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The Aquarian Theosophist

Volume II, No. 12 October 17, 2002



your brilliant: victory over Russian arms.

It is a marvel to me that you do not see After my return to India from South Af-
that ruthless warfare is nobody’s monopoly.
If not the Allies some other Power will cer- rica in 1915, I came in close touch with
tainly improve upon your method and beat Japanese monks who lived as members
you with your own weapon. Even if you win
you will leave no legacy to your people of of our Ashram from time to time. One of
which they would feel proud. They cannot them became a valuable member of the
take pride in a recital of cruel deeds how-
ever skillfully achieved. Ashram in Sevagram, and his application
M. K. GANDHI to duty, his dignified bearing, his unfail-
ing devotion to daily worship, affability,
unruffledness under varying circum-
TO EVERY JAPANESE1 stances, and his natural smile which was
positive evidence of his inner peace had
I must confess at the outset that
endeared him to all of us. And now that
though I have no ill will against you, I
owing to your declaration of war against
intensely dislike your attack upon China.
Great Britain he has been taken away
From your lofty height you have de-
from us, we miss him as a dear co-
scended to imperial ambition. You will
worker. He has left behind him as a
fail to realize that ambition and may be-
memory his daily prayer and his little
come the authors of the dismemberment
drum, to the accompaniment of which we
of Asia, thus unwittingly preventing
open our morning and evening prayers.
World Federation and brotherhood with-
out which there can be no hope for hu- In the background of these pleasant
manity. recollections I grieve deeply as I con-
template what appears to me to be your
Ever since I was a lad of eighteen
unprovoked attack against China and, if
studying in London over fifty years ago,
reports are to be believed, your merciless
I learnt, through the writings of the late
devastation of that great and ancient land.
Sir Edwin Arnold, to prize the many ex-
cellent qualities of your nation. I was It was a worthy ambition of yours
thrilled when in South Africa I learnt of to take equal rank with the great Powers
of the world. Your aggression against
1 The issue of HARIJAN published on 26th July,
China and your alliance with the Axis
1942, is of historic importance because it was
the last before Gandhi and large numbers of TABLE OF CONTENTS
his supporters were arrested and interned
without right of communication with the
Ruthless Warfare is Nobody’s Monopoly 1
outside world. Passages from the articles and
answers to questions reprinted have been The Global Village 5
quoted out of context, and, on occasion, Point Out the Way — XXIII 8
misquoted. Although it has not been possible The Coffee Klatch 10
to reprint the whole contents of the issue, Esoteric Studies — II 11
readers can be assured that the most Fire: The Reflection of Deity 14
important passages are given, and that each
is a solidly transcribed extract, standing fairly
The Power of Mindfulness — VI 17
by itself. The author in every case is Gandhi Dnyaneshvari — XXIII 24
himself. [Originally a War Resisters pamphlet What is the Soul? 25
of Feb. 1943 entitled, “What Gandhi Really The Brazilian Dream 27
Said.”] The Mystery of Evolution 28
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 2
Powers was surely an unwarranted excess reported profession sorts ill with your
of war ambition. ruthless aggression against China.
I should have thought that you
would, be proud of the fact that that great I would ask you to make no mis-
and ancient people, whose old classical take about the fact that you will be sadly
literature you have adopted as your own, disillusioned if you believe that you will
are your neighbors. Your understanding receive a willing welcome from India.
of one another's history, tradition, litera- The end and aim of the movement for
ture should bind you as friends rather British withdrawal is to prepare India, by
than make you the enemies you are to- making her free for resisting all militarist
day. and imperialist ambition, whether it is
called British Imperialism, German Na-
If I was a free man, and if you al- zism, or your pattern. If we do not, we
lowed me, to come to your country, frail shall have been ignoble spectators of the
though I am, I would not mind risking militarisation of the world in spite of our
my health, maybe my life, to come to belief that in non-violence we have the
your country to plead with you to desist only solvent of the militarist spirit and
from the wrong you are doing to China ambition. Personally I fear that without
and the world and therefore to yourself. declaring the Independence of India the
Allied Powers will not be able to beat the
But I enjoy no such freedom. And Axis combination which has raised vio-
we are in the unique position of having to lence to the dignity of a religion. The
resist an imperialism that we detest no Allies cannot beat you and your partners
less than yours and Nazism. Our resis- unless they beat you in your ruthless and
tance to it does not mean harm to the skilled warfare. If they copy it their dec-
British people. We seek to convert them. laration that they will save the world for
Ours is an unarmed revolt against British democracy and individual freedom must
rule. An important party in the country is come to naught. I feel that they can, only
engaged in a deadly but friendly quarrel gain strength to avoid copying your ruth-
with the foreign rulers. lessness by declaring and recognizing
But in this they, need no aid from now the freedom of India, and turning
foreign Powers. You have been gravely sullen India's forced co-operation into
misinformed as I know you are, that we freed India's voluntary co-operation.
have chosen this particular moment to To Britain and the Allies we have
embarrass the Allies when your attack appealed in the name of Justice, in proof
against India is imminent. If we wanted of their professions, and in their own
to turn Britain's difficulty into our oppor- self-interest. To you I appeal in the name
tunity we should: have done it as soon as of humanity. Even if you win it will not
the War broke out nearly three years ago. prove that you were in the right, it will
Our movement demanding the only prove that your power of destruction
Withdrawal of the British Power from was greater. This applies-obviously to
India should in no way be misunder- the Allies too, unless they perform now
stood. In fact if we are to believe your the just and righteous act of freeing India
reported anxiety for the Independence of as an earnest and promise of similarly
India, a recognition of that Independence freeing all other subject peoples in Asia
by Britain, should leave you no excuse and Africa.
for any attack on India. Moreover, the Our appeal to Britain is coupled
with the offer of Free India's willingness
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 3
to let the Allies retain their troops in In- full sense of their responsibility. It is no
dia. The offer is made in order to prove use damning me as a dictator like Herr
that we do not in any way mean to harm Hitler. He does not argue with his co-
the Allied cause, and in order to prevent workers if he may be said to have any.
you from being misled into feeling that He merely issues orders which can only
you have but to step into the country that be disobeyed on pain of death or worse.
Britain has vacated. Needless to repeat I argue with my friends for days. I ar-
that if you cherish any such idea and will gued at the last meeting for eight days.
carry it out, we will not fail in resisting The members agreed when their reason
you with all the might that our country was satisfied. My sanction with my
can muster. I address this appeal to you friends as well as self-styled enemies has
in the hope that our movement may even ever been reason and love. It is a trav-
influence you and your partners in the esty of truth therefore to compare me
right direction and deflect you and them, with Hitler or to call me a dictator in any
from the course which is bound to end in current sense of the term. It is an equal
your moral ruin and the reduction of hu- travesty of truth to abuse the Congress by
man beings to robots. calling it a Hindu or communal organiza-
tion. It is national in the fullest sense of
The hope of your response to my the term. It is a purely political organisa-
appeal is much fainter than that of re- tion with which can undoubtedly be
sponse from Britain. I know that the compared the Liberal Party which is
British are not devoid of a sense of jus- without slightest communal taint. Unfor-
tice and they know me. I do not know tunately today although it has politicians
you enough to be able to judge. All I who have a record of distinguished ser-
have read tells me that you listen to no vice, it has admittedly little or no follow-
appeal but the sword. How I wish that ing in the country by reason of its mem-
you are cruelly misrepresented and that I bers holding unpopular views. Thus the
shall touch the right chord in your heart! Congress remains the sole representative
Anyway, I have an undying faith in the national organization in India with a
responsiveness of human nature. On the mass following. Its gains belong not
strength of that faith I have conceived the merely to itself but to the whole nation,
impending movement in India, and it is irrespective of caste or creed or race. It
that faith which has prompted this appeal is mischievous and misleading to dis-
to you. credit this organization in America and
I am, Great Britain as a communal or pro-Axis
or a purely Hindu organization. If it was
Your friend and well-wisher,
a pro-Axis organization, it has courage
and influence enough to make a public
Sevagram, 18.7.42. [July 18, 1942] declaration to that effect in disregard of
the consequences that might overtake it.
It is not, and has never been, a secret or a
violent organization. If it had been ei-
TO MY CRITICS ther, it would have been suppressed long
The critics who impute motives to
the Working Committee or to me harm So much about some manifest mis-
the cause they process to serve. The representations.
members of the Working Committee are
all seasoned servants of the nation with
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 4
Now about suppression of relevant
Congress position.
Nobody has contended that: the
demand for withdrawal of British Power The following are a selection from
is not an inherent right of the nation, irre- Gandhi's answers to questions, the first
spective of the demand to the contrary by from a supporter, the others from a con-
those who by centuries of habit have lost ference with foreign pressmen, including
the sense of freedom. It is said that it is Mr. Stuart Emery, of the News Chronicle.
wrong not intrinsically, but because of “Why should not the Congress
the Congress declaration of non- declare that as long as India is here
embarrassment to ask for such with- in bondage, she. can be neither a
drawal at this moment. friend nor an enemy of any coun-
try?. . . .”
The critics conveniently omit to
mention the fact that in order to prove it's “You are right. India's sympathy
bona fide and to prevent the Japanese can give no effective help as her enmity
attack the Congress has agreed that, in can do no harm to any person or nation
spite of the withdrawal of the British, the so long as India is herself not free. Nev-
Allied troops should remain in India, ertheless Pandit Jawaharlal with his in-
naturally under a treaty. with the Free ternational outlook and generosity has
India Government to be. So long as that accustomed us to express our sympathy
Government, provisional or otherwise, to nations in distress without expectation
has not come into being, there will be no of like return. We lose nothing by ex-
authority to check their operations save pressing sympathy even though we real-
their honour. For by declaring India free ize that it can cut no ice. If Russia has no
they will have absolved themselves from thought of India today, in the long run
consulting anybody formally as they she is bound to recognize the utterly un-
have to consult: to-day members of their selfish character of our sympathy. It
nomination. In this sense the declaration should not be forgotten that sympathy
of Independence leaves them freer to without ability to render effective help
adopt the military measures they may has its own moral value. We receive
consider necessary. I know that this is an with appreciation sympathy from those
anomalous position for a free country to who we know are unable to render us
be in. But honesty dictates the course. effective help in our struggle.”
As I have said and repeat here the Con-
gress demand is fool-proof. Critics who “What can Free India do for
are anxious to serve the Allies would do
well to examine the Congress position “If India were to listen to me, she
and point out flaws, if there are any. Let would give: non-violent help to China.
me inform them that those who have But I know that will not be. Free India
come to me to understand my demand would want to be militarist. . . . ”
and had serious misgivings went away
convinced that it was wholly just and that “ . . who would take the lead in
if Justice was not done the Congress forming a Provisional Government —
would be right in taking action to vindi- you, Congress, or the Muslim
cate its position. League?”
Sevagram, 19 7.42, “The Muslim League certainly can;
Congress can. If everything went right, it
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 5
would be a combined leadership. No one a catastrophe. At the critical moment an
party would take the lead.” unfree India is likely to become a hin-
drance rather than a help. The Congress
“Would it be, within the present
resolution itself hints at the possibility of
constitutional structure?”
a large number of Indians going over to
“The constitution will be dead” the Japanese side — if they effected a
said Gandhiji. “The Government of In- landing on the India shores — as we now
dia Act of 1935 is dead. The I.C.S. know happened in Burma, Malay, and
would have to go and it might he anarchy for aught I know Singapore too. I am of
but there need be no anarchy, if the Brit- the opinion that this might have been
ish withdraw, with goodwill. Free India prevented at least so far as, Burma is
Government would set up a constitution concerned, if she had been made inde-
suited to Indian genius, evolved without pendent. But it was not done. We know
dictation from outside. . . ..” the result. We are determined so far as it
is humanly possible to secure our Inde-
“Why can't all this be done to- pendence, so that no Indian worth the
day, without the British withdrawal?” name would then think of going over to
the Japanese side. . . ”
“The answer is simple. Why can’t
a prisoner do a thing which a free man “. . . If anybody could convince me
can do? You may not have been behind that in the midst of war, the British Gov-
bars, but I have been and I know. Im- ernment cannot declare India free with-
prisonment means civil death, and I sug- out jeopardizing the war effort, I should
gest to you that the whole of India is civ- like to hear the argument. I have not as
illy dead. The very breath is controlled yet heard any cogent one.”
by British power. Then there is another
experience that you lack. You have not “If you were convinced, would you call
been a member of a nation that has been of the campaign?”
under subjection for several centuries. “Of course. My complaint is that
Our habit has been that we can never be all these good critics talk at me, swear at
free. . . .” me, but never condescend to talk to me.”
“Could you give me an idea of
the plans of your movement?”

