Guidline For Engagement & Secsession Plan of Staffs Dec 2019 PDF

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Guideline for Engagement and

Succession Plan of Professionals

on Consultancy Services Projects
and Works Contracts

December 2019
Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract


1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Objective ....................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Project Staff Requirements............................................................................................................ 4
3.1. Construction Supervision Service ................................................................................................. 4
3.2. Design Service............................................................................................................................... 5
3.3. Works Contract (Design Bid and Build) ....................................................................................... 5
3.4. Works Contract (Design and Build) .............................................................................................. 6
3.5. Proposed New Positions ................................................................................................................ 7
4. Succession Plan ............................................................................................................................. 8
4.1. Junior staffs ................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2. Provision of Intermediate Positions ............................................................................................ 10
4.3. Career Development .................................................................................................................... 11
5. Combination of professionals...................................................................................................... 24
Note: ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
6. Categorized criteria framework based on Project size and complexity....................................... 24
6.1. General Requirements for the senior staff Positions ................................................................... 26
7. Man month inputs........................................................................................................................ 28
8. Workload Limitation ................................................................................................................... 38
9. Task assignment and responsibilities .......................................................................................... 41
10. Marks allocation of Professionals for evaluation purpose........................................................... 42
Annex 1: Succession Plans/Adequacy for the Assignment ................................................................. 46
Annex 2: Qualification criteria ............................................................................................................ 90
Annex 3: Assignments and Responsibilities of Staffs ........................................................................ 245

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

1. Introduction

The Road Sector Development Program created conducive opportunity for the local
construction industry, i.e. Contractors, Consultants and professionals. During the RSDPs
implementation, ERA has set up various programs and procedures so as to enhance the
capacity of the local construction industry with number and capacity with a target of building
the local capacity in all respects.

One of the major task is the development program is enhancing the capacity and number of
local senior professionals to the required level since the professional service were delivered
by foreign exporters in the resent past years. The sector necessitates strong support and
development program to attain the required number and qualified professional to meet the
demand of the sector. However, unless a career development plan is put in place, enhancing
the number of professionals with number and quality could not be achieved rather, it allows
only limited professionals to be engaged on most of ERA projects and further leads to
dependency on overseas experts.

Therefore, this guideline is developed to manage Engagement and Succession Plan of

Professionals on Consultancy Services Projects. The guideline basically focused on design
and supervision of Road projects and Works Contract. However, other consultancy
service like technical assistance and services with unique characteristics could be consider as
exception and the staff engagement will be decided based on the nature of the projects.

2. Objective

The main objective of this guideline is:

 Prepare standardized requirement of project staffs depending on the nature of the projects
 To build up a system of succession plan for development of professional from lower to
the higher position or from one key position to the other with smooth career transition
 Creation of job opportunity for young professionals
 Identify and propose staff combinations on consultancy service contracts

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

 Develop a standard evaluation criteria frameworks for professionals those could be

applicable on ERA design and supervision of Road projects and works contract
 To define the tasks and responsibilities of each professionals on their assignment
 To develop standard workload management of professionals

3. Project Staff Requirements

A road project requires at least Technical, Managerial, Safety, Environmental and Social
experts with support staffs under the design and supervision crews and construction works.
The following are the minimum major lists of experts required in the current ERA design and
supervision of road projects and construction works to be proposed.

3.1. Construction Supervision Service

Key Staffs
1. Resident Engineer
2. Deputy Resident Engineer
3. Senior Pavement/ Materials Engineer
4. Senior Highway Engineer
5. Senior Structural Engineer
6. Senior Geotechnical Engineer
7. Senior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer
8. Senior Quantity Surveyor
9. Senior Surveyor
10. Senior Claims Expert
11. Senior Environmentalist
12. Right of Way Management Specialist
13. Sociologist

Support Staffs
1. Soil laboratory Technicians
2. Material Inspector
3. Surveyors

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

4. Structure Inspector
5. Draftsperson
6. Inspector of Works
7. Secretary

3.2. Design Service

Key Staffs
1. Team Leader
2. Senior Pavement/ Materials Engineer
3. Senior Highway Engineer
4. Senior Structural Engineer
5. Senior Geotechnical Engineer
6. Senior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer
7. Senior Quantity Surveyor
8. Senior Surveyor
9. Senior Contract Engineer
10. Senior Environmentalist
11. Right of Way Management Specialist
12. Sociologist
13. CADD Engineer

Support Staffs

1. Soil Laboratory Technicians

2. Surveyors
3. Secretary

3.3. Works Contract (Design Bid and Build)

1. Project Manager
2. Construction Engineer
3. Office Engineer

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

4. Chief Surveyor
5. Structural Engineer
6. Pavement / Material Engineer
7. Plant/Equipment Manager

3.4. Works Contract (Design and Build)

Construction crew

1. Project Manager
2. Construction Engineer
3. Office Engineer
4. Chief Surveyor
5. Structural Engineer
6. Pavement / Material Engineer
7. Plant/Equipment Manager

Design Crew

1. Highway Design Engineer

2. Material /Pavement Engineer
3. Bridge and Structure Design Engineer
4. Senior Hydrologist/Hydraulic Engineer
5. Geotechnical Engineer
6. CAD Engineer
7. Chief Surveyor

Even if the combination has experts from the Engineering and other disciplines, more focus
is given to the engineering part with number of staffs and input of each expects. In addition,
combination is also focused on the traditional and old way of doing the construction
activities. This implies that the staff combination may require additional input and better

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

engagement of professionals form Safety, Environmental, Social aspects, aesthetic and as

well as consideration of latest technologies of the industry.

The following section more focused on design and supervision projects on which the major
requirement is capacity and competency of professional. Whereas, only the required
professional qualification and adequacy of professional, including succession plan for the
construction professional are discussed and attached under the annex section since
construction works are basically dependent of the capacity and competency of the contractor
rather than the professionals.

3.5. Proposed New Positions

As discussed in the aforesaid section the staff composition of ERA projects has more focus
on the Engineering part with the traditional way of doing the construction business. Through
time, things are in a dynamic situation and the word focus is becoming more on social,
environmental, safety, aesthetic and gender dimensions of projects and as well as
consideration of current technologies.

Accordingly, to respond for the current global concern on project and to fill some
professional gaps on projects, the following new position are recommended to be part of the
project staff combination for design and supervision projects.

Table 1: New Proposed Staff Positions

I.No. Position Project type Remark
1. Traffic Engineer Design and Supervision
2. Architecture Design As required
3. Geologist Design
4. Gender & Youth Officer Supervision
5. Tunnel Engineer Design and Supervision As required
6. Electrical Engineer Design and Supervision As required
7. Mechanical Engineer Design and Supervision As required
8. ITS Expert Design and Supervision As required

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Further to consideration of additional professionals, giving sufficient input for the staffs that
are working on social, environmental, safety, aesthetic and gender dimensions of projects is
mandatory to achieve the expected result. Accordingly, the issue of giving reasonable
involvement for such staffs on the project is discussed in the forthcoming section of this

4. Succession Plan

Consultancy service basically depends on the qualification of the professionals proposed for
the service as it professional service. Development of professional may be through
progressive stages from lower position to the higher position or by the will of the consultancy
firms to engage graduated professionals from the universities or through some support
program organized by Employers trying to fill the gap of expertise on their projects and as
support of the graduated professional. In the previous time, most of ERA projects were
executed by overseas experts due to lack of sufficient experienced professionals and capable
consulting firms. Through time, ERA thought that unless a senior professional achievement
ladder is developed, no one will come to the key position simply by jumping from the
Junior/Assistance position and this lack of professional experts persist in the country unless a
remedial action is taken by Employers who are suffering from the shortage.

Based on this contemplation, ERA has developed succession plan which assists professional
to come to the key position through a career development or by moving from one key
position to the other. Furthermore, ERA tried to minimize the qualification and adequacy
requirements of professionals for early engagement of professionals on the key positions to
the level without causing serious impact on quality of the expected service. These initiatives
open a level ground for more professionals and today number of senior professionals are
developed through the process.

Even if such efforts have already been done, still there is shortage of professionals in the
sector and there are breaks in the professional development ladder which affects the smooth
career development. Furthermore, some of the ladder requires longer time for professional to
be qualified for the senior position. This reduced the expected level of professional

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

development and some of the Junior/Assistance or middle level experts are shifting to other
sector rather than waiting longer time to be qualified on for the senior positions.

Accordingly, ERA has revised the existing system to allow smooth career development of
professionals and to creation of job opportunity for graduates and middle level experts
without affecting quality of delivery from the service. The revised secession plan is expected
to respond the following key issues for development of senior experts.

1. Allowing development of professionals from one key senior position to the other
2. Development of key senior professional from junior and assistance positions
3. Introducing new intermediate position in between the senior staff and
junior/assistance staff positions to minimize the extended duration for juniors to
upgrade to a senior position
4. Consideration of new junior position

4.1. Junior staffs

In the previous supervision service Request for Proposals (RFPs) of ERA, the following
junior staffs are considered to be engaged on permanent basis starting from provision of
Permanent Facilities by the Contractor with zero years of experience for development of
staffs and as job opportunity for graduates.

Existing Junior Staff Positions (Permanent)

a. Junior Highway Engineer

b. Junior Materials Engineer
c. Junior Structural Engineer
d. Junior Quantity Surveyor
e. Junior Environmentalist
f. Junior Claims Expert

However, assignment of junior staffs on design projects was disregarded because of the
management issue of engagement of the junior staffs. Now, it is believed that junior staffs are
also required under the design service further to Supervision services to support the career
development and to create job opportunity for new graduates. The good opportunity at this

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

time is that the Design Directorate in the current ERA structure will monitor deployment of
junior staffs on design projects. As shown above, the junior position is considered only for
limited key experts and shortage of professional on other key position is getting aggravated.
Therefore, additional junior experts for some scarce position and junior staffs for the design
service is approved to be considered in the upcoming projects.

The New Junior Staff Positions are (Permanent)

a. Junior Geotechnical Engineer (To be Merged with the Materials Engineer)

b. Junior Hydraulic Engineer/ Hydrologist
c. Junior Sociologist
d. Junior Transport Economist

Junior staff of design services will be on all the nine junior staff positions parallel to the key
senior positions as required on the design RFP document.

4.2. Provision of Intermediate Positions

Normally junior staffs require longer time to be qualified for the senior passion since
experiences obtained as an Assistant/Junior Engineer related to the respective senior staff
position will be considered as equivalent to 50% of the experience that would have been
obtained working as key personnel in the respective position. This situation discourages
Junior/Assistance staffs and leads them to go for other job opportunities after the Employer
have spent a lot of resources for their development. Therefore, unless a remedy is proposed
for this situation it will be an endless process without achieving the expected outcome in a
reasonable time.

To managing the issue and for smooth and fact career development, Intermediate positions
between the senior and the Junior/Assistance position is introduced for the Junior staff
positions. This option helps junior staffs to move to a better position which is more relevant
to the senior position in a shorter period, gives a chance to be part of the decision making
process and let them to be a well paid staff than the junior position.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 10

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

The qualification requirement for this intermediate position is four Years of experience as
Junior/Assistant or other positions related to the required Intermediate position.

4.3. Career Development

In addition to the provision of junior, Support/Assistant and Intermediate staff positions for
development of senior experts, there should be a way for development of professionals from
one key position to the other or form the client’s and contractor’s staff to the consultant’s
staff. Such development has already been implemented by ERA for the past years and
appreciated outcome has been recorded. However, the actual situation still shows that further
consideration especially from the Contractor side and the Client side can be adopted to
satisfy the demand of senior expert and career development.

The revised succession plan has been prepared considering satisfaction of the professionals
working under the three parties as shown in the table below.

