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MLA 8 Basic Manual

In- Text Citations in MLA 8

In general: ln-Text citations are brief citations found after a direct quote or a
paraphrase ..They are located in the body of your work.

In-Text citations are placed in parentheses, and have two components

The first word found in the full citation on the Works Cited page (usually the last
name of the author)
Thelocation of the direct quote or paraphrase (usually a page number)

In-Text citations should be placed directly after the direct quote or paraphrase, or in a
place that is a natural pause and does not cause the reader to become distracted while
reading the body of your work.


In order to prevent starvation, Watney knew exactly what he needed to do. "My best
bet for making calories is potatoes" (Weir 17).

When using the author'sname in the sentence, only include the page number in the


Seuss's use of words such as, "Iurk" and "dan k" help students understand the type of
character that the Once-Ier is (6).

There is more information available today, in more formats, than ever before, ,so
the way we cite sources needs to evolve to keep pace. MLA 8 was designed to simplify
the process, helping writers accurately and intuitively cite sources more easily, requiring
that every source type follow the same formato This means that books, websites,.
periodicals, videos, photographs, and all other types of sources now use this same
standard formato

MLA 8 requires researchers to locate the same "core elements" from their sources and
place them in a standard order in order to create their citations.

The "Core Elements" of an MLA 8 citation, along with their corresponding

punctuation marks, include the following (in this order):

1. Authors.
2. Title of the source. 1
MLA 8 Basic Manual

3. Title of container,
4. Other contributors,
5. Version,
6. Numbers,
7. Publisher,
8. Publication date,
9. Location.

The appropriate punctuation mark will follow each core ele~ent, unless it is the final
piece. In this case, the punctuation mark would be a periodo

Here's how an actual source looks when cited using MLA 8:

Goodwin, Doris. Team of Riva/s: the Political Genius of Abraham Líncoln. Simon &
Shuster, 2012.

Why we use parenthetical / in-text citations

Researchers place brief parenthetical descriptions to acknowledge which parts of their

paper reference particular sources. Generally, you want to provide the last name of the
author and the specific page numbers of the source. If such information is already given
in the body of the sentence, then exclude it from the parenthetical citati~n. Place the
parenthetical citation where there is a pause in the sentence - normally before the end
of a sentence or a comma. The in-text citation will differ depending on how much
information you provide within the sentence.

Example with author's name in text:

Johnson argues this point (12-13).

This point had already been argued (Johnson 12-13).

Citing sources with more than one author

If you use sources with the same author surnames, then include a first name initial. If the
two sources have authors with the same initials, then include their fuI! names

Example: (J. Johnson 12-13) or(John Johnson 12-13).

If there are two or three authors of the source, include their last names in the order they
appear on the source: 2
MLA 8 Basic Manual

Example: (Smith, Wollensky, and Johnson 45).

If there are more than three authors, you can cite all the authors with their last name, or
you can cite the first author followed by "et al." Follow what is shown the works cited

Example: (Smith et al. 45).

Citing sources without an author

Some sources do not have authors or contributors - for instance, when you cite some
websites. Instead, refer to the name of the source in your parenthetical citation in place
the author. Shorten I abbreviate the name of the. source but ensure that your reader
can easily identify it in your works cited (abbreviate the title starting with the same word
in which it is alphabetized). Punctuate with quotations or italicize as you would in its
works cited form (a book is italicized; an article is in quotes).


Double agents are still widely in use (Spies 12-15, 17).

With prices of energy at new highs, bikes have been increasingly used ("Alternative
Transportation" 89).

Citing part of a work

When citing a specific part of a work, provide the relevant page or section identifier.
This can include specific pages, sections, paragraphs or volumes. When the identifier is
preceded by an abbreviation or word, place a comma between the identifier and the
source reference.

Part of a multivolume work


It is arguably the most innovative period in history (Webster, vol 4).

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MLA 8 Basic Manual

Chapter within a book (íf no specific numbers can be referenced)


The electoralcollege undermines democracy (Sanders, "Government Injustices").

Article in a periodical

Example: .

Allen claims there is an inverse correlation between higher taxes and patriotic feelings
worldwide (82).

When citing a specific page(s) of a multivolume work, precede the page number by the
volume number and a colon. Do not separate by a comma.

It was arguably the most innovative period in history (Webster 4:12-15).

