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Individual Source Control


Input Parameters

Output Parameters
Vref = 1.0 pu
Aref = 0.0 deg
Pm Control ctrl
0 [kV] V F Ph 0 [°]


This component is part of the Model verification library to control multiple sources in a
network. The Individual Source Control sets the Voltage magnitude, Frequency and
Phase angle of an individual source according to the Global Source Control component. Comment [C1]: Hyper link required
The advantage of the Individual Source Control together with the Global Source Control
components is that once the network is constructed the user can easily switch between
different control modes without changing the input parameters of the different sources in
the network.

The Individual Source Control uses an integrator circuit to adjust the internal voltage (V)
and phase angle (Ph) of a source to match the reference voltage (Vref) and phase angle
(Pref) on an external busbar. The reference voltage and phase angle comes from a
previously solved loadflow.

1.0 B
Vref P
3 Phase Vm + V
Vbus RMS D - * *
SH 400.0
Vbus 10.0 B
Phase Pm + 1 Ph
- *
Difference D sT

Vref SH
The Individual Source Control component can be operated in four different modes as
controlled by the Global Source Control component: Comment [C2]: Hyper link required

• Frequency scan: The source voltage and phase angle are set to V = 0.0 pu and Ph
= 0.0 deg.
• Fault level: The source voltage and phase angle are set to V = 1.0 pu and Ph =
0.0 deg.
• Load flow: The source voltage and phase angle are controlled by their individual
integrators as shown above.
• Fixed values: The source voltage and phase angle are set according to values
from a list that are entered by the user.

More: Global Source Control Comment [C3]: Hyper link required

Input Parameters

Nominal Voltage REAL Constant Enter the nominal Line-to-Line RMS

for Per-Unitizing voltage that will be used for per-unit
(kV,LL,rms) calculations [kV].

# of samples in a INTEGER Constant Number of samples needed for voltage

cycle for voltage measurement. The Digital RMS Volt
Per-Unitizing Meter function is used to measure the
voltage. A typical value is 64.

Source frequency REAL Constant The source and measurement

frequency [Hz].

Initial Voltage for REAL Constant The initial expected voltage needed
Per-Unitizing for voltage measurement. The Digital
RMS Volt Meter function is used to
measure the voltage. A typical value
is 0.0.

Control input Text The name of the variable that contains

variable name the array of 7 values given by the
Global Source Control.

Source voltage REAL Constant The time that the source needs to ramp
ramp up time up in [s]. A linear ramp is used.
Typical value for a 50Hz network is
0.06[s] and for a 60Hz network is

Display input Drop List Enabled the display of the reference

values voltage and phase values. NO/YES

Display output Drop List Enabled the display of the voltage and
values phase output values. NO/YES

Display refresh Real Constant Enabled when input or output display

rate values are visible. This value
specifies at which rate the input and
output display values will be refreshed

Connected to a Drop List 3 phase or 1 line view.

node loop with


Reference REAL Constant The reference voltage that the voltage

voltage controller will use to solve the load flow [pu].
(scaled) This value is scaled according to the Voltage
scaling factor in the Global Source Control. Comment [C4]: Hyper link required

Voltage REAL Constant Proportional constant of the PI controller that

proportional the voltage controller uses to solve the
constant loadflow.

Voltage REAL Constant Integrator time constant of the PI controller

integration that the voltage controller uses to solve the
loadflow [s].

Initial voltage REAL Constant Initial voltage output value of the PI controller
output before it starts to integrate when it is released
to solve the loadflow [pu or kV].

Initial voltage Drop The initial voltage output can be entered in

units List [pu] or [kV]

Voltage REAL Constant The voltage display value is the output of the
display value voltage controller and is updated during the
run. At the end of the run this value can be
copied to the initial voltage output value to
speed up the initialization of the next run.
Once steady state is reached this value can be
stored in the fixed value list for future use [pu
or kV].

Reference REAL Constant The reference phase angle that the phase
Angle controller will use to solve the load flow [deg].

Phase REAL Constant Integrator time constant that the phase

integration controller uses to solve the loadflow [s].

Initial phase REAL Constant Initial phase angle output value of the phase
output controller before it starts to integrate when it is
released to solve the loadflow [deg].

Phase display REAL Constant The phase angle display value is the output of
value the phase controller and is updated during the
run. At the end of the run this value can be
copied to the initial phase, output value to
speed up the initialization of the next run.
Once steady state is reached this value can be
stored in the fixed value list for future use

Fixed values

Fixed REAL Constant Up to three voltage values can be entered. In

Voltage #1 to fixed value mode the selected values set will be
3 (check applied to the voltage output. The value will be
Vunit) applied according to the Initial voltage unit as
selected above.

