Chemistry Dictonary

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α , β (alpha, beta) evaluated with the help of third law
These are stereo descriptors and of thermodynamics.
1. used in carbohydrate
nomenclature to explain the
absolute scale of
configuration at the anomeric temperature
carbon by relating it to the A scale of temperature based on
anomeric reference atom. absolute zero temperature (0 K).
2. used by chemical abstracts absolute temperature
service to explain the Temperature measured from
configuration of a cyclic molecule absolute zero on the Kelvin scale or
with various stereogenic centres. on the Rankine scale.
abnormal molar mass absolute zero
The molar mass that is either lower The lowest theoretically possible
or higher than the expected or temperature at which gases are
normal value. Solute which supposed to occupy zero volume. It
dissociates or associates in solution corresponds to –273.15°C or zero,
exhibits abnormal molar mass. on Kelvin scale.

abrasive absorption
A substance used for grinding or A process in which the substance is
rubbing down surfaces, e.g., emery. uniformly distributed throughout
the bulk of the solid.
absolute absorption indicator
Pure, not dependent on or relative
A type of indicator used in
to anything else e.g., absolute zero. precipitation reactions. The yellow
absolute alcohol dye fluorescein is a common
100% ethyl alcohol. It is obtained by example of absorption (adsorption)
distilling the rectified spirit over
quick lime (CaO) for several days. absorption spectrum
A spectrum produced due to
absolute configuration absorption of radiation. In
(R and S notations) Arrangement of absorption spectrum a continuous
groups about a chiral (asymmetric) flow of radiation is passed through
atom. the sample. The radiation is then
analyzed to determine which wave
absolute entropy lenghts are absorbed.
(S°) It refers to absolute zero as it
marks the starting point. The absorption tower
values of absolute entropies of A vertical column used for
various substances can be absorption of gases in industries.
A abstraction 2

abstraction acepromazine
A type of a chemical reaction which ( C19H22N2O 5) An orange coloured
involves bimolecular removal of an oily liquid, used as a tranquilizer
atom or ion from a molecule. for large animals and to relieve
abundance nausea.
It refers to the availability of an acetal
element in percentage by mass, e.g., Colourless volatile present organic
the abundance of aluminium in liquid, formed by addition of
earth’s crust is about 8%. alcohol molecules to aldehyde
A substance that increases the rate ==O R′OH (alcohol)
R—C =
of a chemical reaction. H
An electron deficient species (an R OR′ R′OH (alcohol)
atom, molecule or ion) that receives C
a pair of electrons from another H OH
electron-rich species to form a Hemiacetal
coordinate bond. These are
generally called Lewis acids.
accumulator Acetal
A type of a galvanic cell or a battery
that can be used as an energy source acetaldehyde
and can be recharged by passing (CH 3CHO, IUPAC name-ethanal)
electric current and used again and A colourless pungent smelling
liquid, b.p. 21°C soluble in water
again. e.g., lead-acid accumulator,
and ether. It is used, in the
nickel cadmium accumulator.
preparation of acetic acid, ethanol
accuracy paraldehyde, metaldehyde,
It is the agreement of a particular phenolic resins and synthetic
value to the true value of the result. drugs. Aldehyde ammonia is
rubber accelerator.
( C12H10) Colourless crystalline acetaldol
aromatic compound, m.p. 95°C; An alternative name for aldol.
b.p 278°C, It acts as a dyestuff acetamide
intermediate. (CH 3CONH2, IUPAC name-ethan
1 2 amide) Colourless deliquescent
cryst-alline organic compound
with a mousy odour. It can be
prepared by heating ammonium
acenes (C 6H5NHCOCH 3) IUPAC name-
The polycyclic aromatic hydro- N-phenyl ethan amide)
carbons, having fused benzene White crystalline organic
rings in a rectilinear arrangement. compound, soluble in water.
3 acetylide

acetic acid by the reaction of benzene with

(CH 3COOH, IUPAC acetyl- chloride in the presence of
name-ethanoic acid) A pungent anhydrous AlCl 3.
smelling, corrosive liquid, b.p.
118°C, soluble in water. It is the See ACYLATION Acetyl chloride
acid present in vinegar.It purest
(CH 3COCl, IUPAC name–ethanoyl
form, it is called glacial acetic acid.
chloride) Colourless, strong
acetic anhydride smelling liquid organic compound,
[( CH 3CO ) 2 O IUPAC name - obtained by the action of PCl5 or
ethanoic anhydride] Colourless SOCl 2 on acetic acid.
liquid with an irritating smell.
acetyl group
acetoacetic acid O
3-oxobutanoic acid) A colourless CH 3  C  group is acetyl or
syrupy organic liquid, unstable and
ethanoyl group.
decomposes into acetone and
carbon dioxide. acetyl acetonato
acetoacetic ester CH 3  C  CH == C  CH 3
name–ethyl 3-oxobutanoate) A O O−
colourless pleasant smelling liquid, (acac), an ion functioning as A
b.p. 180.4°C, shows keto-enol bidentate ligand coordinating
tautomerism. through the two oxygen atoms.
acetone acetylcholine
(CH 3COCH 3, IUPAC name- A white hygroscopic crystalline
propanone) A colourless pungent powder, soluble in water and
smelling liquid, b.p. 56°C, soluble found in blood, ergot and in some
in water and organic solvents. It is plants. If infected, it causes dilation
the first member of ketones. of arteries.
acetonitrile acetylene
(CH 3CN, IUPAC (C 2H2, IUPAC name–ethyne) A
name–ethanenitrile) common colourless organic gas with ether
like odour, used as a fuel.
name methyl cyanide, colourless,
pleasant smelling liquid, acetylene black
poisonous, b.p. 82°C. A type of carbon black, obtained by
the pyrolysis of ethyne.
acetophenone acetylide
(C 6H5COCH 3 IUPAC A carbide formed by the reaction of
name-l-phenyl ethanone common acetylene and a solution of a heavy
name phenyl methyl ketone, sweet metal salt. Most acetylides are
pungent smelling liquid, prepared explosive in nature.
A acheson process 4

acheson process wool and nylon directly. Examples

An industrial process for the orange I, orange II, methyl red etc.
manufacture of graphite. acid salt
achiral It contains one or more replaceable
Optically inactive molecule is hydrogen atoms in its molecule and
known as achiral molecule. is formed by the partial
replacement of H-atoms present in
acid a polybasic acid by positive ions.
A class of chemical compounds, For examples; NaHSO4, NaHCO 3,
produces H+ or H 3O+ ion in its NaH2PO4.
aqueous solution. Sour in taste,
turns blue litmus red, have a pH acid value
less than 7 and its reaction with A measure of the amount of free
base gives salt and water. acid present in a fat. It is equal to
the number of milligrams of
acid anhydride potassium hydroxide required to
A type of organic compound of neutralize 1g of the substance (fat).
general formula RCOOCOR′,
where R and R′ are alkyl or aryl acid-base titration or
groups. neutralization titrations
acid-base indicators A titration based upon the reaction
Compounds such as between an acid and a base.
phenolphthalein, methyl orange acid halide
change etc which colour reversibly, See ACYL HALIDE.
depending on whether the solution
is acidic or basic. acidic hydrogen
A hydrogen atom in an acid that
acid dissociation
forms a positive ion (H+ ) when the
( K a) The extent to which an acid acid dissociates, e.g.,
ionizes in its aqueous solution can HCOOH
be expressed by the equilibrium ↑
constant for the ionization reaction, Acidic hydrogen
which is called the acid dissociation acidic oxide
constant ( K a). Oxide of a non-metal. On reaction
+ − with water, it forms an acid and
HX( aq) = H ( aq) + X ( aq) with a base, it forms salt and water.
[H+ ] [X− ] acidic rain
Ka =
[HX] The rain containing acidic water
due to the oxides of sulphur and
acid dye nitrogen. These oxides are
A class of coloured substances produced by the burning of fossil
(dyes), characterised by the
fuels. Normally, pH of the rain
presence of acid groups such as
sulphonic (  SO 3H), carboxylic water is 5.6. If the pH of rain water
(—COOH) or phenolic (—OH) drops below 5.6, it is called acid
group and are used to dye silk, rain.
5 activated complex theory