“. . . it is not my intention to under-

take at once any overwhelming pro-
gramme. I want to watch and see, be-
cause whatever may be said to the con-
trary, even in conducting the movement I
want to guard against a sudden outburst
of anarchy or a state of things which may
be calculated to invite Japanese aggres-
“With the enemy at the gates,
what is your objection to calling a Sarasota, Florida
Theosophy Group
“This struggle has been con- Meets Weekly on:
ceived,” said Gandhiji, “in order to avert
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 6
WEDNESDAYS: — 7 – 8:15 P.M.
SUNDAYS — 11 AM – 12:30 PM
We are a very friendly group of students David — (718) 438 — 5021
with various religious and philosophical back- Amedeo- (973) 697-5938
grounds. Our goals are to discuss and under- – Classes are free and open to all —
stand the universal truths of Theosophy.
United Lodge of Theosophists
On Wed. nights we are studying, The Robert Crosbie House
Ocean of Theosophy by W.Q. Judge, and on 62 Queens Gardens
Sunday mornings we're discussing Isis Un- London W23AH, England
veiled by H.P. Blavatsky and Light On The Tel +(44) 20 7723 0688
Path by Mabel Collins. Fax +(44) 20 7262 8639
Contact us:
Our address is: 2700 S. Tamiami Tr. SUNDAYS 8.00 - 9.00 p.m.
Suite #14 (we're moving to Suite #11 in Octo- Programme for July – Dec 02
ber), Sarasota Florida, and our phone number ULT London UK
is: 941-312-9494.
Meetings are free and open to all — membership
Please feel free to call Bob Waxman if or subscriptions are not required
you need any additional information.
Short list of meetings:
United Lodge of Theosophists ___________________________________________
1917 Walnut Street Sundays
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Oct, Nov & Dec:
Aug 25 Man, Visible & Invisible
Sept.1 Renunciation of Action Sept 8 7pm Our Gods and Other Gods
Sept.8 The Law of Correspondences Sept 15 7pm Capital Punishment / Suicide is not Death
Sept 22 7pm Karma
Sep 15 Culture of Concentratrion Sept 29 7pm The Theosophical Mahatmas
Sep.22 The Language of the Soul Oct 6 7pm Mind Meditation and Consciousness (talk)
Sep.29 Theosophy in Daily Life Oct 13 7pm The Tidal Wave
Oct 20 7pm What Can we learn From Dreams? (talk)
All welcome No collections Oct 27 7pm Mental Healing and Hypnosis

Nov 3 7pm Heaven, Hell or Oblivion? (talk)

Nov 10 7pm What is True Genius?
Nov 17 7pm Mankind’s Spiritual Teachers
and Cycles of the Theosophical Movement (2 short talks)
Ancient Wisdom tradition Nov 24 7pm True Morality
From the Writings of
H. P. Blavatsky & W. Q. Judge Dec 1 7pm Quest for Immortality (talk)
Dec 8 7pm Musings on the True Theosophical Path
Schedule: 2002 Dec 15 7pm Fate or Freewill? (talk)
Every other Sunday from September 29th Dec 22 7pm The Mahatmas as Ideals and Facts
Sunday Classes-- 11:a.m. – 12:45 p.m., and What the Masters Have Said
Dec 29 7pm The Theory of Cycles
Currently studying – ___________________________________________
The Secret Doctrine
By H.P. Blavatsky WEDNESDAYS 7 — 8 p.m.
A Synthesis of Religion, Science, and Philosophy
Located at:
Study Group restarts restarts October 2nd, studying
TRS Professional Suites, 11th floor Light on the Path, The Ocean of Theosophy by
44 East 32nd Street (between Park & Madison)
New York, N.Y. W.Q.Judge with selected passages from The Secret
Near subway and bus lines. Doctrine by H.P.Blavatsky and Robert Crosbie’s
Answers to Questions on the Ocean.
Contacts: In the Wednesday Study Group the scriptures of the Great World Religions are taken together with the fundamental Theosophical ideas on which these
teachings are based. It is a free, open and friendly
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 7
environment in which these perennial ideas can be 18 - Karma--Law of Justice & Mercy
discussed. 25 - Hypnotism & Mesmerism
For more information go to:
INTRODUCTORY CLASS — for newcomers
Next meeting
12th September, 7:00 to 8:30 pm, then PROGRAMME
3rd October 7:00 to 8:30 pm FOR July, Aug., & Sept. 2002
7th November 7:00 to 8:30 pm THE United Lodge of Theosophists
5th December 7:00 to 8:30 pm “Maitri Bhavan” 4, Sir Krishna Rao Road, Near Lalbagh
West Gate, — Basavanagudi, Bangalore-560 004.
A monthly study class, with plenty of time for
discussion, that introduces simple ideas on man’s
Aug 25 Wisdom — Sacrifice
constitution, his relation to the cosmos and universal Sep 01 Lessons Dreams Teach
laws such as karma and reincarnation. Attending the Sep.08 Destiny and Free-Will
class will also help with familiarity and use of the Sep 15 Why are Hypnotice Practices Dangerous?
Sanskrit terms commonly used in Theosophy. Sep 22 Can we avoid Suffering and Sorrow?
Sep 29 Do the Dead Communicate?
All are welcome to attend the meetings: they are held
in an impersonal, friendly atmosphere.
Practical information: By Bus: 7, 15, 23, 27, 36.
Secret Doctrine Classes
By Underground: Paddington or Lancaster Gate. Monday 7:30 to 9 pm — New York
Wednesday 2 to 4 pm — Antwerp
Wednesday 7:30 to 8:45 pm — Los Angeles
United Lodge of Theosophists Saturday 10:00 am to Noon — Long Beach
First Saturday of every month (Oct. 5th)
Theosophy Hall
Wednesday — Bangalore
77 W. Encanto Blvd.
Phoenix, Arizona 85003
Telephone (602) 290-0563 Ursprungliga Undervisningen
Web: Malmölogen
Kungsgatan 16 A, 211 49 Malmö, tel. 0709 26 22 12
Study Classes Sunday Evenings
7:30 — 8:30 pm FÖREDRAG HÖSTTERMINEN 2002

THE OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY by Wm. Q. Judge, Varje Onsdag 19.30 – 20.30

ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON THE OCEAN OF 21 augusti…………Den Ockulta Läran
THEOSOPHY by Judge/Crosbie 28 augusti…............Esoteriska Samtal: Teosofin
och orientens Mästare
347 East 72 Street
New York, NY 10021 4 september………Vad innebär meditation?
(212) 535-2230 11 september………Kollektiv karma
E-mail: 18 september………Människans sju principer
25 september………Esoteriska Samtal: Tantra –
Or website: teosofins inre kärna

Sundays 6:15 p.m.

JULY 2002 2 oktober………….Återföds alla människor?
9 oktober………….Healing & Magnetisk livskraft
07 - Spiritual Independence 16 oktober………….Drömmar och klärvoajans
14 - Physical, Astral and Spiritual Worlds 30 oktober………….Esoteriska Samtal: Teosofin
21 - Meditation, Concentration, Will och månmyterna
28 - The Mystery of Rebirth

6 november……… Atlantis – sanning eller
04 - The Source of Dreams verklighet?
11 - Masters of Compassion 13 november……….Den moderna teosofin
20 november……….Medvetandet efter döden
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 8
27 november……….Esoteriska Samtal: Teosofi & United Lodge of Theosophists
Transpersonell Psykologi 4865 Cordell Avenue, Suite 4
4 december………..Själens odödlighet Bethesda, MD 20814
11 december……….Kristus – en invigd Mästare phone (301) 656-3566
STUDIEGRUPPER HÖSTEN 2002 Meetings: Sundays 11 a.m. to 12 noon
(Lectures followed by questions and answers, or group discussions.)
kl 17.15 - 18.15
Den Hemliga Läran av Helena Blavatsky
(Vårt kursmaterial är "DHL" del I, löpande studier) POINT OUT THE WAY
Den Hemliga Läran är den teosofiska filosofins
Det mesta som finns i denna bok speglar kärnan i Point out the Way is subtitled: “The Three Fundamentals and
Questions Answered at an informal Ocean Class.” John
teosofins esoteriska lära. Garrigues conducted this class in the early 1930’s at the
U.L.T. in Los Angeles. It was taken down stenographically
DHARMAGRUPP II and published by The Theosophical Movement, Mumbai,
kl 18.15 - 19.15 India. The series ran from January, 1951 through July, 1954.
Teosofins Ocean av William Q. Judge
(Vårt kursmaterial är "Oceanen". Se vår studieplan
för hela
höstterminen längre ner på sidan under
Dharmagrupp II)
Teosofins Ocean är en förenklad version av Chapter V
Den Hemliga Läran.
IV. The Astral Body, Imagination and Prodigies
För en sökare finns det ingen bättre bok att studera
om man vill lära Question: On p. 41, Mr. Judge speaks of
känna teosofins grundläggande filosofi enligt HPB
the imagination of the mother affecting the
och Mästarna.
astral body of the child. If that is so, don’t
our thoughts affect our astral body and form
LOGIE UNIE DES THÉOSOPHES a link between cause and effect, or precipi-
Loge Unie des Théosophes tate our Karma?
11 bis, rue Kepler – 75116 Paris
Conferences Mercredis, 19 h 30 – 20 h 45 Answer: When you come to think
3 juillet L’Homme r éel dans le vécu de la vie et de la mort about it, our imagination is simply an-
10 juillet La Terre : une triple entité vivante other form of expression of our feelings.
17 juillet La reincarnation : de quoi s’agit-il au juste ?
24 juillet Karma et le libre arbiter Don’t we notice, when our feelings are
7 août La Religion-Sagesse ou Théosophie : l’Évangile disturbed, how our imagination races?
pour l’home d’aujour’hui
14 août Cycles et rythmes dans la vie de l’homme Now, our imagination is the one thing
21 août
28 août
L’idéal du Maître dans la vie intérieure
Qu’est-ce qui se réincarne — et pourquoi?
that does affect us. It is not what hap-
pens to us — it is the way we feel about
Loge Unie des Théosophes Douala it, it is our imagination in regard to it.
Camaroon You know, you could tell an American
B.P. 11372 Douala Localisation Ndog - Bong Indian that in five minutes you were go-
ing to burn him at the stake and, if he
Heures d’ouverture: mercedi 19h – 20 h 15
Samedi 19h – 20 h 15 happened to be tired, he would lie down
Toutes les activités de la Loge sont libres et gratuites and go to sleep for those five minutes.
Les reunions commencent et se terminent aux
heures précises indiquées Question: What is the difference be-
La Loge est maintenue en activité par des
participations bénévoles tween what we have just been talking
Tel: 40-76-72 about and the methods of Christian Sci-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 9
Answer: I was going to say, “All gain. What will the price be when
the difference in the world.” If you Nature’s “bank” checks up? Look
take an anaesthetic, which means an around you; the world is full of peo-
artificial way of getting out of your ple who are psychologically and psy-
body — something that paralyzes the chopathically deranged. There are tens
nervous system — then you can treat of millions in India, and do you know
the body as if it were a log of wood. that more than half of the hospital
That is what the Christian Scientist space in this country is devoted to
does, and justly so — because his psychopathic cases?
ideas are wooden. He lets the prac-
tictioner treat them, and he uses an If a man has smallpox or some
anaesthetic — self-hypnotism. What serious physical disease, he is sent to
does the Yogi do? He goes through the hospital; but if a man is insane,
whatever experiences are necessary psychologically unbalanced, that is,
to enable him to serve others. All of in many cases, the last thing on earth
the Christian Scientist’s self-denial his friends will do. They all think
and all of his affirmations are, as a they can take care of him at home.
rule, for his own sake. That is what Now, if you will consider that of the
constitutes, according to the teach- known cases in the hospitals more
ings of Theosophy, black magic, than half are psychically deranged,
whether it is conscious or uncon- and add to that the enormous percent-
scious. Take the average man of to- age of cases which are kept quiet,
day and give him the power of the you will get some idea of this prob-
Mahatmas; if he could save the world lem. Some people — many people —
by being burned to death as millions are born nervously deranged, psychi-
of mean have been burned, would this cally shot to pieces, and they finally
man consent to be burned to death as become “perverts,” extraverts,” or
a human being? Would he consent to “introverts,” if you like those pet
be crucified? Would he put aside his words. The world is full of them;
power in order to step aside from the they have lost their discrimination.
carcass and let them burn it, or would Once a man has lost his discrimina-
he stay in it? You know what the tion, how can he know that he has
answer would be; most of us would lost it? Think of it: Imagine a man
use our powers for ourselves! denying that there is evil in the
Nevertheless, you can see that
there is truth in what the Christian Question: What would be the effect
Scientist believes and does; but there upon the astral body of the cremation
is truth in a crooked balance sheet: of the physical body?
the figures are all right. There is Answer: What would be the effect
truth in a forged check: the paper is on the physical body if you took your
genuine and the ink is genuine. It clothes off and burned them? It
may be good writing, too, but nobody would set the body free, instead of
forges checks for someone else’s letting it wait for the clothes to fall
sake — least of all for the sake of the off. So it is when you burn the
fellow whose signature he forges! physical body. Remember that what
The Christian Scientists, we might we call rotting or decomposition is a
say, are forging the signature of slow, slow process. Nature is not as
Spirit for personal, selfish, material intelligent as man — let us not forge
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 10
that. It takes Nature years and years areth, or Jeshua Ben-Panthera, are the
to accomplish what man can bring words of an INITIATE . (p. 11, HPB pam-
about in a few minutes. Here is a phlet, “Esoteric Character of the Gospels”)

