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A n t o n i o Lorenzi ~

S O M M A R I O : Si preseulano i risullali di una ricerca speri- TABLE I

meotale sul moto di filtrazione in regime laminare, di /ransizione CHARACTERISTICS OF POROUS MEDIA
e lurbolento attraverso filtri metallici di bronzo sinterizzato. AND TEST CONDITIONS
Assmnendo la radice quadrata della permeabilith quale di-
mensione caralteristica degli elemenli porosi, tutti i risultali ot- &
Filter S D L Fluid
t e m # i - sperimentaudo sia cou aria che cou a c q u a - veugouo
corre/ati iu funzione del fattore di attrito e del numero di Re3,-
holds, con un unico valore de/la costante caratteristica dei mezzi
porosi. pm mm m/n Itm

S U M M A R Y : The results of an experimental research on lam-

inar, transition and turbulent flow through sintered bronze me- a 18 10 4 110 Air
tallic filters are here reported. b 18 15 4 110 Air
¢ 30 15 220 Air-Water
Assuming the square root of the permeabili O, as characteristic d 30 20 220 Water
dimension of the porous media, all the experimental results e 30 15 5 220 Air
- - obtained either with air or with water as working f l u i d - f 30 20 5 220 Air
are presented on a plot of the friction factor versus the Reynolds g 30 10 10 220 Air
b 30 15 10 220 Air
number. 220
i 30 20 10 Air
A unique value of the characterist# c~stant allows a good 1 50 15 4 390 Water
fit for both fluids. m 70 20 6 420 Water
n 90 20 6 500 Water

1. Introduction.
known, such a relationship - - applied for laminar and
turbulent flow in permeable m a t e r i a l s - may be expressed
This-paper deals with the results of an experimental
as the sum of a linear and of a quadratic term, both related
investigation on laminar and turbulent flow through metal-
to the mean filter velocity: the experimental results have
lic filters. These filters are made of small disks of sintered
pointed out that, in the range of Reynolds numbers here
bronze introduced in supporting diaphgrams of the same
investigated, the dimensionless coefficient appearing in
thickness, located in the flow area by means of flanges.
the quadratic term has about the same value for both
In order to cover a wide range of flow rates and pres-
working fluids, water and air.
sure drops, porous elements have been utilized with
Finally, according to the above mentioned Authors,
various thicknesses L, different filtration characteristics
use was made of the square root of the viscous permeability
(specifically: filtration threshold 5")and diameters D.
as characteristic length in the Reynolds number and friction
Table 1 lists such characteristics and the dimensions of the
factor for porous media.
tested porous media: in such a table, the values of the
average diameter d, of the particles (nearly of spherical
shape) constituting the porous media are also reported
2. Experimental results and discussion.
The experimental results are utilized in order to verify
The tests have been performed with dried and filtered
for liquids and to apply to gases, the relationship between
air and filtered tap water (see Table 1) in a 20mm I.D. duct.
the Fanning friction factor and Reynolds number for po-
As it is well-known, in the laminar flow through porous
rous media as an extension of Darcy's law [2]; this rela-
media the a.'dal pressure gradient A p / A x ( x = axial coor-
tionship, already developed in the work of Ward [3] and
dinate) is given in terms of the mean filter velocity V
more recently of Beavers and Sparrow [4], [5], Schwartz
(defined as the ratio between the fluid volumetric flow
and Probstein [6], was experimentally verified by these
rate Q and the cross-sectional area A of the porous element)
Authors using only water as working fluid. As it is well-
by means of the Darcy's law [2]:
1 lstituto di Fisica Tecnica e lmpianti Termotecnici delia Ap t~V
universit~ degli Studi di Genova, Facolt& di Ingegneria.
A---~ = ~ (1)

JUNE 1975 75
where k is the permeability coefficient of the material . . . . . . . . . . .

and /~ the viscosity of the flowing fluid.
If the fluid is a liquid, the velocity V is constant along
the length of the porous element; in the case of gases, v TESTS WITH AIR
as it is well-known, V changes with that length, owing
to the expansion of the gas. In this case, for isothermal 10
flow of an ideal gas, the Darcy's law can be written in the
form [2], [7 through 11]:

Ap _ tt
A x ----A-" A (1')

so that the mean filter velocity is now defined referring

to the volumetric flow rate Q as evaluated at the mean ,
pressure fi = (pl q-ps)/2 through the material (pl and p2 31 0.1 I Rk I0 100
respectively upstream and downstream pressure).
For nonlaminar flows, equations (1) and (1') are gen- Fig. 1 - Friction factor fx versus Reynolds number R~-.
erally replaced by the Forchheimer relationship [3 through
6], [12] written, in order to agree with the linear Darcy's
is certainly laminar, according to eqs. (1), (3), and (4),
law at very low velocities, in the following form:
the friction factor varies inversely with the Reynolds
number itself, following the linear inverse relationship:
Ap _ t z V coV2
Ax te + kll-~ (2)
f~ = R~ (6)
where Q is the density of the fluid and c is a dimensionless
coefficient, constant for a given porous medium.
For Reynolds numbers ranging between 0.1 and about 1,
Equation (2) allows an interesting representation of the where inertial forces become more and more important
experimental results. For such a purpose, following Har- with respect to the viscous forces, the experimental points
leman [13] and Ward [3], and according to the most recent show a gradual departure from linearity: this is the tran-
works on the subject [5], the square root of~he permeability sition flow region. Finally, for Reynolds numbers larger
k is employed as the characteristic dimension of the porous than 1, the flow is approaching a fully turbulent condition
media. It is possible, in this way, to define a dimensionless and the results fall close to a curve which, t'or higher
friction factor for porous media, in the form [3]: R~, tends asymptotically to become a straight line parallel
to the horizontal axis.
f, dp k 112
(3) As already pointed out, equation (5) may be used for
Ax V=o
correlating the results in the whole range of the Reynolds
number here investigated. The value of the constant c,
and, also, a permeability Reynolds number [13]: which best correlates the experimental results, turns out
to be 0 . 5 8 0 - as already mentioned in a previous note
V k t/2 p
R ~ = - - (4) referring to tests with water only [15]--therefore, equation
(5) becomes:

so that equation (2) becomes: 1

f~ = ~ + 0.580 (5')
f~ = ~ +, (5)
At this stage, it is worth noticing that other Authors
[4], [5], [6], [16] have also found values of ¢ different
The results of the measurements obtained in all the from that one (0.550) proposed by Ward [3] as a universal
experimental runs performed with air and with water as constant for all porous media. In particular, Irmay [17],
working fluid (see Table 1), are presented in Fig. 1, where and, very recently, Beavers et alt. [5] have emphasized,
the values of the friction factor are plotted versus Reynolds among other things, that the value of c depends on the
number. For each filter, the permeability coefficient has particles' shape and packing, that is on the kind of wakes
been evaluated by means of Darcy's law [2 through 12], generated downstream of the particles constituting the
[14]. For a better understanding of the figure, not all porous medium.
the experimental points have been reported: many of them As a conclusion, the author wishes to emphasize the
either coincided or were very close to points already excellent agreement between the experimental results ob-
plotted. tained with air and with water, and, significantly, the
By inspection of the figure, three zones can be distin- good fit of both of them with equation (5): this equation
guished according to small, medium and high values of is satisfied, with the same value of the characteristic con-
Reynolds number. In the zone corresponding to the lower stant for both fluids, in the whole range of the Reynolds
values of Re, that is minor than 0.1 and where the flow number here investigated.

It appears furthermore that relationship (2), rewritten can be used to evaluate the permeability k o f the sintered
in the form: metal filters here investigated, independently o f the flow
regime. Practically, it becomes possible to characterize
dp /~V ~V~ the porous media with no need o f tests to be performed
Ax . . . . . k + 0.580 k~-" (2') in a stricdy laminar flow regime.

Received 15 January 1975

LIST OF SYMBOLS downstream pressure;

A cross-sectional area of porous element; (pl +p2)/2 mean pressure;
C dimensionless coefficient; Q volumetric flow rate;
D diameter of porous element; volumetric flow rate at mean pressure
d. mean particle diameter; Re Reynolds number for porous media;
f~ dimensionless friction factor for porous media; S filtration threshold of porous element;
k permeability of porous element; V mean filter velocity;
L thickness of porous element; x axial coordinate;
Ap/Ax axial pressure gradient; absolute viscosity ;
pl upstream pressure; density.

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