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Finanzas Internacionales

Ejercicios de la tarea 2

Gerardo Bonilla Carrillo

Maestría en Finanzas
11 de mayo de 2020

a tarea 2


de 2020

Profesor titular: Dr. Gerardo C. Salazar Viezca

Profesora Tutora: M. Karla Macías González

7. The Cadbury Code of Best Practice, adopted in the United Kingdom, led to a successful reform of
corporate governance in the country. Explain the key require-ments of the code and discuss how it
contributed to the success of reform.

The Code requires that the presiden of the board and CEO be worked by two different individuals, and
that there have to be at least three outside board members. The recommended board structure helped
to strengthen the monitoring function of the board and take away the agency problem.

Mini caso “Parmalat: la Enron de Europa”

1. How was it possible for Parmalat managers to “cook the books” and hide it for so long?
In addition to the low level of accounting transparency that occurs in Italy, Parmalat was able to cook the

2. Investigate and discuss the role that international banks and auditors might have played in Parmalat’s

Calisto Tanzi, the imprisoned founder of Parmalat, made the serious mistake of asking Fausto Tonna, one of the
members of the board of directors, to never comment on the seriousness of the financial situation, let alone the exact
techniques used to hide it. The company, with the intention of selling the club as part of its restructuring plan, was the
signal for international auditors and banks to start with the investigation of the company's financial status and
discover the reality of the company at a better time before arriving. to bankruptcy, so international banks and auditors
failed to do due diligence, indirectly contributing to Parmalat's failure.
Tonna, one of the
tion, let alone the exact
tructuring plan, was the
ncial status and
tional banks and auditors
4. Restate the following one-, three-, and six-month outright forward European term bid-ask quotes in forward p

Spot 1.3431 - 1.3436

One-month 1.3432 - 1.3442
Three-month 1.3448 - 1.3463
Six-month 1.3488 - 1.3508

One-month 1 - 6
Three-month 17 - 27
Six-month 57 - 72

5. Using the spot and outright forward quotes in problem 4, determine the corre-sponding bid-ask spreads in poi

Spot 5
One-month 10
Three-month 15
Six-month 20
d-ask quotes in forward points.

ing bid-ask spreads in points.

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