432139534-Assignment-4-Text-File Edgar HDZ

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To be evaluated in this unit it a Word document has to be created (Word/Word pad/Open Office) with 99 sentences, (mainly

in past tenses). To create your document it is necessary to revise both sections in the virtual class Past Events and Past

Consider that sentences have to be transformed, so you need to write the original sentences + the modified sentences 27
original sentences + 27 converted sentences = 54.
 Now enter the virtual class "D” ("Past Continuous”)
 Enter the grammar submenu and solve what it says in the sections:

They bought the clothes

 I drunk a coffee
 The liquided freeze
 Do you know the driver?
 Luis begun his trip earlier
 Did she gone the tour
 We found the address

 They began a new book each month

 She gave candies to the kids at school
 I drank a delicious beverage in the cafe
 We brought our best tools to the meeting
 The cat felt sad because they do not have food
 He paid the bills regulary
 You slept too late on weekends
 We wore the uniform of the company
 You take the news too seriously
 I spent too much time watching TV

 Where did you tell your husband? -  She met her husband in a party they
 What they did? - The built a modern computer
 At what time did you get to the interview? - You came at 5:00 o'clock to the interview
 What kind of food did they eat at the festival? - We ate regional food in the festival
 What did?-She swam with all her effort
 What did?-He was sad because he broke his new toy
 What did you do?-I drew a pattern for a dress
 What did you do? -you spoke slowly and clear
 What did you do? -you spoke slowly and clear
 What did you do? – They woke up too early

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escrito de la Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato.
 What did you receive?-We received that offer at the mall

4,5, and 6


 I am watching tv- I was watching tv

 They are developing their plans- they were developing their plans
 The customer is asking for the price- The customer was asking for the price
 We are having dinner –We were having dinner
 He is always talking- He was always talking
 She is sitting on my chair- She was  sitting on my chair
 You are not listening to me – You were not listening to me
 I am driving to the store- I was driving to the store
 It is raining heavily- It was raining heavily
 The kids are running in the playground- The kids were running the playground


 What –they-think- What were they thinking of living here?

 When-I –sing- When were I start I starting to sing everybody applaud
 Where-she-run- Where were  she goes to running everything seems so peaceful
 Why-they –sleep- Why in times were they sleeping a lot?
 Who-he-looking for- Who was he looking for?
 When-you-eat- When were  you using to eat vegetables you were healthier
 How-we-cook- How were we cooking?
 Why-she-go- Why was she going to school?
 Where-I-draw- Where was I drawing?
 What-it-leave- What was that I was living?



 I was changing clothes when my aunt arrived

 I was sleeping when my dog barked
 They were not working when their earthquake happened
 She was not at home when her brother arrived from school
 She was dancing when she was told that her car disappeared

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sistema impreso, electrónico, magnético, incluyendo el fotocopiado, la fotografía, la grabación o un sistema de recuperación de la información, sin la autorización por
escrito de la Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato.

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