Use "par." or "pars.' when referring to specific paragraphs.

The marketing dollars of big studio films has overshadowed good indie movies
(Anderson, pars. 12-34).

Citing group or corporate authors

In your parenthetical citation, cite a corporate author like you would a normal author.
Preferably, incorporate the corporate author in your text instead of the parenthetical


Facial transplants pose significant risk to the autoimmune system (American Medical
Association 12-43).

As noted by the American Medical Association, facial transplants pose significant risk to
the autoimmune system (12-43).

Citing an entire source

When citing an entire work, there are no specific page numbers to refer to. Therefore it
is preferable to refer to the source within the text itself with either the author or the title
of the source. 4
MLA 8 Basic Manual


Hartford suggests the Internet provides more distractions than it does information.

Citing multiple works by the same author

If you reference more than one source by the same author, distinguish the parenthetical
citations by including the name of the source. Use a comma to separate the author from
the source.


Wars can be economic catalysts (Friedman, World 77-80).

Industrialized nations are better equipped to rebound from recessions (Friedman, "High
Tides" 56).

Citing indirect sources

When an original source is unavailable, then cite the secondhand source - for instance,
a lecture in a conference proceedings. When quoting or paraphrasing a quote, write
"qtd. in" before the author and pages.

Example: John Murray calls Tim Srnith "interesting but egotistical" (qtd. in Jesrani 34).

Citing literary / classic and religious works

For works such as novels, pla~s and other classic works, it's helpful to provide further
identifying information along with the page information. Do this by adding a semicolon
and then the identifying information following the page number.

Example: (Tolstoy 5; pt. 2, ch. 3).

When citing classic poems and plays, replace page numbers with division numbers
(part, book, scene, act). The below refers to book 10 line 5. Bear in mind the divisions
and the way they are written can vary by source.

Example: Fear plays a role in Horner's Odyssey (10.5).

The title of books in the Bible and other famous literary works should be abbreviated.

(New Jerusalem Bible, Gen. 2.6-9). 5
MLA 8 Basic Manual

Placing parenthetical citations in direct quotations

When directly quoting a source, place the parenthetical citation after the quote.

Example: Sanders explains that economic woes a~e due to "the mortgage crisis and
poor risk assessment" (20).

Place the parenthetical citation at the end of an indented quotation. There should be
no period after the parenthetical citation. The last sentence of the indented quote
should look like:

Example: lt's unclear whether multilateral tariffs are disruptive to bilateral talks. (Evert

Citing online sources

Generally, follow the same principals of parenthetical citations to cite online sources.
Refer to the author, and if possible, a permanent identifier that would be the same for
any reader.


The economy will rebound with the new monetary policies (Srnith).

Solar power will become the primary source of energy (Williams 2).

Citing online sources with no author

If there is no author, use the title that begins the citation, either the article or website
title. Be sure it also takes the same formatting, i.e. articles are in quotes and website
titles are italicized. Shorten / abbreviate the name of the source but ensure that your
reader can easily identify it in your works cited (abbreviate the title starting with the
same word in which it is alphabetized).


Elephants are thought to be one of the smartest mammals ("Smart Elephants").

Nineteen men and women were convicted (Salem Witchcraft Trials).

Note: Ideal/y, when citing online sources, try to reference the source withín your
sentence, wíth eíther the author or the title ro avoíd writing a parenthetical citatíon. 6
MLA 8 Basic Manual

Where To Put The Parenthetical Citations:

Place parenthetical citations at the end of the sentence you are paraphrasing
and quoting. For example: The destruction of the argentine is due to many
socioeconomic factors (Taylor 33).
Even when quoting, place the parenthetical citations after the quotations.


"Mamma always said stupid is as stupid does" (Gump 89).

Long Quotes:

When quoting four lines or more, indent every line you are quoting by one inch (or 10
spaces) and do not use quotes.


The use of nuclear weapons in today's society is strikingly alarming. Though the
United States is the only country to employ it in the past, they are at the same
time the country that condemns its use the mosto While this may seem
hypocritical, is it the most proper action for the United Sta te s to make as the
globalleader. (Taparia 9)

How to Cite a Book in MLA 8

Books are written works or compositions that have been published. They are no longer
restricted to paper and have evolved into the online realm. Below, we give examples of
citing a book in print, an e-book. and via an e-book device, all in MLA 8.

