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The Aquarian Theosophist

Volume II, No. 6 April 17, 2002

Where do you Draw the Line Between Matter and Spirit?


6th September, 1881.

Is It Just Another Page?
My dear judge,
Why is it that what we can't have we want
And what we have we don't appreciate? I have received your favour of the
Is this learned behaviour… or is it something 11th July. You ask me what is my belief
innate? about "re-incarnation"? Well, as it is a
What is the reason so many are in hunger and
complicated question, I must give you a
pain plain statement of my full belief.
While governments bootleg our blood for To begin with, I am a Pantheist and
political gain? not a Theist or a Deist. I believe that the
I would like to know, to understand whole Universe is God. You must how-
How this world of ours has deteriorated into ever well understand that the word "God"
just another designer brand. does — not convey to me any meaning
What has gone wrong? To whom do we attached to that word by the Westerns:
allocate the blame? When I say God I understand it to be Na-
How can so many people be so insane? ture or Universe and no more. Therefore,
I might more appropriately be called a
Is the fault of one? Or a mass psychosis?
"Naturalist." To my mind there is no
A symptom of some metaphorical deep-vein possibility of the existence of an extra-
thrombosis cosmical Deity. For if there were such a
In the hearts and minds of each and every possibility, the harmony or equilibrium
Every man, woman, child, sister, brother,
daughter, son.
How much more do we have to endure Is it just Another Page? 1
Before the mass collective cries out for a cure? Where do you Draw the Line…. 1
Please people direct your attention Gulf of Cambay has City Under it. 7
To the escalating scale of this global “Namaste OM Shanti”! 8
dissention. Correspondence 9
How can we find a solution? The Coffee Klatch 16
Or is it already a foregone conclusion? Dnyaneshvari — XVII 18
Mind over matter? The Global Village 20
Matter over mind. Point out the Way — XVII 23
Is this the sum total of what human kind The Universe as a Hologram 26
Has evolved into after so many generations Thoughts for Thinkers 28
Of supposed karmic interventions? Trials Along the Path 29
And still no better — or is it just another page Hit The Mark 30
In the continuing saga of the cyclical age… On the Lighter Side 30
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 2
in nature could not be preserved and the grosser. Some argue that these terms are
whole Universe instead of being one adopted to signify the two extreme con-
harmonious whole would be but a Tower ditions of matter. But then I cannot with
of Babel. This harmony can be kept only my finite senses comprehend where you
by the working of the Immutable Laws of can draw the line between Matter and
Nature. …. Now some of the Pantheists Spirit. And the gradations being infinite,
recognize the existence of two distinct I give up this task as hopeless for me, an
existences, viz., Matter and Spirit. But imperfect finite being. Well then, there
thinking deeply over the Subject has led is only one eternal Infinite Existence, call
me to the conclusion that this position is it either Spirit or Matter. I will however
not quite logical. For, as far as I can un- designate it by the latter name as that
derstand, there can be but one Infinite term is most suited in its common under-
Existence and not two. Call it either standing for what I am to state. Matter,
Matter or Spirit, anything you like, but it as you know, we call Maya. Now some
is one and the same. For who can say say that Matter, when assuming form and
that this is Spirit and this is Matter? Can shape and being temporary, is illusion
you draw anywhere a line between the and therefore does not really exist. But I
two? Take an instance. Ice is a gross do not agree there. In my opinion-and
form of matter. Suppose it is a little rare- such is that of every rational metaphysi-
fied, you will have water, which you will cian — it is the only Existence. And it is
still call matter. Higher still, you have called Maya simply on account of these
vapour, but it is still matter. Higher Transformations. It is never steady.
again, it becomes atmosphere, but still it The Process is ever working. The one
is matter. Furthermore, it becomes ether, Infinite Agglomeration of matter is in
but still it is matter, and thus you may go some of its nodes becoming grosser and
ad infinitum. …. Thus becoming more grosser, while, in others, becoming more
and more sublimated it will reach its cli- and more sublimated. The Circle is ever
max of the process of spiritualization. turning its round. Nothing goes out of
But still it does not become nothing. For that Circle. Everything is kept within its
if it does, there must come a time when bounds by the action of the Centripetal
the. whole Universe will be nothing. If and the Centrifugal Forces. The forms
it is so, it is not infinite; as it has an end. are changing but the Inner substance
If it has an end, it must have a beginning. remains the same.
If it had a beginning, it must have been
created and thus we must assume the You will naturally ask what is the
existence of an extra-cosmical Deity, use of our being good or bad, if Nature
which, as said above, is not a logical po- has her own course? Our souls will be
sition. Then we thus find logically that etherealized in their proper time? But
this highest sublimated form of matter then, what is a Soul? Is it material or
cannot be nothing. In this case matter immaterial? Well it is material for me as
has reached that climax of Sublimation there is nothing immaterial as said above.
or Spiritualization when any further ac- Then what is it? Well, as far as I can
tion would make it grosser, not finer. think, it is an agglomeration of all the
What is commonly understood by the attributes together with that something
word "Spirit" then is nothing but that which gives us the consciousness that we
highly etherealized form of matter which are. And just as Thought is Matter, so is
we, with our finite senses, cannot com- every attribute Matter. It might be then
prehend. But it is still matter in as much asked, will not our souls be etherealized
as it is still something and liable to be in their proper turn? Well, then take here
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 3
again the instance of Ice. It is the gross- emitting and attracting various atoms of
est form of matter. We say it then be- matter. Now a person who is not an oc-
comes water. But will it be so unless it cultist will have various desires and un-
comes in contact with heat? Decidedly consciously to himself he will produce a
not. The action of the Centripetal Force Cause which will attract to him such at-
is strong and it keeps up together the par- oms of matter as are not suited for his
ticles of Ice. It requires the action of higher progress. The same way, when he
Centrifugal Force, which is done be the is emitting others, he may give them such
supply of heat. If that piece of Ice be left a tendency that they will mix with others
in a cold place it will remain so until by evilly inclined and thus other Individu-
accident Sun's rays might penetrate there alities which are thus formed will have to
or in some such way heat might be sup- suffer for no fault of theirs. While an
plied. Just so then with man. The action Occultist directs both. He, is the Master
of the Centripetal Force keeps us to our of the Situation. He is not guided by the
gross forms. And if we have to ethereal- blind Forces of Nature. He guides them.
ize ourselves we must supply the Cen- ….
trifugal Force, which is our WILL. And
this the first principle of OCCULTISM. [Excerpt from Damodar’s letter to
Judge dated Sept. 6, 1881.]
Just as the etherealization of our
Souls is the result of the action of our The theme of this letter (#88)
Will, so is everything else the result of from the Master to A. P. Sinnett gives
further comments on the “occult”
something else. The action of the work-
view of matter and spirit, good and
ing of the Circle of Matter is regulated by
the Law of Cause and Effect. Nothing
can be without it. And everything is at 1. We deny the absurd proposition
the same time in itself a Cause and an that there can be, even in a
Effect. Take, for instance, heat. It is the boundless and eternal universe
cause of the melting of ice into water and — two infinite eternal and om-
at the same time it is the result of some nipresent existences.
other force. It did not come out of noth- 2. Matter we know to be eternal,
ing. Then, how can we etherealize our- i.e., having had no beginning
selves? By studying the action of Causes a. because matter is Nature
and Effects and acting -accordingly. Or, herself
in other words, by obtaining knowledge b. because that which cannot
of the Forces of Nature — in one word, annihilate itself and is inde-
by studying occultism. You might ask structible exists necessarily
Can we not rise higher and higher with- — and therefore it could not
out being Occultists? I reply, decidedly begin to be, nor can it cease
not to that extent to which an Occultist to be
will rise. You will simply desire to rise c. because the accumulated
'higher? Well, as said above, this is only experience of countless
the first principle of occultism. And just ages, and that of exact sci-
as one step leads you to certain progress, ence show to us matter (or
more Knowledge will lead you to a nature) acting by her own
greater progress; for every result must be peculiar energy, of which
in proportion to the cause producing it. not an atom is ever in an
As said above the action of matter is al- absolute state of rest, and
ways going on. And we are every instant therefore it must have al-
ways existed, i.e., its mate-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 4
rials ever changing form, pure spirit? If it be objected
combinations and proper- that thought cannot be a
ties, but its principles or property of matter, we will ask
elements being absolutely the reason why? We must
have an unanswerable proof of
this assumption, before we can
3. As to God — since no one has
accept it. Of the theologian
ever or at any time seen him or we would enquire what was
it — unless he or it is the very there to prevent his God, since
essence and nature of this he is the alleged creator of all
boundless eternal matter, its — to endow matter with the
energy and motion, we cannot faculty of thought; and when
regard him as either eternal or answered that evidently it has
infinite or yet self-existing. We not pleased Him to do so, that
refuse to admit a being or an it is a mystery as well as an
existence of which we know impossibility, we would insist
upon being told why it is more
absolutely nothing:
impossible that matter should
a. because there is no room for produce spirit and thought,
him in the presence of that than spirit or the thought of
matter whose undeniable God should produce and create
properties and qualities we matter.
know thoroughly well
b. because if he or it is but a We do not bow our heads in the
part of that matter it is ridicu- dust before the mystery of mind — for
lous to maintain that he is the we have solved it ages ago. Rejecting
mover and ruler of that of with contempt the theistic theory we
which he is but a dependent reject as much the automaton theory,
part and teaching that states of consciousness
c. because if they tell us that are produced by the marshalling of
God is a self-existent pure the molecules of the brain; and we
spirit independent of matter — feel as little respect for that other
an extra-cosmic deity, we an-
hypothesis — the production of
swer that admitting even the
possibility of such an impossi- molecular motion by consciousness.
bility, i.e., his existence, we
Then what do we believe in?
yet hold that a purely immate-
rial spirit cannot be an intelli-
Well, we believe in the much laughed
gent conscious ruler nor can he at phlogiston…, and in what some
have any of the attributes be- natural philosophers would call nisus,
stowed upon him by theology, the incessant though perfectly
and thus such a God becomes imperceptible (to the ordinary senses)
again but a blind force. Intel- motion or efforts one body is making
ligence as found in our Dhyan on another — the pulsations of inert
Chohans, is a faculty that can matter — its life. The bodies of the
appertain but to organized or Planetary spirits are formed of that
animated being — however im- which Priestley and others called
ponderable or rather invisible
Phlogiston and for which we have
the materials of their organi-
zations. Intelligence requires
another name — this essence in its
the necessity of thinking; to highest seventh state forming that
think one must have ideas; matter of which the organisms of the
ideas suppose senses which are highest and purest Dhyans are
physical material, and how can composed, and in its lowest or
anything material belong to densest form (so impalpable yet that
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 5
science calls it energy and force) devoured by a bird becomes that bird,
serving as a cover to the Planetaries and the little bird killed by an animal
of the 1st or lowest degree. In other goes into a higher form. It is the blind
words we believe in MATTER alone, in law of necessity and the eternal
matter as visible nature and matter in fitness of things, and hence cannot be
its invisibility as the invisible called Evil in Nature. The real evil
omnipresent omnipotent Proteus with proceeds from human intelligence and
its unceasing motion which is its life, its origin rests entirely with reasoning
and which nature draws from herself man who dissociates himself from
since she is the great whole outside of Nature. Humanity, then, alone is the
which nothing can exist. For as true source of evil. Evil is the
Bilfinger truly asserts, “motion is a exaggeration of good, the progeny of
manner of existence that flows human selfishness and greediness.
necessarily out of the essence of Think profoundly and you will find
matter; that matter moves by its own that save death — which is no evil but
peculiar energies; that its motion is a necessary law, and accidents which
due to the force which is inherent in will always find their reward in a
itself; that the variety of motion and future life — the origin of every evil
the phenomena that result proceed whether small or great is in human
from the diversity of the properties of action, in man whose intelligence
the qualities and of the combinations makes him the one free agent in
which are originally found in the Nature. It is not nature that creates
primitive matter” of which nature is diseases, but man. The latter’s
the assemblage and of which your mission and destiny in the economy of
science knows less than one of our nature is to die his natural death
Tibetan Yak-drivers of Kant’s brought by old age; save accident,
metaphysics. neither a savage nor a wild (free)
animal dies of disease. Food, sexual
The existence of matter then is a relations, drink, are all natural
fact; the existence of motion is necessities of life; yet excess in them
another fact, their self-existence and brings on disease, misery, suffering,
eternity or indestructibility is a third mental and physical, and the latter
fact. And the idea of pure spirit as a are transmitted as the greatest evils
Being or an Existence — give it to future generations, the progeny of
whatever name you will — is a the culprits. Ambition, the desire of
chimera, a gigantic absurdity. securing happiness and comfort for
those we love, by obtaining honours
Our ideas on Evil. Evil has no
and riches, are praiseworthy natural
existence per se and is but the
feelings, but when they transform
absence of good and exists but for him
man into an ambitious cruel tyrant, a
who is made its victim. It proceeds
miser, a selfish egotist they bring
from two causes, and no more than
untold misery on those around him; on
good is it an independent cause in
nations as well as on individuals. All
nature. Nature is destitute of
this then — food, wealth, ambition,
goodness or malice; she follows only
and a thousand other things we have
immutable laws when she either gives
to leave unmentioned, becomes the
life and joy, or sends suffering [and]
source and cause of evil whether in its
death, and destroys what she has
abundance or through its absence.
created. Nature has an antidote for
Become a glutton, a debauchee, a
every poison and her laws a reward
tyrant, and you become the originator
for every suffering. The butterfly
of diseases, of human suffering and
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 6
misery. Lack all this and you starve, Italian and Slavonian peasant will
you are despised as a nobody, and the starve himself and see his family
majority of the herd, your fellow starving and naked to feed and clothe
men, make of you a sufferer your his padre and pope. For two thousand
whole life. Therefore it is neither years India groaned under the weight
nature nor an imaginary Deity that has of caste, Brahmins alone feeding on
to be blamed, but human nature the fat of the land, and to-day the
made vile by selfishness. Think well followers of Christ and those of
over these few words; work out every Mahomet are cutting each other’s
cause of evil you can think of and throats in the names of and for the
trace it to its origin and you will have greater glory of their respective
solved one-third of the problem of myths. Remember the sum of human
evil. And now, after making due misery will never be diminished unto
allowance for evils that are natural that day when the better portion of
and cannot be avoided, — and so few humanity destroys in the name of
are they that I challenge the whole Truth, morality, and universal charity,
host of Western metaphysicians to call the altars of their false gods.
them evils or to trace them directly to
an independent cause — I will point If it is objected that we too have
out the greatest, the chief cause of temples, we too have priests and that
nearly two thirds of the evils that our lamas also live on charity . . . let
pursue humanity ever since that cause them know that the objects above
became a power. It is religion under named have in common with their
whatever form and in whatsoever Western equivalents, but the name.
nation. It is the sacerdotal caste, the Thus in our temples there is neither a
priesthood and the churches; it is in god nor gods worshipped, only the
those illusions that man looks upon as thrice sacred memory of the greatest
sacred, that he has to search out the as the holiest man that ever lived. If
source of that multitude of evils our lamas, to honour the fraternity of
which is the great curse of humanity the Bhikkhus established by our
and that almost overwhelms mankind. blessed master himself, go out to be
Ignorance created Gods and cunning fed by the laity, the latter often to
took advantage of the opportunity. the number of 5 to 25,000 is fed and
Look at India and look at Christendom taken care of by the Samgha (the
and Islam, at Judaism and Fetichism. fraternity of lamaic monks), the
It is priestly imposture that rendered lamassery providing for the wants of
these Gods so terrible to man; it is the poor, the sick, the afflicted. Our
religion that makes of him the selfish lamas accept food, never money, and
bigot, the fanatic that hates all it is in those temples that the origin
mankind out of his own sect without of evil is preached and impressed
rendering him any better or more upon the people. There they are
moral for it. It is belief in God and taught the four noble truths — ariya
Gods that makes two-thirds of sacca, and the chain of the causation,
humanity the slaves of a handful of (the 12 nidanas) gives them a solution
those who deceive them under the of the problem of the origin and
false pretence of saving them. Is not destruction of suffering.
man ever ready to commit any kind of
Read the Mahavagga and try to
evil if told that his God or Gods
understand, not with the prejudiced
demand the crime — voluntary victim
Western mind but the spirit of
of an illusionary God, the abject slave
intuition and truth what the Fully
of his crafty ministers? The Irish,
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 7
Enlightened one says in the 1st Gulf of Cambay has a city
Khandhaka. Allow me to translate it older than Sumer’
for you.
“At the time the blessed Buddha was at NEW DELHI, JANUARY 16