acidity constant actinium

See ACID DISSOCIATION 89 Ac, radioactive element of group
CONSTANT. III of the Periodic Table, mass
acidimetry number of most stable isotope-227
Volumetric analysis, standard (half-life 21.7 years), m.p. 1050°C
solutions of acids are used to and b.p. 3200°C.
determine the amount of base
actinium series
A naturally occurring radioactive
acriflavine series started by uranium-235 and
(IUPAC name –2, 8-diaminoacri- ends with an isotope of lead.
dine) Orange colour crystalline
organic compound, used as an actinoid contraction
antiseptic. The actinoids exhibit actinoid
acrilan contraction due to poor shielding of
Synthetic fibre, a copolymer of 5f-electrons. As a result of this,
acrylonitrile and vinyl acetate. there is smooth decrease in atomic
and ionic sizes with increasing
acrolein proton number.
(CH2 == CHCHO, IUPAC name-
prop-2-enal) Colourless liquid activated adsorption
organic compound with pungent It occurs in some cases of
odour. chemisorption and involves an
acrylic acid activation energy.
(CH2 == CHCOOH, IUPAC name- activated alumina
propenoic acid) Unsaturated Obtained by heating hydrated
liquid, reactive organic acid with
alumina and used as catalyst in
pungent odour and used to prepare
acrylic resins. organic dehydration reactions and
in chromatography.
acrylic resin
Transparent thermoplastic activated charcoal
produced by the polymerisation of Charcoal (carbon) activated by
esters or amide derivatives of steaming or by heating in a vacuum
acrylic acid; example acrilan and for adsorption of gases.
perspex. These resins are used in
making artificial fibres and optical activated complex
lenses. It refers to the intermediate
complex formed by the particular
acrylonitrile arrangement of reactant molecules
(CH2 == CHCN, vinyl cyanide or
at the point of maximum energy
propenonitrile) Colourless liquid
(threshold energy) in a reaction.
and used to make acrylic resins.
actinides (actinoids) activated complex theory
According to this theory, when
Fourteen elements from Th(90) to
Lr(103) are called actinides or activation energy is supplied to a
inner-transition elements. These reaction, it absorbs the energy to
are radioactive in nature. form intermediate activated
A activated sludge process 6

complex. It is a high energy, active carbon

unstable intermediate. It The carbon treated with steam, air
decomposes immediately to form or CO2 at a high temperature. It is
products of lower energy state. used as an adsorbent because of its
ET Threshold large surface area and opened
energy complex capillaries. It is also used in water
treatment, sugar refining, dry
Potential energy

Ea Activation cleaning, rubber reclamation,

Eb energy cigarette filters and as a catalyst as
ER well.
DH Product active mass
Molar concentration of a substance
Reaction coordinate
that is involved in a chemical
reaction, concentration in mol L−1.
activated sludge process
The activated sludge is about 97% active site
1. A site on the surface of a catalyst
water. The sludge after primary
at which catalytic activity occurs.
treatment is transferred into
2. A site on the surface of an
aeration tanks where it is
decomposed by the anaerobic enzyme molecule that binds to
bacteria. After several hours, the substrate molecule.
suspended microbes settle down at activity
the bottom of the tank as activated (a) A thermodynamic function used
sludge. in place of concentration for the
activation energy reactions involving non-ideal gases
(Ea) The minimum energy required and solutions. It characteristics that
in all situations, the equilibrium
to form activated complex. It is the
constant expression can be written as
energy barrier that has to be
overcome for the reaction to a a
K= C D
proceed. It also determines the way aA aB
in which the rate of the reaction where, aC , aD , aA and aB are the
varies with temperature. activities of the components which
Ea = EP − ER function as concentration
(pressure) corrected for non-ideal
behaviour. Thus, in terms of
Ea activity, the equilibrium constant
expression remains constant at a
particular temperature and its form
is simple.

activity series
Reaction coordinate The arrangement of elements in
order of increasing reduction
potential (or decreasing negative
activator reduction potential) values is called
A substance that increases the activity series or electrochemical
activity of a catalyst. series.
7 addition reaction

acyclic O O
(or open chain compounds or  
( R  C  O  C  R). It is used to
aliphatic compounds) These
prepare aromatic ketones. e.g.,
compounds consist of straight or
branched chain of carbon, e.g., O

Anhy. AlCl3
CH 3  CH2  CH 3 + R—C—Cl
Acyl chloride
(straight chain) Benzene
CH 3 O


CH 3 — CH— CH 3 C R + HCl
Iso -butane
(branched chain)
Aromatic ketone
acyl fission
The breaking of the carbon-oxygen addition polymer
bond in an acyl group. Hydrolysis It is formed by the repeated
of an ester occurs through acyl addition of monomer molecules
fission. possessing double or triple bonds.
e.g., formation of polythene from
acyl group ethene and polypropene from
O propene.
 nCH2 == CH2 →
R  C  type group; where R is a
hydrocarbon group. e.g., acetyl
O (  CH2  CH2 ) n
 Polythene
group (CH 3  C ). (addition polymer)
addition polymerisation
acyl halide or chain growth
Organic compounds having the
general formula RCOX; where polymerisation
RCO— is the acyl group and X is a In this mode of polymerisation, the
halogen atom. e.g., ethanoyl molecules of the same monomer or
chloride ( CH 3COCl), ethanoyl different monomers add together
bromide ( CH 3COBr). to form a polymer. The monomers
used are unsaturated compounds.
acylation In this mode of polymerisation,
A reaction that introduces the acyl chain growth takes place through
O the formation of either free radicals
 or ionic species.
group ( R  C ) in a molecule in
addition reaction
the presence of acylating agents A chemical reaction in which a
O molecule is added to another
 molecule. These reactions occur in
such as acyl halides (R  C X) unsaturated compounds
and acid anhydrides containing double or triple bonds.
A additive 8

additive adenosine monopho-

A substance added to another sphate (AMP)
substance or material to improve its It is a hydrolysis product of
properties. adenosine triphosphate and an
important structural component of
adduct nucleic acids and of several
A product of addition reaction. coenzymes.
This term is generally used for
compounds formed by the reaction adenosine triphosphate
between a Lewis acid and a Lewis (ATP)
base. A carrier of chemical energy in all
living organisms. It consists of
adenine adenine linked to D-ribose and the
It is a purine derivative and is one D-ribose component bears three
of the major component bases of phosphate groups.
nucleotides and nucleic acids – – –
(DNA and RNA). O O O
| | |
NH2 – _ _ _ _ _ _

|| || || NH2
N Adenosine

It is a type of nucleoside in which a
molecule of base adenine is linked adhesive
to a D-ribose sugar molecule. A material used for joining surfaces
NH2 together. e.g., glues, thermoplastic
and thermosetting resins, asphalt
N rubber etc.
adiabatic process
HO—H2C O N N A process in which there is no
transfer of heat between the system
and surroundings.
H H ∆Q = 0 (zero)
adiabatic system
OH OH It does not allow the exchange of
Adenosine heat between the system and
surroundings through its
adenosine diphosphate boundary.
(ADP) adipic acid
It is formed by the hydrolysis of (HOOC ( CH2) 4  COOH,
adenosine triphosphate (ATP). IUPAC name hexane-1,
9 agar–agar

