Reporting Format For Parks: Irma Report

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Reporting format for Parks

I. Pre-Construction Stage

1. Common Attributes:
A- General Details
a) Name of State Gujarat
b) Name of City Gandhidham
c) Name of project Green space & park
d) Project code GUJ-GAN-002
e) Approved project Cost in SAAP 0.30Cr
f) Project included in which SAAP i.e. I/II/III SAAP-I
g) Whether the project falls in more than one SAAP. If yes 2015-16- 0.30Cr
please provide details i.e. SAAP-I, II or III. 2016-17- 0.50Cr

h) Serial Number in AMRUT portal 146

i) Name of reviewing agency (IRMA) Blg construction services pvt.Ltd.
j) Date of review 27-06-2019
k) Name of personnel of review agency making the site Mr.R. C. PUROHIT &
l) Implementing Agency (exp. ULB/parastatal etc.) Municipal board Gandhidham

m) Key concerned officer(s) interacted during review Mr.Prakash jhurani (M.8511184609)

n) Number of visits already made for the project Second visit

B- Review of Project Implementation Plan (timelines): Provide timelines, deviation, its impact on project,
revised timelines and suggested remedial measures by IRMA
a) Date of appraisal of DPR by SLTC 28-06-2016
b) Date of approval of DPR by SHPSC 2/8/2018

c) Date of issue of Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) / Request 12-08-2016

for Proposal (RfP). If there is any delay please give
d) Publication details of NIT 12/8/2016
e) Date of issue of Work Order (WO) 27-10-2016
f) Scheduled date of start as per Agreement 04-11-2016
g) Actual date of start of work 27-10-2016
h) Name of Contractor/ Executing agency A.S. constructions

BLG Constructions Services (P) Ltd.

Head Office:Jodhpur Rajasthan
Branch Office :Delhi

i) Contractual Amount. Please also indicate here SAAP-0.30Cr

difference from amount approved in SAAP work order amount-25,84,747

2. Review of adherence to SLIPs and SAAPs and outcome assessment

a) Project outcome proposed in approved SLIP/SAAP. yes
Deviation in outcome proposed in DPR w.r.t. approved
b) Review and comment on expected outcomes from the a) Having pathway , lown, flowering, sitting
projects and quantification in terms of achievement of benches fountain etc
improvement in b) sitting area
a) available general services and
facilities, b) child, elderly and c) slides, see saw,, swings puzzles etc
Divyang friendly features c) family d) very good
facilities including child friendly play equipment’s,
d) e) Compond wall , lighting watch &
aesthetics and other ward facility.
(e) Safety g) half basket ball/
(f) accessibility bedminton court
(g) Physical h) yoga and good place for relaxing
Activities resources, (i) i) 6 sq
Per Person Open Space in Plain Areas as per URDPFI, m per person j)
10 to 12 sq m per person
(j) Per Person Open Space in Built-Up Areas as per Total area provided=
National Building Code (NBC) 4950sqm
c) Strategy adopted to ensure achievement of outcome. properly planned through consultant

d) Does it provide year-wise milestones and outcomes? completed with in time

e) Comment on the city’s action plans to make special provisions for installing in the city parks as per
AMRUT Guidelines
- child friendly components playing facilities provided but less drinking
- Senior citizen friendly features yes provided benches etc
- Divyang friendly features Not provided including separate tiolet
3. Land acquisition and Utility Shifting:
a) Report status, issues (if any), impact and remedial municipal waste land connected into park
action plan on conditionality of each project in terms of
availability of land, encroachments environmental
obligation and clearances, required NOC, financial
commitment, approval and permission needed to
implement the project.
b) Whether the project site is free of encumbrances/ YES
litigation/court cases? If no report status, issues (if any),
impact and remedial action plan.

BLG Constructions Services (P) Ltd.

Head Office:Jodhpur Rajasthan
Branch Office :Delhi

4. Project Management Facility:

a) Whether adequate number of supervision / technical / YES, pmc by bhavi consultancy anand
administrative staffs are deployed? (Yes / No) If deployed,
list the staff details and verification proof.

b) Report on whether mechanisms have been put in place Yes, consultant and municipal autharities
for monitoring of physical, financial progress, project monitoring being updated on amrut portal.
outcomes. Also report whether updation of project
progress on AMRUT portal and progress photographs on
AMRUT App is being done once in 15 days.

