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Psychosocial OutcomesforAdult Children

of Parents with Severe Mental Illnesses:

Demographic and Clinical History Predictors
Carol T. Mowbray, Deborah Bybee, Daphna Oyserman, Peter MacFarlane, and Nicholas Bowersox

Children of parents with mental illness are at risk of psychiatric and behavioral problems. Few
studies have investigated the psychosocial outcomes of these children in adulthood or the
parental psychiatric history variables that predict resilience. From a sample of 379 mothers
with serious mental illnesses. 157 women who had at least one adult child between the ages of
18 and 30 were interviewed. Mothers reported that ahout 80 percent of these adult children
were working, in school, or in training. However, about one-third had not completed high
school, and 54 percent were judged to have a major problem in psychological, drug or alcohol,
or legal domains. Although nearly 40 percent were parents of minor children, only about 12
percent were in a committed relationship. Mothers' bipolar diagnosis was a significant
predictor for number of adult child problems.The results indicate a need for more attention to
the parenting status of adults with mental illnesses and to their parenting concerns and needs.

KEYWORDS; bipolar disorder; children; mothers with mental illness; parents with metttaliUness;psYckosocial outcomes

lthough numerous studies have established outcomes of adult children of parents with mental

A the at-risk status of children whose parents

have a mental illness, few have examined
those children in adulthood.The studies that have
illnesses. Six examined clinical outcomes; three
qualitative studies (with sample sizes from four to
10) presented respondents' experiences growing up
been conducted are primarily epidemiological,in- with a mentally ill parent. Seven more comprehen-
dicating a significantly higher risk of being diag- sive, quantitative studies had sample sizes ranging
nosed with a mental illness than adults in the gen- from 29 to 286, and included several population-
eral population (Erlenmeyer-Kimling et al., 1995; based surveys of mental illness in parents. In these
Erlenmeyer-Kimling et al., 1997; Gershon et al., quantitative studies.investigators reported that com-
1988; Maier et al., 1993; Weissman, Warner, pared with controls adult offspring had elevated
Wickramaratne, Moreau, & Olfton, 1997). Only a work and marriage problems and lower overall func-
limited number of studies have examined psycho- tioning (Weissman et al., 1997), more social avoid-
social outcomes for adult children of parents with ance and lower self-esteem (Williams & Corrigan,
mental illness. In this article, we describe the role 1992), poor social adjustment 0acob & Windle,
functioning of a sample ofurban, low-income, and 2000), and increased levels of drinking alcohol (Neff,
predominantly ethnic minority adult children of 1994). Similarly, in qualitative studies, participants
mothers with a serious mental illness. We also ex- with mentally ill parents reported multiple prob-
amine the predictors of adult child functioning, lems, including childhood abuse and neglect, isola-
based on child and maternal characteristics and on tion, and guilt (Dunn, 1993); hatred of mother and
mothers' clinical histories, including diagnosis. self, poor parenting, isolation, excessive caregiving
to the mentally ill parent, stigma, and lack of sup-
PSYCHOSOCIAL OUTCOMES OF ADULT port from others (Williams, 1998). Besides being
CHILDREN OF MENTALLY ILL PARENTS affected by parenting problems, adolescent children
A recent review of relevant literature (] 990 through taking care of a mentally ill parent may be less likely
2001) identified 16 studies on the psychosocial to establish their own vocational or educational goals

