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Reflection of Light
4.1. THE NATURE OF LIGHT Propagation of light
1. Light is a form of energy, (optical energy) which helps Light travels along straight lines in a medium or in
us in seeing objects by its presence. vacuum. The path of light changes only when there is
an object in its path or where the medium changes.
2. Light has dual nature.
Apart from vacuum and gases, light can travel through
3. The great English scientist Sir Isaac Newton some liquids and solids as well.
(1642 - 1727) belived that light is made up of tiny
particles. A famous Dutch scientist of that time, Transparent medium : A medium in which light can
Christiaan Huygens, however, proposed that light is travel freely over large distances is called a transparent
a wave. medium.
4. The objects which emit (give) light are called Examples : Water, glycerine, glass and clear plastics
luminous objects. It may be natural or man-made. are transparent.
Sun is a nautral source of light and electric lamp, Opaque medium : A medium in which light cannot
and oil lamp, etc. are man-made sources of light. travel is called an opaque medium.
5. The Non-luminous objects do not emit light.
Examples : Wood, metals, bricks, etc., are opaque.
However, such objects become visible due to the
reflection of the light falling on them. Moon does not Translucent medium : A medium in which light can
emit light. It becomes visible due to the reflection of travel some distance, but its intensity reduces rapidly.
the sunlight falling on it. Such materials are called translucent medium.
Chraracterstics of light Examples : Oil, butter paper etc.
1. Light is an electromagnetic wave.
2. Light travels in a straight line in a homogenous
medium. Definition : When light rays are incident on an opaque
polished surface (medium), these are returned back in
3. Light is a transverse wave, and does not need any
the same medium.
medium to travel. Light can travel through vacuum.
Its speed in vacuum is 3 × 108 m/s. This phenomenon of returning of ray of light in the
4. The velocity of light changes when it travels from same medium, is called reflection of light.
one medium to another. Terms associated with reflection of light.
5. The wavelength (  ) of light changes when it goes
from one medium to another.
6. The frequency (f) of the light wave remains the same
in all media.
7. Light gets reflected back from polished surfaces,
i r
such as mirrors, polished metal surfaces, etc.
8. Light undergoes refraction (bending) when it travels X Y
from one trasparent medium to another. O

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Reflecting surface : The surface from which the light is To verify this, consider the geometrical construction
reflected, is called the reflecting surface. In diagram, XY shown in figure. Rays OP and OD, starting from the
is the reflecting surface. object O, fall on the mirror. The ray OP is perpendicular
to the mirror and hence, reflects back along PO. The
Point of incidence : The point on the reflecting surface
incident ray OD and the reflected ray DE make equal
at which a ray of light strikes, is called the point of
angles with the normal DG. The two reflected rays
incidence. In diagram, O is the point of incidence.
when produced backwards meet at I, producing a
Normal : A perpendicular drawn on the reflecting virtual image there.
surface at the point of incidence, is called the normal.
In diagram, NO is the normal. E
Incident ray : The ray of light which strikes the
reflecting surface at the point of incidence is called the
incident ray. In diagram, PO is the incident ray.
Reflected ray : The ray of light bouncing back from
the reflecting surface from the point of incidence, is called I
the reflected ray. In diagram, OQ is the reflected ray. O P
Angle of incidence : The angle that the incident ray
makes with the normal, is called the angle of incidence. Now, EDG = DIO (DG || IO), ...(i)
It is represented by the symbol i. In diagram, PON is
EDG = GDO (law of reflection) ...(ii)
the angle of incidence.
GDO = DOI (GD||OI) ...(iii)
Angle of reflection : The angle that the reflected ray
From eqn. (ii) and (iii)
makes with the normal, is called the angle of reflection.
It is represented by the symbol r. In diagram, QON EDG = DOI ...(iv)
is the angle of reflection. From eqn. (i) and (iv)
Plane of incidence : The plane in which the normal DOI = DIO
and the incident ray lie, is called the plane of incidence.
Now, in DOP and DIP
In diagram, the plane of the bookpage, is the plane of
incidence. DOP  DIP (Proved)
Plane of reflection : The plane in which the normal DP =DP (common)
and the reflected ray lie, is called the plane of reflection.
In diagram, the plane of the bookpage, is the plane of DPO  DPI [right angle] (right angle)
so,  DOP  DIP
First law : The incident ray, the reflected ray and the So, in case of a plane mirror, the image is formed as
normal at the point of incidence, all lie in the same far behind the mirror as the object is in front
plane. of it.
Second law : The angle of reflection (r) is always
equal to the angle of incidence (i).
Some Important Results About Reflection From
Plane Surfaces
i.e., r = i
1. Lateral inversion : When you see your image in a
(For normal incidence, i = 0, r = 0, hence, the ray is vertical plane mirror such as that fixed to an almirah,
reflected back along normal). the head in the image is up and the feet are down,
the same way as you actually stand on the floor.
4.4. REFLECTION FROM THE PLANE MIRROR Such an image is called an erect image. However, if
you move your right hand, it will appear as if the left
A plane mirror always forms a virtual and erect image
hand of your image is moving. If you keep a printed
of the same size for real object.
page in front of a plane mirror, the image of the letters
Relation between the distances of the object and the appear erect but inverted laterally, or sideways. Such
image from the plane mirror is that they are equal. an inversion is called lateral inversion.

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This fact is used in many optical instruments such
L R R L as periscope [fig. C)], sextant, optical lever, etc.
As every part of a mirror forms a complete image of
an extended object and due to superposition of
Object Image image, brightness will depend on its light reflecting
area, a larger mirror gives more bright image than a
2. Relative motion of object and image : small one. This in turn also implies that if a portion
of a mirror is obstructed, complete image will be
Case I : If an object moves towards (or away from)
formed but of reduced brightness.
a plane mirror at speed v, keeping the mirror still.
Though every part of a mirror forms a complete
image of an object, we usually see only that part of it
from which light after reflection from the mirror
reaches our eye. This is why :
(i) To see his full image in a plane mirror a person
requires a mirror of at least half of his height.

The image will also approach (or recede) at speed v. H

The speed of image relative to object will be M

v – (–v) = 2v. L
Case II : If the mirror is moved towards or (away (A)
from) the object with speed v, keeping the object (ii) To see a complete wall behind himself a person
still. requires a mirror of at least (1/3) the height of
The image will move towards (or away from) the wall and he must be in the middle of wall and
object with a speed 2v. mirror.

3. Deviation :  is defined as the angle between A

directions of incident ray and emergent ray. So if
light is incident at an angle of incidence i, M
H E H/3
 = 180º – (  i +  r) = (180º – 2i) [as  i =  r]
 d d
r (B)
i (iii) If two plane mirrors are inclined to each other
at 90º, the emergent ray is always antiparallel
to incident ray if it suffers one reflection from
Plane mirror each (as shown in fig.) whatever be the angle
4. Rotation of image : If keeping the incident ray fixed, of incidence. The same is found to hold good
for three–plane mirrors forming the corner of a
the mirror is rotated by an angle  , about an axis in
cube if the incident light suffers one reflection
the plane of mirror, the reflected ray is rotated through
from each of them.
an angle 2  . This is illustrated in fig. (b)

M  
Incident ray 90°– 



(B) M2

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5. Number of Images : If there are two plane mirrors Sol. : Suppose the object O was initially at a distance
inclined to each other at an angle , the number of d from the plane mirror M as shown in fig. The image
images of a point object formed is determined as formed at O  is at a distance d behind the mirror..
follows: Now, the mirror is shifted by a distance x to M such
(i) If (360º/  ) is even integer (say m), number of that the distance of the object from M becomes
images formed, d+x. The image is now formed at O which is also at
n = (m – 1), for all positions of object a distance d+x from M .

(ii) If (360º/  ) is odd integer (say m), number of

images formed,
n = m, if the object is not on the angle bisector M M'
of mirrors. O x O' O"
n = (m – 1), if the object is on the angle bisector
of mirrors.

(iii) If (360º/  ) is a fraction, the number of images

formed will be checked upon by its integral part.
So, OM = M O  = d
Illustration 1 : A ray of light is reflected successively
O M = MO = d+x
from two mirrors inclined at an angle  , if the angle of
incidence is ‘i’, then find the angle of deviation of the ray. shift = OO

(A) 2  – 4  (B) 2  – 2   OO  MO  MO

(C)  – 2  (D)  – 4   OO  MO  (MO  MM)

Sol.: (B)  OO  (d  x)  (d  x)  2x

If 1 and 2 are the deviations suffered at M 1 and M2 Thus, the image is shifted from O  to O by a
respectively, then  1 =  – 2i and  2 =  – 2i distance 2x.
Total deviation,  = 2 – 2(i + i) Illustration 3 : A ray of light is incident on a plane
mirror. The mirror is tilted through an angle  . By how
 
From  OAB,    i    i   or  = i  i much angle will the reflected ray be tilted?
2 2
Sol. : Let AN be the normal to the mirror M 1M2. A
light ray OA is incident on the mirror at A and is
M1 reflected along AB, therefore,
1 i O B
 M'1  B'
O M2
A 2 i

  = 2 – 2
Thus, the total deviation is independent of angle of
incidence.  OAN =  NAB =  i
Now, if the mirror is rotated through an angle , the
Illustration 2 : An object is placed infront of a plane
mirror. If the mirror is moved away from the object through normal also rotates through the same angle . AN is
a distance x, by how much distance will the image the new position of the normal, then NAN = 

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or NAB  NAB  NAN  i   ...(i) (ii) Convex mirror :

Let AB is the final reflected ray. Then
OAN= NAB = i +  ...(ii)
Thus, BAB= NAB – NAB
= (i +  ) – (i –  ) = 2 
Thus, if the mirror is tilted through an angle  , the
reflected ray is rotated through angle 2  .
Illustration 4 : An insect is at a distance of 1.5m from
a plane mirror. Calculate the following :-
(i) Distance at which the image of the insect is formed.
(ii) Distance betweeen the insect and its image.
Sol. : (i) The distance of insect from the mirror = 1.5 m Some terms associated with spherical mirrors.
 The distance of image of insect from
the mirror is also equal to 1.5 m behind the Aperture :The diameter of the circular rim of the mirror.
mirror. In fig. (a) AB is the aperture of the mirror.
(ii) The distance between the insect and its Pole : The centre of the spherical surface of the mirror
image = 1.5 + 1.5 = 3 m is called the pole of the mirror. It lies on the surface.
Illustration 5 : An object O is kept 80 cm in front of a In diagram, P is the pole of the mirror.
plane mirror M. If the mirror is moved 20 cm away from Centre of curvature : The centre of the spherical
the object. Calculate the image shift from its previous shell, of which the mirror is a part, is called centre of
position. curvature of the mirror. It lies outside the surface. Every
Sol. : The distance of object from mirror = 80 cm point on mirror surface lies at same distance from it.
In diagram, C is the centre of curvature of the mirror.
 Distance between object and its image
= 80 + 80 = 160 cm Principal axis : The straight line passing through the
pole and the centre of curvature of the mirror, is called
The new distance of object from the mirror
principal axis of the mirror.
= 80 + 20 = 100 cm
 Now distance between object and image Principal focus : It is a point on the principal axis of
the mirror, such that the rays incident on the mirror
= 100 + 100 = 200 cm
parallel to the principal axis after reflection, actually
 Shift of the image = 200 – 160 = 40 cm meet at this point (in case of a concave mirror) or
appear to come from it (in case of a convex mirror).
4.5. RELFECTION FROM SPHERICAL In diagram, F is the principal focus of the mirror.
MIRRORS Radius of curvature : The distance between the pole
Introduction : There are two types of spherical and the centre of curvature of the mirror, is called the
mirrors: radius of curvature of the mirror. It is equal to the
radius of the spherical shell of which the mirror is a
(i) Concave mirror :
part. In diagram, PC is the radius of curvaure of the
A mirror. It is represented by the symbol R.
Focal length : The distance between the pole and
principal focus of the mirror, is called the focal length
Principal of the mirror. In diagram, PF is the focal length of the
axis mirror. It is represented by the symbol f.
C F P Principal section : A section of the spherical mirror
cut by a plane passing through its centre of curvature
and the pole of the mirror, is called a principal section
of the mirror. It contains the principal axis. In diagram,
B APB is the principal section of the mirror cut by the
(a) Concave mirror plane of the book page.

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Relation between focal length and radius of 4.6. IMAGE FORMATION BY SPHERICAL
curvature MIRRORS
Relation : For a spherical mirror of small aperature, Rules for image formation from concave
focal length is half the radius of curvature.i.e.,
f = R/2
Proof : In fig. incident ray OX is parallel to the principal 1. When the light ray incident parallel to the principal
axis. After reflection, it actually passes through focus axis, it actually passes through mirror foucs F.
F in case of a concave mirror and appears to come
from focus F in case of a convex mirror. CXN is normal
A ray light parallel
to mirror at X. to the principal axis
For concave mirror [fig(a)] Principal axis P
OXC = FXC =  [ i = r]
But OXC = XCF [alternate angle]
For convex mirror [fig.(b)]
OXN = YXN =  [ i = r] 2. When the light ray incident towords focus, after
reflection from the mirror it goes parallel to principal
But OXN = XCF [Corresponding angle] axis.
and YXN = FXC. [Opposite angle]
Reflected ray goes parallel
A to the principal axis
O  X C F P


3. When the light ray incident towards centre of

B curvature, after reflection from the mirror, it returns
(a) Concave mirror back along the same path.

A A ray of light passing through

the centre of curvature
 x
 C F P


B 4. When the light ray is incident on the pole of the

(b) Convex mirror mirror, it bounces back such that i  r .

Hence (in both cases), FXC = XCF Incident ray

and in FCX, FC = FX
For mirror of small aperature, X will be near P, then C F i
FX = FP r P
Hence, FC = PF
and 2PF = PF + FC = PC
Reflected ray
i.e., 2f = R and f = R/2 (Proved).

