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Why Retail Staff Training is Important

Retail staff training is essential for even the smallest retail business. You want your
staff to be up-to-date on all of the products you sell as well as best practices that
improve sales and decrease common retail security issues like inventory theft. Here
are some examples of how retail staff training can improve overall business

 Increases sales. The most important reason to invest in retail staff training is

so that your employees are well-informed on new products, sales techniques, and how
to best deal with different personality types. Well-trained employees translate into
happy customers, and happy customers are more likely to purchase items from your
store on a regular basis.

 Positions you as an expert in your field. An effective retail training program

and the resulting employee confidence positions you as a professional and well-
informed business. For example, let’s say you sell craft beer in your local quickserve.
With proper retail staff training, your employees are now able to not only ring up
transactions and restock shelves but also advise customers on pairings and the
different flavor profiles of each beer. With available expertise such as this, you’re not
just selling beer, you’re selling an experience, making customers more likely to
frequent your business when they are in the mood for a few local brews.

 Ensures consistent messaging. Excellent retail staff training ensures your

employees are familiar with your company’s marketing strategy and convey a
consistent brand message in-person and across online channels. The last thing you
want is for your employees to be sending mixed messages to your customers that can
hurt brand perception. This includes information on upcoming promotions and events
but can also include details about the business mission and values.

 Improves employee morale. When you invest in staff training, it’s a sign to

employees that you care about their growth and development. This goes a long way
towards improving and maintaining employee morale. Even though it’s your small
business, most employees want to feel like they are a part of something bigger and are
contributing towards a common goal. Find small ways to turn a part-time retail job
into a life experience. The advantages of being a small business are that you can be
more hands on with employees. Make sure your staff understands how they contribute
to the overall success of your growing business.

 Reduces employee turnover. Improved morale helps with employee
retention and reduces the costs associated with searching for, hiring, and training new
staff. It turns out that lack of training is one one the top two reasons that employees
quit their job and in a small retail operation, every employee counts. So if you invest
in retail staff training for no other reason, it will still be worth your while.

 Increases safety. Whether you own a small boutique or the local bookstore, it

is your responsibility as a small business owner to ensure the safety of your customers
and employees. Teaching staff how to lift heavy racks and inventory without
injuring themselves and demonstrating how to set up displays so that employees and
customers won’t trip, can reduce your liability and help to create a safer store
environment. Other potential hazards include blocked exit routes, unsafe storage and
work areas and even human waste. At the very least you should ensure that you cover
some of the most general Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA)
standards with employees.

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