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The Aquarian Theosophist

Volume II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002

memory. But reminiscence is an

entirely different thing. "Reminiscence"
is defined by the modern psychologist as

KEY NOTEBOOK something intermediate between

remembrance and recollection, or "a
conscious process of recalling past
VII occurrences, but without that full and
(Continued from April Supplement)
varied reference to particular things
which characterizes recollection.”
Locke, speaking of recollection and
(Section VIII) [Key, p. 123]
remembrance, says: "When an idea
again recurs without the operation of
On Reincarnation or Rebirth the like object on the external sensory, it
is remembrance; if it be sought after by
the mind, and with pain and endeavor
What is Memory According to
Theosophical Teaching? found and brought again into view, it is
recollection.” But even Locke leaves
The major, most repeated objection reminiscence without any clear
to reincarnation, is the loss of memory definition, because it is no faculty or
in each of us of our previous attribute of our physical memory, but
incarnation. Yet, when we take into an intuitional perception apart from
consideration and outside our physical brain; a
perception which, covering as it does
(a) the utter inability of the best
(being called into action by the ever-
modern psychologists to explain to
the world the nature of mind; and present knowledge of our spiritual Ego)
all those visions in man which are
(b) their complete ignorance of its regarded as abnormal — from the
potentialities, and higher states, pictures suggested by genius to the
ravings of fever and even madness —
we must admit that this objection is are classed by science as having no
based on an a priori conclusion drawn existence outside our fancy. Occultism
from prima facie and circumstantial and Theosophy, however, regard
evidence more than anything else. reminiscence in an entirely different
Occult science teaches that "Memory" is light. For us, while memory is physical
a generic word, and therefore we must and evanescent and depends on the
analyze it to make the discussion physiological conditions of the brain — a
intelligible. Besides memory in general fundamental proposition with all
we have Remembrance, Recollection teachers of mnemonics, who have the
and Reminiscence. Contrary to researches of modern scientific
common belief, the words are not psychologists to back them — we call
synonyms — not in philosophy, at all reminiscence the memory of the soul.
events. And it is this memory which gives the
assurance to almost every human being,
Memory is simply an innate power whether he understands it or not, of his
in thinking beings, and even in animals, having lived before and having to live
of reproducing past impressions by an again. Indeed, as Wordsworth has it:
association of ideas principally
suggested by objective things or by some Key, p. 125
action on our external sensory organs.
Our birth is but a sleep and a
Memory is a faculty depending entirely forgetting,
on the more or less healthy and normal
functioning of our physical brain; and The Soul that rises with us, our life's
remembrance and recollection are the star, Hath elsewhere had its setting, And
attributes and handmaidens of that cometh from afar.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 2
Physiologists and scientists in the masses be taken into
general regard such reminiscences as consideration?
hallucinations and fancy, to which
learned conclusion they are welcome. If these are too fine distinctions to
We do not deny that such visions of the be accepted by the majority of
past and glimpses far back into the materialists, then we say to them,
corridors of time, are not abnormal, as behold: even in the short span of
contrasted with our normal daily life ordinary existence, memory is too weak
experience and physical memory. But to register all the events of a lifetime.
we do maintain with Professor W. How frequently do even most important
Knight, that "the absence of memory of events lie dormant in our memory until
any action done in a previous state awakened by some association of ideas,
cannot be a conclusive argument or aroused to function and activity by
against our having lived through it.” some other link. This is especially the
And every fair-minded opponent must case with people of advanced age, who
agree with what is said in Butler's Lec- are always found suffering from
tures on Platonic Philosophy — feebleness of recollection. When,
therefore, we remember that which we
that the feeling of extravagance with know about the physical and the
which it (pre-existence) affects us has its spiritual principles in man, it is not the
secret source in materialistic or semi- fact that our memory has failed to
materialistic prejudices. record our precedent life and lives that
Besides which we maintain that ought to surprise us, but the contrary,
memory, as Olympiodorus called it, is were it to happen.
simply phantasy, and the most
unreliable thing in us. 1 Ammonius
Key, p. 127
Saccas asserted that the only faculty in
man directly opposed to prognos- WHY DO WE NOT REMEMBER OUR
tication, or looking into futurity, is PAST LIVES?
memory. Furthermore, remember that A Theosophist would account for
memory is one thing and mind or
our complete loss of any recollection of
thought is another; one is a recording
having lived before in this way: Since
machine, a register which very easily those "principles" which we call
gets out of order, the other (thoughts)
physical2, are disintegrated after death
are eternal and imperishable. Would with their constituent elements,
you refuse to believe in the existence of memory along with its brain, it stands
certain things or men only because to reason that this vanished memory of
your physical eyes have not seen them? a vanished personality, can neither
Would not the collective testimony of remember nor record anything in the
past generations who have seen him be subsequent reincarnation of the EGO.
a sufficient guarantee that Julius Reincarnation means that this Ego will
Caesar once lived? Why should not the be furnished with a new body, a new
same testimony of the psychic senses of brain, and a new memory. Therefore it
would be as absurd to expect this
"The phantasy," says Olympiodorus (in memory to remember that which it has
Platonis Phaed.), is an impediment to our never recorded as it would be idle to
intellectual conceptions; and hence, when we examine under a microscope a shirt
are agitated by the inspiring influence of the never worn by a murderer, and seek on
Divinity, if the phantasy intervenes, the
enthusiastic energy ceases: for enthusiasm
it for the stains of blood which are to be
and the ecstasy are contrary to each other. found only on the clothes he wore. It is
Should it be asked whether the soul is able to
energise without the phantasy, we reply, that 2
Namely, the body, life, passional and animal
its perception of universals proves that it is instincts, and the astral eidolon of every man
able. It has perceptions, therefore, (whether perceived in thought or our mind's
independent of the phantasy, at the same eye, or objectively and separate from the
time, however, the phantasy attends in its physical body), which principles we call
energies, just as a storm pursues him who Sthula sarira, Prana, Kama rupa, and Linga
sails on the sea." sarira (vide supra).
