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Aislinn Boyce

March 19, 2018

Honors English

Mr. Ricci

There are so many people in this world, yet only small percentages of people

affect the lives of others. In that small percentage are a bunch of people who

come in and out of other’s small worlds. Family is the most important of those

people who affect others. Family are people who care and guide. My family, in

particular, means a lot to me. The people in my family are loving and

compassionate, and good idols for me. That is why I admire a lot of my family,

and gaining admiration is not easy. The people who want my admiration must

have distinct qualities in them like compassion, caring, and helpfulness. A few

people who possess those traits just so happen to be in my family. Some of the

people whom I admire are my grandpa, my mom, and my cousin Gigi.

The person I admire most is my grandpa. My grandpa is constantly putting

everyone else before him. He is in a lot of pain recently from his back problems,

yet he will not miss any of the football games where Maura, my sister, and I

cheer at. He even walks to the school from my house, which is not a

long-distance, but for him, it is really hard to do. My grandpa also tries to help by

taking my brother to football practice. Which is almost every night when my mom
cannot cause she is working. My grandpa is loving. He shows care for everyone

around him. He spoils me all the time and gives me candies and ice cream

whenever I come to his house. My grandparents are constantly stocked up on

sweets for when my siblings, cousins, aunts, or uncles come over. My grandpa

takes me out to eat whenever he can to make sure I am fed. He came by the

house last week and took me and my sister to Boston Market and then back to

his house. Over the holidays, my grandpa would send me over to Mr. Lesort's

house, my grandpa's elderly neighbor, and offer him to come over since he lives

alone. Every year it was the same answer, “No I do not want to bother you.’” So

my grandpa just sent over a plate of food. My grandpa is courageous. He

sometimes tells me stories about him when he fought in the wars. Some true and

some not. He told me about how he had to jump out of a plane, how he was

jabbed in the chest with a pin when he first got into the army, how he got seasick

on the boat. My grandpa is very brave. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for us. He

Went through many back surgeries and had to miss Christmas. He tries his best

to walk and push through even though it is hard for him. He even took my and my

brother, Aidan, on a hike through the woods near the Brandywine, when his back

hurt. My grandpa is extraordinary. When I was younger, I was looking through

the magazines my grandpa had and I saw this cool bunk bed that I wanted. I

asked my mom and she said it was too expensive, but my grandpa decided to
build it for me. It as a pink and green bunk bed that resembled a house. He built

the whole thing from scratch. Also, my brother and I wanted a treehouse, and my

grandpa with the help of my older brother, Connell are building it right now. It is

gonna be painted green, silver, and black like the eagles, Aidan’s favorite team.

My grandpa is giving. Every Christmas, my grandpa brings huge bags filled with

presents for me and my siblings, and every Easter he makes us baskets filled

with goodies and treats, and every Halloween my best friend, Beanie, and I have

a sleepover at their house. My grandpa is inspiring. He knows all about math and

science since he was a scientist. He quizzes me on math and does the “license

plates game”(Which is guessing the patterns of the Delaware license plates) with

me. I look up to my grandpa and want to be just like him someday.

A second person whom I admire is my mother. One reason I admire her is

that she is kind. She is constantly putting my siblings and me before herself. For

example, my mom works 3 jobs almost every day; she is a dance teacher, a

babysitter, and a play director for St Thomas. Yet, she still uses her few hours of

free time to make our food and clean up the house. My mom is also kind

because she helps me through my problems. I can count on my mom to give her

input on things and give me advice. My mom is also very caring. She cares for us

almost all of the time, by hugging and kissing us, making me smile when I am

sad and working hard to pay for our food and other expenses. My mom tolerates
me, which, I know, is difficult at times. I can be very annoying and frustrate her,

but she never stops loving and caring for me. Lastly, my mom is compassionate.

She is constantly helping others, whether it be friends, family, strangers, or even

stray animals. When we found stray cats living next to a small creek by our

house, my mom went and caught them, by herself, and gave them a home. We

kept some and gave others to family friends. Also, my mom finds time to talk to

me whenever she can. She asks about my day and other things like that. This

shows that my mom is another person whom I look up to and admire because

she is compassionate, caring, and kind.

The third person I admire is my cousin, Gigi. One reason is that she is

strong. Gigi has been through a lot, but she does not let that get her down. Her

pop-pop, who is my great uncle, is currently in bad condition, but she stays

strong through it all. She stands up for me when my sister is being rude, which

happens a lot. Another reason why I admire Gigi is that she is helpful. She helps

her mom-mom and pop-pop around the house when she is home from college.

She uses the little time she has to back to help others. If I ever have a problem,

she is the first person I talk to and she helps me work through whatever it may

be. Finally, Gigi is a good friend. Even though she is older than me, she rarely

puts me down and babies me. She chooses to hang out with me whenever she

can and spends most of her time at my house with me. She gives me rides to
places ad sometimes just takes me out to eat. My cousin Gigi is a very admirable

person due to her strength, helpfulness, and how good of a friend she is.

I admire my grandpa, my mom, and my cousin Gigi. My family is the best

family that I could ask for. They all best show the qualities it takes to be

admirable, especially my grandpa, my mom, and Gigi. They are kind, loving,

compassionate, and more. People like my grandpa, my mom, and my cousin Gigi

are the best people to have throughout my life and it would be great if other

people had family and idols to look up to just like them. People should aspire to

be like them, just like I do. Sadly, most people are not like that. Most people think

only about themselves, I am glad that I have people, in my life, who is the

opposite because of their great qualities and traits. I hope they stay the same

and stay in my life forever.

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