CCC Code: 0360-7283/06 J3.00 C2006 National Association of Social Workers 99

or be in committed relationships as a result of social Olfson, 2000); or positive effects (adaptive coping)
isolation (Stroinwall & Robinson, 1998). OnJy one on female (not male) relatives (Solomon & Draine,
study reported on participants' coping methods 1995). Examination of race and ethnicity differ-
(escape or isolation, support from others, acquiring ences has been rare and inconclusive, and studies to
information, and spirituality and internalizing) date seldom have used controls for age of the adult
and strengths (self-rehance, enipathy, resihence, child. Failure to consider demographic character*
assertiveness) (Kinsella, Anderson, & Anderson, istics may affect the interpretation of study results.
19%). For example, some studies suggest exacerbation of
Research samples for these studies have been negative effects of maternal mental illness on daugh-
quite diverse. Several involved parents with depres- ters compared with sons, arguing that this is due to
sion Paley. Hammen, &: Rao, 2000; Dyer & Giles, gender identity issues (Oyserman et al., 2000).The
I994;jacob & Wmdle,2000;Weissman et al., 1997) literature on behavior problems, however, consis-
or mixed diagnoses, such as schizophrenia and af- tently affirms that boys have more problems than
fective disorders {Solomon & Draine (1995) and girls, and that older adults have fewer problems than
depression and anxiety disorder (Andrews, Brown, young adults (see Mowbray, Lewandowski, Bybee,
& Creasey, 1990). Still others included parents & Oyserman, 2004, for a review).Thus, some ma-
labeled mentally ill by their adult children ternal characteristics such as her age are confounded
(Landerman, George, & Blazer. 1991; Nefi", 1994; with adult child characteristics (such as age). Due
Williams & Corrigan, 1992). Few studies exam- to this confound, main effects of maternal charac-
ined adult child psychosocial outcomes in relation- teristics on adult child outcomes may be meaning-
ship to characteristics of the parent's mental illness. less. Variations in race and ethnicity and socioeco-
For those that did, the variables examined included nomic status (SES) are important to include in
chronicit>' (Andrews et al.) and social adjustment research; in our review of research on parents with
(Dyer & Giles). None of the studies examined mental illness, the race of participants was nearly
whether parental diagnosis had a differential effect always white, and their SES nearly always middle
on the psychosocial outcomes of adult children. class or higher, severely limiting generalizability of
findings (Oyserman et al., 2000).
Inattention to the differential effects of parental
diagnosis on adult child psychosocial outcomes is a The present study involves mothers with a seri-
significant omission for many reasons. In a review ous mental illness reporting on the status of their
of the literature on parenting with mental illness adult children—positive as well as paiblematic out-
Oyserman and colleagues (2U00) reported that de- comes. We examined gender, race and ethnicity, and
pressed mothers of infants and children were less age differences in the sample of adult children, and
responsive, less attached, more negative, more criti- used these demographic characteristics as controls
cal, more anxious, disorganized, inconsistent, and in subsequent multivariate analyses predicting out-
ineffective than mothers without depression. Hav- comes. From the literature reviewed, this study ap-
ing a mother with schizophrenia, by contrast, seems pears unique in contrasting adult child outcomes
to primarily affect the child's cognitive develop- across mothers' diagnoses (major depression, bipo-
ment and behavior problems. Parenting of mothers lar disorder, and schizophrenia/schizoaffective dis-
with a bipolar diagnosis has rarely been studied; the orders), as well as in relating outcomes to maternal
few research results reported indicate that the prob- clinical characteristics (age of onset, duration of
lenis of these mothers are similar to those with major mental illness, hospitalization history, and separa-
depression. tions during childhood) and demographics (mari-
Lack of attention to demographic variables is tal status, education, number of children in the
another limitation of the research on psychosocial family).
outcomes of adult children of parents with mental
illness. In fact, the only demographic variable ex- METHOD
amined in these studies was child gender, with in- Participants
consistent results: significant negative effects of pa- Women ages 18 to 55 years, who had care respon-
rental mental illness for females only (Neff, 1994); sibilities for at least one minor child, were recruited
no gender differences (Jacob & Windle, 2000; fixim 15 community mental health and inpatient
Weissman. Warner, Wickramaratne, Moreau, & psychiatric units in southeast Michigan (N = 379).