man who dies: leave the body to Na- Chresterios — is one who belongs to,
ture and it will be months, perhaps or is in the service of, an oracle, a
years, before the slow decomposition god, or a “Master.”
of Nature sets the astral body free;
but put the body in a retort and it can Chréstes — means priest and prophet.
be set free in half an hour, an hour, or
two hours. Christos — was “the WAY ,” while

So, the effect upon the astral Chréstos — was the lonely traveler
body of cremating the physical form journeying on to reach the ultimate
is to set the astral free from the goal through that “Path,” which goal
physical. You can’t burn the astral was
body — our fire does not work on that
Christos — the glorified Spirit of
“T RUTH ,” the reunion with which
makes the soul (the Son) ONE with
[TO BE CONTINUED] the (Father) Spirit.
Then, esoterically, the saying of Paul:
“I am again in travail until Christ be
formed in you” … i.e., “until you
find the Christos within yourselves as
THE COFFEE KLATCH your only ‘way’.”
Coffee Maker: Ah me, we are just a
hop, skip, and a jump from Christ-
mas. What shall I give my Pagan
friends? Maybe a few definitions
from the occult dictionary. Atone-
ments by blood we did as youngsters. Esoteric Studies.
I would scratch my hand and put a II.
drop or so of blood into a similar Dimensions of Space.
scratch in my friend’s hand. What if VISCONDE DE FIGANIERE, F.T.S.
seven of us did it together? What if The Theosophist, August 1887, pp. 755-760

