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United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,484,401
Rodriguez et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 16, 1996
(54) TREATMENT METHOD FOR PLEURAL 4,929,235 5/1990 Merry et al. ............................ 604/256
EFFUSION 4,944,732 7/1990 Russo ...................................... 604/256
4,946,449 8/1990 Davis, Jr. . ... 604/256
(75) Inventors: Michael Rodriguez, Nashville, Tenn.; 4,960,412 10/1990 Fink ................. ... 604/256
Bonnie B. Vivian, Evergreen; Shirley 4,973,311 11/1990 Iwakoski et al. .... ... 604/35
K. Freeman, Pine, both of Colo. 5,009,636 4/1991 Wortley et al. ...... ... 604/280
5,057,084 10/1991 Ensminger et al. . ... 604/256
5,061,255 10/1991 Greenfield et al. .. ... 604/35
(73) Assignee: Denver Biomaterials, Inc., Evergreen, 5,064,416 11/1991 Newgard et al. ... ... 604/256
Colo. 5,098,405 3/1992 Peterson et al. ........................ 604/256
5,106,054 4/1992 Mollenauer et al. .
(21) Appl. No.: 251,692 5,141,499 8/1992 Zappacosta ............................. 604/280
5,156,597 10/1992 Verrett et al. .
22) Filed: May 31, 1994 5,207,655 5/1993 Sheridan ................................. 604/280
Related U.S. Application Data Primary Examiner-Paul J. Hirsch
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Beaton & Folsom
63 Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 971,722, Nov. 4, 1992, 57) ABSTRACT
(51) Int. Cl. .................... A61M 39/04; A61M 39/24 A method for treating a pleural effusion condition by estab
52) U.S. Cl. ................................................. 604/28; 604/49 lishing fluid communication with a pleural space, using a
(58) Field of Search ..................................... 604/175, 280, catheter attached to a valve that is normally closed but
604/49, 28, 167, 256 openable by the insertion of a tube in the side opposite the
catheter. The catheteris implanted into the pleural space and
56) References Cited is periodically accessed by inserting a tube into the valve on
the side opposite the catheter to add or remove fluid to and
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS from the pleural space using a negative pressure source.
4,669,463 6/1987 McConnell .............................. 604/256
4,874,377 10/1989 Newgard et al. ....................... 604/256 2 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Jan. 16, 1996 Sheet 1 of 3 5,484,401
U.S. Patent Jan. 16, 1996 Sheet 2 of 3 5,484,401

F. G.3

U.S. Patent Jan. 16, 1996 Sheet 3 of 3 5,484,401
1. 2
TREATMENT METHOD FOR PLEURAL atic pleural effusion. However, pleurectomy is a major
EFFUSION surgical procedure associated with substantial morbidity and
some mortality. Therefore, this procedure is usually reserved
This application is a continuation-in-part of application for patients with an expected survival of at least several
Ser. No. 07/971,722 filed Nov. 4, 1992 abandoned. months, who are in relative good condition, who have a
trapped lung, or who have failed a sclerosing agent proce
The present invention relates to the field of removing In general, systemic chemotherapy is disappointing for
pleural effusion fluids and, in particular, to a therapeutic 10
the control of malignant pleural effusions. However, patients
treatment method for removing pleural effusion fluid using with lymphoma, breast cancer, or small cell carcinoma of the
long-term catheter implantation into the pleural space. lung may obtain an excellent response to chemotherapy.
Another approach to removing fluid from the pleural
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION space is to surgically implant a chest tube. Such tubes are
Pleural effusion refers to the effusion of fluid into the 15
commonly quite rigid and fairly large in diameter and are
implanted by making a surgical incision and spreading apart
pleural space. The pleural space normally contains approxi adjacent ribs to fit the tube into place. Such procedures are
mately 5 to 20 ml of fluid. The pH, glucose and electrolytes painful to the patient, both initially when the chest tube is
of the fluid are equilibrated with plasma, but the fluid is inserted and during the time it remains within the pleural
relatively protein-free. The fluid is the result of the hydro space.
