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The Aquarian Theosophist

Volume III, No. 8 June 17, 2003

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[BOOK REVIEW: The Holographic Universe, fully conscious patients, they re-
by Michael Talbot; published by experienced memories of past episodes
HarperCollins Publishers, NY 1991]
from their lives in vivid detail. …. Even
when Penfield tried to mislead his patients
This book is a superb rendition of by telling them he was stimulating a dif-
our Personality and Brain-mind. We think ferent area when he was not, he found that
an Occultist would applaud such a perti- when he touched the same spot it always
nent view of the memory-brain-mind func- evoked the same memory. (p. 11-12)
tion, especially as applicable to our every-
day life. When the Pituitary, Infundibu- But the astral, non-local, or holo-
lum, Pineal, and a few other spots kick into graphic character of memory could not be
action, then we’ll all have another story to disproved so easy, for when those portions
tell the investigators. Meantime, authors of the brain which showed specific memo-
like Michael Talbot are doing a valuable ries were removed, it turned out the spe-
service in showing us the avenues of re- cific memories were still there! Now let’s
search by which the “holographic” view of look at Professor Karl Pribram’s work:
man, nature and cosmos became accepted. At Yale, Pribram continued to pon-
One principle, even the lowest, correctly der the idea that memories were distrib-
understood, gives valuable hints and uted throughout the brain, and the more
guesses that orient one toward the next he thought about it the more convinced he
higher plane of consciousness. We hu- became. After all, patients who had had
mans are a multiple-storied mansion, and portions of their brains removed for medi-
each story has its own laws of growth and cal reasons never suffered the loss of spe-
fruition. Wilder Penfield got the ball roll- cific memories. Removal of a large sec-
ing with his neurological studies of the tion of the brain might cause a patient’s
brain of epileptic patients: memory to become generally hazy, but no
one ever came out of surgery with any se-
Research conducted by Canadian lective memory loss. (p. 13-14)
neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield in the
1920s had offered convincing evidence To understand the importance of the
that specific memories did have specific hologram in explaining our personality life
locations in the brain. One of the most we need to understand a little about holo-
unusual features of the brain is that the grams:
object itself doesn’t sense pain directly.
As long as the scalp and skull have been TABLE OF CONTENTS
deadened with a local anesthetic, surgery
can be performed on the brain of a fully The Monad, the Hologram & the Self 1
conscious person without causing any Global Village 7
pain. Point out the Way — XXXI 9
In a series of landmark experiments, Coffee Klatch 12
Penfield used this fact to his advantage. Correspondence 14
While operating on the brains of epilep- George Washington Carver 17
tics, he would electrically stimulate vari- What is Theosophy? 18
ous areas of their brain cells. To his Dnyaneshvari — XXX 19
amazement he found that when he stimu-
God: The Evidence 21
lated the temporal lobes (the region of the
brain behind the temples) of one of his
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 2
One of the things that makes holo- Three-dimensionality is not the only
graphy possible is a phenomenon known remarkable aspect of holograms. If a
as interference. Interference is the criss piece of holographic film containing the
crossing pattern that occurs when two or image of an apple is cut in half and then
more waves, such as waves of water, rip- illuminated by a laser, each half will still
ple through each other. For example, if be found to contain the entire image of the
you drop a pebble into a pond, it will pro- apple! Even if the halves are divided
duce a series of concentric waves that ex- again and then again, an entire apple can
pands outward. If you drop two pebbles still be reconstructed from each small por-
into a pond, you will get two sets of tion of the film (although the images will
waves that expand and pass through one get hazier as the portions get smaller).1
another. The complex arrangement of (14-16)
crests and troughs that results from such
collisions is known as an interference pat- Further research and experimentation
tern. not only shows the holographic nature of
the brain, but the senses as well. Still more
Any wavelike phenomena can create amazing research does exactly what an
an interference pattern, including light occultist would expect — reduces the en-
and radio waves. Because laser light is an
tire field of activity to dancing math! — the
extremely pure, coherent form of light, it
is especially good at creating interference type of calculus invented by an eighteenth
patterns. It provides, in essence, the per- century Frenchman named Jean B. J. Fou-
fect pebble and the perfect pond. As a re- rier:
sult, it wasn’t until the invention of the la-
Roughly speaking what Fourier de-
ser that holograms, as we know them to-
veloped was a mathematical way of con-
day, became possible.
verting any pattern, no matter how com-
A hologram is produced when a sin- plex, into a language of simple waves. He
gle laser light is split into two separate also showed how these wave forms could
beams. The first beam is bounced off the be converted back into the original pat-
object to be photographed. Then the sec- tern. In other words, just as a television
ond beam is allowed to collide with the camera converts an image into electro-
reflected light of the first. When this hap- magnetic frequencies and a television set
pens they create an interference pattern converts those frequencies back into the
which is then recorded on a piece of film. original image, Fourier showed how a
similar process could be achieved mathe-
To the naked eye the image on the matically. The equations he developed to
film looks nothing like the object photo- convert images into wave forms and back
graphed. In fact, it even looks a little like again are known as Fourier transforms.
the concentric rings that form when a
handful of pebbles is tossed into a pond. Fourier transforms enabled Gabor to
But as soon as another laser beam (or in convert a picture of an object into the blur
some instances just a bright light source) of interference patterns on a piece of
is shined through the film, a three- holographic film. They also enabled him
dimensional image of the original object to devise a way of converting those inter-
reappears. The three-dimensionality of ference patterns back into an image of the
such images is often eerily convincing. original object. In fact the special whole
You can actually walk around a holo- in every part of a hologram is one of the
graphic projection and view it from dif-
ferent angles as you would a real object. 1
It should be noted that this astounding trait is
However, if you reach out and try to common only to pieces of holographic film whose
touch it, your hand will waft right through images are invisible to the naked eye. If you buy
a piece of holographic film (or an object
it and you will discover there is really containing a piece of holograph film) in a store
nothing there. and can see a three-dimensional image in it
without any special kind of illumination, do not
cut it in half. You will only end up with pieces of
the original image. (p.17)
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 3
by-products that occurs when an image or analyzing such tasks and absorbing them
pattern is translated into the Fourier lan- as a whole. (p. 28-30)
guage of wave forms. (p. 27)
Now let’s ask ourselves some ques-
Through this exciting research, it is tions. If the brain-body personal life is a
fairly obvious we have a “god” or “some- Hologram that absorbs in “wholes” and
thing” from a higher plane using a very gives out in “wholes” and does this by
specialized hologram — our brain-mind immensely complicated math, then it
and personality. But let’s follow the drama would seem obvious that the value of life
a little further into the researches of Niko- is not in the visible string of events but
lai Bernstein: where we intended to go. The motive for
which we do the dance is more valuable
In the 1930s Bernstein dressed peo-
than the dance itself, as Krishna keeps re-
ple in black leotards and painted white
dots on their elbows, knees, and other
minding Arjuna. Being attached to the
joints. Then he placed them against black day-to-day movements will lead us some-
backgrounds and took movies of them do- day to discover that there is nothing there!
ing various physical activities such as Therefore to consecrate our life to listening
dancing, walking, jumping, hammering, to the Conscience within and service with-
typing. out is the interpretation pointed out by the
When he developed the film, only
the white dots appeared, moving up and Pribram and other researchers were
down and across the screen in various unable to duplicate Penfield's experiments
complex and flowing movements. To on subjects who were not epileptic. Pen-
quantify his findings he Fourier-analyzed
field’s experiments were conducted on
the various lines the dots traced out and
converted them into a language of wave
epileptic patients, and occultism teaches
forms. To his surprise, he discovered the that epilepsy is the “strongest symptom of
wave forms contained hidden patterns that genuine mediumship.”1 Another odd piece
allowed him to predict his subjects’ next of research that turned up is the phenom-
movement to within a fraction of an inch. ena of persons with photographic memo-
ries (also known as eidetic memories.) If
When Pribram encountered Bern- we remember that the image stored in a
stein’s work he immediately recognized fragment of holographic film gets hazier as
its implications. Maybe the reason hidden
the fragments get smaller, we would see
patterns surfaced after Bernstein Fourier-
analyzed his subject’s movements was that such individuals have more vivid
caused by how the movements are stored memories because they somehow have
in the brain. This was an exciting possi- access to a very large region of their mem-
bility, for if the brain analyzed move- ory hologram. From an occult point of
ments by breaking them down into their view this would explain why devotion and
frequency components, it explained the concentration vastly improve the memory.
rapidity with which we learn many com- But certain types of insanity do this too!
plex physical tasks. For instance, we do Why? Because in the first case the persons
not learn to ride a bicycle by painstak- are beginning to rise above the plane of
ingly memorizing every tiny feature of the desire or Kama while in the last case the
process. We learn by grasping the whole
persons are beginning to sink below it. In
flowing movement. The fluid wholeness
that typifies how we learn so many physi- both cases the dominant desires have be-
cal activities is difficult to explain if our come very few, therefore giving the cam-
brains are storing information in a bit-by- era of perception a penetrating quality that
bit manner. But it becomes much easier most of us do not have. The paramount
to understand if the brain is Fourier- need to seek the mysterious Presence, the
The Key to Theosophy, p. 195
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 4
stillness, or Voice of Conscience within The closer the approach to one’s Pro-
becomes obvious in the following discus- totype, “in Heaven,” the better for the
sion: mortal whose personality was chosen, by
his own personal deity (the seventh prin-
Throughout the whole mystic litera- ciple), as its terrestrial abode. For, with
ture of the ancient world we detect the every effort of will toward purification
same idea of spiritual Esotericism, that and unity with that “Self-god,” one of the
the personal God exists within, nowhere lower rays breaks and the spiritual entity
outside, the worshipper. The personal of man is drawn higher and ever higher to
Deity is no vain breath, or a fiction, but an the ray that supersedes the first, until from
immortal Entity, the Initiator of the Initi- ray to ray, the inner man is drawn into the
ates, now that the heavenly or Celestial one and highest beam of the Parent-SUN.
Initiators of primitive humanity — the (S.D.I, p. 638-39)
Sishtas of the preceding cycles — are no
more among us. Like an under-current, Dharma along the lines of our plastic
rapid and clear, it runs without mixing its potency is powerful. If we build a “taste”
crystalline purity with the muddy and for such activity, that “something” within
troubled waters of dogmatism. will respond in the most “surprising” and
unusual ways. It will bring hope, perse-
We cannot attain Adeptship and Nir-
verance, and purpose into our life. Dis-
vana, Bliss and the “Kingdom of
Heaven,” unless we link ourselves indis-
covering the “plan” our God or Conscience
solubly with our Rex Lucis, the Lord of or Chitkala has for us is like discovering
Splendour and of Light, our immortal humanity all over again. Jesus’ parable of
God within us. One must first of all rec- “washing the Disciple’s feet” is more lit-
ognize one’s own immortal Principle, and eral than theology ever thought; or as HPB
then only can one conquer, or take the put it, “a very little self-knowledge is a