Uruvela on the shores of the river AN innocuous piece of wood along

Neranjara as he rested under the Bodhi with a slew of artifacts are set to push
tree of wisdom after he had become back Indian antiquity to 7,500 B.C., if
Sambuddha, at the end of the seventh material picked up from the sea-bed of
day having his mind fixed on the chain of the Gulf of Cambay gets scientific verifi-
causation he spake thus: ‘from Ignorance cation.
spring the samkharas of threefold nature
— productions of body, of speech, of
The carbon dating of the wooden
thought. From the samkharas springs
artefact, which was recently carried out
consciousness, from consciousness
by the Birbal Sahani Institute of Pa-
springs name and form, from this spring laeobotony and the National Geophysical
the six regions (of the six senses, the Research Institute, indicates that the
seventh being the property of but the settlements, accidentally discovered by a
enlightened); from these springs contact team of oceanographers, could be one of
from this sensation; from this springs the oldest Neolithic sites discovered in
thirst (or desire, kama, tanha), from thirst India till date.
attachment, existence, birth, old age and The discovery follows a series of
death, grief, lamentation, suffering, surveys conducted by the National Insti-
dejection and despair. Again by the tute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) during
destruction of ignorance, the samkharas 2000 to 2001. According to Dr B.
are destroyed, and their consciousness, Sasisekaran, research associate in the
name and form, the six regions, contact, National Science Academy, ‘‘The carbon
sensation, thirst, attachment (selfish- dating of 7,500 B.C. obtained for the
ness), existence, birth, old age, death, wooden piece recovered from the site
grief, lamentation, suffering, dejection, changes the earlier held view that the
and despair are destroyed. Such is the first cities appeared on the horizon
cessation of this whole mass of suffering.” around 3,500 B.C. (the Sumer valley
around circa 3000 B.C. and at Harappa
Knowing this the Blessed One circa 2500 B.C.)’’.
uttered this solemn utterance:
The material collected at the site
include artifacts, possible construction
“When the real nature of things
elements with holes and studs, pot
becomes clear to the meditating Bhikshu,
shreds, beads and fossil bones.
then all his doubts fade away since he has
learned what is that nature and what its At a press conference today, Minis-
cause. From ignorance spring all the ter for Science and Technology and
evils. From knowledge comes the Ocean Development, Murli Manohar
cessation of this mass of misery, and then Joshi, said, ‘‘The impact of these discov-
the meditating Brahmana stands dispelling eries will be far-reaching. Not only would
the hosts of Mara like the sun that they link various theories regarding ear-
illuminates the sky.” liest human settlements in the country,
it would also open avenues for under-
Meditation here means the standing the geomorphic characteristics
superhuman (not supernatural) of the Gulf of Cambay.’’ The presence of
qualities, or arhatship in its highest of an archaeological site indicative of a very
spiritual powers. ancient culture in the Gulf of Cambay
was first announced by the ministry in
May last year.
Subsequently, further underwater
explorations were carried out in the area
which yielded a cache of artifacts sug-
gesting an ancient culture.Professor S.N.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 8
Rajguru, former joint director and head
of department of Archaeology at Deccan
College, said, ‘‘These collections repre-
sentan exciting breakthrough in offshore
"Namaste, Om
archaeology. The findings indicate that Shanti"
the entire landscape between Bhavnagar
and Hazira were probably connected
around 7,000 B.C.’’ Namaste: It is
difficult at best to
The acoustic images of the area translate Sanskrit
present channel-like features, indicating because it is a
the presence of a river in the region conceptual
‘‘Geometrical structures and the antiqui- language that rarely
ties have been discovered in an area
translates word for
only within 200 m adjoining the channel
word to our modern
indicating human activity on the banks of
English. "Namaste" is a divine salutation.
the river that was present at that time,’’
The classical sun salutations of Hatha
Prof Rajguru added.
Yoga are called "Suya Namaskara."
Having discovered indications of a
possible settlement earlier in 2001, NIOT Simple translation: “I greet the God within
scientists undertook a confirmatory sur- you.”
vey in November 2001 in the Gulf of
Cambay area, by using advanced marine The detailed interpretation for "Namaste"
underwater survey techniques with side- is: "The light (spirit, soul, higher self)
scan sonar and sub-bottom profiler. within me recognizes, bows, and honors
Images taken of the site revealed the light within you; and together we are
structures similar to staircases, temples one with this light (connected by a soul
and bathrooms, said Joshi, adding that recognition with/to God and/or power of
further investigations were necessary. the universe and beyond)." In Old English
He said the findings would be sub- we used to say "God by with ye." Now we
mitted to scientific journals within 10-15 say "Good-bye."
days. ‘‘Further investigation of this area
is important as this has implications and Om: The most famous mantra (prayer,
might throw some light on the develop- repeated sacred word, etc.). Aum is con-
ment of human civilisation, besides hav- sidered a truer spelling. In Sanskrit
ing a bearing on Indian history,’’ Joshi Aum/Om has its own symbol instead of
said. being separate letters that come together
Accordingly, the government has to spell it as a word. It looks somewhat
decided to form a specialised group of like the number
archaeological experts from NIOT, Na- three. It is also
tional Institute of Oceanography, Archaeo- often drawn re-
logical Survey of India, Physical Research sembling the
Laboratory, Lucknow and BSIP and NGRI. symbol for a
heart. There
have been refer-
ences and paral-
lels to Om and
the Holy Trinity
as well as Bible
passages ... "The
word made flesh." "The word" Om is
mighty and practically "omnipresent"
throughout spiritual prayers in various
forms of many cultures. It is believed the
Om is an ancestor to the word "Amen." In
some Native American Indian circles, at
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 9
the end of a gathering, the men exclaim, I've found my thoughts to be that,
"Ho," while the women "M-m-m." though I have much to accomplish and
have a long way to go before reaching
Om is included in many chants and is the path of adept-ship, I have this
supposed to emphasize balance or en- twinge of broad enthusiasm for telling
hance the meaning and power of the others what lessons I am learning
chant. A great chant practiced with prayer
about who we really are...BUT, I can't
wheels in Tibet is "Om Mani Padme
Hum." This particular chant is used in put my finger on it...what exactly my
many ways. Kwan Yin, an Asian goddess duty is...
of compassion, is associated with this
chant about putting the "consciousness as Bruce: That's a difficult thing to
the jewel of the heart." do in many cases, because there are a
number of things involved and many
The infinite potencies of sound derive from different people we could talk to, and
the Creative Word, Aum, the cosmic vibra- even our own understanding is at dif-
tory power behind all atomic energies. ferent levels, so the question of
Any word spoken with clear realization and whether our level of understanding
deep concentration has a materializing will meet the understanding of others
value. Loud or silent repetition of inspiring is important to consider. For instance,
words has been found effective in some all the great teachers have had difficul-
systems of psychotherapy; the secret lies ties with this. Jesus and Socrates were
in the stepping-up of the mind's vibratory
finally executed, HPB was ridiculed
and libeled, other teachers were vili-
fied or condemned, so it is not easy to
Shanti: means peace. "Namaste, bring a new truth to people.
Om Shanti." What does it mean, feel
like to you? Meditate on it! On the other hand, your enthusi-
asm is potentially beneficial to others,
because they can see how you value
what you have learned.
Many people have responded to
the teachings of these teachers and
CORRESPONDENCE have benefited from that. So where do
we, as students of these truths, fit in?
Guest Editorial ] First, we have to be circumspect.
That means that we do not just sud-
Dear CeeKaye, You ask a few ques-
denly blurt out to others that we have
tions which I will try to answer as far
some "wonderful truths" that they
as I understand from the perspective of
"really should check out." In most
cases, even with those who are inter-
CeeKaye: I have been contemplating ested in these subjects, we will get a
it: how in the world am I going to re- blank look and the effect we would
lay these things to people in such a have had will be nullified. But what
way that they are receptive and at least we can do is to "test the waters." It is
"leave the doorway to the open mind possible to bring up certain topics in
ajar" just enough that they begin to conversation indirectly. For instance,
value pursuit of ethics and self- most people are familiar with Karma
realization, like we should be doing? or Reincarnation by now, even if just
from the TV. So when something
comes up in the news or in someone's
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 10
personal life, we might bring up the for other people to find out about these
possibility of Karma and responsibility things.
as a factor in what has happened, to
see what the reaction is to the topic. Jesus, for instance, says, "Do not
We can then gauge whether we should throw your pearls before swine, be-
go farther in the discussion. If the cause they will trample them under
hearer merely scoffs at us and tells us foot and then turn and tear you to
"that's a load of -----," then we might pieces." That is sound wisdom on the
as well leave the topic and go on to reaction of people who are presented
something else. But if there is some with a "new truth" which contradicts
interest it means there is an opening their ideas of the world.
and we can find out what the other per-
People do not accept a "new
son thinks about the subject. Instead
truth" until they are ready, and if they
of "telling them the truth," we are thus
are not ready, they scoff at what is pre-
sharing with the other person, finding
out their thoughts and sharing ours.
That way we are not intrusive, trying Another thing which I think is
to "convert" the other person, but are important in this matter is that WE
sharing on an equal footing, learning have to become aware and knowledge-
from them and sharing what we know. able about what we find of value in the
That is what happens on a list like this teachings, and then we will be ready to
one, for instance, except here we can share our insights with others when the
assume that we are all interested. time comes. The old saying goes,
"When the student is ready, the teacher
If the response we get is ridicule
will appear." That means that the
or fear, we can back off and realize
"Universe," the collective Conscious-
that the person we are talking to is not
ness of the Universe, knows when each
really ready for what we have to share.
of us is ready for more "Truth." When
But if there is interest, we can then
we are ready we will find our teacher,
explore a little more with that person,
and when others are ready, we may be
and we may even find that they are
the teachers they will find, if we have
quite interested and knowledgeable but
prepared ourselves through study, de-
were reluctant to bring up the subject
votion, inner honesty, meditation,
with us for fear we might ridicule
sharing and service. However, in order
them, or they might say, "I was always
to be such a teacher, we have to do a
interested in that subject. What do you
great deal of preparation ourselves
know about it?"
first. Enthusiasm is not enough, then:
We cannot always talk about our we also need knowledge and wisdom
deepest feelings and convictions and and experience so that we can become
ideas with everyone, nor do we have a effective teachers — and even the
duty to do so. In fact, the teaching of greatest teachers continue to be stu-
the deepest truths was forbidden out- dents.
side of the select few (read the web
CeeKaye: Maybe because it's spiri-
site "Compiler" suggested about :
tual and I must learn to not try and
touch it but affirm it in my heart.] (8-part se-
ries). Those who divulged the secrets Bruce: I know that the tendency has
of the Initiates were actually put to been in the past to think of that which
death in certain societies, although it is "spiritual" as something which we
seems to be the right time of history cannot touch without somehow sully-
ing it. However, I do believe that what
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 11
HPB says is very true, that there is of, touching" the world of both "spirit
nothing in the universe which is be- and matter," realizing that there is no
yond our grasp and our understanding division between spirit and matter —
and Knowledge. We therefore have to they are two sides of the one coin.
touch the "spiritual" truth because
what is "spiritual" is also physical, and CeeKaye: I agree with you, that
what is physical is also spiritual. static truth leads to ignorance of THE
There is no separation. ONE truth.

The theory of this is that "you But what of the lessons we re-
can always get anywhere in the uni- ceive in the study of ethics? Be kind
verse from HERE." Here is our lim- and love your neighbor, he is your
ited, apparently physical self with all brother. Is there more than one mean-
our limits and all our problems and all ing?
our fears. This is where we have to
Is it considered the right way to
start, always, and this "here" is where
act? Truth? Is right action and right
we will find the ultimate Truth.
thought the same as defining a truth?
HPB puts it sort of like this: in
Bruce: So, what is the relationship
order to give us insight into ourselves,
between individual ethical acts and the
she draws on the stories of how the
One truth?
universe came into being. Before the
beginning there was Unlimited Space, Let's take two possibilities: we
the Unnameable Source, that which is can act ethically or unethically. So
beyond our comprehension. But from let's start with the unethical alterna-
the Unnameable Source arose two as- tive.
pects which are actually one -- that is
Parabrahman and Mulaprakriti. If I am nasty to you, if I beat you
Parabrahman might be called "Divine up and rob you, I am creating a par-
Ideation" and Mulaprakriti might be ticular type of world for you and for
called "Divine Substance." From the me. I am creating a world from my
union of these (which are actually ideas of what is suitable behaviour.
One) arose all of manifestation. The world I am creating is a world of
suffering, of self-interest, of anger and
Now that sounds like it must be a hatred and likely even murder. I will
long time ago, but note that this union suffer along with you because I am
takes place in each of us all the time. actually creating this world of violence
The "Idea" and the "potential sub- for myself as well as for you. If I have
stance" come together to produce our children, I will be creating this violent
world. Thus if we look at the present, world for my children and my loved
at here and now, we can move back- ones as well. And your family will
wards in awareness and realize what likely try to get revenge on my family
sorts of "ideas" and "substance" and the violence will spread and be-
brought our world into being — we come such suffering for all of us that
made our world with our ideas and we will not be able to bear it (and
actions and attitudes. If we do not ironically we will likely ask, "Why
think that the world we see reflects does God allow this kind of suffer-
what we really are, then we can begin ing?" Note, it is we who cause the
to change our ideas and the "sub- suffering, and that suffering can extend
stance" with which we express our over many lifetimes.) Now, let's sup-
ideas. That way, we can ourselves pose that my son and your daughter
transform our world by "taking hold fall in love, in spite of the hatred be-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 12
tween the families and in the country those feelings, it is at that point that
we inhabit. Love should be good, but we can begin to ask, "Is there an even
in this case it arouses such hostility greater Truth about our Oneness which
that we actually try to kill our own we can explore?" And from that ques-
children because of the hatred which is tion, the teacher will arise because the
aroused in ourselves by their possible student is now ready.
union. And let's say that they actually
do die because of our hatred of each So "spiritual" truth actually arises
other. Then we come to our senses and from ethical behaviour, and unethical
realize that our unethical alternative behaviour only leads to separation and
actually leads to a terrible state of life. pain and misery.

We begin to sense in our sorrow But notice that the abstract theory
that we are more than this hatred and of ethical behaviour is not enough. We
anger and violence, because we also must put the abstract idea into "mate-
experience pain and love and regret. rial" form, into action, and then we
discover the Truth. The Truth is al-
Now we realize that we have to ways, then, a union of "idea" and
begin to act ethically toward each "form/action/substance," as the Divine
other if we are to change our world. Union of "Divine Ideation" and "Di-
We have to apologize to each other. vine Substance" is what makes it pos-
We weep about our errors of the past. sible to manifest the Truth. The old
We invite each other into our homes maxim applies: "As Above, so Be-
and begin to discuss the things which low."
have kept us apart for so long. We
return everything we have stolen and I hope that helps a bit.
try to teach our children to love each
Peace, Bruce MacD.
other instead of hating. We begin to
realize that instead of buying guns, we ===========================
can now invest in better agriculture, in
schools and hospitals, in activities for Guest Editorial ]