static-oncotic pressure of the capillaries of the parietal 20
Thoracentesis is a common approach to removing pleural
pleura. About 80-90% of the fluid is reabsorbed by the fluid, in which a needled catheter is introduced into the
pulmonary venous capillaries of the visceral pleura, and the pleural space through an incision in the chest cavity and fluid
remaining 10-20% is reabsorbed by the pleural lymphatic is positively drawn out through the catheter using a syringe
system. The turnover of fluid in the pleural space is normally or a vacuum source. The procedure may also include aspi
quite rapid-roughly 35 to 75% per hour, so that 5 to 10 25
ration utilizing a separate syringe. There are a number of
liters of fluid move through the pleural space each day. difficulties in thoracentesis, including the risk of puncturing
A disruption in the balance between the movement of a lung with the catheter tip or with the needle used to
fluid into the pleural space and the movement of fluid out of introduce the catheter, the risk of collapsing a lung by
the pleural space may produce excessive fluid accumulation 30 relieving the negative pressure in the pleural space, the
in the pleural space. Such disruptions may include, for possibility of aggravating the pleural effusion by stimulating
example, (1) increased capillary permeability resulting from fluid production in the introduction of the catheter, and the
inflammatory processes such as pneumonia, (2) increased risk of infection. One of the primary difficulties with ordi
hydrostatic pressure as in congestive heart failure, (3) nary thoracentesis procedures is that fluid reaccumulates in
increased negative intrapleural pressure as seen in atelecta 35 the pleural space relatively quickly after the procedure is
sis, (4) decreased oncotic pressure as occurs in the nephrotic performed, and so it is necessary to perform the procedure
syndrome with hypoalbuminemia, and (5) increased oncotic repeatedly-as often as every few days. In fact, some studies
pressure of pleural fluid as occurs in the inflammation of found that the fluid re-accumulates in one to three days in
pleural tumor growth or infection. Pleural effusion is par most cases and re-accumulates within a month in 97% of the
ticularly common in patients with disseminated breast can 40 cases studied. See "Diagnosis and Treatment of Malignant
cer, lung cancer or lymphatic cancer and patients with Pleural Effusion', F. J. Hausheer, J. W. Yarbro, Seminars in
congestive heart failure, but also occurs in patients with Oncology, March 1985, p. 54; "Malignant Effusion', Ander
nearly all other forms of malignancy. son, et al., Cancer, April 1974, p. 916. Of course, each time
The clinical manifestations of pleural effusion include the procedure is repeated the risks identified above are
dyspnea, cough and chest pain which diminish the patient's 45 heightened. Moreover, the comfort to the patient resulting
quality of life. Although pleural effusion typically occurs from the procedure begins to be offset by the discomfort of
toward the end of terminal malignancies such as breast the procedure itself.
cancer, it occurs earlier in other diseases. Therefore relieving There is therefore a need for a treatment method for
the clinical manifestations of pleural effusion is of a real and removing pleural effusion which does not require repeated
extended advantage to the patient. For example, non-breast 50 invasion of the pleural space in a manner which produces
cancer patients with pleural effusion have been known to repeated patient discomfort, infection risks, risks of acci
survive for years. See "Pleural Effusion in Cancer Patients', dental trauma to the lungs, and the potential for stimulating
Izbicki, et al., Cancer October 1975, p. 1511. fluid production. Ideally, such a method and apparatus
There are a number of treatments for pleural effusion. If would employ instruments that are relatively simple in
the patient is asymptomatic and the effusion is known to be 55 design and manufacture and would be within the capabilities
malignant or paramalignant, treatment may not be required. of ordinary physicians to use, and would involve at least the
Such patients may develop progressive pleural effusions that possibility of reducing future pleural effusion.
eventually do produce symptoms requiring treatment, but
some will reach a stage where the effusions and reabsorption SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
reach an equilibrium that is still asymptomatic and does not 60
necessitate treatment. The present invention is a method for draining pleural
Pleurectomy and pleural abrasion is generally effective in effusion fluids using a special catheter device that is
obliterating the pleural space and, thus, controlling the implanted in the pleural space for extended periods of time.
