh suit and Mr. Kennan's host had retired — not,
British accent. His grandfather was a indeed, to change his coat, but to put one
much decorated warrior of WWI, and the on after a morning's labor in the fields.
largest medal in his possession was Mr. Kennan, it seems, had journeyed
inscribed on the reverse: “The war to through Siberia, and had there promised
save civilization — 1914-18.” If I can several of the exiles to visit Count Tolstoy
get a tape of an interview with him, I will on his return, and to tell him of their
use all or part of it. In the meantime we condition.
will use an interview with Count Tolstoy In the course of conversation on
which appeared in Lucifer, September these matters, Mr. Kennan asked Count
1887. It was used in the June 2001 Issue Tolstoy whether he did not think that
of The Aquarian Theosophist, but the resistance to such oppression as the exiles
Afghanistan War makes it a useful item had experienced was justifiable.
to repeat:
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 8
“That depends,” he replied, “upon not have interfered with violence?” He
what you mean by resistance; if you mean invariably answered, “No.” I asked him the
persuasion, argument, protest, I answer direct question whether he would kill a
yes; if you mean violence — no. I do not highwayman who was about to murder an
believe that violent resistance to evil is innocent traveller, provided there were no
ever justifiable under any circumstances.” other way to save the traveller's life. He
replied, “If I should see a bear about to kill
He then set forth clearly, eloquently, a peasant — in the forest, I would sink an
and with more feeling than he had yet axe in the bear's head but I would not kill a
shown, the views with regard to man's man who was about to do the same thing.”
duty as a member of society which are
contained in his book entitled My There finally came into my mind a
Religion.... case which, although really not worse than
many that I had already presented to him,
He laid particular stress upon the would, I thought, appeal with peculiar
doctrine of non-resistance to evil, which, force to a brave, sensitive, chivalrous
he said, is in accordance with both the man.3
teachings of Christ and the result of human
experience. He declared that violence, as a This was a case of most brutal
means of redressing wrongs, is not only treatment of a young girl who was exiled
futile, but an aggravation of the original to Siberia. At a certain town on her
evil, since it is the nature of violence to journey the governor ordered that she was
multiply and reproduce itself in all to put on the clothing of an ordinary
directions. “The Revolutionists,” he said, convict. This she declined to do on the
“whom you have seen in Siberia, ground that administrative exiles had the
undertook to resist evil by violence, and right to wear their own clothing.
what has been the result? Bitterness, and Furthermore, the clothing supplied to
misery, and hatred, and bloodshed! The convicts is not always new, and it is quite
evils against which they took up arms still possible that it is of the filthiest description
exist, and to them has been added a mass and full of vermin: She argued that she
of previously non-existent human suf- would have been compelled to change at
fering. It is not in that way that the Moscow had it been necessary, and again
kingdom of God is to be realized on earth.” declined. The local governor persisted and
ordered that force should be used to effect
For a long time I did not suggest any the change. Accordingly, in the presence
difficulties or raise any objections. It is of nine or ten men, the change of clothing
one thing to ask a man in a general way was effected — she was stripped naked,
whether he would use violence to resist forcibly reclothed, and left bleeding and
evil, and quite another thing to ask him exhausted after ineffectual resistance.
specifically whether he would knock down
a burglar who was about to cut the throat “Now,” I said, “suppose all this had
of his mother. Many men would say “no” occurred in your presence; suppose that
to the first question but would hesitate at this bleeding, defenseless, half-naked girl
the second. Count Tolstoy, however,was had appealed to you for protection, and had
consistent. thrown herself into your arms; suppose that
it had been your daughter, would you still
I related to him many cases of have refused to interfere by an act of
cruelty, brutality, and oppression which violence?”
had come to my knowledge in Siberia, and
at the end of every recital I said to him, He was silent. Finally, ignoring my
“Count Tolstoy, if you had been there and direct question as to what he personally
had witnessed that transaction, would you would have done in such a case, Count
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 9
Tolstoy said, “Even under such and strife. At the time when you
circumstances violence would not be interposed there was only one center of
justifiable. Let us analyze that situation evil and suffering. By your violent
carefully. I will grant, for the sake of interference you have created half a dozen
argument, that the local governor who such centers. It does not seem to me,
ordered the act of violence was an ignorant Mr. Kennan, that is the way to bring about
man, a cruel man, a brutal man — what the reign of peace and goodwill on earth.”
you will; but he probably had an idea that
he was doing his duty; he probably Mr. Kennan had a manuscript written
believed that he was enforcing a law of the by one of those prisoners who took part in
Government to which he owed obedience the desperate 'hunger-strike' of 1884,
and service. You suddenly appear and set which he had been entrusted to hand on to
yourself up as a judge in the case; you Count Tolstoy. He read two or three pages
assume that he is not doing his duty — that of it, and then, alluding to the Nihilists,
he is committing an act of unjustifiable condemned their methods most heartily.
violence — and then, with strange Mr. Kennan appeared rather to sympathize
inconsistency, you proceed to aggravate with their motives. Count Tolstoy appears
and complicate the evil by yourself only to do so partially, and, while he
committing another act of unjustifiable earnestly desires a revolution, declines to
violence. One wrong added to another have anything to do with one brought
wrong does not make a right; it merely about by violence. Mr. Kennan objected
extends the area of wrong. Furthermore, that violence might close the mouth of the
your resistance, in order to be effective — peaceable revolutionist and prevent his
in order to accomplish anything — must teaching and thoughts from ever becoming
be directed against the soldiers who are public.
committing the assault. But those soldiers
“But do you not see,” replied the
are not free agents; they are subject to
Count, “that if you claim and exercise the
military discipline and are acting under
right to resist by an act of violence what
orders which they dare not disobey. To
you regard as evil, every other man will
prevent the execution of the orders you
insist upon his right to resist in the same
must kill or maim two or three of the
way what he regards as evil, and the world
soldiers — that is, kill or wound the only
will continue to be filled with violence? It
parties to the transaction who are certainly
is your duty to show that there is a better
innocent, who are manifestly acting
without malice and without evil intention.
Is that just? Is it rational? But go a step “But,” I objected, “you cannot show
further. Suppose that you do kill or wound anything if somebody smites you on the
two or three of the soldiers. You may or mouth every time you open it to speak the
may not thus succeed in preventing the truth.”
completion of the act against which your
violence is a protest. But one thing you “You can at least refrain from
certainly will do, and that is, extend the striking back,” replied the Count; “you can
area of enmity, injustice and misery. show by your peaceable behavior that you
Every one of the soldiers whom you kill or are not governed by the barbarous law of
maim has a family, and upon every such retaliation, and your adversary will not
family you bring grief and suffering which continue to strike a man who neither resists
would not have come to it but for your act. nor tries to defend himself. It is by those
In the hearts of perhaps a score of people who have suffered, not by those who have
you rouse the anti-Christian and anti-social inflicted suffering, that the world has been
emotions of hatred and revenge, and thus advanced.”
sow broadcast the seeds of further violence