How to Cite a Book in Print in MLA 8

To cite a book in print in MLA 8, you will need the followinq pieces of information. Each
information piece can be found on the book itself:

o The author's full name

o Titles of any chapters or sections that were used
o The title of the book
o Volume number of the book (if applicable)
o The publisher of the book
o The year the book was published 7
MLA 8 Basic Manual

o City the book was published in (only necessary if the book was printed prior to
1900, has versions that are different in one country than in another, or if ít is a
rare book)
o The name of any edítors or translators, if applícable
o Page numbers or ranges that were used

Structure of an MLA 8 citation for a book in print:

Author's Last name, First name. "Title of chapter or section." Title of the work,
translated by or edited by First name Last name, vol. number, City of Publicatíon*,
Publisher, Year the book was published, page number(s).


*Only ínclude the city of publication if the book was printed prior to 1900, has versions
that differ in one country than another, or if it is a rare book.

*Exception to the rule: If citing a book that was translated from another language and
the focus of your work is on the translation, use the translator's name in place of the
author's. Scrol! down below to see an example

Examples of how to cite a book in print in MLA 8:

Roth, Veronica. Divergent. Katherine Tegen Books, 2011.

Example of how to cite a book in print with two authors in MLA 8:

Olsen, Gregg, and Rebecca Morris. If I Can't Have You: Susan Powell, Her Mysterious
Disappearance, and the Murder of Her Children. Sto Martin's True Crime, 2015, pp. 18-

Example of how to cite a book in print with three or more authors in MLA

Include the author that is listed first on the source. Omit the other authors' names and
include the term et al., which translates to "and others" in Latin.

Matthews, Graham, et al. Disaster Management in Archives, Libraries, and Museums.

Ashgate, 2009.

How to cite a chapter of a book in MLA 8: 8
MLA 8 Basic Manual

Montrose, Louis. "Elizabeth Through the Looking Glass: Picturing the Oueen's Two
Bodies." The Body of the Oueen: Gender and Rule in the Courtly World, 1500-2000,
edited by Regina Schulte, Berghahn, 2006, pp. 61-87.

In the above eitation example, the book, The Body of the Queen: Gender and Rule in
the Courtly World, 1500-2000 is an edited book that features a chapter by Louis
Montrose. The title of the ehapter that he wrote is found in quotation marks ("Elizabeth
Through the Looking Glass: Picturinq the Oueen's Two Bodies").

How to eite a translated book in MLA 8: (When the foeus of your researeh is on the

Clarke, Alan R, translator. The Alchemist. By Paulo Coelho, HarperCollins, 1993.

How to Cite a Website in M LA 8

A website is a eolleetion of information pages on the Internet that are written by an

individual, organization, company, or institution. Websites can range in a variety of
topies includinq news, sports, travel, and many other interests and hobbies.

To make a eitation for a website, you will need the following pieees of information:

o The author's name

o The title of the article or page
o The title of the website
o *The name of the publisher
o The date the page or site was published
o *The URL

On the publisher:
Only include the name of the publisher when it differs from the name of the website.

On URLs:
In previous versions of MLA, researehers were not required to include the URL. In MLA
8, it is strongly reeommended to include the URL in the citation. Even though web
pages and URLs can be taken down or ehanged, it is still possible to learn about the
source from the information seen in the URL.
When including URLs in a citation, omit http:// and https:// from the website's address.
When creating a eitation that will be read on a digital deviee, it is helpful to make the
URL clickable so that readers can direetly access the source themselves.

Structure of a website eitation in MLA 8:

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MLA 8 Basic Manual

Place the author's name in reverse order, last name first, add a comma, and then the
first name followed by a periodo The title of the web page or article is placed in
quotation marks, with a period before the end quotation. The title of the website is
written in italics followed by a comma. If the name of the publisher differs from the
name of the website, include it after the title. Immediately following the publisher is the
date that the page or article was published, or posted. Finally, end with the URL The
URL is the website's address.

Author's Last name, First name. "Title of the Article or Individual Page." Title of the
website, Name of the publisher, Date of publication, URL.

Examples of website citations in MLA 8:

White, Lori. "The Newest Fad in People Helping People: Little Free Pantries."
Upworthy, Cloud Tiger Media, 3 Aug. 2016,

How to cite a website with no author in MLA 8:

Sometimes, websites do not clearly state who wrote the information on the page. When
no author is listed, omit the author information from the citation. Start the citation with
the title.