4-dioic acid) It is a colourless constant gas pressure at different

crystalline substance, used in the temperatures.
manufacture of nylon-66. p= constant p= constant
adonic acid k k
An acid obtained from aldose by m m
the oxidation of its aldehyde group
into carboxyl group, e.g.,
t t
CHO COOH (physisorption (chemisorption
 Br2 water  isobar) isobar)
(CHOH) 4 → (CHOH) 4
  adsorption isotherm
CH2OH CH2OH The variation of the amount of gas
Glucose Gluconic acid adsorbed by the adsorbent with
pressure at constant temperature can
be expressed by means of a curve,
adrenaline hormone termed as adsorption isotherm.
It is produced by adrenal medulla
along with noradrenaline. It aerobic
increases heart beat, sugar level in A biochemical process that takes
the blood and rate of breathing to place in the presence of oxygen.
prepare the body for violent e.g., in aerobic respiration,
physical action. oxidation of fuel (glucose)
molecules by molecular oxygen
adsorbate takes place with the formation of
A substance that is adsorbed on the
surface of an adsorbent. carbon dioxide and water. Aerobic
respiration yields more energy than
adsorbent anaerobic respiration.
A substance on the surface of which
adsorption takes place. aerosol
A colloidal dispersion of a solid or
adsorption liquid in a gas. e.g., smoke, dust in
The accumulation of atoms or air (solid in gas aersol) and fog,
molecules of a substance on the mist, insecticide sprays (liquid in
surface of another solid or liquid gas aerosol).
substance (adsorbent).
adsorption A very hard natural form of silica,
chromatography used for knife-edges of balances,
It is based on fact that different and in ornaments.
compounds are adsorbed on an
adsorbent to different degrees. affinity
Commonly used adsorbents are The extent by which one substance
silica gel and alumina. is attracted to or reacts with another.
adsorption indicator agar–agar
See ABSORPTION INDICATOR. It is a complex polysaccharide
adsorption isobar obtained from sea weeds,
It is a graph drawn between commonly used as gelling agent for
quantities adsorbed under a growing bacteria.
A agitator 10

agitator Naturally occurring amino acid,

A blade like instrument used in m.p.-297°C, obtained by the
fermenters and bioreactors to mix hydrolysis of proteins.
the medium continuously in order to albumin
maintain the rate of oxygen transfer. A group of globular protein,
aglycon soluble in water but form insoluble
The non-sugar compound coagulate compound on heating. It
remaining after replacement of the occurs in egg white, blood, milk,
glycosyl group from a glycoside by plants etc.
a hydrogen atom.
agonist A type of organic compounds of the
Drugs that mimic the natural general formula R—OH. Alcohols
messenger by switching on the are classified according to the
receptor. These are useful when number of hydroxyl group present
there is lack of natural chemical in a molecule. Alcohols with
messenger. one—OH group are known as
air monohydric alcohols, with two
A gaseous mixture that surrounds —OH groups dihydric alcohols
the earth. The composition of air by and with three —OH groups are
volume is nitrogen ( N2)-78.03%, known as trihydric alcohols.
oxygen ( O2)-20.99%, argon Polyhydric alcohols contain four or
(Ar)-0.94%, carbon dioxide more hydroxyl groups.
(CO 2)-0.03%, neon (Ne) 0.0018%,
Monohydric alcohols further can be
helium (He)-0.0005%, krypton
(Kr)-0.0001% and xenon classified as primary alcohols (1°),
(Xe)-0.00001%. Air also contains secondary alcohols (2°) and tertiary
water vapours (in variable alcohols (3°). A compound with a
amounts), particulate matter such hydroxyl group attached to an aryl
as dust and pollen and other gases group is called a phenol.
in small amounts. CH 3  CH2  CH2OH
air pollution (1° )
Addition of undesirable materials
into atmosphere either by natural OH
or human activities, which 
adversely affect the quality of air CH 3  CH  CH 3
and causing harms to humans, (2 ° )
animals, vegetation and materials. CH 3
alabaster 
A fine grained compact mineral CH 3 — C— CH 3
form of gypsum (CaSO4 ⋅ 2H2O). 
alanine (3 ° )
 In IUPAC system, alcohol names
(CH 3  CH  COOH, IUPAC end in the suffix-ol. e.g., methanol
name- 2-amino propanoic acid), (CH 3OH).
11 alicylic compounds

alcoholmetry α , β-unsaturated carbonyl

A process used to determine the compounds which are aldol
amount of ethanol in a liquid. condensation products and the
reaction is called aldol
aldehydes condensation.
A type of organic compounds with
the general formula R—CHO, aldopentose
O An aldose sugar with five carbon
 atoms. e.g., ribose
where  C  H ( CHO) group is
known as aldehyde group (a aldose
carbonyl group with a hydrogen A monosaccharide, which contains
atom bound to the carbon atom). an aldehyde group. e.g., glucose
These are formed by oxidising aldosterone
primary alcohols. In IUPAC A hormone produced by adrenal
system, aldehyde names end in the glands and maintains salt and
suffix-‘al’. e.g., methanal (HCHO). water balance in the body.
aldimine (Schiff’s base) aldoximes
These are formed by the A type of organic compounds with
condensation reaction of aldehydes functional group  CH == NOH.
or ketones with primary aromatic These are formed by the action of
amines with the elimination of hydroxylamine (NH2OH) on
water. aldehyde (RCHO).
aldohexose alginic acid
Glucose is an aldohexose because it A complex polysaccharide
contains an aldehyde group and six occurring in the cell walls of the
carbon atoms. brown algae. In the form of
alginates, it is used mainly as
aldol stabilizer and texturing agent in the
A condensation product of food industry.
aldehyde in the presence of a base.
The name aldol is derived from two alicylic compounds
functional groups, aldehyde and (Aliphatic cyclic compounds)
alcohol. These are carbocyclic closed ring
aldol condensation compounds which resemble the
Aldehydes and ketones which aliphatic hydrocarbons in
possess atleast one α-hydrogen properties. Aliphatic cyclic
undergo aldol condensation compounds may be saturated or
reactions in the presence of a base unsaturated. These are further
to form hydroxy aldehyde and classified into homocyclic (contains
hydroxy ketone. The aldol and carbon atoms in the ring) and
ketol thus obtained on warming heterocyclic (atoms other than
gives out a water molecule and carbon also present in the ring).
A aliphatic compounds 12

e.g., alkalimetry
Volumetric analysis using standard
solutions of alkali to determine the
amount of acid present.
Cyclopropane Cyclohexane
O alkaline
1. Having the properties of an
Cyclohexene Epoxyethane 2. An aqueous solution with a pH
greater than 7.
aliphatic compounds
Organic compounds in which all alkaline earth metals
carbon atoms are linked to one (Group-2 elements, formerly group
another to form open chains II A of the Periodic Table) Be, Mg,
(straight or branched) are called Ca, Sr, Ba and Ra are similar to
aliphatic or open chain or acyclic alkali metals in appearance and
compounds. chemistry, but are harder, have
e.g., higher melting and boiling points
CH 3CH2CH2CH 3 and are rather less reactive than the
n- butane alkali metals.
A type of nitrogenous organic
alizarin compounds produced by plants
(C14H8O4) It is orange red dyestuff and animals. Many alkaloids are
and belongs to anthraquinone dyes toxic or medicinal e.g., morphine,
group. Depending upon the nature quinine, atropine etc.
of mordant used, it can give
different colours. e.g., it gives a alkanal
bright red colour with aluminium Compounds containing aldehyde
and a blue colour with barium. group ( CHO). Alkanal
corresponds to an aliphatic
A base that dissolves in water and aldehyde series e.g., HCHO
give hydroxide ions in their (methanal), CH 3CHO (ethanal),
aqueous solutions. These are CH 3CH2CHO (propanal) etc.
corrosive and react with acids e.g., alkane
NaOH, KOH. Alkanes are saturated aliphatic
alkali metals hydrocarbons containing only
(Group-1 elements, formerly group single bonds. General formula
IA of the Periodic Table) Li, Na, K, C nH2n + 2. Methane (CH4) and
Rb, Cs and Fr are known as alkali ethane are typical examples. They
metals. These are never found in were earlier known as paraffins
the elemental state in nature. These (Latin : parum = little; affinis =
are soft and highly reactive metals. affinity)
13 allosteric site

