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Seminar Report On
“Silica fume in concrete"

Submitted By

Sumair Muzaffar


Guided by:
Prof. Onkar chothe
(Department of Civil Engineering)

Department of Civil Engineering

D.Y. Patil institute of Engineering Management &
Research, Akurdi,
Pune-411 044

D.Y. Patil institute of Engineering, Management &
research Akurdi,
Pune-411 044

This is to certify that Mr. Sumair Muzaffar(T151090122), has satisfactorily
carried out and completed the seminar work titled “Silica fume in concrete”. It is
submitted in the partial fulfillment of the prescribed syllabus in third year Civil
Engineering of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune for the academic year 2019-


Place: Akurdi.

Prof. Onkar chothe MRS.Aamruta Kulkarni

Guide HOD, Civil

Prof. Dr.A.V.PATIL
External Examiner Principal (DYPIEMR)


I owe many thanks to my Guide Prof. “Prof. ONKAR CHOTHE", Civil Engineering
Dept. D. Y. Patil IEMR, Akurdi, Pune, for his immense support and valuable suggestions to
conduct tinar work.

I am thankful to Dr.Amaruta Kulkarni, HOD, Civil Engineering Department for his

timely support and advice in my endeavour.

Dr. A.V.patil, Principal, D.Y.PIEMR, for rendering all sorts of facilities and sound
encouragement throughput this work.

Mr. Sumair Muzaffar

(Exam Seat No.: T151090122)


 Ground water occurrence 8
 What is aquifer Mapping 9
 Need for Aquifer Mapping 10
 Basics of Aquifer Mapping 13
 Principal Aquifer systems 14

This experimental work deal with the nanotechnology in advance waste water treatment in water.
Water contamination is one of the major problems which the world is facing today.
Nanotechnology has also proved to be one of the finest and advance ways for waste water
treatment. There are various reasons behind the success of nanotechnology and scientists are still
working on further enhancement of its usage. Its unique characteristic of having high surface
area can be used efficiently for removing toxic metal ions, disease causing microbes, organic and
inorganic solutes from water. Nanotechnology has lead to various efficient ways for treatment of
waste water in a more precise and accurate way on both small and large scale.


Water contamination is one of the major problems which world facing today, it also impacts on
economic and social costs.
Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at dimensions of roughly 1 to 100
nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications.
Nanoparticles have great potential to be used in waste water treatment.
Its unique characteristic of having high surface area used efficiently for removing toxic metal
ions, disease causing microbes, organic and inorganic solutes from water.
Water contamination not only effect environment and human health, but it has also impacts on
economic and social costs. There are various ways used commercially and non- commercially to
fight this problem which is advancing day by day due to technological progress.
Since water treatment by using nanoparticles has high technology demand, its usage cost should
be managed according to existing competition in market . There are various recent advances on
different nanomaterials (nanostructured catalytic membranes, nanosorbents, nanocatalysts,
bioactive nanoparticles, biomimetic membrane and molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs)) for
removing toxic metal ions, disease causing microbes, organic and inorganic solutes from water.

Why Nanotechonology in waste water treatment?

-Nanoparticle have very high absorbing, interacrting and reacting capabilities due to small size
with high proportion of atoms on surface.
-It can achieve energy conservation due to its small size which can ultimately cost saving.

Need of waste water treatment:

Effectively, wastewater treatment plants do as described; they treat the water that goes down our
drains before discharging it back into the environment. Regardless of the efforts that are being
made to install these plants worldwide, more is required. Water is one of our most important
resources and it’s being squandered. There are multiple ways to treat wastewater, and the better
the process, the higher the percentage that it can be reused before it gets dumped into the ocean.
The public has begun to stand up to oil companies about fracking and wastewater and the rules
are slowly changing, especially in terms of transparency and its effects on the environment. It’s a
good thing that the industry is under scrutiny as the more transparency that’s required by law, the

better. We need to raise the levels of expectation for oil companies, mines and the like as they’ve
been unregulated and sold to the highest bidder for too long.

Methods for waste water treatment:

In terms of wastewater treatment, nanotechnology is applicable in detection and removal of
various pollutants. Heavy metal pollution poses as a serious threat to environment because it is
toxic to living organisms, including humans, and not biodegradable.
Various methods such as Photo catalysis, Nanofiltration, Adsorption, and Electrochemical
oxidation involve the use of TiO2, ZnO, ceramic membranes, nanowire membranes, polymer
membranes, carbon nanotubes, submicron nanopowder, metal (oxides), magnetic nanoparticles,
nanostructure boron doped diamond are used to resolve or greatly diminish problems involving
water quality in natural environment

Mane used nanomaterial for reduction of COD from dairy waste water they use 10. 15, 20
mg/lit dose for waste water and it found that COD reduction was upto 90%.

Prachi1 concluded that nanotechnology should be cost effective and friendly with ease in
establishment and use. BCC research has concluded, in a report from 2011-12, that the total
market for emerging nanotechnology products used in water treatment, including nanosorbents,
will be only around €80 million in 2015.

Crane RA used nanoscale metallic iron tool for the treatment of contaminated water and soil.