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 10
I said it seemed to me that the teaching of Christ, and if you love a
advancement of the world had been reasonable life, why do you not fulfill the
promoted not a little by the protests — and Christian precepts?' I am guilty and
often the violent and bloody protests — of blameworthy and contemptible because I
its inhabitants against wrong and outrage, do not fulfil them; but at the same time I
and that all history goes to show that a say — not in justification, but in
people which tamely submits to oppression explanation, of my inconsistency:
never acquires either liberty or happiness. Compare my previous life with the life I
am now living, and you will see that I am
“The whole history of the world,” trying to fulfil. I have not, it is true,
replied the Count, “is a history of violence, fulfilled one eighty-thousandth part, and I
and you can of course cite violence in am to blame for it. But it is not because I
support of violence; but do you not see that do not wish to fulfil all, but because I am
there is in human society an endless unable. Teach me how to extricate myself
variety of opinions as to what constitutes from the meshes of temptation in which I
wrong and oppression, and that if you once am entangled — help me — and I will
concede the right of any man to resort to fulfil all. I wish and hope to do it even
violence to resist what he regards as without help. Condemn me if you choose
wrong, he being the judge, you authorize — I do that myself — but condemn me,
every other man to enforce his opinion in and not the path which I am following, and
the same way, and you have a universal which I point out to those who ask me
reign of violence?” where, in my opinion, the path is. If I
know the road home , and if I go along it
Count Tolstoy considers it necessary
drunk, and staggering from side to side,
to labor for and help the poor by whom he
does that prove that the road is not the
is surrounded. But he is keenly alive to the
right one? If it is not the right one, show
danger of pauperizing them. In doing this
me another. If I stagger and wander, come
he runs counter to the ideas of organized
to my help, and support and guide me in
society and the existing traits of human
the right path. Do not yourselves confuse
character. He declines to regard these as
and mislead me, and then rejoice over it
sacred and immutable, and is doing what
and cry, 'Look at him! He says he is going
he can to change them....
home, and he is floundering into the
Count Tolstoy's views as to his own swamp!' You are not evil spirits from the
action and practice have been... published swamp; you are also human beings, and
in an authorized interview which appeared you also are going home. You know that I
in a Russian journal. He said: am alone — you know that I cannot wish
or intend to go into the swamp — then
“People say to me, 'Well, Lef help me! My heart is breaking with despair
Nikolaivitch , as far as preaching goes, you because we have all lost the road; and
preach; but how about your practice?' The while I struggle with all my strength to
question is a perfectly natural one; it is find it and keep in it, you, instead of
always put to me, and it always shuts my pitying me when I go astray, cry
mouth. 'You preach,' it is said, 'but how do triumphantly, 'See! He is in the swamp
you live?' I can only reply that I do not with us!”'
preach — passionately as I desire to do so.
I might preach through my actions, but my In this report of Count Tolstoy it is
actions are bad. That which I say is not impossible not to recognize the generous,
preaching; it is only an attempt to find out just, and sympathetic man — the true
the meaning and the significance of life. Theosophist.... He is endeavoring to carry
People often say to me, 'If you think that out the precepts of Christ. Not indeed,
there is no reasonable life outside the doctrinal Christianity, but to put in practice
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 11
the actual precepts of the Master he West and the Asvamedha Sacrifice in the East were
follows. He does this as far as he can; and essential if Compassion were to grow and each of
us enjoy “that blissful state of love” springing from
even with this little (as he says) he is the heart.
accused of quixotism, and is obliged to
stay his hand in order to keep up the
example he affords.
H.P.B. Commentary on Tolstoy
Why is this? For fear of interested [HPB comments on a remark of Tolstoy’s about the
relatives and the lunatic asylum. Here we disappearance of his childhood faith.]
have a man endeavoring to carry out
“under an inspiration of his own” the As he says himself, his faith vanished,
precepts laid down by the last of the he knew not how. But his youthful striving
world's great teachers. What is the result after ethical perfection survived for some ten
years, to die out be degrees, finally
of his endeavors? That he is in danger of... disappearing utterly. Seeing everywhere
the lunatic asylum. Nothing is so around him ambition, love of power,
intolerable to modern minds as an example selfishness and sensuality triumphant; seeing
of what they (unconsciously to themselves) all that is called virtue, goodness, purity,
recognize as that which they ought to altruism, scorned and flouted, failing to give
follow, but do not. Therefore it has to be either inward happiness and content or
put out of sight. Since madness has been outward success; Tolstoy went the way of the
defined as a mental state which is in world, did as he saw others do, practising all
the vices and meannesses of the “polite
contradiction to the average mental state, it world.” Then he turned to literature, became a
is evident that all religious reformers ought great poet, a most successful author, seeking
to be put away in a lunatic asylum.... ever, he tells us, to hide his own ignorance
from himself by teaching others. For some
There is a power which impels Count years he succeeded in thus stifling his inner
Tolstoy to protest against the reign of discontent, but ever more frequently, more
violence, and he truly replies that the poignantly, the question forced itself upon
readiest means of continuing this reign is him: What am I living for? What do I know?
to meet violence by violence. Therefore And daily he saw more clearly that he had no
answer to give. He was fifty years old when
he, by his writings, and his words and life,
his despair reached its height. At the summit
endeavors to place before men the noblest of his fame, a happy husband and father,
philosophy of life that he recognizes, in author of many splendid poems full of the
answer to the appeal which is silently deepest knowledge of mean and of the wisdom
uttered from the hearts of many men and of life, Tolstoy realized the utter impossibility
women in the world. [From “A True of going on living. “Man cannot imagine life,
Theosophist,” by A.I.R. Lucifer, September 1887.] without the desire for well-being. To desire
and attain that well-being — is to live. Man
This is what the Theosophists call “living the life” probes life only that he may improve it.” Our
— in a nut-shell. — H.P.B. science, on the contrary, investigates only the
Emphasis added. The Count must have read that shadows of things, not their realities; and
jewel of Theosophical literature “Love With an under the delusion that this unimportant
Object”! Fohat, Universal Love, or the “electric secondary is the essential, science distorts the
power of affinity and sympathy,” is the key to idea of life and forgets her true destiny, which
making Theosophy a living power in one’s life. — is to fathom this very secret, not what to-day is
L.O.S. discovered and to-morrow is forgotten.
Count Tolstoy was not only the world's most
famous living novelist, but a father of five children, You must co-operate in the
and a distinguished military officer. He was, for the development of Humanity and in the realizing
Russian intelligentsia of that period, what Albert of its ideals; your life’s goal coincides with
Einstein was for the scientific world of the West. that of all other men.” But how does it help
He has had an enormous influence on the Non- me to know that I live for that for which all
Violence movement. The Count saw clearly that Humanity lives, when I am not told what it is
teachings like “The Sermon on the Mount” in the for which that very Humanity does live? Why
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 12
does the world exist? What is the outcome of Another Look at the Big Bang Theory
the fact that it does exist and will exist?
Philosophy gives no answer.... Editor, The Aquarian Theosophist:

Studying the Gospels, he came to find I read Peter’s comments on the Big
the kernel, the essence of Jesus’ teaching in the Bang theory and wish to present another
Sermon on the Mount, understood in its literal, view. I consider this theory to be an intui-
simple sense, “even as a little child would tive approach by modern cosmologists and
understand it.” He considers as the perfect astronomers to certain concepts of Occult
expression of Christ’s law of Charity and
Science. We cannot expect wholesale ac-
Peace, the command, “Resist not evil,” which
to him is the most perfect rendering of true ceptance by modern scientists of the the-
Christianity, and this command he describes as osophical teachings of seven planes and
“the sole and eternal law of God and of men.” seven principles, but I think we should
He also points out that long before the rejoice if any scientist accepts some por-
appearance of the historical Jesus, this law was tion of our theosophical teachings.
known and recognized by all the leaders and
benefactors of the human race. “The progress Theosophists accept HPB’s teach-
of mankind towards good,” he writes, “is ings intuitively, but scientists demand rig-
brought about by those who suffer, not by orous proof. I think HPB had at least two
those who inflict, martyrdom.” good reasons for not providing such
.... True life, therefore also true proofs. First, we must make the effort to
happiness, consists — not in the preservation discover those proofs for ourselves rather
of one’s personality, but — in absorption into than have them handed to us on a platter.
the All, into God and Humanity. Since God is Second, she could not reveal certain pow-
Reason, the Christian teaching may be erful occult truths because we would al-
formulated thus: subordinate thy personal life most certainly misuse them. Mr. Judge
to reason, which demands of thee
unconditional love for all beings.1
gave the same reason in the first chapter of
the Ocean of Theosophy for sometimes
The personal life, that which keeping knowledge of the sevenfold nature
recognizes and wills only one’s own “I,” is the of man and the universe secret.
animal life; the life of reason is the human, the
existence proper to man according to his nature Prominent British physicists R. Pen-
as man. From the remotest times onwards, rose and S. Hawking have theorized that
Humanity has ever been conscious of the the origin of the Big Bang is a singularity
torturing inner contradiction, wherein all who (a point without physical dimensions). In
seek after personal well-being find themselves.
As, unfortunately, there is no other solution of occult terms this would be a laya center,
this contradiction except to transfer the center which is a very metaphysical (higher
of attraction of one’s existence2 from the plane) idea. The motion of celestial island
personality, which can never be saved from universes away from each other is also
destruction, to the everlasting All, it is occult. It reflects the outbreathing of
intelligible that all the sages of the past, and Brahmâ, which is half of the cycle of in-
with them also the greatest thinkers of later breathing and outbreathing. In a pulsating
centuries, have established doctrines and moral universe, pulsation indicates the duality of
laws identical in their general meaning because
manifestation. The heart, breathing, and
they saw more clearly than other men both this
contradiction and its solution. It is not the very cells of our body have dual mo-
discovered by logical deduction, but tion.
intuitively. The spiritually awakened or
regenerated man suddenly finds himself The concept of a singularity might
transported into the eternal, timeless condition also represent the existence of an Absolute
of the life of pure “Reason.” Principle behind manifestation, or perhaps
the existence of a Universal Oversoul, or
perhaps both. In either case, Oneness pre-
vails at all levels under the rule of Cyclic
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 13
Law. This brings together the three fun- at what seems to us a high speed. This is
damental propositions of the Secret Doc- like the Doppler effect any of us can wit-
trine. ness as a moving train travels toward and
away from us. The train’s whistle changes
The Big Bang Theory does not rest pitch to our ears, and from that pitch we
on exact mathematics or logic but rather on can tell whether the train is coming toward
observations of the shifting of spectral us or going away from us. The medium in
signatures. Let me explain briefly for this case is sound, but it could be light or
those not familiar with this aspect of phys- any other kind of wave.
ics. Each element produces one or more
light or dark lines in the visible spectrum Incidentally, the term “big bang” was
of light at exact, measurable frequencies. coined by Hoyle, who opposed the con-
If a frequency is absorbed by the element cept. Almost all other astronomers have
the line is dark; if rejected, it is bright. The accepted it.
assumption is made that basic identifiable G.E.N.
elements (hydrogen and helium, for exam-
ple) are found throughout the solar system
and the cosmos. If this assumption is false,
then the whole theory collapses. If true,
then we can draw certain conclusions
about far-away regions of the universe and THE COFFEE KLATCH
the motion of galaxies.
Coffee Maker: My customers should
The law of analogy (the microcosm have some excitement in their mental
and the macrocosm follow the same uni- life. They are looking a little moss-
versal patterns, or “as above, so below”) is eaten and stench driven by undi-
a truism in occult science. It therefore gested tid-bits. Ah! Here comes a
seems reasonable to assume that the astral mental heavyweight.
building blocks of matter might be the
same everywhere even though conditions My good sir, What will you be a car-
may differ widely. The physical plane is ing for today, and while you’re
modeled on its astral prototype. We have weighing the pros and cons of the
observed that the structure of galaxies and season, I shall unveil to you the latest
star systems is similar, and it has been pos- news surrounding the “Brazil Nut
tulated that the atom is similarly struc- Quandary”!
tured. The structure contains a dense nu-
cleus surrounded by whirling lighter parti- The Brazil nut effect gets more jum-
cles—a central high-energy star with plan- bled
ets circling around it. Why not extend the
pattern to the pulsating motion of cosmic Shake a can of mixed nuts long
entities (galaxies) to or from each other? enough and the biggest nuts end up on top.
The two kinds of pulsation are similar Studied since the 1930s but still poorly
mathematically. Mathematics, queen of understood, this phenomenon — called the
the sciences, was an important part of edu- Brazil nut effect — also occurs in batches
cation in the schools of Pythagoras and of particles ranging from stones to pow-
Plato. ders.
A shift in the spectral signatures of The phenomenon is of more than
basic elements indicates that these ele- academic interest. In drug manufacturing,
ments are moving either toward or away for instance, such separations could lead to
from our solar system. The evidence indi- unevenly blended powders. That could
cates that they are currently moving away
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 14
throw off dosages in pills made from the the Chicago researchers shook a gum-ball-
mixtures. size acrylic shell that they had placed in a
mug-size cylinder filled with smaller parti-
In recent years, researchers found cles, such as glass beads or poppy seeds.
that the weights of particles in a granular To vary the acrylic ball's density, the re-
mix — not just the grains' different sizes — searchers filled it with varying amounts of
are important factors in the Brazil nut ef- lead shot, explains team member Matthias
fect. E. Möbius.
Now, a new experiment shows that After pushing the big ball down into
the nature of the particles alone isn’t the surrounding particles, the researchers
enough to explain what’s going on. sealed the container, placed it on a me-
chanical shaker, and measured the ball's
Sidney R. Nagel and Heinrich M.
motion. Much to their surprise, the re-
Jaeger, both of the University of Chicago,
searchers found that at normal pressure
and their colleagues find that the air
both the heaviest and the lightest of the big
around the grains also plays a vital role.
balls moved to the top ahead of balls of
What's more, the effect of a particle's
intermediate weight, Möbius says.
weight is more complex than previously
reported, the researchers say. The scientists also pulled increasing
amounts of air out of the cylinder to see
They've issued "a wake-up call,"
how the gas in the system affected the re-
comments Robert P. Behringer of Duke
sults. The weight-dependent variation
University in Durham, N.C. The Brazil
eventually vanished. Moreover, in the
nut effect was already "a pretty perplexing
evacuated cylinder, a ball of almost any
problem, and they've upped the ante of
weight rose faster than it would in normal
what we'll have to unravel if we ever hope
to understand it," he says. The Chicago
team reports its findings in the Nov. 15 No one has yet explained the new re-
NATURE. sults, Nagel says. His team is planning
additional experiments to determine how
Around a decade ago, the prevailing
air affects the movement of the small par-
account of the Brazil nut effect held that
ticles. For now, anyway, the Brazil nut
smaller particles in a shaking container fill
effect continues to vex scientists.
in transient gaps that open beneath the lar-
ger particles. This makes the big guys rise — P. WEISS
[Science News, Vol. 160, Nov. 17, 2001, p.309]
(SN: 3/28/87, p. 201). To be sure, that's
still part of the explanation. Person sipping tea at the back: I shall
Experiments by Nagel, Jaeger, and never be able to look another nut in the
their collaborators in the early 1990s re- face after this.
vealed that granular materials in a shaken
cylinder undergo a convective flow, rising Pompous man in the back complaining
at the middle and falling at the sides (SN: bitterly about the taste of his tea: Aye
6/26/93, p. 405). This churning strands big say Sir, but this tea is not freshly drawn!
bits at the top. Experiments indicating that Nothing could taste like this straight
heavier bits rise faster than lighter ones of from the simmer.
the same size have more recently demon-
strated that particle density also plays a Collected lady in the right center
role. booth: Haven’t we enough bad news for
the day?! Put a smile on your face and
To look deeper into the contribution
tip the “house.” Coffeemaker scrimps to
of particle density to the Brazil nut effect,
keep the lights on, and lets us hang-out
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 15
for precious little. Besides I’ve been who endeavors to help others in any real
reading about Karma lately. Did you way puts himself in the place where he
know that good deeds force all of us to must take reactions. (Ibid., p. 206)
choose the fork in the road? We should By refusing to denigrate the exo-
watch our skirts and mind our steps lest teric work and do whatever in good con-
some peripatetic saint wander in and science we are able to do, we bring more
force us to change our ways. light into the wheel of ULT’s destiny.
Light by its very nature is universal —
Smart Aleck: Madam you are the one “From the effulgency of light — the Ray
that made you what you are, don’t blame of the Ever-Darkness — sprung in space
it on the saints! the re-awakened energies.” Karmic law