5. Tendering Process:
a) Whether the Scope of Work conforms to Project yes
Outcomes? (Yes or No). If no, then record your
observations clearly bringing out discrepancies

b) Whether the procurement plan is initiated in alignment YES

with as prepared in approved DPR? Yes / No

c) If there is no procurement plan, this may be obtained work completed

from the ULBs and furnished along with this?

d) Indicate the status of the tendering process as work completed


Tender documentation completed YES

Invitation of Bids YES
Bid evaluation YES
Tender awarded YES
Total number of packages for which bidding is under 1

e) Is there any discrepancy found in the bidding? Yes/ No NO

If yes, provide the details of deviations found in the
bidding documents?
f) Review the probability of escalation in project cost and NO
time delay in implementation on account of inefficiencies
and mistakes in procurement

g) Compliance of the bid documents with respect to as per DPR

design standards, especially with respect to Materials of

BLG Constructions Services (P) Ltd.

Head Office:Jodhpur Rajasthan
Branch Office :Delhi

h) Review whether due transparent and fair procurement yes online tendering is done & all payments
processes have been followed as per the rules of the are as per GFR
Project Implementing Agency (PIA)/ General Financial
Rules (GFR), and good practices followed in the industry

i) Review the bid documents with respect to security deposits bank gaurantee etc are
appropriateness of commercial terms and conditions of there.
the contract
6. Review of Project Design, Documents and drawings: In case of any variations, suggest remedial
measures to be taken for achievement of outcomes
a. Review whether project components are in line to the yes
approved SLIP/SAAP.
b. Review adherence to technical standards in the detailed yes
execution designs / drawings prepared

S. No List of project design documents Yes/No

1 General Arrangement Drawings yes
2 Detailed Engineering Drawings yes
3 Drawings for Miscellaneous
4 Bill of Quantities & Detailed Cost
5 Bid documents yes
6 Materials report yes
Note: If there are any discrepancies found in the above listed documents, this may be reported
7. O&M arrangement
a) Report on Weather O&M Contracts with (RWAs/ yes 1 year maintenance gaurantee & then
Citizens Groups/ Corporate Groups - CSR) has been municipal resources community partnership is
done? report on how the city incorporate establishment of being attempted.
a system of maintenance with active citizens’ engagement
as per AMRUT Guidelines

b) If no, Whether O&M has been included in the DPR yes

conforming to the AMRUT guidelines? Report on the
assessment of the O&M arrangement for the project, for
its adequacy, financial arrangement and sustainability
specifically in terms of staffing, maintenance & equipment

R.C Purohit Saurabh Varshney

Project Manager (Civil) (Team Leader)
BLG Construction Service (P) Ltd. Jodhpur BLG Construction Service (P) Ltd. Jodhpur
IRMA Agency IRMA Agency

BLG Constructions Services (P) Ltd.

Head Office:Jodhpur Rajasthan
Branch Office :Delhi

Reporting format for Parks

II. CONSTRUCTION STAGE (2nd Half Yearly Report)

1). Common Attributes:
A- General Details
a) Name of state KARNATAKA
b) Name of city Bhadravati
c) Name of project Siddarooda Nagara park (Old town) in Bhadravathi
d) Project code (KAR-BHAD-005-Parks)
e) Approved Project Cost in SAAP (Cr) 4.0 Cr
f) Project included in which SAAP i.e. I/II/III SAAP- I, II & III
g) Whether the project falls in more than one SAAP. If yes SAAP-I approved cost 50.0 Lakhs
please provide details i.e. SAAP-I, II, or III. SAAP-II approved cost 85.0 Lakhs
SAAP-III approved cost 265.0 Lakhs


i) Name of reviewing Agency (IRMA) BLG Construction Services (P) Ltd, Jodhpur Rajasthan

j) Date of review 20/10/2019

k) Name of personnel of review agency making the site Mr. Paresh Kumar Gupta (Team Leader), IRMA
visit Mr. Vishal Danwar (Support
Eng.), IRMA Mr. Yogesh
l) Implementing Agency (exp. ULB/parastatal etc.) (Support
m) Key concerned officers interacted during review Mr. Manju BC (Support Eng.), PDMC
Mr. Dhanay Kumar, PDMC
n) number of visits already made for the projects 1. Pre- Construction visit
2. 1st Half yearly visit