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Table 2: Secession plan for development of professionals including new positions (sample for large size projects)

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
1. Resident Years of Experience as ≥6 Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as ≥8
Engineer Project Manager or Deputy Resident Engineer ≥6~<8 Construction Engineer in ≥ 6 ~<8
(Supervision) Resident Engineer in in Managing or ≥4~<6 Road Construction, ≥ 4 ~<6
≥3~<5 Administering of Road <4 <4
Managing Road Upgrading or
<3 Construction, Upgrading or
Construction, Rehabilitation Projects
Rehabilitation Projects
Upgrading or
Rehabilitation Projects Years of experience as
[70% of the Adequacy Pavement / Material ≥ 10
for the Assignment, if Engineer or Project ≥ 8 ~ < 10
the Subsequent Engineer or Project ≥5~<8
Criteria is Applicable] Coordinator in Managing <5
or Administering Road
Years of Experience as ≥4 Years of Experience as ≥5 Years of Experience as ≥5
Project Manager or Deputy Resident Engineer Construction Engineer in
≥3~<4 ≥4~<5 ≥4~<5
Resident Engineer in in Managing or Road Construction,
Construction, ≥2~<3 Administering of Road ≥2~<4 ≥2~<4
Upgrading or
Upgrading or <2 construction, Upgrading or <2 <2
Rehabilitation of Double /
Rehabilitation of Rehabilitation of Double /
Triple Bituminous
Double / Triple Triple Bituminous Surface
Bituminous Surface Treatment or Asphalt Surface Treatment or
Treatment or Asphalt Concrete Road Projects Asphalt Concrete Road
Concrete Road Projects OR Projects
[30% of the Adequacy Years of Experience as
for the Assignment, if Pavement / Material ≥6
Applicable] Engineer or Project ≥5~<6
Engineer or Project ≥3~<5
Coordinator in Managing or
Administering of Double /
Triple Bituminous Surface
Treatment or Asphalt

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Concrete Road Projects
2. Team Leader Experience as Highway 5 Years Experience as Highway ≥ 8 Projects Experience as Team ≥ 5 Projects
(Design) Engineer / Team Leader Engineer / Team Leader in 6 ~ 7 Projects Leader in Road Design / 4 Projects
in Road Design / Road Design / Design 4 ~ 5 Projects Design Review Projects 2 ~ 3 Projects
Design Review Projects Review Projects ≤ 3 Projects [70% of the Adequacy for ≤ 1 Project
the Assignment]
Years of Experience as 2 Years Experience as Pavement / ≥ 3 Projects
Team Leader in Road Material in Road Design / 2 Projects
Design / Design Design Review / 1 Project
Review /Projects Construction Projects None
Experience as a 3 Projects Experience as Highway ≥ 8 Projects
Highway Engineer in Engineer / Team Leader in 6 ~ 7 Projects
Road Construction Road Design / Design 4 ~ 5 Projects
Projects Review Projects [30% of ≤ 3 Projects
the Adequacy for the
3. Deputy Years of Experience as ≥4 Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥6
Resident Project Manager or Pavement / Material Construction Engineer in ≥5~<6
≥3~<4 ≥6~<8
Engineer Resident Engineer in Engineer or Project Road Construction, ≥3~<5
(Supervision) Road Construction, ≥2~<3 Engineer or Project ≥4~<6 <3
<2 <4 Upgrading or
Upgrading or Coordinator in Managing Rehabilitation Projects
Rehabilitation Projects or Administering Road
Years of Experience as
OR Years of Experience as a
Deputy Resident
Quantity Surveyor/ ≥ 10
Engineer in Managing
≥6 Highway Engineer/ Office ≥ 8 ~ < 10
or Administering of
≥5~<6 Engineer or Works ≥6~<8
Road Construction,
≥3~<5 Inspector in Managing or <6
Upgrading or <3 Administering of Road
Rehabilitation Projects
Construction, Upgrading
[70% of the Adequacy
or Rehabilitation Projects
for the Assignment, if
the Subsequent

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Criteria is Applicable]
Years of Experience as ≥3 Years of Experience as ≥4 Years of Experience as ≥4
Project Manager or Deputy Resident Engineer Construction Engineer in
≥2~<3 ≥3~<4 ≥3~<4
Resident Engineer in in Managing or Road Construction,
≥1~<2 Administering of Road ≥2~<3 ≥2~<3
Construction, <1 <2 Upgrading or <2
Upgrading or construction, Upgrading or Rehabilitation of Double /
Rehabilitation of Double /
Rehabilitation of Triple Bituminous
Triple Bituminous Surface
Double / Triple Treatment or Asphalt Surface Treatment or
Bituminous Surface Concrete Road Projects Asphalt Concrete Road
Treatment or Asphalt OR Projects
Concrete Road Projects Years of Experience as OR
[30% of the Adequacy Pavement / Material Years of Experience as a
Quantity Surveyor/ ≥6
for the Assignment, if Engineer or Project
Applicable] Engineer or Project ≥5 Highway Engineer/ Office ≥5~<6
Coordinator in Managing or ≥4~<5 Engineer or Works ≥3~<5
Administering of Double / Inspector in Managing or <3
Triple Bituminous Surface <2 Administering of Double /
Treatment or Asphalt Triple Bituminous Surface
Concrete Road Projects
Treatment or Asphalt
Concrete Road Projects
4. Senior Years of Experience on ≥8 Years of Experience on Road ≥ 16 Years of Experience on Road ≥ 10
Pavement/ Road Design/ Construction Design/ Construction
≥6~<8 Projects as a Junior Material ≥ 12 ~ < 16 Projects as a Junior ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Materials Design/Construction
Engineer Projects as a Pavement ≥4~<6 Engineer/ Material Inspector ≥ 8 ~ < 12 Material Engineer/ Material ≥6~<8
(Design and Materials Engineer <4 / Laboratory Technician (N/A <8 Inspector / Laboratory <6
Supervision) for Design) Technician (N/A for Design)
Years of Experience as a ≥4 Years of Experience as a ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥6
Pavement/Materials Junior Pavement/Materials Junior Pavement/Materials
≥3~<4 ≥6~<8 ≥5~<6
Engineer Related to the Engineer/ Material Inspector/ Engineer/ Material Inspector/
Scope of the Assignment ≥2~<3 Laboratory Technician Related ≥4~<6 Laboratory Technician ≥3~<5
(Asphalt Concrete or <2 to the Scope of the Assignment <4 Related to the Scope of the <3
(DBST&TST), (Asphalt Concrete or Assignment (Asphalt

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Experience on AC is (DBST&TST), Experience on Concrete or (DBST&TST),
applicable for DBST & AC is applicable for DBST & Experience on AC is
TST) TST) applicable for DBST & TST)
Pavement/ Years of Experience on ≥4
Materials Road Design/ Construction
Engineer Projects as a Junior
(Supervision) Material Engineer/
Material Engineer/
Material Inspector /
Laboratory Technician
5. Senior Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 16 Years of experience as a ≥ 10
Highway a Highway Engineer in Junior Highway Engineer CAD Engineer/Office
≥6~<8 ≥ 12 ~ < 16 ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Engineer Road Design / in Road Design / Engineer in Road Design/
(Supervision) Construction Projects ≥4~<6 Construction Projects ≥ 8 ~ < 12 or Construction, Upgrading ≥6~<8
<4 <8 or Rehabilitation Projects <6
Years of Experience as a ≥ 10
Junior Highway Engineer ≥ 8 ~ < 10
in Road Design / ≥6~<8
Construction Projects
Highway Years of Experience as a ≥4
Engineer Junior Highway Engineer/
(Supervision) Highway Engineer/ CAD
Engineer/Office Engineer in
Road Design/ or
Construction, Upgrading or
Rehabilitation Projects
Highway Experience as Highway 5 Years Experience as Highway ≥ 5 Projects Years of Experience as a ≥ 10 Projects
Engineer Engineer / Team Leader Engineer / Team Leader in 4 Projects Office Engineer/ CAD 8 ~ 9 Projects
(Design) in Road Design / Road Design/ Construction 2 ~ 3 Projects Engineer in Road Design/ 5 ~ 7 Projects
Design Review Projects Projects ≤ 1 Project or Construction, Upgrading ≤ 4 Projects
or Rehabilitation Projects
Experience as a 3 Projects
Highway Engineer in

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Road Construction
6. Senior Years of Experience as a ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 16 Years of Experience as an ≥ 10
Structural Structural Engineer in ≥6~<8 Junior Structural Engineer/ Office Engineer in Road
≥ 12 ~ < 16 ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Engineer Road/ Bridge/ Railway/ ≥4~<6 Structural Inspector in Design/ or Construction,
(Design and Dam Design / <4 Road Design / Construction ≥ 8 ~ < 12 Upgrading or ≥6~<8
Supervision) Construction Projects Projects (Provided that He/ <8 Rehabilitation Projects <6
She (SI) Demonstrates in (Provided that He/ She
Full Design of 2 Bridges) Demonstrates in Full
(N/A for Design) Design of 2 Bridges)
Years of Experience as a
Junior Structural Engineer/ ≥ 10
Structural Inspector in ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Road Design / Construction
Projects (Provided that He/
She (SI) Demonstrates in
Full Design of 2 Bridges)
(N/A for Design)
Structural Years of Experience as a ≥4
Engineer Junior Structural Engineer/
(Supervision) Structural Engineer/ Office
Engineer/ Structural
Inspector in Road Design/
or Construction,
Upgrading or
Rehabilitation Projects
(Provided that He/ She
Demonstrates in Full
Design of 2 Bridges)
7. Senior Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 16 Years of Experience as ≥8
Geotechnical Geotechnical Engineer ≥6~<8 Junior Geotechnical Geotechnical Engineer in
≥ 12 ~ < 16 ≥6~<8
Engineer in Road/Railway/Dam ≥4~<6 Engineer in Road/Railway/Dam Design
(Design and Design or Construction <4 Road/Railway/Dam Design ≥ 8 ~ < 12 or Construction Projects ≥4~<6
<8 <4

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Supervision) Projects or Construction Projects
OR ≥ 10
Years of Experience as a
≥ 8 ~ < 10
Junior Geotechnical
Engineer in ≥6~<8
Road/Railway/Dam Design <6
or Construction Projects
Years of Experience in ≥4
Ground Investigation, ≥3~<4
Testing, and ≥2~<3
Interpretation of Results <2
for the Design of Bridge [Design]
Experience in Slope ≥2~<3
Stability Investigation, ≥1~<2 None
Analysis and Design <1
Geotechnical Years of Experience as ≥4
Engineer Junior Geotechnical
(Supervision, Engineer/ Geotechnical
Depending on Engineer in Road/
the Nature of Railway/Dam Design or
the Project) Construction Projects
8. Senior Years of experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 16 Years of Experience as a ≥ 10
Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer/ ≥6~<8 Junior Hydraulic Engineer/ Junior Hydraulic Engineer/
Hydrologist in ≥ 12 ~ < 16 ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Hydraulic ≥4~<6 Hydrologist in Hydrologist in
Engineer Road/Railway <4 Road/Railway Construction ≥ 8 ~ < 12 Road/Railway Construction ≥5~<8
(Supervision) Construction or Design or Design Projects <8 or Design Projects <5
Senior Experience in Road ≥ 5 Projects
Hydrologist/ Design Projects with 4 Projects
Hydraulic Hydrological Analysis, 2 ~ 3 Projects
Engineer Design of Drainage ≤ 1 Project
(Design) Structures and Storm
Water Management

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Hydrologist/ Years of experience as ≥4
Hydraulic Junior Hydraulic
Engineer Engineer/ Hydrologist or
(Supervision) Hydraulic Engineer/
Hydrologist t in
Construction or Design
9. Senior Years of Experience as ≥6 Years of Experience as a ≥ 12 Years of experience as an ≥6
Quantity a Quantity Surveyor in Drafts Person/ Junior ≥ 10 ~ < 12 CAD Engineer/ Office
≥5~<6 Engineer in Road ≥5~<6
Surveyor Road Construction / Quantity Surveyor in Road ≥ 10 ~ < 10
(Design and Design Projects ≥3~<5 Construction / Design <6 Construction / Design ≥3~<5
Supervision) <3 Projects Projects (Shall Demonstrate <3
in the Testimonial its
Involvement in
Quantification of Road
Years of Experience as a
Drafts Person/ Junior ≥8
Quantity Surveyor in Road ≥6~<8
Construction / Design ≥4~<6
Projects <4
Quantity Years of experience as ≥4
Surveyor Junior Quantity Surveyor/
(Supervision) Quantity Surveyor/ Office
Engineer/ Draft Person in
Road/Railway Construction
or Design Projects
10. Senior Years of Experience as ≥6 Years of Experience as a ≥ 12 Years of Experience as a ≥8
Surveyor a Senior Surveyor in Junior Surveyor in Road/ ≥ 10 ~ < 12 Junior Surveyor in Road/ ≥6~<8
(Design and Road/ Railway Railway Construction/ ≥ 6 ~ < 10 Railway Construction/ ≥4~<6
Supervision) Construction/ Design ≥3~<5 Design Projects <6 Design Projects <4
Projects <3

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Junior Years of experience as ≥4
Surveyor Junior Surveyor/ Surveyor
(Supervision) in Road/Railway
Construction or Design
11. Road Safety Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 10
and Safety Road Safety Audit ≥6~<8 Highway Engineer on ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Audit Specialist on Road Road Design and/or ≥5~<8
Engineer/ Design and/or <4 Construction Projects. <5
Specialist Construction Projects.
(Design and
12. Senior Claims Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 16 Years of Experience as a ≥8
Expert a Claims Expert in ≥6~<8 Junior Claims Expert in Claims Expert on Road ≥6~<8
≥ 12 ~ < 16
(Supervision) Direct involvement in Direct Involvement in Construction or ≥4~<6
≥4~<6 ≥ 8 ~ < 12
Handling of Claims Handling of Claims and/or Rehabilitation Projects <4
<4 <8
and/or Disputes on Disputes on Road Representing Any of the
Road Construction or Construction or Parties
Rehabilitation Projects Rehabilitation Projects OR
Representing Any of the Representing Any of the Years of Experience as a
Parties Parties Junior Claims Expert on ≥ 10
Road Construction or ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Rehabilitation Projects ≥6~<8
Representing Any of the <6
Years of Experience as a ≥ 10
Project Engineer/Office ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Engineer (Client’s or ≥6~<8
Contractor’s Side) in <6
Contract Administration