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 3
not the clean shirt that we have to These Skandhas, or "attributes,"
question, but the clothes worn during among which is memory, perish like a
the perpetration of the crime; and if flower, leaving behind them only a
these are burnt and destroyed, how can feeble perfume. H. S. Olcott's, Buddhist
you get at them? Catechism, deals with the question as
One might object to this saying:
"Aye! how can you get at the certainty The aged man remembers the
that the crime was ever committed at incidents of his youth, despite his being
all, or that the "man in the clean shirt" physically and mentally changed. Why,
ever lived before?" then, is not the recollection of past lives
brought over by us from our last birth
Not by physical processes, most into the present birth? Because memory
assuredly; nor by relying on the is included within the Skandhas, and the
Skandhas having changed with the new
testimony of that which exists no
existence, a memory, the record of that
longer. But there is such a thing as particular existence, develops. Yet the
circumstantial evidence, since our wise record or reflection of all the past lives
laws accept it, more, perhaps, even must survive, for when Prince Siddhartha
than they should. To get convinced of became Buddha, the full sequence of His
the fact of re-incarnation and past lives, previous births were seen by Him.... and
one must put oneself in rapport with any one who attains to the state of
one's real permanent Ego, not one's Jhana can thus retrospectively trace
evanescent memory. the line of his lives.

Key, p. 129 This proves to you that while the

undying qualities of the personality —
One might object that people such as love, goodness, charity, etc. —
cannot believe in that which they do attach themselves to the immortal Ego,
not know, nor have ever seen, far less photographing on it, so to speak, a
put themselves in rapport with. Yet, permanent image of the divine aspect of
this objection, on close analysis, will be the man who was, his material
seen to be invalid. Skandhas (those which generate the
most marked Karmic effects) are as
If people, and the most learned, evanescent as a flash of lightning, and
will believe in the Gravity, Ether, Force, cannot impress the new brain of the new
and what not of Science, abstractions personality; yet their failing to do so
"and working hypotheses," which they impairs in no way the identity of the re-
have neither seen, touched, smelt, incarnating Ego.
heard, nor tasted — why should not
other people believe, on the same prin- Something of each personality,
ciple, in one's permanent Ego, a far unless the latter was an absolute
more logical and important "working materialist with not even a chink in his
hypothesis" than any other? nature for a spiritual ray to pass
through, must survive, as it leaves its
It is this mysterious and eternal eternal impress on the incarnating
principle which re-incarnates, the indi- permanent Self or spiritual Ego.2 (See
vidual and immortal — not personal — On post mortem and post natal
"I;" the vehicle, in short, of the Atma- Consciousness.) The personality with its
Buddhic MONAD, which is rewarded in Skandhas is ever changing with every
Devachan and punished on earth, and new birth. It is, as said before, only the
that, finally, to which the reflection only
of the Skandhas, or attributes, of every
incarnation attaches itself.1 are formed; by them we are conscious of
existence, and through them communicate
with the world about us."
Or the Spiritual, in contradistinction to the
There are five Skandhas or attributes in the personal Self. The student must not confuse
Buddhist teachings: "Rupa (form or body), this Spiritual Ego with the "HIGHER SELF"
material qualities; Vedana, sensation; Sanna, which is Atma, the God within us, and
abstract ideas; Samkhara, tendencies of inseparable from the Universal Spirit.