Kingdom of Heaven by violence. Only leveller indeed, and more democratic than
this has to be achieved by the higher — the most ultra-radical can desire.” In her
not the middle, nor the third — man, the New Year’s (1891) letter to Annie Besant
last one being of dust. Nor can the second and Isabel Cooper-Oakley, she throws light
man, the “Son” — on this plane, as his
upon the interaction of our principles and
“Father” is the Son on a still higher plane
— do anything without the assistance of
the need for self-confidence:
the first, the “Father.” But to succeed one “The Kingdom of God is taken by
has to identify oneself with one’s divine violence,” is a paraphrase from “The
Parent. Has the reader ever meditated realm of divine knowledge is taken by
upon the suggestive words, often pro- force and perseverance,” it does not de-
nounced by Jesus and his Apostles? “Be scend to the Chela; it is the disciple who
ye therefore perfect, even as your Father has to ascend to it, and to penetrate its
is perfect” — which esoterically “Your adamantine walls. In the East, the Guru
Father who is above the material and as- and Chela stand in the relation of the
tral man, the highest Principle (save the Higher and the Lower Manas — ONE, yet
Monad) within man, his own personal forever separated, unless the lower forces
God, or the God of his own personality of itself upon the Higher: it is not in the
whom he is the ‘prison’ and the ‘temple.’” power of the latter to refuse or to ac-
(Extracted from Blavatsky: Collected cept. [Emphasis added] There is no “imper-
Writings, Vol. xiv, pp. 54, 55 & 56fn) tinence” to asking, but it is certainly use-
less if you have the right to take; and
The key to what we OWE humanity
every one has it, who has in him the
is in this principle. The “lower rays can power to reach.
only break and give way to upper attrac-
tions as we learn the art of service and thus My dear friends, you make too much
fulfill our obligations of involvement in the of me, who am but the unworthy and
vast mosaic of human life. humble, though devoted servant of the
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 5
MASTER, beyond. He and I can accept ceiving of the basic structure of the world.
you, but until your Higher Ego, with the ….
light of the Higher SELF on it does, the
first Triangle will never become a com- After his talks with Einstein, Bohm
plete Tetraktys. If you feel ready — go on, tried to find a workable alternative to
and you will soon find it out. To reach Bohr’s interpretation. He began by as-
the Shangna robe, one must first reach the suming that particles such as electrons do
plant; and thorny are the paths that lead exist in the absence of observers. He also
the chela to the sacred spot. …. assumed that there was a deeper reality
beneath …the subquantum level that still
Returning to the Hologram theory awaited discovery by science.1 Building
for the Monad’s mysterious pilgrimage: on these premises he discovered that sim-
ply by proposing the existence of a new
Pribram realized that if the holo- kind of field on this subquantum level he
graphic brain model was taken to its logi- was able to explain the findings of quan-
cal conclusions, it opened the door on the tum physics as well as Bohr could. Bohm
possibility that objective reality — the called his proposed new field the quantum
world of coffee cups, mountain vistas, potential and theorized that, like gravity,
elm trees, and table lamps — might not it pervaded all of space. However, unlike
even exist, or at least not exist in the way gravitational fields, magnetic fields, and
we believe it exists. Was it possible, he so on, its influence did not diminish with
wondered, that what the mystics had been distance. Its effects were subtle, but it
saying for centuries was true, reality was was equally powerful everywhere. ….
maya, an illusion, and what was out there
was really a vast, resonating symphony of In his 1957 book entitled Causality
wave forms, a “frequency domain” that and Chance in Modern Physics, he argued
was transformed into the world as we that the scientific view of causality was
know it only after it entered our senses? much too limited. (p. 39-40)
In 1980 Bohm published his book,
Realizing that the solution he was Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Here
seeking might lie outside the province of he unfolds an occult view of reality. A
his own field, he went to his physicist son student of The Secret Doctrine will find
for advice, who recommended David themselves quite comfortable with this
Bohm. Bohm regarded the entire universe book — well, not totally, as Bohm was a
as a hologram. He had reached this posi- very advanced mathematician and occa-
tion by way of Quantum Physics. The sionally leaves us struggling to keep up.
radical interconnectedness underlying the However, the general drift of his book is
phenomena of Quantum Physics caught his clear. The tangible reality of our everyday
eye, but not that of Neils Bohr, so he lives is really a kind of illusion, like a
gradually drifted back in the direction of holographic image:
Einstein such that the two, as fellows of
Princeton, had a series of meetings regard- Underlying it is a deeper order of ex-
ing a textbook on Quantum Physics that istence, a vast and more primary level of
Bohm was writing. He had sent the MSS of reality that gives birth to all the objects
the book to both Bohr and Einstein. Bohr
did not answer, but Einstein thought it bril- 1
These scientists are wise in their generation. For
liant and suggested they have some meet- all their wonderful discoveries would go for
nothing, and remain for ever headless bodies,
ings to discuss it. unless they lift the veil of matter and strain their
eyes to see beyond. Now that they have studied
During their conversations the two nature in the length, breadth, and thickness of
men discovered they each had nothing but her physical frame, it is time to remove the
skeleton to the second plane and search within
admiration for the theory’s ability to pre- the unknown depths for the living and real entity,
dict phenomena. What bothered them for its SUB-stance — the noumenon of evanescent
was that it provided no real way of con- matter. (S.D.I, 610)
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 6
and appearances in our physical world in graphic principles, it, too, would be ex-
much the same way that a piece of holo- pected to have nonlocal properties. (p.48)
gram film gives birth to a hologram.
Bohm calls this deeper level of reality the In his general theory of relativity
implicate (which means “enfolded”) or- Einstein astounded the world when he
der, and he refers to our own level of exis- said that space and time are not separate
tence as the explicate, or unfolded order. entities, but are smoothly linked and part
(p. 46) of a larger whole he called the space-time
continuum. Bohm takes this idea a giant
Because the implicate order was a step further. He says that everything in
radical wholeness, location ceased to have the universe is part of a continuum. De-
meaning. The flow had more meaning spite the apparent separateness of things
than location: at the explicate level, everything is a
seamless extension of everything else, and
At the level of our everyday lives ultimately even the implicate and expli-
things have very specific locations, but cate orders blend into each other. (p. 48)
Bohm’s interpretation of quantum physics
indicated that at the subquantum level, the Bohm, however, like occultism, cau-
level in which the quantum potential op- tions that this does not mean that the uni-
erated, location ceased to exist. All points verse is a giant undifferentiated mass.
in space became equal to all other points Dharma, Karma and reincarnation explain
in space, and it was meaningless to speak it as a journey, or a dance, or a moving
of anything as being separate from any- river.2
thing else. Physicists call this property
“nonlocality.” (p.41)
The existence of a deeper and holo- Duty arising from past karma gives the stream its
peculiarities as it travels through the explicate
graphically organized order also explains order, or in the words of The Secret Doctrine
why reality becomes nonlocal at the sub- (quoting Professor Crookes): “We may consider
quantum level. As we have seen, when that the structure of a chemical element is more
complicated than has hitherto been supposed.
something is organized holographically, Between the molecules we are accustomed to
all semblance of location breaks down.1 deal with in chemical reactions and ultimate
Saying that every part of a piece of holo- atoms as first created, come smaller molecules
or aggregates of physical atoms; then sub-
graphic film contains all the information molecules differ one from the other, according to
possessed by the whole is really just an- the position they occupied in the yttrium edifice.”
other way of saying that the information “Perhaps this hypothesis can be simplified if
is distributed nonlocally. Hence, if the we imagine yttrium to be represented by a five-
universe is organized according to holo- shilling piece. By chemical fractionation I have
divided it into five separate shillings, and find
that these shillings are not counterparts, but like
the carbon atoms in the benzol ring, have the
From Gods to men, from Worlds to atoms, from a impress of their position , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, stamped
star to a rush-light, from the Sun to the vital on them. . . . If I throw my shillings into the
heat of the meanest organic being — the world of melting-pot or dissolve them chemically, the mint
Form and Existence is an immense chain, whose stamp disappears and they all turn out to be
links are all connected. The law of Analogy is the silver.” . . .
first key to the world-problem, and these links
have to be studied co-ordinately in their occult This will be the case with all the atoms and
relations to each other. molecules when they have separated from their
compound forms and bodies — when pralaya sets
When, therefore, the Secret Doctrine — in. Reverse the case, and imagine the dawn of a
postulating that conditioned or limited space new manvantara. The pure “silver” of the
(location) has no real being except in this world absorbed material will once more separate into
of illusion, or, in other words, in our perceptive SUBSTANCE, which will generate “Divine Essences”
faculties — teaches that every one of the higher, whose “principles” (Corresponding on the cosmic
as of the lower worlds, is interblended with our scale with the Spirit, Soul-mind, Life, and the
own objective world; that millions of things and three Vehicles — the astral, the Mayavic and the
beings are, in point of localization, around and in physical bodies (of mankind) whatever division is
us, as we are around, with, and in them; it is no made.) are the primary elements, the sub-
metaphysical figure of speech, but a sober fact in elements, the physical energies and subjective
Nature, however incomprehensible to our senses. and objective matter; or, as these are epitomized
(S.D.I, 604-5) — GODS, MONADS, and ATOMS. (S.D.I, 624)
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 7
Bohm believes that our almost uni- We are a very friendly group of students
versal tendency to fragment the world and with various religious and philosophical back-
ignore the dynamic interconnectedness of grounds. Our goals are to discuss and under-
all things is responsible for many of our stand the universal truths of Theosophy.
problems, not only in science but in our
lives and our society as well. For in- On Wed. nights we are studying, The
stance, we believe we can extract the Ocean of Theosophy by W.Q. Judge, and on
valuable part of the earth without affect- Sunday mornings we’re discussing Isis
ing the whole. We believe it is possible to Unveiled by H.P. Blavatsky and Light
treat parts of our body and not be con- On The Path by Mabel Collins.
cerned with the whole. We believe we
can deal with various problems in our so- Our address is: 2700 S. Tamiami
ciety, such as crime, poverty, and drug Tr. Suite #14 (we’re moving to Suite #11 in
addiction, without addressing the prob- October), Sarasota, Florida, and our phone
lems in our society as a whole, and so on. number is: 941-312-9494.
In his writings Bohm argues passionately Please feel free to call Bob Waxman if
that our current way of fragmenting the you need any additional information.
world into parts not only doesn’t work,
but may even lead to our extinction. (p.
49) United Lodge of Theosophists
1917 Walnut Street
Only human beings have come to a
Philadelphia, PA 19103
point where they no longer know why they
exist. They don’t use their brains and they
have forgotten the secret knowledge of their All welcome No collections
bodies, their senses, or their dreams. They
don’t use the knowledge the spirit has put
into every one of them; they are not even
aware of this, and so they stumble along
blindly on the road to nowhere — a paved
highway which they themselves bulldoze
and make smooth so that they can get faster Ancient Wisdom tradition
to the big empty hole which they’ll find at From the Writings of
the end, waiting to swallow them up. It’s a H. P. Blavatsky & W. Q. Judge
quick comfortable superhighway, but I know
where it leads to. I’ve seen it. I’ve been 11:00a.m. – 12:45 p.m.,
there in my vision and it makes me shudder Every other Sunday
to think about it. (p. 286)