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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Experience in Direct ≥ 8 Projects
involvement in Handling of 6 ~ 7 Projects
Claims and/or Disputes on 4 ~ 5 Projects
Road Construction or < 4 Projects
Rehabilitation Projects
Representing Any of the
Claims Expert Years of Experience as a ≥4
(Supervision) Junior Claims Expert/
Claims Expert/ Project
Engineer in Direct
involvement in Handling of
Claims and/or Disputes on
Road Construction or
Rehabilitation Projects
Representing Any of the
13. Contract Experience in Contract ≥8 Experience in Contract ≥8
Engineer Administration or ≥6~<8 Administration or Contract ≥6~<8
(Design) Contract Engineer on ≥4~<6 Engineer on Road Design ≥4~<6
Road Design and/or <4 and/or Construction <4
Construction Projects Projects
Projects on Contract and ≥ 5 Projects Years of Experience as a ≥6
4 Projects Procurement Counterpart ≥5~<6
Tender Document
2 ~ 3 Projects Engineer of Road Projects ≥3~<5
≤ 1 Project <3
14. Senior Years of Experience as an ≥6 Years of Experience as a ≥ 12 Years of Experience as a ≥8
Environmentalist Environmentalist in Junior Environmentalist in Junior Environmentalist in ≥7~<8
Planning and/or ≥5~<6 ≥ 10 ~ < 12
(Design and Planning and/or Monitoring Planning and/or ≥5~<7
Supervision) Monitoring and ≥3~<5 and Evaluation of Social ≥ 6 ~ < 10 Monitoring and Evaluation <5
Evaluation of Social <3 Impact Assessment and/or <6 of Social Impact
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis of Environmental Assessment and/or Analysis
Analysis of Environmental and Social Impact of Environmental and
and Social Impact Assessments. Social Impact Assessments.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 20

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating

Environmentalist Years of Experience as a ≥4

(Design and Junior Environmentalist/
Supervision, Environmentalist in
Depending on Planning and/or
the Size/ Nature Monitoring and Evaluation
of the Project) of Social Impact Assessment
and/or Analysis of
Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment.
15. Right of Way For B. A. in Sociology For B. Sc. / B. A. in Land
Management and Related Fields Administration
Specialist Years of Experience in Years of Experience in
(Design and Extensive Involvement in Extensive Involvement in
Supervision) Right of Way Related right of Way related tasks or
≥4 ≥2
Tasks or Social Impact Social Impact Assessments,
≥3~<4 ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2
Assessments, Monitoring Monitoring and Evaluation
≥2~<3 ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5
and Evaluation or or Preparation of Social
<2 < 0.5
Preparation of Social Impact Mitigation Plans or
Impact Mitigation Plans Experience in Livelihood
or Experience in Restoration Activities.
Livelihood Restoration
Experience in use of
Basic Computer
Applications including
but not limited to,
Microsoft Excel, Access
and Word.
The Expert shall have a
Certificate issued by
Ethiopian Roads

Ethiopian Roads Authority 21

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Authority which
demonstrates its
Attendance of a
Training prepared for
Right of Way
Specialists and its
Ability to Undertake the
Required Services.
16. Sociologist Experience as a ≥ 5 Projects Experience as a Junior ≥ 8 Projects
(Supervision) Sociologist on Projects 4 Projects Sociologist on Projects in 6 ~ 7 Projects
in Social Impact 2 ~ 3 Projects Social Impact Assessment 3 ~ 5 Projects
Assessment and/or ≤ 1 Project and/or Resettlement ≤ 2 Project
Resettlement Action Action Plans.
17. Transport Experience in Projects ≥ 5 Projects Experience as a Junior ≥ 8 Projects
Economist on Road Feasibility 4 Projects Transport Economist in 6 ~ 7 Projects
Study 2 ~ 3 Projects Projects on Road 3 ~ 5 Projects
≤ 1 Project Feasibility Study. ≤ 2 Project
18. Traffic Years of Experience as ≥8
Engineer Traffic Engineer/ Transport ≥6~<8
(Design and Engineer in Road Design/ ≥4~<6
Supervision) Construction Projects. <4
19. Architecture Years of Experience as an ≥6
(Design and Architecture in Urban ≥5~<6
Supervision) Planning or Related ≥3~<5
Architectural Activities. <3
20. Geologist Years of Experience as a ≥6
(Design) Geologist in Subsurface ≥5~<6
and Material Investigation ≥3~<5
21. Gender Years of Experience in ≥4
Specialist Gender Programming/ ≥3~<4
(Supervision) Gender Needs ≥2~<3

Ethiopian Roads Authority 22

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Assessment/ Gender <2
Analysis, Development of
Materials/ Programs and
Development and
Execution of Gender
Sensitization Interventions/
Social Work Activities
22. CADD Experience in Working ≥ 5 Projects
Engineer with Computer Aided 4 Projects
(Design) Design and Drafting 2 ~ 3 Projects
and All Associated ≤ 1 Project
Computerized Survey
Data Techniques and


 Experiences of Road Construction shall also including New Road Construction, Rehabilitation, Upgrading and Maintenance Projects
 Experience obtained as project manager or material Engineer on URRAP projects will be considered by 60% for the adequacy requirement
as appropriate.
 The secession plan is a sample for large size NCB projects and the other options for Medium size and Huge ICB projects are attached as
Annex 1 to this Guideline.

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

5. Combination of professionals

For the positions with junior staffs, three deferent level professionals are recommended for
smooth and faster transfer career development and as job opportunity for graduates i.e. Junior
Engineer, Engineer (Intermediate position) and Senior Engineer. However, proposing all the
positions in a single project will cause over utilization of professionals and increase project
overhead. Therefore, the following combination is recommended for the cases where there
are three different levels professional in a single position based on the size of the project.

Table 3: combination of professionals in a single position

No. Type of Services Combination of Staffing

ICB Services  Senior Engineer and other senior positions
 Engineer and other similar positions
(intermediate position) (Permanent) and
 Junior Engineer (Permanent)
Big NCB  Senior Engineer and other senior positions
Services and
 Engineer (Permanent) (intermediate
Medium NCB  Senior Engineer and other senior positions
Services and
 Junior Engineer (Permanent)


 For the material Engineer; the input of senior material Engineer on Big NCB projects will
be intermittent by 65% input and other senior positions input will be as per section 7 of
this guideline.

6. Categorized criteria framework based on Project size and complexity.

As discussed in the aforesaid section, one of the obstacles for engagement of professions on
key position is the expected higher qualification and adequacy criteria. One of the criteria,
the adequacy part has been revised with the provision of succession plan as detailed under
table 2 above. On the other hand it is not reasonable to expect more relaxed criteria which
affect quality of the service delivery rather it is possible to develop different criteria

Ethiopian Roads Authority 24

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

frameworks depending on the volume and complexity of the assignment. In this regard, ERA
had developed three criteria frameworks by categorizing projects as “Medium Project”,
“Large Project” and “ICB Projects separately for design and supervision services.

Those criteria has been in use for the last three years and different qualification level
professionals has been assigned based on the volume and complexity of projects instead of
waiting got longer time to be a highly qualified senior expert. In the recent years, based on
the government higher attention to the road sector, huge budget has been allocated for the
road sector and the number of projects procured each year becomes numerous and they are
demanding more key experts to fulfill the increasing demand. Furthermore, due to
depreciation of the Birr value, the previously seated criteria framework may require revision.
Therefore, the criteria frameworks for “Medium/Small Project”, “Large Project” and
“Huge ICB Projects” are revised considering availability of professional and buying
capacity of Birr keeping in mind the quality of service to be delivered.

The criteria frameworks are revised and the following criteria frameworks are developed.

1. Criteria framework for Medium/Small National Competitive Bidding (NCB)

supervision projects
2. Criteria framework for Big NCB supervision projects
3. Criteria framework for Huge International Competitive Bidding (ICB) supervision
4. Criteria framework for Medium/Small NCB Design projects
5. Criteria framework for Big NCB Design projects and
6. Criteria framework for Huge (ICB) Design projects

Ethiopian Roads Authority 25

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Table 4: Threshold of the frameworks based on the current value or length of projects
Applicable Project
I.No. Framework
1. Criteria framework for Medium/Small National Competitive
< 1.3 Billion Birr
Bidding (NCB) supervision projects
2. Criteria framework for Big NCB supervision projects > 1.3 Billion Birr
3. Criteria framework for Huge International Competitive > 2 billion Birr of
Bidding (ICB) supervision projects any ICB Projects
4. Criteria framework for Medium/Small NCB Design projects <60 km
5. Criteria framework for Big NCB Design projects > 60 km
6. Criteria framework for Huge (ICB) Design projects Any ICB Projects

 The threshold may be amended depending on the nature of the project or other
considerations with approval of the Contract Award Committee
 Concept design of normal projects will be NCB as Medium/Small NCB or Big
NCB projects depending on the length like the design projects
 Concept designs of expressway and specially complex projects will be ICB

6.1. General Requirements for the senior staff Positions

While defining the frameworks for different value and size of ICB and NCB projects, there
has to be some boundary of hierarchy of requirement that fit for the purpose of professional

The criteria for each staff has two parts i.e. Qualification and adequacy part. The adequacy
part has been revised with the provision of succession plan as detailed under table 2 on
sample Big projects framework and similar it is organized for all the frameworks and
attached under Annex 1. Whereas, the qualification part which comprises of educational
qualification and the general experience need to be further iterated for each framework.
Accordingly the following minimum requirement is set under each category for engagement
of different level professional.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 26

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Table 5: Minimum Qualification requirement for the key staff positions:

Large Small
I.No. criteria position ICB Projects
Projects Projects
RE BSC degree BSC degree BSC degree
DeRE Other
BSC and BA BSC and BA BSC and BA
Education Engineering or
degree as degree as degree as
other Key
appropriate appropriate appropriate
RE > 15 Years >12 Years >10 Years
DeRE Other
Engineering Key > 12 Years >10 Years >8 Years
> 10 Years >8Years >6 Years
Environmentalist > 10 Years >8 Years >6 Years
Senior Surveyor > 10 Years >8 Years >6 Years
Right of Way
Management > 5 Years > 5 Years > 5Years
> 6 Years > 6 Years > 5Years

 minimum is the requirement to score the highest mark for the specific criteria and the
professional will be merited according to the rating rang indicated in the detail criteria
 the adequacy of the expert for the specific position is already discussed under the
succession plan and attached as Annex 1

The qualification criteria on education and general experiences for the six criteria
frameworks are attached as Annex 2 to this guideline.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 27

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

7. Man month inputs

Until 2009, there was no system to fix the man month input in a project and it was done by
the Project Engineers to the best of their knowledge. This situation causes overestimation or
less consideration of professional input on projects. The situation was more common in the
case of intermittent staff positions since the Project Engineers are not well aware about the
complicity of the project. While this is coupled with workload limitation of professionals, it
may make some professional over stretched because of under estimated man month input or
limited from being assigned on sufficient projects because of overestimated man month
input. Therefore, while fixing the workload of professionals on projects after 2009, a
standard procedure of input calculation was developed and it is under implementation for
past three years. However, with the current revisions, it is required to revise the man month
input calculation to tally with the other proposals.
The table bellows shoes the calculation of man month input for each professional depending
on the project classification.