Fixed Angle REAL Constant Up to three phase values can be entered. In

#1 to 3 fixed value mode the selected values set will be
applied to the phase output.

Output Parameters

Vm – The measured bus voltage [pu].

Pm – The measured bus phase angle [deg].
V – The L-L rms source voltage [kV].
F – The source frequency [Hz].
Ph - The source phase angle [deg].
Global Source Control

Input Parameters

Output Parameters

Global Source Control Global Source Control Global Source Control

Mode = 0 Freq scan Mode = 2 Load Flow Mode = 3 Fixed values
Frequency = 50 [Hz] 6 Frequency = 50 [Hz] 6 Frequency = 50 [Hz] 6
Voltage = 0 pu, 0 deg Voltage = 1 [pu] Value set #1 : 1.0pu
Time to enable = 0.2 [s]
Time to lock = 0.8 [s]

This component is part of the Model verification library to control multiple sources in a
network. The Global Source Control sets the operating mode and values of the
Individual Source Control components. The advantage of the Global Source Control Comment [C1]: Hyper link required
component is that once the network is constructed the user can easily switch between
different control modes without changing the input parameters of the different sources in
the network.

There are four modes that control the output of the sources that are connected to the
Individual Source Control components: Comment [C2]: Hyper link required

• Frequency scan: When the Harmonic Current Injection component is used to Comment [C3]: Hyper link required
determine the harmonic frequency of the network it requires that all other voltage
sources are removed from the network, but there source impedance must remain
in circuit. This is achieved by setting the source voltage to zero.
• Fault level: The fault level in a network is defined with all sources set to have a
magnitude of 1 pu and a phase angle of 0 deg.
• Load flow: The Global Source Control component allows the Individual Source
Controls to set the internal source voltage and phase of the individual sources to
match the required busbar voltage and angles. The individual sources are locked
at the start of the run until the voltage settled. Where after the individual source
controls are allowed to integrate to preset voltage and angle values to match a
specific loadflow. Once the loadflow has reached steady state the individual
integrators are locked again to allow fault studies.
• Fixed values: The load flow mode can be used to solve the voltage and phase
angles for different loadflows or at different voltages. The steady state values can
be entered as initial values to speed up the startup process of the next run. Up to
three sets of initial values can be stored. The fixed values mode is used to select
between the different values.

More: Individual Source Control Comment [C4]: Hyper link required

Input Parameters

Control mode Button Select the required individual source

List control mode.

Frequency REAL Constant Frequency of the reference signal for

phase comparison [Hz].

Time to enable REAL Constant Enabled in Load Flow mode. Time to

integrators enable Load Flow integrators [s].

Time to lock REAL Constant Enabled in Load Flow mode. Time to

integrators lock Load Flow integrators [s].

Voltage scaling REAL Constant Enabled in Load Flow mode. A voltage

scaling factor that is applied to all the
individual sources [pu].

Fixed value set # Drop Enabled in Fixed mode. Select which of

List the three fixed value modes is active.

Description for Text Up to three descriptions can be given to

fixed value set #1 identify the different fixed value sets.
to 3 This description is only used for display

Output Parameters

The output is an array of 7 values, with the following description:

(1) VsyncA - A per unit sine wave that gets updated every time step. This is used as a
synchronising signal for the Individual Source Controllers to use as a reference for the
phase angle.
(2) VsyncB - A per unit sine wave, phase shifted -120 deg from the first reference signal,
and gets updated every time step.
(3) VsyncC - A per unit sine wave, phase shifted +120 deg from the first reference signal,
and gets updated every time step.
(4) SH - In mode 2 and this signal is HIGH it allows the integrators to run free.
(5) Mode - The required mode.
(6) Vscale - In mode 2 (load flow) this signal contains the voltage scaling factor and in
mode 3 (fixed value set) this signal contains the fixed value set number.
Three phase voltage measurement with

Input Parameters

Output Parameters
400.0 [kV]
1.0 [pu]
0.0 [°]

The Three phase voltage measurement component is placed at the top of a busbar to
measure the rms voltage magnitude and phase angle. The measured values are updated
during the run. The yellow block displays the busbar name and nominal voltage. The
phase angle can be synchronized to an external or internal reference signal.


Input Parameters

Description TEXT Enter a description to be displayed in the

yellow block.

Enable Drop Select YES to enable the measurement

measurements List algorithm. If NO is selected the
component display only the description
and nominal voltage.

Nominal Voltage REAL Constant Nominal voltage for display and per-
for Per-Unitizing unitizing [kV L-L rms].
Fundamental REAL Constant Fundamental frequency is used to
Frequency calculate the voltage magnitude and angle

# of samples in a REAL Constant Number of samples per cycle that are used
cycle to calculate the voltage magnitude.

Initial Voltage (L- REAL Constant Initial voltage magnitude used for voltage
L, RMS) magnitude measurement [kV L-L rms].

