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TEST I. Fill in the blanks.

A. Direction: Read each sentence carefully. Choose the correct words appropriate for each sentences.
Write your answers on the blank provided.

(affected, effected) 1. Until now his father is still ___________ for losing his job last year.
(complements, compliments) 2. I am flattered by your ________________.
(advised, adviced) 3. The patient was _____________ by her doctor to keep in shape.
(beside, besides) 4. Please sit _______________ your brother.

B. Directions: Choose from the box the correct words to be used in each sentence. Make sure that the
subject agrees with the verb. Write your answers in blanks provided.

1. That color _____________ your skin tone

2. ____________ my offer Ms. Gonzales
3. You can ask anything ___________ a brand new car.
4. ____________ are the boys.
5. ____________ spending the night over at our house.
6. The father told his son. “You will quit smoking _____________ you like it or not.”
7. Can you move __________?
8. ___________ bags are at the cabin.
9. To ____________ others people’s safety in the building, the owner hired a security guard.
10. The beautiful woman was flattered with the ______________ she was given.
11. Gamble and you’ll ____________ everything.
12. John wore a ______________ shirt for the camping.
13. I need not to explain ___________ why I choose to stay away from those stupid people.
14. Because of unpredictable ________________, the woman could not decide ____________ to
bring umbrella or not

TEST II. Matching type.

Direction: Match column A with column B. Find the synonyms/ meaning of each word. Write the letter of
the correct answer beside the number.

1. Chronic a. Declaration
2. Forsake b. replace
3. Misanthropy c. Lure
4. Melancholy d. Continual
5. Balm e. plead
6. Entice f. disharmony
7. Supplant g. Irrational fear
8. Cacophony h. Miserable
9. Decree i. Hatefulness for mankind
10. Phobia j. Disown
k. ointment


Direction: Answer the questions briefly (3-5 sentences).
1. What can you say about the speech of Severn Suzuki?
2. As a global citizen what can you do to support Suzuki’s appeal?

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