becomes active rather than passive when
Collected Lady: Have you not heard of a Self-sacrificer arises and change is in
the “Inductive Power of a good the air. “Choosers,” whether they be
example”? Listen to this and see for Kurus or Pandus can no longer evade the
yourself! issue.
Not all the commandos are in Af-
ghanistan by any means. There’s more There are elite troops even in the
than one army on this planet and their “Army of the Voice,” but the Comman-
“principles” of action are not the same: dos in this Army get their boot camp in
the world of Service. Their Object of
Sometimes we are slow to realize Service is what the Anugita calls “the
that “service to others” is a power in first entity” — Space. [Chap. 28, p. 337]
itself. The more universal and unhin- Being a battalion of candles, their per-
dered the motive the faster the connec- sonal life reveals itself as fuel for the
tion to higher states of consciousness, or flame.
in Mr. Crosbie’s words:
You have the right attitude, I believe,
and as time goes on, more and more light A SPICE TAKES ON ALZHEIMER'S
will come and other steps appear. It is
just to keep moving, with face turned in DISEASE
the right direction. Masters do not elect India has one of the lowest rates of
their disciples; the disciples elect to Alzheimer's disease in the world. A diet
serve, and thus constitute themselves rich in curcumin, a spice used in yellow
disciples to the extent of the completeness curry, may offer a potential explanation
of their self-abnegation and service. (The and a new therapy for the brain disorder,
Friendly Philosopher, p. 201)
according to a new study.
The experience of the Ego in its pro-
gress on this plane is a series of progres- Research over the past few years
sive awakenings, and awakening means has documented that regular use of non-
“awareness.” It knows the landmarks on steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
its way back to Divinity. … We are sur- (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, signifi-
rounded by an “invisible escort” as long cantly reduces a person's chance of de-
as our faces are set toward the goal and
we remain staunch to Their program.
veloping Alzheimer's disease (SN:
They neither push, pull, nor hinder volun- 8/12/00, p. 101). Yet physicians hesitate
tary action. To do so would prevent true to recommend regular use of NSAIDs
self-reliance. … because the drugs can have serious side
effects, including liver and kidney dam-
We are all links in the chain; what af-
age, when taken for extended periods.
fects one affects all, in degree. Every one
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 16
Looking for a safer and perhaps whole thing is false. All this lies within
better, option Greg M. Cole and Sally A. oneself. Man’s ruin arises from the false
Frautschy of the University of California, importance given to his body. A man who
Los Angeles (UCLA) have turned to cur- feels this affection for his body, is like an
cumin. The spice has well-known anti- insect building the cocoon which will kill
inflammatory properties and is safe even him. It is pure blindness and mental con-
when people regularly ingest large fusion of a person, who says “I am not
amounts. Unlike NSAIDs, curcumin is myself and have been stolen.” The truth is
also an antioxidant--it thwarts the dam- that he is THAT.
age caused by reactive molecules called Does one die by a wound inflicted in
free radicals. Such damage may contrib- a dream? A parrot holds on to a rod it is
ute to Alzheimer's disease, the research- sitting upon, though it is free and could fly
ers note. off except for mental doubts. The notion
that one is fettered makes one fall deeper
The UCLA scientists have tested into the bonds. Tell me how he, who is
curcumin on mice genetically engineered actually free, could be in bonds? A man,
to develop the brain lesions called amy- bound by his own false notions, is his own
loid plaques, which characterize Alz- enemy, but he who turns his back on
heimer's disease. In one experiment, the doubt, may be said to know himself. From
plaque burden in mice eating food laced such a Yogi, who has controlled his own
with curcumin was 43 percent less com- mind and eliminated all desires, the great
pared with that in mice not ingesting the Self (Paramatma) is not distant. When the
spice. Eating curcumin also reduced in- alloy is removed, gold acquires full value.
flammation and free radical damage in So all beings can reach Brahman when the
the mouse brains, the researchers report. false notions are eliminated. The space en-
— J.T. closed in a vessel is not different from
[Science News, 12-08-01, Vol. 160, No. 23, p. 362] space as a whole, when the vessel is de-
stroyed. When the false feeling regarding
the body has been eliminated, the great
DNYANESHVARI Self (Paramatma) is already there. Heat
and cold, pain and pleasure are notions.
XIV There is no question in these of respect or
disrespect. Wherever the sun goes there is
[The Dnyaneshvari is mentioned many light. So whatever appears before the Yogi
times by Madame Blavatsky, always in
glowing terms. The following rendition is is Brahman. Just as rain falling from the
extracted from Manu Subedar’s clouds does not hurt the ocean, so good
translation. The great Sage, Dnaneshwara and evil do not affect the Yogi. Constant
Maharaj, sang this work to his people
when he was quite young. He did it in
reflection on the world discloses to him,
their native language, Marathi, about 700 that this is unreal and that true knowledge
years ago. It is his commentary on the resides within himself. There can be no
Bhagavad Gita.] question of limits where oneness resides.
The Yogi, though inhabiting this body,
Chapter VI brings himself to the level of Para-
[Continued from Vol. II, #2] Brahman. He has subdued the senses and
reached perfection in Yoga, because he
Shri Krishna says to Arjuna: In the phi- makes no distinction between the small
losophy of unity (Adwaita), no one gives and the great, between a heap of coal the
anything. The dream of birth and death size of mount Meru and a plot of earth. If
arises when the soul is sleeping in igno- he finds a jewel equal to the value of the
rance in the bed of doubt and desire. Then whole earth, he still regards it with the
comes awakening, which reveals that the
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 17
same eyes that he would a piece of stone. reached attainment on this path. Reaching
He does not feel, even in imagination, the this Self, a man forgets hunger and thirst
difference between a friend or foe, a well- and does not even remember the difference
wisher or otherwise. Having got the fixed between day and night. Wherever he sets
realization that he is everything, who can foot, he strikes on a mine of liberation.
be his relation and who can be his enemy Even if one strays from the path a little, the
and on what account? To him, the meanest Bliss of heaven is near at hand. Like the
is the same as the highest. How can gold sun that moves from the east to the west
be different when it has been tested by the without flinching, one should tread this
same process, viz., the touchstone? His path for the sake of liberation, with firm-
attitude towards everyone is the same, and ness. Wherever this path leads, there is
he regards everyone constituted by Para. nothing but Self. It is no use talking about
Brahman, just as ornaments of different this. You will experience this yourself.
shapes cast in different molds all consist of
the same gold. Different appearances and Arjuna says to Shri Krishna: When will
varieties in this world do not confuse him, this happen? I am drowning in the ocean
when he has got this supreme knowledge. of anticipation!
He finds the Supreme Being is every one
Shri Krishna says to Arjuna: Don’t be
just as in looking at a piece of cloth, one
impatient. You need not ask for what I am
finds threads in it everywhere. His bal-
about to describe to you.
anced intelligence has come to regard the
world as ONE. In him reside the virtues of For practicing Yoga, one should find
the holy places. In his presence arises a quiet and attractive place, from where
mental satisfaction. Through his associa- one would be reluctant to leave and where
tion, doubts disappear and conversation the feeling of renunciation would grow.
becomes the quintessence of philosophy. The place would be such as to secure asso-
ciation of sages and general contentment of
Arjuna says to Shri Krishna: These
the mind, where one can maintain enthusi-
saintly qualities are not in me. I am inca-
asm with firmness. This place should be
pable of achieving them, but I may acquire
such as to induce practice and to secure
the necessary qualification, if you under-
experiences reaching right down to the
take to advise me. I will strive hard if I
heart. In such a place beauty remains un-
can become Brahman myself. In the
broken and so firm is the faith in asceti-
meanwhile, what you have described fills
cism that even the non-believer, if he
me with wonder. What a great thing this
comes there, he should desire to stay there.
perfection must be. Will you enable me to
Such a place detains him, who wishes to
reach it?
go away, fixes the wanderer and encour-
Shri Krishna says to Arjuna: Yes. Un- ages the feeling of asceticism. Even a
der the tree of Yoga are lying fruits in the sportive monarch, if he passes through
form of salvation. The Lord Shiva himself such a place, would desire to live there by
still treads the path of pilgrimage to this himself, giving up his kingdom. In such a
tree. beautiful and pure spot, the eyes see the
true form of Brahman. A place like this is
Not all ascetics find this Tree. Many to be occupied by the seeker, away from
wander in the bylanes of their heart, but by the dust of populace. Trees bearing sweet
constant practice, they reach the proper fruits are there. At every corner there are
path. When this high road of the wisdom streams of pure water offering plenty of
of Self is seen, the Yogis leave all other drink even outside the rainy season. In
paths of ignorance and pursue it. The such a spot the heat of the sun should be
sages have followed this path. The wise moderate and sweet breezes constant.
men as well as the great teachers have all Quietness should reign there, and there
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 18
should not be too many beasts, birds or Our address is: 2700 S. Tamiami Tr.
insects. But the swan’s “chakrawak,” the Suite #14 (we're moving to Suite #11 in Octo-
cuckoo, and the peacock might be there. ber), Sarasota Florida, and our phone number
In such a place there might be a secret is: 941-312-9494.
convent or a temple of Shiva, permitting Please feel free to call Bob Waxman
quiet and undisturbed practice of Yoga. anytime if you need any additional informa-
Select a place where the mind is happy. tion.
Reject a place where the mind is disturbed.
Then establish a seat of grass and on that United Lodge of Theosophists
the buckskin and in the middle of that a
clean cloth. The seat should be neither too Theosophy Hall
high nor too low. 77 W. Encanto Blvd.
Phoenix, Arizona 85003
Then concentrating the mind, re-
Telephone (602) 301-8363
member the greatness of the teacher (Guru) Email:
and practice Yoga. Even then respectful
memory of the teacher Guru destroys per- Study Classes Sunday Evenings
sonal pride and produces purity in the 7:30 - 8:30 pm
heart. The objects of sense will be forgot-
ten. The storm of the senses will not be The Key to Theosophy by H.P. Blavatsky
there and the mind will find rest.
All welcome No collections