our children. In short, by following

ethical behaviour, we begin to build up Narayan: A general question: How
a better life for us all and we begin to does one convey these theosophical
realize that we don't have to be sepa- messages to the general public? How
rate, but that we are happier and more practical is it?
fulfilled when we are closer together,
How can one give these ideas
when we are ONE.
according to the present understanding
That is when we begin to realize of the people?
the Truth which arises from experi-
Most of us have the habit of con-
ence. It is not sufficient to merely
veying our ideas and concepts to the
SAY OR THINK that we should be
people we meet without understanding
good to each other. Now we know that
their nature and mental temperament.
ethical behaviour is essential to our
Because each individual has his own
actual, experienced well being. Fol-
way of understanding, depending upon
lowing ethical standards of behaviour,
his mental temperament which may be
we can then begin to build a better
emotional, assertive or aggressive.
world. But we don't stop there.
For example, if one is very much
At the point where we begin to
emotional he is more addictive to the
feel love and compassion and to act on
devotional approach, if one is very
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 13
intellectual he is interested in Jnana need deeper insight to understand, how
(knowledge) marga (method). If the do we convey without degradation?
other person is interested in action, his
approach will be seeing God in his On the other hand, if we are
work. speaking to a group of people as in the
general public, most of them do not
Therefore to convey these impor- even have the basic definition of God
tant messages we have to go to the — rather they have really forgotten the
people’s needs, not our needs? — term "GOD" itself. So, there should be
Isn’t it so? a relative approach to convey these
teachings to the public who are igno-
Gulab Singh: You are absolutely rant even in the basics of theosophy.
right. It requires a very good grasp of They do not even know the exoteric
Theosophy in its entirety as given by meaning of the various concepts.
the Messengers and skill in oral and Therefore these highly esoteric doc-
written communication coupled with trines are very difficult for an average
an understanding of the needs of the man to understand. Is it not so?
people addressed. High metaphysics
goes over the heads of most and should Gulab Singh: The three fundamental
be avoided. That's one extreme. Dilut- propositions are what are required to
ing Theosophy to the level of inanity be inculcated. They are comprehensive
in the name of simplifying Theosophy and cover the whole ground. They can
is another extreme. We have to de- be presented in a manner that ordinary
velop the skill of simple, common- people who have not studied Theoso-
sense presentation without being pe- phy can understand, with profuse illus-
dantic or floating in the metaphysical tration from religious scriptures famil-
clouds. We have the example of Judge iar to them — Upanishads, Bhaga-
and Crosbie; they both present The- vadgita, Gospels, Revelations, Epistles
osophy pure and simple without the of Paul, James, Dhammapada, on the
least dilution in such simple language one hand, and from the point of view
and manner that even a child can fol- of science in the Light of Theosophy,
low them. This is something we have on the other.
to strive to acquire — to fit ourselves
to be the better able to help and teach The fundamnetal propositions
others (Declaration). disabuse the mind of wrong ideas and
beliefs and render it open to right ideas
Onlooker: Karma, Reincarnation, and right attitude.
Brotherhood, the ONE SELF — these
can be presented as vital to the current Narayan: We are studying these
interests of the individual. We have to various texts on Theosophy like The
talk in the terms of person we are ad- Secret Doctrine, Light on path, Voice
dressing, which means listening first, of the Silence. Since they are written
so we can find out where they are com- in English, a barrier arises: There are
ing from. Find out what their aspira- so many people who do not know Eng-
tions are, what kind of world they lish. How do we relate to them the
would like to see rather than what is meanings and lessons as contained in
currently in place. Humans come first. Theosophy?

Narayan: General question: As we Gulab Singh: That's a very important

all know that we are dealing with the undertaking. We have to attempt it. It
esoteric meaning of the theosophical was attempted here. In Malleswaram
doctrines, which are very sacred and talks were given at Gandhi Sahitya
Sangha in Kannada language, and they
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 14
were well received. Epitome of The- Gulab Singh: As far as I know no
osophy was translated into Kannada one ever attacked ritualistic religion or
and it sold very well. It was not pur- made derogatory remarks from the
sued further because — platform on people given to it.
1. In the city there are not many non- As far as the idea that students
English speaking people particu- studying Theosophy are prone to de-
larly seeking Theosophy, and some velop hatred and arrogance towards
who came preferred the English other forms of thought — sounds
medium, and strange to me. If so, such a person has
2. There are not enough workers. misunderstood Theosophy and misap-
plied it. But I have not come across
Students who are ready to take on any such.
lecture assignments are too few in
number even to keep the ULT going. There are many wrong beliefs
How then to go out to other places to and practices in religion. One such,
address people. It requires a band of and the most harmful, is the idea that
dedicated workers who are prepared to one may escape the consequences of
sacrifice their time and energy for se- one's acts by accepting a religious
rious work of study and promulgation. dogma or performing a rite. It is
If you will volunteer to try it out — prevalent in India among the Hindus
both simple talks at the ULT and other to-day as much as with the Christains.
venues, and simple contribution to This is the one chief cause of India's
popular press, such as, the Times of degradation. Right from the time I
India in which some columns called have been in ULT here very good
"The Speaking Tree" are dedicated to speakers have been constantly present-
religious matters; and also the Kan- ing the true bearing of Karma, reincar-
nada monthly, Taranga — I will jump nation and Universal Unity on ethics,
at the chance to help and collaborate our conduct and duties of life.
with you. It has been too much for me As regards our personal involve-
to do it all alone. ment in the religion in which we are
Narayan: Another thing which I born I must tell you my own personal
want to put across is: Quite often a experience. From the childhood days I
person who is studying these important never took seriously the hundred ritu-
doctrines of Theosophy, in the course als my parents and grandparents and
of time, develops a hatred and arro- relatives were engaged in. As I grew
gance towards other forms of teach- up and asked questions, elders gave
ings. What about that? The disdain of explanations which were revolting to
a “pedagogue” is a chilling event! reason, and blind obedience was ex-
pected. So I generally, and as far as I
I would point out that everyone could, avoided religious ceremonies,
of us before finding theosophy have though I was made to go through
done one or another form of rituals and Upanayanam as a boy as a blind ritual
rites. Since we are students of The- devoid of any sense. When I came into
osophy, are we to degrade the persons Theosophy and studied it, it was only
who are still performing these rituals then that I realized the rich philosophy
and rites? If we degrade them, then and meaning underlying Upanayanam,
where is the question of our foremost and the Gayatri, and felt sad that such
duty? genuine religious rites as these should
have been so degraded. In the morning
and evening prayers to the Sun you
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 15
identify various deities residing in that it had no validity whatever in any
your various limbs and organs corre- Shastras. I discontinued.
sponding to various attributes and
powers of God manifested in Nature. So here in India we have the
Especially, the invoking of the Water- whole science of Theosophy in the
Gods — Jala Devatas — the signifi- symbolism of rituals but heavily cov-
cance of which I sensed only after ered over with priestly imposture and
studying Theosophy. But as practice, false beliefs — so much so that they
only the outer shell remains, devoid of are dangerous to Soul progress and
spirit. true human evolution.