B- Review of Project Implementation Plan (timelines): Provide timelines, deviation, its impact on project,
revised timelines and suggested remedial measures by IRMA
a) Date of appraisal of DPR by SLTC 05.06.2017
b) Date of approval of DPR by SHPSC 08.06.2017
c) Date of issue of notice inviting tender (NIT) / Request 30.06.2017
for proposal(RFP). If there is any delay please give
d) Publications details of NIT 30.06.2017
Tender Indent No: DMA/2017-
e) Date of issue of work order(WO) 03.11.2018
f) Schedule date of start as per 03.11.2018
g) Actual date of start of work 03.11.2018
h) name of Contractor / Executing agency Shri. N. Ramesh
i) Contractual Amount. Please also include here difference 0.49 Cr
from amount approved in SAAP (Cr)
The difference of amount between SAAP and 3.50 Cr
Contractual amount (excluding O & M)
2). Physical Progress:
Milestones are not applicable for this project.
1. Physical Progress as on Sep. 2019
Targeted physical progress- 100%
Achieved physical progress- 70%
2. Financial Progress as on Sep. 2019
Targeted Financial progress- 49.42 Lakhs
Achieved financial progress- 31.00 Lakhs

BLG Constructions Services (P) Ltd.

Head Office:Jodhpur Rajasthan
Branch Office :Delhi

a) Report on progress against targets set for expected All specification of work according to DPR.
outcomes from the project Provide details for a) All the general services and faclities are as
available general services and facilities, b) child, elderly per DPR.
and divyang friendly features, c) family facilities Fencing work is done around the park for safty
including child friendly play equipment’s, and, d) purpose.
aesthetics and other (e) Safety (g) accessibility (h) Walkway is constructed and other works are in under
Physical Activities resources, (i) Per Person Open Space progress.
in Plain Areas as per URDPFI, (j) Per Person Open GYM & Playing equipments are installed.
Space in Built-Up Areas as per National Building Code Plantation and horticulture work is yet
(NBC) to be done.

i) Verified, as per DPR.

b) Report on regular updation AMRUT Portal (progress) Being Done by ULB and PDMC agency.
and AMRUT App (Android) (site photographs of
progress) developed by the Ministry of Urban
Development. IRMA also has to upload the latest site
photographs on AMRUT App in addition to ULB and
Mission Directorate.
3). Quality Assurance
a) Observe and report on the quality of work and QAP has not been prepared. Test results report for
materials used in the project and ascertain from the quality of construction materials has been checked at
records the time of site inspection.
b) If any deviation against specification as given in the No deviations noticed and work is as per DPR.
DPR/Contract, please specify
c) When there are major issues related to ascertain the Regular quality of material inspection has been done
quality of materials used, IRMA agency may prevail on by PDMC. Further, only visual materials inspection has
quality assurance1 check results. been done by IRMA agencies at the time of inspection.

d) Report about cases of non-conformance from quality No deviations noticed and work is as per DPR.
reviews based on available documents and interactions.

4). Commercial Performance:

a) Comment on commercial performance with respect to Contactor has submitted FD towards mobilization
commercial terms and conditions, i.e. performance with advance of Rs. 2.63 Lakhs valid upto 26-10-2017,
respect to clauses such as – guarantee / warranty, Performance Security No 378151. IA has verified the
defects–liability, licenses, bank guarantee, insurance, FD.
payment schedule, taxes, dispute resolution
mechanisms, etc. (List the details)

b) Provide comments on enforcement of critical No any impact on project time schedule and cost of the
commercial terms and conditions by either party that project is observed at the time of the inspection.
has an impact on time and cost of the project along
with quantum of impact
c) Suggest remedial measures to improve commercial Deploy more labor & machinery to achive the schedule
performance target
5). Financial Performance:
a) Report the quantum and timelines of contribution of The quantam and timelines of contribution of funds
funds from all the counter parties of the project by from all the counter parties of the project is found in
verifying receipts statements. In case of delay, mention order and such no impact of project due to this.
impact on project
b) Report on utilization of funds in verification with bank No varation is found. The utilization of funds verified
reconciliation statements. Also state variation with with respect to project progress.
respect to project progress on site (if any).