alkanol and some of these are clinically

These compounds corresponds to useful.
an aliphatic alcohol series. General
formula ROH or C nH2n + 1OH e.g., alkyl sulphides
methanol (CH 3OH), ethanol These are thioethers. General
(C 2H5OH). formula  R  S  R′ e.g., ethyl
methyl sulphide ( C 2H5S CH 3).
A type of unsaturated hydrocarbon alkylation
containing one or more A chemical reaction that introduces
carbon-carbon double bonds with an alkyl group to an aromatic
the general formula C nH2n.
organic compound e.g., In
Alkenes were formerly known as
olefins. Alkenes undergo addition Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction,
reactions e.g., ethene ( C 2H2), alkyl group is added to the benzene
propene (CH 3CH == CH2). ring.
alkoxide alkyne
An organic compound containing Like alkenes, alkynes are also
an ion of the type RO− , where R is unsaturated hydrocarbons.
an alkyl group. These are obtained Alkynes contain atleast one triple
by the reaction of metallic sodium bond between two carbon atoms.
with an alcohol. General formula  C nH2n − 2.
Alkynes are weekly polar in nature.
alkoxy alkane Alkynes undergo addition
An alternative name for an ether. reactions.
alkyl benzene allene
A type of organic hydrocarbon In allene, three carbon atoms are
containing one or more alkyl linked by two adjacent double
groups substituted on to a benzene bonds ( C == C == C ) e.g.,
ring. e.g., methyl benzene, ethyl 1, 2-propadiene ( CH2 == C == CH2).
allosteric enzyme
alkyl group An enzyme that has two
A group derived from an alkane by structurally different sites one of
the removal of one hydrogen atom. which is active and the other
General formula  C nH2n + 1 e.g., inactive.
methyl group ( CH 3) from
methane, ethyl group ( C 2H5) allosteric site
Some drugs do not bind to the
from ethane.
enzyme’s active site. These bind to
alkyl halides or a different site of enzyme which is
haloalkanes called allosteric site. This binding
of inhibitor at allosteric site
In alkyl halides, the halogen atom is
changes the shape of the active site
bonded to an alkyl group ( R). in such a way that substrate cannot
General formula  C nH2n + 1X. recognise it. If the bond formed
Many alkyl halides occur in nature between an enzyme and an
A allotrope 14

inhibitor is a strong covalent bond allylic alcohols

and cannot be broken easily then The alcohols in which the OH
the enzyme is blocked group is attached to a sp3
permanently. The body then
hybridized carbon next to the
degrades the enzyme-inhibitor
carbon-carbon double bond, i.e., to
complex and synthesises the new
enzyme. an allylic carbon. e.g.,
CH2 == CH  CH2  OH .
allotrope sp3
One of the forms of an element that
exhibits allotropy. alnico
A trade name for an alloy that is
allotropes of carbon made up of aluminium, nickel and
Carbon exhibits many allotropic
cobalt. It is used to make
forms; both crystalline as well as
amorphous. Diamond and graphite permanent magnets.
are two well known crystalline alpha decay
forms of carbon. In 1985, third Radioactive disintegration by the
crystalline form of carbon known as loss of an alpha particle.
fullerenes was discovered by H.W.
Kroto, E. Smalley and R.F. Curl. alpha helix
The most common form of
allotropy secondary structure in proteins, in
The ability of certain elements to which the polypeptide chain is
exist in more than one physical coiled into a helix.
forms (allotropes). Allotropy is
more common in group 14, 15 and alpha particle
16 of the Periodic Table e.g., The nucleus of a helium atom
Oxygen : ozone ( O 3) and dioxygen consisting of two protons and two
( O2). neutrons (atomic mass = 4.2029 u
and charge + 2 units).
Carbon : diamond, graphite and
fullerene. alpha iron
A pure crystalline form of iron with
Sulphur : rhombic and monoclinic
a body centred cubic structure.
alpha-naphthol test
alloy (Molisch’s test) It is used to detect
A material having two or more the presence of carbohydrates in
metals or a metal and a non-metal. solution. In this test, a small
Alloys may be compounds, solid amount of alcoholic
solutions or mixtures of the alpha-naphthol is added to the
components. e.g., brass is an alloy sample solution to be tested and
of Cu and Zn, steel is an alloy of Fe then, concentrated sulphuric acid is
and carbon. poured slowly down the
allyl group side of the test tube.
Propenyl group, Formation of a violet ring
at the junction of the
CH2 == CH  CH2 
liquids shows the
is known as allyl group. presence of carbohydrate.
15 aluminium oxide

alternant aluminium bronze

A conjugated system of An alloy of copper with 4%-13%
pi-electrons if its atoms can be aluminium, have fine golden
divided into two sets so that no lustre, resistant to corrosion and is
atom of one set is directly linked to readily fusible. It is used in making
any other atom of the same set, e.g., jewellery utensils decorative
CH2==CH  CH==CH2 articles etc.
This molecule contains alternate
single and double bonds. aluminum chloride
(AlCl 3) A white covalent
alum deliquescent solid, which fumes in
It is a double sulphate of trivalent moist air.
metal like iron, aluminium, AlCl 3 + 3H2O → Al(OH) 3 + 3HCl
chromium etc. and an univalent
metal such as potassium or sodium In the liquid and vapour phase, it
with 24 molecules of water e.g., exits as dimers Al 2Cl 6 containing
potash alum chlorine bridges to aluminium
( K2SO4 ⋅ Al 2(SO4) 3 ⋅ 24H2O). These atom.
are used in tanning leather and as
mordants of dyeing. Other Cl Cl
examples of alums are sodium
alum, ammonium alum, ferric alum Al Al
and chrome alum.
alumina Cl Cl
Aluminium chloride
A salt formed when aluminium It is used in Friedel-Crafts reactions
oxide or aluminium hydroxide is in organic preparations. It is also
dissolved in a solution of strong used as a catalyst in the cracking of
bases. hydrocarbons to obtain petroleum.
Al(OH) 3 + OH− → aluminium hydroxide
[Al(OH)3] A white powder
Al(OH) −4 + H2 O
prepared as a colourless gelatinous
Aluminate ion
precipitate by adding NaOH
aluminium solution to a solution of aluminium
(Chemical symbol-Al, atomic salt. It is an amphoteric hydroxide.
number-13, relative atomic mass
26.98.) A silvery white lustrous aluminium oxide
metallic element belongs to the [Alumina (Al 2O 3)] A white
group 13 (formerly III B) of the crystalline amphoteric compound
Periodic Table. It is extracted reacts with both acids and alkalis. It
mainly from the purified bauxite by occurs naturally as the mineral
electrolysis. Its alloys are used in
the manufacture of aircraft corundum and bauxite. It is used as
window, frames and kitchen a catalyst in the dehydration of
utensils. alcohols.
A aluminium potassium sulphate 16

aluminium potassium ( CN) − is an ambident nucleophile

sulphate which can attack from both the
See ALUM. atoms.
aluminium sulphate americium
[Al 2 (SO4 )3] A white crystalline (Chemical symbol-Am, atomic
solid. It is used as a precipitating
number-95, relative atomic
agent in sewage treatment, as a
foaming agent in fire extinguishers, mass-243) A silvery white element
as a size in paper making and as a of group-3, obtained by neutron
mordant in dyeing. irradiation on pure Pu. It is used as
a source of gamma rays.
aluminium trimethyl
[Trimethyl aluminium (CH 3) 3Al] amides
Colourless, reactive liquid. Organic compounds having general
Aluminium alkyls are used in formula RCONH 2. In a simple
Ziegler process for the preparation
of high density polythene on the amide, the —OH group of
large scale. carboxylic acid is replaced by
NH2 group.
amalgam O
An alloy of a metal with mercury

