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The Aquarian Theosophist

Volume III, No. 10 August 17, 2003

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[Versión en español en la pag. 2] Every polar function is only a repetition of
primeval polarity, said the Fire-Philosophers.
Sloka (6). THE ROOT OF LIFE WAS IN For motion begets heat, and aether in motion is
EVERY DROP OF THE OCEAN OF IM- heat. When it slackens its motion, then cold is
MORTALITY (Amrita) AND THE generated, for “cold is aether, in a latent condi-
OCEAN WAS RADIANT LIGHT, WHICH tion.” Thus the principal states of nature are
WAS FIRE AND HEAT AND MOTION. three positive and three negative, synthesized
DARKNESS VANISHED AND WAS NO by the primeval light. The three negative states
[3] Vacuum or Voidness.
Q. What are the various meanings of the
The three positive are
term “fire” on the different planes of Kosmos?
[1] Light (on our plane);
A. Fire is the most mystic of all the five [2] Heat;
elements, as also the most divine. Therefore to [3] All nature.
give an explanation of its various meanings on
our plane alone, leaving all the other planes Thus Fire may be called the unity of the
entirely out of the question, would be much too Universe. Pure cosmic fire (without, so to
arduous, in addition to its being entirely in- speak. fuel) is Deity in its universality; for
comprehensible for the vast majority. Fire is cosmic fire, or heat which it calls forth, is
the father of light, light the parent of heat and every atom of matter in manifested nature.
air (vital air). If the absolute deity can be re- There is not a thing or a particle in the Uni-
ferred to as Darkness or the Dark Fire, the verse which does not contain in it latent fire.
light, its first progeny, is truly the first self- (Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge, p. 114-16)
conscious god. For what is light in its primor- The evolution and correlation of the mysteries of
dial root but the world-illuminating and life- Kosmos, of its growth and development—spiritual
giving deity? Light is that, which from an ab- and physical, abstract and concrete—were first
straction has become a reality. No one has ever recorded in geometrical changes of shape. Every
seen real or primordial light; what we see is Cosmogony began with a circle, a point, a triangle,
only its broken rays or reflections, which be- and a cube, up to number 9, when it was synthesized
by the first line and a circle—the Pythagorean
come denser and less luminous as they descend mystic Decade, the sum of all, involving and
into form and matter. Fire, therefore, is a term expressing the mysteries of the entire Kosmos…
which comprehends ALL. Fire is the invisible (The Secret Doctrine, Vol. I, p. 321)
deity, “the Father,” and the manifesting light is
God “the Son,” and also the Sun. Fire—in the T ABLE OF C ONTENTS
occult sense—is aether, and aether is born of Animated Geometry 1
motion, and motion is the eternal dark, invisi- Geometría Animada 2
ble Fire. Light sets in motion and controls all The Global Village 3
in nature, from the highest primordial aether Point Out the Way — XXXIII 5
Señaia el Camino 7
down to the tiniest molecule in Space. MOTION
The Coffee Klatch 8
is eternal per se, and in the manifested Kosmos Correspondence 9
it is the Alpha and Omega of that which is Dnyaneshvari — XXXII 9
called electricity, galvanism, magnetism, sen- Guest Editorial 11
sation—moral and physical—thought, and Buckminster Fuller on Geometry 12
even life, on this plane. Thus fire, on our plane, Roger Penrose on Consciousness 15
is simply the manifestation of motion, or Life. Brane Theory in Physics 19
All cosmic phenomena were referred to Reductionalism, a Scientific Dogma 23
by the Rosicrucians as “animated geometry.”
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 2
Geometría Animado tricidad, galvanismo, magnetismo, sensa-
ción, moral y física, pensamiento y hasta la
vida, en este plano. Por ende: el Fuego, en
DE LA INMORTALIDAD (Amrita) Y EL nuestro plano, es simplemente la manifes-
tación del movimiento o vida.
FUEGO, CALOR Y MOVIMIENTO. LA Los Rosacruces solían llamar a todos los
OSCURIDAD DESAPARECIÓ Y NO FUE MÁS; fenómenos cósmicos como: “geometría
DESAPARECIÓ, EN SU PROPIA ESENCIA, EL animada.” Los Filósofos del Fuego decían
CUERPO DE FUEGO Y AGUA O PADRE Y que toda función polar era sólo una
MADRE. repetición de la polaridad primordial
porque el movimiento engendra calor y el
éter en movimiento es calor. Cuando relaja
Pregunta. ¿Cuáles son los varios sentidos
del término “fuego” en los diferentes su movimiento produce el frío; ya que: “el
planos del Kosmos? frío es el éter en una condición latente.”
Entonces: los estados principales de la
Respuesta El fuego es el más místico de naturaleza son tres positivos y tres
negativos, sintetizados por la luz
los cinco elementos y, también, es el más
primordial. Los tres estados negativos son:
divino. Por lo tanto: dar una explicación de
sus varios significados sólo en nuestro 1. Oscuridad
plano, omitiendo por completo todos los 2. Frío
otros, sería muy difícil, además de ser to- 3. Vacío
talmente incomprensible para la mayoría. Los tres positivos son:
El fuego es el padre de la luz, la luz es la
progenitora del calor y del aire (aire vital). 1. Luz (en nuestro plano)
Si a la deidad absoluta se le puede llamar 2. Calor
Oscuridad o Fuego Oscuro, la luz, su pri- 3. Toda la naturaleza.
mera progenie, es, en verdad, el primer Por eso al Fuego se le puede llamar la
dios autoconsciente; ya que: ¿qué es la luz unidad del Universo. El fuego cósmico
en su raíz primordial, si no la deidad que (sin, por así decirlo, el combustible) es la
ilumina el mundo y que da la vida? Luz es Deidad en su universalidad; ya que el
eso que, desde una abstracción, se ha con- fuego cósmico o el calor que produce, es
vertido en una realidad. Nadie, jamás, ha todo átomo de materia en la naturaleza
visto la luz real o primordial; lo que vemos manifestada. No existe una cosa ni una
son sólo sus rayos diferenciados o reflejos partícula en el Universo que no contenga
que se vuelven más densos y menos lumi- el fuego latente. (Transacciones de la casa
nosos al descender en la forma y la mate- de campo de Blavatsky, p. 114-116)
ria. Entonces, Fuego es un término que lo
incluye TODO. El Fuego es la deidad invi- La evolución y la correlación de los misterios de
sible, “el Padre” y la luz que se manifiesta Kosmos, de su crecimiento y desarrollo —
es Dios, “el Hijo” y también el Sol. En el espirituales y fisicos, abstractos y concretos —
sentido oculto, el Fuego es el éter, el cual primero fueron registradas en cambios de la forma
nace del movimiento y el movimiento es el geométricoa. Cada cosmogonía comenzón con un
Fuego eterno, oscuro e invisible. La Luz círculo, un punto, un triángulo, y un cubo, hasta el
pone en marcha y controla todo en la natu- número 9, cuando fue sintetizado por la primera
línea y un círculo — la Década, místico pitagorican
raleza, desde ese éter más elevado primor-
la suma del todo, implicando y expresando los
dial hasta la molécula más diminuta en el misterios del Kosmos entero... (La Doctrina Secreta
Espacio. El MOVIMIENTO es inherente- Tomo II pag. 321)
mente eterno y, en el Kosmos manifestado,
es alpha y omega de lo que llamamos elec-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 3
Located at:

The Global Village

TRS Professional Suites, 11th floor
44 East 32nd Street (between Park & Madison)
New York, N.Y.
Near subway and bus lines.
Sarasota, Florida
Theosophy Group
David – (718) 438 – 5021
Meets Weekly on: Amedeo- (973) 697-5938
WEDNESDAYS: — 7 – 8:15 P.M. — Classes are free and open to all —
SUNDAYS — 11 AM – 12:30 PM
United Lodge of Theosophists
We are a very friendly group of students Robert Crosbie House
with various religious and philosophical back- 62 Queens Gardens
grounds. Our goals are to discuss and under- London W23AH, England
stand the universal truths of Theosophy. Tel +(44) 20 7723 0688
Fax +(44) 20 7262 8639
On Wed. nights we are studying, The Contact us:
SUNDAYS 8.00 - 9.00 p.m.
Ocean of Theosophy by W.Q. Judge, and on
Sunday mornings we’re discussing Isis Un- ULT London UK
veiled by H.P. Blavatsky and Light On The PROGRAMME
Path by Mabel Collins. FOR JANUARY TO MARCH 2003
Introductory Class
Our address is: 2700 S. Tamiami Tr. One Thursday a month 7 - 830 pm
Suite #14 (we’re moving to Suite #11 in Octo- A monthly class that introduces the
ber), Sarasota, Florida, and our phone number fundamental ideas of man’s consti-tution,
is: 941-312-9494. his relation to the cosmos and universal
laws such as karma and reincarnation.
Please feel free to call Bob Waxman if Mar 6th
you need any additional information.
Study Group Wednesdays 7 - 8 pm
This group studies the Theosophical
concepts and their ramifications, including
United Lodge of Theosophists references from the Secret Doctrine and
1917 Walnut Street the great world religions.
Philadelphia, PA 19103 It’s an opportunity for enquiring discussion
and the search for the meanings within
All welcome No collections these traditions.