Example of a citation for a website without an author in MLA 8:

"Giant Panda." Smithsonian National Zoological Park, Smithsonian Institute,

How to cite a website when there is no page title:

When citing a web page that does not include a formal title, it is acceptable to include
a description of the page. Do not place the description in italics or in quotation marks.
Follow the description with the name of the website.

Example of a website citation in MLA 8 when there is no page title in MLA


General Information on the New York Mets. NYCData, The Weissman Center for
International Business Baruch College/CUNY,

How to Cite Newspaper in MLA 8 10
MLA 8 Basic Manual

Newspapers are daily or weekly publications that contain news; often featuring articles
on political events, crime, business, art, entertainment, society, and sports. Some
examples of popular newspapers include The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA
Today, and The Chicago Tribune.

Citations include other components, depending on the medium (print or database), so

check to make sure that your cítation type includes all necessary parts.

How to Cite a Newspaper Article in Print In

MLA 8:
T o create a cítation for a newspaper article in print, locate the following pieces of

o Author of the article

o Title of the article
o *Title of the newspaper
o Names of any other contributors responsible for the article
o The newspaper's version (such as a "Weekend Edition," if applicable)
o Any numbers associated with the newspaper's issue (such as a volume or issue
number, if applicable)
o The date of publication
o *Location (such as a page number or section number, like A8)


lnclude the name of the city that the newspaper is published in if the name is not
included in the títle of the newspaper. For example, it ís not necessary to include the
city if you were to cite the Boston Herald. lt is also not necessary to include the city for
nationally published newspapers. This information is placed in brackets after the title of
the newspaper. Do not italícize the name of the cíty.


The Intel/igencer [Doylestown]

When the page numbers are not consecutive, only include the first page number,
followed bya plus signo

. 11
MLA 8 Basic Manual

Also note that MLA 8th Edition does not require the name of the publisher to be
included in citations for newspapers and periodicals.

Structure of an MLA 8 citation for print newspapers:

Author's Last name, First name. "Title of the article." Title of the newspaper, First name
Last name of any other contributors, Version, Numbers, Date of publication, Location.

Example of an MLA 8 citation for a print newspaper article:

Tumola, Cristabelle. "NYC Developers Seek to Justify High Prices with New Amenities."
Metro [New York City], 9 Aug. 2016, p. 4.

How to Cite a Magazine in MLA 8

A magazine is a publication that is released periodically. It includes articles and
illustrations that generally center around a specific subject matter. Current events,
celebrity news, health and wellness, and sports topics are often featured in magazines.
A few popular examples include Time Magazine, People, Women's Health, and ESPN

To cite a magazine article in MLA 8, locate the following pieces of


*The name of the author of the article

The title of the article
The title of the magazine
The names of any other contributors to the magazine article (if applicable)
The version of the magazine (if applicable)
*Any numbers associated with the magazine, such as a volume or issue number.
The publication date
The location, such as a page number or page range
The name of the database where the magazine article was found (if applicable)
*The URL or DOI (if the article was found online)

. If the article is written by more than one author, refer to EasyBib's page on How.JQ
FO.JIllil-.t.!h~ ..6l,lJJ:lOr~?J:'¡.SlJILELi!lMJ.A to learn how to display more than one author in a
citation. 12
io \
MLA 8 Basic Manual

Some magazines include a volume and issue number. The volume number usually refers
to the number of years that the publication has been circulating. The issue number is
the number of issues that have been circulated in a specific year. For example, the first
issue of a magazine for the year 2016 that was first circulated in 1996 would be volume
20, issue 1. In a magazine's citation, this information is displayed as vol. 20, no. 1.

When including the URL in the citation, omit ''http://'' and "https:/I" from the site's
address. In addition, if the citation will be viewed on a digital device, it is helpful to
make it clickable. This ensures that readers will be able to easily access and view the
source themselves.

*In addition, publisher's names can be omitted for periodicals (journals, magazines, and

Hew te Cite a Magazine Article in M LA 8

The structure of a citation for a magazine article in print or on a website in MLA 8
includes the following:

Author's Last name, First name. "Title of magazine article." Tit/e of magazine, First
name Last name of any other contributors (if applicable), Version {if applicable},
Numbers (such as a volume and issue number), Publication date, Page numbers or URL.

