Facts at Your Fingertips-200708-Materials of Construction

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Materials of

Department Editor: Rita L. D'Aquino
LOW-TEMPERATURE esters are present in high concentrations. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF VARIOUS
FRP pipe [3]. Composite fiberglass-rein- MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION [4]
forced plastic (FRP) pipe has been replac- Material Thermal conduc-
ing conventional pipe material, such as tivity, W/(m)(K)
One key engineering consideration is the Carbon Steel (CS) 60.59
choice of materials of construction for frigid steel and concrete, in numerous applica-
tions because of its corrosion resistance, SS 304 40.71
applications. Nickel-chromium (Ni-Cr) type SS 316 14.23
stainless steels are notably versatile at low or low design weight (25% of concrete pipe
and 10% of steel pipe), high fatigue en- SS 316 L 14.23
cryogenic temperatures. They offer a combi- Hastelloy B2 9.12
nation of high impact strength (IS) and corro- durance, and adaptability to numerous
sion resistance. In the austenitic phase, with composite blends (Table 5, Ref. 3) and Hastelloy C2 10.21
manufacturing methods. FRP pipe may Tantalum2 57.5
face-centered-cubic crystals, the combination
of Cr and Ni in the material improves IS and be divided into two broad categories: Titanium2 21.67

toughness down to temperatures as low as gravity pipe (dia. from 8 to 144 in.) and Zirconium2 20.77

–250°C. For good IS at temperatures down pressure pipe (dia. from 1 to 16 in.). It is Graphite 121.15

to –45°C, C-Mn-Si steels are recommended. not unusual to see FRP pressure pipe han- Hexoloy 125.65

The most preferred grades are fine-grained dling pressures as high as 2,000–5,000 Glass1 1.00

steels of pressure-vessel quality, such as ASTM psi during chemical processing, with the Lead 35.30

A 516 and ASTM A 537 (in all grades). For higher-pressure pipe at the lower end of Inconel2 12.00

temperatures between –45 and –100°C (for the diameter scale. CPVC 0.14
PTFE (Polytetra- 0.25
example, for liquid-ethylene storage), steels fluoroethylene)1
containing 2.5–9% Ni are useful. Between HEAT TRANSFER PFA (Perfluoro- 0.19
–150 and –250°C, the Ni-Cr austenitic steels alkoxy resin)1
(300 series, of 18/8 varieties), are highly
ETFE (Ethylene 0.24
recommended. In the nonferrous category, tetrafluoroethylene)1
Al has excellent properties for temperatures Metals, including specialty materials, are PVDF (Polyvinylidene 0.23
as low as –250°C. Also attractive are Cu and the best choice in terms of good heat trans- fluoride)1
some of its alloys, which can withstand tem- fer. In the lined category, glass is used ex- ECTFE (Ethylene chlo- 0.16
peratures down to –195°C. tensively for process equipment where good rotrifluoroethylene)1
heat transfer is required. Lined materials, 1. Common choice for lining material
however, often have the problem of uneven 2. Exotic metals
CHEMICAL RESISTANCE thermal expansion, which may weaken the
bonding of the lining in due course. While
1. Nalli, K., Materials of Construction For Low-Tem-
CPVC [2]. Many nonmetals do not have the fluoropolymers have excellent compatibility perature and Cryogenic Processes, Chem. Eng.
tensile strength to meet the pressure require- with various chemicals and special surface July 2006, pp. 44–47.
ments of various process applications, espe- and physical chemistries, they are gener- 2. Newby, R. and Knight, M., Specifying CPVC In
Chemical Process Environments, Chem. Eng., Oc-
cially at elevated temperatures. But years of ally not used for reaction vessels because tober 2006, pp. 34–38.
testing and actual field performance prove of their poor heat-transfer properties. Ther- 3. Beckwith, S., and Greenwood, M., Don’t Over-
that chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) mal conductivities for various materials are look Composite FRP Pipe, Chem. Eng., May
2006, pp. 42-48.
systems can be pressure rated for operation listed in the Table, and typical applications 4. Robert, J., Selecting Materials of Construction,
as high as 200°F. CPVC’s high heat-distor- are shown in Figure 2. Chem. Eng., September 2005, pp. 60–62.
tion temperature and resistance to corrosion
make it suitable for applications such as 300 Exotic Exotic Exotic Exotic
metal processing, pulp and paper, and in-
dustrial wastewater treatment, where harsh 250 Exotic Exotic Exotic
Temperature, °C

and corrosive chemicals are commonly used

(see Figure 1). Another advantage of CPVC
is that it is lighter than metal, and therefore 150
Fluoropolymer, Fluoropolymer, Glass lined,* Glass lined,*
less expensive to install, from both a mate- glass lined, glass lined, exotic exotic
rial cost and labor perspective. CPVC is not exotic exotic
recommended where aromatic solvents and 50
Weak acids
Weak bases -50 Exotic Exotic
Strong acids -100 Exotic Exotic Exotic Exotic

Application: Storage Transport Agitation (Agitation +
Excellent Strong bases heat transfer)
Typical Tanks, Pipelines, Mixers
Strong oxidants
equipment: vessels valves,
Good Halogens
Aromatic solvents


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