BLG Constructions Services (P) Ltd.

Head Office:Jodhpur Rajasthan
Branch Office :Delhi

c) Review documents related to claim for payments and Documents (Measurement books, Running Accounts
payments made. Such documents will include – Bill, Test results, etc) found in order.
Invoices, Measurement Book, Bank statements, etc.

d) If any discrepancy in the above three leading to major There is no discrepancy noticed at the time of
change in the overall project performance, please inspection.
report in detail?
e) Review documents related to claim for payments and Revise estimation submitted to DMA for approval.
payments made. Such documents will include – Documents (Measurement books, Running Accounts
Invoices, Measurement Book, Bank statements, etc. Bill, Test results, etc) found in order.

f) Remedial measures to expedite the financial ULB/State share must be expedited to avoid any
disbursement for sanctioned Projects if any financial goal in financial & physical progress of the
6). Compliance to the statutory requirements
a) Report on compliance to directives by State and Central Not issue regarding clearance.
environmental agencies stated during the
environmental clearance of the project, compliance
with the Environmental Management Plan for the
project, and good environmental management
practices of the industry.
b) Report on provision, installation, and usage of health Some more improvements required although found
and safety equipment, procedures and practices at site satisfactory.
by visual observation and examination of records. The
report should include health and safety issues
concerning workers at site.

c) Report on standards of health and sanitation Found Satisfactory.

arrangements maintained at campsite by visual
observation and discussion with the concerned
d) Report about the progress of Resettlement and Such issue is not found.
Rehabilitation of Project Affected Persons (If any)
e) Report on court cases, which likely to affect the Such issue is not found.
physical progress of the project (if any).

BLG Construction Services (P) Ltd. Jodhpur

IRMA Agency

BLG Constructions Services (P) Ltd.

Head Office:Jodhpur Rajasthan
Branch Office :Delhi

Reporting format for Parks

IV. Post-Construction Stage

1. List the Operational performance of the project since the Trial run/ commissioning stage to the
period of inspection?

a) Performance of the equipment and playing Fine and in operation


b) Break downs (Number of days / Number of times) No Break Downs

c) Is the project meeting all functional requirements? Yes, drinking water arragements done.

2. Provide details of the performance of the Maintenance guarantee period

contractual obligations relating to the above aspects over,municipal board maintaining it properly
related to plants, machinery and projects. out of own resources.

3. Report on impact on beneficiary community from A dump ground has been converted into
the project park and has improved the aesthetics

4. Provide details on the assessment of the O&M Yes, ULB have resources to maintain it and
performance for the project, specifically of its is sustainable.
adequacy, financial arrangement and sustainability.

Note: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has the discretion to change the reporting
formats as per the requirement.

R.C Purohit Saurabh Varshney

Project Manager (Civil) (Team Leader)
BLG Construction Services (P) Ltd. BLG Construction Services (P) Ltd.
Jodhpur Jodhpur
IRMA Agency IRMA Agency

BLG Constructions Service (P) Ltd.

Head Office:Jodhpur Rajasthan
Branch Office :Delhi

Reporting format for Parks

III. Commissioning, Trial Run and Testing Stage

1. Provide comments on handing over of all All work handed over.

documentation, “As Built” drawings, operational
instructions and equipment manuals to the O&M team and
list the same
2. Provide comments on level of participation in training of Being maintained ,local labour being
handling equipment’s and during their testing by the O&M trained.

3. Report about the performance of equipment’s and All equipments are working in good shape
working of other components of the projects completed?

4. Indicate the problems / performance of the equipment? No Problems noticed.

If found not satisfactory suggest the corrective action.

5. Provide details on the assessment of the O&M Well maintained.Water point & Differently
arrangement for the project, specifically of its adequacy, able toilet provided.
financial arrangement and sustainability.

6. Provide details on the expected outcomes from the Good ambience provided to citizens with
projects multiple facility for recreation.

R.C Purohit Saurabh Varshney

Project Manager (Civil) (Team Leader)
BLG Construction Services (P) Ltd. Jodhpur BLG Construction Services (P) Ltd. Jodhpur
IRMA Agency IRMA Agency

BLG Constructions Service (P) Ltd.

Head Office:Jodhpur Rajasthan
Branch Office :Delhi

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