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English language
Class – VIII

(Adverb Clauses)

*Note : The subject is what (or whom) the sentence is about, while
the predicate tells something about the subject.

Definition : A clause is a group of words that contains both a

subject and a predicate but cannot always be considered as a
full grammatical sentence.

Clauses can be categorised into three parts:

 Adverb Clause
 Adjective Clause
 Noun Clause

So, let’s start with Adverb Clause.

 Definition of Adverb Clause.

 An adverb clause is a group of words that
function as an adverb in a sentence. The
clause can modify or describe verbs, adverbs,
and adjectives. In general, adverb clauses that
elaborates on when, where, why, how, how
much or under what condition the action in the
sentence takes place.

An adverb clause isn’t just any group of words,

however. A clause must contain a subject and
a verb to be complete. An adverb clause also
begins with a subordinating conjunction, such
as “after,” “if,” “because” and “although.”

( If you see a group of words in a sentence

that acts like an adverb but does not have
both a subject and a verb, it’s an adverb
phrase. )

We can also say that an adverb clause is a

dependent clause
that describes a verb, an adjective, or an
adverb. An adverb
clause tells when, where, how, why, to what
extent, or
under what conditions something happened.

 We will not have school today because it

snowed last night.
 Until it stops raining, we will stay inside.
 When your father gets here, we will go.

As mentioned earlier, an adverb clause begins with

subordinating conjunction.

after even though that

although how though
as if unless
as if in order that until
as far as once when
as long as provided (that) whenever
as soon as rather than where
as though since wherever
because so long as whether
before so (that) while
even if than why

 We will not have school today because it snowed

last night.
 Until it stops raining, we will stay inside.
 When your father gets here, we will go.

 Using Adverb Clauses.

 Using an adverb clause in a sentence is a
good way to add important, descriptive detail
and information to your writing. They are
flexible and can be placed at the beginning,
middle or end of a sentence, depending on
where it sounds best.

 Adverb Clause at the beginning of

a sentence.

When placed at the beginning of a

sentence, an adverb clause is followed by
a comma, as seen in these examples of
adverb clauses:

1. Whether you like it or not, you have to go

to bed now.
2. If you pay your bills on time, you can have
a good credit score.
3. Unless you run fast, you will miss the bus.
4. Although she has a business degree, she
is working as a retail clerk.
5. Before we go on vacation, we must make
6. Unless you put in more hours, I cannot
recommend you for the promotion.
7. As soon as I saw you, I knew something
was wrong.

 Adverb Clause in the middle of a


When placed in the middle of a sentence,

an adverb clause is offset by commas.

1. My sister, when she is angry, will turn red

in face.

2. Elephants, although they are large, are

not predators.

3. Chocolate, because it has a low melting

point can be difficult to bake with.

 Adverb Clause at the end of a


When placed at the end of the sentence,

an adverb clause needs no additional

1. You must keep practicing the song until

you get it right.
2. Give us a call when you get back from
your trip.

3. We need to find the bar where they are

asked to wait.

4. We can swim in the pool as soon as you

put on sunscreen.

5. I never knew how wonderful life could be

until I met you.

6. You need to remain calm even if everyone

else panics.

Now let’s begin with the exercises.

(High School English Grammar & Composition – Wren
& Martin)


 Pick out the Adverb Clauses in the following sentences.

1. You may sit wherever you like.

2. He fled where his pursuers could not follow.

3. He behaves as one might expect him to do.

4. Because you have done this I shall punish you.

5. As he was not there, I spoke to his brother.

6. If you eat too much you will be ill.

7. He finished first though he began late.

8. Will you wait till I return?

9. Just as he entered the room the clock struck.

10. They went where living was easy.

11. He does not always speak as he thinks.
12. Take a lamp because the night is dark.
13. I do it because I choose to.
14. If I make a promise I keep it.
15. You will pass if you work hard.
16. He advanced as far as he dared.
17. I forgive you since you repent.
18. I shall remain where I am.
19. We shall wait here until you come.
20. When I was younger, I thought so.
21. It was so dark that you could not see your hand.
22. Whenever one goes, one hears the same story.
23. If you do not hurry you will miss the train.
24. Since you have already decided, why do you ask
my opinion?