Health & Social Work VOLUME 31, NUMBER 1 MAY 2006

All participants fit criteria for serious mental illness Procedures
(duration greater than one year; diagnoses of schizo- Eligible women who consented to participate were
plirenia, major affective disorder, or bipolar disor- scheduled for brief (10-15 minute) phone inter-
der; exhibiting major dysfunction in one or more views, for which they were compensated $20.The
life areas).The women were participants in a Na- phone interview data concerned only one adult
tional Institute of Mental Health-funded, longitu- child (ages 18 to 30) per mother. If mothers had
dinal study of motherhood and mental illness and more than one adult child, the target child was ran-
were interviewed at three time points over a five- domly selected.
year period from 1996-2000, with an 87 percent Measures onAduU Children. Mothers were asked
retention rate. Interviewers were all women with the following about their adult children: Frequency
backgrounds in human services, who were provided of contact (1 = few times a year to 4 = daily); sat-
five days of training (including administration of isfaction with mother-child relationship (1 = not
the Diagnostic Interview Schedule [DIS]; Robins, at all to 5 = completely); whether she had knowl-
Helzer, Croughan, &• Ratcliff. 1981) and ongoing edge of child's life (yes/no); child's satisfaction with
supervision by an interview coordinator. life (1 = not at all satisfied to 5 = completely satis-
Following the wave 3 interview, women with at fied); age the child moved out of mothers house;
least one adult child (N = 223) were contacted city of residence; highest education level (less than
about participating in a phone interview; 163 HS, HS/GED, or more than HS); what he or she is
women consented. We eliminated mothers whose doing now (for example, workingfiall-timeor part-
children were deceased or were older than age 30 time, postsecondary school attendance, or enrolled
to minimize heterogeneity. In addition, we elimi- in occupational training); whether the adult child
nated mothers who had no information about their was married or in a relationship; and whether the
adult children. The process resulted in the loss of child had any children, and if so, how many. Moth-
six cases. The remaining 157 women had an aver- ers were then asked a series of yes/no questions
age age of 44.6 years (SD = 5.4, range 34.7-61.0). about whether the adult child had drug problems,
The total number of adult children was 346, rang- alcohol problems, police or legal problems, psycho-
ing from one to nine per family, with a median of logical problems, or other problems.
two. The mothers in the sample were distributed Most mothers were willing to participate in the
as follows: 59.2 percent African American, 28.7 per- interview (as noted earlier). Although in part, this
cent white, 7.5 percent Latina, and 4.4 percent was likely due to receiving compensation, we be-
other races and ethnicities.The median educational lieve it is also because of the positive relationship
level was GED or high school graduation (21 per- that had been established with research project staff
cent ); 35.7 percent had less than a high school over several years. Because of this relationship, and
education and 43.3 percent had at least some col- based on other evidence of the validity of mothers'
lege. Mothers' DIS-based diagnoses were 51.9 reports of the behavior and problems of their
percent major depression, 22.3 percent bipolar younger children, we felt confident that mothers
disorder, and 18.4 percent schizophrenia/ would accurately report on their adult children's
schizoaffective.The remaining women's diagnoses status. For example, in other articles, we established
could not be ascertained. Their median lifetime that mothers' ratings of child behavior problems
number of psychiatric hospitalizations was two, and predicted child service use (Mowbray, Lewandowski
ranged from zero to 47. One-fifrh of the sample et al., 2004); also, we have examined correlations
(20.4 percent) was married; 47.7 percent were sepa- between pairs of variables reflecting mothers' sub-
rated, divorced, or widowed, and 31.8 percent were jective assessments compared with more objective
single/never inarried.Their household income put measures of the same construct, such as police sta-
them just above the 1996 poverty level (Ai = 1.07 tistics on neighborhood crime rate versus mothers'
percent of poverty line, range 0-3.7 percent, SD = physical environment ratings, and found significant
0.65). There were no significant differences be- correlations (Mowbray,Oyserman,Bybee,Callahan,
tween those eligible for the study (that is, having &MacFarIane,2O()4}.
adult children) and the rest of the sample on edu-
Predictor Variables from the Mothers' Database.
cation, race, marital status, number of children, or
These included age, race, total number of children,
adjusted household income.
highest year of education, and marital status. At