mind; Vinnana, mental powers. Of these we
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 4
part played by the actor (the true Ego) When to all this we add that the
for one night. This is why we preserve reincarnating Ego, or individuality,
no memory on the physical plane of our retains during the Devachanic period
past lives, though the real "Ego" has merely the essence of the experience of
lived them over and knows them all. its past earth-life or personality, the
whole physical experience involving
Key, p. 131 into a state of in potentia, or being,
To understand why the real or so to speak, translated into spiritual
Spiritual man does not impress his new formulae; when we remember further
personal "I" with this knowledge we that the term between two rebirths is
must delve into the question more said to extend from ten to fifteen
deeply. centuries, during which time the
physical consciousness is totally and
For example, how is it that the absolutely inactive, having no organs
servant-girls in a poor farm-house could to act through, and therefore no
speak Hebrew and play the violin in existence, the reason for the absence
their trance or somnambulic state, and of all remembrance in the purely
knew neither when in their normal physical memory is apparent. The
condition? Every genuine psychologist omniscience of the SPIRITUAL EGO is
of old, would have explained this latent and potential during Devachanic
problem by reminding us that the life because, first of all, the Spiritual
Spiritual Ego can act only when the Ego (the compound of Buddhi-Manas) is
personal Ego is paralysed. The Spiritual not the Higher SELF, which being one
"I" in man is omniscient and has every with the Universal Soul or Mind is alone
knowledge innate in it, while the omniscient; and, secondly, because
personal self is the creature of its Devachan is the idealized contin-
environment and the slave of the uation of the terrestrial life just left
physical memory. Could the former behind, a period of retributive adjust-
manifest itself uninterruptedly, and ment, and a reward for unmerited
without impediment, there would be no wrongs and sufferings undergone in
longer men on earth, but we should all that special life. It is omniscient only
be gods. potentially in Devachan, and de facto
exclusively in Nirvana, when the Ego is
Thus there are exceptions, and merged in the Universal Mind-Soul. Yet
some do remember, but who believes in it rebecomes quasi omniscient during
their report? Such sensitives are gen- those hours on earth when certain
erally regarded as hallucinated hyster- abnormal conditions and physiological
iacs, as crackbrained enthusiasts, or changes in the body make the Ego free
humbugs, by modern materialism. Let from the trammels of matter. Thus the
them read, however, works on this examples cited above of somnambulists,
subject, preeminently Reincarnation, a a poor servant speaking Hebrew, and
Study of Forgotten Truth. by S. D. another playing the violin, give you an
Walker, F.T.S., and see the mass of illustration of the case in point. This
proofs which the able author brings to does not mean that the explanations of
bear on this vexed question. One these two facts offered us by medical
speaks to people of soul, and some ask science have no truth in them, for one
"What is Soul?" "Have you ever proved girl had, years before, heard her
its existence?" Of course it is useless to master, a clergyman, read Hebrew
argue with those who are materialists. works aloud, and the other had heard
But even to them I would put the an artist playing a violin at their farm.
question: "Can you remember what you But neither could have done so as
were or did when a baby? Have you perfectly as they did had they not been
preserved the smallest recollection of ensouled by THAT which, owing to the
your life, thoughts, or deeds, or that sameness of its nature with the
you lived at all during the first eighteen Universal Mind, is omniscient. Here
months or two years of your existence? the higher principle acted on the
Then why not deny that you have ever Skandhas and moved them; in the
lived as a babe, on the same principle?" other, the personality being paralysed,
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 5
the individuality manifested itself. Pray acter? One's individuality: an individu-
do not confuse the two. ality but partly manifested in any one
birth, but built up of fragments from all
Key, p. 134 the births?" (Bud. Cat., Appendix A.
On Individuality and Personality.
To understand the idea well, you
In his Buddhist Catechism, Col. have to first study the dual sets of
Olcott explains the difference between "principles": the spiritual, or those
Individuality and personality in this which belong to the imperishable Ego;
way: and the material, or those principles
which make up the everchanging bodies
"The successive appearances upon the
or the series of personalities of that Ego.
earth, or 'descents into generation,' of the
tanhaically coherent parts (Skandhas)
Let us fix permanent names to these,
of a certain being, are a succession of and say that:
personalities. In each birth the
PERSONALITY differs from that of a I. Atma, the "Higher Self," is neither
previous or next succeeding birth. your Spirit nor mine, but like
Karma, the DEUS EX MACHINA, sunlight shines on all. It is the
masks (or shall we say reflects?) itself universally diffused "divine
now in the personality of a sage, again as principle," and is inseparable from
an artisan, and so on throughout the its one and absolute Meta-Spirit, as
string of births. But though personalities the sunbeam is inseparable from
ever shift, the one line of life along which sunlight.
they are strung, like beads, runs
unbroken; it is ever that particular line, II. Buddhi (the spiritual soul) is only
never any other. It is therefore its vehicle. Neither each separate-
individual, an individual vital ly, nor the two collectively, are of
undulation, which began in Nirvana, or
any more use to the body of man,
the subjective side of nature, as the light
or heat undulation through aether began
than sunlight and its beams are for
at its dynamic source; is careering a mass of granite buried in the
through the objective side of nature earth, unless the divine Duad is
under the impulse of Karma and the assimilated by, and reflected in,
creative direction of Tanha (the some consciousness. Neither
unsatisfied desire for existence); and Atma nor Buddhi are ever reached
leads through many cyclic changes back by Karma, because the former is
to Nirvana. Mr. Rhys-Davids calls that the highest aspect of Karma, its
which passes from personality to perso- working agent of ITSELF in one
nality along the individual chain aspect, and the other is
'character,' or 'doing.' Since 'character' is unconscious on this plane. This
not a mere metaphysical abstraction, but
consciousness or mind is,
the sum of one's mental qualities and
moral propensities, would it not help to
III. Manas1, the derivation or product
dispel what Mr. Rhys-Davids calls 'the
desperate expedient of a mystery'
in a reflected form of Ahamkara,
(Buddhism, p. 101) if we regarded the “the conception of I,” or EGO-SHIP.
life-undulation as individuality, and each It is, therefore, when inseparably
of its series of natal manifestations as a united to the first two, called the
separate personality? The perfect
individual, Buddhistically speaking, is a 1
MAHAT or the "Universal Mind" is the source of
Buddha, I should say; for Buddha is but Manas. The latter is Mahat, i.e., mind, in man.