— Lakota shaman Lame Deer Schedule

Lame Deer Seeker of Visions Currently studying –
The Secret Doctrine
By H.P. Blavatsky
A Synthesis of Religion, Science, and Philosophy
Located at:

The Global Village

TRS Professional Suites, 11th floor
44 East 32nd Street (between Park & Madison)
New York, N.Y.
Near subway and bus lines.
Sarasota, Florida
Theosophy Group David — (718) 438 — 5021
Amedeo- (973) 697-5938
Meets Weekly on: – Classes are free and open to all —
WEDNESDAYS: — 7 – 8:15 P.M.
SUNDAYS — 11 AM – 12:30 PM United Lodge of Theosophists
Robert Crosbie House
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 8
62 Queens Gardens THEOSOPHY HALL
London W23AH, England 347 East 72 Street
Tel +(44) 20 7723 0688 New York, NY 10021
Fax +(44) 20 7262 8639 (212) 535-2230
Contact us: E-mail:
SUNDAYS 8.00 - 9.00 p.m.
ULT London UK All meetings are free. No collections, fees or dues.

PROGRAMME Discussion - Multi-Media

FOR JANUARY TO MARCH 2003 Monday Night
Introductory Class 7:30-9:00pm
One Thursday a month 7 - 830 pm
A monthly class that introduces the Investigation of the unexplained laws of
fundamental ideas of man’s consti-tution, Nature, and the psychical powers latent in
his relation to the cosmos and universal man.
laws such as karma and reincarnation.
Mar 6th Free Study Materials Provided
Study Group Wednesdays 7 - 8 pm • Meditation & Raja Yoga
This group studies the Theosophical • Dreams and the Dreamer
concepts and their ramifications, including • Karma and Reincarnation
references from the Secret Doctrine and • Places After Death
the great world religions. • Spiritual and Psychic Realms
It’s an opportunity for enquiring discussion • A Relationship with God
and the search for the meanings within • Science and Psi Phenomena
these traditions. THEOSOPHY HALL
347 East 72 Street, NY NY 10021
Doors Open at 6:45PM
Phone: (212) 535-2230
Talks and informal meetings Refreshments Served
Sundays 7 - 8 pm Current topics: Contrasting ancient theoso-
phical teachings with the standard scientific
Talks, followed by questions, or informal view of the world, and current psi phenom-
meetings where articles are read and ena. Including distance viewing, crop circles,
discussed. remembering past lives, etc.

Practical information
Texts include “The Secret Doctrine”, “Isis
By Bus: 7, 15, 23, 27, 36.
Unveiled” and other original Theosophical
By Underground: Paddington or Lancaster Gate. sources.
Visitors are welcome and may use the reference “The Bhagavad-Gita”
library, please call or e-mail to arrange. Wed. Night — 7:30-8:45
Meetings are free, can be joined at any time and it is
not necessary to register for attendance. Free Study Materials Provided
The ancient psychology of the East and its
United Lodge of Theosophists application in this “era of Western Occultism.”
Theosophy Hall
77 W. Encanto Blvd. “Ecos del Oriente”, by Wm.Q. Judge
Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Meets the first two Wednesdays of the month
Telephone (602) 290-0563
347 East 72 Street, NY, NY 10021
Email: Doors Open at 6:45PM
Web: Phone: (212) 535-2230

Study Classes Sunday Evenings

7:30 — 8:30 pm PROGRAMME
THE United Lodge of Theosophists
THE OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY by Wm. Q. Judge, “Maitri Bhavan” 4, Sir Krishna Rao Road, Near Lalbagh
West Gate, — Basavanagudi, Bangalore-560 004.
THEOSOPHY by Judge/Crosbie T.B.A.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 9
THEOSOPHY B.P. 11372 Douala Localisation Ndog - Bong
Secret Doctrine Classes Heures d’ouverture: mercedi 19h – 20 h 15
Sunday 11am - 12:45 Samedi 19h – 20 h 15
Theosophy Discovery Circle Toutes les activités de la Loge sont libres et
44 E. 32nd St [between Park & Madison] gratuites
Monday 7:30 to 9 pm Les reunions commencent et se terminent aux
New York ULT 347 East 72nd Street heures précises indiquées
Wednesday 2 to 4 pm La Loge est maintenue en activité par des
Antwerp ULT, Belgium participations bénévoles
Wednesday 7:30 to 8:45 pm Tel: 40-76-72
Los Angeles ULT
Saturday 10 am to 12 noon — Theosophy Centre United Lodge of Theosophists
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Wednesday — Bangalore ULT, India
Bethesda, MD 20814
phone (301) 656-3566
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UNITED LODGE OF THEOSOPHISTS, Meetings: Sundays 11 a.m. to 12 noon
Malmölogen (Lectures followed by questions and answers, or group discussions.)
Kungsgatan 16 A, 211 49 Malmö, tel. 0709 26 22 12

Varje Onsdag 19.30 – 20.30


kl 17.15 - 18.15 POINT OUT THE WAY
Den Hemliga Läran av Helena Blavatsky
(Vårt kursmaterial är “DHL” del I, löpande studier) XXXI
Den Hemliga Läran är den teosofiska filosofins
ryggrad. Chapter VII
Det mesta som finns i denna bok speglar kärnan i I. Manas, Self-consciousness and the Brain
teosofins esoteriska lära.
Question: — Does Manas evolve?
kl 18.15 - 19.15 Answer: — If we mean by Manas, pure
Teosofins Ocean av William Q. Judge
(Vårt kursmaterial är “Oceanen”. Se vår studieplan self—consciousness, how could it be an
för hela evolution. It is a descent of divine fire
höstterminen längre ner på sidan under from above, not an evolution from below
Dharmagrupp II) upward.
Teosofins Ocean är en förenklad version av We should remember that, according to
Den Hemliga Läran.
För en sökare finns det ingen bättre bok att studera The Secret Doctrine there are engaged in
om man vill lära what we call evolution, seven classes of
känna teosofins grundläggande filosofi enligt HPB purely spiritual beings, and the collectivity
och Mästarna. of each one of these classes constitutes
what we know as the seven principles.
Considering a principle as a basis of action
LOGIE UNIE DES THÉOSOPHES we can see that each principle serves as the
Loge Unie des Théosophes
11 bis, rue Kepler – 75116 Paris vehicle of action for the beings of the prin-
ciple next above it. Taking these state-
Conferences Mercredis, 19 h 30 – 20 h 45
ments in combination, it ought to be easy
Loge Unie des Théosophes Douala
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 10
for us to see what is meant by the “evolu- Now, what is the Inner Man. Self plus the
tion” of Manas. other six principles. But suppose we peel
off not only the body but another of the
We may also recall that in the Second Vol- principles, as takes place at death; what is
ume of the S.D., H.P.B. makes these still left. The Inner Man:
statements: Buddhi—the principle Bud-
dhi—has two aspects, while the principle Self plus four principles. Now suppose we
Manas has three aspects: (a) Manas in peel off—that is, separate Man from—
connection with Buddhi; (b) Manas in another element; it is still the Inner Man.
connection with Kama; (c) Manas as a So the term means Man plus his principles,
principle per se. Now, H.P.B. defines Ma- apart from the physical body. Oftentimes
nas per se in The Key to Theosophy and “inner man” is used simply to indicate the
says that in itself, Manas pure and simple reincarnating Ego, but you will find the
is Spiritual Self-Consciousness. Then, in very expression, the inner man, used by
the First Volume of the S.D., she says that H.P.B. to designate our tempter: she
when this pure Self—Consciousness de- speaks of the more intimate astral man, the
scends into matter, it loses all conscious- astral, which is more often our devil than
ness of its own individuality and has to otherwise.
regain it in matter. We get a perfect anal-
ogy from the very phrase, “lighting up.” It is like the word Man itself. Say the
When a man with seeing power goes into word Man to a materialist; what does it
the dark, he becomes blind until he strikes mean. A form that was born so many
a light. So far as the Manasic principle years ago, that will be dissipated in so
goes, that “light” is struck by our duty to many years, and so forth. Then say Man to
our younger brothers, and in no other way. a psychologist, and at once he thinks of
man in terms of mind. Say Man to a
Christian and he will begin to reflect that
Chapter VII man is a soul created by God. But say
II. The Inner Ego, Incarnation and the Man to a Theosophist, and he will say,
“Mindless Man”
“Which man are you talking about. That
Question: — What is the difference be- is, which aspect of the embodied Self or
tween the “inner man” and the “inner Spirit?”
Ego”? Question: — On p. 59, Mr. Judge says
Answer: — The expression “inner man” is that the Egos will have to make a con-
sometimes used to represent merely the scious choice, and that those who do not
astral man. “Inner Ego” is used to repre- choose correctly will have to be annihi-
sent the psychic man, or Lower Manas, as lated. That does not mean that the being as
well as Manas per se; that is, Manas as a being is annihilated, does it. Is it just the
self-consciousness, irrespective of form or experiences that are annihilated?
relation. Again, “Inner Man” sometimes Answer: — It means that all the personal
means Buddhi—Manas, and sometimes it or material experiences, the harvest
means the divine Ego. amassed throughout this entire period of
Suppose for a moment that we regard our- evolution, will be lost by that act—
selves as seven—principled beings. This absolutely gone—and to acquire that ex-
means that we are, so to say, but one Self perience again, the Ego will have to begin
or Spirit surrounded by seven elements. at the bottom and come up all over the
We live in the midst of seven elements or weary road that he has traveled so far.
seven principles, only one of which is visi- There is no annihilation in the sense that
ble to the senses——the physical body. anything that is can ever cease to be; there
is no creation in the sense that something
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 11
that was not can be made to be. In other enable us, when we dwell on it as an anal-
words, neither the scientific idea of evolu- ogy, to see how it is that when the latter
tion, which has materialism as its basis, part of the Fifth Round comes, myriads
nor the religious idea of creation, which upon myriads of men, unable to face the
has superstition as its basis, neither one of accumulated Karma of the Manvantara—
them could by any possibility be true as not merely the precipitated Karma of a
understood by the scientific man or as un- single lifetime—will say, “I would rather
derstood by the religious man. But the be out of it; I would prefer extinction to
Theosophist knows what lies behind those this.” They have made their choice, just as
concepts of theirs: they have spelled nature any one living today makes his individual
upside down; the fact is there, but they choice.
have misconceived it.
Every year there are thousands upon
Question: — Does the same self-conscious thousands of suicides; thousands upon
being begin all over again his work with thousands of adult, reasoning men and
matter? women come to that point of tangled
threads in one single incarnation where
Answer: — That is the teaching. There they say, “I would rather be annihilated
must be a new “first” contact with matter. than struggle with this, than face this.”
Remember that, in the spiritual sense, That is a deliberate choice. When they
“matter” only means separative existence, have to face the precipitation, not of one
instead of unitary existence. But annihila- life time but of thousands of lifetimes,
tion, in the sense that we use that word— what are these people going to do. Will
like the creation of something out of noth- not many of them make the same choice
ing, the going into nothingness of some- again. And then that means that they will
thing that is—is not meant in the teaching lose all consciousness of separative, indi-
at all. The annihilation spoken of means vidual existence. So, when the new Man-
the loss of that which has been partially vantara opens, they will begin just as is
gained, and the chance, of course, in the spoken of in the Third Fundamental—they
next Manvantara to regain it. have to pass through every elemental form
until they regain the level at which they
Illustrate that in this way: Here is a
quit in this cycle. Then only is Manas
man who has the capacity to go on living
waked up in them.
for 30 or 40 years. "Luck" goes against
him; he thinks that he can get rid of all his Question:.—Where was man before the
misfortunes by committing suicide; that is, lighting up of Manas?
he thinks that if he blows his head off, he
will be annihilated. Now, he is “annihi- Answer: — I think we can get at that best
lated,” so far as this life is concerned. He by analogy. Where is the sense of smell
takes a shot, puts a bullet through his heart when there is nothing to smell. Where is
or brain, and we say, “He is dead; that is the sense of sight when there is nothing to
the end of him.” It is, for this incarnation. see. Where is the power to think when
But is the man annihilated. No. He there are no differentiated objects to think
merely lost what he had so far gained in about. Manas is the principle of self-
this incarnation and what he might have consciousness acting in a differentiated
gained, and in the next incarnation he has universe. Atma-Buddhi is the principle of
to begin all over again—plus the tendency self-consciousness acting in a homogene-
to come to the same conclusion. ous universe. The moment there is separa-
tion, there is Manas. But before there is
The suicide says, in effect, “I would separation, how could there be anything
rather cease to be than go on being as I but Atma—Buddhi. All our senses exist in
am,” and the very fact of suicide ought to
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 12
potency, in potentiality; they are non- self-consciousness asleep to manifestation;
existent; they are in a state of absolute be- what else could it be. Atma-Buddhi is the
ing; they are non—active—until what. same self-consciousness awake to the
Until there is something to stimulate them, spiritual harvest of all universal experi-
something to arouse them. We have the ences. Manas is that same Self in action.
sense of smell right now in potency, but It can all be put into one phrase:
until there is some object to excite that
sense, it does not exist—it only remains as Manas is the perception of differen-
a mental abstraction; that is, as a perma- tiated existence; Buddhi is the perception
nent potentiality. of homogeneous existence; Atma is the
perceiver of both differentiated and homo-
So, until there was differentiated life, geneous existence.
how could there be Manas. Until the drops
of water separated themselves from the [TO BE CONTINUED ]
lake, how could there be drops of water.
That is the whole story. H. P. Blavatsky
says in The Key to Theosophy that there is
no more difference between Buddhi and
Manas than there is between a lake and its
waters. Now, so long as the waters of the
lake remain as one unitary mass, we can’t THE COFFEE KLATCH
speak of the drops of water except as men-
tal concepts; but the moment the lake is Coffee Maker: While history is
troubled, there is still water, and there are never tidy — and our theosophical one
also many drops of water. most decidedly so — still there is
much to be learned. If we could
We are one single man, yet we can evaluate as E GOS , as Spectators,
set a thousand activities afloat, and in rather than personalities think what
whatever direction we are active, we pre- riches could be gleaned!
sent, even from that single point of view,
two aspects: the active aspect of ourselves, Gray-flanneled Man: Yes, I agree, but
and our infinite capacity for further and there are few willing to inspect it in that
other activities. Now, make an analogy of way. A crop of disinterested investigators
that — we can see that Manas is the active have yet to be harvested.
aspect of Buddhi in any individual form.
Manas is the same principle that we
speak of as Buddhi and as Atma. What is Theosophy, the Theosophical Movement,
Atma. Well, we can use a thousand words, and Theosophists