it was a recapitulation???
It is said that each round evolves a
“The atonements by blood — new dimension of space. I am convinced
blood-covenants and blood transfer- as anyone can be, of the utter uselessness
ences from gods to men, and by men, of attempting to conjecture what the next
as sacrifices to the gods — are the unknown dimension may signify, let alone
first key-note struck in every cos- the others; but the case alters when the
mogony and theogony; soul, life, and object is to account, or endeavour to ac-
blood were synonymous words in count, for an acceptance of that teaching.
every language… “Verily I say unto
Three dimensions have successfully
you, except ye eat the flesh of the developed since the first ripple of our hu-
Son of man and drink his blood, ye man wave, which has already doubled the
have not life in yourselves…. These great Manvantaric cape or turning point.
words, whether said by Jesus of Naz- The second was a projection from or on to
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 11
the first, and the third from or on to the or even two-dimensional being is to our
second. That is to say, the properties of mind almost unthinkable. It becomes less
length, width breadth and height were con- so, if we take it as only one side of the
ceived by mind from without, as matter aspect. Those beings, in different degrees,
infolded, the latter’s development being were still conscious of the past existence
towards the centre. The fourth dimension, from which they were emerging, and ob-
which is to be, cannot follow the same jectivised certain stages of spiritual or,
rule; because concretion having attained its more correctly, astral life, whilst they were
maximum, as regards this Manvantara’s only beginning to objectivize “matter,” as
conditions, the unknown properties must we call it, which is the sum total of our
be within. Height and depth are generally objectivity.
convertible terms, but they were not so,
apparently, for St. Paul says: “that To my mind the properties of matter
ye…may be strong to apprehend with all which unfold our conception of space, are
the saints (initiated?) what is the breadth intimately connected with the globes of the
and length and height and depth” (Eph. iii. planetary chain, of which I subjoin a dia-
17—19). It is from its depth that mind gram.
expands outward. A certain depth should
† D
unfold the fourth dimension; the latter, in
A *
turn, would unfold into the fifth, which,
still farther inward, yields the sixth. The † C
depth per se, or inward center, would re- B *
veal all six dimensions, being itself the † Mercury
seventh. In matter, as we know it, there is Mars *
no “depth” for us; how far soever we pene- ‡
trate, surface is the only manifestation.
Surface is the ternary, depth the quater-
The first dimension, I would suggest,
The fourth dimension will be mani- evolved when man began his Manvantaric
fest, we are told, before the end of this journey on planet A, during the rings of its
round, which still wants three rings, and ascending arc; slightly increased on planet
nearly one half, for completion; whereas B, at the corresponding period; was a little
the seventh dimension obtains only on the more developed on Mars, and so forth all
eve of man securing the enviable epithet of through the chain back again to A when
“perfect”. It is from the seventh planet that the second round commenced. Then the
the triumphant Egos bid adieu to the whole so-called one dimensional being, on reach-
chain for aye and for good, as “Perfect ing B, evolved the second dimension,
Man.” which was farther developed all round
from sphere to sphere, till, under the next
This throws a flood of light upon the round, the third dimension was evolved on
subject when connected with the fact that, Mars, and is at present (fully developed)
before the present fourth round; man of on Earth for the second time, having
this Manvantara had not developed the probably been of little account at its first
conditions of life within our experience. conception here. Hence our planet is the
During the first round man was, in one rightful evolver of the fourth dimension;
sense, a one-dimensional being; pending Mercury, of the fifth, C, of the sixth—
the second, two dimensional; through the whilst the seventh dimension is the exclu-
third, three-dimensional—a state which sive prerogative of planet D, and will never
continues to prevail, but eventually will be manifest on any other sphere of the
develop into the four-dimensional. A one, chain.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 12
This means, as I take it, that the The universal bias of evolution is
properties of matter which, combined with relative progress. The plane common to
the development of mind, lead to dimen- our solar system is undifferentiated Akasa
sional conception, were all potential in A, or astral light, being a differentiation of
and are actual in our plane albeit partly Maha-akasa or ether. Strictly speaking, an
manifested, their full manifestation being ethereal medium is out of the question,
consequent on mind’s future develop- whatever might be the progress of our
ments; and that during the ascending arc of planetary chain; it can only involve a more
the Manvantara, which has already begun, or less. The differentiated element from
matter will assume aspects heretofore un- which the chain evolved may be put down
known to the human wave in progress. as Ether + astral light, the latter being the
base. The new signification of the three
The esoteric formula of fire—the inferior principles consequent on the first
only one which has been given of the ele- life-impulse referable to planet A, would
ments—may, like a glade in the forest, have its immediate course or power in the
help us on our way, not to a conception, second factor(astral light). I shall symbol-
but to the rationale, of such changes. The ize the five subtile elements or tanmatras,
enunciation that the immense complexity by letters based on their respective out-
of sensuous nature proceeds from mere come, as follows:
alteration in the combination of five ele-
ments (corresponding to as many subtler E (ether).
ones, themselves caused by the different I (astral light, igneous principle),
values of combined motion in one sub- A (prin. of air),
stance) should be the more readily ac- Aq. (prin. of water), and
cepted in view of the disclosures of mod- T (prin. of earth).
ern chemistry, especially its organic
branch, which shows that its immediate During the descent I involves E and
principles, never exceed four, the grouping evolves A, Aq. and T, — the process being
of which is the why and wherefore of or- reversed on the ascent. In other words, I
ganized matter in all its diversity. Aye being the base, translation of dynamic in-
more, what is the law governing isomeric crease or decrease with regard to the other
phenomena whereby substances containing principles is determined by the arc of evo-
the same elements in like proportions show lution.
different properties?
The esoteric formula of Fire is:
“There are more things in Heaven and
E2 I8 A2 Aq2 T2
Earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in our Philosophy.” The number of components, sixteen,
corresponds with the four rounds and four
Even if we were possessed of the
rings. This formula is said to represent the
formula of each of the other panchakritas,
present constitution of fire. Strictly speak-
it would not help us to any precise idea of
ing, it no longer answers to the element’s
the phases of matter as a medium of exis-
highest stage of materialization, which was
tence; whilst one suffices to gather the fact
that of its fourth “sub-descent” correspond-
of their constant variety in despite of cy-
ing to the Atlantean age. Our fire is in its
clic repetitions, and consequently of the
fifth sub-manifestation of the ring. But
infinite modes which matter is empowered
from the standpoint I am about to take, the
to assume. If we follow the, or rather a,
difference would be trifling, and need not
logical history of these changes in a single
be taken into account; inasmuch as it is
element, we become convinced that life in
none of my purpose to seek for facts—this
general must have corresponding phases.
would be presumption, — but to draw cer-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 13
tain inferences from the data given. I shall Mercury and Mars, C and B, and D and A,
therefore adopt that formula as indicative cannot be symmetrical, for the same
of the maximum density of fire during this reason; and progress by the spiral must
Manvantara. But, in order to eschew frac- needs be expressed in the rising arc.
tions, let it stand as— Hence Mercury’s field of evolution
commands that of Mars by 40 equivalents
E120 I480 A120 Aq120 T120 — E
I640, which points out Mars’
ultimate progress. Mercury’s material pole
This corresponds, as far as fire is
E240 (495 + 75 + 75 + 75=) I720 squares
concerned, with the earth’s material pole.
with the Earth’s Manvantaric level of
Let the formula of planet A’s ethereal pole,
progress. C’s material pole corresponds
or field of evolution, be E440 I520, it does
with Mercury’s ethereal pole, whilst its
not follow it is so, but this is of no conse-
own higher pole tallies with B’s level of
quence in the premises.
progress. D’s material pole answers to C’s
On this basis I have worked out the field of evolution, and its ethereal pole to
subjoined table showing, ex-hypothesi, the A’s final progress. D’s progress (which
formula of the igneous element on each marks that of the chain) shows the element
globe of the chain at its maximum of den- to be 1/12th more ethereal, or less
sity. The second column would corre- differentiated, than at the outset of the
spond with maximum of obscuration; the Manvantara.
last column, with that of the planet’s future
progress. The three following Tables, based on
the same assumption as the former, refer
exclusively to the earth.
The Manvantara. THE MANVANTARA.
Field of Evolution E200 I760.
Planets Ethereal Formula of Fire corresponding Level of
of the Pole to Material Pole (Middle of 4th Progress
Rounds. Formula of Fire.
Chain (before 1st Round.) (after 7th
Round.) Round.) (Middle of each Round.)
E. I. E. I. A. Aq. T. E. I. E. I. A. Aq. T.
A. 440 520 360 555 17 15 13 480 480 First 180 705 35 25 15
B. 360 600 280 530 58 58 34 400 560 Second 160 655 55 55 35
Mars. 280 680 200 505 85 85 85 320 640 Third 140 595 75 75 75
Earth. 200 760 120 480 120 120 120 240 720 Fourth 120 480 120 120 120
Mercury. 320 640 240 495 75 75 75 360 600
C. 400 560 20 520 52 34 84 440 520
Fifth 180 585 65 65 65
D. 480 480 400 545 7 5 3 520 440 Sixth 200 645 45 35 35
Seventh 220 695 25 15 5
Level of Progress: E 240 I 720.
Thus A’s material pole E360 (555 +
17 + 15 + 13) I600 answers to B’s ethereal
pole, and the latter’s lower state to the THE FOURTH ROUND.
Earth’s ethereal pole, — there being a Field of Evolution E140 I820.
constant progress of “astralism” to the
Rings. Formula of Fire.
detriment of “etherealism”. E’s loss at (Middle of each Ring.)
each step downward is 80 equivalents; and E. I. A. Aq. T.
its profit on the upward or ethereal arc is in First 135 720 45 35 25
the some ratio (though probably the real Second 130 655 65 65 45
Third 125 580 85 85 85
ratio is always variable). If there were no Fourth 120 480 120 120 120
break we would have the circle and no Fifth 165 570 75 75 75
progress; therefore 120 equivalents are put Sixth 170 645 55 45 45
down to E’s profit on the ascent from Earth Seventh 175 710 35 25 15
Level of Progress: E180 I 780.
to Mercury. The correspondency between
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 14