Rituals prescribed by Agama It is our duty as students to dis-

Shastras are full of symbolical mean- cover the truth and the true spirtual
ing, especially the temple architecture living as taught by Shankaracharya, the
and rituals connected therewith. They Buddha, Sri Krishna, and disentagle
are the geometrical signs and glyphs, them from the millenniums of corrup-
spoken of in the Ancient Source, con- tions of Brahminical priestly theologi-
taining the whole philosophy of Brah- cal dogma. This is not done by de-
mavidya. Theosophy can give us the nouncing popular religion but by dis-
key to these. It is our duty as students covering the grand truths underlying
of Theosophy to study these and bring them and by ourselves trying to live
to light the hidden meaning in order to the true spiritual life taught by the
abate superstitions and wrong prac- sages.
I would like to relate one such
wrong practice I was obliged to be-
come involved in but had to come out Guest Editorial ]
of it though it hurt the sentiments of
my people. As you know, I'm sure, the S.D. & Isis
are both rather difficult reads, but do provide
When my dear Mother died it was the fundamentals of what Blavatsky had to
an event of deep sorrow for all of us in say. But with the query that I had in my initial
the family. As the eldest son I had to email re: "unexplained laws of nature", I was
wondering what Blavatsky and the other foun-
perform the last rites, and I went along ders of the Society really had in mind when
with the priest and did all the funeral they choice that language in the objects. That
rites at the cremation ground and ritu- is to say, were the words meant to try and
als following the cremation for 10 investigate paranormal phenomena (e.g., clair-
days. More rituals were prescribed for voyance, ESP, reincarnation, materializations,
astral projection, etc.) or perhaps try to under-
every month and annual rituals thereaf- stand more fully what she describes as the
ter. I was well into Theosophy by this "true Self", the constitution of man, or per-
time, and the rituals, and the reasons haps both? Anyway, any thoughts you might
stated as justifying them, were so re- have on this will be appreciated.
volting to reason and commonsense Respectfully, jlr
that I could go along with the priest no
longer and had to tell my brothers and ============================
sisters that it was impossible for me to
continue. I explained to them why the Comment: Your idea on the “true Self”
rituals were devoid of any sense, may be right on. All of the non-local phe-
wholly without philosophical basis, nomena are examples of "unexplained
and were nothing but priestly impos- laws" of nature. J.B. Rhine was one of the
ture invented for their own benefit, and Western scientists who pioneered in such
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 16
work, and there have been many since.
Roger Penrose is a famous mathematician
working along new patterns of thought and
investigation. However, in the process he
has become an avowed Platonist — moving THE COFFEE KLATCH
back toward the "Mother Lode" in the
East. Coffee Maker: Radical Sam prom-
ised me a hard time of it if we did not
String Theory, black- hear him out, so have your ear-
holes, invisible or black-matter, etc., stoppers ready
etc., are all examples of third-object
type activity. There are so many stud- Radical Sam: Coffeemaker, when are
ies being pursued on "Near-Death" you going to get a stock of Guatemalan
events that it is hard to keep abreast of Grind, natural grown, union made dark
them. Meditation in many circles is no roast? Well, let me give you the low-
longer pursued in a "sit-for- down on what’s happening in Ohio — of
development" approach, but in an ac- all places! Congressman Kucinich has
tive regulated repetition of Mind- the following resolution before congress
control (not other people's!! but the with 43 co-signers:
person meditating. Once the meditator
begins to develop a certain packet of DEPARTMENT OF PEACE
firsthand proof that his mind (lower) is “Let us pray that we have the cour-
a tool and controllable, then he/she age and the will as a people and as a nation
can begin to develop a more wide- to shore ourselves up, to reclaim from the
spreading network of evidence regard- ruins of September the Eleventh our de-
ing what theosophy calls the Higher mocratic traditions. Let us declare our love
Ego. This last field is existential, for for democracy. Let us declare our intent
books fall into the category of "hints for peace. Let us work to make nonvio-
and guesses." Fortunately a few books lence an organizing principle in our own
carry with them an "influence" which society. Let us recommit ourselves to the
ultimately becomes more important slow and painstaking work of statecraft,
than the "words" they contain. But which sees peace, not war as being inevi-
like digging ditches, the proof is in the table. Let us work for a world where
existential work. The “will power” someday war becomes archaic.
applied to the project in tandem with
our Karmic condition controls "how That is the vision which the proposal
long," "how much," "how fast." to create a Department of Peace envisions.
Forty-three members of congress are now
cosponsoring the legislation.
Upasruti (Sanskrit). According to
Orientalists a “supernatural voice which is
Thank you.” Congressman Dennis J.
heard at night revealing the secrets of the Kucinich (D-Ohio)
future.” According to the explanation of
Occultism, the voice of any person at a Congressman Kucinich not only be-
distance — generally one versed in the lieves in sustainability, he practices it. He
mysteries of esoteric teachings or an adept
— endowed with the gift of projecting both
is one of the few vegans in Congress, a
his voice and astral image to any person dietary decision he credits not only with
whatsoever, regardless of distance. The improving his health, but in deepening his
upasruti — the “double” or the echo of the belief in the sacredness of all species. In
voice of a living man or woman. (Glossary,
the 106th Congress, his call for labeling
and safety testing of all genetically engi-
neered foods provoked a $50 million ad-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 17
vertising campaign by the biotech industry. Kucinich would fare at The Indian Institute
Kucinich hosted an international parlia- of World Culture? Here’s the prayerful
mentary session, attended by officials of opening of their February Bulletin:
18 countries, on the social, economic, po-
litical and health impact of genetic food May we remember, as we log on,
that half the world’s people have never
technologies. More recently he was one of
used a telephone, and recall, as we chat-
the principal speakers at an international ter, that most of those around us have no
conference on water rights, where he chance to speak or move as they choose.
called for governments to reserve public May we recall that more than a billion be-
ownership of water resources. ings live without food, and that as many
children live amidst poverty and war.
Kucinich first came to national
prominence in 1977 when he was elected May we have the strength to question
mayor of Cleveland at age 31; the young- our own gods, and the grace to respect
est person ever elected to lead a major others’; may we, in a globe that is shrink-
American city. In 1978, Cleveland's banks ing and expanding, honor our differences,
demanded that he sell the city's 70 year-old while finding a language in which to
speak of them together. May we recall
municipally-owned electric system to its
that the responsibility of the fortunate is
private competitor (in which the banks had to answer the prayers of others, and the
a financial interest) as a precondition of privilege of the blessed to make cause for
extending credit to city government. general gratitude; may we sing hymns for
Kucinich refused to sell Muny Light. In an the opportunities we often ignore, and say
incident unprecedented in modern Ameri- halleluiahs to the moments that are every-
can politics, the Cleveland banks plunged day gifts.
the city into default for a mere $15 million.
Kucinich lost his re-election bid in 1979. May we speak to the best in our
neighbors, and attend to the worst in our-
Fifteen years later, Kucinich made his first
selves; may we have the courage to
step toward a political comeback, winning leaven compassion with discernment, and
election to the Ohio Senate on the strength the sense to make knowledge dance with
of the expansion of the city's light system innocence.
which provides low-cost power to almost
half the residents of Cleveland. In 1998 May we above all, in the clamor of
the Cleveland City Council honored him the moment, find a space to recollect what
for "having the courage and foresight to we treasure, and a silence in which to re-
refuse to sell the city's municipal electric call that progress, fundamentally, takes us
backwards, towards the essential and the
deep. And may we continue, amidst the
Kucinich was born in Cleveland, acceleration and opportunities of the mo-
ment, to see what exists beyond all mo-
Ohio on October 8, 1946. He is the eldest
ments, and to rejoice in the wise souls in
of 7 children of Frank and Virginia our midst whose challenges and injunc-
Kucinich. He and the family lived in tions and reminders answer our petitions
twenty-one places, including a couple of and our needs, while leaving us with
cars, by the time Kucinich was 17 years questions it is our duty — our pleasure —
old. "I live each day with a grateful heart to take home.
and a desire to be of service to humanity," PICO IYER
he says. You can either read or listen to
his February 17th speech at:
Furtive Bystander: While Radical Sam
held forth I wondered how Congressman
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 18
are eddies in the form of good and bad
actions, and pleasure and pain are like flot-
sam. There is an island of passion, washed
by waves of desire, around which living
beings appear line empty foam. The three-
fold pride arising out of learning, power
and wealth, causes wavelets in the form of
search for gratification. Like bubbles pro-
DNYANESHVARI duced from the action of rushing water on
stones, human beings are born and die, out
of the action of the cycles of evolution on
the laws of birth and death.
[The Dnyaneshvari is mentioned many
times by Madame Blavatsky, always in As a fish swallows bits of meat, de-
glowing terms. The following rendition is
extracted from Manu Subedar’s
lusion destroys firmness. On this Maya
translation. The great Sage, Dnaneshwara river the croakings of the frogs in the form
Maharaj sang this work to his people of ignorance are constantly heard. On the
when he was quite young. He did it in balk of the muddy waters of delusion, a
their native language, Marathi, about 700
years ago. It is his commentary on the
great din is caused by worldly activity and
Bhagavad Gita.] in this the loudest note standing out is the
desire for enjoyments of heaven. In this