Talks and informal meetings

Sundays 7 - 8 pm
Talks, followed by questions, or informal
Ancient Wisdom tradition meetings where articles are read and
From the Writings of discussed.
H. P. Blavatsky & W. Q. Judge
Practical information
11:00a.m. – 12:45 p.m., By Bus: 7, 15, 23, 27, 36.
Every other Sunday By Underground: Paddington or Lancaster Gate.
Visitors are welcome and may use the reference
library, please call or e-mail to arrange.
Schedule Meetings are free, can be joined at any time and it is
Currently studying – not necessary to register for attendance.
The Secret Doctrine ___________________________________________
By H.P. Blavatsky
A Synthesis of Religion, Science, and Philosophy United Lodge of Theosophists
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 4
“Ecos del Oriente”, by Wm.Q. Judge
77 W. Encanto Blvd. Meets the first two Wednesdays of the month
Phoenix, Arizona 85003 THEOSOPHY HALL
347 East 72 Street, NY, NY 10021
Telephone (602) 290-0563
Doors Open at 6:45PM
Phone: (212) 535-2230

Study Classes Sunday Evenings PROGRAMME

7:30 — 8:30 pm THE United Lodge of Theosophists
“Maitri Bhavan” 4, Sir Krishna Rao Road, Near Lalbagh
West Gate, — Basavanagudi, Bangalore-560 004.
THEOSOPHY by Judge/Crosbie


347 East 72 Street
New York, NY 10021
Secret Doctrine Classes
(212) 535-2230 Sunday 11am - 12:45
E-mail: Theosophy Discovery Circle
44 E. 32nd St [between Park & Madison]
All meetings are free. No collections, fees or dues. Monday 7:30 to 9 pm
New York ULT 347 East 72nd Street
Discussion - Multi-Media
Wednesday 2 to 4 pm
Monday Night
Antwerp ULT, Belgium
Wednesday 7:30 to 8:45 pm
Los Angeles ULT
Saturday 10 am to 12 noon — Theosophy Centre
Investigation of the unexplained laws of
Long Beach — First Saturday of every month
Nature, and the psychical powers latent in
Wednesday — Bangalore ULT, India

Free Study Materials Provided Den TEOSOFISKA

Ursprungliga Undervisningen
• Dreams and the Dreamer Malmölogen
• Karma and Reincarnation Kungsgatan 16 A, 211 49 Malmö, tel. 0709 26 22 12
• Places After Death
• Spiritual and Psychic Realms FÖREDRAG HÖSTTERMINEN 2002
• A Relationship with God
• Science and Psi Phenomena Varje Onsdag 19.30 – 20.30
347 East 72 Street, NY NY 10021 STUDIEGRUPPER HÖSTEN 2002
Doors Open at 6:45PM
Phone: (212) 535-2230 DHARMAGRUPP I
Refreshments Served kl 17.15 - 18.15
Current topics: Contrasting ancient theoso- Den Hemliga Läran av Helena Blavatsky
phical teachings with the standard scientific (Vårt kursmaterial är “DHL” del I, löpande studier)
view of the world, and current psi phenom-
ena. Including distance viewing, crop circles, Den Hemliga Läran är den teosofiska filosofins
remembering past lives, etc. ryggrad.
Det mesta som finns i denna bok speglar kärnan i
Texts include “The Secret Doctrine”, “Isis teosofins esoteriska lära.
Unveiled” and other original Theosophical
“The Bhagavad-Gita”
kl 18.15 - 19.15
Wed. Night — 7:30-8:45
Teosofins Ocean av William Q. Judge
Free Study Materials Provided (Vårt kursmaterial är “Oceanen”. Se vår studieplan
för hela
The ancient psychology of the East and its höstterminen längre ner på sidan under
application in this “era of Western Occultism.” Dharmagrupp II)
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 5
Teosofins Ocean är en förenklad version av Answer:—As a matter of fact, if we ob-
Den Hemliga Läran. served a little more carefully, we should
För en sökare finns det ingen bättre bok att studera
om man vill lära
find that we do not get intuitions in deep
känna teosofins grundläggande filosofi enligt HPB thought — we get them after having in-
och Mästarna. dulged in deep thought. Deep thought is
like a camera; the intuition is like the tak-
ing of a picture. The intuition does not
LOGIE UNIE DES THÉOSOPHES come from the camera, but from the direc-
Loge Unie des Théosophes
11 bis, rue Kepler – 75116 Paris
tion toward which the camera is pointed..
So, taking ourselves as Manas — the being,
Conferences Mercredis, 19 h 30 – 20 h 45 not the principle, the being in this form —
isn’t it clear that we stand between two
Loge Unie des Théosophes Douala worlds, the world of human self-
Camaroon consciousness and the world of beings
B.P. 11372 Douala Localisation Ndog - Bong which are not self-conscious but whose
Heures d’ouverture: mercedi 19h – 20 h 15
guiding light is the four lower principles
Samedi 19h – 20 h 15 more or less completely aroused?
Toutes les activités de la Loge sont libres et
gratuites It follows, then, that if we direct the
Les reunions commencent et se terminent aux eye of the mind — that is, our attention —
heures précises indiquées towards the physical body or the astral
La Loge est maintenue en activité par des
participations bénévoles body or the life energy or Kama or any
Tel: 40-76-72 combination of them, the picture that we
shall get in our mind will be from below
United Lodge of Theosophists and we shall identify ourselves with the
4865 Cordell Avenue, Suite 4 picture. But if, as the question suggested,
Bethesda, MD 20814 we turn in deep thought, not to those pic-
phone (301) 656-3566 tures perceived by means of our senses or
web: our astral body, and so on, but to the causal
Meetings: Sundays 11 a.m. to 12 noon source from which these effects flow, then
(Lectures followed by questions and answers, or group discussions.)
this same eye of the mind is turned towards
============================================ the divine world, and the result is that we
shall get some kind of pictures, impres-
sions, ideas, flashes from that world. This
constitutes our higher mind—those im-
pressions, or intuitions, or the perception
of principles, or reason regarded as the
POINT OUT THE WAY pure mathematics of the Soul What is that
power? The ability to see the relation ex-
XXXIII isting or subsisting between one thing and
Chapter VII Question: — The use of the word “intel-
III.—Intuition, Intellect and “Lighting Up” the lect” at the bottom of the paragraph on
Child p.54 brings up a statement which Mr.
Question: — Mr. Judge states on p. 55 Judge made in another place, that intellect
that intuition does not depend on reason. will lead a man straight to hell because it is
Why is it that those flashes of intuition so cold, hard, selfish.
seem to come from very deep thought on
any subject? It would seem that intuition is Answer:—Do we not see that intellect is
the result of deep thought. used for the perception of the relation be-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 6
tween cause and effect, the principle of Answer:—Well, we say it, but when we
relativity? Now, we can mathematically were in the cradle we did not know that
apply that power, our perception of cause never was there a time when we were not.
and effect (the factors which produce any The knowledge was in us, but we weren’t
given result), just as well in figuring out aware that it was in us. Perhaps many of
how to destroy somebody’s life as we can these questions, including the famous one,
use it in figuring out how to save some- “Were we ever animals?” can never be
body’s life. cleared up for any one of us. Actually, that
stands to reason. If any other being what-
Here is a man drowning. By the use soever could do our work for us in the
of this principle in us, in its mundane as- mental and moral and spiritual sense, it
pect, we can say, “If such—and—such stands to reason that the Masters of Wis-
steps are taken, we can save that drowning dom would have done it for all of us long
man. We may perhaps even be able to ago. As a matter of fact, they can’t The
resuscitate him after all signs of life have Third Fundamental says that progress for
disappeared.” Or we can take that same man is absolutely by self-induced and self-
reason, here called “intellect,” and say, “If devised efforts.
we just put out a pole and hold it on top of
that man’s head and keep him under water What is called “inorganic matter,” by
for 10 minutes, he will drown.” The same us is Life in a state of profound lethargy
power—by one exercised wisely, crea- externally. When examined, it will be
tively and preservatively; by the other, found that internally it is violently alive,
used destructively. that its particles are in a state of tremen-
dous tension and oscillation within them-
Mr. Judge knew, and we all know, selves. The analogy for this is in the mind