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Rules for image formation from convex mirror 4.7. MIRROR FORMULA
1. When the light ray incident parallel to the principal Definition : The equation relating the object
axis, after reflection it appears to come from focus. distance, the image distance and the mirror focal
length, is called the mirror formula.
Reflected ray Assumptions made
(i) The mirror has a small aperture.
Incident ray
F (ii) The object lies close to principal axis of the mirror.
(iii) The incident rays make small angles with the mirror
Principal axis
surface or the principal axis.
Case 1 : Mirror Formula for Concave Mirror
2. When the light ray incident towards focus, after (involving Radius of Curvature)
reflection from the mirror it goes parallel to principal Description : The diagram (fig.) shows the principal
axis. section of a concave mirror M forming a real and
Incident ray inverted image AB of a real and erect object AB. The
object is placed beyond C, while the image is formed
Reflected ray between F and C.
Principal axis
M Principal
A' F  axis
3. When the light ray incident on the mirror directing A C  P
towards centre of curvature, it seems to retrace its B'
Rays travelling towards
C behind the mirror f
90º u
Fig. : Ray diagram for a concave mirror
forming real image
Calculation : Here,
Object distance (measured from P to A)
PA = –u (object on the left of the mirror)
Sign convention Image distance (measured from P to A)
It is a convention which fixes the signs of different PA = –v (image on the left of the mirror)
distances measured. The sign convention to be
followed is the New Cartesian sign convention. It gives Radius of curvature (measured from P to C)
the following rules : PC = –R (C on the left of the mirror)
1. All distances are measured from the pole of the
mirror. In similar s, ABC and ABC
2. The distances measured in the same direction as
A B CA PC  PA R  (  v) R  v
the direction of incident light, are taken as positive. = = = = ...(i)
AB CA PA  PC u  ( R) u  R
3. The distances measured in the direction opposite
to the direction of incident light, are taken as In similar s, ABP and ABP
4. Distances measured upward and perpendicular to A B PA  v v
= = = ...(ii)
the principal axis, are taken as positive. AB PA  u u
5. Distances measured downward and perpendicular
to the principal axis, are taken as negative. From equations (i) and (ii)

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[ 10 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

R  v v Rv v
= =
u  R u Ru u
Cross multiplying
Cross multiplying, we get
–uR + uv = vR – uv
–uR + uv = –uv + vR
 –vR – uR = – uv – uv = – 2uv
 –uR – vR = –uv – uv = – 2uv
Changing sign and dividing by uvR, we get
Changing sign and dividing by uvR, we get
1 1 2 2
+ = = 2f ( R = 2f)
1 1 2 2 u v R
+ = = 2f ( R = 2f)
u v R 1 1 1
We have, + =
u v f
1 1 1
We have, + = This is the required mirror formula.
u v f
This is the required mirror formula. Linear magnification
The ratio of the size of the image, as formed by reflection
Case 2 : Mirror Formula for Convex Mirror from the mirror to the size of the object, is called linear
(Involving Radius of Curvature) magnification produced by the mirror. It is represented by
the symbol m.
Description : The diagram (fig.) shows the principal Expression.
section of a convex mirror M forming a virtual and
(i) For concave mirror forming real image
erect image AB of real and erect object AB. The object
is in front of the mirror, while the image is behind the I = AB = –h2 (inverted image)
mirror. O = AB = + h1 (erect object)
h2 A B
Then, m = – h = –
B 1 AB
In similar  ABP and ABP,
M B' Principal
 axis A B PA 
A  P A' F C AB PA
PA  v
Hence, m = – = – i.e.,
PA u
Calculation : Here, v
m = 
Object distance (measured from P to A), u
PA = –u (object on the left of the mirror) IMAGE FORMATION BY A CONCAVE
Image distance (measured from P to A). MIRROR IN DIFFERENT CASES
PA = +v (image on the right of the mirror) Introduction : From mirror formula, we find that for a
Radius of curvature (measured from P to C). mirror of a fixed focal length f, as object distance u
changes, image distance v also changes. Moreover,
PC = +R (C on the right of the mirror) as u decreases, v increases. This changes the position,
In similar s, ABC and ABC the nature and the size of the image.
Different cases are as given below with their ray
A B CA PC  PA Rv Rv
= = = = ....(i) diagram.
AB CA PC  PA R  ( u) Ru
In similar s, ABP and ABP
Case 1 : Object at Infinity
A point object lying on the principal axis. Rays come
A B PA   v parallel to the principal axis and after reflection from
= = .....(ii)
AB PA  u the mirror actually meet at the focus F.
From equation (i) and (ii) The image is formed at F. It is real and point sized.

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Fig. : Concave mirror : point object

Fig. : Concave mirror : object between centre of
at infinity, image at focus.
curvature and focus, image beyond centre of curvature.
Case 2 : Object Beyond Centre of Curvature Case 5 : Object at Focus
Real object AB has its image AB formed between
Real object AB has its image formed at infinity.
focus and centre of curvature. The image is real-
inverted and diminished. The image is real, inverted (reflected rays go
downward) and must have very large size.



Fig. : Concave mirror : object beyond centre of

curvature, image is formed between focus Fig. : Concave mirror : object at focus
and centre of curvature. image at infinity.
Case 3 : Object at Centre of Curvature Case 6 : Object between Focus and Pole
Real object AB, has its image AB formed at centre of Real object AB has its image AB formed behind the
curvature. mirror. The image is virtual, erect and enlarged.
The image is real, inverted and has same size as the B


Fig. : Concave mirror : Object between pole and

focus, image behind the mirror.

Fig. : Concave mirror : object at centre of curvature, IMAGE FORMATION BY A CONVEX MIRROR
image at centre of curvature
Case 4 : Object between Centre of Curvature
Case 1 : Object at infinity
and Focus
A point object lying on the principal axis.
Real object AB has its image AB formed beyond Rays come parallel to the principal axis and after
centre of curvature. reflection from the mirror, appear to diverge from focus
The image is real, inverted and enlarged (bigger in F behind the mirror. The image is formed at F. The
size than the object). image is virtual and point sized.

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[ 12 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

Sol. : Here, u = –15 cm and v = –30 cm

Size of the object, h = 3 cm

h' v
Magnification, m  = –
h u

Fig. : Convex mirror : point object A

at infinity, image formed at focus.

Case 2 : Object at a Finite Distance B F
Real object AB has its image A B formed between
pole and focus. The image is virtual, erect and

h' (30)
B or = –  2
B h (15)

or h = – 2 × h = –2 × 3 = – 6 cm
A P A F C
So the height of the image is 6 cm. The minus sign
shows that it is on the lower side of the principal axis,
M' i.e. the image is inverted.
Fig. : Convex mirror : object placed at finite distance, Illustration 4 : A 1.4 cm long object is placed
image formed between pole and focus. perpendicular to the principal axis of a convex mirror of
Illustration 1 : A concave mirror is made up by cutting focal length 15 cm at a distance of 10 cm from it. Calculate
a portion of a hollow glass sphere of radius 30 cm. the following :
Calculate the focal length of the mirror. (i) location of the image (ii) height of the image
Sol. : The radius of curvature of the mirror = 30 cm
(iii) nature of the image
Thus, the focal length of the mirror=
= 15 cm A
Illustration 2 : An object is placed at a distance of A´
15 cm from a concave mirror of focal langth 10 cm.
Find the position of the image. B 10cm 6cm B´ F C
Sol.: We have, u = –15 cm and f = –10 cm
1 1 1
Using the relation,   , 15cm
v u f
Sol. : (i) For a convex mirror, focal length is positive.
1 1 1
we get   Therefore, f = +15 cm and u = –10 cm
v 15 10
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
or   = – or v = –30 cm Using the relation,   , we get
v 15 10 30 v u f
So the image will be formed 30 cm from the mirror. 1 1 1
Since v has a negative sign, the image is formed to  
v 10 15
the left of the mirror, i.e. in front of the mirror.
Illustration 3 : A 3 cm long object is placed 1 1 1 5 1
or    
perpendicular to the principal axis of a concave mirror. v 15 10 30 6
The distance of the object from the mirror is 15 cm, or v = 6 cm
and its image is formed 30 cm from the mirror on the Since v is positive, the image is formed to the
same side of the mirror as the object. Calculate the right of the mirror at a distance 6 cm from it.
height of the image formed.

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h v Thus, the screen must be placed 37.5 cm from the

(ii) Magnification, m   or mirror on the same side as the object.
h u
h' 6 h v
 = + 0.6 Now, magnification, m= 
h 10 h u
or h = + 0.6 × h0 = 0.6 × 1.4 = 0.84 cm. h (37.5)
or =–  1.5
Thus, the height of the image is 0.84 cm. 4.0cm (25)
(iii) Since h is positive, the image will be on the or h = – 1.5 × 4 = –6 cm
same side of the principal axis as the object. Negative sign shows that the image is inverted.
Hence, the image is virtual, erect and Hence, the image is real, inverted and of size
diminished. 6 cm.
Illustration 5 : A 1 cm high object is placed at 20 cm Illustration 7 : A convex mirror used on an automobile
in front of a concave mirror of focal length 15 cm. Find has 3 m radius of curvature. If a bus is located 5 m from
the position and nature of the image. this mirror, find the position, nature and size of image.
Sol. : u = –20 cm, f = –15 cm, h0 = 1 cm Sol. : Here, u = –5 m, r = +3m

1 1 1 r 3
Using mirror formula,   , we get  f=   = 1.5 m
v u f 2 2
1 1 1


1 Using the relation,   , we get
v 20 15 v u f
1 1 1
1 1 1 1  
or   =– v 5 1.5
v 15 20 60
1 1 1
 v = – 60 cm or    v = + 1.15 m
v 1.5 5
The image is formed 60 cm from the mirror. Since, the
signs of u and v are the same, the object and The image is 1.15 m behind the mirror.
image are formed on the same side of the mirror. h' v 1.15
Therefore, the image is real. Magnification, m = =– =– = +0.23
h u (–5)
h' v  60 cm Thus, the image is virtual, erect and smaller in
Now magnification, m =   =
h u  20 cm = –3 size than the object.

 h = –3h = –3 × 1 cm = – 3 cm Daily Practice Problem-1

The negative sign shows that the image is inverted. Thus,
the image is real, inverted and of size 3 cm and formed 1. A child walks towards a fixed plane mirror at a speed
60 cm in front of the mirror. of 5 km h–1. The velocity of the image with respect to
mirror is -
Illustration 6 : An object 4 cm high is placed 25 cm in
front of a concave mirror of focal length 15 cm. At what (A) 5 km h–1 (B) –5 km h–1
distance from the mirror should a screen be placed in (C) 10 km h (D) –10 km h–1
order to obtain a sharp image ? Find the nature and size 2. The letter that shows lateral inversion is
of image. (A) Z (B) M (C) O (D) W
Sol. : Here, u = –25 cm, f = –15 cm, h = +4 cm 3. In a plane mirror, an object is 0.5 m in front of the
1 1 1 mirror. The distance between object and image is -
Using the mirror formula,  = , we get (A) 0.5 m (B) 1 m (C) 0.25 m (D) 0.75 m
v u f
4. An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm from a
1 1 1
  concave mirror of radius of curvature 0.6 m. Which
v 25  15 of the following statements is incorrect?
1 1 1 1 1 2 (A) The image is formed at a distance of 15 cm
or  – =–  =–
v 15  25 15 25 75 from the mirror.
75 (B) The image formed is real.
or v=  37.5cm (C) The image is 1.5 times the size of the object.
(D) The image formed is virtual and erect.

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[ 14 ] PHYSICS | STD. X
5. An object 0.5 m tall is in front of a plane mirror at a 11. If an incident ray passes through the centre of
distance of 0.2 m. The size of the image formed is- curvature of a spherical mirror, the reflected ray will
(A) 0.2 m (B) 0.5 m (C) 0.1 m (D) 1 m (A) pass through the pole
6. A plane mirror is approaching you at 10 cm s . Your (B) pass through the focus
image shall approach you with a speed of
(C) retrace its path
(A) + 10 cm s–1 (B) – 10 cm s–1
(D) be parallel to the principal axis
(C) + 20 cm s–1 (D) – 20 cm s–1
12. A person of height 1.8 m standing at the centre of a
7. A ray of light is incident on a plane mirror at an angle room having equal dimensions of 10 m wishes to
of incidence of 30°. The deviation produced by the see the full image of the back wall in the mirror fixed
mirror is- on the front wall. The minimum height of the plane
(A) 30° (B) 60° (C) 90° (D) 120° mirror needed for this purpose is

8. A plane mirror reflects a pencil of light to form a real 10

image. Then the pencil of light incident on the mirror (A) 0.9 m (B) 1.8 m (C) m (D) 10 m
13. At what angle must two plane mirrors be placed so
(A) parallel (B) convergent
that incident and resulting reflected rays are always
(C) divergent (D) any of these parallel to each other ?

9. A person 6 feet in height can see his full size erect (A) 0° (B) 30° (C) 60° (D) 90°
image in a mirror 2 feet in height. This mirror has to
14. If an object is placed unsymmetrically between two
plane mirrors, inclined at an angle of 72°, then the
(A) plane or convex total number of images formed is-

(B) plane or concave (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) Infinite

(C) necessarily convex 15. An object is placed 18 cm from a convex mirror of

radius of curvature 18 cm. Find the position of image.
(D) necessarily concave
(A) 6 cm (B) 30 cm
10. Two plane mirrors are inclined to one another at an
angle of 40°. A point object is placed symmetrically (C) 37.5 cm (D) None of these
in between them. The number of images formed due
to reflection at both mirrors is-
(A) Infinite (B) 9 (C) 8 (D) 6


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[ 15 ]


Refraction of Light
5.1. REFRACTION OF LIGHT is represented by the symbol “i”. In diagram, angle
PQN1 is the angle of incidence.
Definition : When light rays travelling in one medium
are incident on the interface of another medium, they Angle of refraction : The angle between the refracted
are bent as they travel in second medium. This ray and the normal on the transparent surface at the
phenomenon of bending of light as it travels from one point of incidence, is called angle of refraction. It is
medium to another medium is called refraction of light. represented by symbol r. In diagram angle RQN 2 is
the angle of refraction.
P N1
Inc Plane of incidence : The plane containing the normal

ide and the incident ray, is called plane of incidence. For

nt i
ra the diagram, plane of book page is the plane of
X Y incidence.