malignant pleural effusion. This procedure is done in many The proximal end of the catheter is fenestrated to receive the
patients who undergo thoracotomy for an undiagnosed pleu 65 pleural fluid and the distal end is in communication with a
ral effusion and are found to have malignancy, since this vacuum source or negative pressure source to draw fluid
would prevent the subsequent development of a symptom from the pleural space into the catheter through the multiple
3 4
orifices, and through the catheter toward the negative pres the J-wire is removed. The dilator is removed from within
S SOCC the sheath. The catheter is then threaded through the sheath
Between the negative pressure source and the distal end of and into the pleural space and the sheath is removed.
the catheter is a valve to close the catheter when the negative The distal end 16 of the catheter 12 is attached to a valve
pressure source is not connected to the catheter between 60. The valve 60 is shown in detail in FIG. 2. As shown in
fluid removals, and to open the catheter when the negative FIG. 2, the valve includes a body 62 having a distal portion
pressure source is connected to the catheter for the removal 64 and a proximal portion 65 which are attached to one
of fluid. The valve is normally closed, so that fluid does not another by an adhesive or other suitable means. The end 66
drain through the catheter and air does not enter the catheter of the distal portion 64 and the end 69 of the proximal
when the negative pressure source is not connected to the 10 portion 65 each have a hole, and the centers of those portions
catheter, but opens when the apparatus is configured for fluid 64 and 65 are hollowed out, thereby forming a passageway
removal, as upon connection of the negative pressure source. 68 through the valve body 62. Positioned within this pas
The valve is also designed such that a tube can be introduced sageway 68 is a "duckbill' valve 72 which is of the type
into the valve to apply fluids therein, thereby allowing the known in the art consisting of an elastomeric, molded,
introduction of materials into the pleural space if desired. 15 one-piece dome containing a slit in the center of the domed
The valve may be capped by a cap which may include an portion. The duckbill valve 72 may be opened by inserting
antimicrobial and/or antibacterial solution to avoid contami an elongated member through the passageway 68 from the
nation. distal portion 64 to pry apart the valve in the manner
The treatment method is straight-forward and highly described below. Adjacent to the duckbill valve 72 toward
20 the distal portion 64 is an elastomeric seal 78. The elasto
effective in that accumulated pleural effusion fluid can be
drained whenever desired without re-entering the pleural meric seal 78 is a disk-shaped element having a hole 79
space. The design of the implanted instrument is such that through the center to seal against the outside of the drainage
the chance of infection or contamination is minimized. tube 110 or introduction tube 150 in the manner described
Moreover, unlike other draining procedures such as periodic below.
thoracentesis, it is believed that the frequent draining of the Fluid is withdrawn from the pleural space by inserting a
pleural space may produce a sclerosis that will prevent or drainage tube 110 into the distal portion 64 of the valve 60
lessen further effusion, thereby alleviating the condition as shown in FIGS. 3-4. The drainage tube is slightly larger
altogether. in its outside diameter then the hole 79 in the elastomeric
seal 78, thereby ensuring that a seal is created between the
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS elastomeric seal 78 and the outside of the drainage tube to
prevent fluid from leaking. The insertion of the drainage
FIG. 1 is a pictorial view of the catheter of the present tube 110 into the valve 60 opens the duckbill valve 72 and
invention prepared for implantation. thereby accesses the interior of the catheter 12. As shown in
FIG. 2 is a partially sectional view of the valve utilized in 35
FIG. 4, the other end of the drainage tube 110 may be in
an embodiment of the invention. communication with a vacuum bottle 114 or any other
FIG. 3 is a partially sectional view of the valve of FIG. 2, negative pressure source such as a mechanical device to
with a tube inserted therein to open the valve. draw fluid from the pleural space, into the catheter, through
FIG. 4 is a diagrammatic view of the apparatus of the the catheter and the valve, through the drainage tube and into
present invention including a vacuum bottle to produce a a fluid collection reservoir or the vacuum bottle.
negative pressure on the proximal end of the catheter. The fluid removal procedure is discontinued by simply
FIG. 5 is a diagrammatic view of the apparatus of the withdrawing the drainage tube 110 from the valve 60. As the
present invention including a syringe to introduce fluid into end of the drainage tube comes out of the duckbill valve 72,
the catheter. the valve closes and prevents further fluid from flowing out
FIG. 6 is a partially sectional view of the valve utilized in 45 of the valve and also prevents air from entering the catheter
an embodiment of the invention with a valve cap. and possibly flowing into the pleural space.