The structure of a citation for a magazine article foundon a database in MLA 8 includes
the following:

Tit/e of magazine, First

Author's Last name, First name. "Title of magazine article."
(if applicable}, Version (if applicable),
name Last name of any other contributors
Numbers {such as a volume and issue number}, Publication date, Page numbers. Title of
database, URL or 001.

Example of a citation foro a magazine article found in print in MLA 8:

Wolinsky, Howard. "The Blue-Eyed Anomaly." Ancestry, vol. 27, no. 1, Jan.-Feb. 2009,
pp. 58-69.

Example of a citation for a magazine article found online in MLA 8:

Nijhuis, Michelle. "How the Parks of Tomorrow Will be Different." National Geographic,
photographed by Keith Ladzinski, Dec. 2016,
national-parks-climate-change-rising-sea-weather/. 13
MLA 8 Basic Manual

Example of a citation for a magazine article found on a database in MLA 8:

Richard, Andrew. "Print, Digital, and What Really Matters ... :New Surveys Raise
Questions about Americans' Book-Reading Habits." Publisher's Weekly, vol. 263, no.
38, 19 Sept. 2016, p. 24. Popular Magazines,

How to Cite a Film or Video in MtA 8

Films have become a strong medium for communicating stories, commentary, emotion,
research, art, and many other subjects in a creative way. This medium has seen marked
growth in both the number of titles offered and the number of distributors or service
providers (e.g. Hulu, Netflix, HBO Go, etc.). In addition, technology has evolved to
allow every individual to be their own "filmmaker" and record videos that can be shared
online,whether it be via YouTube, Vine, Instagram, etc.

This guide describes how to cite three different types of films and videos:

Films and videos found on a website

Films and videos found on a database
Films and videos not viewed online

To cite a film or video in MLA 8, locate the following pieces of information:

o The name of the creator of the film or video

o The title of the film or video
o The titJe of the site that the video was found on
o The names of any contributors, such as a director or performer
o *The version (if applicable)
o Any numbers associated with the video
o The publisher
o The publication date
o The name of the database (if applicable)
o *The location (usually a URL)


On versions: Versions can include an uncut version, unrated version, widescreen, etc.

On URLs: It is strongly recommended to include the URL in the citation. Even though
web pages and URLs can be taken down or changed, it is still possible to learn about
the source from the information seen in the URL
When including URLs in a citation, omit http:// and https:// from the website's address. 14

MLA 8 Basic Manual

When creating a citation that will be read on a digital device, it is helpful to make the
URL clickable so that readers can directly access the source themselves.

How to Cite a Film or Video Found on a

Website in MLA 8:
T o cite a film or video found on a website, use the following structure:

Last name, First name of the creator. "Title of the film or video." Title of the website,
role of contributors and their First name Last name, Version, Numbers, Publisher,
P.ublication date, URL.

Examples of MLA 8 citations for films or videos found on a website:

RotoBaller. "RotoBaller MLB: Top Fantasy Baseball Catcher Dynasty League Prospects
for 2016." YouTube, commentary by Raphael Rabe, 27 Mar. 2016, A6c.

"Lunch Hour NYC: Hot Dog Carts." New York Public Library, 5 July 2012,.

How to Cite a Film or Video Found on a

Database in M LA 8:
Use this citation structure if citing a film or video found on a database, such as Hulu,
Netflix, Amazon Prime, and/or HBO Go.

Last name, First name of the creator. Title of the film or video. Role of contributors and
their First name Last name, Version, Numbers, Publisher, Publication date. Database
name, url.

Examples of MLA 8 citations for Films and Videos Found on a Databases:

Kindergarten Cap. Directed by Ivan Reitman, performance by Arnold Schwarzenegger,

Universal Pictures, 21 Dec. 1990. Amazon Prime,
Arnold-Schwarzen egger/ dp/BOO 1VLLES4. 15
MLA 8 Basic Manual

How to Cite a Film or Video Not Viewed

Online in M LA 8:
Structure of a citation for a film or video not viewed online:

Last name, First name of the creator. Title of the film or video. Role of other
contributors and their First name Last name, Version, Numbers, Publisher, Publication

Example of an MLA 8 citation for films and videos not viewed online:

The Little Mermaid. Directed by Ron Clements and John Musker, Walt Disney Pictures,
17 Nov. 1989.