Plane of refraction : The plane containing the normal



Plane and the refracted ray, is called plane of refraction. For


transparent the diagram, plane of book page is the plane of


surface refraction.
Fig. : Refraction of light from a plane transparent
denser surface. First Law : The incident ray, the normal and the
refracted ray at the point of incidence all lie in the
Definitions of some associated terms same plane.
Transparent surface : The plane surface which Second Law : The ratio of sine of angle of incidence
refracts light, is called transparent surface. In diagram, to the sine of the angle of refraction is constant for a
XY is the section of a plane transparent surface. given pair of media and light of fixed wavelength and
Point of incidence : The point on transparent surface, is called refractive index of the second medium with
where the ray of incident light meets it, is called point respect to the first medium.
of incidence. In diagram, Q is the point of incidence.
sin i
Normal : Perpendicular drawn on the transparent 
sin r
surface at the point of incidence, is called normal. In
diagram, N1QN2 is the normal on surface XY. Refractive index in terms of wave nature of
Incident ray : The ray of light which strikes the light
transparent surface at the point of incidence, is called
Introduction : Light has a wave nature. The waves
incident ray. In diagram PQ is the incident ray.
have a definite velocity. In air (strictly vacuum) light
Refracted ray : The ray of light which travels from the has velocity 3 × 108 m/s. It is represented by the
point of incidence into the other medium, is called symbol c. It is a universal constant.
refracted ray. In diagram, QR is the refracted ray. Expression :
Angle of incidence : The angle between the incident Velocity of light in air = c
ray and the normal on the transparent surface at the
point of incidence, is called the angle of incidence. It Velocity of light in denser medium = v

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[ 16 ] PHYSICS | STD. X


Then, µ =
is called the refractive index of the denser medium For refraction at Q (from air to glass),
with respect to air.
Successive refraction : For light going from air to µ = ...(i)
water to glass and to air finally.
For refraction at R (from glass to air).
Then, aµw × wµg × gµa = 1.

1 aµg N1

wµg =

= P

µ µ
a w g a aµw

Refractive indices of various substances relative to i
vacuum with light of w avelength 589 nm A Q N3 B
Solids (at 20ºC)
r Refracted
Substance Refractive index ray
Diamond 2.42 L
Ruby 1.71 D N2 R C
Sapphire 1.77 Air M

Quartz (fused) 1.46 S

Canada Balsam 1.53

Rock salt 1.54 Fig. Refraction of light through rectangular glass slab.

Glass (crown) 1.52 1 sinr sine

µ sine or µ = sinr ....(ii)
Glass (flint) 1.66
Ice 1.31 From eqns. (i) and (ii) sin i = sin e
Liquids (at 20ºC) or, i = e
i.e., angle of incidence = angle of emergence.
Substance Refractive index
Apparent Depth of an object placed inside
Water 1.33
another medium
Ethyl alcohol 1.36
The refractive index of medium b with respect to medium
Kerosene 1.44 a is given by
Turpentine oil 1.47 sinr
a µb 
Glycerine 1.47 sini
Benzene 1.5 Here O, the object is placed in denser medium.

Carbon disulphide 1.63 medium a

Gases (at 0ºC, 1 atm) X A B Y
r i
Substance Refractive index
Air 1.00029
Carbon dioxide 1.00045 i
O medium b

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sini  and sinr 

 b   

Points A and B are very close to each other. So,

OB  OA (real depth) and OB  O A (apparent depth)

OA Real depth
 b  =
OA Apparent depth

3/2 4
or 
Here the viewer is located in medium a (rarer) and object sinr 3
(O) is located in medium b (denser).
In such a case, the image is formed nearer than the object. 3 3
or sin r =  0.649
   (of denser medium w.r.t rarer medium)  r = 40.5°
Illustration 3 : If the refractive index of water is 4/
 However, ‘u > v’ as ‘  1’ .
3 and that of glass is 3/2. Calculate the refractive
However if the object lies in rarer medium and viewer is index of glass with respect to water.
in denser medium, the image forms farther than the object. Sol. : We known that
g 
  (of denser medium w.r.t. rarer medium) w
where w
 g  refractive index of glass with respect to
Illustration 1 : Speed of light in water is water
2.25 × 108 m/s. Calculate the refractive index of water.
 g = refractive index of glass = 3/2
Sol. : Refractive index is given by
 w = refractive index of water = 4/3
speed of light in vacuum(c)
speed of light in water (v) 3/2 9

g  =
4/3 8
3  108 m/ s Illustration 4 : A ray of light is incident on the plane
=  1.33 .
2.25  108 m/ s surface of a transparent medium at an angle 60° with
the normal. The angle of refraction is 30°. Calculate
Illustration 2 : A ray of light travelling in air falls on the refractive index of the transparent material.
the surface of water. The angle of incidence is 60°
with the normal to the surface. The refractive index of Sol. : Here,
water = 4/3. Calculate the angle of refraction. (Given Angle of incidence, i = 60°
sin 40.5° = 0.65) Angle of refraction, r = 30°

sini Refractive index, 

Sol. : We know that 
sinr sini sin60 3/2
= = =  3
Here, i = 60°, sinr sin30 1/ 2

 = 4/3 Illustration 5 : A coin is placed in a tumbler. Water

is then filled in the tumbler to a height of 20 cm. If the
sin60 4 refractive index of water is 4/3, calculate the apparent
  depth of the coin.
sinr 3

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[ 18 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

Sol. : Here, Real depth, h = 20 cm (c) Concavo–Convex Lens : It has one surface
concave and the other surface convex.
Refractive index,  = 4/3

real depth
Different types of concave lenses
Now,  = There are three types of concave lenses :
apparent depth
4 20
or 
3 apparent depth
20  3
or Apparent depth = = 15 cm
Illustration 6 : There is a black spot on a table.
A glass slab of thickness 6 cm is placed on the table
over the spot. Refractive index of glass is 3/2. At what (a) Double Concave Lens : It has both the
depth from the upper surface will the spot appear when surfaces concave.
viewed from above?
(b) Plano–Concave Lens : It has one surface
Sol. : Real depth of the spot = 6 cm plane and the other surface concave.
3 (c) Convexo–Concave Lens : It has one surface
Refractive index of glass,  =
2 convex and the other surface concave.
real depth
Now,  =
apparent depth 5.4. LENS FORMULA
6 Definition : The equation relating the object distance,
or = apparent depth the image distance and the focal length of the lens is
2 called the lens formula.
 Apparent depth =  4cm Assumptions made :
1. The lens is thin.
2. The lens has a small aperture.
Definition : A piece of a transparent medium bounded
by atleast one spherical surface, is called a spherical 3. The object lies close to the principal axis.
4. The incident rays make small angles with the lens
Types : There are two types of spherical lenses : surface or the principal axis.
(i) Convex or Converging Lenses : These are thick
in the middle and thin at the edges. Case I : Lens Formula for Convex Lens
(ii) Concave or Diverging Lenses : These are thin in Description : The diagram shows the principal section
the middle and thick at the edges. of a convex lens L, forming a real and inverted image
AB of a real and erect object AB. The object is beyond
Different types of convex lenses distance 2f, while the image is between distance
There are three types of convex lenses : f and 2f.


F2 A
A 2F1 F1 C 2F2
(a) Double Convex Lens : It has both the surfaces B
convex. L
(b) Plano–Convex Lens : It has one surface plane and Fig. : Ray diagram for a convex lens
forming a real image.
the other surface convex.

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Calculation : Here, Calculation : Here,

Object distance (measured from C to A). Object distance (measured from C to A),
CA = – u (object on the left of the lens) CA = –u (object on the left of the lens)
Image distance (measured from C to A). Image distance (measured from C to A)
CA = +v (image on right of the lens) CA = –v (image on the left of the lens)
Focal length (measured from C to F 2) Focal length (measured from C to F 2),
CF2 = + f (focus is on right of the lens) CF2 = –f (focus on the left of the lens)
In similar triangles, ABF2 and CXF2,
In similar triangles ABF2 and CXF2.
A B F2 A  F2C  AC  f  (  v) f v
A B F2 A  CA  CF2 vf = CF = CF = = ...(i)
= CF = = .....(i) CX 2 2 f f
CX 2 CF2 f
In similar triangles ABC and ABC.
In similar triangles ABC and ABC.
A B CA v v
= = = ... (ii)
A B CA v AB CA u u
= = ......(ii)
AB CA  u But since CX = AB

But, Since CX = AB  A B

A B A B
= Hence, from eqns. (i) and (ii).
f v v
Hence, from eqns. (i) and (ii) =
f u
vf v Cross–multiplying, we get
f u  uf – vf = uv
Cross multiplying, we get, –uv + uf = vf 1 1 1
Dividing by uvf, we get, – =
 uf – vf = uv v u f
This is the required lens formula.
1 1 1
Dividing by uvf, we get, – = Linear magnification
v u f
Definition : The ratio of the size of the image formed
This is the required lens formula. by refraction from the lens to the size of the object, is
Case 2 : Lens Formula for Concave Lens called linear magnification produced by the lens. It is
represented by the symbol m.
Description : The diagram shows the principal section
of a concave lens L forming a virtual and erect image If I be the size of the image and O be the size of the
AB of a real and erect object AB. object, then

m =
B Expression :
For convex lens forming real image (fig.)
2F2 I = AB = – h2 (inverted image)

A F2 A C O = AB = +h1 (erect object)

F1 2F1
h 2  A B
Then, m = h1 = AB
Fig. : Ray diagram for a concave lens
In similar  s ABC and ABC
forming an image which is always virtual.

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[ 20 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

F2 A'
A2F1 F1 C 2F2

A B CA Fig. : Convex lens : object beyond 2f,

= image between f and 2f.
CA v Case 3. Object at distance twice the Focal
Hence, m = –
= –
u Length
v Real object AB has its image AB formed at distance
i.e., m = 2F2.


Introduction : From lens formula, we find that for a
lens of a fixed focal length, as object distance u F2 A'
changes, image distance v also changes. Moreover, A F1 C 2F2
as u decreases, v increases. This changes the position, 2F1
the nature and the size of the image.
Different cases, are as given below with their ray
diagrams. Fig. : Convex lens : object at distance 2f,
image at distance 2f.
CONVEX LENS IN DIFFERENT CASES The image is real, inverted and has same size as the
Case 1 : Object at Infinity
Rays come parallel to the principal axis and after
Case 4 : Object at distance more than Focal
refraction from the lens, actually meet at the second Length and less than twice the Focal
principal focus F2. Length
Real object AB has its image AB formed beyond
distance 2F2.

F2 A'
2F1A F1 C 2F2
Fig. : Convex lens point object at
infinity, image at focus
The image is formed at focus F 2. It is real and point Fig. Convex lens : object at distance
sized. between f and 2f, image beyond 2f.

Case 2 : Object at distance more than twice The image is real, inverted and enlarged (bigger in
size than the object).
the Focal Length
Real object AB has its image AB formed between Case 5 : Object at Focus
distance F2 and 2F2. Real object AB has its image formed at infinity.
The image is real inverted and diminished (smaller in The image is real, inverted (refracted rays to
size than the object) downward) and must have very large size.

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 
B F2 B' O

Fig. : Convex lens : object at focus, image at infinity.
Fig. : Concave lens: Object place at finite distance,
Case 6 : Object between Focus and Optical image formed between optical centre and focus.
Centre Illustration 1: An object is placed at a distance of
Real object AB has its image AB formed in front of 36 cm from a convex lens. A real image is formed 24
the lens. The image is is virtual, erect and enlarged. cm from the lens. Calculate the focal length of the

Sol. : According to the sign convention the object is

placed on the left-hand side of the lens. So object
distance (u) is negative. Real image is formed on the
other side of the lens. So the image distance (v) is
positive. Thus, u = –36 cm, v = +24 cm, f = ?

1 1 1 1 1 1
Using lens formula,   , we get  
v u f 24 36 f
Fig. : Convex lens : object kept in between focus and
optical centre, image formed on the same side of object. 1 1 1 5
or  + 
f 24 36 72
Case 1 : Object at infinity  f = = 14.4 cm
Rays come parallel to the principal axis and after
refraction from the lens, appears to come from the Illustration 2 : A 2 cm long pin is placed
second principal focus F2. perpendicular to the principal axis of a convex lens of
focal length 15 cm at distance of 25 cm from the lens.
Find the position of image and its size.
Sol. : Here, u = –25 cm, f = +15 cm

C 1 1 1
F2 F1 Using the lens formula,   we get
v u f

1 1 1
or  
Fig. : Concave lens point object at infinity, v 25 15
image at focus.
The image is formed at focus F 2. It is virtual and point 1 1 1 2
or   
sized. v 15 25 75

Case 2 : Object at a Finite Distance 75

or v =  37.5 cm
Real object AB has its image AB formed between second 2
principal focus F2 and optical centre O. The positive sign shows that the image is formed on
The image is virtual, erect and diminished. the right-hand side of the lens.