that this power, unless used from a moral of a man who may be sitting perfectly still;
basis—that is, a humanitarian basis, an outwardly, he is in a state of profound
unselfish basis—is bound to be used from lethargy but, internally, his mind is whirl-
a selfish basis, a personal basis. Every- ing at a tremendous speed, is in a state of
thing in nature comes down to one of two high tension.
directions. So, then, whatever principle it
is that we employ, if we do not employ it Then we have the beginnings of or-
unselfishly we are bound to employ it self- ganic life. What is the essential difference,
ishly. Does it not stand to reason, there- let us not say between a vegetable arid a
fore, that the man who regards intellect, or mineral, but between what we know as the
the reasoning from cause to effect, as the vegetable kingdom and the mineral king-
very highest power of mind, knowing dom? In order to see what is the difference,
nothing of Self, knowing nothing of the we have first to see what there is in com-
principle of unity, knowing nothing of the mon. One is just as much Life as the other.
real source and real purpose of all exis- To distinguish the primary form of life
tence—is bound to use it for his own sake, which has passed through the three ele-
for his own benefit? That is what is the mental kingdoms and through the mineral
matter with humanity all the time. kingdom, and is now in the vegetable
kingdom, we have to invent a term. That
term in Sanskrit is Jiva meaning a life To
Question: — When the mindless man be- put it in English, we can borrow the reli-
comes a man, becomes aware of his own gious term and say, a soul or we can bor-
real nature, even in the smallest or most row a Theosophical term and call it a Mo-
inaccurate way, does he then say, “Never nad It simply means a primary, and there-
was time when I was not?” fore a simple and enduring, form of life.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 7
Now this life is in the vegetable complished? Well, H.P.B. once used the
form. What does that mean? It means that word metempsychosis which is the true
two of its principles, which were there all word, but we are mostly materialists. So
the time potentially (all seven principles the people took the word reincarnation and
are there, but asleep), are now partially she took it because they took it.
awake. Follow that same soul or Monad or
primary form of life through into the ani- But if you turn to p. 128 in the Ocean
mal kingdom, and what does that mean? Mr. Judge gives us the answer right there
That this same Monad now has three of its as to how this mindless man had his Fifth
principles active and awake, and is only Principle waked up by his brother beings,
beginning dimly to be sensitive. the incarnating egos, so—called, in whom
the fifth and sixth and seventh principles
Next, we come into a kingdom no were awake in unison. The initial awaken-
longer known to us, a kingdom here called ing is continued by the sure method, as Mr.
that of the “mindless men,” who in The Judge says, of mixture, amalgamation and
Secret Doctrine are called the “Lunar precipitation—just exactly what goes on in
Pitris.” Here we have a form of life which a chemical laboratory every day with the
is today no longer existing; it is human in chemical elements. The ingredients are
form, but has no self-consciousness. If we put together, they are mixed, they are
called it simply an animal—that to—us— amalgamated, they are fused, until a new
unknown being—we should think of it as a temporary element exists. Then, when that
four—legged creature, perhaps with horns is precipitated, we—humanity, that is—
and a tail. But when the phrase “mindless have something we can use.
man” or “human animal..” is used, it ought [TO BE CONTINUED ]
to arouse in us the conception that this
form of life does not exist on this plane
Traducción en español;de la pregunta
What is the “mindless man”? There y de la respuesta iniciales de
is the same primary consciousness with all Señaia el Camino
four of the lower principles not only fully
aroused and active, but combined into one Pregunta: -- El señor Judge nos informa
principle. If we were using present—day en la pagina 55 que la intuición no depende
Theosophical terms for it, we could call it de la razón. ¿Por-que es que esas destellos
the personality, the human being with out de intuición parecen venir de un pensa-
self—consciousness. We can see a very miento muy profundo en cualquier tema?
close counterpart of it in a little child— Parecería que la intuición es el resultado de
except that the race of the mindless had un pensamiento profundo.
grown—up forms. In the case of the child,
there is a human form, but actually the Respuesta: — En realidad, si observamos
being is a “human animal”: it is a mindless cuidadosamente, encontrariamos que la
human being, because there is no self- intuición no viene de unpensamiento pro-
consciousness in the baby body. fundo — nos viene después de haber estado
en una meditación profunda. La profundi-
What is that consciousness that has dad de un pensamiento es como una cáma-
passed “through every elemental form of ra; la intuición es como tomar el retrato.
that Manvantara. . .first by natural im- La intuición no viene de la cámara, sino de
pulse”? We need to think what that means. la dirección a la cuál la cámara está enfo-
The Monad has risen to that point where its cada ¿Asi que, tomandonos como Manas
fifth principle can be waked up by those — el, ser, no el principio, el ser en esta
beings in whom the fifth, sixth and seventh forma — no es claro que estamos entre dos
principles are all awake. How is that ac- mundos, el mundo de la auto-consiencia
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 8
humana, y el mundo de seres sin auto- The Water Bearer
conciencia, que son guiados por los cuátro To All My Crackpot Friends
principios inferiores casi completamente
despiertos? A water bearer in India had two large
pots, each hung on the ends of a pole
Nos indica, entonces, quesi dirigimos which he carried across his neck.
el ojo de la mente — o se nuestra atención
One of the pots had a crack in it,
— hacia el cuerpo físico o el cuerpo astral
while the other pot as perfect and always
o la energía viva o Kama o cualquier com- delivered a full portion of water.
binación de estas, el retrato que obten-
dríamos en nuestra mente seria desde el At the end of the long walk from the
fondo y nos identificaríamos con el retrato. stream to the house, the cracked pot ar-
Pero si, como la pregunta sugiere, nos con- rived only half full.
centramos en un profundo pensamiento, no
For a full two years this went on
en los retratos percividos por nuestros sen-
daily, with the bearer delivering only one
tidos o nuestro cuerpo astral, y así sucesi- and a half pots full of water to his house.
vamente, sino de la fuente casual de donde
estos efectos fluyen, entonces este mismo Of course, the perfect pot was proud
ojo de la mente se vuelve hacia el mundo of its accomplishments, perfect for which
divino, y el resultado es que obtendríamos it was made.
cierto tipo de retratos, impresiones, ideas,
But, the poor cracked pot was
chispasos de ese mundo. Esto constituye ashamed of its own imperfection, and
nuestra mente superior — esas impresio- miserable that it was able to accomplish
nes, o intuiciones, o la percepción de prin- only half of what it had been made to do.
cipios, o razones consideradas como las
matemáticas puras del alma. ¿Que es ese After 2 years of what it perceived to
poder? La habilidad de ver la relación be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water
existente o subsistente entre una cosa y bearer one day by the stream.
otra. “I am ashamed of myself, and I want
to apologize to you. I have been able to
deliver only half my load because this
crack in my side causes water to leak out
all the way back to your house. Because
of my flaws, you have to do all of this
work, and you don't get full value from
THE COFFEE KLATCH your efforts.”
Coffee Maker: My, my, what a day, The bearer said to the pot, “Did you
Grapes of Wrath must have been notice that there were flowers only on
written in the summer with no shade your side of the path, but not on the other
trees in sight. pot's side?

