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294 Surface Production Operations

SI Units

ho + hw + d + 1016
Lss = for diameters >914 mm (5-26b)
8. Check the slenderness ratios. Slenderness ratios between 1.5 and 3
are common. The following equations may be used:
Field Units

12 Lss
SR =  (5-27a)
SI Units
SR =  (5-27b)
1000 d
9. If possible, select a standard-size diameter and seam-to-seam length.


Example 5-1: Sizing a vertical three-phase separator (field units)

Qo = 5000 BOPD,
Qw = 3000 BWPD,
Qg = 5 MMscfd,
Po = 100 psia,
To = 90  F,
Oil = 30  API,
SGw = 107,
Sg = 06,
tr o = tr w = 10 min,
o = 10 cp,
w = 1 cp,
g = 03 lb/ft3 ,
l = 547 lb/ft3 ,
CD = 201
Droplet removal = 100 microns liquids, 500 microns water, 200 microns
Three-Phase Oil and Water Separation 295


1. Calculate difference in specific gravities.

API = − 1315
= 0876
SG = 107 − 0876 = 0194

2. Calculate the minimum diameter required to settle a liquid droplet

through the gas phase [Eq. (5-19a)].
550 099 5 03 201
d2 = 5040 
100 547 − 03 100
d = 349 in

3. Calculate the minimum diameter required for water droplets to

settle through the oil phase [Eq. (5-21a)].
d = 6690
SG dm2
5000 10
= 6690 
0194 5002
d = 830 in

4. Calculate the minimum diameter required for oil droplets to rise

through the water phase [Eq. (5-23a)].
d = 6690
SG dm2
3000 1
= 6690 
0194 2002
d = 508 in

5. Select the largest diameter from steps 2–4 as the minimum inside
diameter required.

dmin = 830 in

296 Surface Production Operations

6. Calculate ho + hw .

tr o Qo  + tr w Qw

ho + hw = 
012 d2
10 5000 + 3000
ho + hw =
012 d2
Refer to Table 5-2 for results.

Table 5-2
Vertical Three-Phase Separator Capacity Diameter vs. Length for
Retention Time Constraint tr o = tr w = 10 min
do (in.) ho + hw (in.) Lss (ft) SR 12Lss

84 94.5 18.2 2.6

90 82.3 17.7 2.4
96 72.3 17.4 2.2
102 64.1 17.2 2.0

7. Compute seam-to-seam length (Lss ). Select the larger value from

Eq. (5-25a) or (5-26a).

ho + hw + 76
Lss = for diameters ≤36 in
h + hw + d + 40
Lss = o for diameters >36 in
Refer to Table 5-2 for results.
8. Compute the slenderness ratio.
Slenderness ratio = 12Lss

Choices in the range of 1.5 to 3 are common.

Refer to Table 5-2 for results.
9. Make final selection: compute combinations of d and ho + hw for
diameters greater than the minimum diameter. See Table 5-2 for
results. Select 90 in outside diameter OD × 20 ft seam-to-seam
length (s/s).
Three-Phase Oil and Water Separation 297

Example 5-2: Sizing a vertical three-phase separator (SI units)


Qo = 33 m3 /hr,
Qw = 198 m3 /hr,
Qg = 5902 sm3 /hr,
Po = 690 kPa,
To = 3220  C,
Oil = 30  API,
SGw = 107,
Sg = 06,
tr o = tr w = 10 min,
o = 10 cp,
w = 1 cp,
g = 49 kg/m3 ,
l = 866 kg/m3 ,
CD = 201

Droplet removal = 100 microns liquids, 500 microns water, 200 microns
oil. Vessel is half-full of liquid.