but it is self-consciousness without any HE THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT
qualification or relation whatever. What is in its inclusive sense means the
Atma-Buddhi? It is the same self- triple course of evolution pursued
consciousness we are all dwelling in—it is by self-conscious Egos from the dawn to
accumulated experience — and what is the close of a Manvantara. "Being is an
Manas. It is the identical Atma-Buddhi, endless cycle within the one absolute eter-
but limited still more to individual experi- nity, wherein move numberless inner cy-
ence—yours, mine, any other man’s. We cles, finite and conditioned."
think of Manas as different from Atma,
and of Buddhi as different from Atma. Yet The Movement in our times is a cy-
it is all one and the same thing in three cle of 100 years which began in 1875,
different relations. Atman is the man, or and is the sixth in a series which began in
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 13
the last quarter of the fourteenth century. nor chance in the mission and message of
It will be followed by a seventh com- H. P. Blavatsky, but the whole course of
mencing in 1975. The present centenary the Movement with all its confusions,
cycle, and the series to which it belongs, contradictions, and bewilderments is
are both included in the "Messianic cycle" nevertheless the orderly development of
of 2,155 years, itself but a phase in a still Karma. That course must have been
larger one, and so on throughout the life- fully foreseen by the Masters of Wis-
period of a whole Race, of a series of dom, must have governed Their Mes-
Races, and of our entire solar system, of senger in all her conduct, and must corre-
which this earth and its inhabitants com- spond to former messages, messengers,
prise but a portion. The whole mass of and cyclic repetitions of the Movement-
Egos collectively, in Races, Sub-races, and must be understandable by those
Family-races, nations, etc.; the individual who conscientiously make use of the keys
Egos in their various stages — all these provided by the teachings and example
represent cycles upon cycles, wheels of H. P. B. in their own efforts to do
within wheels, which "down to their more than "dimly perceive" the uninter-
smallest ramifications, overlap and are rupted concatenation of causes in the
entangled with each other until it is agglomerate of effects heaped up in the
nearly impossible to separate them." events of our cycle as so far in evidence.
The key of cycles, otherwise of Karma
and Reincarnation, underlies and per- . . . All the ramifications of the
vades the entire teachings of the Wisdom- Movement can be looked at from below
Religion whose partial re-presentation in up, that is to say, from the personal
our times by H. P. Blavatsky was by her standpoint; or from the point of view that
named Theosophy. all those engaged are reincarnating Egos
who,- in this life, are but renewing and
All cycles, the most transitory as continuing courses individually and col-
well as the longest, are repetitions on an lectively pursued in former cycles and
ascending and descending scale, and run former lives on earth.
their course in strict mathematical se-
quence. Three statements on this sub- These two opposite planes of per-
ject in The Secret Doctrine are of the ception, the human or personal, and the -
utmost importance to all theosophical impersonal or Egoic, represent the two
students. They are: antagonistic elements in the Movement
as in the man, the esoteric and esoteric
The reincarnationists and believers in aspects of both. "The human being con-
Karma alone dimly perceive that the stantly confuses effects with causes, the
whole secret of Life is in the unbroken se- genuine Occultist never." The contrast,
ries of its manifestations: whether in, or and the way to deal with it, is clearly put in
apart from, the physical body:" (I, 238).
the "Introductory" to The Secret Doctrine
. . . the first law in nature is uniform- (I, xx)
ity in diversity, and the second — analogy,
"The true philosopher, the student
‘As above, so below.’ (II, 699).
of the Esoteric Wisdom, entirely loses
"Analogy is the guiding law in Na- sight of personalities, dogmatic beliefs
ture, the only true Ariadne's thread that and special religions."
can lead us, through the inextricable paths
of her domain, toward her primal and fi- When this attitude of mind is adopted
nal mysteries." (II, 153). and adhered to, then men, things, methods,
policies, actions and events can be studied
If these generalizations are true, with profit and what otherwise is merely
then not only was there neither miracle controversial becomes truly educational.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 14
of him who reads, the “great register.”
Theosophy, the Theosophical Movement,
and Theosophists, are all one and the same
— whether as creature, creator, or as Per-
THE literature of any movement is ceiver pure and simple, they belong to the
the public “voice of the silence," for in it is domain of psychology, and should be ob-
recorded the only mental deposits which served studied, dealt with from the stand-
are accessible to succeeding generations. point of the reincarnating Ego who is be-
From these remains of what at one time yond time, as beyond the physical and the
were the vital moving causes of conduct personal field of battle in which he is in-
and events, each student must revisualize volved, eternally between his own Will
for himself as best he can the invisible, and Karma.
esoteric, governing motives, tendencies,
forces at work in the minds of those Egos The Value of all history is, therefore,
to whose works he has fallen heir under his wholly psychological. Whatever reality
own Karma. things possess must be looked for in them
before or after they have passed like a flash
From such study he can recognize through the material world. The thing
his own present affinities, the coming to done or witnessed — a moment after — is
life of his own mental deposits from past as irrevocably beyond the horizon of
egoic associations, and, in the light of this physical force or perception as the thing
combined spiritual biography and autobi- not yet come within range. Merely to at-
ography, bring his own intelligence and tempt retrospection or forevision is to
will into conscious determination of his assume the position of the Spectator, the
own course. Either he will be dominated Witness, the true Self. To maintain that
by the influences of his own vast past, attitude is to be a Disciple. The story of
which constitute his existing internal con- the Movement is the story of the efforts of
ditions, as they are energized by external Theosophists to achieve and hold that posi-
relations, and thus become the creature of tion; their successes and failures so to do
Karma — or, he will, by deliberate and are merely imaged in the fluctuating for-
informed choice, struggle to overcome tunes of the visible Movement. [Extracted
adverse circumstances within and without, from The Aftermath, i & ii.]
and thus regain his true status of a creator,
the “will-born Lord." In either eventuality
he will have to fight, or flee from the field
of battle, for he is at the turning point,
whence the ways go up or down. The
great majority of men have not as yet ar-
rived in their evolution at “the moment of
choice,” but every Theosophist has, or he
would not be within the sphere of the Dear Jerome,
Movement at all.
The outward actions, the visible per- “ESOTERICISM OF CHRISTIAN DOGMA”
sonal equations, are, among Theosophists, and it's so interesting.
the mere silhouettes on the screen of time
we call the past, the present, and the future. I would like to add one or two points on this:
The real, because the causal aspect of the • On the evening of the 25th of
Movement, individually and collectively, December, the ancient Egyptians used
to place presents under a tree to honor
is not in the visible record but in the mind,
the birth of Osiris.
whether in the mind of him who makes, or
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 15
• Dionysus was also known as the holy — witness the death of Socrates. Socrates
child, often depicted as a baby. Please learned this lesson firsthand when a number of
see attached photo. Very much like in students in whom he inculcated his atheistic
the icons of Virgin Mary and Jesus views turned out to be a menace to Athenian

How would you answer this, since you are

closer to Socrates’ birthplace than I!
You may have heard of the book — God,
The Evidence…. The author, Patrick
Glynn, makes a fairly sophisticated pitch
for anthropomorphic religion, and goes
into great detail giving examples of the
movement of science away from atheism
back toward what he calls "God." I will
grant his idea that there is a "design" in the
• Christos (Χριστός) was a title given to
universe, but that is derived from continu-
advanced initiates in the Eleusinian ity of Karmic Law, and the pervasive na-
mysteries. ture of intelligence to carry and express
that continuity. The entire universe is
With warmest regards from soaked in divinity and the human kingdom
Costas Athens, GREECE is the most developed example of the
Dear Costas, Great Unknown.1

Many thanks!! Anything you send like

this is enormously helpful, so we are grate- Dear Jerome,
ful to you. I may be closer to Plato's Academy and
have a nice Saturday, the Athenian Agora (or what is left of it) geo-
graphically, but not spiritually than you are.
Certainly, the trial and execution of Soc-
rates is a dark "page" for Athens.
P.S.: While technically Socrates was accused I believe the true reason for his accusa-
of being an atheist, no one in Greece really tion was a political plot, aiming against some
believed that did they? I just ran across this in of his students, mainly against Alkiviades by
a book I am reviewing: their political opponents. Just like Jesus, Soc-
"Socrates debates the existence of the afterlife 1
“Man is certainly no special creation, and he is
on his deathbed in Plato's Phaedo because he is the product of Nature’s gradual perfective work,
not prepared to believe it. Hamlet debates the like any other living unit on this Earth. But this
existence of an afterlife when he contemplates is only with regard to the human tabernacle.
That which lives and thinks in man and survives
suicide because Shakespeare had the same that frame, the masterpiece of evolution—is the
skeptical view of such human beliefs as Socra- “Eternal Pilgrim,” the Protean differentiation in
tes (Shakespeare was a writer in the Platonic space and time of the One Absolute
tradition). The difference between ancient and ‘unknowable.’” (The Secret Doctrine, II, 728)