Field of Evolution E125 I835. Fire:
Races. Formula of Fire.
(Middle of each Race.)
The Reflection of Deity
E. I. A. Aq. T.
First 123 687 60 50 40 “Seeking for truth,” says Paracelsus,
Second 122 618 80 80 60 “I considered with myself that if there
Third 121 539 100 100 100 were no teachers of medicine in this world,
Fourth 120 480 120 120 120
how would I set to learn the art? Not oth-
Fifth 161 529 90 90 90
Sixth 162 608 70 60 60 erwise than in the great open book of na-
Seventh 163 677 50 40 30 ture, written with the finger of God. . . . I
Level of Progress: E165 I 795. am accused and denounced for not having
As seen by the tables, the esoteric entered in at the right door of art. But
formula (which, as expressing fire’s high- which is the right one? Galen, Avicenna,
est materiality, is doubtless subject to Mesue, Rhasis, or honest nature? I be-
modification), would intimate that there is lieve, the last! Through this door I entered,
an equilibrium between the four elements and the light of nature, and no apothecary’s
E, A, Aq. and T, that is exclusive to the lamp directed me on my way.”
culminating point, a state (peculiar to the
This utter scorn for established laws
Earth) gradually developed and as gradu-
and scientific formulas, this aspiration of
ally departed from by inversion. No two
mortal clay to commingle with the spirit of
formulae are alike; however far the prob-
nature, and look to it alone for health, and
lem were worked out, even if carried on to
help, and the light of truth, was the cause
the other planets, that could never occur,
of the inveterate hatred shown by the con-
for as the base would always be different
temporary pigmies to the fire-philosopher
every combination must differ from any
and alchemist. No wonder that he was
other. Repetition implied by spiral
accused of charlatanry and even drunken-
curves can never give identical aspects.
ness. Of the latter charge, Hemmann
The conclusion is: That the state of boldly and fearlessly exonerates him, and
matter differ in every globe of the chain, proves that the foul accusation proceeded
and most essentially on the two arcs; that from “Oporinus, who lived with him some
every order of life must partake of such time in order to learn his secrets, but his
variations; and that during the ascending object was defeated; hence, the evil reports
arc matter is bound to unfold properties of his disciples and apothecaries.” He was
which have never hitherto been manifested the founder of the School of Animal Mag-
in the course of this Manvantara. What is netism and the discoverer of the occult
there incredible, then, in the assertion that properties of the magnet. He was branded
new conceptions of space are to be like- by his age as a sorcerer, because the cures
wise developed in the progress of ages? In he made were marvellous. Three centuries
this event, if the three known dimensions later, Baron Du Potet was also accused of
have been revealed without, during the sorcery and demonolatry by the Church of
involution of the ethereal element, which Rome, and of charlatanry by the academi-
has not only reached its maximum, but is cians of Europe. As the fire-philosophers
now receding from it; must not those new say, it is not the chemist who will conde-
properties unfold themselves within as scend to look upon the “living fire” other-
that element evolves its powers while the wise than his colleagues do. “Thou hast
lump or heap (large or small, it is all the forgotten what thy fathers taught thee
same) opens, disintegrates, and yields its about it — or rather, thou hast never
secret to the expanding mind? known . . . it is too loud for thee!” (Isis I, 164-65)
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 15
“I place Agni, the source of all be- all inquiry at the borders of “the Unknow-
ings, the father of strength” (iii., 27, 2), a able”; the Emanationist believes that noth-
clear and identical idea which prevailed so ing can be evolved — or, as the word
much in the doctrines of the Zoroastrians, means, unwombed or born — except it has
the Magians, and the mediæval fire- first been involved, thus indicating that life
philosophers. Agni is god of fire, of the is from a spiritual potency above the
Spiritual Ether, the very substance of the whole. (Isis, “Before the Veil”)
divine essence of the Invisible God present
in every atom of His creation and called by The fact alone that man, in their[the
the Rosicrucians the “Celestial Fire.” If Fire Philosophers] eyes, is a trinity, which
we only carefully compare the verses from they divide into Sol, water of mercury, and
this Mandala, one of which runs thus: “The sulphur, which is the secret fire, or, to
Sky is your father, the Earth your mother, speak plainly, into body, soul, and spirit,
Soma your brother, Aditi your sister” (i., shows that there is a physical side to the
191, 6),† with the inscription on the question. Man is the philosopher’s stone
Smaragdine Tablet of Hermes, we will spiritually — “a triune or trinity in unity,”
find the same substratum of metaphysical as Philalethes expresses it. But he is also
philosophy, the identical doctrines! that stone physically. The latter is but the
effect of the cause, and the cause is the
“As all things were produced by the universal solvent of everything — divine
mediation of one being, so all things were spirit. Man is a correlation of chemical
produced from this one thing by adapta- physical forces, as well as a correlation of
tion: ‘Its father is the sun; its mother is the spiritual powers. The latter react on the
moon’ . . . etc. Separate the earth from the physical powers of man in proportion to
fire, the subtile from the gross. . . . What I the development of the earthly man. “The
had to say about the operation of the sun is work is carried to perfection according to
completed” (Smaragdine Tablet). the virtue of a body, soul, and spirit,” says
an alchemist; “for the body would never be
Professor Max Müller sees in this penetrable were it not for the spirit, nor
Mandala “at last, something like a theog- would the spirit be permanent in its supra-
ony, though full of contradictions.” The perfect tincture, were it not for the body;
alchemists, kabalists, and students of mys- nor could these two act one upon another
tic philosophy will find therein a perfectly without the soul, for the spirit is an invisi-
defined system of Evolution in the Cos- ble thing, nor doth it ever appear without
mogony of a people who lived a score of another GARMENT, which garment is the
thousands of years before our era. They SOUL.”
will find in it, moreover, a perfect identity
of thought and even doctrine with the The “philosophers by fire” asserted,
Hermetic philosophy, and also that of Py- through their chief, Robert Fludd, that
thagoras and Plato. sympathy is the offspring of light, and “an-
tipathy hath its beginning from darkness.”
In Evolution, as it is now beginning (Isis, I, 309)
to be understood, there is supposed to be in
all matter an impulse to take on a higher Fire-Philosophers. The name given
form — a supposition clearly expressed by to the Hermetists and Alchemists of the
Manu and other Hindu philosophers of the Middle Ages, and also to the Rosicrucians.
highest antiquity. The philosopher’s tree The latter, the successors of Theurgists,
illustrates it in the case of the zinc solution. regarded fire as the symbol of Deity. It
The controversy between the followers of was the source, not only of material atoms,
this school and the Emanationists may be but the container of the Spiritual and Psy-
briefly stated thus: The Evolutionist stops chic Forces energizing them. Broadly ana-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 16
lyzed, Fire is a triple principle; esoteri- find a photo on page 20 of Issue #11]).
cally, a septenary, as are all the rest of the The microgravity flame has a larger flame
elements. As man is composed of Spirit, standoff than that of a normal gravity can-
Soul, and Body, plus a four-fold aspect; so dle flame (at the base). The width of the
is Fire. As in the works of Robert Flood flame-standoff implies a weaker heat feed
(de Fluctibus), one of the famous Rosicru- back from the flame and a smaller wax-
cians, fire contains -- Firstly, a visible burning rate.
flame (body); secondly, an invisible, astral
fire (soul); and thirdly, spirit. The four The nearly spher-ical nature of the
aspects are (a) heat (life), (b) light (mind), microgravity flame suggests that the flame
(c) electricity (Kamic or molecular powers, is providing heat to the wick. This is
and (d) the synthetic essences, beyond unlike normal gravity where only a portion
spirit, or the radical cause of its existence of the vaporized fuel reacts in the vicinity
and manifestation. For the Hermetist or of the wick; the rest of the fuel vapor is
Rosicrucian, when a flame is extinct on the swept downstream by buoyant convection
objective plane, it has only passed from the and reacts in the plume region. Thus, the
seen world into the unseen; from the flame structure of these two flames is dif-
knowable into the unknowable. ferent.
In normal gravity, the gas-phase
structure of the candle flame resembles
With this introduction, let’s look at a
that of a downward propagating diffusion
recent NASA article on fire. There are
flame over a thin solid. Models of the later
ethical injunctions and theosophical par-
system show that the most intense reaction
ables scattered all along the way, though
zone (highest reaction or heat release rate
the scientists who wrote the story might be
per unit volume) is close to the bottom of
quite surprised if told so………….
the flame near the wick. This region
United States Microgravity Lab (USML)-1 serves to stabilize the rest of the flame and
provides the largest heat feedback to the
Experiment Results
wick for fuel vaporization.
Initial and Quasi-Steady Flame Behavior
Candle Flame Structure in Microgravity
The crew conducted about 10 single-
candle experiments during the STS-50, The flame standoff The candle flame
USML-1 space shuttle mission. Immedi- is the distance
between the flame structure in
ately after ignition, the candle flame was and the wick. On microgravity is
spherical, with a bright yellow core. After different.
earth it is typically Its nearly
8-10 seconds, the yellow—presumably 1-2 mm; in
spherical shape
from soot—disappeared and the flame be- microgravity it is resembles the droplet
came blue and nearly hemispherical, with a 5-7 mm.
flame in microgravity.
diameter of approximately 1.5 cm (slightly The visible candle flame disappears,
more than half an inch). These behaviors however, at the base because of heat loss
are consistent with the earlier, short- to the candle wax for the microgravity
duration studies in aircraft, the NASA flame. Because of this quenching, the lo-
Glenn Research Center's 5.2-second drop cal reactivity does not have the same
tower and Japan's JAMIC 10-second drop spherical symmetry as a droplet flame (the
tower. near-extinction behavior may be different).
Contrary to normal gravity, the highest
The microgravity candle flame dif-
reactivity in microgravity exists at the top
fers from a normal gravity flame in size,
of the wick and diminishes in strength to-
shape, color and flame structure (please
see the photo on the right [A.T. readers can
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 17
ward the bottom because of the quenching 4. Directness of Vision
by the wax. ….1 I wish I could disaccustom myself
from everything, so that I might see anew,
hear anew, feel anew. Habit spoils our phi-
One last quote from Isis Unveiled [II,222] losophy.”
on fire as a symbol of deity: G. Chr. Lichtenberg (1742-1799)