1. Calculate difference in specific gravities.

API = − 1315
= 0876
SG = 107 − 0876 = 0194

2. Calculate minimum diameter required to settle a liquid droplet

through the gas phase [Eq. (5-19b)].
d = 34500
P l − g dm
306 099 5902 49 201
= 34500 
690 866 − 49 100
d = 886 mm
298 Surface Production Operations

3. Calculate the minimum diameter required for water droplets to settle

through the oil phase [Eq. (5-21b)].
d = 637 × 10
2 8
33 10
= 637 × 10 8

0194 5002
d = 2081 mm

4. Calculate the minimum diameter required for oil droplets to rise

through the water phase [Eq. (5-23b)].
d = 637 × 10
2 8
SG dm2
198 1
= 637 × 108 
0194 2002
d = 1274 mm

5. Select the largest diameter from steps 2–4 as the minimum diameter
inside required.
dmin = 2081 mm
6. Calculate ho + hw .
10 33 + 198
ho + hw =
4713 × 10−8 d2
112 × 1010
Refer to Table 5-3 for result.
7. Compute seam-to-seam length (Lss ). Select the larger value from
Eq. (5-25b) or (5-26b).
ho + hw + 1930
Lss = for diameters ≤ 914 mm
h + hw + d + 1016
Lss = o for diameters >914 mm
Refer to Table 5-3 for results.
Three-Phase Oil and Water Separation 299

Table 5-3
Vertical Three-Phase Separator Capacity Diameter vs. Length for
Retention Time Constraint tr o = tr w = 10 min
do (mm) ho + hw (mm) Lss (m) SR Lss

2286 2144 5.4 2.4

2438 1884 5.3 2.2
2591 1669 5.3 2.0

8. Compute the slenderness ratio.

Slenderness ratio =
1000 do
Choices in the range of 1.5 to 3 are common.
Refer to Table 5-3 for results.
9. Make final selection: compute combinations of d and ho + hw for
diameters greater than the minimum diameter. See Table 5-3 for
results. Select 2286 outside diameter OD × 54 m (s/s).

Example 5-3: Sizing a horizontal three-phase separator

(field units)

Qo = 5000 BOPD,
Qw = 3000 BWPD,
Qg = 5 MMscfd,
P = 100 psia,
T = 90 F,
Oil = 30 API,
SGw = 107,
Sg = 06,
tr o = tr w = 10 min,
o = 10 cp,
w = 1 cp,

Droplet removal = 100 microns liquid, 500 microns water, 200

microns oil. Vessel is half-full of liquids.
300 Surface Production Operations


1. Calculate difference in specific gravities.

API = − 1315
SGo = = 0876
30 + 1315
SG = 107 − 0876 = 0194

2. Calculate maximum oil pad thickness ho max . Use 500-micron

droplet size if no other information is available.

 t  SG dm2
ho max = 128 × 10−3 r o

10 0194 5002
= 000128
= 621

3. Calculate :

Aw Qw tr w
= 05
A tr  Qo + tr w Qw
198 10
= 05
33 10 + 198 10
= 01875

4. Determine  from Figure 5-20. With Aw/A = 01875, read

 = 0257.
5. Calculate dmax .

ho max
dmax =

dmax = 2416 in
Three-Phase Oil and Water Separation 301

6. Calculate combinations of d, Leff for d less than dmax that satisfy

the gas capacity constraint. Use 100-micron droplet size if no other
information is available.
dLeff = 420
P l − g d
550 099 5 03 201
= 420
100 547 − 03 100
= 120

Refer to Table 5-4 for results.

Table 5-4
Horizontal Three-Phase Separator
Diameter vs. Length for Gas Capacity
d (in.) Leff (ft)

60 1.7
72 1.4
84 1.2
96 1.1

Since the values of Leff are low, the gas capacity does
not govern.

7. Calculate combinations of d, Leff for d less than dmax that satisfy

the oil and water retention time constraints.

d2 Leff = 142 Qw tr w + Qo tr o

= 142108000
= 113600

Refer to Table 5-5 for results.

8. Estimate seam-to-seam length.
Lss = Leff + for gas capacity
Lss = Leff for liquid capacity
302 Surface Production Operations

Table 5-5
Horizontal Three-Phase Separator Capacity Diameter vs. Length for
Liquid Retention Time Constraint tr o = tr w = 10 min
d (in.) Leff (ft) Lss (ft) SR d

60 31.6 42.1 8.4

72 21.9 29.2 4.9
84 16.1 21.5 3.1
96 12.3 16.4 2.1
108 9.7 13.0 1.4

Refer to Table 5-5 for results.