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[ 22 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

Magnification is given by 1 2  3 1
  
u 30 30
h v
m = 
h u u  30 m
Thus, the object should be placed at a distance of 30
h 37.5
or  = –1.5 cm from the lens.
h 25
 v  10 1
h = – 1.5 × h = –1.5 × 2 cm Magnification, m = = = = 0.33
u  30 3
= –3 cm
The positive sign shows that the image is erect and
The image of the pin is 3 cm long. The negative sign virtual. The size of the image is one-third of that of the
shows that it is formed below the principal axis, i.e. object.
the image is inverted.
Illustration 5 : A 2 cm tall object is placed
Illustration 3 : A 3 cm high object is placed at a perpendicular to the principal axis of a convex lens of
distance of 80 cm from a concave lens of focal length focal length 10 cm. The distance of object from the
20 cm. Find the position and size of the image. lens is 15 cm. Find the position, nature and size of the
image. Calculate the magnification of the lens.
Sol.: Here, u = –80 cm, f = – 20 cm
Sol. : Object distance, u = –15 cm
1 1 1
Using the lens formula,   , we get Focal length, f = +10 cm
v u f
Object height, h = +2 cm
1 1 1
  Image distance, v = ?
v 80 20
Image height, h = ?
1 1 1 5 1
or  – = = –
v 20 80 80 16 1 1 1
Using the lens formula, –  , we get
or v = –16 cm v u f

h v  16 1 1 1 1
Magnification, m = = =   
h u  80 5 v 15 10

h 3.0
 1 1 1 1
or h = = 0.6 cm or  – 
5 5 v 10 15 30
Height of image is 0.6 cm. Positive sign shows that or v = +30 cm
the image is erect.
Positive sign of v shows that the image is formed at
Illustration 4 : A concave lens has a focal length a distance of 30 cm on the right side of the lens.
of 15 cm. At what distance should the object be placed Therefore, the image is real and inverted.
from the lens so that it forms an image at the distance
h v
of 10 cm from the lens ? Also find the magnification. Magnification, m = 
h u
Sol. : A concave lens always forms a virtual, erect
image on the same side as the object. h 30
 = –2
2.0 15
Image distance, v = –10 cm
or h = –2 × 2 = –4 cm
Focal length, f = –15 cm
v 30
Object distance, u = ? Magnification, m =  = –2
u 15
Negative sign with the magnification and height of the
Using, the lens formula, 1  1  1 , we get
v u f image shows that the image is inverted and real. Thus,
a real image of height 4 cm is formed at a distance of
1 1 1 30 cm on the right side of the lens. Image is inverted
or    and twice the size of the object.
u 15 10

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5.6. POWER OF A LENS Sol. : Power of the lens, P = +5D

Definition : It is the capacity or the ability of a lens to  Focal length, f = 5D = 0.20 m = 20 cm
deviate (converge or diverge) the path of rays passing
through it. A lens producing more converging or more Here, the screen is placed 30 cm from the lens.
diverging, is said to have more power.  v = +30 cm, f = +20 cm, u = ?
Relation with focal length : A lens of less focal length,
focuses a parallel beam of light at near point. It Using the lens formula, 1  1  1 , we get
v u f
produces more convergence or more divergence.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
It is said to have more power.   or = – = –
30 u 20 u 30 20 60
Hence, power  or u = – 60 cm
focal length
Therefore, the object should be placed at 60 cm from
1 the lens.
i.e., P 
Illustration 3 : A convex lens of focal length 40 cm
We have, P = and a concave lens of focal length 25 cm are placed
f in contact in such a way that they have the common
Unit : Unit of power is dioptre (D). principal axis. Find the power of the combination.
One dioptre is the power of a lens of focal length 1 m. Sol. : Focal length of the convex lens,
In general, 1 = 40 cm = +0.4 m

1 100  Power of the convex lens,

P (dioptre) = =
f (metre) f (cm ) 1
P1= = +2.5D
Combination of lenses 0.40

Two thin lens are placed in contact to each other Focal length of the concave lens,

Power of combination. f2 = –25 cm = –0.25 m

f1 f2
 Power of the concave lens,
P = P1 + P2
Focal length of combination. P2 = = – 4D
1 1 1
  Power of the combination,
f f1 f2
P = P1 + P2 = 2.5D – 4D = – 1.5D
Use sign convention while solving numericals.
Illustration 1 : A beam of light travelling parallel to
the principal axis of a concave lens appears to diverge Definition : When light travels from a denser medium
from a point 25 cm behind the lens after refraction. to a rarer medium and is incident at an angle more than
Calculate the power of the lens. the critical angle for that medium, it is completely returned
in the same medium. This complete inward return of light
Sol. : When a parallel beam after refraction through is called total (complete) internal (inward) reflection
the lens is incident on a concave lens, it appears to (return).
diverge from the focus of the lens. Hence, the focal
length of the lens is 25 cm. According to sign
convention, focal length of a concave lens is negative.
 f = –25 cm = –0.25 m

1 1
 Power, P =  = – 4D
f 0.25
Illustration 2 : A convex lens of power 5D is placed
at a distance of 30 cm from a screen. At what distance
from the lens should an object be placed so that its
image is formed on the screen? Fig. Total internal reflection.

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[ 24 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

Critical angle Sun rise happens 2 minutes earlier, sun sets

The angle of incidence in denser medium for which happens 2 minutes late
angle of refraction is 90º, is called the critical angle. It Diagram shows, S as rising sun. It is shown below
is represented by the symbol C. horizon. But due to oblique entry of sun rays in
In diagram, i3 = C because r3 = 90º. atmosphere, there is atmospheric refraction and virtual
image S is seen above horizon. For this reason, sun
For light going from water to air becomes visible 2 minutes before it actually rises and
sin i3 sinC remains visible for 2 minutes even after the sun has
wµa = = = sin C ( sin 90º = 1) actually set. This increases length of the day by 4
sin r3 sin90º
As wµa =
a µw

We have, aµw =
sin C
[Note : Greater is the value of µ, lesser will be angle
C, more are the chances of total internal reflection.]
(i) Light must travel from denser to rarer medium.
(ii) Light must be incident at an angle more than the
critical angle for the denser medium. Mirage or Inferior mirage
Merit : In total internal reflection 100% light is reflected, Definition : It is an optical illusion, seen in deserts at
hence images formed are more bright. summer noon, due to which an inverted image of a
In ordinary reflection from mirrors, only 85% light is distant tree is seen formed in hot sand below it, as if
reflected, rest 15% is either absorbed by mirror glass formed in water. Actually there is no water anywhere.
or transmitted due to poor polish. Images formed by
ordinary reflection are less bright.


Apparent height and twinkling of a star near
the horizon
Diagram shows a star S near the horizon seen by an
observer O on surface of the earth. As light rays arrive
at O after travelling obliquely through the atmosphere,
the ray bent downwards. They appear to come from
S. S becomes virtual position of the star. Hence
apparent height becomes more than the actual height.
× S1
S Fig. : Mirage in hot desert–Inverted image
of tree in hot sand
Horizon Explanation : It is due to total internal reflection. At
O summer noon, in desert, sand becomes hot. The air in
Earth its contact becomes very hot and hence became rarer.
As we move up, air becomes less and less hot, hence
Fig. Apparent height and twinkling of a star near less and less rarer. The air can be divided into layers
horizon. of different optical density as shown in fig.

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For rays (like number 1 ray), incident at small angle at Illustration 2 : Refractive index of glass is 3/2. A
upper most layer, the angle of incidence on lowest ray of light travelling in glass is incident on
layer may not be more than critical angle. These rayes glass-water surface at an angle 30° with normal. Will
are all absorbed by sand. it be able to come out into the water ? Refractive index
The ray no. 2 starting from tree top and making a of water = 4/3. (Given sin 62° = 0.88)
bigger angle since beginning, reaches the lowest layer Sol. : Refractive index of glass, n1 = 3/2
at bigger angle. The angle of incidence may become
just more than the critical angle. The ray is totally Refractive index of water, n2 = 4/3
reflected upward and outward. All rays on the right of
n2 4 / 3 8
ray no. 2 will start with bigger angle and will have Now, sin ic = n  3 / 2 = = 0.88
angle of incidence becoming more than critical angle 1 9
from upper and upper layers. They are also totally
reflected.  ic = 62°
Since, the angle of incidence (30°) is less than the
Looming or Superior mirage critical angle, the ray will be refracted into the water.
Definition : It is an optical illusion, seen, at sea–shore
Illustration 3 : A ray of light is
in winter evening, due to which an image of a ship is
incident from air to a glass rod at
seen formed in air in sea–sky. The actual ship is
point A, the angle of incidence being
nowhere visible.
450. The minimum value of refractive
index of the material of the rod so
that T.I.R. takes place at B is _____.

re) Sol. For TIR at B, the angle of incidence, i > c

co ld air (ra
Less & r + i = 90  i = 90 – r
by Snell’s law at point A,
sin 45° = n sin r = n cos i
More cold air Cold water Ship
(denser) Now  i > c  sin i > sin c
Sea shore Sea
Fig. : Looming at cold sea–shore
Explanation : It is due to total internal reflection. In Air
cold evening, over sea–bed sea water becomes too A
cold. Air layer in its contact is cold and denser. As we glass
go up, air layers become less and less colder and i
hence rarer. B
Rays from invisible ship going upward go from denser
to rarer air layers. They are totally reflected downwards
and received by an observer at sea–shore. The
observer sees an image (virtual) of the ship hanging in 1 1
the sky.  cos r >  n>
n cos r
Illustration 1 : Refractive index of diamond is 2.42
and that of glass is 1.5. Calculate the critical angle for 1 1
 n>  n>
diamond-glass surface. (Given sin 38.3° = 0.62) 2
1  sin r 1
Sol. : Refractive index of diamond, n1 = 2.42 2n 2
Refractive index of glass, n2 = 1.5 2n
 n>  2n2 – 1 > 2
n2 1.5 2n2  1
Now, sin ic = n  2.42 = 0.6198
3 3
 n> n 
 ic = 38.3° 2 2

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[ 26 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

8. Two thin lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 are placed in

Daily Practice Problem-1 contact with each other. The focal length of the
combination will be given by
1. Light travels through a glass plate of thickness ‘t’ and f1f2
refractive index ‘n’. If c is the velocity of light in (A) f  f (B) f1 f 2
vacuum, then the time taken by light to travel the 1 2

thickness of the plate will be

f1f2 f1  f2
(A) nt/c (B) t/nc (C) tc/n (D) c/nt (C) f  f (D)
2. How will the image formed by a convex lens be 1 2 2
affected, if the central portion of the lens is wrapped 9. A lens will be invisible in vacuum when the refractive
in black paper, as shown in the fig. ? index of the lens is
(A) negative (B) one
(C) more than one (D) less than one
10. The sun is visible to us a little before the actual sunrise
and a little after the actual sunset. This is because of
(A) reflection (B) refraction
(C) scattering (D) diffraction
(A) No image will be formed.
11. A lens has a power of +0.5 D. It is
(B) Full image will be formed but it is less bright.
(A) a concave lens of focal length 5 m
(C) Full image will be formed but without the central
portion. (B) a convex lens of focal length 5 m
(D) Two images will be formed, one due to each (C) a convex lens of focal length 2 m
exposed half. (D) a concave lens of focal length 2 m
3. An endoscope is employed by a physician to view 12. Refractive index of glass w.r.t. air is 3/2. What is the
the internal parts of a body organ. It is based on the refractie index of air w.r.t glass?
principle of (A) 2/3 (B) 1 (C) Zero (D) (3/2)2
(A) refraction (B) reflection 13. Total internal reflection of a ray of light is possible
(C) total internal reflection (D) dispersion when the (ic = critical angle, i = angle of incidence)
4. The critical angle for light going from medium X into (A) Ray goes from denser medium to rarer medium
medium Y is  . The speed of light in medium X is v.. and i < ic
The speed of light in medium Y is (B) Ray goes from denser medium to rarer medium
(A) v (1 – cos  ) (B) v/cos  and i > ic
(C) v cos  (D) v/sin  (C) Ray goes from rarer medium to denser medium
and i > ic
5. One surface of a lens is convex and the other is
concave. If the radii of curvature are r 1 are r 2 (D) Ray goes from rarer medium to denser medium
respectively, the lens will be convex, if and i < ic
(A) r1 > r2 (B) r1 = r2 14. Electromagnetic radiation of frequency n, wavelength
(C) r1 < r2 (D) r1 = 1/r2  , travelling with velocity v in air, enters a glass slab
of refractive index  . The frequency, wavelength and
6. An object is immersed in a fluid. In order that the
object becomes invisible, it should velocity of light in the glass slab will be
(A) behave as a perfect reflector
(B) absorb all light falling on it n  v  v
(A) , , (B) n , ,
(C) have refractive index one     
(D) have refractive index exactly matching with that
of the surrounding fluid. v n 
(C) n,  , (D) , ,v
7. A lens forms a virtual, diminished image of an object   
placed at 2 m from it. The size of image is half of the 15. The distance between the object and the real image
object. Which one of the following statements is formed by a convex lens is d. If the magnification is
correct regarding the nature and focal length of the m, the focal length of the lens is
(A) Concave, | f | = 1 m (B) Convex, | f | = 1 m md md md md
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(C) Concave, | f | = 2 m (D) Convex, | f | = 2 m (m  1)2 (m  1) (m – 1)2 m –1

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Concept Booster for Competitive Examination

(g) There is one and only one angle of incidence for
CHARACTERISTICS OF A PRISM which the angle of deviation is minimum.
(a) A homogeneous solid transparent and refracting
medium bounded by two plane surfaces inclined at (h) When   min , the angle of minimum deviation,
an angle is called a prism. i = e and r1 = r2, the ray passes symmetrically with
3-D view respect to the refracting surfaces. We can show by
simple calculation that  min = 2imin – A

where imin = angle of incidence for minimum deviation,

and r = A/2.

sin  2 m 
Refraction through a prism : View from one side   nprism
 nrel = , where nrel = n
sin  2 
A surroundings

(i) For a thin prism ( A <10o) and for small value of i,

r1 r2


(b) PQ and PR are refracting surfaces. FOR SMALL ANGLE OF INCIDENCE
(c) QPR = A is called refracting angle or the angle of Applying Snell’s law at the two refracting faces of the
prism (also called Apex angle). prism, we get
(d)  = angle of deviation
sin i
(e) For refraction of a monochromatic ( single wave sin r1
length) ray of light through a prism;

 = (i + e) – (r1 + r2) and r1 + r2 = A sin e

and 
sin r2
  = i + e – A.
It is given that A is small. If i is also assumed to be small,
(f) Variation of  versus i (shown in diagram). then r1, r2 and e will also be very small. So, replacing
For one  (except  min) there are two values of sin  by  for small  , we get
angle of incidence. If i and e are interchanged then
we get the same value of  because of principle of i e
 
reversibility of light. r1 and r2
or i = µr1 and e = µr2

 i + e = µ (r1 + r2) = µA

Comparing with i + e = A +  , we get

A +  = µA or  = (µ–1)A

Illustration 1 : Refracting angle of a prism A = 60º

and its refractive index is, n = 3/2, what is the angle
of incidence i to get minimum deviation. Also find the
minimum deviation. Assume the surrounding medium
to be air (n = 1).