[Continued from Vol. II, #5] river the empty currents are those of dark-
ness (Tamas) and the firm ground of truth
Chapter VII (Satva) is concealed in the great depths.
Krishna is Speaking: I want to de- Every now and then, there is a flood in the
scribe to you now, how you can become form of re-birth, which breaks down the
Myself and secure realization after pene- fortress of the better worlds and which
trating through the illusion (Maya) in the drags away with it the stone of this world.
form of the various elements. Just as a The current is strong and there is no
river rising in a mountain as a small bridge. The question is, how will a human
stream, gradually develops into a torrent, being cross this river in the form of Maya,
so this illusion (Maya) emenates from particularly when every effort made turns
Brahman as a fixed resolve, growing there- out fruitless? Those who rely upon mere
from into the varied life of the five ele- intelligence to cross this river, have been
ments. Just as a stream gathers greater drawn through pride by the very depths of
strength as it runs through the high banks their knowledge, like a swimmer trusting
impelled by gravitation , this illusion to the strength of his arms being dragged
grows with the expanse of the universe, in. Some take with them life belts in the
through the course of time between the form of the Vedas, but also put round
dual principle of activity and liberation. themselves a stone in the form of self-
Just as cities located on the bank of a river conceit. Some through exuberance of
are washed away by floods caused by rain, youth hold on to the plank of sensuality.
so the practices of Yoga are disturbed by Like a crocodile, self indulgence swallows
false notions arising out of the three char- them up. Almost all seekers have to be as
acteristics (Gunas). Just as he who wishes careful of aberra- tion of intellect and
to swim a river, must be aware of dangers weakness from old age, as a swimmer,
in the form of whirlpools, sandbanks and who has to avoid being caught in the nets
crocodiles, so the seeker must keep clear of as well as being drawn back by the cur-
the feelings of hatred, envy and arrogance. rent. The Seeker might meet with sorrow
Mundane activity constitutes a kind of dam as a swimmer meets a sandbank. He
across this river of illusion, in which there would be drawn into wrath as a swimmer
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 19
is drawn into a whirlpool. He plays with To break the force of the water by
the waves in the form of physical growth means of oars of asceticism, he holds on
and gets entangled in the meshes of error. firmly to the feeling that “I am Brahman.”
Misfortunes might assail him, like vultures He reaches the other coast in the form of
assailing the swimmer as he comes out of liberation. This is the only way, Oh Ar-
the water. In this condition the temptation juna, But they are very rare, who get across
to snatch at sensual pleasure is as fatal to My Maya in this manner. Unfortunately,
the seeker, as catching a straw is to the the majority forget through their pride,
drowning man. Some seekers derive relief their true aim, which is the knowledge of
at halting pleasures, because they rely too Self. Forgetting the purpose with which
much upon ritualism, but their main task they have been put into possession of the
remains incomplete. Others seekers rely body, they throw off the garment of regu-
upon actions to reach salvation, but their lated conduct, which exposes their naked-
progress is retarded by a perpetual contro- ness, and they tumble down through doing
versy in their minds as to what is right. what has been definitely prohibited by the
Vedas. Multifarious passions in them emit
On this Maya river, the canoe of as- the note of self-conceit, as they march
ceticism is quickly upturned. The rope vaingloriously on the road to the township
holding the canoe in the form of foreign of the senses. Sorrow and distress, which
thought is also easily broken. It is indeed should be a warning in the form of wounds
difficult to go across this formidable ex- inflicted by enemies, do not check them.
panse of water. I cannot describe to you They are engulfed in Maya and therefore
adequately the difficult for a seeker, as it is they have missed Me. There are four types
for this passage. Going across this is as of seekers, who turn to Me and in doing so,
difficult for a seeker as it is for a passion- add to their own welfare. There is the
ate man to be indifferent to an attractive man, who is in constant pain from some-
woman. Just as it is difficult to get a cure thing. There is al- so the man, who is anx-
without treatment or to penetrate the mind ious to expand his knowledge. The third
of a hypocrite, or to abandon the object species is of those who seek their worldly
sought when it is within reach, this journey possessions and the forth is the disinter-
is difficult to accomplish for the seeder. It ested Yogi. This is the last true devotee of
is as rare a sight as thieves at public con- Me. By the light of his knowledge, the
ference, or live fish who has swallowed a delusion of distinction is abolished and so
hook, or a devil who is afraid of a ghost, or deep is his devotion, that he becomes Me.
a young buck eating up its own bones, or a He may sometimes look like the other
ant crossing the Meru mountain. Yet he three, just as a jewel sometimes appears
who is devoted to Me with all his faculties like a drop of water. But though he be-
gets across the river easily. In fact, he is comes Me, he keeps his individuality, like
free from the bolds of illusion while he is wind in the sky after it is still. When the
still on this side. Sitting on the raft of self- wind is in motion, it can be seen as sepa-
immolation, holding on firmly to the ex- rate. So in his ordinary activities as a
per- ience of Karma and guided by a great devotee, he appears separate from Me. He
teacher (Guru), the seeker reaches the has realized that his soul is part of Me and
other bank in the in the form of salvation as his realization grows, I respond to this
(Moksha). After having dropped his bur- feeling on his part. When the Yogi has
den of self-conceit, steering clear of the grasped the principle, which acts beyond
disturbing winds of doubts and avoiding life, the fact that he still moves in the body
the lures of personal affec- tion, he rests is immaterial.
on knowledge and he descends into the
feeling of unity (Adwaita). Amongst My devotees, I am partial
to the Yogi in the same manner, as a cow
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 20
is partial to her calf. Others have to tie the behind all objects of worship, I am there,
feet of the cow in order to get the milk, but they conceive these deities in different
the calf who in his body and mind is con- forms. They have faith in the respective
scious of nothing but the mother relies deities, but they lack a clear notion of Me.
upon her under all condi- tions receives They do not know Me. Nor is their mind
what it wants without any special effort or free from longings (for worldly results).
precaution. The Yogi having reached Me, They get what they want, but it is perish-
never looks back, like a river which having able. Worship with mundane objects is the
the ocean, does not think of turning back. source of rebirth, for the enjoyment of such
As a matter of fact, the Yogi is My own results are no better than momentary
personification, but these are hardly the dreams. Some, worshipping a particular
things to be spoken (in words). After the deity, go to heaven, but only those who are
effect if his accumulated actions is worked devoted to Me in body, mind and soul,
out, there comes the morning of knowl- secure — when the body perishes — My
edge. Then wherever he goes, he finds Me imperishable form. The other misguided
alone, and if he remains where he is, he worshippers are unnecessarily sacrificing
also finds nothing but Me. In short, he is their own welfare. They think they are
in contact with nothing except Me, just as swimming, whereas they are only in shal-
an earthen vessel, which is sunk in water, low water. Why should not one get out of
is enveloped by water on all sides. He is in the prison of desires and on the wings of
this way in My heart. I surround him from experience, soar high in the sky of exis-
outside and inside his body. This is, how- tence (Chit), where there is a limitless ex-
ever, a thing which cannot be put into panse, enabling one to fly where (as high
words. In short, he makes the whole world as) he likes? They seek to confine Me in a
visible by means of his knowledge. He small measure, while I am immeasurable.
always experiences the fact that the whole They conceive Me in a particular form
universe is merely a manifestation of God while I am formless, and they strain them-
and therefore he is the greatest of the devo- selves in performing difficult rituals to
tees and he is a true Yogi. Of his experi- attain Me, when I am already at hand.
ences, the whole universe is only a part.
He is the true devotee. There are others,
who through their devotion of Me, seek
something. They are wandering in the
darkness of hope and they are the short-
sighted ones.
The Global
Desiring results, passion finds a
place in their hearts, extinguishing the light
of knowledge. Blinded, therefore, inside
and out, they miss Me, though I am near at
hand. Then they are passionately attached
to the minor deities. In the first place they
Sarasota, Florida
are already in the coils of illusion (Maya) Theosophy Group
and, being constantly humiliated by the de-
sire of results, they worship without piety. Meets Weekly on:
They set up for themselves arbitrary condi- WEDNESDAYS: — 7 – 8:15 P.M.
tions and they resort to various rituals and SUNDAYS — 11 AM – 12:30 PM
they are absorbed in the details thereof.
We are a very friendly group of students
No matter to which deity, they make offer-
with various religious and philosophical back-
ings devotedly, they receive the fruit of grounds. Our goals are to discuss and under-
their devotion from Me. Not knowing that stand the universal truths of Theosophy.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 21
On Wed. nights we are studying, The Located at:
Ocean of Theosophy by W.Q. Judge, and on
TRS Professional Suites, 11th
Sunday mornings we're discussing Isis Un-
veiled by H.P. Blavatsky and Light On The floor
Path by Mabel Collins. 44 East 32nd Street (between
We structure our meetings so that any-
Park & Madison)
one who is visiting for the first time will feel New York, N.Y.
comfortable and easily follow along. Near subway and bus lines.
Most topics include: The Absolute, Contacts:
Karma, Evolution, Reincarnation, Universal
Truths and Eastern/Western esoteric philoso-
phies. Meetings are free and all are welcome.
Our address is: 2700 S. Tamiami Tr.
Suite #14 (we're moving to Suite #11 in Octo- Phone:
ber), Sarasota Florida, and our phone number David – (718) 438 – 5021
is: 941-312-9494. Amedeo- (973) 697-5938