Gray-flanneled Man: Yes, bring me That's because I have always known

about your flaw, and I planted flower
some ice, I’ll be your first cooler cus- seeds on your side of the path. Every day
tomer. . as we walk back, you've watered them.
New-Baked Theosophist: (Whisper- For two years I have been able to
ing to the Coffee Maker) He said pick these beautiful flowers to decorate
that last month! You have another the table. Without you being just the way
“One Sentence Harry” on your hands! you are, there would not be this beauty to
Well, cheer-up Coffee Maker, I will grace the house”.
lighten your day with a story: .
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 9
Each of us has our own unique flaws. What is surprising is that none of Plato's analysts
We're all cracked pots. and researchers has ever spotted this. I haven't read
any comments on this. It seems that they all
But it's the cracks and flaws we each concentrate on the Atlantis and they miss out this
have that make our lives together so inter- little bit of information.
esting and rewarding.
It remains to be seen if this small finding will have
any significance in the future research.
You've just got to take each person
for what they are, and look for the good in With best greetings from Athens,
Costas Athens, GREECE

PS. Thank you for the interesting material that you sent
Collected lady in the center booth: “The “old Romans” were Hellenes in a new ethnological
New-Baked how could you come up disguise; and the still older Greeks the real blood ances-
with something so elegant! Yes, in tors of the future Romans.”
someone’s land we’ll always fit in no That's my opinion as well.
matter how weird we appear down Did you know that between the 4th to 7th century the
here. Even HPB said that the hullaba- name Greek or Hellene was considered as an insult, the
equivalent of idol worshiper?
loo crowd stared at her like she “was a
monkey in red britches!” Also in the 17th & 18th century Greeks were commonly
called Romii.

Dear Jerome,
Thank you very much for your reply!
I quite agree with you, “this is not even

It is not strange that Plato describes in 360 BC how

to travel from Europe to America:
[The Dnyaneshvari is mentioned many times by Madame
¦6 *¦ Jä< <¬FT< ¦B\ JZ< 6“J“<J46D× Blavatsky, always in glowing terms. The following
B“F“< ·B,4D@< J¯< B,D\ JÎ< •8024<Î< rendition is extracted from Manu Subedar’s translation.
¦6,Ã<@< B`<J@< The great Sage, Dnaneshwara Maharaj sang this work to
and from these (islands) you might pass to the his people when he was quite young. He did it in their
native language, Marathi, about 700 years ago. It is his
whole of the opposite continent which surrounded commentary on the Bhagavad Gita.]
the true ocean.
As you point out, it was known in those days that XXXII
the earth was round, that it rotated, and was but a
planet like any other of these celestial bodies.
Furthermore there are indications of trips to
America from ancient times. Possible travelers are
Shri Krishna says to Arjuna: I will now
Odysseus and the Argonauts. There are also many
findings today in the USA supporting the mention to you the characteristics of a
hypothesis that the ancient Greeks and other devotee (Bhakta), who has reached the
Europeans had traveled to the New World long realization of oneness.
before Columbus. The finds include coins, artifacts,
tombs etc. I am the Creator of the universe and
its sustenance is also through Me. Waves
originate in water, they depend on water
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 10
and their life is through water. The only of the day and night in the excess of their
support from all points of view for the affection for Me and through the knowl-
waves is nothing but water. In this way for edge of Self, they experience supreme
the whole universe, there is no other sup- happiness. They are on their way to Me to
port except My form. Realizing thus, that I receive the final fruits of their efforts. Be-
am omnipresent, people worship Me with fore this path of the devotee, the choice of
devotion and affection in all places. I am heaven and salvation itself fades. They
the same in all countries and at all times. already posses, whatever they are going to
receive on account of their devotion. The
The wind moves in the sky and as- only obligation, which then remains for
sumes the form of the sky. So the devotee, Me towards them, is that I should increase
constantly thinking of Me, who am omni- their affection in the form of their devotion
present, moves in this universe cheerfully. to Me and should take away from them the
Re- member, that he alone, knows the true fear of death.
knowledge of Self. He regards everything
as My form and he secures union with Me A fond mother runs after her child
through this devotion (Bhakti Yoga). when it is playing, and prepares everything
Those, who are absorbed in Me with all that the child requires as if it were a most
their hearts, are conscious of life and death important obligation. Similarly I have to
moving through the ocean of wisdom support My devotees in their devotional
(Dnyana). Like adjacent lakes, joining one activities. I encourage them cheerfully in
another, when they are full of water, so the practices that they favor and by which
that the different waves of each other sup- they seek Me and come to join Me. The
port each other, in the union of men of very affectionate devotees are so rare, that
wisdom, waves of supreme joy meet one I begin to love their whole-hearted atten-
another. True knowledge of Self becomes tion to Me. Those whose devotion is su-
an ornament of the true knowledge of Self, perficial, are rewarded in their path by two
and their meeting is like the sun embracing conditions – one of which is called Swarga
the moon or two streams of equal magni- (heaven) and the other is Moksha (salva-
tude joining one -another. In the overflow tion). Even for Shesha, the great serpent,
at their meeting place, where the unity of and for Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, I
Brahman resides, the eight authorities have given My physical body only. But
(Bhavas), themselves are carried away. the supreme joy of Self, which is superior
to everything and free from any material
The men with wisdom thus become connection has been reserved only for the
the lords of the highways of discourse. exclusive devotees of mine. So close are
They experience the supreme joy of Brah- they to Me, O Arjuna, that this is a topic,
man and with the satisfaction of having which I do not like to discuss. It is a mat-
attained. They shout with delight and ter only for experience and not for words.
troop out of the village in the form of the
human body. The incantation (Mantra) [TO BE CONTINUED]

consisting of one letter, that is ordinarily

spoken of in private between the teacher
and the disciple, is then declared by them
as loudly as thunder in the clouds. Just as
the bud of the lotus cannot conceal its
scent after it has bloomed, but passes in on
equally to the high and the low, so these
devotees sing My praises and after deep
devotion, they ultimately become uncon-
scious of body and mind. They lose sight
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 11