(Hg). Amalgams of mercury with CH3—C—NH2 CONH2

silver and tin are used in dentistry
Acetamide Benzamide
to fill tooth cavities.
amatol amidol
It is an explosive. It consists of a 2, 4-diaminophenol dihydrochlo-
mixture of nitroglycerine and ride is known as amidol. It is used
ammonium nitrate. as a reducing agent in photography
and in dye making.
ambidentate ligand
Ligand which can ligate through aminase
two different atoms is called An enzyme used in hydrolysis of
ambidentate ligand. e.g., —NO−2 amines.
and SCN − ions. NO−2 ion can amination
coordinate either through nitrogen A chemical reaction in which an
or through oxygen to a central amino group is introduced into a
metal atom/ion. Similarly, SCN− molecule. e.g., reactions of alkyl
ion can coordinate through the halides with ammonia.
sulphur or nitrogen atom.
ambidentate nucleophile Amines constitute an important
A nucleophile that has two class of organic compounds
alternative reactive centres such derived by replacing one or more
that reaction at one centre stops or hydrogen atoms of ammonia
inhibits reaction at the other e.g., molecule by alkyl/aryl group(s). In
17 amino toluene

nature, they occur among proteins, amino acid residue

vitamins, alkaloids and hormones. When two or more amino acids
H CH3 combine with the elimination of
water molecule to give a peptide,
N: N: the remaining substance is called
H H CH3 H amino acid residue. All units of a
Ammonia Secondary amine peptide chain are therefore, amino
(dimethylamine) acid residues. In amino acids,
H CH3 H-atom of amino acid is not
N: N:
amino benzene
CH3 H CH3 CH3 (or Aniline)
Primary amine Tertiary amine (C 6H5NH2) A colourless oily
(methylamine) (trimethylamine) poisonous organic liquid with
When the H is replaced by aryl unpleasant odour, b.p. 184.1°C. It is
group, the compound produced is insoluble in water but soluble in
called aniline or its derivatives. e.g., organic solvents. It is obtained by
.. reducing nitrobenzene ( C 6H5NO2).
NH2 H3N—NH It is used in making dyes and
drugs and also used in rubber
amino ethanamide
aniline N–methyl aniline (H2NCH2CONH2 , glycinamide)
An amide with crystallization
temperatures temperature 68°C. It
is used for the synthsis of organic
intermediate in the pharmacetical
N, N–dimethyl aniline
amino ethane
(C 2H5NH2) A colourless liquid
amino acid amine used in manufacturing some
Amino acids contain both amino
(  NH2) and carboxyl ( COOH)
functional groups. Depending amino group
upons the relative position of General formula  NRR′, where R
amino group with respect to and R′ may be hydrogen atoms or
carboxyl group, the amino acids alkyl groups or aryl groups.
can be classified as α, β, γ, δ and so
on. Only α-amino acids are amino toluene
obtained on hydrolysis of proteins. (CH 3C 6H4NH2 − methyl aniline)
They may contain other functional Toluidine is known as amino
group also. toluene. These are three isomers:
A ammonal 18
ammoniacal solution.
NH2 A solution in aqueous ammonia.

NH2 ammonia soda process

o-amino toluene m-amino toluene Solvay process for manufacturing
CH3 sodium carbonate.
ammonium carbonate
[( NH4) 2 CO 3] A white crystalline
compound decomposes readily to
NH2 produce ammonia. It is used in
p-amino toluene making extinguishers, baking
powder, smelling salts (sal
These are used in making dyestuffs volatile), and in wool treatment.
and drugs.
ammonal ammonium chloride
(NH 4Cl, sal ammoniac) A
An explosive consisting of
ammonia, nitrate, nitrotoluene, Al colourless white crystalline
powder and charcoal. compound, used in dry batteries, as
a soldering and galvanizing flux
and as a mordant in dyeing.
The process of conversion of CO
group into amine by reacting with ammonium hydrogen
hydrogen and ammonia in the carbonate
presence of a catalyst is called
amonation. (Ammonium bicarbonate,
NH4HCO 3) A white crystalline
ammonia solid used in baking powders and
NH 3, a colourless pungent gas. medicines.
Readily liquified by cooling,
b.p. −33.5°C, m.p. −77.7°C. It is ammonium hydroxide
highly soluble in water to form (Ammonia solution, NH4OH) It is
ammonium hydroxide. It is formed formed by the dissolution of
naturally by bacterial ammonia in water. It contains
decomposition of nitrogenous hydrated ammonia molecules as
organic matter. It is pyramidal in well as some NH+4 and OH− ions. It
shape. It is used in making nitric is used as a cleansing agent.
acid, fertilizers, explosives, foams
and films. ammonium ion
NH+4 ion, it behaves as a metal ion.

N 101
.7 p ammonium nitrate
m [NH4NO 3] A colourless crystalline
H solid, very soluble in water. It is
used as a fertilizer and in
H H manufacturing explosives.
ammonia solution ammonium phosphate
Ammonium hydroxide is known as [(NH4 )3 PO4] A colourless
ammonia solution. crystalline salt used as a fertilizer.
19 amyl group

ammonium sulphate apart in vacuum, would produce

[( NH4) 2 SO4] A white crystalline between these conductors a force
compound soluble in water and equal to 2 × 10−7 Newton per metre
used as a fertilizer (its excess use of length.
make the soil acidic).
ammonium thiocyanate A rock forming metasilicate
(NH 4NCS) A colourless crystalline minerals. These have a structure of
solid used as a source of silicate tetrahedra linked to form
thiocyanate ions in matches, double endless chains. e.g.,
photography and in explosives. tremolite, edenite etc.
ammonolysis amphiphilic
The process of cleavage of the C—X An amphiphilic molecule has both
bond in alkyl or aryl halides by hydrophilic and hydrophobic
ammonia molecule is known as parts. e.g., detergents.
ammonolysis. These halides on
reaction with an alcoholic solution The substance which behave both
of ammonia undergo nucleophilic as an acid and a base.
substitution reaction in which
halogen atom is replaced by an amphiprotic
amino group ( NH2). The amphiprotic substances can
donate as well as accept protons.
amorphous solids e.g., water.
An amorphous solid (Greek
amorphos = no form) consists of amphoteric
particles of irregular shape. The An amphoteric substance can
arrangement of constituent exhibit both acidic and basic
particles (atoms, molecules or ions) properties. Amphoteric term is
in such solids has only short range commonly used for those oxides
order. These solids do not have a and hydroxides of metals that can
sharp melting point but soften over form both cations and complex
a range of temperature. e.g., glass, anions. e.g., aluminium oxide, zinc
charcoal , rubber, plastics etc. oxide etc.
amount of substance amu
(n) A measure of the number of See ATOMIC MASS UNIT.
entities present in a substance.
see MOLE. amyl alcohol
[Pentyl alcohol or pentanol
Ampere (C5H11OH)] A colourless liquid
[Named after the French physicist with a particular characteristic
Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836)] smell. It is obtained from fused oil
The ampere is that constant current and is used as a solvent.
which, if maintained in two straight
parallel conductors of infinite amyl group
length of negligible circular (C5H11) A monovalent pentyl
cross-section and placed 1 metre group.
A amyl nitrite 20

amyl nitrite application by affecting the nerves.