Please feel free to call Bob Waxman if --Classes are free and open to all--
you need any additional information.
United Lodge of Theosophists
United Lodge of Theosophists Robert Crosbie House
62 Queens Gardens
Theosophy Hall London W23AH, England
77 W. Encanto Blvd. Tel +(44) 20 7723 0688
Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Fax +(44) 20 7262 8639
Contact us:
Telephone (602) 256-6384
SUNDAYS 8.00 - 9.00 p.m.
Web: U.L.T. Meetings are free and open to all.
Study Classes Sunday Evenings
7:30 — 8:30 pm Introductory Class
The Key to Theosophy by H.P. First Thursday in month 7 - 830 pm
Blavatsky A monthly study class that introduces simple
ideas on man’s constitution, his relation to
the cosmos and universal laws such as karma
and reincarnation.
Attending the class will also help with
All welcome No collections familiarity and use of the Sanskrit terms
Ancient Wisdom tradition commonly used in Theosophy.
From the Writings of Study Group Wednesdays 7 - 8 pm
H. P. Blavatsky & W. Q. Judge This study class, free and open to all,
studies in greater detail the Theosophical
Schedule: 2002 concepts and their ramifications.
Sunday Classes-- 11:a.m. – 12:45 p.m.,
Free discussion is encouraged to search for
the keys and meanings within the texts.
April: 7, 21
May: 5,19 Talks & informal meetings — Sundays 8 - 9 pm
June: 2, 16 Talks, followed by questions, or informal
Currently studying – meetings studying articles, discussed in a
group. All are welcome.
The Secret Doctrine Mar 31 Hypnotism & Mesmerism
By H.P. Blavatsky
Practical information
A Synthesis of Religion, Science, and Philosophy By Bus: 7, 15, 23, 27, 36.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 22
Humour Evening
By Underground: Paddington or Participation by Audience
Lancaster Gate. Chief Guest: Mr. B.S. Keshava Rao, Co-ordinator: Prof. V.K.
All are welcome to attend the meetings: they are
held in an impersonal, friendly atmosphere. March 17, Sunday 6 PM
Topic : Bhartruhari's "Srungara Shataka"
THEOSOPHY HALL Joint programme by Sri Tirunarayana Trust and IIWC (Please see
347 East 72 Street March 3rd)
New York, NY 10021
March 19, Tuesday 6.15 PM
(212) 535-2230 Topic : "Prevention of Heart Attacks"
e-mail: Speaker : Dr. M. Ranganath, MBBS, M.D., Specialist in Preventive

March 24, Sunday 6 PM

PROGRAMME FOR MARCH 2002 Topic : Jagannatha Pandita's "Bhamini Vilasa"
Joint Programme by Sri Tirunarayana Trust and IIWC (Please see
6, Shri B.P. Wadia Road, Basavanagudi, Bangalore-4. Ph : March 28, Thursday 6 PM
6678581 Carnatic Classical Vocal Music by Sri K. Lakshminarasu

March 1, Friday 5 PM March 31, Sunday 6 PM Cultural Programme

Lecture on Emotional Intelligence Joint Programme by Sri Tirunarayana Trust and IIWC
Speaker: Dr. Ali Khwaja, Chairman, BanjaraAcademy and Hon.
Director, Helping Hand: Joint Programme by Helping Hand and I

March 2, Saturday 6.15 PM

Topic : 'Psychological Living Skills for the Community-Ten Life
Skills' Speaker : Dr. R. Lakshman, MBBS, MRCS (U.K. EIRE) Secret Doctrine Classes
Presided over by Prof. A. Rohidekar, Educationalist Monday 7:30 to 9 pm — New York
Joint programme by the Book Club at Rotary Ashvasan, Jayanagar
and IIWC Wednesday 2 to 4 pm — Antwerp
March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Sunday 6.00 PM
Wednesday 7:30 to 8:45 pm — Los Angeles
Srungara Kavyas in Sanskrit, 'Enjoying Sanskrit Kavya' Series Saturday 1:00 to 3 pm — Long Beach
Topic: 3rd : Kalidasa's Meghadoota'
10th : Amaruka's "Amaru Shataka" First Saturday of every month (April 6th
17th : Bhartruhari's "Srungara Shataka" May 4th, June 1st, etc.)
24th : Jagannatha Pandita's "Bhamini Vilasa"
31st : Cultural Programme
Speaker : Dr. B.S. Ramakrishna Rao, Prof. of Sanskrit, Surana Den TEOSOFISKA
Joint Programme by Sri Tirunarayana Trust and IIWC
Ursprungliga Undervisningen
March 5 and March 6 : 6.15 PM
Talk by Lama Dagpo Rinpoche, Founder and Teacher at Centre
PHISTS, Malmölogen
Boudhiste Tibetain Guepele Tchantehous Ling, France Kungsgatan 16 A, Malmö
Topic : March 5th : Realising the Potential of Human Life
March 6th : Buddhist Perspective on "The meaning of
Cherishing others and how this makes our DHARMAGRUPPEN Höstterminen
lives more meaningful and harmonious"
Presided over by Vidyalankara Prof. S.K. Ramachandra Rao onsdagar 18.00 — 19.00 Studiegrupp i
— Joint programme by Bangalore Dharma Centre and IIWC —
Den Hemliga Läran av HPB
March 8, Friday 6.15 PM — International Women's Day
"Celebrating the silent women" and display of Handiwork
The programme is to spotlight Women's contribution to the riches I höst studerar vi Den Hemliga Läran
of our Heritage and Lives. Inauguration by Mrs.
Ratnamala Prakash eller Dzyans Bok som den
Joint programme organized by Dr. Shankuntala Narasimhan and
förmedlades av Helena Blavatsky på
uppdrag av Mästarna från den Stora
March 9, Saturday 6.00 PM
Guru Chintanapalli Krishna Murthy Memorial Concert Logen.
Carnatic Classical Vocal Music by Sri Ajay Ravindra
March 10, Sunday 6 PM
Topic : Amaruka's "Amaru Shataka"
Joint programme by Sri Tirunarayana Trust and IIWC (Please see Vi kommer att belysa DHL från olika håll, bl.a.
March 3rd)
från dagens vetenskapliga upptäckter.
March 14, Thursday 6 PM Det kommer att ges stort utrymme för frågor och
Justice Sri B. Vasudeva Murthy Memorial Programme samtal kring den teosofiska filosofin.
Topic : Karnataka Saurabha (Illustrated by Slides)
Speaker : Sri R.V. Subramanyam
Retd., Controller of State Accounts Department, Government of Den Hemliga Läran kan betraktas som den teoso-
Karnataka fiska filosofins ryggrad.
Det mesta som finns i denna bok speglar kärnan i
March 16, Saturday 6.00 PM
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 23
teosofins esoteriska lära. [Schedule being obtained]

“Det finns ingen Religion högre än Sanningen”

Los Angeles
245 West 33rd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Wednesday 1:00 p.m. — 2:15 p.m.
Studying Bhagavad Gita

ULT-FÖREDRAG kl. 19.30 - 20.30 Loge Unie des Théosophes Douala

November Camaroon
B.P. 11372 Douala Localisation Ndog - Bong

den 7 november....Vad innebär Heures d’ouverture: mercedi 19h – 20 h 15

Samedi 19h – 20 h 15
kollektiv karma? Toutes les activités de la Loge sont libres et
den 14 november....Tibet, Panchen gratuites
Les reunions commencent et se terminent aux
Lama & Blavatsky heures précises indiquées
den 21 november....Spinoza (stora teoso- La Loge est maintenue en activité par des
fer genom tiderna) participations bénévoles
den 28 november....Esoteriska Sam- Tel: 40-76-72

tal: Teosofi & Channeling



Teosofiska Kompaniets Bokhandel är öppen på Point out the Way is subtitled: “The Three Fundamentals and
ONSDAGAR före och efter Questions Answered at an informal Ocean Class.” John
Garrigues conducted this class in the early 1930’s at the
föredraget 18.00-19.00 och 20.30-21.00 på U.L.T. in Los Angeles. It was taken down stenographically
Kungsgatan 16 A, II vån. and published by The Theosophical Movement, Mumbai,
India. The series ran from January, 1951 through July, 1954.
Litteratur: Boklista skickas gratis. Böcker kan
beställas per post, telefon, Internet eller köpas di-
[Continued from Vol. II, Issue #5]
rekt hos:

Teosofiska Kompaniet, Roslins väg 6, 217 55 XVII

Malmö • tfn 040-26 22 11 • 0709-26 22 12

Chapter IV
Question: On p. 35 (p. 33 Am. Ed.),
Stiftelsen Teosofiska Kompaniet TKs verksamhet it says that the quaternary or lower
drivs helt och hållet på ideell basis. Alla donationer man is a product of cosmic and physi-
i form av gåvor, arbetsinsatser eller dylikt som cal laws and substance; it has been
stödjer vårt fortsatta arbete är därför varmt
evolving during the lapse of ages, like
any other physical thing, from cosmic
Postgiro: 444 58 09-9 substance, and is therefore subject to
Bankgiro: 5271-7972 physical, — physiological and psychi-
cal laws which govern the race of man
as a whole. Will you please explain
LOGIE UNIE DES THÉOSOPHES what is meant by this?
Loge Unie des Théosophes
11 bis, rue Kepler – 75116 Paris
Answer: Not knowing what is in the
Conferences — Panels questioner's mind, it would be difficult
to explain what is meant, except by
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 24
saying: Study more thoughtfully the compose him, are subject to dissolu-
sentence used. It carries its own ex- tion. The reverse is the case with
planation. The spiritual man is an in- spiritual man, the creator — Manas.
dividual being progressing through
self-induced and self-devised efforts, Question: The teaching is that man
whether, in a body or out of a body; never was an animal. On the other
but the physical man, the mortal tem- hand, the teaching is also that all ani-
porary man, the combination of the mals and all the lower forms, too, will
four lower principles, is not an indi- some time be men; they are going
vidual entity progressing through self- through evolution and will at some
induced and self-devised efforts. time in a future Round, a future Man-
There is the great problem of the psy- vantara, be men. How about this?
chologists. In this, they are just like
Answer: The statement is made that
the religionists. No matter how mate-
the animals will some day be men.
rialistic our biologists or psychologists
The statement is made that man never
may be, they none the less take the
was an animal. The statement is also
same view of the matter that the relig-
made that man was an animal. How
ionists do; they consider the mortal,
are we to reconcile these statements?
physical man with his senses, his hu-
Turn to this Fourth Chapter. What is
man mind, his memory and imagina-
this body? A flock of lives of a certain
tion, to be the whole man. Now, if that
grade of intelligence, a flock of em-
is the only man they know, they are
bryonic centres of intelligence Now,
quite logical in their view. The physi-
what is the astral body? A collectivity
cal man, the mortal man, the lower
of lives of a higher grade of intelli-
man, the human being, is a result or
gence. And what is the kamic princi-
effect of causes produced. The mortal
ple? A collectivity of lives of a still
man is therefore a creature; there was a
higher grade of intelligence. And what
time when he was not; there will come
is Lower Manas? The same thing
a time when he will cease to be. But
What is Manas? A self-conscious life
the real man — Atma-Buddhi-Manas,
And what is Buddhi? The collectivity
the spiritual man — is a creator, and
of self-conscious lives.
never was the time when he was not,
nor shall he ever hereafter cease to be. Now, these lives aggregate and
disperse both in their own class and in
There the problem lies for us all
combinations of classes Our perfect
— a conflict with the race mind and
analogy is to look out in space We can
the race views. We are all too apt to
see a blank;, that is unconditioned,
regard man as a creature and to apply
unmanifested, imperceptible space,
Theosophical teachings to the man
and, since we can't speculate on the
whom we see and know and mix with.
unmanifested and imperceptible, we
That man is just as mortal as an ani-
just say, It is. But we see the very be-
mal; only, he lasts longer. But the
ginnings of physical manifestation in
Fourth Chapter calls to our attention
space, the starry nebulae, and then
that not only is the mortal man a crea-
slowly the succes s ive stages from the
tion — a compound to be dissolved at
nebulae, the comet, the sun, the planet
death or soon after — but the very
and the moon, down to meteors and
principles themselves which compose
down to dust, disseminated throughout
the personal or mortal man are subject
space-the dissociated remains of what
to dissolution Not merely the combi-
once were moons, planets, solar sys-
nation of principles in the thinking
tems, nebulae Apply the same thing
man, but also the very elements that
metaphysically, and the problem
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 25
ceases to .be a problem The animal, by matter we mean all lives which are
however regarded, is a combination of non-self-conscious Kama. That is the
lives When we say "Man" we mean intelligence active in the kingdoms
that all the seven principles in the life below man, the ruling intelligence.
or soul or spiritual being have been Kama acts by direct perception, but it
aroused to some' degree of activity is not conscious of the fact that it is so
When we say "animal" we mean that acting. Direct perception without self-
only three of them have been awak- consciousness is what is meant by the
ened t o partial activity When we say word Instinct.
"vegetable," we mean that there is less
activity and, in the "mineral," still less Now, take the self-conscious be-
We see that, whether we use the ex- ing — the spiritual man in his own
pression elemental, vegetable, mineral, world. Manas, is the energizing prin-
animal, or human, we are in fact giv- ciple of that world spiritual, just as
ing names to stages through which Kama is the energizing principle of the
passes this spiritual life itself, whether world physical. On the plane of the
asleep or awake or dreaming Remem- three spiritual worlds, Manas also acts
ber, the analogy in the stages through by direct perception, but it is conscious
which the new-born child passes. We that it is so acting. So the only differ-
say babyhood, childhood, youth, mid- ence in the world between intuition
dle age, old age. Now, does babyhood and instinct — both being direct per-
become childhood? No The life that ception — is that the being acting by
dwells in the baby form, by slow de- instinct is not self-conscious, is not
grees, as that form changes, is seen to able to modify or direct his own in-
be dwelling in a child form — the sec- stincts. They rule him; he does not-
ond stage in the development of a rule them. But in the world spiritual,
body. Now go on. Does the child Manas is the energizing principle, in
body become the youth body? We conjunction with Buddhi — direct per-
know that it does not; but the same ego ception — and the Ego is fully con-
or soul or Manas that is in that body — scious of when, where and how to use
which was in the baby body and in the it. When Manas incarnates, when Ma-
child body — will be in the youth nas is "lighted up," to use the familiar
body. phrase, the energizing principle of the
world spiritual at its lowest arc of ac-
We have, then, to distinguish be- tivity comes into union with the ener-
tween mind, which, as a general, un- gizing principle of matter at the high-
varying term, and unless coupled with est arc of its activity; that union, which
an adjective, means a self-conscious lasts for the cycle of a personal life, is
life; and form, which is conscious life. the Manas we know; that is the man we
A self-conscious life was never a non- know. We are under two influences,
self-conscious life. But there again "it the influences from the world spiritual
stands to reason," that is, we have to — our good motives, our good inten-
think it out ourselves. tions, our aspirations, our intuitions,
our good resolutions — and, at the op-
Put it this way: All of us are familiar posite pole, we are equally subject to
— although it would perhaps be diffi- the influences of the world physical,
cult for us to formulate a definition because those opposite or contrasted
with what is meant by the word In- forces or influences or energizing
stinct, and all of us are familiar to principles are both active in us. We
some extent with what is meant by the have reason because we have the com-
word Intuition. Suppose we call Kama parison of the two.
the energizing principle in matter, and
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 26
Question: In the Fourth Chapter of bies born, two-fifths of them die be-
the Ocean, it says that the real man is fore they are five years old. They rep-
the trinity of Atma-Buddhi-Manas. It resent failures of nature — that is,
is also taught in Theosophy that man is failures to gain incarnation. The aver-
none of his principles. Would you age of life amongst civilized peoples is
please explain? said to be now somewhere in the
neighbourhood of forty years, but if an
Answer: Well, all that we can average were to be had of all the peo-
study, that we can experience, that we ples of the earth, it would be lower
can speculate about in any way, and than that. Yet, there are people who
therefore all that we can give names to, live to be a hundred or more. What is
refer to manifestation and something the cause? It depends on the use made
manifested. Man, in the sense of At- of the elemental lives. Some come
man, is the forever non-manifested back with a perfect astral body that
Self. Buddhi-Manas is so much of the remains the same to the end of the
Self as can be perceived in the mani- Manvantara: they have so dealt with
fested universe. There is on that sub- the lives that composed their astral
ject a great statement in the Secret body that an indissoluble union takes
Doctrine, that the One Principle does place among the astral lives and the
not manifest or cause evolution, form persists. The majority of the race
whether consciously or unconsciously, have to have a new astral body every
but only periodically exhibits aspects time they are born. The explanation is
of Itself, to the perception of finite the different affinities set up, different
minds. Now, when we contrast the uses made of the elemental lives.
world infinite with the world finite, we Once there was no death, no sickness.
can see that "finite" represents not only That was before we had had time to
the seer but also that which is seen; but corrupt the lives.
"infinite" represents the unmanifested
and the manifested. Thus, it is per- [TO BE CONTINUED]