 Supply suitable Adverb Clauses. ( One has been done for


1. Do not go “anywhere unless you are safe.”

2. He is not so clever ___________________________ .
3. I was so hurried _____________________________ .
4. He ran so fast ____________________________ .
5. He always does ___________________________ .
6. He spoke so low ___________________________ .
7. I shall do nothing __________________________ .
8. Fools rush in ____________________________ .
9. Nobody likes him __________________________ .
10. He will succeed __________________________ .
11. Make hay ____________________________ .
12. He is so busy __________________________ .
13. Do not come __________________________ .
14. The boy went out to play
_____________________________ .
15. He does ____________________________ .
16. He always comes __________________________ .
17. He did _________________________ .
18. She sings exactly ____________________________ .
19. The earth is larger ____________________________ .
20. He cannot see _______________________________ .
21. Do you work well ____________________________ .
22. I found my books _______________________________ .
23. I will not go out ________________________________ .
24. We shall miss the train __________________________ .

( Prepared by - Arpan Chakraborty )

*Please note. This assignment must be done in the classwork



Chapter – 1 The New House
Read the chapter 2 times. Write the following questions and answers in the copy and
Quick answer: ( page 20)
1 a) i b) ii c) iii d) iii e ) ii

Reference to context. (Answer) page no 21

2. a) Bruno had been at the house, only a few hours, before he decided that the move was a
bad idea.
b) Bruno said these lines to his mother.
c) The mother replied that we have to make the best of a bad situation.
3. a) Maria was the house maid, who had come with Bruno, all the way from Berlin.
b) Bruno wanted to know
i) what Maria felt about moving to the new house.
ii) Whether she liked it and whether she thought it was a mistake.
c) Maria answered indirectly and said
i) she was not in a position to answer that question.
ii) Bruno should understand the nature of his father’s job.
4. a) Bruno was looking around the room, to see, if he could find anything interesting.
b) Bruno had seen a window, that stretched down into the wall, in the corner of the room
opposite the door.
c) Bruno hoped
i) He might be able to see all way back to Berlin.
ii) He might be able to see his old house and the streets around.
iii) He might be able to see the people and his friends.
5. Bruno’s mother is not very happy about the move, because
i) she says, take things as they come and there is no choice, due to yours father’s job.
ii) She says that you should make the best of a bad situation.
6. Bruno thought that Maria did not have her priorities right because
i) when Bruno walked into his room, he finds all his clothes scattered on the bed.
ii) The boxes of toys and books not even unpacked.
7. Bruno felt he was about to cry, even though he was with his family because
i) He missed his old home in Berlin
ii) He missed all his friends and memories, that he had collected there.
iii) The new house appeared so desolate and lonely.
iv) He thought he may not have friends in the new house.
8. Bruno missed a lot of things from his old house and they are,
i) He missed the sights and smells of the market.
ii) He missed the people and his friends.
iii) He missed the warmth and laughter that seem to exist there.
The feelings moving to the new house are
i) He has no friends here.
ii) He did not like the new place because it appeared cold and lonely.
iii) He had no people and friends that he could interact with.

9. Write your own answer.

10. Comparison :
i) Bruno’s old house in Berlin, had many neighboring houses where as the new house had no
ii) He had many friends in his old house but in the new house he has none
iii)The old house was very big, but the new house is not that big.

Mr. S Santiago

Q1. Name the following;
a. Typically non green underground part of the plant ,well suited to absorb water from
the soil.
b. Fine outgrows from lateral roots.
c. Draw a labelled diagram of the Tap root system.

Q1. Complete the table;
a. Define;
b. Role;
Q2. Differentiate between ;
a. Permeable and Impermeable membrane.
b. Semi permeable and Selectively permeable membrane.
c. Endosmosis and Exosmosis.
d. Plasmolysis and Deplasmolysis.

Q1. What is ascent of sap or conduction?
Q2. Explain the various forces responsible for rise of cell sap.
Q1. Define the term transpiration.
Q2. Write down the factors which control transpiration.
Q3. What is the significance for transpiration?
Q4. Why is transpiration regarded as a necessary evil?
Note- (Students are required to do the assignment in their classwork notebooks)

Name of the teacher – Mrs.Sagarika Choudhury.

ASSIGNMENT ( Chapter 2)

Do the following questions in your classwork notebook.

Q1.Define the following:-

b. Population Density
c.Population Growth
d.Birth rate
e.Death rate

Q2.Draw a chart to show the factors affecting the distribution of population?

Q3.Name four areas in the world which are densely populated and sparsely populated

Q4.Explain how relief features and climate affect the distribution of population of an area in

Q5.Write a short note on composition of population?