(C5H11ONO) A pale brown volatile e.g., N2O, ethyl vinyl ether,
liquid organic compound. It is used cyclopropane, ethyl chloride etc.
in medicines to dialate blood
vessels of angnia patients. These chemical susbtances are used
amylase for relieving pain. e.g., aspirin,
Diastase, a type of enzyme that analgin etc.
digest starch or glycogen to dextrin,
maltose and glucose.
The identification of the
amylopectin components in a chemical sample.
A polysaccharide, consists of highly In qualitative analysis, nature of
branched chains of glucose pure unknown compound or the
molecules. It is one of the compounds present in a mixture is
constituents of starch. determined while in quantitative
analysis percentage composition of
amylose known components is determined.
A constituent of starch. It is water
soluble component which analytical chemistry
constitutes about 15-20% of starch. Branch of chemistry which is
Chemically amylose is a long concerned with qualitative and
unbranched chain with 200-1000 quantitative analysis.
α-(D-) ( + ) glucose units held by
C1-C 4 glycosidic linkage. angle strain
The deviation of a bond angle from
It is also known as starch. its normal value. In fact, greater the
deviation, more strained is the
anaemia molecule which leads to greater
A condition in which there is reactivity. Thus, cyclopropane with
reduction in the red blood cells or a bond angle of 60° is more reactive
the amount of haemoglobin per than cyclobutane (bond angle 90°).
unit. It causes pallor and fatigue in
human beings. anglesite
A mineral form of lead sulphate
anaerobic (PbSO4).
A chemical process that takes place
in absence of free oxygen. It yields angstrom
less energy than aerobic (Å) A unit of length equivalent to
respiration. e.g., fermentation. 10−8 cm or 10−10 m. (1 nm = 10 Å).
A chemical substance used to angular momentum
It is the product of moment of
remove the perception of pain and
inertia and angular velocity. For an
other stimuli. General anaesthetics electron of mass ‘m’ moving in a
produce total anaesthesia while circular path of radius ‘r’ around
local anaesthetics produce the nucleus, angular momentum
anaesthesia only at the site of = mvr.
21 anionic resin

anhydride animal starch

A compound that produces acid on Glycogen is known as animal
reaction with water. e.g., SO 3 is the starch.
anhydride of sulphuric acid
( H2SO4). anion
The negatively charged ion formed
SO 3 + H2O → H2SO4
by addition of an electron to atom
Organic anhydride of carboxylic or molecule. e.g., H− (hydride), Cl −
acids have general formula (chloride), N 3− (nitride), OH−
(RCO) 2 O. (hydroxide).
anhydrite anionic detergents
(CaSO4) A white solid that They are sodium salts of
occurs abundantly as the mineral sulphonated long chain alcohols or
anhydrite. hydrocarbons. Alkyl hydrogen
sulphates, formed by treating
long chain alcohols with
Another name for magnesium
perchlorate [Mg(ClO4) 2] . concentrated sulphuric acid’ are
neutralized with alkali to form
anhydrous anionic detergents. In anionic
A salt with no water of detergents, the anionic part of the
crystallization or a substance that molecule is involved in the
lacks moisture. e.g., CuSO4 ⋅ 5H2O cleansing action. Sodium salts of
(blue colour hydrated salt), CuSO4 alkyl benzene sulphonates are an
(white colour anhydrous salt). important class of anionic
aniline detergents. They are mostly used
See AMINO BENZENE. for household work.
aniline hydrochloride CH3(CH2)10CH2OH
(C 6H5NH2HCl) A colourless Lauryl alcohol
crystalline salt, highly soluble in
water and used in calico printing. It CH3(CH2)10CH2OSO3H
is obtained by passing dry Lauryl hydrogen sulphate
hydrogen chloride through a
solution of aniline in ether. NaOH (aq)

anilinium ion
The ion C 6H5NH+3 is known as
Sodium lauryl sulphate
anilinium ion. (Anionic detergent)
animal charcoal
(Bone black) A porous form of anionic resin
carbon produced by heating bones An ion exchange material that can
and dissolving out calcium exchange anions, such as Cl − and
phosphates and other mineral salts
OH− by anions present in the
with acid. It is used to make the
surrounding medium.
cane sugar white.
A anisole 22

anisole anode
[Methoxy benzene (C 6H8O)] A The positive electrode of an
colourless liquid, used in perfumes. electrolytic cell. It is the electrode
OCH3 by which the electrons leave the
anode mud
On passing the electric current, the
pure metal generally dissovles
from the anode by oxidation and
anisotropy get deposited on the cathode by
In crystalline solids, properties like
electrical conductance, refractive reduction. The soluble impurities
index, thermal expansion etc have go into the solution while insoluble
different values in different matter settles at the bottom as
directions. This type of behaviour is anode mud.
called anisotropy. anode rays
The rays emerging from holes of a
perforated cathode on the opposite
side from anode and is deposited at
the cathode.
Anisotropy exhibited
by crystalline solids anodizing
It is a process of coating of a metal
annealing such as aluminium with a thin layer
A process in which newly shaped of its oxide by electrolysis.
articles are cooled slowly. If they
are cooled quickly, they become anomer
brittle due to high internal strain. It Stereoisomers or cyclic forms of
is generally done in a tunnel like sugars differing in the
configuration at the C1 atom of an
annulation aldose or the C 2 atom of a ketose.
It is the process of fusion of a ring This atom is known as anomeric
with a molecule. It involves the carbon and these compounds are
formation of two new bonds. anomers. The α- and β-forms of
annulenes glucose are examples of anomers.
In annulenes, simple single rings of anomeric effect
carbon atoms are linked by If a pyranose ring has an
alternating single and double bonds. electronegative substituent at
H H anomeric carbon then this
H substituent will take the axial
configuration than the equatorial
H configuration. This is known as
H H H H anomeric effect.
H H Chemical substance which can
H H reduce or neutralize the acidity in
[14] Annulene stomach and raise the pH to some
23 antiferromagnetism

appropriate level. Sodium toxicity for humans and animals.

hydrogen carbonate can be used as These chemical substances inhibit
antacid but it can make the stomach the growth or even destroy
alkaline and trigger the production
micro-organisms by intervening in
of even more acid. Metal
hydroxides such as magnesium their metabolic processes. These
hydroxide, aluminium hydroxide are obtained from microorganisms
and magnesium silicate are better such as bacteria, fungi and molds
alternatives. or synthesized form chemicals.
antagonists Examples, penicillins,
Drugs that bind to the receptor site streptomycin, chloramphenicol,
and inhibit its natural function are ofloxacin etc.
called antagonists. These are useful
when blocking of message is antibonding molecular
required. orbital
Molecular orbital obtained by
anthracene subtraction of wave functions of
(Molecular formula C14H10) A atoms. It may be represented as,
colourless or white crystalline ∗
solid. It is an aromatic hydrocarbon ψ ( MO) = ψ A − ψ B
with three fused rings and is ∗
or σ = ψA − ψB
obtained from crude oil. It is widely
used in manufacturing dyes. e.g., the molecular orbital formed
by two 1s-orbitals
+ + + –
Anthracene 1s 1s *
anthracite Antichlor
Anthracite is a form of coal, which
A substance used to remove
is hard and black with a fixed
carbon content of 92-98%. chlorine from materials after
bleaching, e.g., sodium
anthraquinone thiosulphate, Na 2S2O 3.
(9, 10-dioxo-anthracene, molecular,
formula C14H8O2) A colourless
crystalline solid, m.p. 285°C. It is A class of drugs used to relieve
manufactured by condensing depression. The most widely used
benzene with phthalic anhydride in are the tricyclic antidepressants.
the presence of AlCl 3. The product These antidepressants may have
so obained is heated with conc. serious side effects and are
H2SO4 to convert it into therefore restricted to the treatment
anthraquinone. It is used in of severe psychological disorders.
producing dye stuffs such as antiferromagnetism
It is due to the presence of equal
antibiotics number of domains in the opposite
Antibiotics are used as drugs to direction and zero net magnetic
treat infections because of their low moment. Such substances are
A antifoaming agent 24

called antiferromagnetic mass-121.75) A lustrous metallic

substances. e.g., MnO. element of group 15, which is a
poor conductor of electricity. The
main source of antimony is stibnite
Alignment of magnetic
( Sb 2S 3). The main use of the metal
moments in antiferromagnetism
is an alloying agent.