“Whoso wishes to have an insight In an earlier section; we spoke about

into the sacred unity, let him consider the impulsive spontaneity of the Unwhole-
a flame rising from a burning coal or some (akusala). We have seen how the
a burning lamp. He will see first a stopping for bare and sustained attention is
two-fold light — a bright white, and able to counter, or reduce, the occurrence
a black or blue light; the white light of rash impulsive reactions, thus allowing
is above, and ascends in a direct us to face any situation with a fresh mind,
light, while the blue, or dark light, is with a directness of vision, unprejudiced
below, and seems as the chair of the by those first spontaneous responses.
former, yet both are so intimately
connected together that they By directness of vision we under-
constitute only one flame. The seat, stand a direct view of reality, without any
however, formed by the blue or dark colouring or distorting lenses, without the
light, is again connected with the intrusion of emotional or habitual pre-
burning matter which is under it judication and intellectual biases. It
again. The white light never changes means: coming face to face with the bare
its color, it always remains white; but facts of actuality, seeing them as vivid and
various shades are observed in the fresh as if they had occurred for the first
lower light, whilst the lowest light, time.
moreover, takes two directions;
above, it is connected with the white
light, and below with the burning The Force of Habit
matter. Now, this is constantly Spontaneous reactions which so of-
consuming itself, and perpetually ten stand in the way of direct vision, do not
ascends to the upper light, and thus derive only from passionate impulses, but
everything merges into a single are very frequently the product of habit;
unity.” and, in that form, they generally have an
even stronger and more tenacious hold on
man, which may work out either for the
good and useful or for the bad and harm-
THE POWER OF MINDFULNESS ful. The influence for the good, exercised
An Inquiry into the Scope of Bare Attention and the
Principal Sources of its Strength by habits is seen in the “power of repeated
practice” by which man’s achievements
Nyanaponika Thera
BUDDHIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY and skills, of a manual or mental, worldly
Kandy 1968 Ceylon
or spiritual kind, are protected against
loss or forgetfulness, and are converted
Part VI from a casual short-lived and imperfect
[Continued from Supplement #8, August 17, 2002]
acquisition into the more secure posses-
sion of a quality thoroughly mastered.
The detrimental effect of habitual, spon-
taneous reactions is manifest in what is
This fairly long article can be read in its entirety called, in a derogative sense, the “force
at: of habit”: its deadening, stultifying and
ml-1_results.htm narrowing influence, productive of com-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 18
pulsive behavior of various kinds. In our outside will be greatly resented and even
present context, we shall be concerned regarded as hostile towards “one’s vital
only with that negative aspect of habit as interests and principles.” In fact, primitive
impeding and obscuring the directness of minds, at all times, be they “civilised” or
vision. not, have looked at a stranger with his
“strange customs” as an enemy, and have
As remarked earlier, the influence felt his mere unaggressive existence as a
of habitual reactions is generally stronger challenge or threat to themselves.
than that of impulsive ones. Passionate
impulses may disappear as suddenly as In the cases aforementioned, when
they have arisen. Though their conse- the specific habit was originally not of
quences may well be very grave and ex- great importance to the individual, the at-
tend far into the future, it is mostly the tachment which is gradually formed is not
influence of habit which is longer lasting so much to the object proper, as to the
and deeper reaching. Habit spreads its pleasantness of undisturbed routine. The
vast and closely meshed net over wide strength of that attachment to routine de-
areas of our life and thought, trying to rives partly from the force of physical and
drag in more and more of it. Passionate mental inertia which is so powerful in man.
impulses too, might be caught into that About another cause of it we shall speak
net of habit and thus be transformed from presently. By force of habit, the respective
passing outbursts into traits of character. concern (any material object, activity, be-
A momentary impulse, an occasional haviour or way of thinking) is invested
indulgence, a passing whim may by repe- with such an increase of emotional em-
tition become a habit difficult to uproot, phasis that the attachment to quite unim-
a desire hard to control, and finally an portant or banal things may become as
automatic function that is no longer ques- tenacious as that to the fundamental pas-
tioned. By repeated gratification of a sions in man. Thus, even the smallest hab-
desire, habit is formed, and habit grows its, if, by lack of conscious control, they
into a compulsion. become uncontested masters of their re-
spective realms, may dangerously contrib-
It may well be the case that some ute to the rigidity and self-limitation of
activity, behavior or mental attitude to character, narrowing its “freedom of
which one has become accustomed is, movement” (environmental, intellectual
considered by itself, quite unimportant to and spiritual). Thus, often quite unneces-
the individual concerned, and also morally sarily, new fetters are forged for the indi-
quite indifferent or ‘inconsequential. At vidual, and nourishing soil is provided for
the start it might have been quite easy to the growth of new attachments and aver-
abandon it or even to exchange it for its sions, prejudices and predilections, that is
very opposite, since neither one’s emotions to say, for new suffering. Therefore, when
nor reason had any strong bias towards considering the following words of the
either side of a possible choice. But by Satipatthāna Sutta, we should also think of
repetition, the continuance of the chosen the important part played by habit in the
way of acting, behaving or thinking will formation of fetters:
gradually become equivalent with “pleas-
ant,” “desirable,” “correct” or even “right- “ . . and what fetter arises dependent on
eous”; and it will be finally identified, both (i.e., the sense-organs and sense-
objects), that he knows well. In what
more or less consciously, with one’s so- manner the arising of the not arisen fetter
called character or personality. Conse- comes to be, that he knows well.”
quently, any change in it — a break in that
routine — will be felt as “unpleasant” or as In Buddhist parlance, it is pre-
“wrong,” and any interference with it from eminently the Hindrance of Sloth and Tor-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 19
por (thīna-middha-nīvarana) which is break away entirely from the present com-
strengthened by the “force of habit,” and bination of life forces till, finally, in the
mental faculties like agility and pliancy of process of rebirths, it becomes the very
mind (kāya- and citta-lahutā, mudutā, centre of a new so-called personality.
etc.)1 are weakened.
There are within us countless seeds
The danger for spiritual develop- for new lives, for innumerable potential
ment, involved in the dominating influence “beings,” all of which we should vow to
of habit, is all the more serious since its liberate from the wheel of Samsāra, as the
tendency towards expansion is particularly Sixth Zen Patriarch expressed it.2
noticeable in our present age of increasing
specialisation and standardization in vari- Detrimental physical or mental hab-
ous spheres of life and thought. its may grow strong, not only if fostered
deliberately, but also if left unnoticed or
The roots of the tendency of habits to unopposed. From minute seeds planted in
extend their range, are anchored in the very a long-forgotten past, has grown much of
nature of consciousness. Certain active what has now strong roots in our nature
types of consciousness, if possessing a fair (see the Simile of the creeper in Majjhima-
degree of intensity, tend to repeat them- Nik. 45). This growth of morally bad or
selves, though that tendency is never quite otherwise detrimental habits can be effec-
undisputed, e.g., by new cognitions claim- tively checked by gradually developing
ing main-attention. This tendency towards another habit that will counter them: that
repetition stems not only from the afore- of attending to them mindfully. Doing
mentioned passive force of inertia, but in deliberately what had become a mechani-
many cases from an active “will to domi- cal performance, and, perhaps, previous to
nate and to conquer.” Even in quite pe- it, pausing for a while for bare attention
ripheral or subordinate types of conscious- and reflection — this will give a chance for
ness, there seems to exist an urge to gain scrutinizing the habit in the light of Clear
ascendancy, to become by themselves ever Comprehension of Purpose, and of Suit-
so small centres around which other, ability (sātthaka-, and sappāya-
weaker mental and physical states revolve, sampajañña). It will allow a fresh assess-
adapting themselves to that centre and be- ment of the situation, a direct vision of it,
coming subservient to it. This is a striking unobscured by the mental haze surround-
parallel to the self-assertion and the domi- ing a habitual activity, which conveys the
neering tendency of an egocentric individ- feeling: “It is right because it was done
ual in his contact with society. Among before.” Even if a detrimental habit cannot
biological analogies, we may mention the be broken at once, or soon, in that way; it
tendency towards expansion by cancer and will then lose a good deal of its unques-
other pathological growths; and for the tioned spontaneity of occurrence; it will
tendency towards repetition, we may think carry the stamp of repeated scrutiny and
of the freak mutations that loom as a grave resistance, and at its reoccurrence it will be
danger at the horizon of our atomic age. weaker and prove more amenable to our
attempts to change or abolish it.
Out of that “will to dominate,” in-
herent in many types of consciousness, a
passing whim may grow into a relatively
constant trait of character, and, if still not 2
This may well be a somewhat ironical reference
satisfied with its position, it may tend to by that great sage to the fact that the well-
known Mahāyānic Bodhisattva Vow of liberating
all beings of the universe is often taken much
1 too lightheartedly by many of his fellow
About these important ‘qualitative constituents’ of
good, wholesome (kusala) consciousness, see the
author’s “Abhidhamma Studies.” p. 51f.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 20
It needs hardly to be mentioned: sion will also discover that one can react to
habit (which was rightly called “the wet- people, or do things, in a different and
nurse of man”) cannot and should not dis- more beneficial way, than done before
appear from our life. Let us only remem- habitually.
ber what a relief it is particularly in the
crowded day and complex life of a city- An acquired capacity to give up little
dweller, that he can do a great number of habits will prove its worth in the fight
things fairly mechanically, with, as it were, against more dangerous proclivities, and
only “half-powered attention.” It means a also at times when we are faced with seri-
considerable simplification of his life. It ous changes in our life which by force de-
would be an unbearable strain, if all that prive us of very fundamental habits. Loos-
had to be done with deliberate effort and ening the hardened soil of our routine be-
close attention. In fact, many products of haviour and thoughts, will have an enliven-
manual labour, much of the technique in ing effect on our vital energy, our mental
art, and even standard procedure in com- vigour, our power of imagination, and,
plex intellectual work, will generally bring what is most important, into that loosened
better and more even results through soil we shall be able to plant the seeds of
skilled routine performance. Yet, also that vigorous spiritual progress.
evenness of habitual performance will Associative Thought
reach its dead point where it declines. It Mental habituation to standard reac-
will show symptoms of fatigue, if it is not tions, to sequences of activity, to judg-
enlivened by the creation of new interest in ments of people or things, etc., proceeds by
it. way of associative thinking. From things
There is, of course, no question of or ideas, situations or people that we en-
our advocating here the abolishment of all counter, we select certain of their distinc-
our little habits as far as they are innocuous tive characteristics or marks, and associate,
or even useful. But we should regularly i.e., connect these marks with our own
convince ourselves whether we have still response to them. If these encounters re-
control over them, that is, whether we can cur, they are associated first with those
give them up, or alter them, whenever marks selected earlier, and then with our
wanted. We can make sure of it, firstly, by original, or strongest, response. So these
attending to them mindfully for a certain marks become a signal for releasing a
period of time, and secondly, by actually standard reaction which may consist of
giving them up temporarily in cases where quite a long sequence of connected acts or
this will not have any harmful or disturb- thoughts, well mastered or known through
ing effects upon ourselves or others. If we repeated practice of experience. That way
turn on them the light of direct vision, of functioning relieves man of the neces-
looking at them or performing them, as if sity to apply ever-renewed effort and
seen or done for the first time, these little painstaking scrutiny to each single step of
routine activities, and the habitual sights such sequences of thought and action.
around us, will assume a new glow of in- This certainly means a great simplification
terest and stimulation. of life and a release of energy for other
tasks. In fact, in the evolution of the hu-
This holds good also for our profes- man mind, associative thinking has been a
sional occupation and its environment, and progressive step of decisive importance. It
for our close human relationships if they was indispensable for acquiring the capac-
should have become stale by habit. The ity to learn from experience, and led up to
relations to one’s marriage partner, to the discovery and application of causal
friends, colleagues, etc., may thus receive a laws.
great rejuvenation. A fresh and direct vi-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 21
Yet, it is easy to see that, close to standing perception (saññā) one will be
these benefits of associative thinking, there able to cross the flood of Samsara” (Stanza
lurk as many and grave dangers in this, 778f)1. By placing mindfulness, as a
now basic, procedure of mental activity, if guard, at the very first gate through which
it is faultily applied or not carefully experience enters, we shall be able to con-
watched. Let us draw up a list of these trol the incomers much more easily, and
danger points (though not an exhaustive shut out unwanted intruders. Thus the
one): purity of “luminous consciousness” can be
maintained against “adventitious defile-
l. Initial faulty or incomplete obser- ments” (see Anguttara-Nik., I).
vations, errors of judgment, emotional
prejudices (love, hate, pride), etc., may be The Satipatthāna Sutta provides a
easily perpetuated and strengthened by the systematic training for inducing direct,
mechanism of associative thinking, fresh and undistorted vision, covering the
through bring carried over to re- entire personality in its physical and men-
occurrences of similar situations. tal aspects, and including the entire world
of experience. The methodical application
2. Incomplete observations and re- of the several exercises to oneself
stricted view-points in judgment, etc., (ajjhatta), to others (bahiddhā) and alter-
which may have been sufficient for meet- natingly to both, will be very helpful in
ing a particular situation, may, if mechani- discovering false conceptions due to misdi-
cally applied to changed circumstances, rected associative thinking or misapplied
prove quite inadequate and may entail analogies.
grave consequences. The principal types of false associa-
3. Not infrequent are cases where, tive thinking are covered, in the terminol-
by misdirected associative thinking, a ogy of the Dhamma, by the four kinds of
strong instinctive dislike is felt for things, mis-apprehensions or perverted views (vi-
places or persons which, in some way, are pallāsa) which wrongly take
merely reminiscent of unpleasant experi- (1) what is impermanent, for permanent,
ences. (2) what is painful, or conducive to it, for
These but briefly stated instances (3) what is not-self and unsubstantial, for
show how vital it is to scrutinize from time a self or an abiding substance,
to time these mental grooves of our asso- (4) what is impure, for beautiful.
ciative thoughts, and the various habits and
stereotype reactions deriving from them. These perverted views of reality
In other words, we must step out of the ruts arise through a one-sided and incomplete
for a while, regain a direct vision of things selection, or entirely false apprehension, of
and make a fresh appraisal of them in the the characteristic marks of things or ideas,
light of that vision. and through “associating” them closely
with one’s passions and false theories. By
If we look once again over the list of gradually “dissociating” our perceptions
potential dangers deriving from uncon- and impressions from these misappre-
trolled associative thinking, we shall better hensions, with the help of Bare Attention,
understand the Buddha’s insistence of get- we shall make steady progress in the direct
ting to the bedrock of experience. For in- vision of “bare processes” (suddha-
stance, in these profound and terse stanzas dhammā).
called “The Cave,” included in the Sutta
Nipāta, He says that the “full penetration 1
Compare also the passage on the significance of
of sense-impression (phassa) will make sense impression (or contact; phassa) in the
one free from greed” and that, “by under- concluding sections of Brahmajāla Sutta (Digha