Guest Editorial The MONAD (in itself) is unaf-

fected. But it draws SKANDHAS (or Mo-
THE EVOLUTION OF SPIRIT-MATTER nads of lesser experience around it and to
it) They “hook up to it.” They choose it to
“ is a free agent during his stay be the center of their progress1. They form
on earth. He cannot escape his ruling Des- the highest and best vehicle for it to begin
tiny...which from birth to death every man to manifest CONSCIOUSLY on the lower
is weaving thread by thread around him- planes of MANIFESTATION -- of which
self; and this destiny is guided either by the there are the 7 we know (both in Nature
heavenly voice of the invisible prototype and in Man). “The Monads are the Souls of
outside of us, or by the evil genius of our the Atoms, both are the fabric in which the
more intimate astral, or inner man.” Chohans (Dhyanis, gods) clothe them-
SD I 639 selves when a form is needed.” — SD I 619.
“It is on the right comprehension of To be brief we call the MONAD
the primeval Evolution of Spirit-Matter when it is the mineral stage the “MIN-
and its real essence that the student has to ERAL-MONAD.” When it is in the animal
depend for the further elucidation in his stage of its evolution, we call it the “ANI-
mind of the Occult Cosmogony, and for MAL-MONAD.” And when it finally
the only sure clue which can guide his sub- reaches the Human stage, we call it the
sequent studies.” — Secret Doctrine I, 277 “HUMAN-MONAD.”2
“It is the Spiritual evolution of the [Extracts from material contributed by DTB]
inner, immortal man that forms the funda-
mental tenet in the Occult Sciences...the
student has to believe:
a) in the ONE Universal Life, independ-
ent of matter...and,
b) in the individual intelligences that
animate the various manifest-ations of
this Principle.”
— SD I 634
TIVE power which is used by the Real Man, in 1
Hence the sacramental phrase: “To the earnest
its experiences on the 7 planes of Nature — Disciple his Teacher takes the place of Father and
Mother.” Or this from the Voice: “So the
using the 6 “principles” of its nature as a basis collective mind of Lanoo Shravakas, they have to
for making this contact, and it stores the mem- be attuned to the Upadhyaya’s Mind, one with
ory of those experiences. This power gives the oversoul, or break away.” It is the
Upadhyaya’s attunement that makes him a
each man-mind its independence. crucial bridge or pathway to birth on a higher
plane for the disciple.
But that MEMORY is not always avail- 2
Sometimes called the “three lettered Monad”
able to the Mind (Lower-Manas) when em- because Atma-Buddhi-Manas are the human
bodied in our personalities and also, the higher Triad. “It is those who have deserted the
Superior Spheres, the Gods of Will, who com-
visible physical bodies we now live in as plete the Manu of illusion. For the ‘Double
waking consciousness. This makes the Dragon’ has no hold upon the mere form. It is
like the breeze where there is no tree or branch
progress we seek (in the here and now) to to receive and harbour it. It cannot affect the
become a process of purifying the nature form where there is no agent of transmission
of the psychic impressions we have im- (Manas, “Mind”) and the form knows it not.”

posed on living matter (skandhas) that we ”In the highest worlds, the three are one, ¶ on
Earth (at first) the one becomes two. They are
have drawn together to make up these bod- like the two (side) lines of a triangle that has lost
ies of ours. its bottom line—which is the third fire.” (Cate-
chism Book III., sec. 9.) (vide SDII, 57)
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 12

Buckminster Fuller On: inductive. The total complex of otherness

is the environment.
Life, Synergetics, and Geometry
The Wellspring of Reality
Universe to each must be
We are in an age that assumes the All that is, including me.
narrowing trends of specialization to be Environment in turn must be
All that is, excepting me.
logical, natural, and desirable.
Consequently, society expects all earnestly R. Buckminster Fuller, Synergetics
responsible communication to be crisply
brief. Advancing science has now Discoveries are uniquely regenera-
discovered that all the known cases of tive to the explorer and are most powerful
biological extinction have been caused by on those rare occasions when a generalized
overspecialization, whose concentration of principle is discovered. When mind dis-
only selected genes sacrifices general covers a generalized principle permeating
adaptability. Thus the specialist's brief for whole fields of special-case experiences,
pinpointing brevity is dubious. In the the discovered relationship is awesomely
meantime, humanity has been deprived of and elatingly beautiful to the discoverer
comprehensive understanding. Special- personally, not only because to the best of
ization has bred feelings of isolation, his knowledge it has been heretofore un-
futility, and confusion in individuals. It known, but also because of the intuitively
has also resulted in the individual's leaving sensed potential of its effect upon knowl-
responsibility for thinking and social edge and the consequently improved ad-
action to others. Specialization breeds vantages accruing to humanity’s survival
biases that ultimately aggregate as and growth struggle in Universe. The
international and ideological discord, stimulation is not that of the discoverer of
which, in turn, leads to war. a diamond, which is a physical entity that
R. Buckminster Fuller, Synergetics may be monopolized or exploited only to
the owner’s advantage. It is the realization
CHILD AS EXPLORER that the newly discovered principle will
provide spontaneous, common-sense logic
Awareness of the Child: The simplest engendering universal cooperation where,
descriptions are those expressed by only in many areas, only confusion and contro-
one word. The one word alone that versy had hitherto prevailed.
describes the experience “life” is R. Buckminster Fuller, Synergetics
“awareness.” Awareness requires an
otherness of which the observer can be ON GEOMETRY
aware. The communication of awareness
is both subjective and objective, from Synergetics: A metaphoric language for
passive to active, from otherness to self, communicating experiences using
from self to otherness. geometric concepts.
Thinking is the tuning in/out of systems.
Awareness = self + otherness
Systems are spherical networks of
Awareness = observer + observed
interrelated points of interest. The density
of points is a measure of a system's
Awareness is the otherness saying to
``frequency'' — super high frequency
the observer, “See Me.” Awareness is the
systems approach sphericity.
observer saying to self, “I see the
otherness.” Otherness induces awareness The minimal system with the fewest
of self. Awareness is always otherness possible points is a tetrahedron — four
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 13
points make a primitive volume with an identifies energy with number. Energetic
inside and an outside. The canonical geometry employs 60-degree coordination
tetrahedron has a volume of one. because that is nature's way to closest-pack
The tetrahedron may be sliced into 24
irregular tetrahedra (12 left handed, 12
right handed) called ``A modules.'' The What is a tetrahedron (tetra), oc-
octahedron is comprised of 48 A and 48 B tahedron (octa), and an icosahe-
modules of equal volume = 4 x the volume
dron (icosa)?
of the tetrahedron. A and B modules may
be used to assemble the cube (3 These are the three omni-triangulated,
tetravolumes), rhombic dodecahedron (6 omni-symmetrical, stable, space structures
tetravolumes), and the Coupler (1 in Universe. The tetra has 4 vertices
tetravolume). The Coupler, with the same (crossings), 6 edges (vectors) and 4 faces
volume as the tetrahedron (1), is an (openings). The octa has 6 crossings, 12
irregular octahedron that packs together to vectors, and 8 openings. The icosa has 12
fill space without gaps. crossings, 30 vectors, and 20 openings.
The Greeks called these three figures “pla-
Radiation is explosive outwardly while
tonic solids.” They are very important in
Gravitation is an implosive squeezing at 90
degrees to Radiation, i.e. is circumferen-
tial. Metaphysically, Gravity networks For those interested in group theory, from
points of interest into systems of interre- a group theoretical perspective, we can
lated thoughts while Radiation drains away view the symmetry groups of the tetrahe-
the sense of our systems and turns them dron and the octahedron as subgroups of
into meaningless noise. Radiation is com- the symmetry group of the icosahedron
pression, Gravity is tension. Radiation is (with reflections included) - so that, in a
Entropy. Gravity is Love. Clearly this is sense, the tetrahedron and octahedron are
not Physics but a more metaphorical lan- “children” of the icosahedron.
guage for communicating experiences us-
ing geometric concepts. This is Synerget-
What is ``synergy?''
[Ed: I think Fuller's synergetics describes
real physics. Though it is true as Kirby ``Synergy means behavior of whole sys-
points out that Bucky's presentation is tems unpredicted by the behavior of their
more “descriptive” than “hard” physics. I parts taken separately.
contend that because Fuller is “right on” in
his description, it is up to us to find the ``Synergy means behavior of integral, ag-
“hard” physics interpretation behind his gregate, whole systems unpredicted by
“metaphors.”] behaviors of any of their components or
subassemblies of their components taken
separately from the whole.'' [From Blaine A.
Synergetics originates in the assumption D'Amico.]
that dimension must be physical; that con-
Fuller's clearest example of ``behavior of
ceptuality is metaphysical and independent
whole systems unpredicted by the behavior
of size; and that a triangle is a triangle in-
of the parts'' is mass attraction. The Earth
dependent of size.
and the Moon maintain their relationship
Since physical Universe is entirely ener- through an interattraction of their respec-
getic, all dimension must be energetic. tive masses. This mass attraction (gravity
Synergetics is energetic geometry since it being a special case of mass attraction) is a
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 14
function of the mass of the two bodies “In 1905, such a kite powered by a
AND THEIR DISTANCE FROM ONE feeble breeze, lifted a man some thirty feet
ANOTHER. The scientific law governing into the air ....
this attraction states that if you halve the
distance between the two bodies you quad- “...He did erect, on his Nova Scotia
ruple the attraction and vice-versa (i.e., island, a tetrahedronal tower, its seventy-
double the distance and the attraction is 1/4 two foot legs meeting tripod fashion five
the original). This generalized principle stories above the ground. Each leg was
(the law of mass attraction) is a synergy subdivided into four-foot tetrahedral cells
because if either body is considered sepa- of half-inch pipe, and each cell could
rately there is no attractive force to exam- support two tons without signs of distress.
ine. The law of mass attraction is mathe- Bell had effected about 1907 one of the
matically exact and exists only as a func- periodical rediscoveries of the oc-tet
tion of the whole system. It is therefore a configuration Bucky stumbled onto in
Synergy. kindergarten, and moreover has used it in a
practical structure. He seems not to have
applied for a patent and the tetrahedronal
tower was dismantled after a decade.
Bucky had very possibly never heard of it
when he came upon the principle yet again
The following quote comes from Hugh
during his geometrical work of the 1940's
Kenner's book Bucky: A Guided tour of
and wrote to his patent lawyer.''
Buckminster Fuller, c.1973
“...What are we to make, for instance,
of Alexander Graham Bell's infatuation
about the tetrahedron?
What is the ``vector equilibrium'' (VE)?
“About two years after little Bucky's
adventure with the toothpicks and the peas, ``The geometrical model of energy con-
the veteran inventor of telephony figurations in synergetics is developed
perceived in the tetrahedron a figure of from a symmetrical cluster of spheres, in
singular virtue. It is the three-dimensional which each sphere is a model of a field of
equivalent of the triangle, holding its form energy all of whose forces tend to coordi-
with invincible tenacity. It is the minimum nate themselves, shuntingly or pulsatively,
space enclosure, with four identical sides and only momentarily in positive or nega-
nothing simpler can be envisaged. Having tive asymmetrical patterns relative to, but
of all space enclosures the maximum never congruent with, the eternality of the
structure in proportion to its content, it has vector equilibrium. The vectors connect-
therefore the maximum attainable strength. ing the centers of the adjacent spheres are
Bell's mind moved to performance per identical in length and angular relationship.
pound and to aeronautics, and in the very The forces of the field of energy repre-
summer before the Wrights flew he wrote sented by each sphere interoscillate
in his son-in-law's National Geographic of through the symmetry of equilibrium to
the virtues of a tetrahedronal configuration various asymmetries, never pausing at
in kites. Such a kite will not easily lose equilibrium. The vector equilibrium itself
lift, and Bell's idea that the future of is only a referential pattern of conceptual
aeronautics lay in a design which wouldn't relationships at which nature never
tend to kill the pilot in case of a stall led pauses.''
him to hundreds of experiments with kites
composed of many tetrahedral cells, as Although the discovery of the geo-
many as 1300. metrical basis for all of nature's designs
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 15
was published by Fuller over 30 years ago, Roger Penrose on
“modern” science & society still does not
seem to be aware of this monumental
achievement! [“In his book Shadows of the Mind, Roger
Penrose suggests that deep problems in arti-
All of the physical universe is made ficial intelligence, physics, and the philosophy
out of ENERGY either radiant or tied up in of mind are closely connected. He presents a
knots called atoms. detailed argument, using Gödel's theorem,
for the conclusion that human thought cannot
Energy can not stand still; energy is be simulated by any computation. This leads
him to the conclusion that physics is non-
always in motion; therefore, energy is al- computable, and he presents suggestions
ways moving in some DIRECTION about how noncomputability may enter into a
theory of quantum gravity. Finally, he ar-
gues that this may take effect at the level of
[Dedication of Buckminster Fuller’s two-volume the mind through quantum collapse proc-
work: Synergy] esses in microtubules — protein structures
found in the skeleton of a neuron.
THIS WORK IS DEDICATED TO In this symposium, nine researchers in
H. S. M. COXETER computer science, philosophy, psychology,
PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS mathematics, and molecular biology address
UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO Penrose's positions at some length, concen-
trating on his Gödelian arguments against
artificial intelligence and on his proposal that
To me no experience of childhood so quantum processes in microtubules are es-
reinforced self-confidence in one's own sential to the functioning of the mind. The
exploratory faculties as did geometry. Its commentaries are followed by a reply by
inspiring effectiveness in winnowing out Penrose.” {David Chalmers, editor of PSYCHE,
an interdisplinary Journal of Research on
and evaluating a plurality of previously Consciousness}
unknowns from a few given knowns, and
We have used fragments of the reply by Penrose;
its elegance of proof lead to the further the entire set of papers may be viewed at:
discovery and comprehension of a grand ]