Class:VIII History.
Chapter 1.Write the answer in your History copy.
A. Circle the correct answers.
1.British 2.rationalists. 3.Martin Luther.4 Lancashire. 5.capitalists
6.increase efforts
B.write true or false.
1. False 2false 3.true 4.true5.false.6true 7true 8.false.
C.Answer the following.
1. Who were the Protestants?
People who spoke out against the corrupt practices of the Catholic
Church in Europe were called Protestants. They were associated with
Reformation movement.
2. What does Renaissance means?
Refer New words. page10.
3What is capitalism?
Refer page 11
4. What is Imperialism?
Refer page 11.
5Distinguish between primary and secondary sources.
Refer page 5.
6. Name two explorers.
Vasco da gama. Christopher Columbus.
7.Name two instruments that made sailing at sea safer.
Astrolabe. Mariner’s compass.
8.Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?
-- abundant supply of coal and iron.
-- Stable government.
-- abolition of bondage labour.
9.Mention the meaning of Industrial Revolution.
It means a series of changes that brought about a transition
from production by hand to production by machine.
10.Name the new social classes.
-- Factory owners and
-- Workers

Class:- 8 Subject:-. PHYSICS Chapter:- 1 Kinetic Theory of Matter

1. Particle Nature of Matter:-
Matter:- Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.
Matter is composed of elements.
Element:- A substance consisting entirely of atoms of same atomic number.
An element is a substance which cannot be subdivided into two or more simpler
substance by any chemical means.
Atom:- Atom is defined as smallest unit of an element which may or may not have
independent existence but always takes part in a chemical reaction.
Molecules:- Molecules is defined as the smallest unit of matter which has an
independent existence and can retain complete physical and chemical properties of the
matter .
When two or more atom of same kind combine they form molecule .


The kinetic Theory of matter is based upon the following assumption (meaning of
assumption – something that is taken as truth without proof) :-
i) Matter consist of molecules :- Matter is made up of small particle called molecules.
ii) The molecules are always in random motion:- The molecules move rapidly in all
possible direction with all possible velocity.
iii) The molecules attract one another with a force which decrease distance between
them increases.

a)Force of cohesion :- It is force of attraction between the molecules of

same substance.
b) Force of adhesion:- It is force of attraction between molecules of two
different substance.
iv) Molecules of a given substance are all alike and differ from the molecules of
other substance.
v) The kinetic energy of the molecules depends upon the temp. It increases with the
rise in temperature.
________________________ Write it in homework note book and learn it .

1 ) Answer these questions:-

a) What Is force of adhesion?
b) What is force of cohesion?
c) What are the assumption

of the kinetic Theory of

matter ?
2) Define following:-
a) Element b) Matter c) Atom
d) Molecule e) Force of adhesion
f) Force of cohesion
Write the answer in homework copy.
 Matter can exist in three
Different state- solid , liquid and
a) Solid:- A solid has definite shape
And size . According to kinetic
theory of matter the molecules are
held close together in a solid body,
therefore they exert very large
attractive force on each other.
This explains as to why a solid has
a definite shape and a definite size
and volume.
b) Liquids:- A liquid has a definite size
or volume but no shape of it’s own .
According to kinetic Theory,
molecules of a liquid are farther apart
from each other than molecules of
solid. The molecules do attract but
with force lesser than that of solid.
Therefore molecules of a liquid
doesn’t have definite shape.
c) Gases :- A gas doesn’t have neither definite
shape nor definite volume. According to kinetic
theory of matter , a gas has molecules at a
a very large distance from each other , very much
larger than in solid and liquid. So intermolecular
force of attraction diminishes to almost zero.
That is why gases does not have definite shape
i) Solid:- In solid particle have less energy
and are tightly packed together and
particle do not move very much. Solids
have a definite shape and volume.

ii) Liquids:- In a liquid, particle have more

energy and are tightly packed and
can move freely. Liquids have definite
volume but no definite shape.
III). Gases :- The particle in a gas have the most energy
and are free to move around and so spread out
rapidly. Gases don’t have a definite shape or volume
and expand to fill the entire container.
Write answer of given questions:-
1) State one property of a liquid that solid doesn’t
2) Name three states of matter.
3) On the basis of Kinetic theory of matter,
a) Why solid have a definite volume and
definite shape ?
b) Why the liquid have a definite volume
and no definite shape ?
c) Why gases have no definite volume and
no definite shape?