fectly correct, from the standpoint of

manifested existence, to speak of the
seven principles. Principles of what?
Principles of manifestation. That's The Universe as a Hologram
what the seven principles mean — not Author unknown
the principles of non-manifestation but
the principles of manifestation, all Does Objective Reality Exist, or is the Universe a
these principles being in the Self, the Phantasm?
Unmanifested, the Nameless, the One.
In 1982 a remarkable event took
Question: What is the cause of the place. At the University of Paris a research
various degrees of longevity among team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed
men and among races, the older races what may turn out to be one of the most impor-
tant experiments of the 20th century. You did
having been said to have lived for
not hear about it on the evening news. In fact,
hundreds of thousands of years? unless you are in the habit of reading scientific
Answer: What causes such differ- journals you probably have never even heard
Aspect's name, though there are some who
ences in the length of life, not so much
believe his discovery may change the face of
amongst races as amongst individuals? science.
Here is a baby born who dies in five
minutes. Here is another, who dies in Aspect and his team discovered that
a few months. In fact, it may be a under certain circumstances subatomic par-
good average to say that of all the ba- ticles such as electrons are able to instanta-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 27
neously communicate with each other re- way to understand a physical phenomenon,
gardless of the distance separating them. It whether a frog or an atom, is to dissect it and
doesn't matter whether they are 10 feet or study its respective parts. A hologram teaches
10 billion miles apart. Somehow each parti- us that some things in the universe may not
cle always seems to know what the other is lend themselves to this approach. If we try to
doing. The problem with this feat is that it take apart something constructed holographi-
violates Einstein's long-held tenet that no cally, we will not get the pieces of which it is
communication can travel faster than the speed made, we will only get smaller wholes.
of light. Since traveling faster than the speed
of light is tantamount to breaking the time This insight suggested to Bohm another
barrier, this daunting prospect has caused some way of understanding Aspect's discovery.
physicists to try to come up with elaborate Bohm believes the reason subatomic particles
ways to explain away Aspect's findings. But it are able to remain in contact with one another
has inspired others to offer even more radical regardless of the distance separating them is
explanations. not because they are sending some sort of mys-
terious signal back and forth, but because their
University of London physicist, David separateness is an illusion. He argues that at
Bohm, for example, believed Aspect's findings some deeper level of reality such particles
imply that objective reality does not exist, are not individual entities, but are actually
that despite its apparent solidity the universe is extensions of the same fundamental some-
at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly thing.
detailed hologram.
To enable people to better visualize
To understand why Bohm makes this what he means, Bohm offers the following
startling assertion, one must first understand a illustration. Imagine an aquarium containing a
little about holograms. A hologram is a three- fish. Imagine also that you are unable to see
dimensional photograph made with the aid of a the aquarium directly and your knowledge
laser. To make a hologram, the object to be about it and what it contains comes from two
photographed is first bathed in the light of a television cameras, one directed at the aquar-
laser beam. Then a second laser beam is ium's front and the other directed at its side.
bounced off the reflected light of the first and As you stare at the two television monitors,
the resulting interference pattern (the area you might assume that the fish on each of the
where the two laser beams commingle) is cap- screens are separate entities. After all, because
tured on film. When the film is developed, it the cameras are set at different angles, each of
looks like a meaningless swirl of light and dark the images will be slightly different. But as
lines. But as soon as the developed film is you continue to watch the two fish, you will
illuminated by another laser beam, a three- eventually become aware that there is a certain
dimensional image of the original object ap- relationship between them. When one turns,
pears. the other also makes a slightly different but
corresponding turn; when one faces the front,
The three-dimensionality of such images the other always faces toward the side. If you
is not the only remarkable characteristic of remain unaware of the full scope of the situa-
holograms. If a hologram of a rose is cut in tion, you might even conclude that the fish
half and then illuminated by a laser, each half must be instantaneously communicating with
will still be found to contain the entire image one another, but this is clearly not the case.
of the rose. Indeed, even if the halves are di-
vided again, each snippet of film will always This, says Bohm, is precisely what is
be found to contain a smaller but intact version going on between the subatomic particles in
of the original image. Unlike normal photo- Aspect's experiment. According to Bohm, the
graphs, every part of a hologram contains all apparent faster-than-light connection between
the information possessed by the whole. subatomic particles is really telling us that
there is a deeper level of reality we are not
The "whole in every part" nature of a privy to, a more complex dimension beyond
hologram provides us with an entirely new our own that is analogous to the aquarium.
way of understanding organization and And, he adds, we view objects such as sub-
order. For most of its history, Western sci- atomic particles as separate from one another
ence has labored under the bias that the best
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 28
because we are seeing only a portion of their contain more. Or as he puts it, perhaps the
reality. Such particles are not separate "parts," super-holographic level of reality is a "mere
but facets of a deeper and more underlying stage" beyond which lies "an infinity of further
unity that is ultimately as holographic and development."
indivisible as the previously mentioned rose.
And since everything in physical reality is
comprised of these "eidolons", the universe is
itself a projection, a hologram.

In addition to its phantomlike nature,

such a universe would possess other rather Frequently Asked Questions
startling features. If the apparent separateness How do I subscribe?
of subatomic particles is illusory, it means that Send email request to
at a deeper level of reality all things in the Cost? — There is no charge for a subscription.
universe are infinitely inter-connected. The What if Aquarian Theosophist won’t open properly?
electrons in a carbon atom in the human brain Write
are connected to the subatomic particles that Is The Aquarian Theosophist Archived on the Internet?
comprise every salmon that swims, every heart Yes:
that beats, and every star that shimmers in the If I cannot open an issue, can I get a free hardcopy?
sky. Everything interpenetrates everything, Yes, give us your snail-mail address.
and although human nature may seek to cate-
gorize and pigeonhole and subdivide, the vari-
ous phenomena of the universe, all apportion-
ments are of necessity artificial and all of na- Thoughts
ture is ultimately a seamless web. for
In a holographic universe. even time and
space could no longer be viewed as fundamen-
tals. Because concepts such as location break Parabrahm (the One Reality, the
down in a universe in which nothing is truly Absolute) is the field of Absolute
separate from anything else, time and three- Consciousness, i.e., that Essence which is
dimensional space, like the images of the fish out of all relation to conditioned existence,
on the TV monitors, would also have to be and of which conscious existence is a
viewed as projections of this deeper order. At conditioned symbol. But once that we pass
its deeper level reality is a sort of super- in thought from this (to us) Absolute
hologram in which the past, present, and fu- Negation, duality supervenes in the
ture all exist simultaneously. This suggests contrast of Spirit (or consciousness) and
that given the proper tools it might even be Matter, Subject and Object.
possible to someday reach into the super- Spirit (or Consciousness) and Matter
holographic level of reality and pluck out are, however, to be regarded, not as
scenes from the long-forgotten past. independent realities, but as the two facets
What else the super-hologram contains or aspects of the Absolute (Parabrahm),
is an open-ended question. Allowing, for the which constitute the basis of conditioned
sake of argument, that the super-hologram is Being whether subjective or objective.
the matrix that has given birth to everything in Considering this metaphysical triad
our universe, at the very least it contains every as the Root from which proceeds all
subatomic particle that has been or will be — manifestation, the great Breath assumes
the character of precosmic Ideation. It is
every configuration of matter and energy that
the fons et origo of force and of all
is possible, from snowflakes to quasars, from
individual consciousness, and supplies the
blue whales to gamma rays. It must be seen as
guiding intelligence in the vast scheme of
a sort of cosmic storehouse of "All That Is."
cosmic Evolution. On the other hand,
Although Bohm concedes that we have precosmic root-substance (Mulaprakriti) is
no way of knowing what else might lie hidden that aspect of the Absolute which underlies
in the super-hologram, he does venture to say all the objective planes of Nature.
that we have no reason to assume it does not
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 29
Just as pre-Cosmic Ideation is the other. What has happened to Fern has
root of all individual consciousness, so pre- befallen every one else who has pre-
Cosmic Substance is the substratum of ceded, will befall with various results
matter in the various grades of its
every one who succeeds him. We were
Hence it will be apparent that the all so tested; and while a Moorad Ali --
contrast of these two aspects of the failed -- I, succeeded. The victor's crown
Absolute is essential to the existence of is only for him who proves himself wor-
the “Manifested Universe.” Apart from thy to wear it; for him who attacks Mara
Cosmic Substance, Cosmic Ideation could single handed and conquers the demon of
not manifest as individual consciousness, lust and earthly passions; and not we but
since it is only through a vehicle† of matter
he himself puts it on his brow. It was not
that consciousness wells up as “I am I,” a
physical basis being necessary to focus a a meaningless phrase of the Tathagata
ray of the Universal Mind at a certain stage that "he who masters Self is greater than
of complexity. Again, apart from Cosmic he who conquers thousands in battle":
Ideation, Cosmic Substance would remain there is no such other difficult struggle. If
an empty abstraction, and no emergence it were not so, adeptship would be but a
of consciousness could ensue. cheap acquirement. Only those who can
The “Manifested Universe,” therefore,
look ahead at the far remote conse-
is pervaded by duality, which is, as it were,
the very essence of its EX-istence as quences of things are in a position to
“manifestation.” judge as to the expediency of our own
S.D.I, 15 actions, or those we permit in others.
What may seem present bad faith may in
the end prove the truest, most benevolent
Trials along the Path loyalty. Let time show who was right and
who faithless. One, who is true and ap-
"Every human being contains proved to-day, may tomorrow prove,
within himself vast potentialities, and it under a new concatenation of circum-
is the duty of the adepts to surround the stances a traitor, an ingrate, a coward, an
would-be chela with circumstances imbecile. The reed, bent beyond its limit
which shall enable him to take the "right- of flexibility, will have snapped in twain.
hand path," -- if he have the ability in Shall we accuse it? No; but because we
him. We are no more at liberty to with- can, and do pity it, we cannot select it as
hold the chance from a postulant than we part of those reeds that have been tried
are to guide and direct him into the and found strong, hence fit to be ac-
proper course. At best, we can only show cepted as material for the indestructible
him after his probation period was suc- fane we are so carefully building. (Ex-
cessfully terminated -- that if he does this tracts from Letter #54)
he will go right; if the other, wrong. But
until he has passed that period, we leave
him to fight out his battles as best he
may; and have to do so occasionally with
higher and initiated chelas such as
H.P.B., once they are allowed to work in
the world, that all of us more or less
avoid. ... -- we allow our candidates to be
tempted in a thousand various ways, so
as to draw out the whole of their inner
nature and allow it the chance of remain-
ing conqueror either one way or the
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #6 April 17, 2002 Page 30


Having taken the bow, the great weapon, let
him place on it the arrow, sharpened by devotion.
Then, having drawn it with a thought directed to
that which is, hit the mark, O friend, - the Inde- CLEANING YOUR HOUSE WHILE YOUR KIDS ARE
structible. OM is the bow, the Self is the arrow,
Brahman is called its aim. It is to be hit by a man STILL GROWING IS LIKE SHOVELING THE
who is not thoughtless; and then as the arrow be- DRIVEWAY BEFORE IT HAS STOPPED SNOWING.
comes one with the target, he will become one
with Brahman. Know him alone as the Self, and "THERE IS ONLY ONE PRETTY CHILD IN THE
leave off other words. He is the bridge of the WORLD...AND EVERY MOTHER HAS IT."
Immortal. Meditate on the self as OM. Hail to
you that you may cross beyond the sea of dark- MOTHERS OF TEENS KNOW WHY SOME ANIMALS
When the arrow is aimed and loosed
it must be slightly raised to allow for the
trajectory, for if not it will fall short. This CHILDREN WILL SOON FORGET YOUR PRESENTS.
corresponds on its plane with one of the THEY WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR PRESENCE.
necessities of our human constitution, in CHILDREN SELDOM MISQUOTE YOU. IN FACT,
that we must have a high mental and spiri- THEY USUALLY REPEAT WORD FOR WORD WHAT
tual aim if we are to hit high. We cannot YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID.
go quite as high as the aim, but have to THE MAIN PURPOSE OF HOLDING CHILDREN'S
thus allow for the trajectory that comes PARTIES IS TO REMIND YOURSELF THAT THERE ARE
about from the limitations of our nature; CHILDREN MORE AWFUL THAN YOUR OWN.
the trajectory of the arrow is due to the
force of gravity acting on it, and our aspi- GRANDCHILDREN ARE GOD'S REWARD FOR NOT
rations have the same curve in conse-
quence of the calls of the senses, hereditary "WHO ARE THESE KIDS AND WHY ARE THEY
defects, and wrong habits that never permit CALLING ME MOM?"
us to do as much as we would wish to do. INSANITY IS HEREDITARY. YOU GET IT FROM
Let us hit the mark, O friend!
And that mark is the indestructible,
The highest spiritual life
We are at any time capable of. I LOVE TO GIVE HOMEMADE GIFTS.
Path, September, 1890 (W ILLIAM Q. J UDGE )







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