Thoughts for Thinkers

The Global Village The first lesson

Sarasota, Florida taught in Esoteric
philosophy is, that the
Theosophy Group incognizable Cause does
not put forth evolution, whether
Meets Weekly on: consciously or unconsciously, but only
WEDNESDAYS: — 7 – 8:15 P.M. exhibits periodically different aspects of
SUNDAYS — 11 AM – 12:30 PM itself to the perception of finite Minds.
We are a very friendly group of students Now the collective Mind -- the Universal
with various religious and philosophical back- -- composed of various and numberless
grounds. Our goals are to discuss and under- Hosts of Creative Powers, however
stand the universal truths of Theosophy. infinite in manifested Time, is still finite
when contrasted with the unborn and
On Wed. nights we are studying, The
Ocean of Theosophy by W.Q. Judge, and on undecaying Space in its supreme
Sunday mornings we're discussing Isis Un- essential aspect.
veiled by H.P. Blavatsky and Light On The SD-II, 487
Path by Mabel Collins.
If you were to destroy in mankind
We structure our meetings so that any-
the belief in immortality, not only love
one who is visiting for the first time will feel
comfortable and easily follow along. but also every living force maintaining
the life of the world would at once be
Most topics include: The Absolute, dried up.
Karma, Evolution, Reincarnation, Universal The Brothers Karamazov
Truths and Eastern/Western esoteric philoso- FEDOR M. DOSTOEVSKI
phies. Meetings are free and all are welcome.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 19
raja yoga,karm a,dream s,ethics,spiritualworlds
Monday 7:30-9:00 - Secret Doctrine Class
Wednesday 7:30-8:45 - Study Class - Basic Theosophy
7:30-8:45 - Theosophy in Daily Life (October)
10:30-12:00 - Morning Discussion (October)
7:30-8:45 - Talks, Panel Discussions, Q & A

All Classes Free - No collec-

Theosophy Hall
Ancient Wisdom tradition FALL 2001

From the Writings of

H. P. Blavatsky & W. Q. Judge

Classes-- 11:a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Every other Sunday
September 23,2001 through June, 2002
Currently studying – Secret Doctrine Classes
The Secret Doctrine
A Synthesis of Religion, Science, Wednesday 2 to 4 pm — Antwerp
and Philosophy
Wednesday 7:30 to 8:45 pm — Los Angeles
By H.P. Blavatsky.
Long Beach — Monthly S.D. class.
Located at: First Saturday of every month (Jan. 6th,
TRS Professional Suites, 11th floor Feb. 3rd, etc.)
44 East 32nd Street (between Park & Madison)
New York, N.Y.

Near subway and bus lines.