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[ 28 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

Sol. : For minimum deviation,

 sinr1  ;  r1  30º  r2  A  r1  30 º
A 2
r1 = r 2 = = 30º.
2 sine
 3 3
Applying snell’s law at the surface Now,
sinr2  sin e  or, e = 60º

1 × sin i =
sin 30º Illustration 3 : Find minimum value of  for
2 total internal reflection.

1 3  3  Sol. : For TIR,   C

 i = sin   min = 2sin–1   –
4 4 3
sin   sinC
Illustration 2 : Find angle of emergence (e) in the
figure given below ?
1 45º
or sin 
 

60º e=? or  
sin 

 3 1
 
sin 45
sini 3/2
Sol. :  3   sinr1   2
sinr1 3
 min  2  1.41


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[ 29 ]


Optical Instrument,
Human Eye and Colourful World
The rods are responsible for vision in dim light
6.1. HUMAN EYE (Scotopic vision). The cones are responsible for
Introduction : It is the most delicate and complicated vision under ordinary day light (Photopic vision).
natural optical instrument.
The retina posseses following two
Diagram important spots :
Ciliary Sclerotic (a) Yellow spot : The yellow spot ‘Y’. It is situated at
muscles Choroid the centre of the retina. It is a slightly raised spot
Cornea Retina with a minute depression in its peak. It is yellow in
Pupil Fovea colour and most sensitive to light. The central region
Optical axis Centralis
Y of the yellow spot is called the fovea centralis.
Visual axis A P B (b) Blind spot : The blind spot ‘B’. It is the spot where
Iris the optic nerves enter the eye. It is also slightly raised
Optic and insensitive to light, because it is not covered
nerves with choroid and retina.
Construction : Diagram shows the section of a human
eye by a horizontal plane. It is a spherical ball of Cornea : It is the front buldged out part of eye ball
diameter about 2.5 cm. Its essential parts are described covered by transparent sclerotic.
below : Iris (coloured)
Sclerotic : It is the outermost coating of the eye ball. Cornea
It is tough, hard and opaque and forms white of the
eye. It keeps eye ball in spherical shape and protects
it from shocks and injury. It becomes transparent at
the front projected part of eye ball, called cornea. Pupil (transparent)

Choroid : It is the second coat under the sclerotic. It Cornea of the eye-front view.
is a black membrane and forms black of the eye. Its Iris : It is the coloured region under cornea formed by
function is to keep interior of the eye dark by absorbing choroid. Its colour differs from person to person and
diffused light falling on it. It forms coloured portion, country to country.
called iris, behind the cornea.
Pupil : It is central circular aperture in the iris. Its
Retina : It forms innermost coat in the interior of the normal diameter is 1 mm but it can contract in excess
eye. It consists of a thin membrane which is rich in light and can expand in dim light, by means of two
nerve fibres, containing two kinds of vision cells called sets of involuntary muscular fibres.
rods and cones and blood vessels. It is sensitive to
light, for it is a continuation of the optic nerves. It Crystalline lens : It is a double convex lens ‘L’
serves the purpose of a sensitive screen for the immediately behind iris. Its back (inner) surface is more
reception of the image formed by the lens system of convex (R2 = 6mm) than front (outer) surface (R 1 = 10
the eye. mm). This is made of transparent concentric layers

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[ 30 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

whose optical density increases towards the centre of the eye lens may be 4 mm for which muscles exert
the lens. The average refractive index of crystalline maximum pressure. This happens when object
lens is 1.437. The crystalline lens divides the interior distance is 15 cm. Hence a normal eye has its near
of the eye ball into two spaces called chambers. The point (N) at distance of 15 cm.
front chamber (towards cornea), is called the anterior
The distance between the near point and the far point
chamber (A). The back chamber (towards retina) is
is called range of vision of the eye. Within the range
called the posterior chamber (P).
of vision, there is one point where object placed are
Ciliary muscles : The lens is connected to the most distinctly visible. The distance of this point, from
sclerotic by the ciliary muscles. These muscles the eye, is called least distance of distinct vision.
change thickness of the lens by relaxing and exerting For normal eye this least distance is 25 cm.
pressure. The lens thickness is minimum (3.6 mm) The power (ability) of the eye to change the focal length
when muscles are relaxed. The thickness becomes of the eye lens with the change in the distance of the
maximum (4 mm), when muscles exert maximum object, is called power of accommodation of the eye.
pressure (within elastic limit).
Power of accommodation: The power of accommo-
Aqueous humour : Anterior chamber is filled with a dation is 4 dioptres.
transparent liquid of some refractive index. The liquid
is called the aqueous humour. Proof :
For object at far point, uf = (infinite).
Vitreous humour : Posterior chamber is filled with a
transparent watery liquid with little common salt having For object at near point, un = –25 cm = –0.25 m.
some refractive index. The liquid is called the vitreous In both cases, image distance,
v = +2.5 cm = + 0.025 m
Optical axis : The straight line passing through the
( Diameter of eye ball is 2.5 cm)
centre of the cornea and the lens, is called
optical axis of the eye. 1 1 1
From relation, P(D) = = –
Visual axis : The line passing through centre of the f(m) v(m) u(m)
lens and fovea centralis is called visual axis of the
1 1 1 1 1
eye. When an object is to be seen more minutely, it is Pf = f = – u = – = 40 + 0
brought on the visual axis to get its image on yellow f v f 0.025 
spot which is most sensitive part of the retina. i.e., Pf = 40 D.
Working : The cornea and the aqueous humour both For object at near point,
having sam e refractive index, form a single
1 1 1 1 1
homogeneous medium. Rays of light entering the eye Pn = f = – = – = 40 + 4
suffer first refraction in this region. n v u n 0.025 0.25
i.e., Pn = 44 D.
The crystalline lens of mean refractive index produces
second refraction. The vitreous hum our Power of accommodation(i.e., range of variation of
having a refractive index produces third refraction. power of eye lens),
After these three refractions, light rays fall on retina PA = Pn – Pf = 44 – 40 = 4
forming a real and inverted image of object seen. The  Power of accommodation, PA = 4D.
sensation produced on the eye is communicated to
the brain by the optic nerves. The brain interprets this
inverted image as erect. 6.2. DEFECTS OF VISION, SYMPTOMS AND
Focussing by eye lens : When seeing objects at
infinity, ciliary muscles are perfectly relaxed and lens Defects of Vision : The major defects of vision are :
has least thickness of 3.6 mm. The image is formed
at retina. The eye has its far point (F) at infinity. 1. Short sightedness or myopia.

As object to be seen becomes nearer and nearer (u 2. Long sightedness or hypermetropia.

decreases), focal length of lens must decreases
The minor defects of vision are :
because distance between lens and retina (v) is
constant. For this, ciliary muscles exert pressure on (a) Presbyopia. (b) Astigmatism. (c) Phorias.
lens and make it thick. The maximum, thickness of

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1. Short sightendness or myopia Explanation : The concave lens kept just infront of
the eye, receives distant parallel rays and diverges
Symptoms : This defect is a born defect. With this
them. On eye lens the rays fall as if coming from far
defect, the eye can see nearby objects very clearly
and distinctly, but distant objects are not clearly visible. point F of the defective eye. The eye lens focusses
The defective eye cannot see clearly beyond a certain them at retina. In a way, the concave lens makes a
distance. It means that the far point of the defective virtual image of distant (out of range) object within range
eye has shifted from infinity to a finite distance ahead. of vision.

Reasons : It is so because the image of distant objects Calculation : Let distance of far point F from eye =
is formed infront of the retina. It is shown in fig. x. Then for lens to be used, u =   v = –x, f = ?

1 1 1 1 1
From lens formula,    
v u f x f
or f = –x

The lens used must have focal length equal to the
distance of the far point from the eye
(–ve sign means concave lens).
(a) seeing objects at its far point F¢
2. Long sightedness or hypermetropia
Symptoms : This defect is a born defect. With this
defect, the eye can see distant objects very clearly
and distinctly, but nearby objects are not clearly visible.
F The defective eye cannot see clearly within a certain
distance. It means that the near point of the defective
eye has shifted from 25 cm to some more distance
(b) seeing objects at normal eye far point F behind (away).
Fig. : Myopic eye vision. Reason : It is so because the image of nearby objects
Causes : It may be due to any one or both of the is formed behind the retina. It is shown in fig.
following two factors:-
(i) The lens may be thicker (more converging) than the
normal eye lens.
N´ N
(ii) The eye ball may be elongnated. Due to elongation,
distance between lens and retina becomes more than
that for normal eye.
(a) seeing objects at its near point N


N´ N

Fig. Elongated eye.

Correction : The extra converging power of eye lens
(b) seeing objects at normal eye near point N
is compensated by using a concave (diverging) lens of
proper power (focal length) as shown in fig. Fig. : Hypermetropic eye vision.

Concave Causes : It may be due to any one or both of the

lens following two factors :
(i) The eye lens may be thinner (less converging) than
F F´ the normal eye lens.
(ii) The eye ball may be oval. Due to oval shape,
distance between lens and retina becomes less than
Fig. Myopia corrected by a concave lens that for normal eye.

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[ 32 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

Correction. The deficiency in converging power of eye lens (to correct hypermetropia) and concave lens
lens is compensated by using a convex (Converging) (to correct myopia).
lens of proper power (focal length) as shown in fig.
ii. It is a common misconception among people that
the use of spectacles “cures” the defects of vision.
However, this is not true as spectacles only “restore”
the defects of vision to the normal value.
N' N 4. Cataract
It is also one of the eye defects found commonly in
people of older ages. In this defect, the crystalline
Fig. Oval eye. lens becomes milky and cloudy. This condition is
known as cataract. This causes partial or complete
Convex loss of vision. This loss of vision can be restored by
lens removing the cataract by means of a surgery. The
use of any kind of spectacle lenses does not provide
N' any help against this defect of vision.
Fig : Hypermetropia corrected by a convex lens. MAGNIFIER)
Calculation : Let distance of near point N from eye = Principle : A normal eye cannot see clearly the object
y. Then, for lens to be used u = –D, v = –y, f = ? lying nearer than 25 cm (least distance of distinct
vision) from the eye. A single convex lens helps the
1 1 1 eye in seeing the objects from much closer distances.
From lens formula,  
v u f It produces linear magnification by increasing the visual
1 1 1 yD
  f =
y  D (which is positive  y > D)
 y D f
This is required expression for the focal length of the
convex lens to be used.

3. Presbyopia (Ageing vision defect)

Presbyopia is a common defect of vision, which generally
occurs at old age. A person suffering from this type of
defect of vision cannot see nearby objects clearly and
distinctively. A presbyopic eye has its near point greater
than 25 cm and it gradually increases as the eye becomes
older. Construction : It is a single convex lens, held in a rim
with a handle. It is also called a magnifying lens or a
Presbyopia is caused by the
reading lens.
i. weakening of the ciliary muscles
Working : An object AB, very close to eye, is seen by
ii. reduction in the flexibility of the eye lens putting convex lens between eye and the object. The
lens makes its virtual image A1B1 at the least distance
of distinct vision (D). Eye sees the object through its
virtual image.
Calculation : Object AB or image A1B1 subtend angle
 at the eye. For seeing the object directly it must be
in position A1D subtending angle .
i. A person with presbyopia cannot read letters By definition magnifying power of visual optical
without spectacles. It may also happen that a instrument.
person suffers from both myopia and hypermetropia.
This type of defect can be corrected by using bi- size of image seen through the instrument
m =
focal lenses. A bifocal lens consists of both convex size of object seen directly

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When both are at same distance from the eye. Construction : It consists of two convex lenses. One
convex lens of small focal length f 0 and small aperture
A 1B 1 A 1B 1 A C v v
Hence, m = = = 1 = = is fitted at one end of a brass tube. This lens is near the
A 1D AB AC u u object to be seen, hence it is called objective.
(For image on same side as object, v is –ve) The second convex lens of more focal length fe and large
aperture is fitted in a sliding tube. This tube can be
1 1 1
From lens formula, – = moved in and out at other end of the brass tube by a
v u f screw S. This lens is near the eye, hence it is called
1 1 1 eyepiece.
As  is –ve,   
v u f Calculation :
Magnifying power of compound microscope = magnifying
1 1 1
   power of objective × magnifying power of eyepiece
u f v
i.e., m = mO × m e
v v
  1 v0 CA CC L
u f But mO = = 1 1 = 1 2 = f
u0 C1A f0 0
But here, v = D
[  A1 is very closed to C2]
 D
Hence, m = 1   D
f 
 and me = –  1    – f
Negative m means that image is virtual.  fe  e

Hence, m = m O × m e
In practice
v D m .
f0 f e
v D Merits :
Hence, m  
u f (i) It has more magnifying power (about 200).
(ii) It is free from effect of lens aberrations.
Diagram :
 Diagram :
B rass tube Sliding tube
Objective Brass tube
O bjective
Interm ediate  Sliding tube
Eye- Cross wires
Final Im age piece Eyepiece
im age B F A1
A 1 A C2 Parallel rays C2
(O bject) A F
B1 C1  B 
B 1 
L S+ Eye Eye
C om pound M icroscope
To infinity in normal
uo vo ue Astronomical telescope (Normal adustment)