Table 6: Estimated man-month input requirements of the supervision consultant staff for Big
NCB projects

Estimated Person-Months for Estimated Person-Months for

Professional Input
the Construction Period the Defects Liability Period

1.0 Senior Key Personnel

1.1 Resident Engineer x 2

1.2 Deputy Resident Engineer x-y -

1.3 Senior Pavement/Materials Engineer 0.65x -

1.4 Senior Structural Engineer 0.30x up to 0.40x -

1.5 Senior Geotechnical Engineer 0.30x up to 0.40x -

1.6 Senior Highway Engineer 0.30x up to 0.40x -

1.7 Senior Quantity Surveyor X 1

1.8 Senior Surveyor X 1

1.9 Senior Claims Expert 0.30x up to 0.40x 1

1.10 Senior Environmentalist 0.30x up to 0.40x 1

Ethiopian Roads Authority 28

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Estimated Person-Months for Estimated Person-Months for

Professional Input
the Construction Period the Defects Liability Period

1.11 Senior Hydrologist/Hydraulic Engineer 0.30x up to 0.40x 1

Senior Road Safety and Safety Audits

1.12 0.30x up to 0.40x 1

1.13 Right of Way Management Specialists x 1

1.14 Gender Specialist x -

Total Person Months for Key Staffs
2.0 Key Personnel [When to Introduce]
Pavement/Materials Engineer/
2.1 x -
Geotechnical Engineer
2.2 Structural Engineer x -
2.3 Highway Engineer x -
2.4 Claims Expert x -
2.5 Environmentalist x -
2.6 Quantity Surveyor x -
Hydrologist [Not Right Now, After the
2.7 Introduction of Junior for Some Years (3- x -
Total Person Months for Intermediate Key Staffs 7*(x)
3.0 Junior Personnel
3.1 Two Junior Surveyors [2*x] -
Total Person Months for Junior Staffs 2*x
4.0 Technicians, Draftsperson, Secretary and
4.1 Two Soil laboratory Technicians [2*(x-y)] -
Material Inspectors [increase the number -
4.2 x-y
based on the project length]
Structural Inspector [increase the number -
4.3 based on the project length and value/no. x-y
of structure works involved in the project]
4.4 Draftsperson x-y -
Two Inspector of Works [increase the -
4.5 [2*(x-y)]
number based on the project length;

Ethiopian Roads Authority 29

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Estimated Person-Months for Estimated Person-Months for

Professional Input
the Construction Period the Defects Liability Period
however, two is recommended]
4.6 Secretary Z -
4.7 Chain Man (number as required) x-y
4.8 Two Laboratory assistance [2*(x-y)]
Total Person Months for Technicians,
Draftsperson and Secretary

Table 7: Estimated man-month input requirements of the Supervision Consultant staff for
Medium-Small Projects

Estimated Person-Months for Estimated Person-Months for

Professional Input
the Construction Period the Defects Liability Period

1.0 Senior Key Personnel

1.1 Resident Engineer x 2

1.2 Deputy Resident Engineer x-y -

1.3 Senior Pavement/Materials Engineer Z-2 -

1.4 Senior Structural Engineer 0.30x up to 0.40x -

1.5 Senior Geotechnical Engineer 0.30x up to 0.40x -

1.6 Senior Highway Engineer 0.30x up to 0.40x -

1.7 Senior Quantity Surveyor x 1

1.8 Senior Surveyor x 1

1.9 Senior Claims Expert 0.30x up to 0.40x 1

1.10 Senior Environmentalist 0.30x up to 0.40x 1

1.11 Senior Hydrologist/Hydraulic Engineer 0.30x up to 0.40x 1

Senior Road Safety and Safety Audits

1.12 0.30x up to 0.40x 1

1.13 Right of Way Management Specialists x 1

1.14 Gender Specialist x -

Total Man Months for Key Staffs
2.0 Technicians, Draftsperson, Secretary and

Ethiopian Roads Authority 30

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Estimated Person-Months for Estimated Person-Months for

Professional Input
the Construction Period the Defects Liability Period
2.1 Two Soil laboratory Technicians [2*(x-y)] -
Material Inspectors [increase the number -
2.2 x-y
based on the project length]
Structural Inspector [increase the number -
2.3 based on the project length and value/no. x-y
of structure works involved in the project]
2.4 Draftsperson x-y -
Two Inspector of Works [increase the -
2.5 number based on the project length; [2*(x-y)]
however, two is recommended]
2.6 Secretary Z -
2.7 Chain Man (number as required) x-y
2.8 Two Laboratory assistance [2*(x-y)]
Total Man Months for Technicians,
Draftsperson and Secretary
Junior Pavement/Material/ Geotechnical -
3.1 x
3.2 Junior Structural Engineer x -
3.3 Junior Highway Engineer x -
3.4 Junior Quantity Surveyor x -
3.5 Junior Claims Expert x -
3.6 Junior Environmentalist x -
3.7 Junior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer x -
3.8 Junior Surveyors (Two) 2*x -
Total Person Months for Junior Assistant Staffs 9* [x] -

Ethiopian Roads Authority 31

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Table 8: Estimated man-month input requirements of the Supervision Consultant staff for ICB

Estimated Person-Months for Estimated Person-Months for

Professional Input
the Construction Period the Defects Liability Period

1.0 Senior Key Personnel

1.1 Resident Engineer x 2

1.2 Deputy Resident Engineer x-y -

1.3 Senior Pavement/Materials Engineer Z-2 -

1.4 Senior Structural Engineer 0.30x up to 0.40x -

1.5 Senior Geotechnical Engineer 0.30x up to 0.40x -

1.6 Senior Highway Engineer 0.30x up to 0.40x -

1.7 Senior Quantity Surveyor x 1

1.8 Senior Surveyor x 1

1.9 Senior Claims Expert 0.30x up to 0.40x 1

1.10 Senior Environmentalist 0.30x up to 0.40x 1

1.11 Senior Hydrologist/Hydraulic Engineer 0.30x up to 0.40x 1

Senior Road Safety and Safety Audits

1.12 0.30x up to 0.40x 1

1.13 Right of Way Management Specialists x 1

1.14 Gender Specialist x -

Total Person Month for Key Staffs
2.0 Key Personnel [When to Introduce]
Pavement/Materials/ Geotechnical
2.1 x -
2.2 Structural Engineer x -
2.3 Highway Engineer x -
2.4 Claims Expert x -
2.5 Environmentalist x -
2.6 Quantity Surveyor x -
Hydrologist [Not Right Now, After the
2.7 x -
Introduction of Junior for Some Years (3-

Ethiopian Roads Authority 32

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Estimated Person-Months for Estimated Person-Months for

Professional Input
the Construction Period the Defects Liability Period
2.8 Surveyor (Two) 2*x -
Total Person Months for Intermediate Key Staffs 9*x
2.0 Technicians, Draftsperson, Secretary and
2.1 Two Soil laboratory Technicians [2*(x-y)] -
Material Inspectors [increase the number -
2.2 x-y
based on the project length]
Structural Inspector [increase the number -
2.3 based on the project length and value/no. x-y
of structure works involved in the project]
2.4 Draftsperson x-y -
Two Inspector of Works [increase the -
2.5 number based on the project length; [2*(x-y)]
however, two is recommended]
2.6 Secretary Z -
2.7 Chain Man (number as required) x-y
2.8 Two Laboratory assistance [2*(x-y)]
Total Man Month for Technicians, Draftsperson
and Secretary
Junior Pavement/Material/ Geotechnical -
3.1 x
3.2 Junior Structural Engineer x -
3.3 Junior Highway Engineer x -
3.4 Junior Quantity Surveyor x -
3.5 Junior Claims Expert x -
3.6 Junior Environmentalist x -
3.7 Junior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer x -
Total Man Month for Junior Assistant Staffs 7* [x] -

Note for Table 6, 7 and 8:

x = Construction Period in Months

Ethiopian Roads Authority 33

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

y = Mobilization Period in Months

Z= Construction Supervision Period in Months

a. The man month input may be amended considering the three optional design review
i. Full design review before works tender floating
ii. Tender document and Engineers Estimate review before works tender floating
iii. Design review parallel to works tender floating

b. The Ranges indicated above are only for guidance purpose, the man-month of the staffs
indicated in ranges may be fixed based on the value of the works, length of the project, type
of contract, physical nature of the project area, and extent of activities involved specifically
related to each position. The Counterpart may even allocate a Man-month higher or slightly
less from what has been indicated above if it can be justified considering the points
mentioned above.
c. Man-month (No. of Posts for support positions) of support staffs may also be increased
depending on the length of the project and value of activities related to the positions.

Table 9: Estimated man-month input requirements of the Design Consultant staff

Estimated Person- Estimated Person-

Professional Input
Months for Phase I Months for Phase II
1.0 Senior Key Personnel
1.1 Team Leader x y
1.2 Senior Highway Engineer 0.80x up to 0.90x 0.80y up to 0.90y
1.3 Senior Pavement/Materials Engineer 0.80x up to 0.90x 0.80y up to 0.90y
1.4 Senior Structural Engineer 0.50x up to 0.70x 0.50y up to 0.70y
1.5 Senior Geotechnical Engineer 0.50x up to 0.70x 0.50y up to 0.70y
1.6 Senior Geologist 0.40x up to 0.60x 0.40y up to 0.60y
1.7 Senior Hydrologist/Hydraulic Engineer 0.50x up to 0.70x 0.50y up to 0.70y
1.8 Senior Surveyor 0.60x up to 0.70x 0.60y up to 0.70y
1.9 Senior Quantity Surveyor 0.10x up to 0.15x 0.30y up to 0.40y
1.10 Senior Contract Engineer 0.10x up to 0.15x 0.40y up to 0.60y
Senior Transport Economist/Engineer /
1.11 0.40x up to 0.60x 0.10y up to 0.20y
Traffic Engineer
1.12 Senior Environmentalist 0.40x up to 0.60x 0.40y up to 0.60y
1.13 Senior Sociologist 0.40x up to 0.60x 0.40y up to 0.60y

Ethiopian Roads Authority 34

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Estimated Person- Estimated Person-

Professional Input
Months for Phase I Months for Phase II
Senior Road Safety and Safety Audits
1.14 0.30x up to 0.50x 0.30y up to 0.50y
1.15 CADD Engineer 0.30x up to 0.50x 0.40y up to 0.60y
1.16 Right of Way Management Specialists 0.10x up to 0.20x 0.50y up to 0.70y
Architecture, Tunnel Engineer,
Depending the Nature Depending the Nature
Mechanical Engineer, Electrical
of the Project of the Project
Engineer,. …as appropriate.
Total Person Months for Key Staffs
2.0 Junior Personnel
Same as Senior Same as Senior
Junior Pavement/Materials &
2.1 Pavement/ Materials Pavement/ Materials
Geotechnical Engineer
Engineer Engineer
2.2 Junior Structural Engineer Same as Senior Position Same as Senior Position
2.3 Junior Highway Engineer Same as Senior Position Same as Senior Position
2.4 Junior Claims Expert Same as Senior Position Same as Senior Position
2.5 Junior Environmentalist Same as Senior Position Same as Senior Position
2.6 Junior Quantity Surveyor Same as Senior Position Same as Senior Position
2.7 Junior Hydrologist/Hydraulic Engineer Same as Senior Position Same as Senior Position
2.8 Junior Contract Engineer/ Claims Expert Same as Senior Position Same as Senior Position
2.9 Junior Surveyor Same as Senior Position Same as Senior Position
2.10 Junior sociologist Same as Senior Position Same as Senior Position
2.11 Junior Transport Economist Same as Senior Position Same as Senior Position
Total Person Months for Junior Staffs
3.0 Junior Personnel
3.1 Two Soil laboratory Technicians 0.40x up to 0.60x 0.40y up to 0.60y
3.2 Photogrammetrist/ Location Person 0.60x up to 0.70x 0.60y up to 0.70y
3.3 Secretary x y
Total Person Months for Technicians and

x = Phase I Design Duration in Months

y = Phase II Design Duration in Months

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Table 10: Estimated man-month input requirements of the Concept Design Consultant staff

Professional Input Estimated Person-Months

1.0 Senior Key Personnel
1.1 Team Leader x
1.2 Senior Highway Engineer 0.80x up to 0.90x
1.3 Senior Pavement/Materials Engineer 0.80x up to 0.90x
1.4 Senior Structural Engineer 0.70x up to 0.80x
1.5 Senior Geotechnical Engineer 0.70x up to 0.80x
1.6 Senior Geologist 0.50x up to 0.70x
1.7 Senior Hydrologist/Hydraulic Engineer 0.70x up to 0.80x
1.8 Senior Surveyor 0.60x up to 0.70x
1.9 Senior Quantity Surveyor 0.40x up to 0.60x
1.10 Senior Contract Engineer 0.40x up to 0.60x
1.11 Senior Transport Economist/Engineer / Traffic Engineer 0.40x up to 0.60x
1.12 Senior Environmentalist 0.40x up to 0.60x
1.13 Senior Sociologist 0.60x up to 0.80x
1.14 Senior Road Safety and Safety Audits Specialist 0.30x up to 0.50x
1.15 CADD Engineer 0.30x up to 0.50x
1.16 Right of Way Management Specialists 0.40x up to 0.60x
Architecture, Tunnel Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Depending the Nature of the
Electrical Engineer,. …as appropriate. Project
Total Person Months for Key Staffs
2.0 Support Personnel
2.1 Two Soil laboratory Technicians 0.50x up to 0.70x
2.2 Photogrammetrist/Location Person 0.60x up to 0.70x
2.3 Secretary x
Total Person Months for Technicians and Secretary

x = Concept Design Duration in Months

Note for table 9 and 10:

Ethiopian Roads Authority 36

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

a. The Ranges indicated above are only for guidance purpose, the peson-month of
the staffs indicated in ranges may be fixed based on the value of the works,
length of the project, type of contract, physical nature of the project area, and
anticipated extent of activities involved specifically related to each position. The
Counterpart may even allocate a Person-month higher or slightly less from what
has been indicated above if it can be justified considering the points mentioned

b. Person-month of support staffs may also be increased depending on the length of

the project and value of activities related to the positions.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 37

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

8. Workload Limitation

Overstretched professionals are not delivering their assignment with the expected quality
standard. Furthermore, assessments show that if a professional is overstretched with very
high workload:

 Affects development of the professional and they are limited on standard reporting
templates rather than adopting detailed project specific studies
 Affect job distribution and most assignments may be handled by limited staffs
 Reduced quality of deliverable
 The professional couldn’t be available while there are required on projects

Because of the above and other issues, ERA has developed a system to manage workload of
professional as follows:

Table 11: Workload limitation of Professionals

I. No. Key Staffs Number of allowed Projects a Professional can

involve at a time as Key Professional on ERA Projects
1. Resident Engineer 1
2 Supervision and 1 Design
2. Team Leader (Design) 4 Supervision
2 Design
3. Deputy Resident Engineer 1
1 Design & 1 Supervision
4. Pavement/Material Engineer Or
3 Design
2 Intermittent Supervision
Pavement/Material Engineer Or
5. (Working as Intermittent on 2 Design &1 Intermittent Supervision
Supervision Projects) Or
3 Design
4 Supervision
6. Structural Engineer 4 Design
a combination of Design and Supervision

Ethiopian Roads Authority 38

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

I. No. Key Staffs Number of allowed Projects a Professional can

involve at a time as Key Professional on ERA Projects
7. Quantity Surveyor 1 Supervision or 5 Design
3 Supervision and 1 Design
8. Highway Engineer 4 Supervision
1 Supervision and 2 Design
9. Senior Surveyor 1 Supervision or 3 Design
5 Supervision
Contract Engineer /
10. 5 Design
Claims Expert
a combination of Design and Supervision
5 Supervision
11. Geotechnical Engineer 5 Design
a combination of Design and Supervision
5 Supervision
12. 5 Design
a combination of Design and Supervision
5 Supervision
13. Environmentalist 5 Design
a combination of Design and Supervision
5 Supervision
Road Safety and Safety Audit Or
14. Specialist / Traffic Engineer / 5 Design
Transport Economist Or
a combination of Design and Supervision
15. Sociologist 3 Design
16. CADD Engineer 3 Design
Right of Way Management
17. 1 Supervision
18. Gender Specialist 1 Supervision
19. Geologist 5 Design
Junior Engineer and Engineer
20. 1 Supervision or 3 designs

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Professional who has reached the above limit of engagement on ERA projects cannot be
proposed on new tenders unless he/she satisfies the conditions discussed below.