MowBRAV ET AL. / Psychosociat Outcomes for Adult Children ofParents with Severe Mental lUnessts IOI
wave 1, materna] substance abuse history was as- amination of the multiplicative effects of the
sessed with Skinner's (1982) Drug Abuse Screen- exponentiated coefficients; that is, exp(B) (Long,
ing Test (DAST),a 19-item checklist with a stan- 1997).
dard cutoff score of five suggestive of a history of
drug or alcohol abuse; higher scores indicate more RESULTS
problematic substance abuse histories. In our Adult child age at time of interview ranged from
sample, the mean score was 5.12 {SD = 4.8; a = 18 to 29, averaging about 22 years; 82 (52 percent)
0.94). Psychiatric history variables included age at were male, 75 (48 percent) female (Table 1). Race
menta! illness onset (that is. age at first psychiatric and ethnicity of adult children were the same as
hospitalization, or, if none, age at first psychiatric that of their mothers. More than 95 percent of the
visit or worst symptoms), duration, and history of mothers reported having knowledge of their adult
hospitalizations (average number per year since children's lives; three-quarters reported being some-
mental illness onset, to reduce confounding with what, very, or completely satisfied with their rela-
illness duration). A life history calendar was used tionship with their adult child. In terms of reported
in wave 3 to obtain this information from moth- fi^quency of contact with adult children,the moth-
ers, as well as number and dates of separations from ers' modal response (by more than halt) was daily.
their children. In fact, about 20 percent of the adult children still
lived with their mothers. Those who had moved
ANALYSIS PLAN out did so shortly before their 18th birthday, on
Descriptive data are presented on the demograph- average. Mothers reported that the majority of adult
ics and psychosocial outcomes of the adult chil- children lived in the same city as they did, with
dren. We used multiple regression analyses to de- fewer than 15 percent living outside Michigan. Five
termine whether maternal demographics, maternal (3.2 percent) were in correctional facilities. Only
mental health history, and mother-child separations about 12 percent of the adult children were mar-
were predictive of the child's problems in adult- ried or in a committed relationship, according to
hood. Analyses were hierarchical, entering variables mothers, but nearly 40 percent had children {M =
in four ordered blocks: (1) controls for adult child 1.7, range 1 to 5 children, with the largest percent-
demographics (that is, age, race, and gender), (2) age of children aged 0 to 3 years).
maternal demographics (that is,age and education), About 31 percent of the adult children did not
(3) maternal mental health history (that is, diagno- have a high school diploma or GED, although an-
sis and substance abuse history), and (4) mother- other 3 ] percent had at least some college. Report-
child separations before the age of 12. This order edly, 80 percent of the adult children were either
allowed us to test the contribution of mother-child working (65 percent), in school (32 percent), or in
separations, controlling for demographics and ma- training programs (U percent).
ternal mental health history; the contribution of
maternal mental health variables, controlling for Specific Problems Identified
demographics of mother and child; and the effect Mothers were asked whether the adult child had
of maternal demographics, controlling for child experienced problems in any of four specific areas.
demographics. On average, the mean number of problem areas
The dependent variable—number of life do- reportedly experienced by adult children was 1.12,
mains in which the adult child had problems—was but the distribution was skewed, with about 54
a count that could take on only positive values, is percent having at least one problem area.The most
usually positively skewed, and often violates the frequently listed adult child problems were psy-
ordinary least squares regression assumption of con- chological (about 40 percent). Nearly half of these
stant variance. Thus, we used Poisson regression involved depression, and about another 8 percent
(Gardner, Mulvey, & Shaw, 1995). Empirical test- involved bipolar disorder. Many mothers also men-
ing showed no evidence of overdispersion, indi- tioned attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
cating an optima] fit to the observed data. In Pois- (ADHD) or learning disabilities (about 20 percent).
son regression, predictor etlects are expressed as Other psychological problems were listed infre-
linear functions on the log of the dependent vari- quently. Police and legal problems were reported
able; interpretation of results typically involves ex- for about one-third of the sample; relatively few

102 Health & Social Work VOLUME 31, NUMBER 1 MAY £OO£
Table 1: Descriptive Data on Adult Children of Mothers with Serious Mental Illness
Descriptive Statistics
Variable SD
tlhiM's aj;-. 22.-^^
Age child moved out 17.73 4.31
Child's satisfiicrion wiih life'' 3.17 1.10
Frequency of contact with mother 3.32 .86
Mother's satisfaction with relationship' 3.60 1.16
Toed number of child problem areas 1.12 1.18
Child problem area.'i
Probiems with drug use 11.6 18
Problems with alcohol use 7.7 U
Legal problems 32.3 50
Psychological problems :in.,! G2
Any of the above problem areas 53.9 83
Child education level
l.cis than high school 31.1 47
Completed higb school/ GED .?7.7 57
More rhan high school 3L1 47
Child currently in work/school/training program (% yes) 79.9 123
Relati;onship Marricd/in a commirrcd relationship (% yes) 11.5 IS
Child as parent % with children 37.7 57
Location at child re.iidcncc
Lives with mother 20.8 30
Same city as mothi:r 37.7 58
Same tricoitnty area as mother 14.9 23
Same state as mother 11.0 17
Different .itacc ihan mother 10.4 16
Different country than mother 1.9 3
Correctional facility 3^ 5
'At time of phone interview, calculated from int^fvlew date and aduK Child's birth dlts.
" 'Scale: 1 = not satisfied at all. 5 = completely satisfied.

