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Activity 3: Build a network using switch in which 5 computers are attached.

Assign IP address of
class C for each HOST.
Activity 4: Design a network using Hub in which 5 computers are attached. Assign IP address of
class C for each HOST and check the connection.

Activity 5: Design two different networks using switch and hub and try to differentiate between hub
and switch by observing the behavior of pockets.

When a data packet is sent to a switch, it’s only directed to the intended destination port, while a
hub would just rebroadcast the data to every port. So if a PC communicates with the printer using
a switch, the data packet arrives at the switch which looks at its table of MAC addresses and
matches the exact port to deliver the data to the printer.

While in hub, data packet from PC comes into the hub which just rebroadcasts that data to every
port that has a device connected to it.

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