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Mahogany St., Rabe Subdivision Tagum City

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Name of Student : Sian, Liza P. – BSN3, Group 1
Name of Client : Egot, Bregildo Age: 63 y.o. Sex: Male Rating:
Date of assessment: April 10, 2019 Physician:
Dr. Dejan Status: Married
Chief complaint : Admitting diagnosis:
CVA – Cerebrovascular Accident

Date Image of Drug Name of Classification Dosage/ Mechanism of Action

Drug Time/Route
March 10, Brand Nonsteroidal 100mg, PO, Aspirin is a salicylate that exhibits analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and
2019 name: Anti- OD antipyretic activities. It is a selective and irreversible inhibitor of
Aspalgin Inflammatory cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) enzyme resulting in direct inhibition of the
Drugs biosynthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxanes from arachidonic acid.
Generic (NSAIDs) / Additionally, it also inhibits platelet aggregation.
name: Anticoagulants, Synonym: acetylsalicylic acid (ASA).
Aspirin Antiplatelets & Onset: Platelet inhibition: Within 1 hr (nonenteric-coated); delayed (enteric-
Fibrinolytics coated); 20 minutes (if chewed).
(Thrombolytics) Duration: 4-6 hours (immediate-release); Platelet inhibition: Approx 10 days.
Absorption: Rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract; less reliable
(rectal); absorbed through the skin. Partially hydrolysed by esterases to
salicylate during absorption in the GI tract. Bioavailability: 50-75%
(immediate-release). Time to peak plasma concentration: Approx 1-2 hours
(nonenteric-coated); 3-4 hours (enteric-coated); Approx 2 hours (extended-
release cap).
Distribution: Widely and rapidly distributed into most body tissues and
fluids. Crosses the placenta and enters breast milk. Volume of distribution:
170 mL/kg. Plasma protein binding: 80-90%.
Metabolism: Metabolised in the liver into salicyluric acid, salicyl phenolic
glucuronide, salicylic acyl glucuronide, gentisic acid, and gentisuric acid.
Undergoes first-pass metabolism.
Excretion: Via urine (75% as salicyluric acid, 10% as salicylic acid).
Elimination half-life: 15-20 minutes.
Indication Contraindications Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
For use in the temporary relief of Hypersensitivity to Significant: Salicylate
various forms of pain, aspirin or other sensitivity, tinnitus. 1. For patients who have had oral or dental surgery or
inflammation associated with NSAIDs. Peptic ulcer, Blood and lymphatic system tonsillectomy in the last seven days avoid chewable or
various conditions (including haemorrhagic disease, disorders: Anaemia, dispersible aspirin tablets, or aspirin in crushed tablets or
rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile coagulation disorder hypoprothrombinaemia, gargles.
rheumatoid arthritis, systemic (e.g. haemophilia, thrombocytopenia. 2. Assess pain and/or pyrexia one hour before or after
lupus erythematosus, thrombocytopenia), Gastrointestinal disorders: medication.
osteoarthritis, and ankylosing gout. Severe hepatic Dyspepsia, gastric irritation, 3. In long-term therapy monitor renal and liver function and
spondylitis), and is also used to and renal impairment. nausea, vomiting. ototoxicity.
reduce the risk of death and/or Children <16 years Nervous system disorders: 4. Assess other medication for possible interactions - especially
nonfatal myocardial infarction in and recovering from Dizziness, confusion. warfarin, which is a special hazard.
patients with a previous viral infection. Respiratory, thoracic and 5. Be aware that aspirin is a common constituent of a variety of
infarction or unstable angina Pregnancy (doses mediastinal disorders: over-the-counter medications.
pectoris. >100 mg daily during Asthma, bronchospasm, 6. Possible gastric irritation is limited by taking aspirin after
3rd trimester) and dyspnea, rhinitis. food.
lactation. Skin and subcutaneous 7. Keep this medication in the container it came in, tightly
Concomitant use with tissue disorders: Rash, closed, and out of reach of children.
other NSAIDs and urticaria. 8. Store it at room temperature and away from excess heat and
methotrexate. Potentially Fatal: moisture (not in the bathroom).
Paroxysmal bronchospasm 9. Store aspirin suppositories in a cool place or in a
and dyspnoea. Coma, CV refrigerator.
collapse, resp failure, severe 10. Take any missed doses as soon as you remember. But do not
hypoglycaemia. Rarely, take a double dose to make up for a missed one.
Reye’s syndrome. 11. Do not break, crush, or chew extended-release tablets and do
Hypersensitivity reactions not open extended-release capsules. Swallow them whole.
(e.g. Stevens Johnson 12. Always read the label of any over-the-counter medications to
syndrome, angioedema), check for aspirin content.
gastrointestinal bleeding and 13. Restrict alcohol intake.
perforation. 14. Report any tinnitus, sweating or hyperventilation to the
Reference: prescribing health care professional.
Mahogany St., Rabe Subdivision Tagum City
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Name of Student : Sian, Liza P. – BSN3, Group 1
Name of Client : Egot, Bregildo Age: 63 y.o. Sex: Male Rating:
Date of assessment: April 10, 2019 Physician:
Dr. Dejan Status:
Chief complaint : Admitting diagnosis:
CVA – Cerebrovascular Accident