modern philosophy essentially came down to While science went in one direction and mass
an issue of discretion: The ancient philoso- religion went in another, there was always a
minority that took Teleology quite seriously, and
phers attempted to conceal their atheism, while who believed the universe soaked in divinity.
the modern philosophers broadcast their athe- They would never call themselves atheists, but
ism from the housetops. The ancients were they would not call themselves “believers” in any
ordinary sense of that word. Believers in man
more discreet partly because the stakes were perhaps, but never as the tail to some
higher: In the old days, you could be perse- organizational kite with its preachers, priests,
cuted and even executed for heterodox beliefs and money-wardens.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 16
rates had the option to defend himself more
"effectively" or even to flee, but he decided not neophytes instructed in the upper temples were
initiated into the final Mysteries in the crypts.
to do so.
These instructions were the last surviving
I don't think it had anything to do with heirloom of archaic wisdom, and it is under the
guidance of high Initiates that they were
restriction of philosophical beliefs and ideas. enacted. We use the word “enacted” purposely;
There were so many schools, Pythagorean, for the oral instructions at low breath were given
Epicurean, Democretian, Peripatetic to name only in the crypts, in solemn silence and secrecy.
During the public classes and general teachings,
but a few, with conflicting theories and ideas the lessons in cosmogony and theogony were
who coexisted in peace. Local governments delivered in allegorical representation, the modus
and kings often supported them. Of course operandi of the gradual evolution of Kosmos,
worlds, and finally of our earth, of gods and men,
there may be exceptions. all was imparted in a symbolical way. The great
Later, during the Christian epoch, Socra- public performances during the festivals of the
Mysteries, were witnessed by the masses and the
tes was considered by many as the first Chris- personified truths worshipped by the
tian who lived before Christ. This I think is multitudes—blindly. Alone the high Initiates, the
one of the reasons that most of Plato's works Epoptae, understood their language and real
meaning. All this, and so far, is well known to
survived in the late Roman and during the the world of scholars.
Byzantine times, while works of other writers
It was a common claim of all the ancient
were lost forever. Censorship was applied nations that the real mysteries of what is called
during the Christian era, but (I believe) not in so unphilosophically, creation, were divulged to
classical Greece. the elect of our (fifth) race by its first dynasties
of divine Rulers—gods in flesh, “divine
It's interesting that neither Jesus nor incarnations,” or Avatars, so called. The last
Socrates wrote any texts. Some would argue Stanzas, given from the Book of Dzyan in The
Secret Doctrine (Vol. II, p. 21), speak of those
that so did Shakespeare, but it was F. Bacon who ruled over the descendants “. . . produced
who wrote the plays. from the Holy stock,” and “. . . Who
redescended, who made peace with the fifth
Recently I heard of a sacred library [race], who taught and instructed it . . .”
somewhere in central ancient Greece, where The phrase “made peace” shows that there had
only initiates were allowed to enter. Publica- been a previous quarrel. The fate of the
tion of its contents or even its existence had the Atlanteans in our philosophy, and that of the
prediluvians in the Bible, corroborates the idea.
penalty of death. Once more — many centuries before the
If Homer for example had access to this Ptolemies — the same abuse of the sacred
knowledge crept in amongst the initiates of the
library, it would explain the vast knowledge of Sanctuary in Egypt. Preserved for countless ages
Homer on poetry, geography, history, sociol- in all their purity, the sacred teachings of the
ogy, psychology, warfare, physics, meteorol- gods, owing to personal ambition and
selfishness, became corrupted again. The
ogy, etc. essential to him in order to write his meaning of the symbols found itself but too often
Epics. desecrated by unseemly interpretations, and very
soon the Eleusinian Mysteries remained the only
Do you have any information or refer- ones pure from adulteration and sacrilegious
ence to the existence of such a library?1 innovations. These were in honour of (Ceres)
Demeter, or Nature, and were celebrated in
Athens, the flowers of the intellect of Asia Minor
What you say seems likely, as HPB speaks of the and Greece being initiated thereinto. In his 4th
Initiated Fraternities all over the world having Book, Zosimus states that these Initiates
such hiding places. Here’s an interesting embraced the whole of mankind; while Aristides
discussion of the Eleusinia: calls the Mysteries the common temple of the
The ritualism of primitive Christianity — as now It is to preserve some reminiscence of this
sufficiently shown — sprang from ancient “temple,” and to rebuild it, if need be, that
Masonry. The latter was, in its turn, the certain elect ones among the initiated began to
offspring of the, then, almost dead Mysteries. Of be set apart. This was done by their High
these we have now a few words to say. Hierophants in every century, from the time
It is well known that throughout antiquity, when the sacred allegories showed the first signs
besides the popular worship composed of the of desecration and decay. For the great Eleusinia
dead-letter forms and empty exoteric finally shared the same fate as the others. Their
ceremonies, every nation had its secret cult earlier excellency and purpose are described by
known to the world as the MYSTERIES. Strabo, Clement of Alexandria who shows the greater
one among many others, warrants for this mysteries divulging the secrets and the mode of
assertion (See Geographica, lib. X, ch. iii, Sect. construction of the Universe, this being the
9). No one received admittance into them save beginning, the end and the ultimate goal of
those prepared for it by special training. The
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 17
Best greetings from,
human knowledge, for in them was shown to the
initiated, Nature and all things as they are Costas Athens, GREECE
(Strom, Bk. V, ch. xi ). This is the Pythagorean
Gnosis ¬ (<äF4l Jä< Ð<JT< Epictetus Born: ~Spring 1865 George Washington Carver
speaks of these instructions in the highest terms: Died: January 5, 1943
“All that is ordained therein was established by Birthplace: Diamond Grove, Missouri
our masters for the instruction of men and the Former Slave, Educator, Scientist, Businessperson,
correction of our customs” (apud Arrian. Dissert., Service Industry Employee, Agriculturist, Medical
lib. III, cap. 21). Plato asserts in the Phaedo the Worker, Artist, Author, Lecturer, Domestic, Reformer,
same: the object of the Mysteries was to re- Performing Artist.
establish the soul in its primordial purity, or that
George Washington Carver was born on a Missouri
state of perfection from which it had fallen.
farm near Diamond Grove (now called Diamond),
But there came a day when the Mysteries Newton County in Marion Township, Missouri. He
deviated from their purity in the same way as the received a B.S. from the Iowa Agricultural College in
exoteric religions. This began when the State 1894 and a M.S. in 1896. He became a member of the
bethought itself, on the advice of Aristogeiton faculty of Iowa State College of Agriculture and
(510 B.C.), of drawing from the Eleusinia a Mechanic Arts in charge of the school's bacterial
constant and prolific source of income. A law laboratory work in the Systematic Botany department.
was passed to that effect. Henceforth, no one His work with agricultural products developed
could be initiated without paying a certain sum of industrial applications from farm products, called
money for the privilege. That boon which could chemurgy in technical literature in the early 1900s. His
hitherto be acquired only at the price of research developed 325 products from peanuts, 108
incessant, almost superhuman effort, toward applications for sweet potatoes, and 75 products
virtue and excellency, was now to be purchased
derived from pecans. He moved to Tuskegee, Alabama
for so much gold. Laymen—and even priests : in 1896 to accept a position as an instructor at the
themselves—while accepting the desecration lost
eventually their past reverence for the inner Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute and remained
Mysteries, and this led to further profanation of on the faculty until his death in 1943. His work in
the Sacred Science. The rent made in the veil developing industrial applications from agricultural
widened with every century; and more than ever products derived 118 products, including a rubber
the Supreme Hierophants, dreading the final substitute and over 500 dyes and pigments, from 28
publication and distortion of the most holy different plants. He was responsible for the invention
secrets of nature, laboured to eliminate them in 1927 of a process for producing paints and stains
from the inner programme, limiting the full from soybeans, for which three separate patents were
knowledge thereof but to the few. It is those set issued.
apart who soon became the only custodians of
the divine heirloom of the ages. Seven centuries
later, we find Apuleius, his sincere inclination
toward magic and the mystical notwithstanding,
writing in his Golden Ass a bitter satire against
the hypocrisy and debauchery of certain orders
of half-initiated priests. It is through him also, pledges to, and the injunction of, their long
that we learn that in his day (2nd century A.D.) departed Hierophants and $"F48,Ãl, “Kings,”
the Mysteries had become so universal that rebuilt, the Epoptae, their “lower,” and the
persons of all ranks and conditions, in every Mystae, their “upper” temples. For such were
country, men, women, and children, all were their respective appellations in antiquity, and are
initiated! Initiation had become as necessary in so to this day in certain regions. Sophocles
his day as baptism has since become with the speaks in the Electra (707) of the foundations of
Christians; and, as the latter is now, so the Athens — the site of the Eleusinian Mysteries —
former had become then — i.e., meaningless, as being the “sacred edifice of the gods,” i.e.,
and a purely dead-letter ceremony of mere form. built by the gods. Initiation was spoken of as
Still later, the fanatics of the new religion laid “walking into the temple,” and “cleaning,” or
their heavy hand on the Mysteries. rebuilding the temple referred to the body of an
initiate on his last and supreme trial (Vide St.
The Epoptae, they “who see things as they are” John’s Gospel, ii, 19). The esoteric doctrine,
disappeared one by one, emigrating into regions also, was sometimes called by the name of
inaccessible to the Christians. The Mystae (from “Temple” and popular exoteric religion, by that of
Mystes or “veiled”), “they who see things only as “city.” To build a temple meant to found an
they appear” remained very soon, alone, sole esoteric school; to “build a city temple” signified
masters of the situation. to establish a public cult. Therefore, the true
surviving “Masons” of the lower Temple, or the
It is the former, the “set apart,” who have
crypt, the sacred place of initiation, are the only
preserved the true secrets; it is the Mystae,
custodians of the true Masonic secrets now lost
those who knew them only superficially, who laid
to the world. We yield willingly to the modern
the first foundation stone of modern Masonry;
Fraternity of Masons the title of “Builders of the
and it is from this half-pagan, half-converted
higher Temple,” as the a priori superiority of the
primitive fraternity of Masons that Christian
comparative adjective is as illusionary as the
ritualism and most of its dogmas were born.
blaze of the burning bush of Moses itself in the
Both the Epoptae and the Mystae are entitled to
Templars’ Lodges.
the name of Masons: for both carrying out their
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 18

What is Theosophy? 1
10. Theosophy is that branch of music,
which harmonises physical nature
11. Theosophy is that part of gardening,
1. Theosophy is that branch of human which teaches one how to rear trees
perfection, by which one may out of charcoal.
establish himself with the eternal 12. Theosophy is that branch of
cause of invisible nature; to which sanitation, which teaches one how to
this physical effect is a bubble. purify nature by means of cause and
2. Theosophy is that knowledge which effect.
leads one from animalism to Divinity. 13. Theosophy is that branch of
3. Theosophy is that branch of human engineering, which bridges the gulf
philosophy, which theoretically between life and death.
teaches one what he really is beyond 14. Theosophy is that warlike art, which
mind and personal individuality teaches one how to subdue
(Ego). (subjugate) time and death, the two
4. Theosophy is that branch of mightiest foes of man.
chemistry, by which one begets 15. Theosophy is that food, which
IMMORTALITY. enables one to taste the most
5. Theosophy is that branch of painting exquisite sweetness in his own self.
(one’s self) which Time cannot 16. Theosophy is that branch of
efface. navigation, which teaches one the
6. Theosophy is that branch of starting point and the final goal of
husbandry (agriculture) by which one human life.
may preserve the seed without rearing 17. Theosophy is that branch of
the tree. commerce, which makes one fit to
7. Theosophy is that branch of optics, select unerringly the commodities for
which magnifies one’s view to see both lives.
beyond physical nature. 18. Theosophy is that branch of politics,
8. Theosophy is that branch of human which unites past and future into one
surgery, which separate physical present, and establishes peace with
nature from the spiritual. the most tumultuous off-shoots of
debased nature.
9. Theosophy is that branch of Masonry,
which shows the universe in an egg. 19. Theosophy is that branch of
mineralogy, by which one may
discover the source of eternal wealth,
combining life, knowledge and
eternal joy into one.
Paramahansas are the order of the highest Yogi-
Sannyasis, who alone are allowed to throw off 20. Theosophy is that branch of
the yoke of the Hindu caste superstitions. While
all the others have to perform, more or less the astronomy, which proves that spirit is
daily exoteric ceremonies of their respective the only fixed star which sets not
Ashrums or orders, no rules of action can be
assigned to these. — ED[HPB] throughout the revolutions of nature.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 19
21. Theosophy is that branch of box in the form of his singleness of purpose all
gymnastics, which invigorates the the functions of his mind and intelligence.
mind, expands the intellect, unites the You may wonder how such a devotee
thoughts with the tie of breath,1 will ultimately reach Me, but, he who is living
removes the heat of lust, and in nectar (immortality), cannot die. Life,
produces a balmy calmness, which is which is not informed with devotion towards
the heart’s eye, to penetrate the Me, is full of sin, just as the hours, during
mysteries of nature. which the sun is not shining, are called the
night. When nearness to Me is realized in the
THE THEOSOPHIST, VOL. III, AUG. 1882, P. 273 heart, a devotee virtually assumes My form.
After a lamp is lighted from another, it is im-
possible to say which came first. So whoever
wholeheartedly devotes himself to Me be-
comes Me. He acquires My status, peaceful-
ness and luster. Whoever desires to reach Me,
O Arjuna, must not lose sight of devotion to
Me for a second.