Enable Voltage Drop Enable the voltage magnitude display.

display List

Display voltage REAL Constant The voltage magnitude display value is

updated during the run according to the
Display interval.

Enable Angle Drop Enable the voltage angle display.

display List

Display angle REAL The voltage phase angle display value is

updated during the run according to the
Display interval.

Synchronisation Drop The voltage phase angle can be referenced

source for angle List to an external source like the Global
calc Source Control component or internally. Comment [C1]: Requires Hyper Link
If external source is selected, an array
variable with a dimension of 3 is needed
to be specified in Voltage sync variable
name. The variable requires 3 sinusoidal
waves that are 120 degrees phase shifted.
If internal source is selected the 3
sinusoidal waves are generated internally
and start at zero degrees at time zero.

Display interval REAL The interval at which the display is

for voltage updated. By increasing the display
interval the simulation runs faster. A
typical value is once per cycle [s].

Enable output Drop Enable the voltage and phase angle

List output.

Connected to a Drop The component can be connected to a 3

node loop with List phase view or single line view node.
Output Parameters

V – The measured bus voltage [pu].

A – The measured bus phase angle [deg].
Fault current

Input Parameters

Output Parameters
Fault Current
ID 2
13.22 [kA] 3
-54 [deg]

This component is part of the Model verification library. It determines the fault current at
a busbar. The Fault Current component incorporates three breakers to ground that can be
controlled individually to calculate the 3-phase or 1-phase fault current magnitude and
angle. The 3-phase magnitude is calculated as the positive sequence value.

The component can be incorporated together with a multiple run to measure the fault
current at numerous busbars.


Input Parameters

Fault INTEGER Constant Enter a number to identify the fault. This

number can be a busbar number.

Fault INTEGER Variable The Fault Current component is active if

location this value corresponds to the Fault location
variable ID. Can be a variable when used with a
multiple run with more than one Fault
Current component in the network.
Fault Drop List Select a number that will act as the location
location ID ID from the list.

Fault type INTEGER Variable The type of fault to apply. Can be a

variable variable when used with a multiple run with
(0,1,2,3,7) more than one Fault Current component in
the network.
0 – No fault
1 – A-phase to ground
2 – B-phase to ground
3 – C-phase to ground
7 – ABC-phases to ground

Fault REAL Constant Fault on resistance in [ohm].


Open REAL Constant Fault off resistance in [ohm].


Display fault REAL The display fault current is the measured

current fault current magnitude output and is
(RMS) updated once every half a cycle during the
run [kA].

Frequency REAL Constant Base frequency used for angle calculations.

Display fault REAL The display fault current angle is the

current angle measured fault current angle output and is
updated once every half a cycle during the
run [deg].

Animation The animation state is used to display if the

state ABC A, B or C phase is faulted.

Output Parameters

The output is an array of 3 values, with the following description:

(1) Location – The value of Fault number.
(2) Current – The value of Display fault current (RMS) [kA].
(3) Angle – The value of Display fault current angle [deg].
Power flow

Input Parameters

Output Parameters
10 [MW] 10 [MW]
10 [MVAR] 10 [MVAr]

5 [MW] 10 [MW] 5 [MW] 5 [MW]

15 [MVAR] 10 [MVAr] 5 [MVAR] 5 [MVAr]
P1 Q1 P2 Q2

The Power Flow component is part of the Model verification library to display the power
flow in a network. Target power flow values and a margin can be entered to allow the
component to change the color of the back ground. If the values are with in the margin,
the background is white. The background is red if the value is higher and green if it is
lower than the target values. By setting the target values to zero disable the comparison
for that measurement, but the measurement display is still active.

The Power Flow component inserts 0.001 ohm resisters between the FROM nodes and
the TO nodes to measure the power flow. The component can be used in a 3-phase
system or a 6-phase system or a combination of 3 and 6-phases. Example a 6-phase
double circuit line can be connected to a 3-phase busbar, using the Power Flow

More: Real/Reactive power meter

Input Parameters

Display interval REAL The interval at which the display is updated. By

increasing the display interval the simulation
runs faster. A typical value is once per cycle [s].

Display Real REAL The measured real power value is updated during
Power the run according to the Display interval [MW].
Connection Drop List The power flow can be measured where the
nodes FROM nodes and TO nodes are connected as
FROM = 3, TO = 3
FROM = 3, TO = 6
FROM = 6, TO = 6

Display Reactive REAL The measured reactive power value is updated

Power during the run according to the Display interval

Smoothing Time REAL Used for calculating the real and reactive power
Constant [s].

Target Real REAL Target real power, obtained from a power flow
Power [MW].