antifoaming agent antioxidant

A substance which prevents the Chemical substances that slow the
formation of foam. These rate of oxidation process.
substances are used in the process Antioxidants are used to preserve
of electroplating, paper making food stuffs and to prevent harmful
and in water boilers. e.g., effects of oxidation in rubber,
polyamides, octanol, polysiloxanes plastics and paints. Naturally
and silicones. occurring antioxidants include
vitamin E and β-carotene.
antifreeze solution
A chemical substance added to antiparallel spins
liquid in cooling system of internal The spining of neighouring
combustion engines to lower its electrons in the opposite directions.
freezing point. Generally, ethylene A ferromagnetic substance consists
glycol (ethane-1, 2-diol) is used as of small magnetised regions called
antifreeze in cold countries. domains. In some substances
antihistamine domains are aligned in parallel and
antiparallel directions in unequal
Drugs that interfere with the action
of histamine. Some antihistamines numbers (ferrimagnetism), while in
are used to prevent histamine from some substances domains are
causing allergic reactions. aligned in parallel and anti paralled
Ranitidine prevent histamine, directions in equal numbers (anti
stimulating the secretion of gastric ferromagnetism).
juice and are used to treat peptic antiparticle
ulcers. An elementary particle with charge
antiknocking agent properties opposite to those
The compounds which are added normally found. e.g., antiparticle of
to gasoline to improve its octane electron is positron (positive
number are called antiknocking
agents. e.g., TEL (tetra ethyl lead).
antimicrobial drugs antipyretics
Drugs which are used to cure Chemical substances which are
diseases caused by microbes or used to bring down body
microorganisms such as bacteria, temperature in high fevers are
viruses, fungi etc. These drugs called antipyretics e.g., aspirin,
include antibacterial, antifungal paracetamol etc.
and antiviral agents.
antimony Antiseptics are the chemicals which
(Chemical symbol-Sb, atomic either kill or prevent the growth of
number-51, relative atomic
25 Arndt-Eisert synthesis

micro-organisms. These are applied arene

to the living tissues such as wounds, An organic compound containing a
cuts, ulcers and diseased skin benzene ring; an aromatic
surfaces. Examples are furacine, hydrocarbon or derivative.
soframycine etc. These are not
ingested like antibiotics. argentiferous
The term applied to silver bearing
apatite mineral deposits.
A naturally occurring phosphate of
calcium, CaF2.Ca 3 (PO4) 3. It is used argentite
as a source of phosphorus and for (Cheif ore of silver as sulphide
making fertilizers. Ag 2S) It is dull grey-black in colour.
aquafortis Mainly it occurs in Mexico, Peru,
An old name for nitric acid Norway, Chile etc.
( HNO 3).
aqua-regia (Chemical symbol-Ar, atomic
A solution containing concentrated number-18, relative atomic
hydrochloric acid and nitric acid in mass-39.95) A noble gas that occurs
the ratio 3 : 1. It dissolves noble in the atmosphere (0.94%). It is
metals like platinum and gold used as gas filled in electric light
which remain unaffected by nitric bulbs.
acid alone.
Arndt-Eisert synthesis
aquamerine The process of conversion of
Blue form of the mineral beryl. carboxylic acid into their next higher
aqueous homologue or to derivatives of a
A solution in water. homologues acid, i.e., ester or amide.
aqueous solution  SOCl 2 
Solution in which water is solvent. R  C  OH → R  C  Cl
e.g., brine solution, sugar solution –SO 2
(sugar-solute, water-solvent).
aqueous tension 
CH 2 N 2 Ag 2 O, ∆
Pressure exerted by saturated → R  C  CHN2 →
–HCl (Wolff
water vapours. rearrangement)
arabinose H 2O
RCH ==C==O →
(C5H10O5) A crystalline pentose Ketene
sugar derived from plant OH
polysaccharides such as gums. It is
used as a culture medium.
aragonite O
A mineral form of calcium Tautomerisation 
carbonate ( CaCO 3). → RCH2  C  OH
A aromatic compounds 26

aromatic compounds CH3 Cr2O3

Organic compounds that contain or V2O5
CH2 CH3 or Mo O
benzene ring in their molecules. 2 3

The name aromatic is derived from CH2 CH2

the Greek word ‘aroma’ meaning
sweet smell because most of the CH2
compounds belonging to this class
have sweet fragrance. All aromatic
compounds have a planar ring with
( 4n + 2) π-electrons. (Huckel rule). Arrhenius equation
e.g., benzene. It relates the rate constant for a
reaction to the frequency factor i.e.,
aromatic hydrocarbon it gives the temperature
These hydrocarbons are dependence of rate constants. It can
collectively known as arenes and
be written as
exhibit aromaticity. e.g.,
CH3 k = Ae− Ea /RT
or log10 k = log10 A −
2.303 RT
where, Ea = activation energy
Benzene Toluene Naphthalene R = gas constant
T = absolute temeprature
A = frequency factor
(Arrhenius constant)
Arrhenius theory
aromaticity (For acid and bases)
The modern theory of aromaticity Acids are the substance that
was advanced by Eric Huckel in dissocate in water to give hydrogen
1931. Aromaticity is a function of ions, H+ ( aq) or H 3O+ and bases are
electronic structure. A compound the substance that produce
may be aromatic if the ring is planar hydroxyl ions, OH− ( aq).
contains ( 4n + 2) π − -electrons and arsenate salt
exhibits delocalization of Salt of arsenic acid, H 3AsO4.
π-electrons as in benzene.
aromatization (Chemical symbol-As, atomic
n-alkanes having six or more number-33, relative atomic mass
carbon atoms on heating to 773 K at 74.92. A metalloid belongs to group
10-20 atm pressure in the presence 15 of the Periodic Table. The most
of oxides of vanadium, common form of arsenic is grey
molybdenum or chromium metallic. Arsenic compounds are
supported over alumina get used in insecticides and as doping
dehydrogenated and cyclised to agents in semiconductors.
benzene and its homologues. This arsenic acid
reaction is known as aromatization [H3AsO4, orthoarsenic acid, arsenic
or reforming. (V) acid] A tribasic acid from which
27 ascorbic acid

arsenates are derived. Arsenic acid artificial sweetening

is an aqueous solution of arsenic agent
(V) oxide. The non-sugar sweetening agent
arsenic (III) chloride that are used to avoid
(arsenious chloride, AsCl 3) A calorie-intake. Some common
poisonous oily liquid. It fumes in artificial sweeteners are saccharin,
moist air due to hydrolysis with aspartame and alitame. Saccharin is
water vapour. It is covalent in first popular sweetener which is
nature. 550 times sweeter than sugar.
arsenic hydride aryl group
See ARSINE. A group obtained by removing a
hydrogen atom from an aromatic
arsenide compound e.g., phenyl group.
A compound of arsenic and other C 6H5-derived from benzene.
metal. e.g., gallium arsenide, GaAs
and iron arsenide, FeAs2. aryl halide
These are the compounds in which
arsenious acid the halogen atom is bonded to the
[H 3AsO 3, arsenous acid, arsenic sp 2-hybridized carbon atom of an
(III) acid] A tribasic acid from
aromatic ring. These are also
which arsenites are derived.
Arsenious acid is an aqueous known as haloarenes. e.g.,
solution of arsenic (III) oxide X
(arsenious oxide).
arsenite salt H3C
Salt of arsenious acid ( H 3AsO 3).
Halobenzene p-methyl halobenzene
(AsH 3) Colourless gas with garlic-
smell, insoluble in water, prepared
in laboratory by the action of metal The fibrous varieties of a number of
and dilute acids on arsenous oxide. silicate minerals containing SiO 4
It has pyramidal strucure. groups linked into chains. It is heat
resistant and chemically inert.