Attaining Me is not a matter of superior-

ity of birth, or excellence of race or exaltation
of learning. Neither the weight of personal
beauty nor age nor acquisitions count here. If
D NYANESHVARI there is no devotion to Me, everything else is
useless. Corn stalks without corn in them, and
[The Dnyaneshvari is mentioned many times by Madame
the beautiful city, which is deserted, are use-
Blavatsky, always in glowing terms. The following less. A large lake, which has gone dry, the
rendition is extracted from Manu Subedar’s translation. meeting of one miserable party with another in
The great Sage, Dnaneshwara Maharaj sang this work to
his people when he was quite young. He did it in their
a desert, and the blossoming of a tree, which
native language, Marathi, about 700 years ago. It is his does not give any fruits, is useless. All mag-
commentary on the Bhagavad Gita.] nificence, pride of birth or race, is like a body
with all its limbs intact but which has no life in
XXX it. Existence without devotion to Me is insig-
[Continued from Vol. III, #7] nificant like the stones on the face of the earth.

A wise man does not seek shade under a

Whatever tendencies dominate the later tree full of thorns. So all merit deserts him,
part of life decide the fate in the next birth. who is without devotion. The blossoming of
Men, who pass their time in devotion, are the the flowers of the bitter Nim tree is useful only
elite ones in spite of the sins of their earlier to the crows. The life of a man without devo-
existence. Sin disappears, when thoughts of tion only results in sin. If a plate with choice
Me arise. The man, who was drowned by the morsels were placed in the middle of a street, it
flood, cannot be considered to be drowned if could only serve to satisfy dogs. The life of a
he comes out safe on the other shore. When a man without devotion, where he does not rec-
sinner bathes in the holy waters of penance and ognize meritorious actions even in his dreams,
with all humility seeks My protection, black is thus an open invitation to the miseries of this
spots in his family are removed, and he attains world. Therefore, what is wanted is devotion.
spotless nobility. He secures all, that is worth
securing in life. He has absorbed all learning There is no need of family traditions;
and attained every description of austerity. He even the untouchable will do; so also one who
has practiced Yoga in all its branches. He, has got the body of an animal. You may recall
whose faith is complete in Me, goes beyond all to mind of the case of the elephant who, when
Karma. He has as it were, deposited in a little he remembered Me with devotion, attained My
form in spite of his being as animal. They may
be born so low as to the unmentionable in good
society; they may be the meanest of men and
This relates to occult practices. — ED.[HPB]
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 20
the lowest order of intelligence; yet, if they put by which path, wholehearted attention to Me
their faith in Me, if they are uttering My name, brings them all to Me.
if their speech knows nothing except My
name, if their eyes see nothing except My If the dirty water of the street reaches
form, if their mind allows no thought except the ocean by means of the Ganges, where is
those directed towards Me, if their hearing is the doubt that the Ganges itself will reach
never devoid of the sounds of My presence, if there? Saintly priests and Raja-Rishis, whose
their limbs claim to be engaged in My service, source of life and knowledge and whose sole
if their intelligence and their consciousness is protection I am, will certainly attain salvation.
engrossed in nothing but Me, if they continue This world of men is full of troubles. Let no
to live only in these conditions, otherwise pre- one think that he can be indifferent. A man
ferring death, they attain Me. In comparison who sits in a boat which has hundreds of little
between myself and them, they are not inferior. holes will be drowned. A man who exposes
Devotion enables even the demons to put the his body when missiles are being thrown will
gods behind them. You remember Pralhada, be hit. When a man is ill let him resort to
whose devotion compelled Me to incarnate as medicine. When there is wildfire lighted from
Narasimha. Even the contemplation of his life all sides, let one run away. In the human ba-
would purify a man. Though he belonged to zaar in this world large stocks of misery are
the family of demons, yet even Indra could not carried. Things are measured out by death and
claim comparison with him. Birth is immate- the last thing to sell is the human body. What
rial, devotion is everything. If the commands equipment has a man got, except devotion to
of the sovereign were inscribed even on a Me, which will secure him happiness? Can
piece of leather, they would be enough to se- you light a fire by blowing on ashes? Can you
cure all objects in this world. Whereas silver become immortal by taking a poisonous plant
and gold are worthless without that stamp, and drinking up the juice thereof? In this way
because what is universally respected is only physical enjoyment is pure misery. It is only a
the command of the sovereign. fool that cannot shun it. Living like this is
equivalent to cutting off the head and applying
When the mind and the intelligence are it to a small wound in the foot. Talk of happi-
filled with love of Me, then alone high family ness in this world and you are talking of peace-
and high knowledge serve a useful purpose. ful sleep on a bed of fire. In this world the
Family, caste and color must be regarded as moon itself is consumptive. Even the sun has
essential. What is worth seeking, O Arjuna, is to set. Misery, personating happiness, de-
oneness with Me. That devotion may be of ceives everyone. No sooner is there a spout of
any kind and may be preceded by any condi- luck, then ill-luck is near at hand. As for
tion in life, so long as it wholehearted. Little death, even the embryo in the mother’s womb
streams, which have not reached the Ganges, is not safe from it. While he is entertaining
may be called streams, but once they reach futile miseries, messengers of death carry a
there, they become the Ganges. You can dis- man to a destination which he does not know.
tinguish the variety of wood, so long as it has From this place he cannot return, even if he
not been burned by fire. The description by tried. Histories of this world speak only of the
caste or color is useful as long as one has not dead ones. In order to describe the momentary
reached me. Salt, which has been dropped in nature of life in this world, even Brahmadev
the sea, becomes the sea. All individuality and will not find time.
distinction is destroyed in my presence. Rivers
may be said to flow towards the west, but they I am really surprised that men born in
are all one, when they reach to the sea. So a this world should remain indifferent. Men,
man acquires worth, when his mind is directed who will stint even a penny for their welfare in
towards Me, no matter from what cause. The this world and the next world, spend away
Gopis were actuated by lust, but through their millions to buy damnation. They consider
devotion, they attained Me. Kamsa reached those who are enjoying their senses as happy
Me through fear of Me and Sisupala achieved and those who are in the grip of greed as
the result through hatred. The Pandavas learned. They consider that he is elder, who
reached Me through their devotion. No matter has very little more to live and has lost the
light of intelligence, and bow to him. Every
moment a man grows nearer to death; yet men
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 21
indulge in festivities by celebrating their birth- life when he contemplates suicide because
days. The mention of death offends a man yet Shakespeare had the same skeptical view
he mourns after death. They do not realize that of such human beliefs as Socrates…. The
life is being wasted. Though swallowed by the difference between ancient and modern
serpent bodily, the frog keeps masticating the philosophy essentially came down to an
worms in his mouth. So these men, through issue of discretion: The ancient philoso-
error, encourage desires. If you look round phers attempted to conceal their atheism,
carefully you will find everything topsy-turvy ….(p.6)
and indescribably bad in this world. Try to be
free from it. Turn to the paths of devotion, These ancient philosophers would
through which you will reach the imperishable never make God a “He” or “a personal
abode of mine. Be purified and become a true being,” not because they were atheists but
worshipper. Having secured this Yoga you because their belief saw a universe soaked
will become one with Me. If you realize it, in Divinity. Sure there is DESIGN, but
you will secure happiness. this only proves hierarchies of intelligence
[TO BE CONTINUED] working from within-without, and the
RULE of Law in everything.
Yes, we have a soul, yes, physical
GOD: THE EVIDENCE health does have a spiritual dimension, but
[BOOK REVIEW] what does this have to do with “existence
[God: The Evidence: the reconciliation of faith and reason in a post-
of God”? The fundamental nature of the
secular world, by Patrick Glynn, published by Prima Publishing 1997] universe is impersonal, immeasurable, or
as the author says on page 14 of Martin
For a book with the word “God” as Buber:
part of the title you would think some-
where it would be defined. Not so, and the Buber speaks of two “basic words”
contextual usage is no more revealing. At in which the life of a human being in-
some points God is even referred to as a heres: “I-it” and I-You.” It does not mat-
“He;” at other points the author laments ter, as Buber points out, if the It is re-
that skepticism had left him with “No God placed by a He or a She. The world of I-It
in the personal sense, no afterlife, no soul. is the world of utility, of using, of means
and ends. It is a world of measurement
no inherent justice in the universe. We
and of comparison. The world of I-You is
were on our own.”1 fundamentally different. It is the world of
what Buber calls “encounter.” When an I
The ancient philosophers are lumped
truly encounters a You — and this can
into the atheist category like this:
be anyone from the love of one’s life
They also had widely varying no- to a panhandler one meets on the street
tions of God or “the gods.” All these — measurement and comparison dis-
were fictions, human “conventions,” that appear. The You, when truly encoun-
human beings, in their ignorance, had tered, is immeasurable and directs us
mistaken for nature, for reality. back to the Immeasurable.
Nearly all the great philosophers had This is what Occultism has taught for
recognized this, even the philosophers millions of years. Every great teacher,
whom the Christian world had mistaken
from Jesus, to Socrates, to Plato, to Lao
for monotheists: Socrates and Plato. Soc-
rates debates the existence of the afterlife Tze, etc., etc., have taught that the highest
on his deathbed in Plato’s Phaedo be- symbol of the Absolute (or
cause he is not prepared to believe it. God/impersonal) on this planet is the hu-
Hamlet debates the existence of an after- man kingdom. But we must remember
Humanity is like an ocean and represents
an enormous gamut from the zulu savage
Page 6.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 22
to Masters of Wisdom, Great Teachers, . . . “Some few, whose lamps shone
Nirmanakayas, etc.: brighter, have been led
From cause to cause to nature’s se-
The whole Kosmos is guided, con- cret head,
trolled, and animated by almost endless And found that one first Principle
series of Hierarchies of sentient Beings, must be. . . . ”
each having a mission to perform, and
who — whether we give to them one It is called “Substance-Principle,” for
name or another, and call them Dhyan- it becomes “substance” on the plane of
Chohans or Angels — are “messengers” the manifested Universe, an illusion,
in the sense only that they are the agents while it remains a “principle” in the be-
of Karmic and Cosmic Laws. They vary ginningless and endless abstract, visible
infinitely in their respective degrees of and invisible SPACE. It is the omnipres-
consciousness and intelligence; and to call ent Reality: impersonal, because it con-
them all pure Spirits without any of the tains all and everything. Its impersonality
earthly alloy “which time is wont to prey is the fundamental conception of the Sys-
upon” is only to indulge in poetical fancy. tem. It is latent in every atom in the Uni-
For each of these Beings either was, or verse, and is the Universe itself. ….
prepares to become, a man, if not in the The Universe is the periodical mani-
present, then in a past or a coming cycle festation of this unknown Absolute Es-
(Manvantara). They are perfected, when sence. To call it “essence,” however, is to
not incipient, men; and differ morally sin against the very spirit of the philoso-
from the terrestrial human beings on their phy. For though the noun may be derived
higher (less material) spheres, only in that in this case from the verb esse, “to be,”
they are devoid of the feeling of personal- yet IT cannot be identified with a being of
ity and of the human emotional nature — any kind that can be conceived by human
two purely earthly characteristics. The intellect. IT is best described as neither
former, or the “perfected,” have become Spirit nor matter, but both. (Ibid., p. 273)
free from those feelings, because (a) they
have no longer fleshly bodies—an ever- The conclusions drawn by the author
numbing weight on the Soul; and (b) the from evidence are often very different
pure spiritual element being left untram- from the conclusions of an Occultist from
melled and more free, they are less influ-
the same evidence! When Churchill is
enced by maya than man can ever be,
unless he is an adept who keeps his two
quoted to the effect that: —
personalities — the spiritual and the The only guide to a man is his con-
physical — entirely separated. The in- science; ….
cipient monads, having never had terres-
trial bodies yet, can have no sense of per- And this is evaluated as a “persua-
sonality or EGO-ism. (The Secret Doc- sive argument for a strictly honorable life
trine, I, p. 274-75) on purely secular grounds,” we must de-
mur to the statement. It is just the oppo-
Mr. Glynn has much interesting
site. Conscience is what we know of our
thought in his book. If the book could be
inner Divinity, it is the hallmark of our
weeded of its personal handling of the
concept of God — and most of all — genu-
flecting toward theology and popular relig- It is, as I said, the impressions pro-
ion, it would be found useful. Once we jected into the physical man by this Ego
prove DESIGN in the bumble bee and the which constitute what we call “con-
grain of sand, then the “death of theology” science”; and in proportion as the Person-
with its army of priests will be a more sup- ality, the lower Soul (or Manas), unites it-
portable proposition than the “death of self to its higher consciousness, or EGO,
god” in the impersonal all pervading sense does the action of the latter upon the life
of mortal man become more marked.
of that idea:
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 23
Q. This Ego, then, is the “Higher which we are seriously warned in various
Ego”? pages of these books. ….