Nikāya, Sutta, 1).
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 22
The Sense of Urgency (samvega) city, after a long time of isolation in a
He who is being stirred (samvijja) to make believe world. This ancient story
a sense of urgency (samvega) by things may well be historical fact, because we
which are deeply moving to one of clear know that in the lives of many great ones
and direct vision, will experience a release often events occur which gain a symbolic
of energy and courage that is able to break significance or have great consequences
through his timid hesitations and his rigid far beyond their ordinary appearances.
routine of life and thought. If that sense of Great minds find significance in the seem-
urgency is kept alive, it will bestow the ingly common and invest with a far-
earnestness and persistence (appamāda) reaching efficacy the fleeting moment.
required for the work of liberation. But, without conflicting with the inner
Thus said the teachers of old truth of that old story, it may well have
happened that the young prince had actu-
“This very world here is our field of action.
It harbours the unfoldment of the Holy Path,
ally seen before, with his fleshly eye, old
And many things to break complacency. and sick people and those who had suc-
Be stirred by things which may well move the heart. cumbed to death. But, on all these earlier
And being stirred strive wisely and fight on!” occasions, it may not have touched him
Ayam kammabhūmi, idha maggabhāvanā, very deeply — as it is the case with most of
thānāni samvejaniyā bahu idha, us, most of the time. That earlier lack of
Samvega samvejaniyesu vatthūsu, sensitivity may have been due to the care-
samvega jāto’va payuñ ja yoniso.1 fully protected, artificial seclusion of his
petty (though princely) happiness into
Our nearest neighbourhood is full of
which his father — the hereditary routine of
stirring things, but generally we do not per-
his life — had placed him. Only when he
ceive them as such, because habit has made
broke through that golden cage of easy-
our vision dull and our heart insensitive.
going habits, the facts of suffering struck
Even the Buddha’s teaching which, when
him as forcibly as if he had seen them for
we first encountered it consciously, was a
the first time. Then only was he stirred by
powerful intellectual and emotional
them to a sense of urgency that led him out
stimulation, will gradually lose for us its
of the home life and set his feet firmly on
original freshness and impelling force,
the road to Enlightenment.
unless we constantly renew it by turning to
the fullness of life around us which The more clearly and deeply our
illustrates the Four Noble Truths in ever minds and hearts respond to the Truth of
new variations. A direct vision will impart Suffering as appearing in the very common
new life-blood even to the commonest facts of our existence, the less often we
experiences of everyday, so that their true shall need a repetition of the lesson
nature appears through the dim haze of learned, the shorter will be our migration
habit, and speaks to us with a fresh voice. It through Samsara2. The clarity of percep-
may well be just the long-accustomed sight
of the beggar at the street-corner, or a 2
Samsāra: “Round of Rebirth,” lit. ‘perpetual
weeping child or the illness of a friend, wandering,’ is a name for the sea of life ever
restlessly heaving up and down, the symbol of
which startles us afresh, makes us think, this continuous process of ever again and again
and stirs our sense of urgency in treading being born, growing old, suffering and dying.
More precisely put: Samsāra is the unbroken
resolutely the Path that leads to the chain of the five-fold Khandha-combinations,
Cessation of Suffering. which, constantly changing from moment to
We know the beautiful old account of moment, follow continuously one upon the other
Prince Siddhartha’s coming face to face through inconceivable periods of time. Of this
with old-age, illness and death, when he Samsāra, a single lifetime constitutes only a tiny
fraction; hence to be able to comprehend the first
drove in his chariot through the paternal Noble Truth of universal suffering, one must let
one’s gaze rest upon the Samsāra, upon this
frightful chain of rebirths, and not merely upon
Quoted in the Commentary to the Samyutta one single lifetime, which, of course, may be
Nikāya, Salāyatana — Samyutta, Devadaha-vaggo sometimes less painful.
catuttho Sutta No. 2. Buddhist Dictionary Nyanatiloka
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 23
tion evoking our response, will come from and not in a borrowed light (borrowed not
an undeflected directness of vision, be- even from the Buddha, though He is the
stowed by Bare Attention (sati); and the peerless and indispensable guide to these
depth of experience will come from wise experiences). These physical and mental
reflection or Clear Comprehension phenomena, in their “self-luminosity,” will
(sampajañña). then convey a growing sense of urgency to
the meditator: revulsion, dissatisfaction,
The Road to Insight.
awareness of danger will arise concerning
Directness of Vision is also a chief them, followed by detachment — though,
characteristic of the methodical practice of certainly, joy, happiness and calm, too,
insight-meditation (vipassanā-bhāvanā) will not be absent throughout the practice.
There it is identified with the direct or ex- Then, if all other conditions of inner ma-
periential knowledge (paccakkha-ñāna) turity are fulfilled, the first direct vision of
bestowed by meditation, as distinguished final liberation will dawn, with the Stream-
from the .inferential knowledge (anumāna- winner’s (sotāpanna) indubitable knowl-
ñāna) obtained by study and reflection. In edge: ‘Whatever has the nature of arising,
the meditative development of insight, has the nature of vanishing’.
one’s own physical and mental processes
are directly viewed, without the interfer- Thus, in the unfoldment of the four-
ence of abstract concepts or the filtering fold power of mindfulness, Satipatthāna
screens of emotional evaluation, which, in will prove itself as the true embodiment of
this context, will only obscure, or camou- the Dhamma of which it was said:
flage, the naked facts, and detract from the “Well proclaimed is the Dhamma by
immediate strong impact of reality. Con- the Blessed One, visible here and now, not
ceptual generalizations from experience delayed, inviting of inspection, onward-
(though very useful elsewhere), if they leading, and directly experiensable by the
interrupt the meditative practice of Bare wise.”
Attention, tend to “shove aside,” or dispose — FINIS —
of, the respective particular fact, by saying,
as it were: “It is nothing else but…” Gen-
eralizing thought inclines to become impa-
tient with a recurrent type, and finds it
soon boring after having it classified. Bare
Attention, however, being the key instru-
ment of methodical insight, keeps to the
particular. It follows keenly the rise and
fall of successive physical and mental
processes, and, though all phenomena of a
given series may be “true to type” (e.g.,
inhalations and exhalations), Bare Atten-
tion regards each of them as a distinct “in-
dividual,” and conscientiously registers, as
it were, its separate birth and death. If
mindfulness remains alert, these repetitions
of type will, by their multiplication, exert
not a reduced but an intensified impact on
the mind. The three signata or characteris-
tics (change, misery and voidness), inher-
ent in the process observed, will stand out
more and more clearly, appearing in the
light shed by the phenomena themselves,
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 24
this distinction is understood, the cycle of
life and death is removed and the city of
liberation (Moksha) is attained. This wis-
dom has the premier place in all works on
spiritual knowledge. It is the highest secret
and it is the purest. It is the abode of duty.
It is most splendid and most perfect. After
its attainment, there does not remain any
cause for rebirth. This is that, which
DNYANESHVARI shines in the heart of the pupil, as soon as
it is mentioned by the teacher. This wis-
[The Dnyaneshvari is mentioned many dom (Dnyana) is without beginning, self-
times by Madame Blavatsky, always in supporting. It is not reached except on the
glowing terms. The following rendition is ladder of happiness and when it is reached,
extracted from Manu Subedar’s
translation. The great Sage, Dnaneshwara
it involves identification of self (Jiva) and
Maharaj sang this work to his people Self (Brahman). It overjoys the mind, as
when he was quite young. He did it in soon as the mind comes near the very idea
their native language, Marathi, about 700 of obtaining it. This Dnyana is not com-
years ago. It is his commentary on the
Bhagavad Gita.] plicated, because it has the form of Brah-
man. A further characteristic of this wis-
XXIII dom (Dnyana) is that, having acquired, it is
imperishable. With greater experience it
[Continued from Vol. II, #11]
does not become less and it never becomes
Chapter IX [CONTINUED] obsolete. You may wonder how such an
invaluable thing has ever come to survive.
Shri Krishna says to Arjuna: I But, those, who, for the sake of earning a
will now tell you a great secret, viz., the little interest, will throw themselves into
root of all wisdom (Dnyana), because you (great activities like even) burning flames,
are sensible, discreet and attentive to what are not likely to abandon a fortune, which
is said. Let this secret light up your heart. they have once obtained. [sic] You must
There may be milk accumulated in the not, therefore, wonder how this came to
breast, but it is of no use to the breast. survive. This wisdom (Dnyana), which is
Even if it comes out, the mother desires sacred and resplendent, which brings about
that it should reach the offspring, who can- happiness, which gives joy, which embod-
not be fed in any other manner. Seeds ies supreme duty, and which is within our-
sown in a fertile field are not lost. The selves, is therefore to be reached by a short
secret of the heart must, therefore, be given cut.
to him, whose mind is generous, whose
intelligence is pure, who has faith and who The bug (Gochid) on the body of the
relies on you. No one else has this merit in cow only sucks in the blood, though the
the same measure as yourself. I shall, sweet and pure milk is in the immediate
therefore, describe to you in simple terms vicinity behind the skin. At the root of the
the wisdom (Dnyana) of Brahman as well lotus, the frog and butterfly live near each
as the wisdom (Dnyana) of the world. The other but the butterfly picks up the gra-
distinction between this Dnyana and grance, while the frog is left to stew in its
Vidnyana is the same as the distinction own mud. An unfortunate man will pass
between right and wrong. It is to be sepa- his whole life in misery without food, even
rated with skill like that of a swan (Ra- when a large fortune (of which he is not
jahansa), who separates milk from water. aware), lies buried under his humble
By fanning it is the chaff, which goes away abode. In this manner, the unseeing turns
and the grain remains behind. So, when his mind towards the object of senses,
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 25
though, I, the Lord of everything and the Notice that in defining "soul" it was
goal of happiness, am seated in his heart. necessary to use two words. Although soul
Such action is stupid. It is like throwing itself is a single term, the soul is embodied
away nectar at the sight of mirage, and spirit. Implicit in that statement is an idea
exchanging the magic (Parisa) stone for a that there is such a condition as spirit or
piece of mother-of-pearl, but those, whose life or consciousness that is not embodied -
minds are steeped in egoism, choose in this - spirit or life or consciousness not condi-
way to struggle in the currents of life and tioned. We, however, being conditioned
death. They do this because, they do not life, are unable at present to form any but
know My nature. I am permanently visible the vaguest conceptions of what uncondi-
and thus differ from the sun, which is only tioned life may be like. The greatest phi-
to be seen sometimes. losopher that the Western world has ever
produced, Plato, tried to illustrate this in
The Republic. He there likened the condi-
tion of the human being to a man in a cave
with his back to the entrance of the cave,
WHAT IS THE SOUL? looking inwards against the blank wall at
the end. Over his shoulder comes light
THEOSOPHY is a teaching in re- from outside, and that light makes images
gard to life, and as a teaching is absolutely of himself and his movements on the wall,
sui generis. Its specific doctrines are com- and he takes those images to be reality. He
paratively unknown, as unknown in the takes what he can see to be all there is to
Orient as in the West. Hence soul as used see, and he cannot understand that he is
in Theosophy is not generally understood, anything other than the shadow or the sil-
for the majority of people have only a houette cast on the wall.
vague idea of what is meant by the theo-
logical classification "body, soul, and Another great teacher long before
spirit," and assume Theosophists are Plato likened our existence to that of a man
equally vague in their use of the term. living with the frogs at the bottom of a
This is not the case, as we will attempt to very deep well. All he could see of space,
show. of sky, of the universe, was just what that
little point of light above his head revealed.
What is the soul from the theosophi- He therefore interpreted the world by what
cal standpoint? It is embodied spirit. And he saw -- the walls of the well, the water
what is embodied spirit? It is conditioned that was in it, and the frogs that croaked
consciousness. And what is conditioned beside him. Yet, let the man wonder just
consciousness? We are. once where the light comes from, what
more there might be to see, and he may
The best way for us to learn this is
leave his cave or climb out of his well, and
by using the powers that are inherent in us;
find an entirely new "reality" before him.
for all of us are able to see, and even a
little seeing at first-hand is better than any So it can be seen that one single flash
amount of second-hand description. Us- of direct perception is worth all the books
ing, then, our soul-power of discernment, ever written, all the sermons ever preached
we can see that Life is in every one of us; by all the theologians and doctrinaires un-
it is what we fundamentally are. It is not der heaven. For the soul is the perceiver;
that we are alive; we are Life. It is not that is assuredly vision itself; and it looks di-
we are a body; our body is only a form of rectly upon ideas. The soul itself is un-
matter. Just so, our consciousness is a modified, unconditioned, unembodied.
form of life. Yet the moment that the soul looks on
ideas, it becomes identified with the idea
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 26
on which it looks. So we can see that the gle so shows that this is not our natural
soul has two powers; the power of expan- home, is not our natural existence. The
sion and the power of identification. It has chemical elements do not have to struggle
the power of identification with any part of to maintain their existence. Hydrogen is
life, with any experience in any part of life, hydrogen no matter what you do with it or
and during the period of that identification what combinations it may be in or what
the soul is exactly like the man in Plato's God you pray to, to change it into oxygen.
Republic or the man at the bottom of the This is evidence that existence in this
well. world is native to certain forms or condi-
tions of life; it is natural to them; they can
We know that we are constantly us- exist here for untold millions of years
ing the expression that a man goes by what without difficulty or trouble of any kind.
he sees. This is in itself evidence of what The chemical elements do not need to
we really are. If we were not perceivers, struggle for their existence; their "knowl-
how could we go by what we see? Yet all edge" is sufficient for the task.
that any soul can see is an image. Whether
that is a true image of the soul or a carica- As souls, we too have had an exis-
ture of the soul makes no difference. All tence which we did not have to struggle to
that we can ever see is something projected maintain. We had an existence before
outside ourselves. there was time; we had an existence before
there was space; we had an existence be-
There is, however, another kind of fore there was any matter. We have such
traveling -- the soul-power of expansion: an existence right now; but unfortunately
we can also go by what we know and by we do not know it because, though we are
what we learn. Many times we do not go perceivers with the power to see, we dwell
by what we see; we go by what we know. in darkness -- the darkness of life which is
If we stand on the bank of a still pond and not aware that it is Life. Finally we may
go by what we see, there is no reason why come to learn that it is not the maintenance
we should not follow Christ's example and of life which awakens spiritual energy, but
start out to walk on the water, for it looks the transcendence of the patterns of life we
just the same as the rock on which we are presently know. But the awareness of the
standing. But if we do go by what we see, possibility of transcendence -- that, too,
and step off into the water, and are unable lies within, a light which may be dimmed,
to adjust ourselves to the different sub- but never extinguished.
stance into which we have entered, we are
out of luck; and we know better than to try Soul, then, is that aspect of ourselves
it! which is aware that it is Life. Soul is the
Perceiver, not any of his perceptions; soul
Now, what is unconditioned con- is the Experiencer, not any of his enjoy-
sciousness? It is consciousness clothed in ment or suffering. Soul is That in us which
knowledge. That was once our own condi- "knows, for it is knowledge; it is the Man
tion. We lived, we dwelt, we moved, we that was, that is, and will be, for whom the
acted, not on the basis of our likes and hour shall never strike."THEOSOPHY, Vol. 47, No. 3,
dislikes, nor on the basis of what we saw, January, 1959 (Pages 132-134; [derived from talks given between 1915-35)