Image of Name of Classification Dosage/ Mechanism of Action

Drug Drug Time/Route
Indication Contraindications Adverse Reaction Nursing Responsibilities
Brand Antiasthmatic & Ipratropium Ipratropium and albuterol combination reduces bronchospasm through both anticholinergic
Management name:of reversible
COPD Hypersensitivity
bromide to 20 headache, dizziness, nausea,
and sympathomimetic 1. Assess
mechanisms. lung sounds,administration
Simultaneous PR and BP before drug
of both administration
drugs produces a
bronchospasm associated
Duavent with salbutamol,
Preparations. mcg and dry mouth,
greater bronchodilatorshaking
effect thanand
used alone at recommended dosages.
obstructive airway diseases (eg, toipratropium
Belongs the salbutamol or (tremors), nervousness,is or.
Albuterol—Albuterol 2. Observe fore paradoxical
a sympathomimetic agent that spasm
has a and withhold
relatively medication
high degree of and
bronchial asthma).
Generic class of fenoterol,100atropine or cold symptoms
selectivity for betasuch as
2-adrenergic notify physician
receptors. if condition
Activation occurs.
of these receptors on airway smooth
For patients
name: with chronic its
adrenergics in derivatives.
mcg/actuation stuffy nose, to the
muscle leads sneezing,
activation Administer
3. of the enzyme PO adenylyl
medications with meals
cyclase and totoanminimize
in the
pulmonary combination
disease Hypertrophic
inhalation cough, or sore concentration
intracellular throat. irritation.5-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Increased
of cyclic-3,
(COPD) on a regular
bromide + with inhaled obstructive
spray cAMP concentrations indirectly 4. Extended-release
lower intracellular tablet should
ionic be swallowed-whole.
calcium, which results in It should
bronchodilator who continue
Salbutamol to cardiomyopathy,
anticholinergics 1 inhalation 4 smooth muscle relaxation. not be crushed or chewed.
have evidence of bronchospasm tachyarrhythmia.times daily, Ipratropium—Ipratropium is an Ifanticholinergic
5. administering medication
agent that through
a local, allow at least
and who require a second may give 1 minute
effect rather than a systemic effect. between
It appears inhalationbronchodilation
to produce of aerosol medication.
by inhibition of
bronchodilator. additional 6. Advise
cholinergic receptors on bronchial smooth themuscle.
patient to rinse mouth with water after each
inhalations as Pharmacokinetics inhalation to minimize dry mouth.
required. Absorption:Albuterol—Rapidly 7. and Inform the patient
completely that Albuterol
absorbed, althoughmay causeprimarily
whether an unusual
Max: 6 pulmonary or from gastrointestinal badsite
is unknown.
inhalations Ipratropium—Not readily absorbed into the systemic circulation either
Reference: from the surface of
per 24 hours. the lung or from the gastrointestinal tract, as confirmed by blood concentration and renal
excretion studies.
Onset of action: Ipratropium and albuterol combination—In clinical trials, the median time
to onset of a 15% increase in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV 1) was 15 minutes.
Time to peak effect: Ipratropium and albuterol combination—1 hour.
Duration of action: Ipratropium and albuterol combination—4 to 5 hours.

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