Drafting Your Education and Career Statement

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Drafting your Education and Career Statement:  

Part 2: Draft your education and career statement. Use the prompts below to 
organize your paragraph. 
Title: Advocate for learning 
Introduction: Who are you? 
Hello, my name is Sarai and I am Mexican-American. As someone who loves learning, I 
enjoy putting new things into practice and educating myself on issues that are 
detrimental to life, society, and the planet.  
Body Paragraph 1: What values do you uphold? Where do they come from? 
Values that I uphold are combating global climate change, learning, taking care of your 
health, and helping people whichever way you can. The need to change my lifestyle to 
help the issue of global warming came from my Environmental Science Teacher my senior 
year of high school. I learned that climate change is an issue that we all need to know 
about and put importance to because it threatens the very existence of all living creatures 
and things on Earth. The values I have of learning came from my second grade class. That 
was a year I will never forget and I loved to learn and my teacher really helped every 
student comprehend lectures. I would tutor other students when I finished my work and 
it became a passion to help my classmates learn content that I had knowledge on. Taking 
care of my health became something I started to really focus on junior year of high 
school. I came to love exercising and eating better and cleaner and genuinely I wanted to 
improve my body and look as strong as I felt. Health is a value I have because when your 
health is failing, no money in the world can take those painful problems in your body and 
it affects everyone without discriminating. If there is something I can do to change the 
outcome for the better, I will take care of my body early on in life to avoid any avoidable 
sicknesses. Helping people is such a core value I think everyone should have. Having 
compassion and empathy is so important in this world. Understanding someone’s 
problems fully is not possible but it would be foolish to look the other way when a fellow 
human is suffering, being oppressed, and in need of help. Helping a person, no matter who 
they are needs to be normalized. 
Body Paragraph 2: What experience(s) have you had in life that most impacted 
you and influenced who you are now/who you want to be in the future? 
Experiences that impacted me and influenced who I am and who I want to be is seeing 
how my people are being treated. It’s hard dealing with the fact that you won’t be 
accepted as you are in a country that still holds onto racism and allows it to co-exist in 
an evolving and changing society where there are more mixed races than ever before. The 
experience of having a teacher that told me I was smart and I could learn and who took 
time to teach me and help me comprehend that I can do it, rather than give me a grade 
made a shift in how I looked at school and learning. Learning is a gift. Some value it, 
others neglect it. To me, learning is a fundamental basis of life. You learn to hate, you 
learn to distinguish racism and understand that it is not right, you learn to accept 
different people as you, you learn to decrease your carbon footprint, you learn to act a 
certain way, etc. I want to be a second grade teacher and help establish fundamental core 
values and change the way children view learning in my classroom while allowing them to 
be creative in assignments. If you teach someone correctly, they will better the future 
and help society with mature adolescents. 
Body Paragraph 3: What are your educational and/or career goals? Why are goals 
important to you? How do you plan to achieve them? 
My educational and career goals are to get my bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood 
Education and get my teacher’s license to teach in a classroom. I plan to achieve the first 
part of my goal by going to college and study for the exams to get my certified teaching 
license. Becoming an elementary teacher is important to me because I want to shape the 
way kids think about school and learning, It should be a fun experience and not boring. I 
want them to find passions and encourage them to pursue them. 
Conclusion: How do your goals align with your personal mission? 
My goals align with my personal mission statement because I want to become a teacher 
and help kids learn and myself in the process because we can all learn from each other as 
we all come from different upbringings, lifestyles, and cultures. 

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