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Calvary Health Care ACT Limlted

ABN 74 105 304 989

Cnr Belconnen Way & HaYdon Drive PO Box 254

Bruce ACT 2617 Jamison Centre ACT 26{4
Phone: 026201 6111
f{ealrh Care
v,rww. calvary-act. aom. au

Thursday 18th April 2A13

Dear Helen,

I am writing to thankyou for the work you do on Ward 5 West. Your CNC Annette has
identified you as being a proactive and committed member of the team on 5W. Annette
has also told me that you have excellent communication skills which have a positive
effect on the people you work with. I would also like to acknowledge the support that you
provide to your colleagues on night duty. Calvary is most fortunate to have such a
dedicated and professional RN on staff.

Keep up the good work Helen. I do look fonruard to meeting you soon though I am aware
that for the most part you do work night duty.


A/g Nursing Director Midwifery and Medical Services.

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