David — (718) 438 — 5021 10:30 AM
Amedeo — (973) 697 - 5938 Not to do any evil, To cultivate good
To purify one's own mind:
All are welcome This is the teaching of the Buddhas.
-- Dhammapada 183

United Lodge of Theosophists 10:30 AM– WELCOME

Robert Crosbie House Keynote Readings, Songbook
62 Queens Gardens
London W23AH, England 10:45 – 11:15 – TEACHINGS OF BUDDHA
Tel +(44) 20 7723 0688 Text: The Dhammapada
Readings, Discussion, Q & A.
Fax +(44) 20 7262 8639
Contact us: 11:15 – 11:50 - REINCARNATION & KARMA
SUNDAYS 8.00 - 9.00 p.m. Texts: The Scope of Reincarnation &
U.L.T. Meetings are free and open to all. Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery
Readings, Discussion, Q & A.
{Being Obtained} 12:00 – 12:15 – ASSEMBLY

Sundays 8.00 - 9.00 p.m.
INFORMAL MEETINGS -No fees or collections-
All are welcome to attend the meetings: they are
held in an impersonal, friendly atmosphere.
Wednesdays 7 - 8 p.m.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 20
New York, NY 10021
(212) 535-2230
e-mail: T.K.s BOKHANDEL
Teosofiska Kompaniets Bokhandel är öppen på
A Theosophy study group has been ONSDAGAR före och efter
established in Taos, New Mexico. We föredraget 18.00-19.00 och 20.30-21.00 på Kungs-
will get more details for the next issue. gatan 16 A, II vån.

Litteratur: Boklista skickas gratis. Böcker kan

beställas per post, telefon, Internet eller köpas di-
Den TEOSOFISKA rekt hos:
Ursprungliga Undervisningen
UNITED LODGE OF THEOSO- Teosofiska Kompaniet, Roslins väg 6, 217 55
PHISTS, Malmölogen Malmö • tfn 040-26 22 11 • 0709-26 22 12
Kungsgatan 16 A, Malmö


dagar 18.00 - 19.00 en U.L.T.- tidskrift som behandlar den grundläg-
gande teosofiska filosofin. Den återspeglar
Studiegrupp i Den Hemliga Läran av HPB
teosofiska tankar och utforskar de filosofiska grun-
derna och det terapeutiska användandet av
I höst studerar vi Den Hemliga Läran eller Dzyans tidsåldrarnas samlade visdom. Den innehåller forn-
Bok som den tida texter och översättningar ur den teosofiska
förmedlades av Helena Blavatsky på uppdrag av rörelsens arkiv. Artiklarna i tidskriften vänder sig
Mästarna från den Stora Logen. till deras intuition "vars visshet om Visdomens
Mästare är levande i hjärtat". Den innehåller
också artiklar av olika nutida författare som vill
Vi kommer att belysa DHL från olika håll, bl.a. dela med sig resultatet av sina individuella reflek-
från dagens vetenskapliga upptäckter. tioner och erfarenheter.
Det kommer att ges stort utrymme för frågor och
Teosofiska Rörelsen har övergått till att bli en
samtal kring den teosofiska filosofin.
gratis Online-tidskrift och kommer att ges ut
löpande med under 2001. Samtliga äldre årgångar
Den Hemliga Läran kan betraktas som den
av TR kommer att publiceras på vår hemsida
teosofiska filosofins ryggrad.
Det mesta som finns i denna bok speglar kärnan i
teosofins esoteriska lära. T.R. Arkivet.Gamla tidskrifter kan i den mån det
finns några kvar i lager fortfarande köpas årgångs-
"Det finns ingen Religion högre än Sanningen" vis för 60:-/årgång plus frakt

Stiftelsen Teosofiska Kompaniet TKs verksamhet
ULT-FÖREDRAG kl. 19.30 - 20.30 drivs helt och hållet på ideell basis. Alla donationer
November i form av gåvor, arbetsinsatser eller dylikt som
stödjer vårt fortsatta arbete är därför varmt
den 7 november....Vad innebär
kollektiv karma? Postgiro: 444 58 09-9
Bankgiro: 5271-7972
den 14 november....Tibet, Panchen
Lama & Blavatsky
den 21 november....Spinoza (stora Antwerp — BELGIUM
teosofer genom tiderna)
[Will try to obtain new schedule]
den 28 november....Esoteriska Sam-
tal: Teosofi & Channeling LOGIE UNIE DES THÉOSOPHES
Loge Unie des Théosophes
11 bis, rue Kepler – 75116 Paris
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 21
Conferences — Panels

[Schedule being obtained]

