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Statement of Purpose

My interest for flying objects had started when I was 5 years old as our house was near to airport
I used to wake up early and look at the airplanes landing and takeoff with tires going in and out
and I was so fascinated by the incredible shape of those aeroplanes how are they flying and used
to compare them with birds, was not able to understand why wings of aircraft are not flapping?
There were certain small trainer aircraft which were always flying around my house, Though the
noise made by the aircraft while taking off and landing was deafening to others present there, it
was merely a melody to my ears, whenever I heard that noise going out of my house waiting for
that planes to pass overhead was a regular chore. At the age of 8 there was a program on television
about the death of Indian Astronaut “Kalpana Chawla” I was so intensely looking at that
program, this was the fuel that lighted up the fire inside me. from that time, my thoughts had been
extended to bodies that are above those flying airplanes, and space was a dream for me, gazing at
stars in the night was diurnal activity. I remember a tour of “Birla Planetarium” and
“Astronomy show” they helped me to gain some knowledge about stars and heavenly bodies and
aver there, I gained a sense that telescope is an instrument which is used to watch planets. At the
age of twelve, I tried to make my own telescope with wood and glasses. Despite my enthusiasm,
my first telescope was never finished due to insufficient knowledge but my passion for flying
objects and heavenly bodies never came to an end. A book exhibition conducted at our school
helped me to grab certain books of my interest. A few years later on a pleasant evening, I saw a
meteor burning up in the sky close to our building I was so excited because it was the first object
from space that was so close to me.
As I grew up I started programs like “The Universe” in Discovery channel which were my daily
routine and entertainment at that time. My family was amused by my apparently obsessive interest
in flying bodies but assumed that this was merely a temporary and harmless hobby. However,
Aeronautics was to remain an area of passionate interest to me and to become central in my leisure
activities, academic work, and choices and in my professional life. Since my childhood, I am a
person with interest in mathematics and physics this is the cause which helped me to have
consistently fared well in my academics. It was therefore natural for me to choose Aeronautical
Engineering as my course in my undergraduate program from “Institute of Aeronautical
Engineering”. At the first day of my college, I was so much excited because at our batch
inauguration was Astronaut “Colonel James Dutton”, I was so anxious to hear his speech and his
words gave me the required start and clarified many doubts related to my career in Aerospace
domain. Through my coursework, I was a student with good academic background. I managed to
be one among top ten students in subjects like Flight mechanics, Propulsion. My liking of space
helped me to Understand and get good command on certain subjects like Space Mechanics and
Launch vehicle systems.
From the beginning of my undergraduate program, I have made numerous efforts to strive hard to
get hold firm hold and command over the subjects which I would like to study. Keen to learn other
than the normal academics, I participated in a competition conducted by Skylab’s named as
“NASA Space Apps Challenge” and was awarded a certificate for successfully presenting a ppt
on “Methods for Eliminating Space Debris”, over there in that challenge I met few people who
are passionate like me and they helped me a lot to gain good knowledge about my interests.
In the second year of my undergraduate program I took part in workshop Conducted by
Anthariksh, this is my first event as a fresher in fabricating aircraft there was a bit anxiousness in
me and fabricated a Rc Aircraft in that workshop and it is my first successful model although I
have poor understanding of its mechanisms, this model answered my childhood question of how
aircraft fly. In order to improve my technical skills, I underwent internship program at “Ordnance
Factory” over there I got chance to interact with various personnel due to that my
academic skills got developed.
To achieve a deeper understanding of how an aerospace industry works, I undergo an industrial
Hyderabad where subjects of study include Structures, Aerodynamics, Propulsion which are the
basic subjects in the stream of aerospace. At the time of our visit, I got to see various machinery
which is used in aerospace industry. In the preceding year on August 15 2016 a group of people
from our college visited “Hakimpet Airforce Station”, it was the best trip, over there I got an
opportunity to interact with various kinds of aircraft, know about their working, operations and get
in touch with many pilots.
All men contribute to one dream sincerely; having made one machine which they can credit to
themselves. Fortunately, I have had the delight and honor of creating two machines. In my second
year, I was one among the four people who worked on an in-house project based on the design of
an ancient aircraft named “Rukma Vimana”, where I am a leading member and contributed
significantly to the project. Our work was highly appreciated inform of a paper presentation
entitled “An Ancient Concept of Aircraft Design Stimulation Approach” among scientific and
engineering community of Institution of Engineer (India). I was a member of another project
“Design and Development of Entomopter” it was a project which helped me to develop my skills
in certain software’s like Catia, Ansys, Fluent, and Matlab, at the end of the project my technical
skills about the software’s developed in such a way that I became familiar with those tools.
As time passed on my interest about space grew up and this led me to become a member in
“Astronomical society of Hyderabad”. There are so many educational fests conducted by the
group members , I took part in all of them to learn something new, one of the fests conducted by
them is “Night watch Program”, this is a part where people who are enthusiastic about space
meet in a place in midnight and will get in contact with each other and tell about their dreams and
watch at sky, this is the one which helped me to learn many things about space, satellites and fire
in me about space grew more. Time once passed on will never come back so to utilize my free
time there are certain apps namely Sterallium, skychart which will give the daily update about
stars, planets, satellites, these apps are my best friends since starting time of my undergraduate.
Besides excelling in academics, I have always made efforts to involve myself in sports or other
extra-curricular activities to sharpen my mind and improve my concentration. I love playing
volleyball and basketball. I was captain of the inter-school volleyball team and represented my
school in many tournaments. I have worked in many and different types of task teams and
experienced the power of collaboration and the shared joy of accomplishment. I appreciate the
dynamics of a victorious team and the skills of corresponding work with others in order to achieve
a common goal. I look forward to extend this experience in the program. I also believe that my
important experience of project management has prepared me with the planning, logical and
organizational skills that enable me to take on a capable role in the program.
My grades truly belong to me and they are not textbook copy produced but they are a reflection of
my strong understandings of concepts and subjects which are of interest to me. I know that there
are so many applicants for this program in your university, but I believe that I am an exceptional
candidate with a good degree and technical background. Space is a dream for me and I strongly
believe that admission into Aerospace Engineering in your esteemed university is a platform for
me to reach my dreams and ambition. I am certain that, if granted admission, I will be among the
most passionate and enthusiastic students that have joined this prestigious program. My main
recommendation is a genuine passion for the subject of the program and a degree of motivation
that, I am confident, will enable me to excel within it. I look forward to a positive reply.

Thank you for considering my application.

Yours sincerely
Devineni Sai Vara Prabhakar

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