the rare flower of humanity, without the Manas is also called Kshetrajna, "embodied
least super-natural admixture. And as Spirit," because it is, according to our
philosophy, the Manasa-putras, or “Sons of the
countless generations ('four asankheyyas
Universal Mind,” who created, or rather
and a hundred thousand cycles,' Fausboll produced, the thinking man, “manu,” by
and Rhys-Davids' BUDDHIST BIRTH incarnating in the third Race mankind in our
STORIES, p. 13) are required to develop Round. It is Manas, therefore, which is the
a man into a Buddha, and the iron will real incarnating and permanent Spiritual Ego,
to become one runs throughout all the the INDIVIDUALITY, and our various and
successive births, what shall we call that numberless personalities only its external
which thus wills and perseveres? Char- masks.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 6
SPIRITUAL EGO, and Taijasi (the every human soul the collective
radiant). This is the real experience of its whole past existence
Individuality, or the divine man. It (existences, rather)." And this body
is this Ego which — having celestial is our Manasic EGO.
originally incarnated in the
senseless human form animated Key, p. 137
by, but unconscious (since it had ON THE REWARD AND PUNISHMENT OF
no consciousness) of, the presence THE EGO.
in itself of the dual monad — made
of that human-like form a real man. The Ego, whatever the life of the
It is that Ego, that “Causal Body,” person he incarnated in may have been
which overshadows every perso- on Earth, is never visited with post-
nality Karma forces it to incarnate mortem punishment, save in very
into; and this Ego which is held exceptional and rare cases of which we
responsible for all the sins will not speak here.
committed through, and in, every
new body or personality — the It is punished in this life for the
evanescent masks which hide the misdeeds committed in a previous one,
true Individual through the long and it is this Ego that is rewarded also,
series of rebirths. whether here, or when disincarnated. If
we do not admit of any punishment
This responsibility of the Ego is just outside of this earth, it is because the
for there resides memory of the whole only state the Spiritual Self knows of,
string of personalities. The Ego knows hereafter, is that of unalloyed bliss.
and remembers its misdeeds as well as
you remember what you have done Crimes and sins committed on a
yesterday. Is it because the memory of plane of objectivity and in a world of
that bundle of physical compounds called matter, cannot receive punishment in
“body” does not recollect what its a world of pure subjectivity. Man's
predecessor (the personality that was) post-mortem state or mental condition
did, that you imagine that the real Ego is such as we are in during a vivid
has forgotten them? As well say it is dream. We believe in an immutable law
unjust that the new boots on the feet of a of absolute Love, Justice, and Mercy.
body, who is flogged for stealing apples, And believing in it, we say: "Whatever
should be punished for that which they the sin and dire results of the
know nothing of. original Karmic transgression of the
now incarnated Egos1, no man (or the
There are, in fact, some modes of 1
It is on this transgression that the cruel and
communication between the personality illogical dogma of the Fallen Angels has been
and the permanent Ego. They could be built. It is explained in Vol. II, of the Secret
widened by use, but are generally ignored Doctrine. All our "Egos" are thinking and
and denied by modern man. To what rational entities (Manasa-putras) who had
would he attribute intuition, the "voice of lived, whether under human or other forms,
in the precedent life-cycle (Manvantara), and
the conscience," premonitions, vague whose Karma it was to incarnate in the man
undefined reminiscences, etc., etc., if not of this one. It was taught in the MYSTERIES
to such communications? Would that the that, having delayed to comply with this law
majority of educated men, at least, had (or having "refused to create" as Hinduism
the fine spiritual perceptions of says of the Kumaras and Christian legend of
the Archangel Michael), i.e. , having failed to
Coleridge, who shows how intuitional he incarnate in due time, the bodies predestined
is in some of his comments. Hear what for them got defiled (Vide Stanzas Vlll. and IX. in
he says with respect to the probability the "Slokas of Dzyan," Vol. II. Secret Doctrine,
that "all thoughts are in themselves pp. 19 and 20) , hence the original sin of the
senseless forms and the punishment of the
imperishable." "If the intelligent faculty Egos. That which is meant by the rebellious
(sudden 'revivals' of memory) should be angels being hurled down into Hell is simply
rendered more comprehensive, it would explained by these pure Spirits or Egos being
require only a different and appropriate imprisoned in bodies of unclean matter, flesh.
organization, the body celestial instead HPB expands on this in her article
of the body terrestrial, to bring before “Esotericism of Christian Dogma”:
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 7
outer material and periodical form of Nothing in its separate parts, yet
the Spiritual Entity) can be held, with of the greatest importance in its
any degree of justice, responsible for collectivity or series of lives. At any
the consequences of his birth. He does rate, almost every individual life is, in
not ask to be born, nor can he choose its full development, a sorrow. And are
the parents that will give him life. In we to believe that poor, helpless man,
every respect he is a victim to his after being tossed about like a piece of
environment, the child of circumstances rotten timber on the angry billows of
over which he has no control; and if life, is, if he proves too weak to resist
each of his transgressions were them, to be punished by a sempi-
impartially investigated, there would be ternity of damnation, or even a temp-
found nine out of every ten cases when orary punishment? Never! Whether a
he was the one sinned against, rather great or an average sinner, good or bad,
than the sinner. Life is at best a guilty or innocent, once delivered of the
burden of physical life, the tired and
heartless play, a stormy sea to cross,
worn-out Manu ("thinking Ego") has
and a heavy burden often too difficult
won the right to a period of absolute
to bear. The greatest philosophers have
rest and bliss. The same unerringly
tried in vain to fathom and find out its
wise and just rather than merciful Law,
raison d'etre, and have all failed except which inflicts upon the incarnated Ego
those who had the key to it, namely, the the Karmic punishment for every sin
Eastern sages. Life is, as Shakespeare committed during the preceding life on
describes it:- Earth, provides for the now
...... but a walking shadow — a poor disembodied Entity a long lease of
player, That struts and frets his hour mental rest, i.e., the entire oblivion of
upon the stage, And then is heard no every sad event, aye, to the smallest
more. It is a tale painful thought, that took place in its
Told by an idiot, full of sound and last life as a personality, leaving in the
fury, Signifying nothing ..... " soul-memory but the reminiscence of
that which was bliss, or led to
happiness. Plotinus, who said that our
The terrible crime was merely the natural body was the true river of Lethe, for
result of the law of evolution: that is the
races — hardly solidified at first — of our
"souls plunged into it forget all," meant
androgynous and semi- ethereal prototypes, more than he said. For, as our
materializing themselves little by little, taking terrestrial body is like Lethe, so is our
on a physical body, then separating into celestial body in Devachan, and much
distinct males and females, finally procreated more.