but of what we knew. We knew what we

were, and did not have to struggle to main- soul.html#1top
tain our "position." It should be evident to
us that there is something unnatural in our
existence here as human beings. We have
to struggle constantly to maintain our exis-
tence here. The fact that we have to strug-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 27

THE BRAZILIAN DREAM The Workers Party is not just a quix-

otic band of idealists, but a potent and rap-
by Leif Utne idly growing political force. Founded by
Sept-Oct 2002, Utne Reader trade unionists in 1985 after Brazil’s dicta-
Wall Street is in a tizzy over the up- torship ended, the PT has built a solid base
coming October presidential elections in of support in urban and industrial centers
Brazil. When a corruption scandal involv- and among rural peasants. The party now
ing several prominent members of the rul- runs city hall in many of Brazil’s largest
ing Social Democratic (PSDB) Party broke cities, including São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro,
last spring, support for centrist PSDB Party Porto Alegre, Belo Horizonte, and Recife,
candidate Jose Serra plummeted, while the and PT governors preside in 4 of Brazil’s
stock of leftist Workers Party (PT) candi- 26 states. The PT is also the main opposi-
date Luis Inacio “Lula” da Silva soared. A tion party in Congress.
summer opinion poll showed Lula, a ma-
chinist and labor leader before he entered The Worders Party has shown itself
politics, in the lead with 39 percent com- to be one of the more innovative political
pared to 18 percent each for Serra and an- forces in the Western Hemisphere. Here’s
other left-leaving candidate, Ciro Gomes. a look at some of the ideas the PT has pio-
neered at the local level or had a hand in
Nervous about Lula’s opposition to implementing nationally:
the policies of the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund and the PT’s • Participatory Budget. Since 1989 the
past threats to default on Brazil’s foreign 1.4 million citizens of Porto Alegre
debt if the party came to power, Wall have had a chance to plan and manage
Street investment banks jumped into the city spending through a broad experi-
fray, warning clients to limit their exposure ment in direct democracy. Neighbor-
in Latin America’s largest economy and hood assemblies open to all residents
touching off a run on Brazil’s currency. decide each year how to spend funds for
Billionaire currency speculator, George cityside programs. In 2000, the man
Soros, went so far as to warn the São Paulo who founded the process, longtime
newspaper Falha in June that if Brazilians mayor and PT member Olivio Dutra,
don’t vote for Serra, their economy is was elected governor of the state of Rio
doomed to go the chaotic way of neighbor- Grande do Sul and has begun imple-
ing Argentina. menting the participatory budget proc-
ess statewide.
The PT called the banks’ actions “fi-
nancial terrorism,” and several prominent • AIDS Prevention and Treatment.
conservative Brazilian economists With PT Party encouragement, the city
dendended the party, saying that while it of Santos, in São Paulo state, was the
may be difficult to pay for Lula’s ambi- first in Brazil to address the alarming
tious social agenda, his fiscal policies are spread of AIDS — primarily through its
sound. Even London’s conservative Fi- pioneering needle-exchange program
nancial Times cried foul, castigating Wall for IV drug users — and was the first to
Street bankers in an editorial for meddling offer free “AIDS cocktails” to patients
in the election and pointing out that the PT when generic versions of patented
has a far better record than the Social De- AIDS drugs became available.
mocrats at managing public finances and
• Food as a Human Right. The PT-
fighting corruption in the dozens of mu-
controlled city government of Belo
nicipal governments where it has held
Horizonte has declared food a basic
right of citizenship. A comprehensive
system of food production and distribu-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 28
tion aims to end hunger by providing THE MYSTERY OF EVOLUION
nutritious organic good to school-
children and poor residents. Evolutionists would have us believe that all
ancient human civilization gradually developed
• Extractive Reserves. By protecting from simple, backwards, ignorant cultures into
more complex ones, but is there other evidence to
land and creating opportunities for local support the notion that man was created with an
peasants to harvest sustainable products astonishing high intellect from the very begin-
like rubber, Brazil nuts, and medicinal ning, and could the sites where early, primitive
remnants of migrating hunter-gatherer societies
herbs, extractive reserves created a hu- are found not necessarily be the original sites of
man shield against illegal logging and human occupation on this planet, but only indica-
cattle ranching. PT Senator Marina tions of small wandering populations of settlers,
exploring parties re-populating the earth after
Silva from the western Amazon state of some world-wide, cataclysmic disaster had de-
Acre won a 1996 Goldman Environ- stroyed a previously highly advanced civilization
mental Prize for advocating this innova- that had spread to the ends of the earth? Were
these primitive sites merely the farthest outposts
tive approach, which has preserved of colonizing expeditions setting out from early
hundreds of thousands of acres in the centers of civilization after the Flood of Noah,
Amazon forest. and not mere brute savages with little intellect
separated from our own world by vast periods of
time during which evolution supposedly oc-
• World Social Forum. In response to curred?
the World Economic Forum, and annual
gathering of corporate CEOs and trade
ministers who go to the Swiss resort There is an interesting phenomenon
town of Davos to plot the future of occurring today. It is the exposure of the
globalization, the PT mayor of Porto modern ideas of evolution, anthropology,
Alegre decided to host an alternative palaeontology, etc., etc., as being largely
gathering. In 2001, the first World So- false. In fact, on the above site you will
cial Forum, held the same late-January find enormous amounts of evidence. Yet,
weekend as the Davos affair, drew despite this very credible destruction of
10,000 people, including activists, aca- modern scholarship and it’s variegated
demics, and progressive politicians presuppositions, where does the editor and
from around the world, to talk about publisher of The Darwinian Papers, James
creating “globalization from below,” M. Foard. land us? Right back into the
putting human rights, social justice, and Bible! with such strictures as this:
ecological sustainability before profits.
I believe that at this time, at least
The second World Social Forum, held since the Flood of Noah, ordinary men
in January 2002, drew more than 60,000 and women are protected in a special way
participants. by God from unwitting contact by these
beings. The angels loyal to God are more
With the PT’s record of inno- numerous and powerful than the rebel-
vative programs like these, maybe it’s not lious ones, and a good angel would not
so hard to understand why Lula and his wish to dole out advice on our love life or
allies make Wall Street nervous. the stock market, good angels would not
do anything but direct our attention to the Scriptures and Jesus Christ, in other
words they do not wish to manifest them-
selves unless directly instructed by God
Himself for some important purpose. The
Bible says that even the devil himself
"transforms himself into an angel of light"
in order to deceive, if possible, even the
elect. The Word of God also says that in
the last days would come men spreading
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 29
the "doctrines of demons," but that even peror, Huang Ti, yet we find in many trea-
were an angel from heaven to appear with tises, such as The Yellow Emperors Book
"another gospel" besides that given in and On Internal Medicine, traditionally as-
only in the Bible, let him be accursed. cribed to Huang Ti, an already highly de-
This is repeated twice in context, showing veloped science of medicine, along with
the severity of believing anything other sophisticated character writing and bot-
than the Bible. We are to believe the Bi- any. Modern science is only now begin-
ble, all of the Bible, and nothing more ning to appreciate and incorporate some
than the Bible. Any religion that claims of this ancient field of medicine, chiefly
to have sprung from some man having a through the study and practice of acu-
vision of an angel, or even claiming to puncture, as well as in the clinical study
have talked to the Lord Himself, if it in- and use of plants listed in their ancient
volves an extra revelation after the final herbals. …
book of Revelation was written by St.
John, or some newly discovered ancient All of the ancient herbalists classed
hieroglyphics throwing supposed "extra plants according to their medicinal value.
light" on the scriptures, is to be soundly According to the Ebers Papyrus, dating
avoided. from 2,000 years before Christ, there were
at one time 2,000 practicing herbal doc-
Yes, yes, Mr. Foard, you will die an tors in Egypt to choose from. Dio-
unrepentant “sinner” unless you find the scorides, a Greek physician of the first
Christos principle within yourself — not century A.D., listed over 500 plants useful
just you, but all of us. Mankind is a band for medicinal and aromatic purposes.
of “fallen” angels because of our dual na- During the Dark Ages Christian
monasteries carried on the tradition and
ture — divine angels, if you will, lodged in knowledge of herbology, often hand-
animal bodies. “Know ye not that ye are copying many of the ancient texts. In
the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God some of the frontispieces of Bibles from
dwelleth in you?” (St. Paul) that period we find recorded the names of
useful herbs for treating various diseases.
Institutional Religions retard man’s
Within a century of the invention of mov-
growth toward divinity, because they in- able type in 1453, 32,000 copies of Dio-
tensify the tendency to look outward rather scorides book had been printed. It is well
than inward for our savior. Get a red-letter known that the father of patent medicine,
edition of the Bible and study carefully Samuel Thomson, was an herbalist and
what Jehoshua ben Panthera (i.e., Jesus) used his knowledge of American Indian
actually is reputed to have taught. This herbal cures, along with the traditional
Bible evidence, mutilated as it is by both ancient Herbals, when he began to select
friend and foe, still plainly shows that Je- the most useful plant compounds for cer-
sus taught an inward religion. His deity tain diseases and patented them in 1813.
was, omnipresent like Space itself — not It is his work and that of other herbalists,
such as the Christian sect known as the
endowed with a male gender. On page 10
Shakers, who grew and marketed herbs in
(column two) there are definitions of New York during the early 1800's, that
words as the primitive Christians used formed the basis of the modern science of
them. They are, as we see, in stark con- pharmacology.
trast to Christian Theology.
We are finding out that certain Hindu
Yet, despite the Bible sickness, we herbs traditionally used for cancer, Bos-
admire the mass of evidence you have col- wellia for example, contain unique
lected pertinent to what Mystics down the chemical properties called boswellic acids
ages have always taught, and we thank you that have been found useful in the treat-
for such items as this: ment of various forms of carcinomas, and
that is just one among thousands of herbs
Early Chinese history began in 2697 listed in the Hindu herbals used since an-
B.C. during the time of the Yellow Em- tiquity. Had modern western medical out-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 30
look not been prejudiced by an evolution- sailing vessel, with some curious bronze
ary, Euro-centered ethnic bias, medicine objects in the ships cargo, among which
might have made much more rapid and were four pieces of a very sophisticated,
richer advancement in the treatment of bronze differential gear assembly.
certain diseases.
The Aztecs were so advanced in their photographs of
art of medicine that many writers, Sous- this mechanism
telle among them, have said that their sys- were taken in
tem of medicine was actually more mod- 1971 to provide
ern and scientific than that being practiced more data on
in Europe at the time of the Conquest. In the internal
the sixteenth century, King Phillip ll of construction.
Spain sent his personal physician, Fran- In 1974 Profes-
cisco Hernandez, to Mexico in 1570 to sor Derek de
learn Aztec medicine. After spending Solla Price of
seven years there of intense study he Yale University
compiled an extensive herbal, along with determined that these objects were part of
an extensive encyclopedia on their medi- a well designed set of differential gears
cal knowledge. Portions of his work were accurately measuring the cycles corre-
eventually published after his death in It- sponding to the lowest common denomi-
aly and in Mexico, though unfortunately nator of the orbits of the moon and the
many parts were destroyed in a fire. sun, which is 235 lunar months. The or-
Largely unexplored, this could be a phe- bital cycles of the planets could also be
nomenal area of research. Father Saha- calculated on it. This amazing computer-
gun wrote that they had a large body of calculator has been dated back to at least
written and oral herbal wisdom, knowl- 87 B.C. Although some critics such as
edge of many minerals used for the curing Steibing (10) have attempted to downplay
of illnesses, used anesthetics and set frac- the importance of this remarkable device
tures and broken bones, and used a type as being merely a by-product of Hellenis-
of bloodstone that stopped hemorrhaging. tic science, differential gear assemblies of
this caliber were not thought to have even
existed until shortly before the eighteenth
And thanks, too, for this one: century. The ability and ingenuity in
The world is literally filled with
measuring and casting this instrument re-
quired a remarkable degree of technologi-
unmistakable evidence for those who cal skill. (11)
have not been blinded by traditional ar-
cheological theories and have eyes open In the Darwinian Papers the idea of
to see that there was a former highly ad- cyclic law received notice, though given a
vanced civilization that produced wonders Bible twist — i.e., Noah’s flood, the days
equal in scope to many of the achieve-
of creation, etc.
ments of modern technology. Take for
example the interlocking metal cogs and Cyclic pralayas or catastrophes, ac-
wheels forming part of a computerized
cording to The Secret Doctrine are a part
star planetarium, modern in design and
yet thousands of years old. It was found
of human history — a necessary winnow-
off of the coast of a Mediterranean island ing process that the journey of "con-
in the spring of 1901 by Greek sponge di- sciousness" may go forward, for the evolu-
vers who had run into bad weather and tion of man is now moving through states
sailed off of their normal course, eventu- of consciousness — not form. Therefore
ally being forced to cast anchor by the is- the process of finding, nurturing, and
land of Antikythera, located between manifesting the goodness that is already in
Greece and the island of Crete. During us becomes high priority. By baptizing
the course of their diving they discovered ourselves in a cloud of service to our fel-
the wreckage of an ancient, submerged
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. II, #12 October 17, 2002 Page 31
low pilgrims we are indeed washed of Our Spiritual Ego is eternally
many a spot from our own garment! Law reincarnating under the influence of
rules in the moral world: its lower personal Selves, changing
with every re-birth, full of Tanha or
"IT is argued that the Universal desire to live.
Evolution, otherwise, the gradual de- It is a strange law of Nature
velopment of species in all the king- that, on this plane, the higher
doms of nature, works by uniform (Spiritual) Nature should be, so to
laws. This is admitted, and the law say, in bondage to the lower.
enforced far more strictly in Esoteric Unless the Ego takes refuge in the
than in modern Science. But we are Atman, the ALL-SPIRIT, and
told also, that it is equally a law that merges entirely into the essence
“development works from the less to thereof, the personal Ego may goad
the more perfect, and from the simpler it to the bitter end. This cannot be
to the more complicated, by incessant thoroughly understood unless the
changes, small in themselves, but con- student makes himself familiar with
stantly accumulating in the required the mystery of evolution, which
direction.” It is from the infinitesi- proceeds on triple lines—spiritual,
mally small that the comparatively gi- psychic and physical. (SDII,109)
gantic species are produced. Each of these three systems
has its own laws, and is ruled and
Esoteric Science agrees with it, guided by different sets of the
but adds that this law applies only to highest Dhyanis or “Logoi.” Each
what is known to it as the Primary is represented in the constitution of
Creation—the evolution of worlds man, the Microcosm of the great
from primordial atoms, and the pre- Macrocosm; and it is the union of
these three streams in him which
primordial ATOM, at the first differ- makes him the complex being he
entiation of the former; and that dur- now is. (I, 181)
ing the period of cyclic evolution in
space and time, this law is limited and
works only in the lower kingdoms. It
did so work during the first geological
periods, from simple to complex, on
the rough material surviving from the
relics of the Third Round, which relics
are projected into objectivity when ter-
restrial activity recommences.
No more than Science, does eso-
teric philosophy admit design or “spe-
cial creation.” It rejects every claim to
the “miraculous,” and accepts nothing
outside the uniform and immutable
laws of Nature. But it teaches a cyclic
law, a double stream of force (or
spirit) and of matter, which, starting
from the neutral centre of Being, de-
velops in its cyclic progress and inces-
sant transformations." (S.D.,II, 731)

Thus in Occultism there are three

lines of evolution:

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