Is this prospect one to look forward
to for the Theosophical Society? Is this
Los Angeles “Separateness” consonant with the united
245 West 33rd Street
Altruism of Universal Brotherhood? Is
Los Angeles, CA 90007
this the teaching of our noble MASTERS?
Wednesday 1:00 p.m. — 2:15 p.m.
Studying Bhagavad Gita Brothers and Sisters in America, it
is in your hands to decide whether it shall
be realized or not. You work and work
Loge Unie des Théosophes Douala
Camaroon hard. But to work properly in our Great
B.P. 11372 Douala Localisation Ndog - Bong Cause it is necessary to forget all
personal differences of opinion as to how
Heures d’ouverture: mercedi 19h – 20 h 15 the work is to be carried on. Let each of
Samedi 19h – 20 h 15 us work in his own way and not endeavor
Toutes les activités de la Loge sont libres et to force our ideas of work upon our
gratuites neighbors. Remember how the Initiate
Les reunions commencent et se terminent
aux heures précises indiquées
Paul warned his correspondents against
La Loge est maintenue en activité par des the attitude of sectarianism they took up
participations bénévoles in the early Christian Church: — “I am
Tel: 40-76-72 of Paul, I of Apollo’s,” and let us profit
SEND AN Email OFYOUR MEETING SCHEDULE by the warning. Theosophy is essentially
FOR POSTING ( unsectarian, and work for it forms the
entrance to the Inner life. But none can
THE BIG BLUE UMBRELLA enter there save the man himself in the
THIRD FUNDAMENTAL highest and truest spirit of Brotherhood,
Brotherhood: The Entrance to the Inner Life and any other attempt at entrance will
either be futile or he will lie blasted at the
In order that we may be able to
effect this work…, we have to sink all
private differences. Many are the
Our union is, and ever will be, our
energetic members of the Theosophical
strength, if we preserve our ideal of
Society who wish to work and work
Universal Brotherhood. It is the old “In
hard. But the price of their assistance is
hoc signo vinces” which should be our
that all the work must be done in their
watchword, for it is under its sacred flag
way and not in any one else’s way. And
that we shall conquer.
if this is not carried out they sink back
into apathy or leave the Society entirely,
And now a last and parting word.
loudly declaring that they are the only
My words may and will pass and be
true Theosophists. Or, if they remain,
forgotten, but certain sentences from
they endeavor to exalt their own method
letters written by the Masters will never
of working at the expense of all other
pass, because they are the embodiment of
earnest workers. This is fact, but it is not
the highest practical Theosophy. I must
Theosophy. There can be no other end to
translate them for you: —
it than that the growth of the Society will
soon be split up into various sects, as * * * Let not the fruit of good
many as there are leaders, and as Karma be your motive; for your Karma,
hopelessly fatuous as the 350 odd good or bad, being one and the common
Christian sects which exist in England property of all mankind, nothing good or
alone at the present time. bad can happen to you that is not shared
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 22
by many others. Hence your motive, be- through every Round, and from
ing selfish, can only generate a double ef- Round to Round throughout the
fect, good and bad, and will either nullify Maha-Manvantara — until, finally,
your good action, or turn it to another
man’s profit.” * * There is no happiness
the highest possible development has
for one who is ever thinking of Self and been attained. There is a perfected
forgetting all other Selves.” crop of matter: a perfected astral
crop, a perfected chemical or mineral
The Universe groans under the crop, a perfected vegetable crop, a
weight of such action (Karma), and none perfected animal crop, in every Man-
other than self-sacrificial Karma relieves
it. * How many of you have helped hu-
vantara. They correspond to what,
manity to carry its smallest burden, that for the human kingdom, are called
you should all regard yourselves as The- the Sishta, the seeds, the pioneers,
osophists. Oh, men of the West, who which start the new evolution in
would play at being the Saviours of man- every kingdom.
kind before they even spare the life of a
mosquito whose sting threatens them!, Question: If evolution in the first
would you be partakers of Divine Wis- three and a-half Rounds is on the de-
dom or true Theosophists? Then do as the scending scale before the turning-
gods when incarnated do. Feel yourselves point, which I understand was 18 mil-
the vehicles of the whole humanity, man-
kind as part of yourselves, and act accord-
lion years ago, does that mean that
ingly. * * * * * [Five Messages,pp. 16-17 & 19-20] the Night of Brahma set in 18 million
years ago?
[S ECO ND R EADING given in Mumbai, INDIA at theT.M. Day
meeting, 11-16-01.]
Answer: No; that is a misconception.
There is evolution of the whole solar sys-
P OINT O UT T HE W AY tem, then of our planetary chain, then of
[Continued from Vol. II, Issue #2] our earth, then of the mineral, vegetable
and animal kingdoms. When earth had
XIV reached the point where it was possible
Chapter III to combine them all in a single astral
IV. — Rounds of Evolution form, at the middle of the Fourth Round,
and not till then — precipitation took
Question: In the Table of Contents place, and we have the matter we know
for Chapter Three, we read: — now.
A mass of Egos for each chain. The Eighteen million years ago was the
number, though incalculable, is definite. time when man and nature became as
Their course of evolution through the
seven globes. In each a certain part of our
they now are. The Night of Brahma is a
nature is developed. long, long way off. How far off? Well,
if a Day of Brahma, including the evolu-
The question is, what parts of tion of the whole solar system, is
our nature are to be developed in the 4,320,000,000 years, how much of that
remaining three globes? time has already elapsed? Just a trifle
less than half as regards the Solar system
Answer: All parts of our nature, as a whole. So we still have over two
not just Atma-Buddhi-Manas, but all billion years to go, as regards the solar
those lives which make up all seven system. But how about our particular
principles. They progress, also, Mat- race of humanity, meaning by that, the
ter evolves from the crudest stage to Fifth Race? We have hundred of millen-
the finest, both from glove to globe niums to go before our Night of Brahma
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 23
comes, and that will be a shorter night Answer: Let us consider what is
than the Great Night. meant by conscious existence. It
means the state of knowingness, or
Question: “Venus Mars, Mercury awareness; it does not make any dif-
and other visible planets are all ference whether it is awareness in
fourth-plane globes of distinct plane- physical existence, awareness in as-
tary masses and for that reason are tral existence, awareness in planetary
visible to us, their companion six existence, awareness in cosmic exis-
centers of energy and consciousness tence: consciousness is awareness.
being invisible” the same as our own When we are aware, we are con-
other six globes. Is it to be inferred scious; when we not only exercise
that Venus is in the fourth state of power, as does everything in nature,
consciousness, corresponding to our but are aware that we have powers,
globe, of her seventh round? that we do exercise them, that we are
experiencing the consequences of our
Answer: In this chapter it shows exercising, then we are in self-
not only that there are seven Great conscious existence, whether in mat-
Races, but that each race has seven ter, that is, darkness; in astral life,
gradations. So there are seven Great that is, in twilight; or in spiritual life,
Races and seven sub-races in each, that is, sunlight or full self-
really, 49. Apply the same thing, consciousness.
then, to the seven states of matter
called the seven “globes.” Each state Question: On p. 27, The Ocean
of matter has seven substates. So speaks of the fact that when the mid-
there are 49 globes and sub-globes; dle of the Fourth Round is reached no
that is, states and sub-states of mat- more monads will emerge into the
ter. Now, according to the teachings, human kingdom. Does that apply to
Venus — both as regards her human- the lower kingdoms as well, or will
ity and as regards the globe itself, there always be monads to supply
that is, the Venus “earth” — is in its those forms? I am thinking also of
seventh round. What does that mean? the quotation from Mr. Judge’s arti-
Perhaps it means that the Venus hu- cle on “Reincarnation of Animals”
manity are all Masters of Wisdom. (reprinted in The Heart Doctrine, p.
And what does it mean as regards the 135): —
planet Venus? That it is seventh-
While it is stated that no more animal
state matter, but it is the fourth sub- monads can enter on the man-stage, it is
division of seventh-state matter; and not said nor inferred that the incoming
so we see it, just as we see light. The supply of monads for the animal kingdom
sub-states of matter are what fool our has stopped. They may still be coming in
scientists as to whether light is sub- from other worlds for evolution among
stantial or whether it is simply a rate the animals of this globe.
of motion. Visible light is the fourth
sub-state of astral matter, and they Answer: “After the middle of the
have one lovely time trying to deci- Fourth Round” means only after the
pher it either in terms of physical period of evolution has passed half-
substance or physical energy. way through the Fourth Round, or
that which declares that any monads
Question: Does conscious physical have passed permanently after the
existence correspond with the plane- middle of the Fourth Round from the
tary center of consciousness? mineral to the vegetable, or passed
permanently from the vegetable to
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 24
the animal. We know as a matter of Gregg Braden started off as a scien-
fact that they are incessantly rising tist and engineer, before he began pursuing
from the mineral to the human and these larger questions.
going back; that is their cycle. So
every monad in the kingdoms below EXPERIMENT #1
keeps right on going through its own The first experiment he reported was
monadic cycle, which is from mineral done by Dr. Vladimir Poponin, a quantum-
