SAP BASIS - SU01 User ID Creation PDF

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SAP BASIS – SU01 Transaction

SAP BASIS – SU01 Transaction


Suraj Kumar

TCS Public
SAP BASIS – SU01 Transaction


SAP Basis is administration concept used in SAP and SAP System administration should be
aware of these concept for user administrations.

There are different transaction which is used in SAP Basis based on the company standard and
purpose for SAP usage in an organization; here I have explained a basic method of User ID
Creation in SAP using SU01 transaction.

In SAP we have different kinds of Transaction and these transactions are standard transaction
used by a SAP Basis administration.

Few standard transactions used in SAP are as follows:

• SU01 – User maintenance

• HRUSER – Setup and Maintain ESS Users.
• PP01 – Personal Management – Maintain Plan Data
• PA30 – Assignment of Roles and Users.
• RSUSR200 – Information System
• SE38 – ABAP Editor

Here in this document I have tried to explain SU01 transaction which is mainly used to User
maintenance and user administration. In this transaction we basically create User account
based on the Model ID’s, based on the designation of the user in the organization.

I have explained how a Basis System Administrator uses this transaction to create, edit and
maintain user information in SAP.

Just like Active Directory in Windows where we create User account to logon to Network, here
in this transaction we are creating user account to login to SAP.

After reading this document you should be able to understand following:

• User ID Creation.
• Assigning Roles.
• Unlocking User account in SAP
• Edit/Change a User ID SAP
• Password reset for SAP User account.
• Deletion of SAP account
• Creating a user account based on the model ID.

TCS Public
SAP BASIS – SU01 Transaction

User ID Creation in SAP (SU01 Transaction)

Step 1:

When you login to SAP, we will have a Menu as shown below with transaction name.

Step 2:

Double click on SU01 transaction

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SAP BASIS – SU01 Transaction
Step 3:

Type the Username you wish to create (Here the Example is “TestUser”) and click on Create
Icon as shown in the below figure.

Step 4:
Fill up the required filled which is Mandate; here I have filled following field.

• Title
• First Name
• Last Name
• Language
• Comm. Type

TCS Public
SAP BASIS – SU01 Transaction

Step 5:

On the same screen we have different tabs like Logon Data, SNC, Default, Parameters Roles
and Profiles.
Please fill in the initial password to login in Logon Data Tab as shown in the below picture.
Key Points to remember to specify a initial password in SAP.

• Password should not be the first 5 letters of the username.

• Password can be deactivated (Optional)
• System password can be generated. (Optional)

Step 6:

SNC Screen, you can enable SNC if it is active in Application Server.

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SAP BASIS – SU01 Transaction

Step 7:

Parameters Screen – This is an important screen where we have to define Parameter ID based
on the usage of SAP application in your organization. Each Parameter ID is pre-defined in the
SAP server and it defines the credentials limits of a user ID.

Below mentioned parameters ids are my company standards predefined parameters, please
consult your SAP Supervisor for more information on these parameters.

Step 8:

Roles Screen – This is a place were we can define a role based on the users designation in an
organization. The below mentioned role : C_STORE_MANGER_SF is the name of the role for a
Store manager in the retails industry.
The role varies from One Organization to another.

TCS Public
SAP BASIS – SU01 Transaction

Other tab Profiles, Group and Personalization are used as per the company standards.

After entering the information, press CTRL+S to save the Username in SAP, the following
screen is displayed with the confirmation that “User TESTUSER was saved”

TCS Public
SAP BASIS – SU01 Transaction

Other options in SU01 Transactions.

• Create User – Used to Create an User account in SAP

• Change/Edit – Used to edit/change an existing account in SAP
• Display/View – Used to view the properties and settings of an existing account.
• Delete User – Used to delete an account in SAP.
• Copy/Model on – Used to Copy and create an account based on the Model ID.
• Unlock User ID – Used to unlock User account in SAP if it is locked.
Password Reset – Used to reset the SAP username password, if user has forgotten.

TCS Public

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