A. Yes; it is the higher Manas illu- [Love] is a divine, eternal, and infi-
minated by Buddhi; the principle of self- nite power, a light, which reflects itself in
consciousness, the “I-am-I,” in short. It is every object while it seeks not the object,
the Karana-®arira, the immortal man, but merely its own reflection therein. It is
which passes from one incarnation to an- an indestructible fire and the brighter it
other. ….the real Ego does not think as burns, the stronger will be the light and
his evanescent and temporary personality the clearer will its own image appear.
does. During the waking hours the Love falls in love with nothing but its
thoughts and Voice of the Higher Ego do own self, it is free from all other attrac-
or do not reach his jailer — the physical tions. A love which becomes attached to
man, for they are the Voice of his Con- objects of sense, ceases to be free, ceases
science, … to be love, and becomes mere desire.
Pure and eternal love asks for nothing, but
[Thus] we admit the existence of an gives freely to all who are willing to take.
immortal Ego in mortal man, independent Earthly love is attracted to persons and
of the physical body… This Ego it is things, but Divine spiritual love seeks
which is the actor, the real man, the true only that which is divine in everything,
human self. (Transactions of the Blavat- and this can be nothing else but love, for
sky Lodge, “Dream Section”) love is the supreme power of all. ….

On page 17, Glynn quotes Buber “As the sun shines upon the lands of
again on Love: the just and the unjust, and as the rain de-
scends upon the acres of the evil-minded
Feelings accompany the metaphysi- as well as upon those of the good”; like-
cal and metaphysical fact of love, but they wise divine love manifesting itself in a
do not constitute it; and the feelings that perfect man is distributed alike to every
accompany it can be very different. Je- one without favour or partiality. Wher-
sus’ feeling for the possessed man is dif- ever a good and perfect human being ex-
ferent from his feeling for the beloved ists, there is divine love manifest; and the
disciple; but love is one. Feelings one degree of man’s perfection will depend on
“has”; love occurs. Feelings dwell in the degree of his capacity to serve as an
man, but man dwells in his love. This is instrument for the manifestation of divine
no metaphor but actuality: love does not love. The more perfect he is, the more
cling to an I, as if the You were merely its will his love descend upon and penetrate
“content” or object; it is between I and all who come within his divine influence.
You. ….Love is a cosmic force. . . . To ask favours of God is to conceive of
Him as an imperfect being, whose love is
Theosophy would say it like this: not free, but subject to the guidance of
and preference to, mortals. (“Love With
A love which is directed towards all an Object,” Emanuel, Lucifer, Vol. I)
things alike, an universal love, is beyond
the conception of the mortal mind, and yet Occasionally, the book gets close to
this kind of love, which bestows no fa-
bed-rock in statements like this:
vours upon any one thing, seems to be
that eternal love, which is recommended In essence, the anthropic principle
by all the sacred books of the East and the came down to the observation that all the
West; because as soon as we begin to love myriad laws of physics were fine-tuned
one thing or one being more than another, from the very beginning of the universe
we not only detract from the rest an for the creation of man — that the uni-
amount of love which the rest may right-
verse we inhabit appeared to be ex-
fully claim; but we also become attached
to the object of our love, a fate against
pressly designed for the emergence of
human beings. (p. 22-23)
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 24
Implicit in this paragraph is: scheme of the Universe; to rescue from
“What is a human?” Mysticism defines degradation the archaic truths which are
man — irrespective of form or planetary the basis of all religions; and to uncover,
to some extent, the fundamental unity
location — as that balance between spirit
from which they all spring; finally, to
and matter in a vehicle of consciousness show that the occult side of Nature has
that will allow for self-consciousness, or never been approached by the Science of
Consciousness of the One Self. Once this modern civilization.” (p. viii)
occurs then evolution begins — or the pil-
grimage proceeds — under the laws of self- Glynn does occasionally go into
induced, self-devised effort. The Occultist some wild flights of fancy of his own, es-
says of man: pecially when ending a chapter:
Man is certainly no special creation, The barrier that modern science ap-
and he is the product of Nature’s gradual peared to erect to faith has fallen. Of
perfective work, like any other living unit course, the anthropic principle tells us
on this Earth. But this is only with regard nothing about the Person of God or the
to the human tabernacle. That which lives existence of an afterlife; it has nothing to
and thinks in man and survives that frame, say about such issues as right or wrong or
the masterpiece of evolution — is the the “problem of evil.” But it does offer as
“Eternal Pilgrim,” the Protean differentia- strong an indication as reason and science
tion in space and time of the One Abso- alone could be expected to provide that
lute “unknowable.” (The Secret Doctrine, God exists. (p. 55)
II, 728)
Personifying the word “God” is a tat-
While science went in one direction tered remain of the personality-bound reli-
and mass religion went in another direc- gious systems. They are quite dead in their
tion, there was always a minority that took ability to inspire, but nevertheless a slum-
Teleology quite seriously, and who be- bering place for the undeveloped. When a
lieved the universe soaked in divinity. Buber or a Mother Teresa arise it is despite
They would never call themselves atheists, such institutions rather than because of
but they would not call themselves “be- them. “The embodied soul being gifted
lievers” in any ordinary sense of that word. with faith, each man is of the same nature
Believers in man perhaps, but never as the as that ideal on which his faith is fixed.”
tail to some organizational kite with its (Gita, chp xvii)
preachers, priests, and money-wardens.
Glynn tends to ignore the East in his
Mr. Glynn comes back again and chapter showing how alcoholism, divorce,
again to criticize the scientific view that suicide, stress, etc., go down when a per-
randomness engenders order. This idea no son has a religious base. He cites Alcohol-
doubt had to be hammered away at, but the ics Anonymous, “in which the acknowl-
mystics of all ages, even the golden minor- edgment of a “Higher Power” forms a cen-
ity of science, have never been able to tral plank of this most famously successful
stomach this doctrine, or as Madame treatment for alcoholism.” To a theoso-
Blavatsky says in her preface to The Secret phist this would be more the influence of
Doctrine1 The Higher Ego. We should START with
the principle that man is divine, and that he
The aim of this work may be thus can always call upon his innate divinity to
stated: to show that Nature is not “a for- “show the way.” Some might do this
tuitous concurrence of atoms,” and to as-
while in a religious setting, others do it
sign to man his rightful place in the
outside that setting. The only Personal
God man will discover is that Principle,
A book Einstein is known to have kept on his that Open Sesamé within his own heart.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 25
That, in turn, will set him on the road to M.C. But the habit of thinking in
becoming a more Universal Human, for the higher mind can be developed—else
the Keynote of the Higher Ego is Non- there would be no hope for persons who
Separateness of all that lives. wish to alter their lives and raise them-
selves? And that this is possible must be
Unfortunately, Glynn, calls Illusion true, or there would be no hope for the
what we call foreshadowing of the Higher world.
Mind — of the Higher Ego — upon our H.P.B. Certainly it can be devel-
day-to-day deeds: oped, but only with great difficulty, a firm
determination, and through much self-
Interestingly, there is a growing body
sacrifice. But it is comparatively easy for
of research showing that certain kinds of
those who are born with the gift. Why is
illusions are in fact conducive to happi-
it that one person sees poetry in a cabbage
ness and also — what is perhaps more or a pig with her little ones, while another
puzzling — to physical health and career will perceive in the loftiest things only
success. In particular, the “illusion” of their lowest and most material aspect, will
optimism seems to be an important ingre- laugh at the “music of the spheres,” and
dient of a happy, healthy, and successful ridicule the most sublime conceptions and
life. (p. 73) philosophies? This difference depends
simply on the innate power of the mind to
The following quote1 could appear in think on the higher or on the lower plane,
his Chapter, “The Religious Drive” with with the astral (in the sense given to the
little or no editing: word by de Saint-Martin), or with the
physical brain. Great intellectual powers
The plastic power of the imagination
are often no proof of, but are impediments
is much stronger in some persons than in
to spiritual and right conceptions; witness
others. The mind is dual in its potentiality:
most of the great men of science. We
it is physical and metaphysical. The
must rather pity than blame them. (“Dia-
higher part of the mind is connected with
logue Between the Two Editors”)
the spiritual soul or Buddhi, the lower
with the animal soul, the Kama principle. Glynn gets into deep water when he
There are persons who never think with says:
the higher faculties of their mind at all;
those who do so are the minority and are If we bet against God, and revelation
thus, in a way, beyond, if not above, the proves to be true, we will suffer eternal
average of human kind. These will think torment. If we bet for God, and revelation
even upon ordinary matters on that higher proves to have been an illusion, we lose
plane. nothing, for we shall cease to exist at
death in any case. (p. 77)
The idiosyncrasy of the person de-
termines in which “principle” of the mind The obvious answer to this is: Study
the thinking is done, as also the faculties Reincarnation and Karma along with Con-
of a preceding life, and sometimes the he-
science, Optimism, Faith, hope, etc., and
redity of the physical. This is why it is so
one will gradually realize that the biggest
very difficult for a materialist — the
metaphysical portion of whose brain is
mystery in the world is ourself. Further,
almost atrophied — to raise himself, or history has shown that those mystics who
for one who is naturally spiritually did begin to learn who and what they were
minded, to descend to the level of the began during that process to know the
matter-of-fact vulgar thought. Optimism whole world better. They became univer-
and pessimism depend on it also in a large sal humans. Little children, if not tam-
measure. pered with too greatly by their parents,
laugh at death for they know that they
don’t die, their body does. The body rots,
“Dialogue Between the Two Editors,” Lucifer,
December 1888. the astral fades, but the soul moves on to
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 26
another plane. Near-Death-Experiences the grand drama of life. When the play is
should have convinced Glynn of at least over, when that cycle is complete, the per-
this much. sona is discarded by the ACTOR, the Re-
incarnating Ego, the Ray of the World
When Glynn handles the problem of Soul.
prayer for personal benefit, he calls it
“magic”; we would call it Black Magic! Yes, it is logical that some of the
We agree with the author that many New NDEers claimed “to have drifted outside
Age approaches are rife with sickness and their bodies and observed resuscitation
selfishness, or as he says, they are a “par- procedures from a vantage point above or
ody of spirituality.” However, when he beside the event.” This is quite natural if a
says, “Magic consists of using the tools of HUMAN is composed of Seven Principles,
the other world to achieve the goals of this four of which die but do not die simultane-
one, rather than vice versa” we would see ously, and three of which proceed from life
this as an incomplete and misleading asser- to life. The famous NDE of the little boy
tion. Conscience is magic, Intuition is who rode the ambulance to the hospital
magic, Faith is magic, optimism is magic, obviously had all his principles but his
the world is soaked in divinity and you earthly body which was inside the ambu-
cannot totally say one world is over there lance.
and another world is over here, for they
overlap to some extent. It is this that Persons who experience near-death
makes self-improvement possible, that by drowning quite often begin their life-
makes self-induced, self-devised, action a review, and it has been written about for
vital power in the pilgrim’s journey. We hundreds of years:
must remember that the dividing line be- At the solemn moment of death
tween black and white magic is motive. every man, even when death is sudden,
Martin Luther King, Jr., was a magician in sees the whole of his past life marshalled
his abilities to organize and weld his prac- before him, in its minutest details. For one
titioners of non-violence into a powerful short instant the personal becomes one
group, but his motives were obviously not with the individual and all-knowing Ego.
for himself but for humans in general, and But this instant is enough to show to him
the black southerners in particular. the whole chain of causes which have
been at work during his life. He sees and
In his chapter, “Intimations of Im- now understands himself as he is, un-
mortality,” Glynn, remarking on the NDE adorned by flattery or self-deception. He
paradigm remarks: “At the end of this reads his life, remaining as a spectator
tunnel, they encountered a heavenly land- looking down into the arena he is quitting;
he feels and knows the justice of all the
scape and a “Being of Light,” whom many
suffering that has overtaken him.
identified as Christ. … Above all the Be-
ing was said to convey a powerful un- ENQUIRER. Does this happen to
earthly; unconditional love.” (p. 100) everyone?