reportedly had drug problems (12 percent) and even no problems,M = 22.48 years,SD = 3.17) [f(50.26)
fewer had alcohol problems (8 percent). = -2.17 p < .04]. Age also significantly correlated
with number of problem areas [r = —.25,p < .01].
Race, Gender, and Age Differences Significantly more male than female children had
Significant race differences were found for psycho- legal (52 percent compared with 11 percent) 1X"{1.
logical problems (white children 63.6 percent com- iV = 154) = 29.81,p< .00], drug (20 percent com-
pared with black children 30.1 percent) [X"(\,N = pared with 3 percent) [X"(1.JV= 154) = ]0.95,p<
137) = 13.89, p < .001] and for total number of .001 ], and psychological problems (51 percent com-
problem areas (white children, M = 1.68, SD = pared with 28 percent) ix^( 1, N = 154) = S.36,p <
1.20; black children, M = 0.91, .SD = 1.12) lf{136) .01],and more total problem areas (M= 1.51,SD =
= 3.67, p < .001].Those with psychological prob- 1.19; M= 0.70, SD = 1.03), l((152) = 4.50, ;J <
lems were significantly younger than those with- .001], and were reportedly less satisfied with their
out (problems, M = 21.26 years, SD = 2.36; no lives (M = 2.99, SD = 1.17 compared with M =
problems, M = 23.07 years, SD = 3.23) 1^(152) = 3.38, SD = 0.99) lr(154) = -2.24, p < .03].
3.78, ;5 < .001]; as were those with alcohol or drug Results indicated that adult children with a prob-
problems (problems, M = 21.39 years, SD — 2.12; lem in one domain were significantly more likely

MowBRAV F.T Al.. / Psychosocial Outcontesfiir Adult Children of Parents with Severe Mentallllnesses 103
to have problems in other domains. Because the problems in only two-thirds as many domains as
outcome variables were so interrelated, we chose mothers who had higher levels of education. In
one—total number of problem areas—as the de- block 3 (maternal mental health), both maternal
pendent variable in the regression analysis. diagnosis and maternal substance abuse history
were related to adult child problems. The
Predictors of Adult Child Outcomes exponentiated coefficients for schizophrenia/
Kesults of the Poisson regression are in Table 2. schizoaffective disorder and major depression di-
Likelihood ratio (LR) chi squares for each block agnoses were both below one. implying that, in
indicate that adult child demographics, maternal comparison, mothers with bipolar disorder re-
demographics (at a trend level of p < .10), and ported that their adult children had problems in
maternal mental health history blocks made sig- more domains. Maternal substance abuse history
nificant successive contributions to explaining vari- was positively related (p < . 10) to adult child prob-
ability in the count of adult problems; mother-child lems; each additional item endorsed on the 19-item
separations made no additional contribution to the DAST was associated with a 3 percent increase in
model once contributions from previous blocks the total number of problems. Controlling for these
were controlled. eflfects, separationsfiximmother during childhood
made no additional contribution to the number of
In block 1 (adult child demographics), older
adult problem areas reported.
adult children were reported to have problems in
fewer life domains, and for each additional year of
age, there was a 7 percent reduction in number of DISCUSSION
problems (1—B ^ .07). Male adult children had Limitations
problems in more domains (1.72 times more than Limitations of the current study should be acknowl-
females). In block 2 (maternal demographics), chil- edged. Mothers were recruited from the public
dren of mothers with less education were reported mental health system in a Midwestern urban area.
to have fewer problems, specifically, mothers who They all had care responsibilities for at least one of
had not finished higb school reported adult child their children; mothers who had lost contact with

Table 2: Poisson Regression Predicting Number of

Domains in which the Adult Child Has Problems
Block Block
B SE df LR / '
Block 1—Aduit i,hikl dfnii.i;r.iphn,i
Age of adult child -0.07* 0.03 0.93
Race of adult child (I = Airican American) -0.19 0.16 0.82
Gender of adult child (1 = male) 0.18 172
Block 2— Marcrnal demographics 2.00 5.45'
Maternal i^e 0.01 0.02 1.01
Maternal education (1 = itss than high school) -0.39* 0.20 0.68
Block i—-Maternal mental health history 3.00 10,19*
Maternal diagnosis
Schizophrenia/schizoaffective -O.M* 0.27 0,'i9
Major depre.ssion -0.37* 0.17 0,69
Bipolar (comparison category)
Extent of maternal substance abuse hiscory 0.03' 0.02 1.03
Block 4—Maternal-child separations 1.00 0.39
Maternal separations before adult child age 12 -0.02 0.40 0.98
I nrercepr 1.36 0.89
Nole: Block tH chl-iquare i«iii mKn Ihe iigniflcance of the tequentlal addition of each block of predlcton. contmlling fof thote in previmii blotks. Coefficients are f
Ihe final irgdel, following addilion of block 4,
'p < ,10, "p •: ,05, " p < .01. " " p < ,001,