Target Reactive REAL Target reactive power, obtained from a power

Power flow [MVAr].

Margin REAL The allowable margin around the target power to

determine the change in background color [pu].

Real Power INTEGER Updated during the run to change the

outside Margin background color of the real power.

Reactive Power INTEGER Updated during the run to change the

outside Margin background color of the reactive power.

Enable P&Q Drop List Enable the real and reactive power outputs.

Output Parameters

P – The measured real power [MW].

Q – The measured reactive power [MVAr].

Input Parameters

Output Parameters
R 0.00999900009999 [ohm]
LC 0.00318278058378 [H/uF]
1.0 [MW] 0.0008 [H] 0.01 [MW]
0.95 [pu] -1.0 [MVAR] 1.0 [MVAR]

The Load component is part of the Model verification library and model a constant
impedance RLC branch connected to ground. The component has the functionality to use
different input values to calculate the RLC values.


Input Parameters

Description Text A description that can be displayed.


(P,pf) or (S,pf) or Radio Allow the user to select between different forms
(P,Q) or Cap type Buttons of available data. The user can select between:
load? Real power and power factor,
Apparent power and power factor,
Real and Reactive power,
Capacitor bank with inrush reactor.

Connected to a Drop Selection is made to the type of node loop the

node loop with List component is connected to:
3 phase view,
single line view.

Icon Drop Different Icons can be displayed:

List Load, Inductor, Capacitor or Other
Display R and L Radio The calculated R and L or C values can be
or C values Buttons displayed in ohms and H or uF.

Display resistance REAL The displayed resistance [ohm].


Display REAL The displayed inductance or capacitance [H or

impedance value uF].

Enable (Disable = Radio The complete component can be switched out of

show graphics, no Buttons circuit while the graphics stay in the network.
electrics) This allows the component to remain in the file
without taking part in the mathematical solution.


Base Voltage REAL Constant The voltage base that are used for the
(L-L rms) impedance calculations [kV L-L rms].

Base REAL Constant The frequency base that are used for the
frequency inductance or capacitance calculations [Hz].

Apparent REAL Constant The apparent power that are used for the
Power (3-ph) impedance calculations [MVA 3-ph].

Real Power REAL Constant The real power that are used for the
(3-ph) impedance calculations [MW 3-ph].

Power factor REAL Constant The power factor that are used for the
impedance calculations [pu].

Imaginary REAL Constant The reactive power that are used for the
power (3-ph) impedance calculations [MVAr 3-ph].
(+Ind, -Cap)

Inrush reactor REAL Constant The inrush reactor when the Capacitor type
load is selected [H].

Type of Radio Direct scaling of the load can be applied for

scaling Buttons example when only 50% of the load is
required. Or, (1/Scale^2) can be applied
when the load value is available at a
different voltage than the base value for
example at 1.05 pu voltage.
Scaling factor REAL The load scaling value that will be applied
according to Type of scaling [pu].

Internal outputs

Current A,B,C phase REAL The A, B and C phase current values [kA].

Output Parameters
Display value

Input Parameters

Output Parameters

variable variable @t=0.5 [sec]

0 pu 0 pu

The Display Value component is part of the Model verification library. It dynamically
display the value of a variable on the component graphic. The value is updated
continuously or only once during the run. When the value is updated only once it can be
used as a sample and hold feature. If more than one Display Value component is
connected to the same variable with different sample and hold times, the value before and
after an event can be seen at the end of the run. For example, the power flow before and
after a fault on the network can be displayed.

The variable name and units are only for display purposes and can be omitted.


Input Parameters

Description(optional) Text A description can be added to be displayed on

top of the component.

Display interval REAL The interval at which the display is updated

[s]. By increasing the display interval the
simulation runs faster. The value is updated
independently from the simulation Plot Step.

Display update time Radio Allow the user to Hide or Display the update
Buttons time value.

Type of display Radio Repeat - allows the value to be updated

update Buttons incrementally according to the Display
Once - updates the value only once during the

Display value REAL The measured value is updated during the run
according to the Display interval and Type
of display update.

Scaling factor REAL A scaling factor can be applied to the display

value [pu].

Units (optional) Text A description for the units of the value being
measured can be added.

Output Parameters
6 to 3-Phase Splitter / Connector

Input Parameters

The phase split component can be used to split a six-dimensional, electrical signal into
two separate three-dimension electrical signals or connect them to a single three-
dimensional electrical signal.

The image below illustrates this components use:

P+jQ P+jQ


3 phase Source 6 phase line 2 x3 phase loads

NOTE: The blue box symbol on this component indicates the first three-dimensional
array output (i.e. 1, 2 and 3 of 6).

More: Valid Connections

Input Parameters

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