B  
B Q E 

O A

ve =Dto 
Compound microscopeFig.
29.82 sketch diagram)

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[ 34 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

Construction : It consists of two convex lenses. One Merits: It has a large field of view, because it uses a
c o n v e x l e n

0 and large aperture is

s o f l a r g e f o c a l l e n g t h f converging (convex) lens as eyepiece.
fitted at one and end of a brass tube. This lens is towards
Demerits : It makes final image inverted, hence not
the object to be seen, hence it is called objective.
suitable for seeing terrestrial object which have shapes.
The second convex lens of less focal length fe and small
aperture is fitted in a sliding tube. This tube can be moved in
and out at the other end of the brass tube by a screw S. This
lens is near the eye, hence it is called eyepiece. Two GLASS PRISM
perpendicular thin wires (cross wires) are fixed in sliding
Definition : When a ray of white light (sunlight) enters a
tube in front of eyepiece at a distance fe. Both lenses have
glass prism (denser medium), it emerges out from it
a common axis, called axis of telescope.
broken into seven colours.
Working : The object at infinity sends parallel rays
inclined to telescope axis. The objective forms its real This phenomenon, due to which different components
inverted image AB at its focus F. of a white light are separated by a denser medium, is
called dispersion (separation) of light.
The eyepiece is moved inward to bring cross wires at
image AB. The image comes at focus of the eyepiece. Explanation : It is due to different velocities of different
Final image is formed at infinity. It is virtual, inverted components of white light in the denser medium.
and much enlarged. Since eye seeing the final image at White light has seven colours, namely, violet, indigo,
infinity is normal, this adjustment of telescope is called blue, green, yellow, orange and red (remembered by the
normal adjustment. word VIBGYOR). In air (strictly in vacuum) light waves
The distance C 1 C 2 between the objective and the of all colours have same velocity (3 × 108 m/s).
eyepiece is called length of the telescope and is
But in a denser medium, their velocities become
represented by L.
different. Red light waves, being longest in wavelength,
Since final image is inverted, the telescope cannot be travel fastest and have maximum velocity. Violet light
used for seeing terrestrial objects (objects on earth) waves, being shortest in wavelength, travels slowest and
which have definite shape. It is used for seeing celestial have minimum velocity in the denser medium.
heavenly objects which have no shape. Hence, it is
called Astronomical Telescope. T h e r e f r a c t i v e i n d e x ( ) of a medium for a wave is given
by the relation,
Calculation : Let the object subtend an angle  on the
objective. Same can be taken as the angle subtended Velocity of wave in air (or vacuum) c
at the eye, only a few cm behind. m = =
Velocity of wave in the medium v
Let the image subtends an angle  on the eyepiece.
Same is taken as the angle subtended at the eye just Since v is maximum for red light waves and minimum for
behind. violet light waves, m is minimum for red light and maximum
for violet light.
By definition,
Magnifying power The prism produces deviation (change in direction) in a
light wave. The angle of deviation ‘  ’ produced by a
size of image at inf inity seen by telescope prism of angle ‘A’ is given by  = ( – 1) A. Red light
size of object at inf inity seen by eye waves suffer least deviation, whereas violet light waves
tan gent of visual angle of image suffer maximum deviation. [Fig.]
m =
tan gent of visual angle of object A

tan  AB / AC 2 in  AC 2 B r
= =
tan  AB / AC1 in  AC1B v Red
AC1 FC1 i te li O
= = [ A is at F] Wh Y
AC2 FC 2 G
Vio B
f let
or m  0 I
fe V
Also as C1C2 = C1F + FC2
Dispersion of white light
Length of telescope, L  f0  fe by a glass prism

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Due to difference in deviation, waves of different colours Colour Circles : Various colour combinations can also
emerge out from the prism in different directions and be shown through colour circles as given below in fig.
are said to have been dispersed (separated).
When the dispersed white light is made to fall on a white Red
screen, we get a seven coloured band of light. This
coloured band is called spectrum.
Yellow Magenta


Colours Green Cyan Blue

Primary Colours : Red, green and blue colours are

called primary (of basic or elementary) colours. All the
Colour circles
other colours can be obtained by mixing these three Primary colours—red, green and blue
colours in suitable proportion. Compound colours—yellow, cyan and magenta

Compound Colours : Mixture of two primary colours Colour of Non-Luminous objects

form compound colours. 1. Colour of Transparent Non-luminous Objects
They are : Rule : Colour of a transparent object depends upon the
(i) Yellow is a mixture of red and green. colour of light transmitted through it and falling on the
eye. If no colour of light is transmitted through an object,
(ii) Peacock blue (cyan) is a mixture of green and blue.
the object appears black. (Black is no colour, it is
(iii) Magenta is a mixture of red and blue. absence of colour)
Complimentary Colours : Colours whose mixture Examples :
forms a white colour, are called complementary colours.
(i) A red glass piece appears deep red in red light
They are -
because it transmits through it the red light of the
(i) Red, green and blue source which illuminates it.
(ii) Red and peacock blue (cyan) (ii) A red glass piece appears light red in white light
because it transmits only red light through it and
(iii) Green and magenta
absorbs all other colours of white light.
(iv) Blue and yellow
(iii) A red glass piece appears dark in light that does
Colour triangle not contain red light component. (A red coloured
glass appears dark in mercury tube light because it
Introduction : It helps in identifying different colour contains no red light component.)
2. Colour of Opaque Non-luminous Objects
Rule : Colour of an opaque object depends upon the


colour of light diffusely reflected by it and falling on the



eye. If no colour light is diffusely reflected by an object,
the object appears black.
Green Peacock Blue
blue (Cyan) Examples :
Colour triangle
(i) A red rose appears deep red in red light because it
Description : diffusely reflects from it the red light of the source
which illuminates it.
Red, green and blue at the vertex of the triangle are the
primary (or elementary or basic) colours. (ii) A red rose appears light red in white light because it
diffusely reflects only red light from it and absorbs
Colours represented by the sides are compound colours.
all other colours of white light.
Red, green and blue together form a white colour. They
(iii) A red rose appears dark in light that does not contain
are the complemetary colours.
red light component. (A red coloured cloth appears
Also pair of colours represented by vertex and oppostie dark in mercury-tube light because it contains no
side become complementary colours. red light compnent.)

CORPORATE OFFICE : Parus Lok Complex, Boring Road Crossing, Patna - 1

[ 36 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

Illustration 1 : A person cannot see objects lying Illustration 5 : A stamp collector uses a convex lens
beyond 2.5 m from the eye. Calculate the power of the with a focal length of 6.2 cm to examine a stamp.What
corrective lens he should use. is the magnification produced by the convex lens ? Take
the least distance of distinct vision as 25 cm.
Sol. : Since he cannot see the objects lying beyond
2.5 m, he is suffering from myopia. The corrective lens Sol. : The magnification produced by a simple magnifier
he should use is a concave lens of focal length, is given by
f = –2.5 m. D
1 1
 Power of the lens =  = – 0.4D Here, D = 25 cm, f = 6.2
f 2.5
 m=1+ = 1 + 4.03 = 5.03
Illustration 2 : A person cannot see objects closer 6.2
than 75 cm from the eye. Calculate the power of the Illustration 6 : A telescope has an objective of focal
corrective lens he should use. length 140 cm and an eyepiece of focal length 5 cm.
Sol. : Since the person cannot see objects lying closer Calculate the magnification of the telescope for viewing
than 75 cm, he is suffering from hypermetropia. His near distant objects for normal adjustment and the separation
point has shifted from 25 cm to 75 cm. The focal length between the objective lens and the eyepiece.
of the corrective lens can be calculated by considering Sol. : If f0 is the focal length of the objective and f e is
u = –25 cm, v = – 75 cm, f = ? the focal length of the eyepiece, then magnification of a
telescope for normal adjustment is given by
1 1 1 1 1
Now,   =  f0 140
f v u 75 25 m =  = 28
fe 5
1 2 75 0.75
or  or f = cm = m Length of the telescope, L = f 0 + fe = 140 + 5 = 145 cm
f 75 2 2
Illustration 7 : The objective of a telescope has a
1 2 8
 Power =  D = + D = 2.66 D focal length of 200 cm and the eyepiece has a focal
f 0.75 3 length of 2 cm. Calculate the magnification and tube
length of this telescope for normal adjustment.
Illustration 3 : The far point of a myopic person is 80
cm infront of the eye. What is the nature and power of Sol. : For the normal adjustment the magnification of
the lens required to enable him to see very distant telescope is
objects distinctly? f0 200
m =f = = 100
Sol. : Since the person suffers from myopia, concave e 2
lens of focal length 80 cm = –0.80 m should be used. Length of the telescope, L = f 0 + fe = 200 + 2 = 202 cm
1 Illustration 8 : The near point of an elderly person
 P = = –1.25D
0.80 lies at 50 cm from the eye. Calculate the focal length
and power of the corrective lens.
Illustration 4 : A compound microscope has an
Sol. : The person suffers from hypermetropia. His near
objective of foal length 1 cm and an eyepice of focal
point lies at 50 cm. Therefore, a convex lens should be
length 4 cm. If tube length is 20 cm, calculate the
used for the correction of his vision. The focal length of
magnification of the compound microscope.
the corrective lens is calculated by lens formula
Sol. : Magnifying power of a compound microscope is
1 1 1
given by  
v u f
L D 1 1 1
m=  v = – 25 cm, u = – 50 cm, then,  
f0 fe f 50 25
1 1
Here, L = 20 cm, f 0 = 1 cm, f e = 4 cm, D = 25 cm or 
f 50
20 25
 m=  = 125. or f = 50 cm = 0.5 m
1 4
1 1
 Power of the corrective lens, P =  = +2D
f 0.5

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Illustration 9 : The convex lens used in a simple 4. A short sighted person can see distinctly only those
microscope produces a magnification of 5. The image objects which lie between 10 cm and 100 cm from
is formed at the least distance of distinct vision. him. The power of the lens required to see a distant
Calculate the focal length of the lens. object is –

Sol. : When the image is formed at least distance of (A) + 0.5 D (B) – 1.0 D (C) – 10 D (D) + 4.0 D
vision, the angular magnification is 5. A man with defective eyes cannot see distinctly, object
at the distance more than 60 cm from his eyes. The
D power of the lens to be used will be–
m = 1 +
25 25 25 (A) + 60 D (B) – 60 D (C) – 1.66 D (D) D
or 5=1+ or 4 = or f = = 6.25 cm 1.66
f f 4
6. Which of the following parts of the eye has enormous
Illustration 10 : A telescope is set for normal number of photo-sensitive cells?
adjustment. It has magnifying power 16 and tube length (A) Iris (B) Pupil
85 cm. Calculate the focal length of the objective and
eyepiece. (C) Retina (D) Cornea
7. The combination responsible for admitting different
fo amounts of light into the eye is-
Sol. : Magnifying power, m = f = 16 ...(1)
e (A) ciliary muscles and the eye lens
Length, L = fo + f e = 85 ...(2) (B) ciliary muscles and pupil
(C) iris and pupil
From equation (1), fo  16 fe
(D) cornea and pupil
Equation (2) gives, 16 fe + fe = 85 or f e = 5 cm 8. When the human eye is focussed on an object very
 fo = 5 × 16 = 80 cm. far away, the focal length of the eye lens is-
(A) maximum
Daily Practice Problem-1 (B) minimum
(C) 25 cm
1. A presbyopic patient has near point as 30 cm and far
point as 40 cm. The dioptric power for the corrective (D) half of its maximum focal length
lens for seeing distant objects is– 9. The muscles of the iris controls the
(A) 40 D (B) 4 D (C) –2.5 D (D) 0.25 D (A) focal length of the eye lens
2. A person is suffering from myopic defect. He is able (B) opening of the pupil
to see clearly objects placed at 15 cm. What type (C) shape of the eye lens
and of what focal length of lens he should use to see
clearly the object placed 60 cm away ? (D) optic nerves
10. The ciliary muscles of the human eye contract and
(A) Concave lens of 20 cm focal length
relax in order to
(B) Convex lens of 20 cm focal length (A) adjust the size of the eyeball
(C) Concave lens of 12 cm focal length (B) adjust the focal length of the lens
(D) Convex lens of 12 cm focal length (C) control the amount of light entering the eye
3. A man is suffering from colour blindness for green (D) prevent foreign elements from entering the eye
colour. To remove this defect, he should use goggles 11. The primary function of the crystalline lens in the
of human eye is to
(A) Green colour glasses (A) reduce the intensity of light
(B) Red colour glasses (B) focus the incident light rays
(C) Smoky colour glasses (C) adjust the size of the pupil
(D) None of the above (D) filter out the dust particles

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[ 38 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

12. In the human eye, light is converted into electrical 15. The given figure represents a danger sign.
signals by the
(A) retina (B) cornea
(C) blind spot (D) optical nerves
13. Which of the following lenses is used to correct the
defect of hypermetropia?
(A) Bifocal lens (B) Convex lens
(C) Concave lens (D) Cylindrical lens Dangers signs are painted in red because the colour
14. A person needs a lens of power – 5.5 dioptres for
correcting his distant vision. For correcting his near (A) scatters the least.
vision he needs a lens of power +1.5 dioptre. What (B) is pleasant to the eye.
is the focal length of the lens required for correcting
(i) distant vision, and (ii) near vision? (C) is the brightest colour.
(A) (i)–0.161 m, (ii) 0.787 m (D) can be clearly seen in the dark.
(B) (i)–0.181 m, (ii) 0.667 m
(C) (i)–0.191 m, (ii) 0.965 m
(D) (i)–0.101 m, (ii) 0.657 m


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PHYSICS [ 39 ]

INTEXT EXERCISE 17. What is the far point and near point of the human
eye with normal vision?
1. Define the principal focus of a concave mirror.
18. A student has difficulty reading the blackboard while
2. The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is 20 sitting in the last row. What could be the defect the
cm. What is its focal length ? child is suffering from ? How can it be corrected ?
3. Name the mirror that can give an erect and TEXT BOOK EXERCISE
enlarged image of an object.
1. Which one of the following materials cannot be
4. Why do we prefer a convex mirror as a rear-view
used to make a lens?
mirror in vehicle ?
(A) Water (B) Glass (C) Plastic (D) Clay
5. Find the focal length of a convex mirror whose
radius of curvature is 32 cm. 2. The image formed by a concave mirror is
6. A concave mirror produces three times magnified observed to be virtual, erect and larger than the
(enlarged) real image of an object placed at 10cm object. Where should be the position of the object.
in front of it. Where is the image formed ? (A) Between the principal focus and the entre of
7. A ray of light travelling in air enters obliquely into curvature.
water. Does the light ray bend towards the normal (B) At the centre of curvature.
or away from the normal ? Why ?
(C) Beyond the centre of curvature.
8. Light enters from air to glass having refractive index
1.50. What is the speed of light in the glass? The (D) Between the pole of the mirror and its principal
speed of light in vacuum is 3 × 108 ms–1. focus.
9. Find out, from Table, the medium having highest 3. Where should an object be placed in front of a convex
optical density. Also find the medium with lowest lens to get a real image of the size of the object?
optical density.
(A) At the principal focus of the lens
10. You are given kerosene, turpentine and water. In
(B) At twice the focal length
which of these does the light travel fastest? Use
the information given in Table. (C) At infinity
11. The refractive index of diamond is 2.42. What is (D) Between the optical centre of the lens and its
the meaning of this statement? principal focus.
12. Define 1 dioptre of power of a lens. 4. A spherical mirror and a thin spherical lens have each
13. A convex lens forms a real and inverted image of a a focal length of –15 cm. The mirror and the lens are
needle at a distance of 50 cm from it. Where is the likely to be
needle placed in front of the convex lens if the (A) both concave.
image is equal to the size of the object ? Also find
the power of the lens. (B) both convex.