 In this study an experimental work has been carried out to use of nanotechnology in
waste water treatment.
 To study different nanomaterial for treatment of waste water.
 To study mechanism of nanomaterial for treatment of waste water.
 Enhance water availability and reuse.
 To study Advanced materials and technologies to obtain drinking water from
unconventional sources and able to reuse and resource recovery.(e.g. Drinking water,
energy, Nutrients) from challenging wastewater.
 To study use of nano-tubes as filtering devices


As is the case with many other disciplines, applications of nanotechnology (for example, in

making steel and creating paintings) were in use centuries before the field was formally defined.
Early contributors to the field include James Clark Maxwell (Scottish physicist and
mathematician, 1831-1879) and Richard Adolf Zsigmondy (Austrian-German chemist, 1865-
1929).  Zsigmondy studied colloids (chemical mixtures where one substance is dispersed evenly
throughout another) and looked at gold sols and other nanomaterials.  Other important
contributors in the first half of the 20th century include Irvin Langmuir (American chemist and
physicist, 1881-1957) and Katherine B. Blodgett (American physicist, 1898-1910), the first
woman to get her Ph.D. studying Physics at the University of Cambridge.
The earliest systematic discussion of nanotechnology is considered to be a speech given by
Richard Feynman (American physicist, 1918-1988) in 1959. It was titled: "There's Plenty of
Room at the Bottom." In this speech Feynman discussed the importance "of manipulating and
controlling things on a small scale" and how they could "tell us much of great interest about the
strange phenomena that occur in complex situations." He described how physical phenomena
change their manifestation depending on scale, and posed two challenges: the creation of
a nanoomotor, and the scaling down of letters to the size that would allow the
whole Encyclopedia Britannica to fit on the head of a pin.
The term 'nanotechnology' was used first by the Japanese scientists Norio Taniguchi (1912-1999)
in a 1974 paper on production technology that creates objects and features on the order of a
nanometer.  The American engineer K. Eric Drexler (b. 1955) is credited with the development
of molecular nanotechnology, leading to nanosystems machinery manufacturing.
(Nanowerk Spotlight) Only 30% of all freshwater on the planet is not locked up in ice caps or
glaciers (not for much longer, though). Of that, some 20% is in areas too remote for humans to
access and of the remaining 80% about three-quarters comes at the wrong time and place - in
monsoons and floods - and is not always captured for use by people. The remainder is less than
0.08 of 1% of the total water on the planet (Source: World Water Council).
Expressed another way, if all the earth's freshwater were stored in a 5-liter container, available
fresh water would not quite fill a teaspoon. The problem is that we don't manage this teaspoon
very well. Currently, 600 million people face water scarcity. Depending on future rates of
population growth, between 2.7 billion and 3.2 billion people may be living in either water-
scarce or water-stressed conditions by 2025:

10 | P a g e
Ensuring reliable access to clean and affordable water is one of the greatest global challenges of
this century. As the world’s population increases, water pollution becomes more complex and
difficult to remove, and global climate change threatens to exacerbate water scarcity in many
areas, the magnitude of this challenge is rapidly increasing. Wastewater reuse is becoming a
common necessity, even as a source of potable water, but our separate wastewater collection and
water supply systems are not designed to accommodate this pressing need. Furthermore, the
aging centralized water and wastewater infrastructure in the developed world faces growing
demands to produce higher quality water using less energy and with lower treatment costs. In
addition, it is impractical to establish such massive systems in developing regions that currently
lack water and wastewater infrastructure. These challenges underscore the need for technological
innovation to transform the way we treat, distribute, use, and reuse water toward a distributed,
differential water treatment and reuse paradigm (i.e., treat water and wastewater locally only to
the required level dictated by the intended use).


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Nanosorbents: Very high & specific sorption capacity, used for organic cont5amination.

Carbon based nanosorbents, .CaptymerTM, Regenerable polymeric nanosorbent, Nanoclays,

Carbo-Iron, Nano networks

Nanocatalysts: It increases catalytic activity , it enhances the reactivity & degration of

contamination. E.g.Silver nonocatalyst, etc.

Nanostructured catalytis membranes:

Having high uniformity of catalytic sites, ease in industrial scale up.

Its function include decomposition of organic pollutants, inactivation of microorganism, physical

seperation of water contaminants.

Use nanostructured TiO2 film and membrane under UV and visible light irradiation.

Bioactive nanoparticles:e.g. Silver nanoparticle used to remove bacteria from water.

Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs):

It is used for detection & treatment of water pollutants at very low concentrations.


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1)Formation of nanoparticles suitable for the adsorption of arsenic and other large ions in the
treatment of drinking water

2)How filter works?

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The nano-tubes act as a kind of molecular filter, allowing smaller molecules (such as water)
to pass through the tubes, while contaminants are too large to pass through.
Due to their electronic configuration

Smaller ions that would otherwise pass through are also blocked.

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3) Removal of bacteria using nanotube filter:

1. The unfiltered water containing E. coli bacteria
2. The E. coli bacteria (marked by arrows) grown by the culture of the polluted water
3. The filtration experiment
4. The water filtered through nanotube filter
5. The filtrate after culture showing the absence of the bacterial


15 | P a g e
Nanotechnology have made great improvements for handling water contamination
problems and have eco-friendly approach.
Nanotechnology is cost effective and friendly with ease for use.

1. Crane R. A., Scott T. B., (2012), Nanoscale zero-valent iron: Future prospects for
an emerging watertreatment technology. J Hazard Mater, pp 211-212.

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2. Lee X. J., Foo L. P. Y., Tan K. W., Hassell D. G., Lee L. Y., (2012), Evaluation
of carbon-based nanosorbents synthesised by ethylene decomposition on stainless
steel substrates as potential
3. sequestrating materials for nickel ions in aqueous solution, Journal of
Environmental Sciences, 24(9), pp 1559–1568.
4. AquaNano, available at: www.captymer.com4. Dunwell Group, available at: Download
5. /NanoSorbents.pdf
6. Carrado K. A. and Komadel P, (2009), available at: /cgi /content/, 5(2), pp 111‐116.

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