104 Health & Social Work VOLUME J I , NUMBER i MAY 2006

all their children were not in the study. Thus, the persistent emotional and behavioral difficulties
sample may not be representative of the adult chil- {Rutter&' Quinton, 1987) than children of parents
dren of all women with mental illness. who are not mentally ill.Third,it might be inferred
The fact that only mothers' reports were used that the adult children in this study had relation-
may constitute another limitation. However, most ship problems, in that, at an average age of 22, only
mothers were in frequent contact with their chil- about one in nine was in a committed relationship,
dren and may not have been any more biased re- although 38 percent were parents. Earlier research
porters than the children, given mothers' signifi- has reported that adolescents with parental mental
cant rapport with the project. Also, based on other illness have reduced social competence (Thomas et
data, these mothers had been found to be accurate al.).
reporters of child and adolescent behaviors and Our results also show positive outcomes for many
problems. For example, mothers'reports of exter- of the adult children: More than 40 percent were in
nalizing behaviors from the Child Behavior Check- postsecondary education or training, and 65 per-
list (Achenbach, 1991) were significantly related to cent were working. Contrary to other reports, rela-
their adolescent child's concurrent grade point av- tively few (8 percent to 12 percent) had drug or
erage (obtained from school records, r = —.37,p < alcohol problems, and most mothers were satisfied
.01) and to teacher reports of adolescent child be- with parent-child relationships. Rather than flee-
havior problems in school {r=AO,p <.01).We feel ing the family, more than 70 percent of adult chil-
that the value of the study outweighs the limita- dren lived in proximity to their mothers.
tions because there are few published accounts of
psychosocial outcomes of adults whose mothers What Predicts Outcomes for These
have serious mental illness (SMI), and among those Adult Children
studies, ours involves a relatively large sample. Our We searched for demographic differences related
findings substantiate some previous research, but to reported problems for this sample of adult chil-
also suggest important new directions. dren and found results consistent with general popu-
lation studies; more psychological problems for
Summary of Outcomes for the younger than older and male than female adults
Adult Children (Kessler et al., 1994); racial differences were signifi-
Congruent with other literature, adult children in cant in our sample, but inconsistent in the litera-
this study evidenced problematic functioning in ture (U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser-
several domains. First, about one-third had not com- vices, 1999). In our study, adult child problems were
pleted high school.This is consistent with the few reported less frequently from mothers who had not
studies that examined academic outcomes for ado- finished high school. We speculate that less well-
lescent children of mothers with mental illness- educated mothers may have lower expectations for
relating parental depression to adolescent school their children's success and therefore be less likely
problems (Billings & Moos, 1983; Hanmien, Gor- to see problems in their adult children's lives, par-
don, Burgc. Adrian, Jacnicke, & Hiroto, 1987) and ticularly those of a psychological nature. Better-
lower GPA (Tannenbaum & Forehand, 1994); pa- educated mothers may be more attuned to identi-
rental bipolar disorder to adolescents' academic dif- fying psychological or other difficulties and
ficulties (Hammen et al.);and parental schizophre- therefore more likely to report adult child prob-
nia to adolescent otfspring's cognitive difficulties lems. The role of mothers' education in relation-
(Arbelle et al., 1997). Second, about one-third of ship to the outcomes of their adult children ap-
adult children reportedly experienced psychologi- pears to be worthy of further study. Whatever the
cal problems. In other studies, adult children had interpretation, the results indicate the importance
lower overall functioning (Weis.sman et al., 1997), of using demographic variables as controls in pre-
more social avoidance and lower self-esteem (Wil- dictor analyses.
liams & Corrigan, 1992), and poor social adjust- Perhaps the most significant finding from this
ment (Jacob &Windle, 2000). Adolescent children study comes from the multivariate regression
of parents with SMI also have higher levels of in- analyses predicting adult child outcomes. The re-
ternalizing and externalizing behavior problems sults provided more definitive information than ear-
(Thomas, Forehand. & Neighbors, 1995) and more lier reports concerning relationship with mothers'