strategy for all problem solving. By virtue

of his extraordinary life's work in mathe- How Could Physics Actually Help?
matics, Dr. Coxeter is the geometer of our
Several commentators (Baars,
bestirring twentieth century, the spontane-
Chalmers, Feferman, Maudlin) question
ously acclaimed terrestrial curator of the
the competence of any physical theory ever
historical inventory of the science of pat-
having anything of importance to say about
tern analysis. I dedicate this work with
mind, consciousness, qualia, etc. and Klein
particular esteem for him and in thanks to
asks for clarification on this issue. Ac-
all the geometers of all time whose impor-
cording to Feferman, for example, my at-
tance to humanity he epitomizes.
tempts to push the consciousness discus-
[There are numerous sites working with the Buck- sion in the direction of physics would
minster Fuller material. Most of the above material
comes from:
merely be to replace one "nothing but" theory with another, i.e. to replace "the
conscious mind is nothing but a computer"
with "the conscious mind is nothing but
sub-atomic physics". Other commentators,
in effect, express similar worries. In fact,
to describe things in the aforementioned
way is rather to miss the point of what I
am trying to say. I certainly do not expect
to find any answers in sub-atomic physics,
for example. What I am arguing for is a
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 16
radical upheaval in the very basis of so remote from its form and structure.
physical theory. Moreover, quite apart from any considera-
tions of mentality, there are, in my opinion,
In most respects, this upheaval very powerful reasons coming from within
would have to have no observable effects, physics itself for believing that such a
however. This might seem odd, but we revolution is necessary.
have an important precedent. Einstein's
general relativity, as regards most (indeed, Einstein's theory was to do with the
almost all) of its observational conse- issue of how to describe the phenomenon
quences, is identical with Newton's theory of gravity — in its action in guiding the
of gravity. Yet, it indeed provided a radi- planets and the stars and the galaxies, and
cal upheaval in the very basis of physical in the shaping of the large-scale structure
theory. The concept of gravitational force of the universe. These phenomena do not
is gone. The concept of a flat background directly relate to the processes which con-
Euclidean space is gone. The very fabric trol the behaviour of our brains and which
of space-time is warped, and the density of presumably actually underlie our mental-
energy and momentum, in whatever form, ity. What I am now asking for is a revolu-
directly influences the measure of this tion that would operate at the very scales
warping. The precise way in which the relevant to mental processes. Yet I am
warping occurs describes gravity and tells also arguing that the physical revolution
us how matter is to move under its influ- we seek should actually be dependent upon
ence. Self-propagating ripples in this the particular revolutionary changes that
space-time fabric can occur, and carry Einstein's theory already represented from
away energy in a mysterious non-local the older Newtonian ideas about the nature
way. Although for many years observa- of reality.
tional support for Einstein's theory was
rather marginal, it can now be said that, in I know that this puzzles many peo-
a clear-cut sense, Einstein's theory is con- ple; in fact, it puzzles many physicists that
firmed to a precision of one part in one I should seriously attempt to claim such a
hundred million million — better than any thing. For the scales at which gravitational
other physical theory (see Shadows, Sec- interactions reign seem totally different
tion 4.5). from those which operate in the brain. A
few words of explanation may well be
What I am asking for is a revolution helpful at this juncture. I am certainly not
of (at least) similar proportions. It should asking that gravitational interactions (or
represent as much of a change in our pre- "forces") should have any significance for
sent-day ways of looking at quantum the- the physical processes that are going on in
ory as general relativity represents a the brain. The point is quite a different
change from Newtonian theory. Some will one. I am referring, instead, to the influ-
argue, however, that even the profound ences that Einstein's viewpoint with regard
changes that I have described above, which to gravity will have upon the very structure
overturn the very basis of Newtonian phys- of quantum theory. Instead of quantum
ics, will do nothing to help us come to superpositions persisting for all time — as
terms with the puzzle of mentality within standard quantum theory would have us
such a physically determined universe. I do believe — such superpositions constitute a
not deny the significance of that argument. state which is unstable (see Penrose 1996).
But we do not yet know the very form that Moreover, this decay time can be com-
this new theory must take. It might have a puted, at least in certain very clear-cut
character so different from that which we situations. Yet, many physicists might
have become accustomed to in physical well take the view that the time-scales,
theory that mentality itself may not seem distance-scales, mass-scales, and energy-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 17
scales that would arise in any framework laws that actually govern the behaviour of
that purports to embody the union of Ein- our universe. What reason do we really
stein's general relativity with quantum the- have to assume that mentality does not
ory must be hopelessly wrong. Indeed the need these particular laws? Could con-
relevant time-scale (~10^-43 seconds) is sciousness arise in a world controlled by
some twenty orders of magnitude shorter some arbitrarily chosen set of rules?
that the briefest processes that are consid- Could it arise within the scope of John
ered to take place in particle physics; the Conway's "game of life" (Gardner 1970,
relevant space-scale (~10^-13 cm) is some Poundstone 1985), for example, as Mo-
twenty orders of magnitude smaller than ravec (1988) has suggested? Although the
the diameter of a proton; the relevant Conway rules for a "toy universe" are in-
mass-scale (~10^-5 grams) is about the genious, they do not have the subtle so-
mass of a flea, which seems much too big; phistication of Newtonian mechanics —
and the relevant energy scale (~10^18 whose sophistication people often take for
ergs) is about what would be released in granted. Yet despite the extraordinary
the explosion of a can of petrol. However, fruitfulness of Newtonian ideas, even they
when one comes to examine the details, cannot explain something so basic as the
these figures conspire together (some be- nature and stability of atoms. We need
ing individually too small but others corre- quantum theory for that. And even quan-
spondingly too big) to produce an effect tum theory does not fully account for the
that is indeed of an eminently appropriate behaviour of atoms, because its explana-
magnitude. tions require that curious hybrid of proce-
dures of unitary (Schroedinger) evolution
Again, many would argue that we and quantum state-vector reduction (de-
shall still have come no closer to an under- noted in Shadows by U and R, respec-
standing of mentality in physical terms. tively) — procedures which are not really
Perhaps, indeed, we will not have come a consistent with one another, I claim.
great deal closer. But I believe that some Eventually, in order to explain even the
progress will have been made in an appro- stability and the specific nature of atoms,
priate direction. The picture of quantum we shall need a better theory of physics
state reduction that this viewpoint is con- than we have today, at the fundamental
cerned with ("OR": objective state- level.
reduction) involves the bifurcation and
then selection of one out of several choices There is no doubt that physics — and
for the very shape of space-time. More- often the very detailed nature of the spe-
over, there are fundamental issues arising cific underlying physical laws — is essen-
here as to the nature of time and the appar- tial to most of the sophisticated behaviour
ent flow of time. I am not arguing that of the world we know. So why should the
these issues will, in themselves, resolve the most sophisticated behaviour that we know
puzzles of human mentality. But I do of in the world, namely that of conscious
claim that they could well point us in new living human beings, not also depend on
directions of relevance to them, and this the very detailed nature of those laws? As
could change the very nature of the ques- I have indicated above, we do not yet
tions that the problems of mentality raise. know the full nature of these laws, even in
some of their most basic respects. A new
I think that people in AI1, and per- theory is needed quite independently of
haps a good many philosophers also, have any necessity for new laws to describe a
a tendency to underestimate the impor- universe that can support consciousness.
tance of the specific nature of the physical However, physicists themselves often get
carried away into thinking that they know
i.e., those studying Artificial Intelligence. everything that is needed — in principle, at
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 18
least — for the behaviour of all things of conscious mentality being appreciated
relevance. There is a curious irony, here, also.
in McDermott's quoting from Shadows
p.373 "It is only the arrogance of the pre- It appears that some people, on read-
sent age that leads so many to believe that ing the section entitled “Contact with
we now know all the basic principles that Plato’s World” in Chapter 10 of The Em-
can underlie all the subtleties of biological peror’s New Mind, have picked up the
action." For he takes that remark to be curious view that I believe that mathemati-
aimed primarily at the AI community. In cians obtain their mathematical knowledge
fact, the people I had primarily in mind by use of some direct mystical quality not
were the (theoretical) physicists. I do not possessed by ordinary mortals (see Grush
and Churchland 1995, for example), and
blame the biologists, or even AI research-
even that I may be claiming for myself a
ers, when they take from the physicists a
particularly unique such quality! This is a
picture of the world commonly claimed to
complete misreading of what I had in-
be almost final — bar some technical de-
tended in that section; for I was simply
tails that are irrelevant for the behaviour of
trying to find some explanation of the fact
macroscopic objects. But perhaps that different mathematicians can commu-
McDermott is right; some AI researchers nicate a mathematical truth from one to
seem to be nearly as arrogant as high- another even though their modes of think-
energy physicists (and with far less reason) ing may be totally dissimilar. I was argu-
— especially those AI researchers who ing merely that the mathematical truth that
claim that the deepest mystery of the each mathematician may be groping for are
physical world can be answered without “external” to each of them — these truths
any reference to the actual laws that gov- being “inhabitants of Plato’s timeless
ern that world! world.” I was certainly not arguing for a
fundamentally particular quality of “direct
I should make it clear, however, that
Platonic contact” to be possessed only by
I am certainly making no claim that the
certain individuals. I was referring simply
mystery of mentality can be resolved
to the general qualities of “understanding”
merely by finding the correct physical the- (or “insight”) which are in principle avail-
ory. I am sure that there are vital insights able to all thinking individuals (though
to be gained from psychology as well as they may perhaps come somewhat more
from neuro-physiology and other aspects easily to some individuals than to others).
of biology. Baars seems to think that I am These qualities are not mystical — but as
denying the existence of the unconscious, Godel’s theorem shows, there is indeed
because there is no significant mention of something rather mysterious about them.
it in Shadows (though there was some Roger Penrose
small reference to the unconscious mind in “Beyond the Doubting of a Shadow”
The Emperor's New Mind). I should like Psyche, Jan. 23, 1996
to reassure Baars that I fully accept both
the existence of the unconscious and its
importance to human behaviour. The only
reason that the unconscious was not dis-
cussed in Shadows was that I had no con-
tribution to make on the subject. I was
concerned with the issue of consciousness
directly, in particular in relation to the
quality of understanding. However, I cer-
tainly agree that a complete picture cannot
be obtained without the proper role of un-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 19