14. Find the power of a concave lens of focal length (C) the mirror is concave and the lens is convex.
2 m. (D) the mirror is convex, but the lens is concave.
15. What is meant by power of accommodation of the
5. No matter how far you stand from a mirror, your image
eye ?
appears erect. The mirror is likely to be :
16. A person with a myopic eye cannot see objects
(A) plane (B) concave
beyond 1.2 m distinctly. What should be the type of
the corrective lens used to restore proper vision? (C) convex (D) either plane or convex

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[ 40 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

6. Which of the following lenses would you prefer to 17. A doctor has prescribed a corrective lens of power
use while reading small letters found in a dictionary? +1.5 D. Find the focal length of the lens. Is the
(A) A convex lens of focal length 50 cm prescribed lens diverging or converging?

(B) A concave lens of focal length 50 cm 18. The human eye can focus objects at different
distances by adjusting the focal length of the eye
(C) A convex lens of focal length 5 cm lens. This is due to :
(D) A concavelens of focal length 5 cm
(A) presbyopia (B) accommodation
7. We wish to obtain an erect image of an object,
(C) near-sightedness (D) far-sightedness
using a concave mirror of focal length 15 cm. What
should be the range of distance of the object from 19. The human eye forms the image of an object at its :
the mirror? What is the nature of the image? Is the
image larger or smaller than the object? Draw a (A) cornea (B) iris
ray diagram to show the image formation in this (C) pupil (D) retina
20. The least distance of distinct vision for a young adult
8. Name the type of mirror used in the following with normal vision is about :
(A) 25 m (B) 2.5 cm
(a) Headlights of a car
(C) 25 cm (D) 2.5 m
(b) Side/rear-view mirror of a vehicle
21. The change in focal length of an eye lens is caused
(c) Solar furnace
by the action of the :
Support your answer with reason.
(A) pupil (B) retina
9. One-half of a convex lens is covered with a black
paper. Will this lens produce a complete image of (C) ciliary muscles (D) iris
the object? Verify your answer experimentally. 22. A person needs a lens of power – 5.5 dioptres for
Explain your observations. correcting his distant vision. For correcting his near
10. An object 5 cm in length is held 25 cm away from a vision he needs a lens of power + 1.5 dioptre. What
converging lens of focal length 10 cm. Draw the ray is the focal length of the lens required for correcting
diagram and find the position, size and the nature of (i) distant vision, and (ii) near vision?
the image formed.
23. The far point of a myopic person is 80 cm in front of
11. A concave lens of focal length 15 cm forms an image the eye. What is the nature and power of the lens
10 cm away from the lens. How far is the object required to correct the problem?
placed from the lens? Draw the ray diagram.
24. Make a diagram to show how hypermetropia is
12. An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm from a corrected. The near point of a hypermetropic eye is
convex mirror of focal length 15 cm. Find the position
1 m. What is the power of the lens required to correct
and nature of the image.
this defect? Assume that the near point of the normal
13. The magnification produced by a plane mirror is +1. eye is 25 cm.
What does this means ?
25. Why is a normal eye not able to see clearly the
14. An object 5.0 cm in length is placed at a distance of objects placed closer than 25 cm ?
20 cm in front of a convex mirror of radius of
curvature 30 cm. Find the position of the image, its 26. What happens to the image distance in the eye when
nature and size. we increase the distance of an object from the eye?
15. An object of size 7.0 cm is placed at 27 cm in front 27. Why do stars twinkle?
of a concave mirror of focal length 18 cm. At what
28. Explain why the planets do not twinkle?
distance from the mirror should a screen be placed,
so that a sharp focussed image can be obtained? 29. Why does the sun appear reddish early in the
Find the size and the nature of the image. morning?
16. Find the focal length of a lens of power – 2.0 D. 30. Why does the sky appear dark instead of blue to an
What type of lens is this? astronaut?

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PHYSICS [ 41 ]


SCAQ Single Correct Answer Questions 7. The minimum distance between the object and the
image formed by a concave mirror can be
DIRECTIONS: Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) (f is the focal length of the mirror)
and (D) out of which only one is correct. (A) zero (B) f (C) 2f (D) 4f
1. Which of the following cannot produce a virtual
image? 8. A plane mirror and an object approach each other
with speeds of 5m/s and 10 m/s respectively. The
(A) Plane mirror
speed of the image will be
(B) Concave mirror
(A) 5 m/s (B) 15 m/s (C) 20 m/s (D) 25 m/s
(C) Convex lens
(D) All of the above can produce a virtual image. 9. Two plane mirrors are kept at an angle . A light
ray striking the two mirrors successively suffers a
2. If two plane mirrors are kept at 60° to each other,
then the number of images formed by them if a point deviation of 5/6. The value of  is
object is kept at the angle biscetor, is  7 3 9
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9 12 5 11
(A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8
10. The refractive index of a piece of transparent quartz
3. How many images of himself does an observer see is the greatest for
if two adjacent walls of rectangular room are mirror
surfaced? (A) Red light (B) Violet light
(A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 9 (C) Green light (D) Yellow light
4. If an object is placed 10 cm in front of a concave 11. The refractive index of a certain glass is 1.5 for a
mirror of focal length 20 cm, the image will be
light whose wavelength in vacuum is 6000Å. The
(A) diminished, upright, virtual wavelength of this light when it passes through
(B) enlarged, upright, virtual glass is
(C) diminished, inverted, real (A) 4000 Å (B) 6000 Å
(D) enlarged, upright, real
(C) 9000 Å (D) 15000 Å
5. For a real object, which of the following is true
corresponding to the image formed by a concave 12. How much water should be filled in a container 21
mirror ? cm in height, so that it appears half filled when
(A) Real image is always diminished viewed from the top of the container ? (given that
(B) Virtual image is always magnified aµw = 4/3)
(C) Virtual image is always inverted (A) 8.0 cm (B) 10.5 cm
(D) Cannot form a virtual image (C) 14.0 cm (D) None of the above
6. Which of the following is true corresponding to the 13. Light of different colours propagates through air
image formed by a convex mirror for a real object ?
(A) with the velocity of air
(A) Real image is always diminished
(B) Virtual image can never be magnified (B) with different velocites
(C) Virtual image is always inverted (C) with the velocity of sound
(D) Cannot form a virtual image. (D) having equal velocities

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[ 42 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

14. A monochromatic beam of light passes from a 21. The optical instrument used to view near and tiny
denser medium into a rarer medium. As a result objects is called
(A) its velocity increases (A) microscope (B) telescope
(B) its velocity decreases
(C) spectroscope (D) thermoscope
(C) its frequency decreases
22. The optical instrument used to view distant objects
(D) its wavelength decreases is called
15. A rectangular tank of depth 8 meter is full of water
(A) microscope (B) telescope
(µ = 4/3), the bottom is seen at the depth
(C) spectroscope (D) spectrometer
(A) 6 m (B) 8/3 m (C) 8 cm (D) 10 cm
16. When light passes from water to kerosene. The 23. If f0 is the focal length of the objective and fe is the
ray focal length of the eyepiece, the magnification
produced by an astronomical telescope for normal
(A) bends away from the normal. adjustment is
(B) bends towards the normal.
(A) f0 × fe (B) f0 + fe
(C) emerges undeviated.
(D) bends either away or toward the normal f0 f0 f e
(C) f (D) f  f
depending one whether, the surface separating e 0 e
the two media is plane or spherical.
24. The length of an astronomical telescope for the
17. W hen light passes from glass (ordinary) to normal adjustment is
benzene, the ray
(A) f0 × fe (B) f0 + fe
(A) bends away from the normal.
(B) bends towards the normal. f0 f0 f e
(C) f (D) f  f
(C) emerges undeviated. e 0 e

(D) bends either away or toward the normal

25. The power of two convex lenses A and B are 8
depending one whether, the surface separating
diopters and 4 diopters respectively. If they are to
the two media is plane or spherical. be used as a microscope, then magnification of
18. The time taken by light to cover a distance of 9 mm
(A) B will be greater than A
in water is
(A) 0.04 ns (B) 0.4 ns (C) 4 ns (D) 400 ns (B) A will be greater than B

19. A person is suffering from the defect astigmatism. (C) The information is incomplete
Its main reason is
(D) None of the above
(A) Distance of the eye lens from retina is increased.
26. In order to increase the magnifying power of a
(B) Distance of the eye lens from retina is compound microscope
(A) The focal lengths of the objective and the eye
(C) The cornea is not spherical. piece should be small
(D) Power of accommodation of the eye is (B) Objective should have small focal length than
decreased. eye piece
20. The human eye can focus objects at different (C) Both should have large focal lengths
distances by adjusting the focal length of the eye
lens due to (D) The objective should have large focal length and
eye piece should have small focal length
(A) persistence of vision
27. A compound microscope has two lenses. The
(B) near-sightedness
magnifying power of one is 5 and other is 4. Then
(C) power of accommodation the combined magnifying power will be
(D) far-sightedness (A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 50 (D) 25

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PHYSICS [ 43 ]

6. Choose the correct statement(s) related to the
MCAQ Multi Correct Answer Questions
reflection of light from a plane mirror.
DIRECTIONS: Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (A) The deviation d of light produced is d = 180º – i.
(C) and (D) out of which one or more than one is correct. (B) The deviation d of light produced is d = 180º – 2i.
1. Which of the following statements are correct ? (C) The maximum value of deviation is 180º.
(A) A convex mirror forms virtual images for all (D) Maximum deviation occurs when the incident
positions of a real object. light is parallel to the mirror.

(B) A concave mirror forms real images for all 7. Choose the correct statement(s) related to the
properties of image formed by a plane mirror.
positions of a real object.
(A) The image has left–right reversal.
(C) A concave mirror, if suitably placed in front of
an object, can form a virtual and magnified (B) The image has front–back reversal.
image. (C) The image has no top–bottom reversal.
(D) The magnification produced by a convex mirror (D) The position of image depends on the location
is always less than unity. of eye.
2. Choose the wrong statements from the following. 8. Choose the correct statement(s) for a convex mirror.
(A) A concave mirror forms only virtual images for (A) A convex mirror can form a real image for a
any position of a real object. real object.
(B) A convex mirror cannot form a real image for a
(B) A convex mirror forms only virtual images for
real object.
any position of a real object.
(C) The image formed by a convex mirror is always
(C) A concave mirror forms only a virtual and diminished and erect.
diminished image of an object placed between
its pole and the focus. (D) The image formed by a convex mirror is always
within focus.
(D) A convex mirror forms a virtual and magnified
9. An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm from a
image of an object placed between its pole and
concave mirror of radius of curvature 0.6 m. Which
the focus. of the following statements is correct ?
3. For a concave mirror (A) The image is formed at a distance of 15 cm
(A) virtual image is always larger in size from the mirror.
(B) real image is always smaller in size (B) The image formed is real.
(C) real image is always larger in size (C) The image is 1.5 times the size of the object.
(D) real image may be smaller or larger in size (D) The image formed is virtual and erect.
4. For a concave mirror of focal length f, image is 2 10. The deviation produced by a prism depends on.
times larger. Then the object distance from the mirror (A) the refractive index of the material of the prism.
is (B) the refractive index of the medium surrounding
the prism.
f 3f f 4f
(A) (B) (C) (D) (C) the refracting angle of the prism
2 2 4 3
(D) the angle of incidence of the ray falling on the
5. For a mirror linear magnification m come out to be prism.
+2. W hat conclusions can be drawn from 11. For a given angle of incidence, the angle of deviation
this ? by a prism is greater for
(A) Mirror is concave.
(A) violet light than for yellow light.
(B) Mirror can be convex or concave but it can not
be plane. (B) red light than for green light.

(C) Object lies between pole and focus. (C) blue light than for red light.
(D) Object lies beyond focus. (D) yellow light than for green light.