1. A professional who has reached the above limited can participate on this or other new
tenders if at least his/her one of current commitments on ERA projects completed at
least 70%. Otherwise, the proposed staff should submit a letter from ERA with the
proposal that indicates the staff could leave the project before completion or before at
least 70 % completion of the project fulfilling the conditions mentioned under clause
67 of the Conditions of contract or if he/she submit a letter from ERA with the proposal
that confirms its part/duty on the Projects is substantially completed (at least 70%

2. The workload data to be considered for evaluation purpose is for the month of two
months prior to the proposal submission month. (e.g. for proposal submitted on
December, we will consider ERA’s workload data of October)
3. A project will be considered as a workload of the proposed professionals starting from
the date signing of the contract by the Consultant and ERA.
4. In the standard CV format attached under Section 4: Bidding Forms, B. Financial
Proposal - Standard Forms, 2. Financial Proposal - Form F2; each individual should
i. The projects they have at hand
ii. The %age completion of each project
iii. The %age completion of specific assignment of the staff on the project
iv. The position on the current projects

 The proposed staff engagement on any of the key professional position will be considered
even if it is not similar with the current proposal.

 If the information declared under the CV of the proposed key personnel in relation to the
completion of professional’s assignment or progress of the project or the number of
projects the profession involves in design or supervisions is found to be incorrect, the act
is considered to be “Fraudulent Practice” as defined under Clause 3.1 of ITC and
subsequently the proposed CV will be merited zero. Furthermore, ERA may take
appropriate measure on the proposed person and on the firm. Hence, bidders should take

Ethiopian Roads Authority 40

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

precautions while preparation of the CV and should aware their proposed personnel of the
seriousness of the matter and advise them to duly and professionally prepare the CV

If the proposed professional of the successful firm get engaged on other project during the
tendering period and attain the maximum limit of ERA projects workload, he should be
replaced by other equivalent or highly qualified staff during negotiation of the contract with
sufficient justification

9. Task assignment and responsibilities

ERA has defined the minimum task assignment and responsibilities of staffs engaged on
projects from the senior position up to the support staff. The task assignment and
responsibilities assigned by ERA is the minimum expected by ERA and consultants may
come up with their additional task keeping ERA’s minimum requirement. Currently an
Intermediate position is proposed for some key positions and the staff on this position should
share some task assignment and responsibilities from the senior staff since the staff is
expected to have at least have four years of experience.

General Tasks and Responsibilities for the three positions of a single position is as shown
below. However, the detailed Tasks and Responsibilities of all the staffs are attached as
Annex 3 to this guideline.

Junior Engineer

 Has No Direct Responsibility in relation to the outcome/quality of services

 Assists the Senior and/or Engineer, as appropriate.
 Reports to the Senior Engineer/ Engineer, as appropriate.
 Also, reports to the Resident Engineer


 Is Responsible in relation to the outcome/quality of services (Given specific tasks

in relation to the routine monitoring/ supervision activities)
 Works in collaboration with the Senior Engineer.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 41

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

 Oversee and control the activities of the Junior Engineer, as appropriate.

 Reports to the Senior Engineer.
 Also, reports to the Resident Engineer

Senior Engineer
 Is Responsible for the whole tasks assigned for the position/ post in relation to the
outcome/quality of services
 Assign tasks and oversee the activities of the Junior Engineer and Engineer, as
 Works in collaboration with the Resident Engineer.

10. Marks allocation of Professionals for evaluation purpose

The Staffs to be evaluated and the mark allocation for Supervision and design Consultancy
Services shall follow the following procedure..

Table 12: Staffs to be evaluated and the mark allocation for NCB Supervision Services

Priority Name of Criteria
Points in %
Qualifications and Competence of the Key Professional Staff
Engaged in the Consultancy Service:

1. Key Staff Considered for Evaluation

2.1. Resident Engineer 12
2.2. Deputy Resident Engineer 10
2.3. Senior Pavement/Materials Engineer 9
2.4. Senior Highway Engineer 6
2.5. Senior Structural Engineer 6
1. 2.6. Senior Surveyor 6
2.7. Senior Quantity Surveyor 6
2.8. Senior Claims Expert 5
2. Key staff but not Considered for Evaluation
2.1. Senior Geotechnical Engineer
2.2. Senior Hydrologist / Hydraulic Engineer
2.3. Senior Environmentalist
2.4. Senior Road Safety and Safety Audit Specialist
2.5. Right of Way Management Specialist

Ethiopian Roads Authority 42

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Total points for criterion (1): 60 %

The number of points to be assigned to each of the above
positions or disciplines shall be determined considering the
following two sub-criteria and relevant percentage weights:
(a) General qualifications 30%
(b) Adequacy for the assignment 60%
(c) Relation with the firm 10%
Total weight: 100%


c. The marks allotted for the project might be customized considering the physical nature
of the project area, and extent of activities involved specifically related to each position.
d. Furthermore, considering the nature of the project, additional staffs might be given mark
for evaluation.
e. The amendments need to be with approval of the Contract Award Committee

Table 13: Staffs to be evaluated and the mark allocation for ICB Supervision Services

Priority Name of Criteria
Points in %

Qualifications and Competence of the Key Professional Staff

Engaged in the Consultancy Service:

1. Key Staff Considered for Evaluation

1.1. Resident Engineer 10
1.2. Deputy Resident Engineer 8
1.3. Senior Pavement/Materials Engineer 7
1. 1.4. Senior Highway Engineer 5
1.5. Senior Structural Engineer 5
1.6. Senior Surveyor 4
1.7. Senior Quantity Surveyor 4
1.8. Senior Claims Expert 4
1.9. Senior Geotechnical Engineer 4
1.10.Senior Road Safety and Safety Audit Specialist 3

Ethiopian Roads Authority 43

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

1.11.Senior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer 3

1.12.Environmentalist 3
2. Key staff but not Considered for Evaluation
2.1. Right of Way Management Specialist
Total Points for Criterion (1): 60 %
The number of points to be assigned to each of the above
positions or disciplines shall be determined considering the
following two sub-criteria and relevant percentage weights:
(a) General qualifications 30%

(b) Adequacy for the assignment 60%

(c) Relation with the firm 10%

Total weight: 100%


a. The marks allotted for the project might be customized considering the physical nature
of the project area, and extent of activities involved specifically related to each position.

b. Furthermore, considering the nature of the project, additional staffs might be given mark
for evaluation.
c. The amendments need to be with approval of the Contract Award Committee

Table 14: Staffs to be evaluated and the mark allocation for NCB Design Services

Priority Name of criteria
Points in %
Qualifications and Competence of the Key Professional Staff
Engaged in the Consultancy Service:

3. Key Staff Considered for Evaluation

1.1 Team Leader 12
1. 1.2 Senior Highway Engineer 8
1.3 Senior Material/Pavement Engineer 8
1.4 Senior Structural Engineer 6
1.5 Senior Hydrology/ Hydraulic Engineer 6
1.6 Senior Surveyor 6
1.7 Senior Environmentalist 4
1.8 Senior Geotechnical Engineer 5
1.9 Senior Contract Engineer 5

Ethiopian Roads Authority 44

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

4. Key staff but not considered for evaluation

2.1 Senior Quantity Surveyor
2.2 Senior Traffic Engineer or Road and Transport
Engineer/ Transport Economist
2.3 Senior Sociologist

2.4 Senior Geologist

2.5 Right of Way Management Specialist/ Expert

2.6 Senior Road Safety and Safety Audits Specialist

2.7 CAD Engineer

2.8 Others (If any)

Total Points for Criterion (1): 60 %
The number of points to be assigned to each of the above positions
or disciplines shall be determined considering the following two
sub-criteria and relevant percentage weights:
(d) General Qualifications 30%
(e) Adequacy for the Assignment 70%
Total weight: 100%


a. The marks allotted for the project might be customized considering the physical
nature of the project area, and extent of activities involved specifically related to
each position.
b. Furthermore, considering the nature of the project, additional staffs might be
given mark for evaluation.
c. Additional Key Professionals might be subject to evaluation for International
Competitive Bidding (ICB).
d. The amendments need to be with approval of the Contract Award Committee

Ethiopian Roads Authority 45

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Annex 1: Succession Plans/Adequacy for the Assignment

Ethiopian Roads Authority 46

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification Criteria for National Competitive Bidding (Medium/Small Projects (Contract Value < 1.3 Billion)
Adequacy for the Assignment (70% of the Qualification Requirement)

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position Range/
Criteria Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
1. Resident Years of Experience as ≥4 Years of Experience as ≥6 Years of Experience as ≥6
Engineer Project Manager or Deputy Resident Engineer ≥5~<6 Construction Engineer in ≥5~<6
(Supervision) Resident Engineer in in Managing or ≥3~<5 Road Construction, ≥3~<5
≥2~<3 Administering of Road <3 <3
Managing Road <2 Upgrading or
Construction, Upgrading Construction, Upgrading or Rehabilitation Projects
Rehabilitation Projects
or Rehabilitation
Projects [70% of the Years of experience as
Adequacy for the Pavement / Material ≥8
Assignment, if the Engineer or Project ≥6~<8
Subsequent Criteria is Engineer or Project ≥4~<6
Applicable] Coordinator in Managing or <4
Administering Road
Years of Experience as ≥3 Years of Experience as ≥4 Years of Experience as ≥4
Project Manager or Deputy Resident Engineer Construction Engineer in
≥2~<3 ≥3~<4 ≥3~<4
Resident Engineer in in Managing or Road Construction,
Construction, Upgrading ≥1~<2 Administering of Road ≥2~<3 ≥2~<3
<1 <2 Upgrading or <2
or Rehabilitation of construction, Upgrading or Rehabilitation of Double
Double / Triple Rehabilitation of Double /
/ Triple Bituminous
Bituminous Surface Triple Bituminous Surface
Treatment or Asphalt Treatment or Asphalt Surface Treatment or
Concrete Road Projects Concrete Road Projects Asphalt Concrete Road
[30% of the Adequacy OR Projects
for the Assignment, if Years of Experience as
Applicable] Pavement / Material
Engineer or Project ≥5
Engineer or Project ≥4~<5
Coordinator in Managing or ≥2~<4

Ethiopian Roads Authority 47

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position Range/
Criteria Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Administering of Double / <2
Triple Bituminous Surface
Treatment or Asphalt
Concrete Road Projects

2. Team Leader Experience as Highway 5 Years Experience as Highway ≥ 8 Projects Experience as Team ≥ 4 Projects
(Design) Engineer / Team Leader Engineer / Team Leader in 6 ~ 7 Projects Leader in Road Design / 3 Projects
in Road Design / Design Road Design / Design 4 ~ 5 Projects Design Review Projects 2 Projects
Review Projects Review Projects ≤ 3 Projects [70% of the Adequacy ≤ 1 Project
for the Assignment]
Years of Experience as 2 Years Experience as Pavement / ≥ 3 Projects
Team Leader in Road Material in Road Design / 2 Projects
Design / Design Review Design Review / 1 Project
/Projects Construction Projects None
Experience as a 3 Projects Experience as Highway ≥ 6 Projects
Highway Engineer in Engineer / Team Leader 5 Projects
Road Construction in Road Design / Design 3 ~ 4 Projects
Projects Review Projects [30% of ≤ 2 Projects
the Adequacy for the
3. Deputy Years of Experience as ≥3 Years of Experience as ≥5 Years of Experience as a ≥4
Resident Project Manager or Pavement / Material ≥4~<5 Construction Engineer in
≥2~<3 ≥3~<4
Engineer Resident Engineer in Engineer or Project ≥2~<4 or Road Construction,
(Supervision) Road Construction, ≥1~<2 Engineer or Project <2 ≥2~<3
Upgrading or
Upgrading or
<1 Coordinator in Managing <2
Rehabilitation Projects
Rehabilitation Projects or Administering road
Years of Experience as Years of Experience as a OR
Deputy Resident OR Quantity Surveyor/
Engineer in Managing Highway Engineer/ ≥6
or Administering of ≥4 Office Engineer or ≥5~<6
Road Construction, ≥3~<4 Works Inspector in