A similar procedure can be used to introduce material into
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE the pleural space as shown in FIG. 5, using the same
INVENTION implanted catheter 12 and attached valve 60. Rather than
50 utilizing a drainage tube 110, an introduction tube 150 of the
A pictorial view of a catheter 12 for use with the present same configuration is used. One end of the introduction tube
invention is shown in FIG.1. The catheter 12 in a preferred is attached to a syringe 152 (or infusion pump or other
embodiment has a proximal end 14 and a distal end 16 may known device for introducing fluid into the body) and the
be about twenty-four inches long, the proximal ten inches other end is inserted into the valve 60. The end of the
being fenestrated with a series of holes 18 allowing fluid 55 introduction tube 150, like the end of the drainage tube 110
communication between the exterior of the catheter and the previously described, goes through and seals against the
lumen. The catheter is made of a flexible material such as hole 79 of the elastomeric seal 78, and then opens and goes
silicone rubber. A few inches distal from the holes 18 may through the duckbill valve 72 to access the catheter lumen.
be a Dacron cuff 9. Thus, leak-proof communication is established from the
The catheter is implanted into the pleural space using 60 syringe interior to the pleural space.
procedures known in the art. For example, one technique is The distal end 64 of the valve 60 may be capped with a
to make an incision between adjacentribs of the patient's rib cap 140 as shown in FIG. 6 when fluid is not being removed
cage in a direction superiorly and posteriorly toward the from or introduced to the pleural space. The cap 140 is not
pleural space. The pleural space is aspirated using a needle necessary to close the valve, since the valve is already closed
and then a J-wire is inserted through the needle and into the 65 by the duckbill valve 72 in the passageway 68 when there is
pleural space and the needle is removed. Asheath and dilator no drainage tube or introduction tube. However, it may still
are threaded over the J-wire and into the pleural space and be desirable to cap the valve to prevent contamination of the
5 6
passageway 68 and to reduce the possibility of infection. believed that, at least for some patients, the method is not
The cap 140 may have a threaded sleeve 142 to mate with merely palliative but is remedial as well due to a sclerosing
threads on the valve 60. To further reduce the possibility of effect in the pleural space produced by the dryness resulting
infection, the cap 140 may be of the sterilant-filled type in from frequent draining.
which the cap is stored in a chamber with mating threads We claim:
which is filled with a sterilant such as iodine when the cap 1. Method of producing a sclerosing effect in the pleural
is not in use.
The present treatment method is superior to palliative of a human to reduce pleural effusion, comprising inserting
treatments known in the art in several important respects. a catheter through the chest wall of the patient so that an end
The present treatment method requires only a single inva 10 of the catheter is in the pleural space; repeatedly accessing
sion of the pleural space, as contrasted with multiple inva the pleural space to repeatedly drain pleural effusion from
sion procedures such as periodic thoracentesis. The in the pleural space by inserting a tube into a valve in the
dwelling catheter is readily available at any time for catheter to open the valve and access the catheter, to produce
drainage of pleural effusion fluid as required. Also, the a sclerosing effect in the pleural space to reduce pleural
catheter can be used to introduce substances such as a 15 effusion.
sclerosing agent if desired. Even though the treatment 2. The method of claim 1, further comprising introducing
involves an indwelling catheter, the special design of the a sclerosing agent into the pleural space through the tube and
instruments as described minimize the likelihood of infec catheter.
tion or contamination which would ordinarily be expected
for an in-dwelling catheter. Perhaps most importantly, it is

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