carnally after they had formerly created their
likenesses by entirely different methods However, we must not confuse
which will be explained some day (if, these intervals of sleep or rest as an
however, one may express by the word
create an idea quite contrary to that of
escape from Karma. No deed, not even
engender). a sinful thought, will go unpunished,
the latter more severely even than the
This “audacious revolt” [ i.e. , refusal to
create] is again an anthropomorphic and
former, as a thought is far more
personifying allegory that we owe to the potential in creating evil results than
Church, which materialized, in order to even a deed. 1 We believe in an
disguise them the better, all the ancient ideas
— old as the world. It was a philosophic 1 "Verily, I say unto you, that whosoever
doctrine imbedded in the esoteric meaning of looketh at a woman to lust after her, hath
the Prometheal legend. The sacred fire which committed adultry with her already in his
he stole from the Gods is the flame of heart." (Matt. v., 28.)
conscious intellect, the spark which animates
the fifth principle, or Manas; it is also the [Cf.: That which is desire, or instinctive
generating and sexual flame; that spark is impulse in the lower, becomes thought in the
the reflection — if not the very essence — of Higher. The former finds expression in acts, the
the Archangels or Monads, forced by their latter in words. Esoterically, thought is more
karma from the preceding manvantara, to responsible and punishable than act. But
incarnate in the astral forms of the third exoterically it is the reverse. In ordinary human
great pre-Adamite race before its “fall” — the law, an assault is more severely punished than
fall of Spirit into Matter. That supposed the thought or intention, i.e., the threat, whereas
“revolt,” that “theft” of the creative fire, is a Karmically it is the contrary. Transactions, p.
result of Evolution. 142.1
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 8
unerring law of Retribution, called wears it is the same culprit as of old.
KARMA, which asserts itself in a It is the individuality who suffers
natural concatenation of causes and through his "personality." And it is
their unavoidable results. this, and this alone, that can account
for the terrible, still only apparent,
Every action, good or bad, is a injustice in the distribution of lots in
prolific parent, saith the Wisdom of the life to man. When your modern
Ages. Put the two together, and you philosophers will have succeeded in
will find the "why." After allowing the showing to us a good reason, why so
Soul, escaped from the pangs of many apparently innocent and good
personal life, a sufficient, aye, a men are born only to suffer during a
hundredfold compensation, Karma, whole life-time; why so many are born
with its army of Skandhas, waits at the poor unto starvation in the slums of
threshold of Devachan, whence the Ego great cities, abandoned by fate and
re-emerges to assume a new men; why, while these are born in the
incarnation. It is at this moment that gutter, others open their eyes to light in
the future destiny of the now-rested palaces; while a noble birth and fortune
Ego trembles in the scales of just seem often given to the worst of men
Retribution, as it now falls once again and only rarely to the worthy; while
under the sway of active Karmic law. there are beggars whose inner selves
It is in this rebirth which is ready for it, are peers to the highest and noblest of
a rebirth selected and prepared by this men; when this, and much more, is
mysterious, inexorable, but in the satisfactorily explained by either your
equity and wisdom of its decrees philosophers or theologians, then only,
infallible LAW, that the sins of the but not till then, you will have the right
previous life of the Ego are punished. to reject the theory of reincarnation.
Only it is into no imaginary Hell, with The highest and grandest of poets have
theatrical flames and ridiculous tailed dimly perceived this truth of truths.
and horned devils, that the Ego is cast, Shelley believed in it, Shakespeare
but verily on to this earth, the plane must have thought of it when writing on
and region of his sins, where he will the worthlessness of Birth. Remember
have to atone for every bad thought and his words:
deed. As he has sown, so will he reap.
Reincarnation will gather around him "Why should my birth keep down
all those other Egos who have suffered, my mounting spirit?
whether directly or indirectly, at the
hands, or even through the Are not all creatures subject unto
unconscious instrumentality, of the time? There’s legions now of beggars on
past personality. They will be thrown the earth, That their original did spring
by Nemesis in the way of the new man, from Kings, And many monarchs now,
concealing the old, the eternal EGO, whose fathers were the riff-raff of their
and .... age .......

Do not question the equity of alter the word "fathers" into

Karma simply because these new "Egos"--and you will have truth.