Yes, it is the Christ of the person THEOSOPHIST. Without any ex-

having the experience. When we die we ception. Very good and holy men see, we
are rejoined to our Higher Ego, which is are taught, not only the life they are leav-
sometimes called the Christos. Each per- ing, but even several preceding lives in
son has this “heavenly being” or principle which were produced the causes that
made them what they were in the life just
within him; in fact it is more properly the
closing. They recognise the law of Karma
reincarnating human than the personality in all its majesty and justice.
which just died. The Personality is a per-
sona, a mask, for gathering experience in ENQUIRER. Is there anything corre-
sponding to this before rebirth?
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 27
THEOSOPHIST. There is. As the Glynn unfortunately speaks of the
man at the moment of death has a retro- modern philosophers as if they were all
spective insight into the life he has led, so, appropriately represented by such men as
at the moment he is reborn on to earth, the Nietzsche, Heidegger, Rorty, etc. He men-
Ego, awaking from the state of Devachan,
tions Immanuel Kant once in his book,
has a prospective vision of the life which
exposing a unusual depth of ignorance and
awaits him, and realizes all the causes that
have led to it. He realizes them and sees misunderstanding about this philosopher,
futurity, because it is between Devachan in claiming that “Kant had argued that
and re-birth that the Ego regains his full mechanism can explain everything…” To
manasic consciousness, and rebecomes the contrary, Kant was a staunch believer
for a short time the god he was, before, in in a Transcendental Self within each man’s
compliance with Karmic law, he first de- personality:
scended into matter and incarnated in the
first man of flesh. The "golden thread" The greatest philosopher of European
sees all its "pearls" and misses not one of birth, Imanuel Kant, assures us that such a
them. communication [between the transcenden-
tal world and our own] is in no way im-
Great Teachers always come to re- probable. “I confess I am much disposed
mind man of his divinity and of Karmic to assert the existence of Immaterial na-
Law: tures in the world, and to place my own
soul in the class of these beings. It will
Near-death experiencers who claim hereafter, I know not where, or when, yet
to encounter Christ are struck … by an be proved that the human soul stands even
overwhelming sense of unconditional love in this life in indissoluble connection with
and compassion emanating from Him. He all immaterial natures in the spirit-world,
is not judgmental. But there is also a very that it reciprocally acts upon these and re-
firm, uncompromising law of right and ceives impressions from them.” (Träume
wrong, based on a central ethic of love, eines Geistersehers, quoted by C. C.
which he conveys implicitly, frequently Massey, in his preface to Von Hartmann’s
causing shame and embarrassment in the “Spiritismus.”)
experiencer as he or she reviews the ac-
tions of a lifetime. Jesus of the New Tes- Or as remarked in another context:
tament (“Let he who is without sin cast
the first stone”) — though not necessar- Nevertheless, reverting to the con-
clusion of one of the greatest thinkers of
ily the one always emphasized on
the day — Mr. Herbert Spencer, where he
Sunday in church. George Ritchie de- argues that “If, then, the object perceived
scribed the Christ he encountered in is self, what is the subject that perceives?”
his extended 1943 near-death experi- — and concludes that such a process is
ence as a “Man made out of light,” only conceivable on “the annihilation of
mixing primeval antiquity with vast both” (First Principles, p. 66) —we say
sophistication. “This Person was that according to the views of the Occult-
power itself, older than time and yet ist he is entirely wrong. Mr. Herbert
more modern than anyone I had ever Spencer knows, it appears, of but one
met, he wrote. According to Ritchie, grade of subjectivity, and has no idea of
the figure indicated to him during his the occult (Yogic) teaching, of the exis-
tence of other and higher planes of con-
life review that the purpose of life is to
sciousness, vision or perception, than
love other human beings. When those of Mind; of the existence, in short,
Ritchie thought indignantly, “Some- of the “Transcendental Ego” or true self
one should have told me,” the re- (Buddhi)—a spark from the radiant es-
sponse of Christ is simple and sence of the Universal Spirit.
straightforward: “I did tell you. . . . I
told you by the life I lived. I told you Consequently, to the query of Mr.
by the death I died.” (p. 133) Spencer — ”If it is the true self which
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 28
thinks, what other self can it be that is sion in a very different light, for such is the
thought of?” (ibid.) we reply. The true essence of wisdom:
Self is per se, impersonal; the personal or
brain-consciousness being but an illusory There is only one currency for which
reflection in incarnated existence. West- all these tokens of ours should be ex-
ern Psychology errs in regarding this per- changed, and that is wisdom. (Phaedo)
sonal ego as the only factor to be consid-
ered in its researches. The argument, The Phaedo is about the immortality
therefore, as to the inconceivability of the of the Soul. How Mr. Glynn comes up
Subject perceiving itself — which, if we with the assertion that Socrates had doubts
limit subject to Mind (Manas) is abso- about it is a mystery!
lutely valid — collapses the moment we
assert with Kant and his modern expo- Then Socrates brings up a new idea.
nents, the existence of a Higher Self or The soul is immortal because it can per-
“Transcendental subject.” For, in the act ceive, have a share in, truth, goodness,
of self-analysis, the Mind becomes in its beauty, which are eternal. Man can know
turn an object to the spiritual conscious- God because he has in him something
ness. It is the overshadowing of the Mind akin to the eternal which cannot die.
by Buddhi which results in the ultimate (Phaedo, p. 40, Hamilton & Cairns trans-
realization of existence — i.e., self- lation, Bollingen Series LXXXI, Princeton
consciousness in its purest form. (“Mod- Univ. Press)
ern Idealism worse than Materialism,” by
H. P. Blavatsky, The Theosophist, Oct. When Mr. Glynn says on page 149,
1896.] “The first text in history to speak of ex-
panding the “we” to include those formerly
On page 144 when the author uses regarded as “they” and to identify sympa-
Aristophanes as an adequate critique of thizing with the pain of others as among
Socrates, he dismisses thousands of Plato- the highest values was the New Testa-
nists with one sweep of the brush! Socra- ment,” he simply proves he has a tunnel-
tes had an irreverence for the religion of vision of history. What about The Dham-
his day as all true mystics would also have mapada, The Bhagavad Gita, the Egyptian
of the religion of today. Surely Mr. Glynn Book of the Dead, The Harris Papyrus,
does not want us to return to the fire-and- Manco Copac, and on and on!! Every ma-
brimstone of the protestants, or the inquisi- jor religion in history has taught it. If
tion of the Catholics!! The problem of Western investigators choose to ignore it,
divinity lies within humanity not organiza- that is their choice, but it is no disproof.
tions. Neither Buddha, nor Jesus, nor Plato When he says “as a purely historical mat-
were expounders of an organizational ter, the New Testament is the point where
ethic. Self induced Self devised effort is these values entered the bloodstream of
the keynote of all who have freed them- human history…” he indulges in Western
selves from the priests and the money- phantasy. Considering the bloody history
changers!! In this discussion he omits to of the Christian church compared to Bud-
mention Plato, but instead confines himself dhism, the statement can be considered a
to Alcibiades and Critias. “lapsus calami”!
When the treatise asserts that the Despite his inability to realize that
Greek philosophers viewed compassion as the “New Testament” was only one spiri-
a sign of weakness, Aristotle is brought tual text among many and not the only one,
forth as a yardstick. If Mr. Glynn had Glynn does offer equations of stability that
studied Socrates through the eyes of a real Occultism has made cyclically available to
Platonist such as Thomas Taylor (or even humans back into the night of time:
the Hamilton & Cairns translation) he
would have discovered the idea of compas-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #8 June 17, 2003 Page 29
What I [Glynn] am suggesting, what birth in heaven (Devachan). . . in the fu-
it seems to me history tends to corrobo- ture state."
rate, is this: The knowledge of Spirit is
prior to the knowledge of reason. Where ENQUIRER. Christians believe the
reason follows Spirit, the results are good; same thing, don't they?
where it rejects or parts ways with Spirit,
the results are invariably disastrous…. (p. THEOSOPHIST. Oh, no; they be-
166) lieve in the pardon and the remission of
all sins. They are promised that if they
True, but why not ask ourselves, only believe in the blood of Christ (an in-
Why? Spiritually, all life is a UNITY. nocent victim!), in the blood offered by
Him for the expiation of the sins of the
Reason on this lower plane discriminates
whole of mankind, it will atone for every
and differentiates within that unity. As mortal sin. And we believe neither in vi-
long as its purposes are aligned and work carious atonement, nor in the possibility
on with UNITY, then the HIGHER EGO, of the remission of the smallest sin by any
the Christos, in each human — no matter god, not even by a "personal Absolute" or
what he might label himself, Christian, "Infinite," if such a thing could have any
Buddhist, Atheist, or what — becomes existence. What we believe in, is strict
more active, causing the manifesting deeds and impartial justice. Our idea of the un-
of the lower man so enlightened to spread known Universal Deity, represented by
light and aid and hope to all of space in Karma, is that it is a Power which cannot
general, and to those who happen to cross fail, and can, therefore, have neither wrath
nor mercy, only absolute Equity, which
his path in particular.
leaves every cause, great or small, to
However, when the Author attributes work out its inevitable effects. The say-
ing of Jesus: "With what measure you
“the worst horrors of modern history” to
mete it shall be measured to you again"
the Enlightenment, he should balance this (Matth. vii., 2), neither by expression nor
against the 800 years of horror caused by implication points to any hope of future
religion just preceding the enlightenment. mercy or salvation by proxy. This is why,
The Inquisition, the 30-years war, etc., etc. recognising as we do in our philosophy
leave a trail of bloodshed hard to be the justice of this statement, we cannot
matched by either Hitler or Stalin. Hitler recommend too strongly mercy, charity,
lasted 14 years, Stalin about 20, while the and forgiveness of mutual offences. Re-
Church stretched the misery out over 800 sist not evil, and render good for evil, are
years. The Enlightenment put a stop to all Buddhist precepts, and were first
that. By all means let us return to the Di- preached in view of the implacability of
vinity of Man, but in so doing be cautious Karmic law. For man to take the law into
his own hands is anyhow a sacrilegious
that we do not resurrect a river of blood presumption. Human Law may use re-
and bigotry! Vicarious Atonement, a doc- strictive not punitive measures; but a man
trine still widespread in Western Christian- who, believing in Karma, still revenges
ity is an implacable roadblock to man’s himself and refuses to forgive every in-
spiritual progress: jury, thereby rendering good for evil, is a
criminal and only hurts himself. (The
THEOSOPHIST. In the "Wheel of Key to Theosophy, “Section xi”)
the Law" (p. 57) you may find the follow-
ing Theosophical tenet: -"Buddhists be-
lieve that every act, word or thought has
its consequence, which will appear sooner
or later in the present or in the future
state. Evil acts will produce evil conse-
quences, good acts will produce good
consequences: prosperity in this world, or

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