Write question and answer with notes in. homework


Mr. Sanjeev Kumar 10/04/2020

Std: 8 Sub: Computer Teacher: Ms Reshmi Banerjee
Chapter 1
Operating System (OS) Graphical User Interface(GUI):Role and Function
Synopsis of the Chapter:
This chapter focuses on Role and Function of an Operation System.
An operating System: An operating System is machine dependent and can execute several
jobs at a time on the same machine. It is an integrated set of programs that manages various
resources and the overall operations of a computer system. It is designed to support the
various activities of the computer system in a systematic way.
Various terms used to describe the operating System are Executive, Supervisor, Controller
and Master Control Program.
Need of an operating System:
It coordinates different hardware and software components of a computer system.
It supervises the various activities of a computer system.
It helps in smooth function of the peripherals
Function of an Operating System
1. Booting the computer
2. Loading the program in the memory
3. Managing resources (hardware and software)
4. Detecting and Correcting errors
5. Ensuring data security
6. Maintaining the internal clock of the system
Modes of Operating System
1. Batch Processing- Batch Processing is the process by which a computer completes batches
of jobs, often simultaneously, in nonstop, sequential order. It’s also a command that ensures
large jobs are computed in small parts for efficiency during the debugging process.
2. Multiprogramming- A computer running more than one program at a time.
3. Multiprocessing- A computer using more than one CPU at a time.
Classification of Operating System
Single –user Operating System
Multi-user Operating System
Read chapter-1 thoroughly from page no 1 to 9(multi user operating system) and answer the
following questions in your computer copy.
Q1. Why do we need operating system?
Q2. What is an operating system?
Q3. What are the functions of operating system?
Q4. Define:
a) Batch processing b) Multi Programming c) Time Sharing d) Multi processing
Q5. Differentiate between Multi Programming and Multi processing.
Q6. Define:
a) Single user operating system b) Multi user operating system
Q7. Differentiate between Single user operating system and Multi user operating system.

Teacher: Ms Reshmi Banerjee

Std-VIII, Date-13/04/2020 Teacher- Aditi Bera

Assignment-1 (Chemistry)

Chapter-1: Matter
Important points to remember

1. Matter (solid, liquid and gas) is made up of molecules.

2. Since the molecules of matter are in motion, so they posses kinetic energy.
3. But this kinetic energy differs from state to state.
a) In solid, the molecules have strong intermolecular forces of attraction. So they are
closely packed. Hence the molecules can only vibrate about their mean position.
Thus, the molecules of solid has the least kinetic energy.
b) In liquids, the molecules have a little less force of attraction than solids. Hence, the
molecules have greater kinetic energy than solids with which they can move freely
within the liquid. However, the molecules cannot escape from the liquid, so they
have a fixed volume.
c) In gases the molecules have the least force of attraction and highest kinetic energy.
This allows them to travel to large distance and occupy the whole space. Thus they
neither have fixed shape or volume.
4. Please note : The law of conservation of mass given on page 10. Based on the law of
conservation of mass, the following example is shown below:-
2H2 + O2------> 2H2O

According to the law of conservation of mass, total mass of reactants on LHS= total mass of
product on RHS.
Total mass of reactants in the above equation= mass of 2 molecules of hydrogen+ mass of
one molecule of oxygen = 2 (1amu x 2) + (16amu x 2) = 36amu

Total mass of product = mass 0f 2 molecules of water

=2 (1amu x 2 + 16amu x 1) = 36amu

Where atomic mass of Hydrogen= 1amu and atomic mass of Oxygen=16amu

Thus the above equation obeys the law of conservation of mass.

Students, please refer to the above and chapter 1 to solve the following questions in your chemistry

Q.1) Describe the arrangement of molecules in solids, liquids and gases with the help of a simple

Q.2) Arrange the 3 states of matter on the following basis:

a) Increasing Intermolecular force of attraction.

b) Decreasing kinetic energy.
c) Increasing intermolecular space.
Q.3) State the law of conservation of mass.

Write the balanced equation to show the complete combustion of carbon and prove that it obeys
the above law. (Atomic mass of C= 12amu, O=16amu)

Q.4) Give reason for the following:-

a) Solids have definite shape and volume.

b) Gases can be compressed.
c) Liquids do not have a fixed shape but have a fixed volume.
d) Gases can flow.
e) A chemical equation should be always balanced.
Teacher- Aditi Bera
Ms. Mousumi Banerjee

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