BRANE THEORY physicists] had done things with it I hadn’t

envisioned. It was like taking the stopper
out of the dam. Things poured through.
Is the world we see trapped on a thin Alan Guth of the Massachusetts In-
membrane separating us from vast other
realms? Some scientists say that would
stitute of Technology, creator of the cur-
explain a lot. rently accepted version of the Big Bang
said recently he felt a little like Rip Van
Winkle — picking up his head from a long
Plato considered it first. sleep only to notice that the landscape of
What if everything we hold dear is physics he thought he knew had suddenly,
but a thin slice of some larger, unreachable drastically, changed.
reality, like a flickering shadow cast on the Stephen Hawking of the University
craggy wall of a cave? What if the moon of Cambridge, among others, envisions
and stars, you home, your thoughts, your brane worlds bubbling up out of the void,
cat, are but projections on this wall — mere giving rise to whole new universes. He
suggestions of unfathomable realms be- ends his latest book, The universe in a Nut-
yond. shell, with a call to explore this “brane new
In the last few years, a mathemati- world.”
cally rigorous version of Plato’s 2,000 One might well wonder why such a
year-old thought experiment has been re- seemingly bizarre concept has attracted so
fashioning the way physicists think about many well-established physicists. The
everything from sub-atomic particles to the short answer is: desperation.
Big Bang. The universe we see according
to this scenario, is stuck on a thin mem- The laws of nature that describe the
brane of space-time embedded in a much large-scale universe to an astonishing de-
larger cosmos. And our membrane may be gree of precision (Einstein’s general rela-
only one of many, all of which may warp, tivity) are incompatible with the laws that
wiggle, connect and collide with one an- describe the small scale universe with the
other in as many as 10 dimensions. Physi- same astonishing exactness (quantum the-
cists call this new frontier the “brane ory). This means either that one of these
world.” well-tested theories is wrong (all but in-
conceivable) or that there is some larger,
The idea could help solve a long list more encompassing theory that somehow
of outstanding mysteries. Among them: accommodates both.
What is the “dark matter” that seems to
make up 90% of the universe? And Why To date, the only theory that comes
is gravity trillions of times weaker than close to marrying the two is “string theory”
electromagnetism? — a mathematically elegant set of ideas
that has swept the world of physicists over
The revolution was set off in the the last few decades. According to string
mid-1990s when UC Santa Barbara physi- theory, the basic ingredients of the uni-
cist Joe Polchinski determined through verse are not point-like particles but tiny
mathematics that branes were a surface to strings vibrating in 10-dimensional space.
which things attach, like hair to skin — Although still untested, string theory has
except the “things” in this case were the scored a spectacular series of theoretical
minuscule “strings” that may well be the successes, earning it an ever-widening
fundamental ingredients of the universe. circle of admirers.
“I was just fiddling around with
mathematics. Within a week or two [other
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 20
And yet string theory remains a “Your bulk could contain many 3-
realm apart from day-to-day physics — branes,” one physicist said.
lovely to behold but innately aloof.
“The 9-branes could still annihilate.”
For one thing, the strings are so
small that it would take a [huge particle This was not your grandmother’s
accelerator larger than any accessable to physics. There were no objects in the
most physicists to test.] usual sense. No matter, no particles. Not
even numbers. Only “instantons,” “alpha
Brane models change all that. vacua” and multimulti-dimensional mem-
Unlike in string theory, the extra dimen- branes wrapping around one another, trav-
sions in brane worlds can be big, infinitely eling down throats of black holes and
big. “It led to a whole new bunch of pos- bouncing back, transformed.
sibilities that could be experimentally
tested,” said physicist Jim Cline of McGill Even to physicists, much of this
University in Montreal. seems unbearably strange. But in physics,
strangeness comes with the territory.
What’s more, branes don’t require “When I first learned about quantum phys-
the full range of mathematical tools re- ics as an undergraduate, it just about de-
quired for string theory, opening the door stroyed my mind,” said Standford post-
to new groups of scientists. “You can use doctoral fellow Stephen Alexander. “And
methods that are part and parcel of more now, 12 years later, it’s just tool.”
traditional physics.” Said Columbia Uni-
versity physicist Brian Greene. “So a per- There’s actually nothing particularly
son who’s not a string theorist can jump new about the idea that space may extend
into the field and make contributions.” into unseen dimensions, or even that the
world we know is somehow trapped on a
This sense of promise was palpable membrane.
last summer at the Aspen Center for Phys-
ics, where string theorists and cosmologists Extra dimensions were such a hot
— the scientists who study the origin and topic in the 19th century that Victorian
structure of the universe — gathered for a schoolmaster Edwin Abbott wrote a fa-
workshop to explore links between the mous science fiction novel, Flatland,
smallest scales in the universe and the based on the notion that our limited per-
largest. Brane scenarios popped up eve- ceptions prevented us from seeing worlds
rywhere, enveloped in the thick fog of un- existing right in front of our three-
certainty that clouds the birth of new dimensional noses. Albert Einstein made
worlds. extra dimensions an integral part of phys-
ics when he used a fourth dimension, time,
The setting was strangely church- in his theory of relativity in 1905. Ten
like. The faithful sat in rows under spires years later he showed that this interwoven
of white-barked aspens, their round leaves fabric of space-time could warp under the
fluttering in the wind. influence of massive objects — “causing”
the force we know as gravity.
In front a maestro in sneakers tapped
out symbols on a blackboard, chalk flying Extra-dimensional membranes were
like fairy dust, black jeans covered in kicking around in string theory since at
white handprints. There was lots of talk least the mid-1980s but no one took them
about the infinite; lots of recitation and very seriously. One of the first suggestions
response. Everyone strained to channel that the world we know might be stuck to
some larger reality through equations. such a membrane appeared in a 1985 paper
that was a parody of string theory titled
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 21
“The Super G-String” by V. Gates, et al., ized that branes could be infinitely large
from the University of Cauliflower (actu- and yet remain invisible.
ally, physicist Warren Siegel of State Uni-
versity of New York, Stony Brook). “It The reason: We can’t see anything
was based on a serious paper that was to- outside our brane, because light can’t es-
tally overlooked because it was before its cape or enter it. We can’t hear anything
time,” Polchinski said. outside, because sound travels through
matter, and matter is stuck to our brane.
The branes playing such a large role We can’t use radioactivity to sense what’s
in physics today are richer and more beyond, or even break through with nu-
mathematically rigorous than early ver- clear bombs, because nuclear forces are
sions. also firmly nailed to our brane. There
could be a big blue elephant setting not a
Essentially, a brane is a discontinuity millimeter away in another dimension, but
in space-time, a boundary where things we wouldn’t know it’s there because eve-
meet, like the surface of a pond where the rything we use to “see” is stuck to our
water meets the sky. brane.
“It’s a defect in the quantum fabric,” Only gravity can’t be glued to a par-
said Ruth Gregory of the University of ticular brane. Gravity, as Einstein re-
Durham in Britain. One one side of the vealed, is the curving of space-time itself,
defect would be the vacuum of empty so it wanders willy nilly where it will,
space. A vacuum with somewhat different leaking off our brane into what physicists
properties might exist on the other side. call “the bulk” — the rest of space-time.
Imagine our brane as pond scum — a Brane scenarios offer an elegant ex-
thin film that divides the air above from a planation for why gravity is such a weak-
deep (perhaps infinitely deep) body of wa- ling. Maybe it’s not any weaker than the
ter below. Most of what we experience is other forces. Maybe it’s just concentrated
trapped in the scum. But beyond is a somewhere else in the bulk, or on another
whole other world of currents swirling brane.
beneath the surface. Their motion might
tug on our scum. We’d feel it as nothing Explaining the wimpiness of gravity
but a gentle disturbance, never dreaming of is but a taste of what this Brane New
what lurks below. World might do. Consider another embar-
rassing problem that has stumped astrono-
A brane doesn’t always divide one mers for decades. At least 90% of the mat-
thing from another. It may just be a con- ter in the universe is AWOL. Or more
densation of stuff, “a localized lump of precisely, it is known to exist because of
energy and curvature that likes to hang its gravitational pull (without it, galaxies
together,” Stanford University physicist wouldn’t hold together) but can’t be de-
Steve Shenker said. tected by any other means. The standard
approach has been to populate the universe
Either way, it’s a place where things
with exotic new forms of matter, too elu-
get stuck — like the scum on the pond.
sive to be readily seen.
“that was the revolution,” said Harvard
University physicist Lisa Randall. “To If our brane is but a small slice of a
realize that branes were honest-to- much larger cosmos, however, the “dark
goodness objects.” matter” might be nothing but ordinary mat-
ter trapped on another brane.
Randall played a pivotal roles in the
revolution when she and Johns Hopkins
University physicist Raman Sundrum real-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 22
Such a shadow world, Hawking sense’ on the most important problem —
speculates, might contain “shadow human namely, how did it all begin.”
beings wondering about the mass that
seems to be missing from their world.” Branes can enclose the Big Bang
singularity like a sheet of cellophane —
Or take the mystery of why elemen- avoiding the problem of the infinitely
tary particles always appear in triplets, small by giving the singularity some di-
each set, heavier than the next. mension.
One possibility is that each triplet is Not surprisingly, the string cosmol-
the same particle repeating itself on three ogy connection that brane worlds brought
layers of branes. They would have differ- about is also producing something of a
ent masses on our brane for the same rea- culture clash. Until recently, string theo-
son as shadows on a wall can be different rists have remained skeptical of the grand
sizes depending on the distance of the ob- theories of cosmologists. String theory is
ject that casts them. mathematically rigorous. Cosmologists
are a wilder bunch, willing to try out al-
“One of the neat things about the most any model of the universe and see
whole extra-dimensional idea,” Polchinski where it leads.
said, “is that all the physics that we see —
all the kinds of particles and their detailed “We know how branes work,” said
properties — are reflections of some inner string theorist Nathan Seiberg of the Insti-
geometry. tute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J.
“We know what are properties of branes,
As in real estate, value depends on and what are not properties of branes.
location, location, location. [Cosmologists] violate all the rules. Is this
good or bad? I’m not sure. Because if
The physicists most entranced with
they come up with something which vio-
brane worlds are cosmologists. Over the
lates the rules of string theory but does all
last decade, a new array of telescopes and
sorts of other wonderful things, then
satellites has provided them with sophisti-
maybe we in string theory will have a mo-
cated tools for taking the measure of the
tivation to look into it.”
universe. What was once little more than
navel gazing is fast becoming a data- Branes already have brought a whole
drenched science. new zoo of exotic species into the world of
physics. There are skinny branes and fat
But cosmologists need string theory
branes; empty branes and full; active and
to understand the origin of the universe,
because laws of physics break down at the
tiny distances and immense gravity at play “A brane which is wiggling a lot
in the Big Bang. According to current would translate to a brane that has excita-
theory, the universe sprang from an infi- tions on it, particles on it,” said McGill’s
nitely small speck of space-time known as Cline. That would be a brane with atoms,
a “singularity” — a paradox in the accepted forces, [etc.]. … branes could exist in
laws of physics, which hold that nothing every possible dimension. A string is a “1-
can be infinitely small. brane” for one-deminsional object. Brane
worlds (like the one we might live in) must
“A singularity is a euphemism for
by necessity be “3 plus 1” branes — three
‘Things have gone haw-wire … Things
dimensions of space plus one of time. But
make no sense,’” said Greene, one of the
you can just as easily have a pair of 10-
coordinators of the Aspen workshop. “The
dimensional branes bounding an 11-
Big Bang singularity is an ‘It doesn’t make
dimensional universe.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 23
For now, no one knows whether the possible that nature doesn’t work that
building blocks of the ultimate theory will way,” he said. “But it’s so rich with possi-
be strings or branes. “You can’t really bilities, if it’s not good for this, it’s proba-
say,” Polchinski said, “It’s kind of Zen- bly good for something else.”
like, but in a very precise way.”
Ultimately, brane worlds will stand L OS A NGELES T IMES
May 17, 2003
or fall, like all science, on the twin tests of
consistency and experiment. Whatever
bizarre brane worlds may exist in some
larger dimensional landscape, they can’t REDUCTIONALISM:
change what we perceive. The stars can’t