Ethiopian Roads Authority 48

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position Range/
Criteria Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Upgrading or ≥2~<3 Managing or <3
Rehabilitation Projects <2 Administering of Road
[70% of the Adequacy for Construction, Upgrading
the Assignment, if the or Rehabilitation
Subsequent Criteria is Projects
Years of Experience as ≥2 Years of Experience as ≥3 Years of Experience as ≥3
Project Manager or Deputy Resident Engineer in Construction Engineer in
≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Managing or Administering ≥2~<3 ≥2~<3
Resident Engineer in Road Construction,
≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 of Road construction, ≥1~<2 Upgrading or ≥1~<2
Construction, Upgrading < 0.5 <1 <1
Upgrading or Rehabilitation Rehabilitation of Double
or Rehabilitation of of Double / Triple / Triple Bituminous
Double / Triple Bituminous Surface Surface Treatment or
Bituminous Surface Treatment or Asphalt Asphalt Concrete Road
Treatment or Asphalt Concrete Road Projects Projects
Concrete Road Projects OR OR
[30% of the Adequacy Years of Experience as OR
Years of Experience as a
Pavement / Material Engineer
for the Assignment, if ≥4 Quantity Surveyor/
or Project Engineer or Project
Applicable] Coordinator in Managing or ≥3~<4 Highway Engineer/
Office Engineer or ≥5
Administering of Double / ≥2~<3 ≥4~<5
Triple Bituminous Surface Works Inspector in
<2 ≥2~<4
Treatment or Asphalt Managing or
Administering of Double <2
Concrete Road Projects
/ Triple Bituminous
Surface Treatment or
Asphalt Concrete Road
4. Senior Years of Experience on ≥6 Years of Experience on Road ≥ 12 Years of Experience on ≥8
Pavement/ Road Design/ Construction Projects Road Design/ Construction ≥7~<8
≥5~<6 as a Junior Material Engineer/ ≥ 10 ~ < 12 Projects as a Junior
Materials Design/Construction ≥5~<7
Engineer Projects as a Pavement ≥3~<5 Material Inspector / ≥ 6 ~ < 10 Material Engineer/ <5
<3 Laboratory Technician (N/A <6 Material Inspector /
(Design and Materials Engineer
for Design) Laboratory Technician
(N/A for Design)

Ethiopian Roads Authority 49

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position Range/
Criteria Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Years of Experience as a ≥3 Years of Experience as a Junior ≥6 Years of Experience as a ≥5
Pavement/Materials Pavement/Materials Engineer/ Junior Pavement/Materials
≥2~<3 ≥5~<6 ≥4~<5
Engineer Related to the Material Inspector/ Laboratory Engineer/ Material
Scope of the Assignment ≥1~<2 Technician Related to the ≥3~<5 Inspector/ Laboratory ≥2~<4
(Asphalt Concrete or <1 Scope of the Assignment <3 Technician Related to the <2
(DBST&TST), Experience (Asphalt Concrete or Scope of the Assignment
on AC is applicable for (DBST&TST), Experience on (Asphalt Concrete or
DBST & TST) AC is applicable for DBST & (DBST&TST), Experience
TST) on AC is applicable for
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Pavement/ Experience
(Design and
5. Senior Years of Experience as a ≥6 Years of Experience as a ≥ 12 Years of experience as a ≥6
Highway Highway Engineer in Junior Highway Engineer CAD Engineer/Office ≥5~<6
≥5~<6 ≥ 10 ~ < 12
Engineer Road Design / in Road Design / Engineer in Road Design/ ≥3~<5
(Supervision) Construction Projects ≥3~<5 Construction Projects ≥ 6 ~ < 10 or Construction, <3
<3 <6 Upgrading or
Rehabilitation Projects
Years of Experience as a ≥8
Junior Highway Engineer ≥7~<8
in Road Design / ≥5~<7
Construction Projects <5
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Highway Experience
(Design and
Highway Experience as Highway 5 Years Experience as Highway ≥ 4 Projects Years of Experience as a ≥ 8 Projects

Ethiopian Roads Authority 50

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position Range/
Criteria Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Engineer Engineer / Team Leader Engineer / Team Leader in 3 Projects Office Engineer/ CAD 6 ~ 7 Projects
(Design) in Road Design / Design Road Design/ Construction 2 Projects Engineer in Road Design/ 4 ~ 5 Projects
Review Projects Projects ≤ 1 Project or Construction, ≤ 3 Projects
Upgrading or
Rehabilitation Projects
Experience as a 3 Projects
Highway Engineer in
Road Construction

6. Senior Years of Experience as a ≥6 Years of Experience as a ≥ 12 Years of Experience as ≥6

Structural Structural Engineer in Junior Structural Engineer/ an Office Engineer in
≥5~<6 ≥ 10 ~ < 12 ≥5~<6
Engineer Road/ Bridge/ Railway/ Structural Inspector in Road Road Design/ or
(Design and Dam Design / ≥3~<5 Design / Construction ≥ 6 ~ < 10 Construction, Upgrading ≥3~<5
Supervision) Construction Projects <3 Projects (Provided that He/ <6 or Rehabilitation Projects <3
She (SI) Demonstrates in (Provided that He/ She
Full Design of 2 Bridges) Demonstrates in Full
(N/A for Design) Design of 2 Bridges)
Years of Experience as a ≥8
Junior Structural ≥7~<8
Engineer/ Structural
Inspector in Road Design
/ Construction Projects
(Provided that He/ She
(SI) Demonstrates in Full
Design of 2 Bridges)
(N/A for Design)
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Structural Experience
(Design and

Ethiopian Roads Authority 51

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position Range/
Criteria Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
7. Senior Years of Experience as ≥6 Years of Experience as a ≥ 12 Years of Experience as ≥6
Geotechnical Geotechnical Engineer in Junior Geotechnical Geotechnical Engineer in
≥5~<6 ≥ 10 ~ < 12 Road/Railway/Dam Design ≥5~<6
Engineer Road/Railway/Bridge/ Engineer in
(Design and Dam Design or ≥3~<5 Road/Railway/Dam Design ≥ 6 ~ < 10 or Construction Projects ≥3~<5
Supervision) Construction Projects <3 or Construction Projects <6 <3
Years of Experience as a ≥8
Junior Geotechnical
Engineer in ≥7~<8
Road/Railway/Dam Design ≥5~<7
or Construction Projects <5
Years of Experience in ≥4
Ground Investigation, ≥3~<4
Testing, and ≥2~<3
Interpretation of Results <2 None
for the Design of Bridge [Design]
Experience in Slope ≥2~<3
Stability Investigation, ≥1~<2 None
Analysis and Design <1
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Geotechnical Experience
(Design and
Depending on
the Nature of
the Project)
8. Senior Years of experience as ≥6 Years of Experience as a ≥ 12 Years of Experience as a ≥8
Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer/ Junior Hydraulic Engineer/ Junior Hydraulic Engineer/
≥5~<6 ≥ 10 ~ < 12 ≥7~<8
Hydraulic Hydrologist in Hydrologist in Road/Railway Hydrologist in

Ethiopian Roads Authority 52

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position Range/
Criteria Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Engineer Road/Railway ≥3~<5 Construction or Design ≥ 6 ~ < 10 Road/Railway Construction ≥5~<7
(Supervision) Construction or Design <3 Projects <6 or Design Projects <5
Senior Experience in Road ≥ 4 Projects
Hydrologist/ Design Projects with 3 Projects
Hydraulic Hydrological Analysis, 2 Projects
Engineer Design of Drainage ≤ 1 Project
(Design) Structures and Storm
Water Management

Junior N/A 0 Years of

Hydrologist/ Experience
(Design and
Depending on
the Nature of
the Project)
9. Senior Years of Experience as a ≥4 Years of Experience as a ≥8 Years of experience as ≥4
Quantity Quantity Surveyor in Drafts Person/ Junior an CAD Engineer/
≥3~<4 ≥6~<8 ≥3~<4
Surveyor Road Construction / Quantity Surveyor in Road Office Engineer in Road
(Design and Design Projects ≥2~<3 Construction / Design ≥4~<6 Construction / Design ≥2~<3
Supervision) <2 Projects <4 Projects (Shall <2
Demonstrate in the
Testimonial its
Involvement in
Quantification of Road
Years of Experience as a ≥6
Drafts Person/ Junior ≥5~<6
Quantity Surveyor in

Ethiopian Roads Authority 53

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position Range/
Criteria Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Road Construction / ≥3~<5
Design Projects <3
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Quantity Experience
(Design and
10. Senior Years of Experience as a ≥4 Years of Experience as a ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥6
Surveyor Senior Surveyor in Road/ Junior Surveyor in Road/ Junior Surveyor in Road/
≥3~<4 ≥6~<8 ≥5~<6
(Design and Railway Construction/ Railway Construction/ Railway Construction/
Design Projects ≥2~<3 Design Projects ≥4~<6 Design Projects ≥3~<5
<2 <4 <3
Junior Surveyor N/A 0 Years of
Design and Experience
Referred as
11. Road Safety and Years of Experience as ≥6 Years of Experience as a ≥8
Safety Audit Road Safety Audit Highway Engineer on
Engineer/ ≥5~<6 ≥6~<8
Specialist on Road Road Design and/or
Specialist Design and/or ≥3~<5 Construction Projects. ≥4~<6
(Design and Construction Projects. <3 <4
12. Senior Claims Years of Experience as a ≥6 Years of Experience as a ≥ 12 Years of Experience as a ≥6
Expert Claims Expert in Direct Junior Claims Expert in Claims Expert on Road
≥5~<6 ≥ 10 ~ < 12 ≥5~<6
(Supervision) involvement in Handling Direct Involvement in Construction or
of Claims and/or ≥3~<5 Handling of Claims and/or ≥ 6 ~ < 10 Rehabilitation Projects ≥3~<5
Disputes on Road <3 Disputes on Road <6 Representing Any of the <3
Construction or Construction or Parties
Rehabilitation Projects Rehabilitation Projects OR ≥8
Representing Any of the Representing Any of the Years of Experience as a
Parties Parties Junior Claims Expert on ≥7~<8
Road Construction or ≥5~<7

Ethiopian Roads Authority 54

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position Range/
Criteria Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Rehabilitation Projects <5
Representing Any of the
Years of Experience as a ≥8
Project Engineer/Office ≥7~<8
Engineer (Client’s or
Contractor’s Side) in
Contract Administration <5
Experience in Direct ≥ 5 Projects
involvement in Handling 4 Projects
of Claims and/or 2 ~ 3 Projects
Disputes on Road ≤ 1 Project
Construction or
Rehabilitation Projects
Representing Any of the
Junior Claims N/A 0 Years of
Expert Experience
13. Contract Experience in Contract ≥6 Experience in Contract ≥6
Engineer Administration or Administration or
≥5~<6 ≥5~<6
(Design) Contract Engineer on Contract Engineer on
Road Design and/or ≥3~<5 Road Design and/or ≥3~<5
Construction Projects <3 Construction Projects <3
≥ 4 Projects Years of Experience as a ≥4
Projects on Contract and Procurement Counterpart
3 Projects ≥3~<4
Tender Document
2 Projects Engineer of Road ≥2~<3
≤ 1 Project Projects <2
14. Senior Years of Experience as an ≥4 Years of Experience as a ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥6
Environmentalist Environmentalist in Junior Environmentalist in Junior Environmentalist
≥3~<4 ≥6~<8 ≥5~<6
(Design and Planning and/or Planning and/or Monitoring in Planning and/or

Ethiopian Roads Authority 55

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position Range/
Criteria Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Supervision) Monitoring and ≥2~<3 and Evaluation of Social ≥4~<6 Monitoring and ≥3~<5
Evaluation of Social <2 Impact Assessment and/or <4 Evaluation of Social
Impact Assessment Analysis of Environmental Impact Assessment
and/or Analysis of and Social Impact and/or Analysis of
Environmental and Social Assessments. Environmental and Social
Impact Assessments. Impact Assessments.
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Environmentalist Experience

15. Right of Way For B. A. in Sociology For B. Sc. / B. A. in Land

Management and Related Fields Administration
Specialist Years of Experience in Years of Experience in
(Design and Extensive Involvement in Extensive Involvement in
Supervision) Right of Way Related ≥4 right of Way related tasks or ≥2
Tasks or Social Impact
≥3~<4 Social Impact Assessments, ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2
Assessments, Monitoring
≥2~<3 Monitoring and Evaluation ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5
and Evaluation or
Preparation of Social <2 or Preparation of Social < 0.5
Impact Mitigation Plans Impact Mitigation Plans or
or Experience in Experience in Livelihood
Livelihood Restoration Restoration Activities.
Commendable Experience
in use of Basic Computer
Applications including but
not limited to, Microsoft
Excel, Access and Word.
The Expert shall have a
Certificate issued by
Ethiopian Roads
Authority which
demonstrates its
Attendance of a Training