"personalities" are not aware of having
sinned or been sinned against. Has the [TO BE CONTINUED]
coat torn to shreds from the back of the
man who stole it, by another man who
was robbed of it and recognises his
property, to be regarded as fairly dealt Intuition
with? The new "personality" is no
better than a fresh suit of clothes with Every one of us possesses the
its specific characteristics, color, form faculty, the interior sense, that is known by
and qualities; but the real man who the name of intuition, but how rare are
those who know how to develop it! It is,
however, only by the aid of this faculty
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 9
that men can ever see things in their true with another order of things which reigns
colours. It is an instinct of the soul, which in that most elevated state of existence."
grows in us in proportion to the
employment we give it, and which helps us Plato has expressed the same idea in
to perceive and understand the realities of two lines: "The light and spirit of the
things with far more certainty than can the Divinity are the wings of the soul. They
simple use of our senses and exercise of raise it to communion with the gods, above
our reason. What are called good sense and this earth, with which the spirit of man is
logic enable us to see only the appearances too ready to soil itself. . . . To become like
of things, that which is evident to every the gods, is to become holy, just and wise.
one. The instinct of which I speak, being a That is the end for which man was created,
projection of our perceptive consciousness, and that ought to be his aim in the
a projection which acts from the subjective acquisition of knowledge."
to the objective, and not vice versa,
awakens in us spiritual senses and power
to act; these senses assimilate to
themselves the essence of the object or of
the action under examination, and IN MEMORY OF A GRAND LADY
represent it to us as it really is, not as it
appears to our physical senses and to our The Queen Mother of England passed on
March 30th. She was 101. The Order of Service
cold reason. "We begin with instinct, we was prefaced with a poem by an unknown
end with omniscience" says Professor A. author which set the tone of thanksgiving for the
Wilder, our oldest colleague. Iamblicus Queen Mother's long and remarkable life:
has described this faculty, and certain
Theosophists have been able to appreciate "You can shed tears that she is gone or you
the truth of his description. can smile because she has lived.

"There exists," he says, "a faculty in "You can close your eyes and pray that
the human mind which is immeasurably she'll come back or you can open your eyes
superior to all those which are grafted or and see all she's left.
engendered in us. By it we can attain to
union with superior intelligences, finding "Your heart can be empty because you
ourselves raised above the scenes of this can't see her or you can be full of love you
earthly life, and partaking of the higher shared.
existence and superhuman powers of the "You can turn your back on tomorrow and
inhabitants of the celestial spheres. By this live yesterday or you can be happy for
faculty we find ourselves liberated finally tomorrow because of yesterday.
from the dominion of destiny (Karma), and
we become, as it were, the arbiters of our "You can remember her and only that she's
own fates. For, when the most excellent gone or you can cherish her memory and
parts in us find themselves filled with let it live on.
energy; and when our soul is lifted up
towards essences higher than science, it "You can cry and close your mind, be
can separate itself from the conditions empty and turn your back or you can do
which hold it in the bondage of every-day what she'd want: smile, open your eyes,
life; it exchanges its ordinary existence for love and go on."
another one, it renounces the conventional
habits which belong to the external order
of things, to give itself up to and mix itself
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 10


1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes
age, weight and height. ELEMENTALS
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull by William Q. Judge
you down. If you really need a grouch, there
are probably family members that fill that need. “Every time you harshly and
unmercifully criticize the faults of
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the
another, you produce an attraction to
computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Just
never let the brain be idle. yourself of certain quantities of
elementals from that person. They
4. Enjoy the simple things. When the children are fasten themselves upon you and
young, that is all that you can afford. endeavor to find in you a similar state
or spot or fault that they have left in
When they are in college, that is all that you
can afford. When they are grown, and you are the other person. It is as if they left
on retirement, that is all that you can afford! him to serve you at higher wages, so to
say.” – W.Q. Judge
5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you
gasp for breath. Laugh so much that you can STUDENT. — A materialist stated to
be tracked in the store by your distinctive me as his opinion that all that is said
about mantrams is mere sentimental
6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move theorizing, and while it may be true
on. The only person who is with us our entire that certain words affect people, the
life, is ourselves. sole reason is that they embody ideas
distasteful or pleasant to the hearers,
7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether
it is family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants,
but that the mere sounds, as such, have
hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge. no effect whatever, and as to either
words or sounds affecting animals he
8. Cherish your health. If it is good, preserve it. denied it altogether. Of course he
If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what would not take elementals into account
you can improve, get help.
at all, as their existence is impossible
9. Don't take guilt trips. Go to the mall, the next for him.
county, a foreign country, but not guilt.
Sage. — This position is quite natural
10. Tell the people you love, that you love in these days. There has been so much
them, at every opportunity. materialization of thought, and the real
scientific attitude of leading minds in
Remember, Life is not measured by the number of
breaths we take, but by the moments that take different branches of investigation has
our breath away. been so greatly misunderstood by those
who think they follow the example of
BLESSINGS ALWAYS AND HAPPY SPRING the scientific men, that most people in
Thomas A. Hodges the West are afraid to admit anything
beyond what may be apprehended by
the five senses. The man you speak of
is one of that always numerous class
who adopt as fixed and unalterable
general laws laid down from time to
time by well known savants, forgetting
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 11
that the latter constantly change and for granting all that had been
advance from point to point. previously denied. But have you
anything to say about those
Student. — Do you think, then, that the materialistic investigators? Are they
scientific world will one day admit not governed by some powerful,
much that is known to Occultists? though unperceived, law?