to human and back again. This is not biologist. In this experiment, first a con-
human consciousness, but human tainer was emptied (ie a vacuum was cre-
matter. ated within it), and then the only thing left
[ TO BE CONTINUED ] in it were photons (particles of light).
They measured the distribution (ie
Frequently Asked Questions the location) of the photons and found they
How do I subscribe? were completely random inside the con-
Send email request to tainer. This was the expected result. Then
Cost? some DNA was placed inside the container
There is no charge for a subscription.
What if Aquarian Theosophist won’t open properly? and the distribution (location) of the pho-
Write tons was remeasured. This time the pho-
Is The Aquarian Theosophist Archived on the Internet? tons were LINED UP in an ORDERED way
Yes: and and aligned with the DNA. In other words
If I cannot open an issue, can I get a free hardcopy? the physical DNA had an effect on the non-
Yes, give us your snail-mail address. physical photons.
It is the nature of violence to multiply
and reproduce itself in all directions. After that, the DNA was removed
Tolstoy from the container, and the distribution of
Thoughts the photons was remeasured again. The
for photons REMAINED ORDERED and lined up
where the DNA had been. What are the
When you are in- light particles connected to?
spired by some
great purpose, some Gregg Braden says we are forced to
extraordinary pro-
ject, all your accept the possibility that some NEW field
thoughts break their bonds: Your mind of energy, a web of energy, is there and the
transcends limitations, your con- DNA is communicating with the photons
sciousness expands in every direction
and you find yourself in a new, great through this energy.
and wonderful world. Dormant forces
faculties and talents become alive, EXPERIMENT #2
and you discover yourself to be
greater than you ever dreamed yourself These were experiments done by the
to be.
Patanjali military. Leukocytes (white blood cells)
were collected for DNA from donors and
A steady mind and heart stands still and quiet until placed into chambers so they could be
the muddy stream rolls clear. The body is like the
heart; it has to have time to get to some other measure electrical changes. In this ex-
condition. The wise man learns to assume in the body periment, the donor was placed in one
an attitude of carlessness that is more careful than room and subjected to "emotional stimula-
any other.
WM. Q.JUDGE tion" consisting of video clips, which gen-
erated different emotions in the donor.
The DNA was placed in a different
ETHICS AS A POWER room in the same building. Both the donor
and his DNA were monitored and as the
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 25
donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys 1. When the researchers FELT gratitude,
(measured by electrical responses), the love and appreciation, the DNA re-
DNA exhibited the IDENTICAL RESPONSES sponded by RELAXING and the
AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. There was no strands unwound. The length of the
lag time, no transmission time. The DNA DNA became longer.
peaks and valleys EXACTLY MATCHED
the peaks and valleys of the donor in time. 2. When the researchers FELT anger,
fear, frustration, or stress, the DNA
The military wanted to see how far responded by TIGHTENING UP. It be-
away they could separate the donor from came shorter and SWITCHED OFF
his DNA and still get this effect. They many of our DNA codes! If you've
stopped testing after they separated the ever felt "shut down" by negative
DNA and the donor by 50 miles and emotions, now you know why your
STILL had the SAME result. No lag time; body was equally shut down too. The
no transmission time. shut down of the DNA codes was re-
versed and the codes were switched
The DNA and the donor had the back on again when feelings of love,
same identical responses in time. What joy, gratitude and appreciation were
can this mean? felt by the researchers.
Gregg Braden says it means that liv- This experiment was later followed
ing cells communicate through a previ- up by testing HIV positive patients. They
ously unrecognized form of energy. This discovered that feelings of love, gratitude
energy is not affected by time and distance. and appreciation created 300,000 TIMES
This is a non-local form of energy, an en- the RESISTANCE they had without those
ergy that already exists everywhere, all the feelings. So here's the answer to what can
time. help you stay well, no matter what dreadful
virus or bacteria may be floating around.
Stay in feelings of joy, love, gratitude and
The third experiment was done by appreciation!
the Institute of Heart Math and the paper
that was written about this was titled: Lo-
cal and Non local Effects of Coherent The Eternal THAT
Heart Frequencies on Conformational [CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1.]
Changes of DNA. (Disregard the title! The
Bhagavana, the Glorious One; Sach-
info is incredible.)
chid-ananda-ghana, the solidarity of Be-
This is the experiment that relates di- ing, Thought, and Joy in one. He has been
rectly to the anthrax situation. In this ex- before declared unto thee.
periment, some human placenta DNA (the
He who is the All-Spirit, the All-
most pristine form of DNA) was placed in
Witness, the All-Lord, who is present
a container from which they could measure
within the bosom of every creature, who is
changes in the DNA. Twenty-eight vials
never indifferent to his own servants;
of DNA were given (one each) to 28
trained researchers. Each researcher had That God without beginning and
been trained how to generate and FEEL subtle [inapprehensible or unsearchable],
feelings, and they each had strong emo- who exhibits this universe, which is not;
tions. who again hideth it as a thing departed,
though still in the same place.
What was discovered was that the
DNA CHANGED ITS SHAPE according to the
feelings of the researchers:
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 26
Who, without ears, heareth; without The SAT, Being, or substance of the
eyes, seeth; without tongue, tasteth every Primordial Triad, is spread out into the
flavour; phenomena of infinite material universes.
Who, without feet, walketh every- The one central CHIT, or Con-
where; without hands, taketh and giveth; sciousness, into infinite personalities and
who by a wish alone emancipates the soul; lives.
Who, being close, is yet afar off; The unity That-I [So-Ham] which
standing afar off, is yet within the soul; is the experience of the original con-
through whose power the organs are sciousness, becomes dissevered first into
quickened to perform their own offices; THAT and THOU, and then into infinite
As the one sun shineth in every I’s, and THOUS, and THATS.
country, so the same Supreme Spirit illu-
The eternal Thought united with
mineth every creature — life, or soul.
this Consciousness, into infinite succes-
This delicate word THAT is a body sive cognitions, and systems of science,
of pure intelligence — without form, per- philosophy, and literature.
vading all things; yet, for the sake of his
The ANANDA, its harmonious Joy,
own worshippers, assuming an external
into infinite tones of sentiment and pas-
sion, which produce the result of tragic
There the When is an eternal Now. history.
The Where an eternal Here.
The infinite Here is rolled into
The What and the Who are one. — space.
A universal “That — I” — [So-Ham] —
The eternal punctual Now, into
impersonal merging into personal, per-
successive time.
sonal returning into impersonal, and feel-
ing its identity with it. And the divine, eternal, and round
life of True Being becomes evolved and
But True Being is broken by the
extended, and rolled out, as it were, into
prism of Maya into a multitudinous phe-
successive history
nomenal development, and it is then only Extract from Dream of Ravan
it can be contemplated by Spirit become
fractional itself, and fallen into finite in-
tellect. As it is sung by the virgin poet-
ess of Alandi — Samvritti
A change, a mirage ariseth in True Being; Samvritti, relative truth, is the “origin of
From the ONE, the many are evolving. all the world’s delusions.”
Voice of the Silence
In this evolution, which is phe-
nomenal only, the seed germinates into a What can that mean other than this,
thousand roots and shoots; the monad of that whatever I see and know to be true
light breaks into ten thousand rays. The for myself, is true. My mistake is that I
sphere is spun out into an infinite thread; take that to be truth, the whole truth and
the lump of gold becomes broken into ten nothing but the truth, whereas I need to
millions of jewels of infinite variety of ask myself: Do I know it all? Can any
make and pattern. being know it all? Very well; my knowl-
edge, however vast, is but relative truth.
If a Mahatma were to take His knowl-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #3 January 17, 2002 Page 27
edge as all the knowledge there is, he
would fall into error. Most of us profess
to be very humble, admit that we know
very little, but when any disagreement
comes along with a neighbor, we know it
all! That is the kind of relative truth that
besets us. ….

People say there is good in all old

religions of past and present. Why, of
course there is; what they forget is that
there is also bad in them.
Give a thirsty man an eight-ounce
glass of water with only a thimbleful of
chloral drops in it and he says, “I am
thirsty; that is good water: that has al-
layed my thirst.” It has quenched his
thirst, but it also knocks him out, and it is
the chloral that gets the noticeable work
in, not the water. We use the Three Fun-
damentals as a “filter” when hiking in the
forest of Comparative Religion and Phi-
Leibnitz called every form in the
universe a Monad. He saw the eternity
of every Monad, but he couldn’t tell
where those Monads came from, nor
where they were going. He could not see
that they were but so many differentiated
aspects of the One of Spinoza; so HPB
says that if we take the teachings of
Spinoza and Leibnitz and blend them
together — that is, find out what is com-
mon to both of them, we will have the
esoteric doctrine. She said the same
thing of Mahayana Buddhism and Ad-
vaita Vedanta in India. Take the two
teachings, fit them together, and throw
away what isn’t common to both of
them, and you have the truth.
[Extracted from Point out the Way]

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