How to Format an Author's Name in MLA 8

lt's vitally important to make sure you correctly cite the last name of the author(s) whose
work you're referencing. To correctly cite the author, always begin the citation with the
author's last name, a comma, and the rest of the name as it appears on the source.
Place a period after the author's name. Here are some examples for citing one or more

How to Cite One Author:

Patterson, James. I Rowling, J.K.

How to Cite Two Authors:

Place the authors in the order in which they appear on the source. Note that only the
lead author's name is listed last name first: all additional authors are listed by their first
name, middle initial initial if applicable, and then last name:

Shields, David, and Caleb Powell.

How to Cite Three or More Authors: 16
MLA 8 Basic Manual

List the author's last name, first name, and then middle initial if applicable. Follow it
with a comma, and then add et al. in place of the additional authors:

Beck, Isabel L, et al.

How to Cite Works by Individuals Other Than the Author:

In cases where the person responsible for creating a work is someone other than the
author, such as an editor, producer, performer, or artist, always include the individual's
role after the narne:

Kansaker, Tej Ratna, and Mark Turin, editors.

When citing works of entertainment, such as film or television, include the name and
role of the person on whom you've focused:

Byrne, Rose, performer.

"Note: If you are writing about a film or te/evision show that does not focus on an
individual's tole, omit the euthor's name and start the citation with the title.

How to Cite Translated Works:

When your focus is on the translated text rather than the original, treat the translator as
the author. Include the name of the original creator after the title, preceded by the
word By:

Rojas, Carlos, translator. The Four Books. By Yan Lianke.

How to Cite Using Pseudonyms in MLA 8:

Usernames and online handles are now acceptable to use as the author's name.

How to Cite Corporate Authors in MLA 8:

If a corporation is theauthor of the text, include the fuI! name of the corporation:

The New York City Department of Education.

How to Cite when There is No Author in MLA 8: 17
MLA 8 Basic Manual

When Ao author is given in a text, omit this section and start the citation with the title.

How to Cite Book Titles in M LA 8

When citing book titles using the MLA 8 format, always enter the fuI! title, in italics,
followed by a periodo

The citation format is as follows:

Last Name, First Name. Italicized Títle. Publisher, Publication Year.

The full citation might look like this:

Sparks, Nicholas. The Notebook. Warner Books, 1996.

If there is a subtitle, place it after the title, using a colon to separate them. The subtitle
should also be in italics.

The citation format is as follows:

Last Name, First Name. Italicized Títle: SubTitle. Publisher,

Publication Year.

The full citation might look like this:

Weiland, K.M. Structuring Your Novel: Essential Keys for Writing an

Outstanding Story. PenForA Sword, 2013.

If the source is part of a larger work, such as an essay, chapter, short story, or poem,
place the title in quotation marks, making sure to put a period at the end of the title.
Follow it with the title of the larger work, in italics, with a comma at the end.

The citation format is as follows:

Last Name, First Name. "Title.: Italicized Larger Work Title, Editor first and last name,
Publisher, Publication Year, Page Numbers. 18

MLA 8 Basíc Manual

The full citation might look like this:

Langer, A.J. "Lessons in Friendships." Chicken Soup for the Teenage Sou/:101 Stories
of Life, Love and Learning, edited by Jack Canfield, et al.,

Simon & Schuster, 1997, pp. 56-62.

How to Cite Periodical Titles in MLA 8

When citing periodicals in MLA 8, place the title of the article in quotes, with a period at
the end of the title. The italicised title of the periodical follows, along with a comma.

The citation format is as follows:

Last Name, First Name. "Title of the Article." Periodical Title."

Publication Year, Page Numbers.

The full citation might look like this:

Barack, Lauren. "Y is for Yoga: Libraries Embrace the Practice to Ease Stress and
Promote Literacy." The School Library Journal, January 2015, pp. 23-28.

How to Cite Television Shows in MLA 8:

If you're citing a television show, place the title of the episode first, followed with a
periodo The title of the series follows in italics, along with a comma.

The citation format is as follows:

"Title of the Episode." Title of the Series, Author of the show, Season Number,
Episode Number, Network, Air Date.

The full citation might look like this:

"Dunder, Mifflin, Infinity." The OHice, written by Michael Schur, season 4, episode 3,
NBC, 2007.