As ascorbic acid
H H 1. A colourless crystalline water
H soluble vitamin having
chemical formula C 6H8O6. It
artificial radioactivity occurs in many foods mainly in
Radioactivity induced by bombar- citrus fruits, vegetables etc.
ding stable nucleus with high 2. It required for proper nutrition
energy. and metabolism and its
+ 10n → 24
+ 42He deficiency produces scurvy.
13 Al 11 Na
A asphalt 28

asphalt only above a particular temperature

called Kraft temperature ( Tk ) and
It refers to a natural mixture of above a particular concentration,
Bitumen. It is a black tar containing called critical micelle concentration
free carbon. (CMC). On dilution, these colloids
revert back to individual ions.
aspirator Surface active agents such as soaps
An apparatus for sucking a gas or and synthetic detergents belong to
liquid from a vessel or body cavity. this class.

aspirin astatine
(Chemical symbol-At, atomic
It is non-additive analgesic. It
number-85, relative atomic
inhibits the synthesis of compounds mass-210) It is a highly radioactive
known as prostaglandins which element with a short half- life
stimulate inflammation in the tissues period of 8.3 hours. It can be made
and cause pain. It can be synthesized by bombarding bismuth nuclei
by salicylic acid and acetic with alpha particles.
anhydride. asymmetry
OH A property which lacks symmetry,
in molecular or crystal structure,
COOH e.g., central C-atom in lactic acid.
+ (CH3CO)2O
Salicylic acid *
CH 3  C  OH
Conc. H2SO4 (*C= asymmetric C-atom)
Aspirin The separation of a gaseous
(2-acetoxy benzoic acid) mixture by using their different
rates of diffusion.
The combination of molecules of a atmosphere
substance with those of another to 1. atm., a unit of pressure.
form a complex species. 2. 1 atm = 101325 pascal = 760 mm
of Hg.
associated colloids
There are some substances which at 3. Gaseous mixture of air that
low concentrations behave as surrounds the earth.
normal strong electrolytes, but at atmospheric pressure
higher concentrations exhibit
colloidal behaviour due to the A pressure exerted by air
formation of aggregates. The (atmosphere) on earth’s surface. At
aggregated particles, thus formed sea level, the atmosphere will
are called micelles. These are also support a column of mercury about
known as associated colloids. The 760 mm high. It decreases with
formation of micelles takes place, increasing altitude.
29 atomic weight

atom atom = number of electrons in a

The word ‘atom’ has been derived neutral atom.
from the Greek word ‘a-tomio’ atomic orbital
which means ‘uncutable’ or
‘non-divisible’. The smallest A region around the nucleus of an
portion of an element, that can take atom in which there is maximum
part in a chemical reaction. probability of finding electrons.
There are one s-,three p-,five d- and
seven f -orbitals in corresponding
atomic orbital wave
It describes the behaviour of an
electron when orbiting the nucleus
of an atom.
atomic bomb atomic radii
A weapon deriving its great
It is the distance from the centre of
explosive force due to sudden the nucleus to the outermost shell
release of nuclear energy through of electrons.
the nuclear fission.
Practically, U-235 and plutonium-239 atomic spectrum of
are capable of undergoing chain hydrogen
reaction in atom bomb. When hydrogen gas at low
pressure is taken in the discharge
atomic energy tube and the light emitted on
Nuclear energy, released during
passing electric discharge is passed
nuclear fission or nuclear fusion.
through a spectroscope, the
atomic mass spectrum obtained is called atomic
The atomic mass of an element is spectrum of hydrogen.
numerical number which indicates
how many times an atom of an atomic volume
element is heavier than 1/12 mass The volume occupied by 1 g atom
of carbon-12. of an element. It is obtained by
atomic mass unit dividing the atomic weight of the
Unit used to express mass of element by its density. It is a
individual isotope of elements. It is periodic function of the atomic
equal to the mass of a portion number.
approximately 1.66 × 10−24 g or atomic weight
1.66 × 10−27 kg. It is the average relative mass of an
atomic number atom. Atomic mass of an element is
The number of protons present in a number which indicates as to how
the nucleus corresponds to atomic many times an atom of that element
number (Z). is heavier as compared with 1/12 of
Atomic number ( Z) = number the mass of an atom of carbon-12
of protons in the nucleus of an (12
6 C).
A atomicity 30

atomicity auger effect

Number of atoms in one molecule An effect in which an excited ion
of an element. e.g., atomicity of emits an electron with radiation. It
argon is 1, oxygen 2 and ozone 3. is a form of autoionization.

ATP auric
ATP corresponds to adenosine It refers to trivalent gold (Au3+ ).
triphosphate. A molecule of ATP
contain two high energy phosphate aurous ion
bonds. (Au + ) It is an oxidizing agent,
powerful enough to oxidize water.
atto Au + ion disproportiomates. It does
(a) A prefix denoting 10−28, e.g., not exist as a simple cation in the
1 attometer (am) = 10−18 meter (m). aqueous solution.
aufbau principle auto catalysis
The word ‘aufbau’ in German Process which takes place when
means ‘building up’. The building one of the products of a chemical
up of orbitals means the filling up reaction acts as a catalyst for the
of orbitals with electrons. In the reaction. e.g., potassium
ground state of the atoms, the permanganate (KMnO4) in acid
orbitals are filled in order of their solution oxidizes oxalic acid
increasing energies. In other words, (ethanedioic acid). The Mn 2+ ions, a
electrons first occupy the lowest product of the reaction, catalyzed
energy orbital available to them the reaction.
and enter into higher energy auto clave
orbitals only after the lower energy Air tight container in which
orbitals are filled. The order in contents are heated by high
which the energies of the orbitals pressure steam and sometimes
increase, is as follows : contents may also be agitated.
1s,2s, 2p , 3s, 3 p , 4 s, 3 d , 4p , 5s, 4d , These are used for sterilization or
5 p , 6s, 4 f , 5 d , 6p , 7s industrial processing.
auto oxidation
1s Slow oxidation caused by
atmospheric oxygen. It may be
2s 2p catalyzed by light and other
3s components in the system. It occurs
3p 3d especially in oils, food stuffs.
4s 4p 4d auto ionization
5s 5p 5d
auto protolysis
6p Transfer of a hydrogen ion ( H+ )
7s between molecules of an
amphiprotic solvent such as water.
31 azurite

Avogadro constant azeotropic distillation

Number of atoms or molecules in a Components of an azeotrope may
mole of a substances. It is equal to be separated by this technique. A
6.022 × 1023 mol −1. third liquid is added to azeotropic
mixture to form new azeotrope
auxochrome with one of the original
A substance used to modify the components. e.g., benzene is added
colour of the chromophore. to azeotropic mixture of ethanol
and water to separate out ethanol.
Avogadro law
Equal volumes of all gases under azides
the same conditions of temperature Compounds containing N−3 ion.
and pressure, contain equal azimuthal quantum
number of molecules. number
Mathematically. Azimuthal quantum number ‘l’ is
V ∝ n or V = kn also known as orbital angular
momentum or subsidiary quantum
The number of molecules in one
number. It defines the three
mole of a gas has been determined dimensional shape of the orbital.
to be 6.022 × 1023 and is known as For a given value of n, l can have n
Avogadro constant. values ranging from 0 to n − 1.
axial ratio azine
The ratio of the cell dimensions a , b An organic heterocyclic compound
and c in a crystal; where b being that has a hexagonal ring
taken as unity. In a cubic system containing carbon and nitrogen
atoms. e.g., pyridine.
a = b = c. In hexagonal and
tetragonal systems a = b ≠ c. In azo compounds
triclinic, monocinic and Organic compounds containing
orthorthomi systems a ≠ b ≠ c and azo group,  N == N  linking two
a c other groups. These are obtained
axial ratios are : 1 : . by the reaction of diazonium salt
b d with an aromatic phenol or amine.
azeotrope azo dye
Azeotropes are binary mixtures Azo dyes contain the  N == N 
having the same composition in group.
liquid and vapour phase and boil at
a constant temperature. In such N==N OH
cases, it is not possible to separate Azo dye
the components by fractional
distillation. There are two types of azurite
azeotropes called minimum boiling [Cu 3(OH) 2(CO 3) 2, hydrated basic
azeotrope and maximum boiling copper carbonate or blue basic
carbonate of copper] It is a minor ore
of copper and is used as gem stone.

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