Sage. — Yes, it will. The genuine Sage. — They are. They are in the
Scientist is always in that attitude forefront of the mental, but not of the
which permits him to admit things spiritual, progress of the time, and are
proven. He may seem to you often to driven forward by forces they know
be obstinate and blind, but in fact he is nothing of. Help is very often given to
proceeding slowly to the truth - too them by the Masters, who, neglecting
slowly, perhaps for you, yet not in the nothing, constantly see to it that these
position of knowing all. It is the men make progress upon the fittest
veneered scientist who swears by the lines for them, just as you are assisted
published results of the work of not only in your spiritual life but in
leading men as being the last word, your mental also. These men,
while, at the very moment he is doing therefore, will go on admitting facts
so, his authority may have made notes and finding new laws or new names for
or prepared new theories tending to old laws, to explain them. They
greatly broaden and advance the last cannot help it.
utterance. It is only when the
dogmatism of a priest backed up by Student. — What should be our duty,
law declares that a discovery is then, as students of truth? Should we
opposed to the revealed word of his go out as reformers of science, or
god, that we may fear. That day is what?
gone for a long time to come, and we
need expect no more scenes like that in Sage. — You ought not to take up the
which Galileo took part. But among role of reformers of the schools and
the materialistic minds to whom you their masters, because success would
referred, there is a good deal of that not attend the effort. Science is
old spirit left, only that the “revealed competent to take care of itself, and
word of God” has become the you would only be throwing pearls
utterances of our scientific leaders. before them to be trampled under foot.
Rest content that all within their
Student. — I have observed that within comprehension will be discovered and
even the last quarter of a century. admitted from time to time. The
About ten years ago many well-known endeavor to force them into admitting
men laughed to scorn any one who what you believe to be so plain would
admitted the facts within the be due almost solely to your vanity and
experience of every mesmerizer, while love of praise. It is not possible to
now, under the term “hypnotism,” they force them, any more than it is for me
are nearly all admitted. And when to force you, to admit certain
these lights of our time were denying it incomprehensible laws, and you would
all, the French doctors were collating not think me wise or fair to first open
the results of a long series of before you things, to understand which
experiments. It seems as if the you have not the necessary
invention of a new term for an old and development, and then to force you
much abused one furnished an excuse into admitting their truth. Or if, out of
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 12
reverence, you should say, “These substances. Each one of these has
things are true,” while you certain magnetic relations peculiar to
comprehended nothing and were not itself, and all of them are soaked, to a
progressing, you would have bowed to greater or less extent, with your
superior force. magnetism as well as nervous fluid.
Some of them, because of their
Student. — But you do not mean that substance, do not long retain this fluid,
we should remain ignorant of science while others do. The elementals are
and devote ourselves only to ethics? connected, each class according to its
substance, with those objects by means
Sage. — Not at all. Know all that you
of the magnetic fluid. And they are
can. Become conversant with and sift
acted upon by the mind and desires to
all that the schools have declared, and
a greater extent than you know, and in
as much more on your own account as
a way that cannot be formulated in
is possible, but at the same time teach,
English. Your desires have a powerful
preach, and practice a life based on a
grasp, so to say, upon certain things,
true understanding of brotherhood.
and upon others a weaker hold. When
This is the true way. The common
one of these objects is suddenly
people, those who know no science,
dropped, it is invariably followed by
are the greatest number. They must be
elementals. They are drawn after it,
so taught that the discoveries of
and may be said to go with the object
science which are unillumined by spirit
by attraction rather than by sight. In
may not be turned into Black Magic.
many cases they completely envelop
Student. — In our last conversation the thing, so that, although it is near at
you touched upon the guarding of hand, it cannot be seen by the eye. But
buried treasure by elementals. I after awhile the magnetism wears off
should like very much to hear a little and their power to envelop the article
more about that. Not about how to weakens, whereupon it appears in
control them or to procure the treasure, sight. This does not happen in every
but upon the subject generally. case. But it is a daily occurrence, and
is sufficiently obvious to many persons
Sage. — The laws governing the to be quite removed from the realm of
hiding of buried treasure are the same fable. I think, indeed, that one of your
as those that relate to lost objects. literary persons has written an essay
Every person has about him a fluid, or upon this very experience, in which,
plane, or sphere, or energy, which-ever although treated in a comic vein, many
you please to call it, in which are truths are unconsciously told; the title
constantly found elementals that of this was, if I mistake not, “Upon the
partake of his nature. That is, they are Innate Perversity of Inanimate
tinted with his color and impressed by Objects.” There is such a nice
his character. There are numerous balancing of forces in these cases that
classes of these. Some men have many you must be careful in your
of one class or of all, or many of some generalizations. You may justly ask,
and few of others. And anything worn for instance, Why, when a coat is
upon your person is connected with dropped, it seldom disappears from
your elementals. For instance, you sight? Well, there are cases in which
wear cloth made of wool or linen, and even such a large object is hidden, but
little objects made of wood, bone, they are not very common. The coat is
brass, gold, silver, and other full of your magnetism, and the
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 13
elementals may feel in it just as much the gold or silver which he had lost. If
of you as when it is on your back. we were to assume that they occupied
There may be, for them, no disturbance themselves in catering to the desires of
of the relations, magnetic and men or in establishing what we call our
otherwise. And often in the case of a rights over property, we might as well
small object not invisible, the at once grant the existence of a
balancing of forces, due to many capricious and irresponsible
causes that have to do with your Providence. They proceed solely
condition at the time, prevents the according to the law of their being,
hiding. To decide in any particular and, as they are without the power of
case, one would have to see into the making a judgment, they commit no
realm where the operation of these blunders and are not to be moved by
laws is hidden, and calculate all the considerations based upon our vested
forces, so as to say why it happened in rights or our unsatisfied wishes.
one way and not in another. Therefore, the spirits that appertain to
metals invariably act as the laws of
Student. — But take the case of a man their nature prescribe, and one way of
who, being in possession of treasure, doing so is to obscure the metals from
hides it in the earth and goes away and our sight.
dies, and it is not found. In that
instance the elementals did not hide it. Student. — Can you make any
Or when a miser buries his gold or application of all this in the realm of
jewels. How about those? ethics?