How to Cite Websites In MLA 8:

These days much of our information comes from digital resources, such as
websites. When citing websites, place the title of the article in quotation marks, with a 19
MLA 8 Basic Manual

period at the end of the title. Follow with the name of the website in italics, followed by

a comma, and ending with the website URL.

The citation format is as follows:

"Title of the Article." Name of the Website. URL.

The full citation might look like this:

"What are Annotated Bibliographies?" Easybib,

How to Cite Songs in MLA 8:

If you need to cite a song, place the title of the song in quotation marks, with a period
at the end of the title. Follow with the title of the album in italics, with a comma at the

The citation format is as follows:

Last Name, First Name. "Song Title." Album Title, Record Company, Release Year.

The full citation might look like this:

Sinatra, Frank. "Summer Wind .. rr Strangers in the Night. Reprise, 1966.

How to Cite Untitled Works in MLA 8:

If a source doesn't have a title, include the creator of the source and a brief description.
Do not italicize or place this information in quotation marks.

The citation format is as follows:

Last Name, First Name. Title of the work. Year, Location of the Work, City, State.

The full citation might look like this:

Johnson, Sarah. Painting of a Horse. 1984, PS 86, Bronx, NY.

How to Cite Email Messages in MLA 8:

When citing email messages in MLA 8, the subject of the email is the title. Place the
title in quotation marks, with a periodat the end of the subject. 20
MLA 8 Basic Manual

The citation format is as follows:

Sender Last Name, Sender First Name. "Subject of the Email." Receiver First Name and
Last Name, Date Sent.

The full citation might look like this:

Morgan, Michael. "Re: Meeting this afternoon." Received by Michele Kirschenbaum, 18

April, 2016.

How to Format Containers inMLA 8

Sometimes a source is part of a larger whole. For example, a magazine article is part of
a larger whole, the magazine itself. For citation purposes, we call the larger whole, in
this case the magazine, a container. When citing sources, the container is generally
italicized and is followed by a comma.

How to Cite So urce s With One Container

When citing sources with only one container, the title of the direct source is placed in
.. quotes, and the title ofthe container is italicized.

The partial format for citing a title within a container is as follows:

Last Name, First Name. "Title of the Source." ItaJicized Container Title, Performer or
Editor etc. Name,

The full citation might look like this:

"Hush." Buffy the Vampire Slayer, created by Joss Whedon, performance by Sarah
Michelle Gellar, season 4, episode 10, Mutant Enemy, 1999.

Bazin, Patrick. "Toward Metareading." The Future of the Book, edited by Geoffrey
Nunberg, U of California P, 1996, pp. 153-68.

How to Cite Sources With Two Containers

Sometimes the source you're citing might have two containers. For example, if an
article is found on a database, the first container is the name of the larger whole, such
as a journal. The second container is the database where you found the article. 21
MLA 8 Basic Manual

Another example might be a television series you watched on Netflix. The first
container is the name of the series, and the second container is Netflix. For sources with
multiple containers, follow this template:

*Elements that are irre/evant are not inc/uded in the citation.

1. Author. 2. Title of source.

Container 1

3. Title of Container, 4. Other contributors, 5. Version, 6. Nurnber, 7. Publisher, 8.

Publication date, 9. Location.

Container 2

3. Title of container, 4. Other contributors, 5. Version, 6. Number, 7. Publisher, 8.

Publication date, 9. Location.

The full citation for a source with multiple containers might look like this:

Ellingsen, Eric. "In the Listenings: The Gold Waxes." World Literature Today, vol. 89,
no. 1, 2015, pp. 30-32. JSTOR, doi: 10.7588/worllitetoda.89.1.0030.

How to Format Other Contributors in MLA 8

In addition to authors, there may be other contributors who are important to include in
the citation, especially if their individual work was important to your assignment.

To correctly cite the contributions of these individuals, make sure you state their
specific role, followed by the word "by" and then add their first and last name.

Some common roles:

edited by, translated by, directed by, performance by

The full citation might look like this:

Callendar, G.S. "The Artificial Production of Carbon Dioxide and Its Influence on
Temperature." The Global Warming Reader, edited by Bill McKibbin, Penguin
Books, 2011. Google Books, 22
\, \
MLA 8 Basic Manual 1&dq=edited%20

Here is an example of how to cite contributions by a translator:

de Saint-Exupery, Antoine. The Little Prince. Translated by Richard Howard, HMH

Books for Young Readers, 2013.