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[ 44 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

12. A converging lens is used to form an image on a

screen. When the upper half of the lens is covered STQ Statement Type Questions
by an opaque screen
DIRECTIONS : Each question in section has four choices
(A) half of the image wil disappear. (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which only one is correct. Mark
your choices as follows:
(B) complete image will be formed.
(A) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
(C) intensity of the image will increase. Statement-II is a correct explanation for Statement-I
(D) intensity of the image will decrease. (B) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is True;
13. Choose the correct statement(s) related to the Statement-II is NOT a correct explanation for
refraction of light. Statement-I
(A) It is based on the fact that the speed of light in (C) Statement-I is True, Statement-II is False
vacuum is a universal constant. (D) Statement-I is False, Statement-II is True.
(B) It is based on the fact that the speed of light 19. Statement I : The focal length of the mirror is f
depends on the medium. and distance of the object from the
(C) It can occur only in a homogeneous medium. focus is u, the magnification of the

(D) It can occur in a non–homogeneous medium. f

mirror is .
f u
14. When a light ray traveling in air enters into a medium
of refractive index µ Size of image
Statement II : Magnification  Size of object
(A) its speed decreases by µ
(B) its frequency decreases by µ 20. Statement I : The mirror used in search lights are
parabolic and not concave
(C) its wavelength decreases by µ
(D) all the above Statement II : In a concave spherical mirror the
15. A light ray is not deviated at the interface between image formed is always virtual.
two medium 21. Statement I : We cannot produce a real image by
plane or convex mirrors under any
(A) if the refractive indices of the two media are
Statement II : The focal length of a convex mirror
(B) if the light ray is incident normal to the boundary. is always taken as positive.
(C) if the light ray is parallel to the boundary. 22. Statement I : Light waves are transverse in
(D) all the above.
Statement II : Light waves require material
16. If the image of distant objects is formed in front of medium to travel.
the retina, the defect of vision may be : 23. Statement I : Laws of reflection of light is
(A) myopia (B) hypermetropia applicable only for plane and
smooth surfaces.
(C) presbyopia (D) astigmatism Statement II : Mirror formula holds true for any
17. In which of the following instruments, the final image reflecting surface.
is erect? 24. Statement I : The images formed by total internal
reflections are much brighter than
(A) Simple microscope those formed by mirrors or lenses.
(B) Compound microscope Statement II : There is no loss of intensity in total
(C) Astronomical telescope internal reflection.
25. Statement I : By increasing the diameter of the
(D) Galilean telescope objective of telescope, we can
18. In which of the following instruments is the final image increase its range.
virtual? Statement II : The range of a telescope tells us
how far away a star of some
(A) Projector (B) Camera
standard brightness can be spotted
(C) Microscope (D) Telescope by telescope.

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PHYSICS [ 45 ]

26. Statement I : If objective and eye lenses of a 34. Magnification when object distance is 30 cm is
microscope are interchanged then
(A) –6 (B) – 5 (C) 4 (D) 3
it can work as telescope.
Statement II : The obective of telescope has large Passage-2 (Qus. 35 to Qus. 37)
focal length. A microscope is a device which is used to view tiny objects.
27. Statement I : Stars twinkle. A compound microscope consists of two converging
Statement II : This is due to atmospheric lenses called the objective and the eyepiece. The tiny
refraction. object to be examined is placed just beyond the first focus
28. Statement I : The Sun appear reddish early in the of the objective. The position of the eyepiece is adjusted
morning. till the image due to the objective is within the first focus
Statement II : The shorter wavelengths of lights of the eyepiece. The highly enlarged final image is seen
are scattered out and only longer by the eye which is held close to the eyepiece.
wavelengths are able to reach our 35. In a compound microscope, the intermediate
eyes. image (i.e. image of the object due to the
29. Statement I : The sky appear dark instead of blue objective) is
to an astronaut. (A) Real, inverted and magnified
Statement II : There is no atmosphere in the outer
(B) Real, inverted and diminished
space that can scatter the sunlight.
30. Statement I : W hen the ciliary muscles are (C) Virtual, erect and magnified
relaxed, the eye lens becomes thin, (D) Virtual, erect and diminished
the focal length increases, and the
36. In a compound microscope, the final image is
distant objects are clearly visible to
the eyes. (A) Real, inverted and magnified
Statement II : . To see the nearby objects clearly, (B) Real, erect and magnified
the ciliary muscles contract making (C) Virtual, erect and magnified
the eye lens thicker.
(D) Virtual, inverted and magnified
31. Statement I : A normal eye not able to see clearly
the objects placed closer than 25 37. The magnifying power of a compound microscope
cm. is high if
Statement II : . The ciliary muscles of eyes are (A) Both the objective and the eyepiece have short
unable to contract beyond a certain focal lengths.
(B) Both the objective and the eyepiece have long
CTQ Comprehension Type Questions focal lengths

PASSAGE-1 (Qus. 32 to Qus. 34) (C) The objective has a short focal length and the
eyepiece has a long focal length
A point object is placed on the principal axis of a concave
mirror quite far away from the pole and moved at a (D) The objective has a long focal length and the
constant speed of 0.5 cm/sec towards the pole. Its image eyepiece has a short focal length.
also moves. It is found that the object and the image
cross each other at a point which is at a distance 50 cm Passage-3 (Qus. 38 to Qus. 40)
from the pole. A telescope is an optical instrument that is used to
32. Focal length of the mirror is examine distant objects. Two types of telescopes are in
(A) 50 cm (B) 35 cm (C) 25 cm (D) 15 cm use-refracting and reflecting telescopes. A refracting
astronmical telescope consists of two converging lenses
33. Position of the image when the object is at a distance
called the objective and the eyepiece. The objective faces
of 30 cm from the pole is
the distant object. The image of the object is formed at
(A) 150 cm from the pole in front of the reflecting the focal plane of the objective. The position of the
surface. eyepiece is adjusted till this image is within the first focus
(B) 120 cm from the pole behind the mirror. of the eyepiece. A highly magnified final image is formed
(C) 150 cm from the pole behind the mirror. which is seen by the eye held close to the eyepiece. If
(D) 120 cm from the pole in front of the reflecting both the object and the final image are at infinity, the
the position. telescope is said to be in normal adjustment.

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[ 46 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

38. In a refracting astronomical telescope, the (C) virtual, erect and magnified
intermediate image is (D) virtual, inverted and magnified
(A) real, inverted and magnified 40. The magnifying power of a telescope is high if
(B) real, inverted and diminished (A) both the objective and the eyepiece have short
(C) virtual, erect and magnified focal lengths
(D) virtual, inverted and diminished (B) both the objective and the eyepiece have long
focal length
39. In a refracting astronomical telescope, the final
image is (C) the objective has a short focal length and the
eyepiece has a long focal length
(A) real, inverted and magnified
(D) the objective has a long focal length and the
(B) real, erect and magnified eyepiece has a short focal length

MMTQ Matrix Match Type Questions

41. Consider a real object kept in front of a mirror. The mirror could be a plane mirror or any spherical mirror.
The object is linear extended object and it is kept with its length perpendicular to the principal axis (in
case of spherical mirror). Match Column-I with Column-II :
Column-I Column-II
(A) Magnification of the image is –1 (P) Focal length of the mirror is effectively 
(B) Magnification of the image is +2/3 (Q) The mirror has a positive value of focal length
(C) The image is virtual and erect (R) The mirror has a negative value of focal length

(D) The image is erect with (S) If the object is placed to the left of the mirror, the
magnification +3 image is also formed to the left of the mirror
42. A real object is kept in front of a lens. The object is a linear extended object with its length perpendicular to the
optical axis of of the lens. With reference to different cases of image formation by lenses, match Column-I
with Column-II :
Column-I Column-II
(A) The image has a magnification +2.5 (P) Image is virtual
(B) Magnification of the image is +0.5 (Q) Image is real
(C) Length of image is the same as that of object (R) Power of lens is positive
(D) Length of image is four times the length of the object (S) Power of lens is negative
43. Match Column-I with Column-II :
Column-I Column-II
(A) Final image in astronomical telescope (P) Virtual
(B) Final image in compound microscope (Q) Objective lens of large focal length
(C) Magnifying power of astronomical telescope (R) Eye lens of short focal length
can be made large by using
(D) Magnifying power of compound microscope (S) Inverted relative to the object
can be made large by using
44. Match optical devices given in Column I with their applications given in Column II.
Column-I Column-II
(A) Optical fibre (P) To examine bacteria
(B) Spectrometer (Q) To obtain spectrum of composite light
(C) Telescope (R) To send images to distant places
(D) Microscope (S) To see craters on moon

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PHYSICS [ 47 ]

ITQ Integer Type Questions

DIRECTIONS: The answer to each of the questions is a 50. A coin is placed in an empty container, which is then
single digit non negative integer, ranging filled with benzene upto a height of 10.5 cm. If the
from 0 to 9. refractive index of benzene is 1.5, then the apparent
depth of the coin is ____ cm.
45. The radius of curvature of a spherical mirror is
18 cm. The focal length of the mirror will be 51. An object is placed on the principal axis of a concave
_________ cm. lens at a distance of 40 cm from it. If the focal length
46. If the size of an object is 2 cm and the magnification 1
of the lens is 40 cm, then the magnification is .
produced by spherical mirror is +2, then the size of x
the image is _____ cm. Find x.
47. An object when placed in front of a concave mirror of 52. If two thin lenses of power +3.5 D and – 2.5 D are
focal length 20 cm produces a virtual image, which placed in contact, then the focal length of the lens
is twice the size of object. If the position of object is combination is _________ m.
5X cm. Find X.
53. A myopic person cannot see objects lying beyond
48. For an object placed 15 cm away from a convex 3m. The focal length of the corrective lens used is
mirror of focal length 45 cm, the magnification is ________ m.
n 1 54. A 12 cm long compound microscope has an objective
. Find n.
n of focal length 1 cm and an eye piece of focal length
4 cm. The magnification of the microscope for normal
49. A ray of light travelling in air falls on the surface of a adjustment is 15X. Find X.
glass slab at an angle of 45° with the normal. The
refractive index of glass is 1.41. If the angle of 55. An object is placed at a distance of 40 cm from a
concave mirror of focal length 20 cm. Find the

refraction is , then the value of n is ___. distance between the object and the image.

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[ 48 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

CHAPTER-4 : REFLECTION OF LIGHT 17. Near point of the eye is 25 cm. Far point of the eye
is infinity.
Daily Practice Problem-1 18. He is suffering from myopia. This defect can be
corrected by using a concave lens.
1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (B)
6. (C) 7. (D) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (C)
1. (D) 2. (D) 3. (B)
11. (C) 12. (C) 13. (D) 14. (A) 15. (A)
4. (A) 5. (D) 6. (C)

CHAPTER-5 : REFRACTION OF LIGHT 8. (a) Concave (b) Convex (c) Concave

10. Position of image = 50/3 = 16.67 cm
Daily Practice Problem-1 Nature of image = real and inverted
1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (C) Size of image = –3.33 cm
6. (D) 7. (C) 8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (B) 11. u = – 30 cm
11. (C) 12. (A) 13. (B) 14. (B) 15. (A) 12. v = 6 cm
The positive value of v indicates that the image is
CHAPTER-6 : OPTICAL INSTRUMENT, formed behind the mirror, and nature of image is

Daily Practice Problem-1 14. Position of image, v = cm behind the mirror..
1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (C) Nature of image = Virtual and erect
6. (C) 7. (C) 8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (B) Size of image = 2.14 cm
15. v = – 54 cm
11. (B) 12. (D) 13. (B) 14. (B) 15. (A)
Nature of image = Real and inverted

NCERT SECTION SOLUTION Size of image = – 14 cm

16. –0.5 m
1. The point on the principal axis at which light rays 18. (B) 19. (D) 20. (C)
parallel to principal axis, after reflection from the 21. (C)
mirror, actually meet is called the ‘principal focus’.
22. (i) The focal length of the lens for correcting
2. 10 cm distant vision is –18.2 cm.
3. Concave mirror (ii) The focal length of the lens for correcting near
5. 16 cm vision is 66.7 cm.
6. – 30 cm 23. A concave lens of power – 1.25 D is required by the
person to correct his defect.
8. 2.0  108 m / s
24. A convex lens of power +3.0 D is required to correct
9. Highest optical density = Diamond the defect.
Lowest optical density = Air 30. The sky appears dark instead of blue to an astronaut
10. Light travels the fastest in water. because there is no atmosphere in the outer space
that can scatter the sunlight. As the sunlight is not
13. u = – 50 cm, P = +4D
scattered, no scattered light reach the eyes of the
14. – 0.5 D. astronauts and the sky appears black to them.

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PHYSICS [ 49 ]

1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (B) 6. (B)
7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (B) 10. (B) 11. (A) 12. (C)
13. (D) 14. (A) 15. (A) 16. (B) 17. (C) 18. (A)
19. (C) 20. (C) 21. (A) 22. (B) 23. (C) 24. (B)
25. (B) 26. (A) 27. (B)

1. (A,C,D) 2. (A,C,D) 3. (A,D) 4. (A,B) 5. (A,C) 6. (B,C)
7. (A,C) 8. (B, C, D) 9. (ACD) 10. (A,B,C,D) 11. (A,C) 12. (B, D)
13. (B, D) 14. (A, C) 15. (A,B) 16. (A,C) 17. (A,D) 18. (C,D)


19. (B) 20. (C) 21. (D) 22. (C) 23. (D) 24. (A)
25. (B) 26. (D) 27. (A) 28. (A) 29. (A) 30. (B)

31. (A)


32. (C) 33. (A) 34. (B) 35. (A) 36. (D) 37. (A)
38. (B) 39. (D) 40. (D)


41. A  R,S B Q C  P,Q,R D R

42. A  P,R B  P,S C  Q,R D  P, Q, R

43. A  P,S B  P,S C  Q,R D R

44. A  R , B Q, C  S, D P


45. 9 46. 4 47. 2 48. 4 49. 6 50. 7
51. 2 52. 1 53. 3 54. 5 55. 0


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[ 50 ] PHYSICS | STD. X

Important Notes

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