Ethiopian Roads Authority 56

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position Range/
Criteria Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
prepared for Right of Way
Management Specialists
and its Ability to
Undertake the Required
16. Sociologist Projects in Social ≥ 4 Projects Experience as a Junior ≥ 6 Projects
(Design and Impact Assessment 3 Projects Sociologist on Projects in 5 Projects
Supervision) and/or Resettlement 2 Projects Social Impact Assessment 3 ~ 4 Projects
Action Plans. ≤ 1 Project and/or Resettlement ≤ 2 Projects
Action Plans.
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Sociologist Experience

17. Transport Experience in Projects ≥ 4 Projects Experience as a Junior ≥ 6 Projects

Economist on Road Feasibility 3 Projects Transport Economist in 5 Projects
Study 2 Projects Projects on Road 3 ~ 4 Projects
≤ 1 Project Feasibility Study. ≤ 2 Projects
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Transport Experience
18. Traffic Years of Experience as ≥6
Engineer Traffic Engineer/ ≥5~<6
(Design and Transport Engineer in ≥3~<5
Supervision) Road Design/ <3
Construction Projects.
19. Architecture Years of Experience as ≥4
(Design and an Architecture in Urban ≥3~<4
Supervision) Planning or Related ≥2~<3
Architectural Activities. <2

20. Geologist Years of Experience as a ≥4

(Design) Geologist in Subsurface ≥3~<4
and Material ≥2~<3

Ethiopian Roads Authority 57

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position Range/
Criteria Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Investigation <2
21. Gender Years of Experience in ≥4
Specialist Gender Programming/ ≥3~<4
(Design and Gender Needs Assessment/ ≥2~<3
Supervision) Gender Analysis, <2
Development of
Materials/ Programs and
Development and Execution
of Gender Sensitization
Interventions/ Social Work
22. CADD Experience in Working ≥ 4 Projects
Engineer with Computer Aided 3 Projects
(Design) Design and Drafting and 2 Projects
All Associated ≤ 1 Project
Computerized Survey
Data Techniques and

Also, the following Professionals could be deployed, if deemed appropriate:

 Tunnel Engineer
 Electrical Engineer
 Mechanical Engineer…

a. Percentage (%) Weights of the Rating Scales for Key Experts’ qualifications and competence for the Assignment:
Excellent 100% Very Good 90%
Good 70% Poor 40%
b. As indicated in the Section 3 of the RFP Document, experience of key staff positions of local experts in conducting research in road
design and/or construction projects will be merited 1 point. The point will only be merited for those who do not score the full points of

Ethiopian Roads Authority 58

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

their respective marks and shall not exceed the allotted point of the respective positions. The research shall be published and/or
demonstrated with documentary evidences and this does not include students’ paper as part of the study program.
c. Educational Testimonies for Certificate, Diploma, B. Sc., M. Sc. or PhD will be merited in accordance with the specific award indicted /
mentioned in the Diplomas.
d. In the spirit of encouraging successive key staff development and capacity building, the Client have arranged the following alternatives
for key position recruitment:
i. In all of the Adequacy for the Assignment (Specific Experience) requirements of Key Staffs, previous all experiences obtained as
an Assistant/Junior Engineer related to the respective key staff position will be partially considered as indicated int eh tables
above, for the assignment in the respective proposed position.
i. In addition, previous experiences obtained as support / key staffs related to only the respective key staff positions indicated
above, for example, Quantity Surveyor, Highway Engineer, Works Inspector and Office Engineer, as appropriate, will be
partially considered for Deputy Resident Engineer. Likewise, experiences obtained as a support/ key staffs related to the
required Key Staff Position would be partially/fully, as appropriate, would have been obtained working as key personnel in
the respective position, for adequacy for the assignment in the respective proposed position, provided that the proposed
personal attained the minimum educational qualification for the position.
ii. In additional, the Client has devised a mechanism in which the experience of professionals who have been working on Client’s
or Contractor’s side to be considered for the required Consultancy Service Position shown in the table above.
iii. Furthermore, Key Staff Positions or Support/Assistant Positions are to be considered for Key Staff Positions related to
Design/Quantifying/Claim Administration, provided that firms can demonstrate that the proposed staff has adequate experience
in tasks related to the proposed position, details of which is indicated above on the Adequacy requirement for the position.
iv. Junior Staffs who have participated in a single project can be employed as a Junior Staff or Support Staff till he/she meets the
minimum requirement for Key Staff Position.
v. Finally, for Key staff positions requiring B.Sc. / B.A. as a minimum educational qualification, the Client would consider
previous experience as follows: -
 Experience gained after attaining Diploma would be considered as 60% and
 Experience gained after attaining Certificate would be considered as 40%.
e. Only Key Personnel having the minimum educational qualification set shall be considered for evaluation; key personnel with
educational qualification below the minimum required will be rejected and merited zero (0) points. If the firm is found successful upon
the overall evaluation, the rejected professional position shall be replaced by fulfilling personnel with minimum total score of 60%,
prior to concluding the contract signing.
f. Personnel who scored below 60%, of the allotted points for their respective criteria, will be replaced by a better-qualified one, prior to
concluding the Contract signing. However, during replacement, personnel who scores less than 100% but greater than 90% of what the
originally proposed personnel for the proposed position has achieved shall be subjected to deduction of 10% of the respective fees (Fee
and Reimbursable) quoted by the firm; and those who score below 90% of the originally proposed personnel shall not be accepted for

Ethiopian Roads Authority 59

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

g. The induction of any staff including the intermittent ones shall be subject to the Client prior approval.
h. CVs of the support staff, junior staffs and the remaining keys staff not subject to evaluation during tendering shall be submitted when
and as required during the implementation period of the project.
i. Bidders are strongly advised not to propose professionals that have been suspended from ERA’s on-going and upcoming projects. If
bidders propose a suspended professional, the CV will be rejected and will be merited zero point out of the allocated points for that
professional. Please refer ERA’s website ( Accountability/Staff.aspx) for the list of

Ethiopian Roads Authority 60

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification Criteria for National Competitive Bidding (Big Projects (Contract Value > 1.3 Billion)

Adequacy for the Assignment (70% of the Qualification Requirement)

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
1. Resident Years of Experience as ≥6 Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as ≥8
Engineer Project Manager or Deputy Resident Engineer ≥6~<8 Construction Engineer in ≥ 6 ~<8
(Supervision) Resident Engineer in in Managing or ≥4~<6 Road Construction, ≥4~<6
≥3~<5 Administering of Road <4 <4
Managing Road <3 Upgrading or
Construction, Construction, Upgrading or Rehabilitation Projects
Rehabilitation Projects
Upgrading or
Rehabilitation Projects Years of experience as
[70% of the Adequacy Pavement / Material ≥ 10
for the Assignment, if Engineer or Project ≥ 8 ~ < 10
the Subsequent Engineer or Project ≥5~<8
Criteria is Applicable] Coordinator in Managing <5
or Administering Road
Years of Experience as ≥4 Years of Experience as ≥5 Years of Experience as ≥5
Project Manager or Deputy Resident Engineer Construction Engineer in
≥3~<4 ≥4~<5 ≥4~<5
Resident Engineer in in Managing or Road Construction,
Construction, ≥2~<3 Administering of Road ≥2~<4 ≥2~<4
Upgrading or
Upgrading or <2 construction, Upgrading or <2 <2
Rehabilitation of Double /
Rehabilitation of Rehabilitation of Double /
Triple Bituminous
Double / Triple Triple Bituminous Surface
Bituminous Surface Treatment or Asphalt Surface Treatment or
Treatment or Asphalt Concrete Road Projects Asphalt Concrete Road
Concrete Road Projects OR Projects
[30% of the Adequacy Years of Experience as
for the Assignment, if Pavement / Material ≥6
Applicable] Engineer or Project ≥5~<6
Engineer or Project
Coordinator in Managing or
Administering of Double /

Ethiopian Roads Authority 61

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Triple Bituminous Surface
Treatment or Asphalt
Concrete Road Projects
2. Team Leader Experience as Highway 5 Years Experience as Highway ≥ 8 Projects Experience as Team ≥ 5 Projects
(Design) Engineer / Team Leader Engineer / Team Leader in 6 ~ 7 Projects Leader in Road Design / 4 Projects
in Road Design / Road Design / Design 4 ~ 5 Projects Design Review Projects 2 ~ 3 Projects
Design Review Projects Review Projects ≤ 3 Projects [70% of the Adequacy for ≤ 1 Project
the Assignment]
Years of Experience as 2 Years Experience as Pavement / ≥ 3 Projects
Team Leader in Road Material in Road Design / 2 Projects
Design / Design Design Review / 1 Project
Review /Projects Construction Projects None
Experience as a 3 Projects Experience as Highway ≥ 8 Projects
Highway Engineer in Engineer / Team Leader in 6 ~ 7 Projects
Road Construction Road Design / Design 4 ~ 5 Projects
Projects Review Projects [30% of ≤ 3 Projects
the Adequacy for the
3. Deputy Years of Experience as ≥4 Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥6
Resident Project Manager or Pavement / Material Construction Engineer in ≥5~<6
≥3~<4 ≥6~<8
Engineer Resident Engineer in Engineer or Project Road Construction, ≥3~<5
(Supervision) Road Construction, ≥2~<3 Engineer or Project ≥4~<6 <3
<2 <4 Upgrading or
Upgrading or Coordinator in Managing Rehabilitation Projects
Rehabilitation Projects or Administering Road
Years of Experience as
OR Years of Experience as a
Deputy Resident
Quantity Surveyor/ ≥ 10
Engineer in Managing
≥6 Highway Engineer/ Office ≥ 8 ~ < 10
or Administering of
≥5~<6 Engineer or Works ≥6~<8
Road Construction,
≥3~<5 Inspector in Managing or <6
Upgrading or <3 Administering of Road
Rehabilitation Projects
Construction, Upgrading
[70% of the Adequacy
or Rehabilitation Projects

Ethiopian Roads Authority 62

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
for the Assignment, if
the Subsequent
Criteria is Applicable]
Years of Experience as ≥3 Years of Experience as ≥4 Years of Experience as ≥4
Project Manager or Deputy Resident Engineer Construction Engineer in
≥2~<3 ≥3~<4 ≥3~<4
Resident Engineer in in Managing or Road Construction,
≥1~<2 Administering of Road ≥2~<3 ≥2~<3
Construction, Upgrading or
<1 construction, Upgrading or <2 <2
Upgrading or Rehabilitation of Double /
Rehabilitation of Double /
Rehabilitation of Triple Bituminous
Triple Bituminous Surface
Double / Triple Treatment or Asphalt Surface Treatment or
Bituminous Surface Concrete Road Projects Asphalt Concrete Road
Treatment or Asphalt OR Projects
Concrete Road Projects Years of Experience as OR
[30% of the Adequacy Pavement / Material Years of Experience as a
Quantity Surveyor/ ≥6
for the Assignment, if Engineer or Project
Applicable] Engineer or Project ≥5 Highway Engineer/ Office ≥5~<6
Coordinator in Managing or ≥4~<5 Engineer or Works ≥3~<5
Administering of Double / ≥2~<4 Inspector in Managing or <3
Triple Bituminous Surface <2 Administering of Double /
Treatment or Asphalt Triple Bituminous Surface
Concrete Road Projects
Treatment or Asphalt
Concrete Road Projects
4. Senior Years of Experience on ≥8 Years of Experience on Road ≥ 16 Years of Experience on Road ≥ 10
Pavement/ Road Design/ Construction Design/ Construction
≥6~<8 Projects as a Junior Material ≥ 12 ~ < 16 Projects as a Junior ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Materials Design/Construction
Engineer Projects as a Pavement ≥4~<6 Engineer/ Material Inspector ≥ 8 ~ < 12 Material Engineer/ Material ≥6~<8
(Design and Materials Engineer <4 / Laboratory Technician (N/A <8 Inspector / Laboratory <6
Supervision) for Design) Technician (N/A for Design)
Years of Experience as a ≥4 Years of Experience as a ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥6
Pavement/Materials Junior Pavement/Materials Junior Pavement/Materials
≥3~<4 ≥6~<8 ≥5~<6
Engineer Related to the Engineer/ Material Inspector/ Engineer/ Material Inspector/
≥2~<3 ≥4~<6 ≥3~<5