How to Cite a Movie or Television Show

For movies and television shows, there may be multiple people who are responsible for
the project. Include the names of the individuals who are most relevant to your
research, or the ones upon whom you've placed your focus.

The full citation might look like this:

Home Afone, produced by John Hughes, performance by Macaulay Culkin, 29th

Century Fox, 1990.

How to Format Versions in MLA 8

In some cases there may be numerous versions of a specific source, and you'II want to
be sure you indicate the version you're citing. This happens most often with books,
which can have several editions still in print. Other examples include director's cuts of
movies and radio edits of songs. When citing a specific version of a source:

Always use the symbol for a number instead of spelling it out. For example, use
4th ed. Instead of Fourth ed., regardless of how it appears on the source itself.

Abbreviate ed. for edition and rey. for revised (example: use 4th ed. NOT 4th

The following are examples of how full citations for sources with numerous versions
might look:

How to Cite Book Editions in MLA 8:

Nist-Oljenik, Sherrie, and Jodi Patrick Holschuh. College Rules! How to Study, Survive,
and Succeed in College. 3rd ed., Ten Speed Press, 2011. 23
MLA 8 Basic Manual

Ferber, Richard. So/ve Your Chi/d's Sleep Problems. Revised ed., Simon & Schuster,
2006, Google Books,
= PP 1&dq= revised%20edition&pg= PP 1#v=onepage&q=revised%20edition&f=fa

How to Cite the Bible in MLA 8:

The Holy Bible. New International Version, Zondervan, 2011.

How to Cite Versions of Movies in MLA 8

Old Schoo/, Directed by Todd Phillips, Unrated Version, Paramount, 2003, Amazon

How to Cite Versions of Songs in MLA 8

Le Grand, Fedde. Put Your Hands Up for Detroit. Radio edit, Flamingo Records/Ultra
Records,2006, Spoti~,
https:// open .spotify. com/track/3 9kVYzuYE8fDe6u 12X4GMf.

How to Format Publishers in MLA 8

The publisher is the name of the organization or company responsible for making the
work available, and you'Il want to be sure to correctly cite this information. To cite
publishers using MLA 8:

Inc!ude only the name of publishers and omit business words. The business
words are usually found directly after the name of the publisher. This includes
words such as company, corporation, limited, and others. (Example: Use Dream
Books NOT Dream Books Company, LLC.)
Use UP for University Press (Example: Use Cambridge UP NOT Cambridge
University Press)

How to Cite a Book in MLA 8:

Silverstein, Shel. The Giving Tree, Harper & Row, 1964. 24
\ \'3>

MLA 8 Basic Manual

Sometimes there will be numerous organizations listed as being responsible for

publishing the source. In this case, just include the company that is most responsible
for the source's publication.

If two or more organizations are equally responsible, separate the names with a
forward slash.

Bilodeau, Brent L. "Understanding Genderism." The Art of Effective Facilitation:

Reflections from Social Justice Educators, edited by Lisa M. Landreman, ACPA-
College Student/Stylus, 2013, pp. 67-80.

It is not always necessary to include the name of the publisher. For the following
sources, omit this information:

Any periodicals including journals, magazines, or newspapers

A website when the name of it is the sarne as the publisher

How to Format the Publication Date in MLA 8

The publication date refers to the date that the source was made available. When
formatting sources with publication dates, keep the following in mind:

When there is more than one publication date, use the one that is most relevant to
your research. Include the date as it is shown on the source.

Online versions of articles sometimes display two dates: 1) the date the article was
posted online and 2) the date that the printed version was published. If you used the
online version, only include that date in your citation.

How to Cite an Article on a Website In M LA

Richtel, Matt. "Texting and Driving? Watch Out for the Textalyzer."The New York
Times, Apr. 27, 2016,

Example of a YouTube video in MLA 8:

"Ew!" With Jennifer Lopez", The Jimmy Fallon Show, 27 Feb. 2016, YouTube, bO 1sG ilA. 2S
--» MLA 8 Basic Manual

*The MLA 8 Handbook recommends locating the publisher directly on the source
rather than relying on online catalogs or book retailers, as their information may be
incorrect 26

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