MowBRAV P.T Al.. / Psychosocial Outcomes fbr Adult Children of Parents with Severe Mentallllnesses
diagnoses. Mothers' bipolar diagnosis was a signifi- • Educating cHnicians to the hkehhood that
cant independent predictor of adult child problems, women with SMI have or will have children,
controlling for child age, gender, and race. Otlier and that parenthood needs to be an impor-
studies have not systematically used controls or tant component of treatment planning and
examined outcomes across diagnoses, focusing case management services from their initia-
mainly on single diagnoses, primarily depression. tion
However, in a recent nieta-analysis, children whose • Offering relevant periodic assessments of
parents have a bipolar disorder were 2.7 times more children, in response to mothers' concerns
likely than controls to develop any mental disorder and to determine changing needs for
and tour times more likely to develop an affective parenting resources and supports
disorder (Lapalnie, Hodgins, & LaRoche, 1997). • Offering education and skill training for all
Research has also found that, as adolescents, chil- female consumers who are parents
dren of parents with bipolar disorder are at risk of • Ensuring availability of specialized, individu-
diagnoses ofADHD and depression (Chang, Steiner, alized, or group treatment for mothers and
& Ketter, 2000) and are more hkely to display a their families when women need this more
personality disorder (Grigoroiu-Serbanescu, intensive form of service from their mental
Christodorescu.Totoescu, & Jipescu, 1991). health agencies (for example, joint parent-
In our review of the literature, we were unable child therapy pX^illiams, 1998], parent train-
to locate studies that compared adult child out- ing [Webster-Stratton & Herbert, 1994j, par-
comes across maternal diagnoses of depression, bi- ent support groups, or therapeutic nurseries
polar disorder, and schizophrenia. Our results sug- for infants and toddlers.
gest that mothers' bipolar diagnosis may have a
strong negative effect on their children. More re- These programming strategies could be offered
search on bipolar disorder and more cross-diagno- through mental health agencies or psychiatric re-
sis studies are warranted. Furthermore, research is habihtation programs; elements of these strategies
also needed to identify the mechanisms or path- could be included in existing evidence-based models
ways through which a parental diagnosis of bipolar for adults with SMI. such as assertive community
disorder may have such negative and long-term treatment (see Nicholson & Henry, 2003). Models
effects on children. Perhaps having a diagnosis of of stand-alone programs, focused on families in
bipolar disorder reflects parenting that is less con- which one or both parents have mental illness, are
sistent and more difficult for children to under- available, although their evidence base has not yet
stand or predict. been established (see Cook & Steigman, 2000;
Nicholson, Biebel, Hinden, Henry, & Stier, 2001;
Implications for Social Work Practice Nicholson & Henry, 2003;Oyserman, Mowbray,&
These results reiterate findings from other studies Zemencuk, 1994). Other strategies could involve
demonstrating that some children of mothers with psychoeducation programs on mental illness for all
SMI have problems in adulthood. We suggest that a family meniben. including school-age children,
viable way of addressing these problems in child- support groups, and group or individual therapy
hood is through attention to the parenting ofwomen for children who are struggling with their parents'
with such diagnoses. Changing parenting behavior mental illness.
is often an effective means to prevent childhood and As shown by this study, adult children of moth-
later adult disorders. Also, connecting with parents ers with SMI demonstrate very heterogeneous out-
in treatment regarding concerns about their chil- comes. Our analyses indicate that the adult chil-
dren could be an efficient early intervention method dren whose mothers are diagnosed with bipolar
with the children. Research has indicated, however, disorders may be at higher risk of problems in adult-
that mental health practitioners infrequently attend hood than those whose mothers are diagnosed with
to the parenting needs or concerns of their clients schizophrenia or depression. However, more re-
(see for example, DeChillo, Matorin, & Hallahan, search is needed to substantiate this finding, as well
1987). Some appropriate parenting intervention as to explicate the mechanisms through which
strategies include (Mowbray,Nicholson,& Bellamy, mothers' diagnoses produce negative effects in chil-
2003; Nicholson & Henry, 2003): dren. Irrespective of research findings, social work

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