Sage. — In all cases where a man Sage. — There is a very important
buries gold, or jewels, or money, or thing you should not overlook. Every
precious things, his desires are time you harshly and unmercifully
fastened to that which he hides. Many criticize the faults of another, you
of his elementals attach themselves to produce an attraction to yourself of
it, and other classes of them also, who certain quantities of elementals from
had nothing to do with him, gather that person. They fasten themselves
round and keep it hidden. In the case upon you and endeavor to find in you a
of the captain of a ship containing similar state or spot or fault that they
treasure the influences are very have left in the other person. It is as if
powerful, because there the elementals they left him to serve you at higher
are gathered from all the persons wages, so to say.
connected with the treasure, and the
officer himself is full of solicitude for Then there is that which I referred to
what is committed to his charge. You in a preceding conversation, about the
should also remember that gold and effect of our acts and thoughts upon,
silver - or metals - have relations with not only the portion of the astral light
elementals that are of a strong and belonging to each of us with its
peculiar character. They do not work elementals, but upon the whole astral
for human law, and natural law does world. If men saw the dreadful
not assign any property in metals to pictures imprinted there and constantly
man, nor recognize in him any peculiar throwing down upon us their
and transcendent right to retain what suggestions to repeat the same acts or
he has dug from the earth or acquired thoughts, a millennium might soon
to himself. Hence we do not find the draw near. The astral light is, in this
elementals anxious to restore to him sense, the same as a photographer's
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 14
negative plate, and we are the sensitive as easily as they can animals, they
paper underneath, on which is being would kill them for amusement when
printed the picture. We can see two they did not want them for use; and, if
sorts of pictures for each act. One is the elementals refused to obey, then
the act itself, and the other is the their death would follow as a
picture of the thoughts and feelings punishment. All this is perceived by
animating those engaged in it. You the elemental world, without
can therefore see that you may be conscience of course; but, under the
responsible for many more dreadful laws of action and reaction, we receive
pictures than you had supposed. For back from it exactly that which we
actions of a simple outward appearance give.
have behind them, very often, the
worst of thoughts or desires. Student. — Before we leave the subject
I should like to refer again to the
Student. — Have these pictures in the question of metals and the relation of
astral light anything to do with us upon man to the elementals connected with
being reincarnated in subsequent earth- the mineral world. We see some
lives? persons who seem always to be able to
find metals with ease - or, as they say,
Sage. — They have very much indeed. who are lucky in that direction. How
We are influenced by them for vast am I to reconcile this with the natural
periods of time, and in this you can tendency of elementals to hide? Is it
perhaps find clues to many operations because there is a war or discord, as it
of active Karmic law for which you were, between different classes
seek. belonging to any one person?
Student. — Is there not also some Sage. — That is a part of the
effect upon animals, and through them explanation. Some persons, as I said,
upon us, and vice versa? have more of one class attached to
them than another. A person fortunate
Sage. — Yes. The animal kingdom is
with metals, say of gold and silver, has
affected by us through the astral light.
about him more of the elementals
We have impressed the latter with
connected with or belonging to the
pictures of cruelty, oppression,
kingdoms of those metals than other
dominion, and slaughter. The whole
people, and thus there is less strife
Christian world admits that man can
between the elementals. The
indiscriminately slaughter animals,
preponderance of the metal-spirits
upon the theory, elaborately set forth
makes the person more homogeneous
by priests in early times, that animals
with their kingdoms, and a natural
have no souls. Even little children
attraction exists between the gold or
learn this and very early begin to kill
silver lost or buried and that person,
insects, birds, and animals, not for
more than in the case of other people.
protection, but from wantonness. As
they grow up the habit is continued, Student. — What determines this? Is it
and in England we see that shooting due to a desiring of gold and silver, or
large numbers of birds beyond the is it congenital?
wants of the table, is a national
peculiarity, or, as I should say, a vice. Sage. — It is innate. The
This may be called a mild illustration. combinations in any one individual are
If these people could catch elementals so intricate and due to so many causes
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, Supplement #5 May 17, 2002 Page 15
that you could not calculate them.
They run back many generations, and
depend upon peculiarities of soil,
climate, nation, family, and race.
These are, as you can see, enormously
varied, and, with the materials at your
command now, quite beyond your
reach. Merely wishing for gold and
silver will not do it.
Student. — I judge also that attempting
to get at those elementals by thinking
strongly will not accomplish that result
Sage. — No, it will not, because your
thoughts do not reach them. They do
not hear or see you, and, as it is only
by accidental concentration of forces
that unlearned people influence them,
these accidents are only possible to the
extent that you possess the natural
leaning to the particular kingdom
whose elementals you have influenced.
Student. — I thank you for your
Sage. — May you be guided to the
path which leads to light!
Path, September, 1888

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