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There are many types of forces. Some cause problems and some are good for us.
Applied force is one of the forces that we humans use in our daily lives. Applied force
is a force that is applied by a person or anything to an object. There are other forces
too like gravity force – the force with which the earth, moon or large object attracts
another objects towards itself, this is the weight of an object, for example earth pulls
us towards it; normal force – support force applied upon an object that is in contact
with other stable object, for example dominos; friction force – force exerted by a
surface as an object moves across it or makes an effort to move across it. There are
at least two types of friction forces – sliding and static fiction; air resistance force –
special type of frictional force that acts upon objects as they travel through air. The
force of air resistance is often observed to oppose the motion of an object.
Everything you is a force. If yopush a chair

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