slip off into hyperspace. The cat can’t be A
disturbed be disturbed from the couch. SCIENTIFIC DOGMA
Physics has to answer to nature as we
know it.
In the course of linear and empirical
Experimental evidence could come thinking the scientific community bases all
in the next decade from two very different of its beliefs and conclusive facts upon
realms. A new particle collider under con- empirical logic, conjunctive speculation or
struction in Europe could reach high reduction theories. The problem with this
enough energies to produce, say, a five is that these so-called scientific facts are
dimensional “particle” of gravity — a tell- purely conceived on the premise that only
tale sign of brane worlds beyond. This physical, tangible and controllable evi-
particle might be detected as energy miss- dence can be accepted and used as a valid
ing from a collision because it “leaks” into hypothesis for anything. Such nescience
an extra dimension. (ignorance) and an irresponsible funda-
mentally erroneous technique of learning
At the same time, cosmologists are deny and attempt to negate all metaphysi-
figuring out ways to read the signature of cal or esoteric knowledge. From a meta-
extra dimensions in the microwaves that physical and theosophical perspective
pervade space as the afterglow of the Big many scientific theorems - theories and
Bang: the effects would be subtle but de- principles appear contradictory to universal
tectable, with a new generation of satel- law and principal. Unfortunately, this
lites. gives evidence that some if not most of the
great scientific minds of the world (past
“We just have to keep hoping that and present) are caught up in and deluded
nature will be kind,” Cline said. by the rhetoric of secular, empirical and
strictly linear thinking.
In the end, there’s always the chance
that all these ideas will turn out to be too, An epidemic of this type of reason-
well, off the wall. “Who knows?” said ing is found to be more prevalent in the
University of Chicago physicist Sean Car- studies of ‘astro-physics’, but flawed rea-
roll. But even if brane worlds aren’t real, soning is characteristic of any science deal-
Carroll said, “they will have taught us a ing with the origin, history and develop-
useful lesson that we should have known ment of life, e.g., anthropology, paleontol-
all along, which is that we don’t have a ogy or ecology.
clue to what’s going on.”
In the last hundred years phenomenal
Polchinski, for one, believes that discoveries and understandings have
branes are probably real, even though he evolved yet at the same time humanity is
isn’t sure where the idea will lead. “It’s still in the stone-age as far as any real
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 24
causal knowledge and esoteric – meta- Thus, through a pragmatic and scien-
physical understanding is concerned. tific observation and from a philosophical
Mankind is still searching for and attempt- and logical conclusion there can ultimately
ing to support a linear concept of time and be no true material inertia. Inertia is de-
space with a fixed, finite or definite point fined as: “a state of matter having no in-
of origin. There is no better or more ludi- herent power of action, motion or resis-
crous example of this than the “Big Bang tance; the property of matter by which it
Theory” which postulates that a single, one retains its state of rest or its velocity along
time only stellar explosion is solely re- a straight line so long as it is not acted
sponsible for the origin of the entire Milky upon by an external force” - Webster’s Un-
Way Cosmos. abridged Dictionary. First, action-less-ness
and motion-less-ness would constitute a
The scientific community uses the static state of existence and modern and
terms universe, cosmos, and galaxy inter- occult science refutes the old belief of
changeably without always adequately or there being the reality of a static Universe,
clearly differentiating between the large matter or space. Second, modern science
scale omniprevalent Universe – macro- also realizes that in nature (matter) there
cosm and the small scale cosmic universe are no truly straight lines. Thirdly, if sci-
– microcosm. The former use of the term entifically and metaphysically speaking
follows its first definition of being the to- energy (force) is an omnipresent and om-
tality of all existing things as a whole. The niprevalent reality, then ultimately and
latter use of the term universe adopts its primordially how is there or what is a pos-
second and third definition as being the sible external force. It is understood that
world; a world (cosmos) or sphere in science often uses terms in a purely rela-
which something exists or prevails. With- tive (empirical) and linear sense which
out an understanding of the literal and the may be opposed to the universal, meta-
figurative use of the term universe, astro physical or cyclic context of the term and
physics can seem confusing or at least mis- may also be out of sync with the literal
leading. semantic, lay or common use of a term.
However, if or when the scientific com-
Man establishes and sets certain
munity asserts a theory or hypothesizes by
physical laws and at his whimsical conven-
certain terms declaring a postulated fact to
ience contradicts and/or denies those laws
be an absolute and irrefutable truth, then
in an effort to substantiate erroneously
by definition of those same terms that the-
based new found or preferred beliefs and
ory, hypothesis, postulation or truth should
theories. Point in fact being exemplified
be able to withstand an honest challenge to
by the 1st law of thermodynamics which
its correctness.
states that: “matter or energy can not be
created nor destroyed but is merely trans- The reputed early 20th century astro-
formed” now this is either true or it is not physicist Fred Hoyle was the most noted
true, it cannot be both. In discussing the and authoritative opponent and rebuttal of
so-called origin of the cosmos or universe the “big bang theory”. Hoyle said that:
it can not be a truth applicable to the al- “big bang fits an irrational process that can
leged inertia of matter and not be applica- not be described in scientific terms” (allud-
ble to alleged active matter and vise-versa. ing to it being a cyclic metaphysical phe-
On the atomic and sub-atomic level of nomenon). In fact in his dismissal of a
matter, motion (as energetic or electro one time single (singularity) beginning of
magnetic activity) is an inherent quality the cosmos he mockingly referred to it as
and character of all matter otherwise Al- the “big bang” which is a phrase that stuck
bert Einsteins’ proven and still valid “the- and was later generally adopted as the term
ory of relativity” (E=mc2) would be untrue. to describe what most astro-physicist hy-
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 25
pothesize to be the origin of the cosmos. into what is called a ‘black hole’. At the
Sadly enough the astute Stephen Hawking, core of a black hole all the star’s matter is
a self proclaimed reductionist presently the crushed into a point of infinite density,
worlds leading astro-physicist, and the called a singularity. Hawking adapted
strongest proponent of the ‘big bang the- Penrose’s process of this (alleged) singu-
ory’, appears to now have become a victim larity hypothesis and applied it in reverse
to the empirical and very linear school of to the whole universe, i.e., the cosmos or
reductionism joining the nescient ranks of small “universe” — microcosm, as astro-
most other (popular and accepted) physi- physicists customarily refer to the cosmos.
cist. ‘Reductionism’ is defined as: “the In Hawking’s adaptation the collapsing
theory that every complex phenomenon star was compared to the expanding uni-
can be explained by analyzing the sim- verse/cosmos and metaphorically likened
plest, most basic physical mechanisms that the universe/cosmos to similarly collapsing
are in operation during the phenomenon; through reversing our sense of linear time.
the practice of simplifying a complex idea, In this reversal of time a collapsing uni-
issue or condition to the point of minimiz- verse/cosmos must reach a point of singu-
ing, obscuring, or even distorting it” – larity (a single and sole point of activity)
Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary. Reduction- then going back to an ordinary sense of
ism is a common fallacy of empirical and time the ‘big bang’ origin of the uni-
linear thinking and is the seed of nescience verse/cosmos would have to be singular.
and dogmatism. The logic of this reversal scenario to its
own contradiction merely affirms the cy-
According to Hawking’s assump- clic nature of time, matter and energy.
tions Einstein’s ‘theory of relativity’ im- Again, a singularity is not the opposed
plies that the universe/cosmos must have factor here, but rather the rebuttal is to the
begun with a ‘big bang’. Hawking says theory that a so-called singularity is or ever
that “the universe/cosmos could not have was a One Time Only Creation phenom-
collapsed, bounced and then have ex- ena. Relatively every cell, molecule or
panded again.” Einstein’s ‘relativity’ im- atom in the Universe is a single entity (a
plication Hawking refers to rests on the singularity) but in its ultimate and true
fact that matter does “equal energy” nature it is but part of a dynamically infi-
(E=mc2) and vise-versa and correctly at- nite body of ceaseless and cyclically trans-
tributes that there must be a point of initial forming matter and energy.
or incipient activity, i.e., a ‘bang’. How-
ever, the fundamental correctness of this In 1948 the “steady state” theory a
hypothesis does not make it a true singu- contradiction to the ‘big bang’ theory ac-
larity in the sense of being a unique One cepted that the universe/cosmos as expand-
Time Only (never before or since) activity. ing but correctly stated that as the galaxies
In the cyclic everyday change phenomenon were moving away from each other new
of nature, all things figuratively and liter- galaxies were being formed contrary to an
ally collapse, bounce, and expand again. A expanding universe’s need to begin with a
‘singularity’ is defined as: “the state, fact, ‘big bang’; but rather endlessly spreading
or quality of being singular; a singular, generating more and more additional mat-
unusual, or unique quality; peculiarity” – ter to fill the (alleged) voids. As you go
Websters Unabridged Dictionary. back in time there is no increase in density
and therefore no ‘big bang’. There is
The basic premise that the “big bang merely a universe/cosmos that is expand-
theory” is founded upon is a hypothesis by ing but which stays the same with its over-
a mathematician named Roger Penrose. all properties for all time; thereby being a
According to Penrose, when a large or universe not ever changing in its large
massive enough star collapses it collapses scale (macrocosmic) structure.
The Aquarian Theosophist, Vol. III, #10 August 17, 2003 Page 26
Hubble had declared (partially cor- allow either of them to grasp or accept the
rect) that: “the universe/cosmos contracts truer expansion hypothesis of Hoyle. The
establishing an infinitely dense and infi- coalescing of these three scientists, i.e., le
nitely extended moment and in that infinite Maitre, Einstein and Hubble, established
density, unable to go beyond it, a moment the basis for modern cosmology.
marking the beginning of the cosmos –
Creation, or ‘big bang’ takes place as the Conclusively, in a relative sense cer-
origin of all”. In truth the universe/cosmos tainly there was and continues to be count-
expands and contracts (it figuratively less so-called ‘big bang’ origins. That
breaths) but the contradictive problem with which formed the Milky Way was just one
Hubble’s declaration is that true infinite in the course of myriads of single and si-
density and an infinitely extended moment, multaneous explosive galactic formations.
being ‘infinite,’ denotes an unperceivable, Galaxies are constantly being formed as
part of the ongoing cosmological process
incognizable and non placement point of
of an expanding universe/cosmos. To at-
beginning or ending; so, any incipient
tribute any one particular galaxy with be-
point of ‘Creation’, ‘big bang’ or other
ing separately conceived, unique, cosmol-
such singularity becomes mute, false, and
ogically unusual or having a special quality
void of meaning.
would amount to the same ludicrous me-
After fifteen hundred years of the ec- dieval claim that a God only chose Earth as
clesiastical society following Ptolemy’s a Divine Creation or that the Earth is the
hypothesis that the Earth was the center of center of the Universe. Thus, as it is with
the universe/cosmos, and the correction of most things it all boils down to interpreta-
that by Copernicus, though still insisting tive semantics and a relative versus abso-
on a literal ‘Creation theory’; it is conven- lute perspective. The principles of truth
ient and suspicious that the ecclesiastical are multiple and relative and have no abso-
dogma and doctrine of a single, finite, lutes, but there is the Principle of an un-
One-Time “Creation” story (which histori- knowable, omniprevalent and omnipresent
cally set the stage for accepted science) Absolute into which all else dissolves; and
again coincides with modern science. It that is the only real Singularity.
would appear that once again the scientific Dr. Ol Doinyo Laetoli le Baaba
community has been coerced and per- (aka. Salik)
suaded (doped) by the very powerful tenta- July 25, 2003
cles of the church. In this interest the Bibliography:
Vatican openly established its own (hith- References, quotes, excerpts and paraphrases from
erto covert) department of scientific re- – “Stephen Hawking’s Universe” (video set)
search (Pontifical Academy of Theology)
and through its diligent priest like George
le Maitre successfully interpolated the sci-
entific community and persuaded Einstein
and Edward Hubble, along with many oth-
er of the worlds’ greatest scientific minds The visible world is the invisible
toward its views; conveniently marginaliz- organization of energy.”
— Physicist Heinz Pagels
ing the illusionary yet professed and al-
leged division between church and the
secular state. Einstein’s succession to the
contraction expansion theories of le Mai-
tre and the galactic observations of Hubble
was an advanceent over his previously held
staunch belief in a ‘static fixed universe’,
but unfortunately that was not enough to

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