9. Select slenderness ratio (12 Lss /d). Choices in the range of 3 to 5
are common.
10. Choose a reasonable size that does not violate gas capacity restraint
or oil pad thickness restraint. Possible choices are 72 in diameter
by 30 ft seam-by-seam and 84 in diameter by 25 ft seam-by-seam.

Example 5-4: Sizing a horizontal three-phase separator

(SI units)

Qo = 33 m3 /hr,
Qw = 198 m3 /hr,
Qg = 5902 sm3 /hr,
P = 690 kPa,
T = 3220  C,
Oil = 30  API,
SGw = 107,
Sg = 06,
tr o = tr w = 10 min,
o = 10 cp,
w = 1 cp,
g = 49 kg/m3 ,
l = 866 kg/m3 ,
CD = 201
Droplet removal = 100 microns liquid, 500 microns water, 200 microns
Three-Phase Oil and Water Separation 303


1. Calculate difference in specific gravities.

API = − 1315
SGo = = 0876
30 + 1315
SG = 107 − 0876 = 0194

2. Calculate maximum oil pad thickness ho max . Use 500-micron

droplet size if no other information is available.

tr o SG dm2

ho max = 0033

10 0194 5002
= 0033
= 1600

3. Calculate :
Aw Qw tr w
= 05
A tr  Qo + tr w Qw
198 10
= 05
33 10 + 198 10
= 01875

4. Determine  from Figure 5-19. With Aw /A = 01875, read

 = 0257.
5. Calculate dmax .

ho max
dmax =

dmax = 6226 mm
304 Surface Production Operations

6. Calculate combinations of d, Leff for d less than dmax that satisfy

the gas capacity constraint. Use 100-micron droplet size if no other
information is available.
dLeff = 345
P l − g dm
306 099 5902 49 201
= 345
690 866 − 49 100
= 3095

Refer to Table 5-6 for results.

Table 5-6
Horizontal Three-Phase Separator
Diameter vs. Length for Gas Capacity
d (mm) Leff (m)

1524 0.52
1829 0.43
2134 0.37
2438 0.34

Since the values of Leff are low, gas capacity does not

7. Calculate combinations of d, Leff for d less than dmax that satisfy

the oil and water retention constraints.

d2 Leff = 42000 Qw tr w + Qo tr o

= 42000 10

= 22410432

Refer to Table 5-7 for results.

8. Estimate seam-to-seam length.
Lss = Leff + for gas capacity
Lss = Leff for liquid capacity
Refer to Table 5-7 for results.
Three-Phase Oil and Water Separation 305

Table 5-7
Horizontal Three-Phase Separator Capacity Diameter vs. Length for
Liquid Retention Time Constraint tr o = tr w = 10 min
d (mm) Leff (m) Lss (m) SR Lss

1524 9.65 1287 8.4

1828.8 6.70 893 4.9
2133.6 4.62 656 3.1
2438.4 3.77 503 2.1
2743.2 2.98 397 1.4

9. Select slenderness ratio, . Choices in the range of 3 to
d 1000
5 are common.
10. Choose a reasonable size that does not violate gas capacity
restraint or oil pad thickness restraint. Possible choices are
1828 mm × 893 m and 21336 mm × 656 m.

A = cross-sectional area of the droplet, ft2 m2 
Ag = cross-sectional area of vessel available for gas
settling, ft2 m2 
Al = cross-sectional area of vessel available for liquid
retention, ft2 m2 
AT = total cross-sectional area of vessel, ft2 m2 
Aw = cross-sectional area of vessel available for water
retention, ft2 m2 
B = weir width, ft (m)
C = coefficient of discharge, dimensionless
API = API gravity of oil,  API
CA = corrosion allowance, in. (mm)
CD = drag coefficient, dimensionless
D = drop diameter, ft (m)
D = vessel internal diameter, ft (m)
Dh = hydraulic diameter, ft (m)
d = vessel internal diameter, in. (mm)
dl = water leg standpipe internal diameter, in. (mm)
dm = drop diameter, micron ( m)
dmax = maximum vessel internal diameter, in. (mm)
Dm = droplet diameter micron (m)

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