Ethiopian Roads Authority 63

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Scope of the Assignment <2 Laboratory Technician Related <4 Laboratory Technician <3
(Asphalt Concrete or to the Scope of the Assignment Related to the Scope of the
(DBST&TST), (Asphalt Concrete or Assignment (Asphalt
Experience on AC is (DBST&TST), Experience on Concrete or (DBST&TST),
applicable for DBST & AC is applicable for DBST & Experience on AC is
TST) TST) applicable for DBST & TST)
Pavement/ Years of Experience on ≥4
Materials Road Design/ Construction
Engineer Projects as a Junior
(Supervision) Material Engineer/
Material Engineer/
Material Inspector /
Laboratory Technician
5. Senior Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 16 Years of experience as a ≥ 10
Highway a Highway Engineer in Junior Highway Engineer CAD Engineer/Office
≥6~<8 ≥ 12 ~ < 16 ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Engineer Road Design / in Road Design / Engineer in Road Design/
(Supervision) Construction Projects ≥4~<6 Construction Projects ≥ 8 ~ < 12 or Construction, Upgrading ≥6~<8
<4 <8 or Rehabilitation Projects <6
Years of Experience as a ≥ 10
Junior Highway Engineer ≥ 8 ~ < 10
in Road Design /
Construction Projects <6
Highway Years of Experience as a ≥4
Engineer Junior Highway Engineer/
(Supervision) Highway Engineer/ CAD
Engineer/Office Engineer in
Road Design/ or
Construction, Upgrading or
Rehabilitation Projects
Highway Experience as Highway 5 Years Experience as Highway ≥ 5 Projects Years of Experience as a ≥ 10 Projects
Engineer Engineer / Team Leader Engineer / Team Leader in 4 Projects Office Engineer/ CAD 8 ~ 9 Projects
(Design) in Road Design / Road Design/ Construction 2 ~ 3 Projects Engineer in Road Design/ 5 ~ 7 Projects
Design Review Projects Projects ≤ 1 Project or Construction, Upgrading ≤ 4 Projects

Ethiopian Roads Authority 64

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
or Rehabilitation Projects
Experience as a 3 Projects
Highway Engineer in
Road Construction
6. Senior Years of Experience as a ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 16 Years of Experience as an ≥ 10
Structural Structural Engineer in ≥6~<8 Junior Structural Engineer/ Office Engineer in Road
≥ 12 ~ < 16 ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Engineer Road/ Bridge/ Railway/ ≥4~<6 Structural Inspector in Design/ or Construction,
(Design and Dam Design / <4 Road Design / Construction ≥ 8 ~ < 12 Upgrading or ≥6~<8
Supervision) Construction Projects Projects (Provided that He/ <8 Rehabilitation Projects <6
She (SI) Demonstrates in (Provided that He/ She
Full Design of 2 Bridges) Demonstrates in Full
(N/A for Design) Design of 2 Bridges)
Years of Experience as a
Junior Structural Engineer/ ≥ 10
Structural Inspector in ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Road Design / Construction
Projects (Provided that He/
She (SI) Demonstrates in
Full Design of 2 Bridges)
(N/A for Design)
Structural Years of Experience as a ≥4
Engineer Junior Structural Engineer/
(Supervision) Structural Engineer/ Office
Engineer/ Structural
Inspector in Road Design/
or Construction,
Upgrading or
Rehabilitation Projects
(Provided that He/ She
Demonstrates in Full
Design of 2 Bridges)
7. Senior Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 16 Years of Experience as ≥8

Ethiopian Roads Authority 65

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Geotechnical Geotechnical Engineer ≥6~<8 Junior Geotechnical ≥ 12 ~ < 16 Geotechnical Engineer in ≥6~<8
Engineer in Road/Railway/Dam ≥4~<6 Engineer in Road/Railway/Dam Design
≥ 8 ~ < 12 ≥4~<6
(Design and Design or Construction <4 Road/Railway/Dam Design or Construction Projects
<8 <4
Supervision) Projects or Construction Projects
Years of Experience as a ≥ 10
Junior Geotechnical ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Engineer in ≥6~<8
Road/Railway/Dam Design <6
or Construction Projects
Years of Experience in ≥4
Ground Investigation, ≥3~<4
Testing, and ≥2~<3
Interpretation of Results <2
for the Design of Bridge [Design]
Experience in Slope ≥2~<3
Stability Investigation, ≥1~<2 None
Analysis and Design <1
Geotechnical Years of Experience as ≥4
Engineer Junior Geotechnical
(Supervision, Engineer/ Geotechnical
Depending on Engineer in Road/
the Nature of Railway/Dam Design or
the Project) Construction Projects
8. Senior Years of experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 16 Years of Experience as a ≥ 10
Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer/ ≥6~<8 Junior Hydraulic Engineer/ Junior Hydraulic Engineer/
Hydrologist in ≥ 12 ~ < 16 ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Hydraulic ≥4~<6 Hydrologist in Hydrologist in
Engineer Road/Railway <4 Road/Railway Construction ≥ 8 ~ < 12 Road/Railway Construction ≥5~<8
(Supervision) Construction or Design or Design Projects <8 or Design Projects <5
Senior Experience in Road ≥ 5 Projects
Hydrologist/ Design Projects with 4 Projects

Ethiopian Roads Authority 66

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Hydraulic Hydrological Analysis, 2 ~ 3 Projects
Engineer Design of Drainage ≤ 1 Project
(Design) Structures and Storm
Water Management
Hydrologist/ Years of experience as ≥4
Hydraulic Junior Hydraulic
Engineer Engineer/ Hydrologist or
(Supervision) Hydraulic Engineer/
Hydrologist t in
Construction or Design
9. Senior Years of Experience as ≥6 Years of Experience as a ≥ 12 Years of experience as an ≥6
Quantity a Quantity Surveyor in Drafts Person/ Junior ≥ 10 ~ < 12 CAD Engineer/ Office
≥5~<6 Engineer in Road ≥5~<6
Surveyor Road Construction / Quantity Surveyor in Road ≥ 10 ~ < 10
(Design and Design Projects ≥3~<5 Construction / Design <6 Construction / Design ≥3~<5
Supervision) <3 Projects Projects (Shall Demonstrate <3
in the Testimonial its
Involvement in
Quantification of Road
Years of Experience as a
Drafts Person/ Junior ≥8
Quantity Surveyor in Road ≥6~<8
Construction / Design ≥4~<6
Projects <4
Quantity Years of experience as ≥4
Surveyor Junior Quantity Surveyor/
(Supervision) Quantity Surveyor/ Office
Engineer/ Draft Person in
Road/Railway Construction
or Design Projects
10. Senior Years of Experience as ≥6 Years of Experience as a ≥ 12 Years of Experience as a ≥8

Ethiopian Roads Authority 67

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Surveyor a Senior Surveyor in ≥5~<6 Junior Surveyor in Road/ ≥ 10 ~ < 12 Junior Surveyor in Road/ ≥6~<8
(Design and Road/ Railway Railway Construction/ ≥ 6 ~ < 10 Railway Construction/ ≥4~<6
Supervision) Construction/ Design Design Projects <6 Design Projects <4
Junior Years of experience as ≥4
Surveyor Junior Surveyor/ Surveyor
(Supervision) in Road/Railway
Construction or Design
11. Road Safety Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 10
and Safety Road Safety Audit ≥6~<8 Highway Engineer on ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Audit Specialist on Road Road Design and/or ≥5~<8
Engineer/ Design and/or <4 Construction Projects. <5
Specialist Construction Projects.
(Design and
12. Senior Claims Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 16 Years of Experience as a ≥8
Expert a Claims Expert in ≥6~<8 Junior Claims Expert in Claims Expert on Road ≥6~<8
≥ 12 ~ < 16
(Supervision) Direct involvement in Direct Involvement in Construction or ≥4~<6
≥4~<6 ≥ 8 ~ < 12
Handling of Claims Handling of Claims and/or Rehabilitation Projects <4
<4 <8
and/or Disputes on Disputes on Road Representing Any of the
Road Construction or Construction or Parties
Rehabilitation Projects Rehabilitation Projects OR
Representing Any of the Representing Any of the Years of Experience as a
Parties Parties Junior Claims Expert on ≥ 10
Road Construction or ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Rehabilitation Projects ≥6~<8
Representing Any of the <6
Years of Experience as a ≥ 10
Project Engineer/Office ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Engineer (Client’s or ≥6~<8
Contractor’s Side) in <6

Ethiopian Roads Authority 68

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Contract Administration

Experience in Direct ≥ 8 Projects
involvement in Handling of 6 ~ 7 Projects
Claims and/or Disputes on 4 ~ 5 Projects
Road Construction or < 4 Projects
Rehabilitation Projects
Representing Any of the
Claims Expert Years of Experience as a ≥4
(Supervision) Junior Claims Expert/
Claims Expert/ Project
Engineer in Direct
involvement in Handling of
Claims and/or Disputes on
Road Construction or
Rehabilitation Projects
Representing Any of the
13. Contract Experience in Contract ≥8 Experience in Contract ≥8
Engineer Administration or ≥6~<8 Administration or Contract ≥6~<8
(Design) Contract Engineer on ≥4~<6 Engineer on Road Design ≥4~<6
Road Design and/or <4 and/or Construction <4
Construction Projects Projects
Projects on Contract and ≥ 5 Projects Years of Experience as a ≥6
4 Projects Procurement Counterpart ≥5~<6
Tender Document
2 ~ 3 Projects Engineer of Road Projects ≥3~<5
Preparation ≤ 1 Project <3
14. Senior Years of Experience as an ≥6 Years of Experience as a ≥ 12 Years of Experience as a ≥8
Environmentalist Environmentalist in Junior Environmentalist in Junior Environmentalist in ≥7~<8
Planning and/or ≥5~<6 ≥ 10 ~ < 12
(Design and Planning and/or Monitoring Planning and/or ≥5~<7
Supervision) Monitoring and ≥3~<5 and Evaluation of Social ≥ 6 ~ < 10 Monitoring and Evaluation <5
Evaluation of Social <3 Impact Assessment and/or <6 of Social Impact

Ethiopian Roads Authority 69

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis of Environmental Assessment and/or Analysis
Analysis of Environmental and Social Impact of Environmental and
and Social Impact Assessments. Social Impact Assessments.

Environmentalist Years of Experience as a ≥4

(Design and Junior Environmentalist/
Supervision, Environmentalist in
Depending on Planning and/or
the Size/ Nature Monitoring and Evaluation
of the Project) of Social Impact Assessment
and/or Analysis of
Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment.
15. Right of Way For B. A. in Sociology For B. Sc. / B. A. in Land
Management and Related Fields Administration
Specialist Years of Experience in Years of Experience in
(Design and Extensive Involvement in Extensive Involvement in
Supervision) Right of Way Related right of Way related tasks or
≥4 ≥2
Tasks or Social Impact Social Impact Assessments,
≥3~<4 ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2
Assessments, Monitoring Monitoring and Evaluation
≥2~<3 ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5
and Evaluation or or Preparation of Social
<2 < 0.5
Preparation of Social Impact Mitigation Plans or
Impact Mitigation Plans Experience in Livelihood
or Experience in Restoration Activities.
Livelihood Restoration
Experience in use of
Basic Computer
Applications including
but not limited to,
Microsoft Excel, Access

Ethiopian Roads Authority 70

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
and Word.
The Expert shall have a
Certificate issued by
Ethiopian Roads
Authority which
demonstrates its
Attendance of a
Training prepared for
Right of Way
Specialists and its
Ability to Undertake the
Required Services.
16. Sociologist Experience as a ≥ 5 Projects Experience as a Junior ≥ 8 Projects
(Supervision) Sociologist on Projects 4 Projects Sociologist on Projects in 6 ~ 7 Projects
in Social Impact 2 ~ 3 Projects Social Impact Assessment 3 ~ 5 Projects
Assessment and/or ≤ 1 Project and/or Resettlement ≤ 2 Project
Resettlement Action Action Plans.
17. Transport Experience in Projects ≥ 5 Projects Experience as a Junior ≥ 8 Projects
Economist on Road Feasibility 4 Projects Transport Economist in 6 ~ 7 Projects
Study 2 ~ 3 Projects Projects on Road 3 ~ 5 Projects
≤ 1 Project Feasibility Study. ≤ 2 Project
18. Traffic Years of Experience as ≥8
Engineer Traffic Engineer/ Transport ≥6~<8
(Design and Engineer in Road Design/ ≥4~<6
Supervision) Construction Projects. <4
19. Architecture Years of Experience as an ≥6
(Design and Architecture in Urban ≥5~<6
Supervision) Planning or Related ≥3~<5
Architectural Activities. <3
20. Geologist Years of Experience as a ≥6
(Design) Geologist in Subsurface ≥5~<6
and Material Investigation ≥3~<5

Ethiopian Roads Authority 71

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
21. Gender Years of Experience in ≥4
Specialist Gender Programming/ ≥3~<4
(Supervision) Gender Needs ≥2~<3
Assessment/ Gender <2
Analysis, Development of
Materials/ Programs and
Development and
Execution of Gender
Sensitization Interventions/
Social Work Activities
22. CADD Experience in Working ≥ 5 Projects
Engineer with Computer Aided 4 Projects
(Design) Design and Drafting 2 ~ 3 Projects
and All Associated ≤ 1 Project
Computerized Survey
Data Techniques and

Also, the following Professionals could be deployed, if deemed appropriate:

 Tunnel Engineer
 Electrical Engineer
 Mechanical Engineer…

j. Percentage (%) Weights of the Rating Scales for Key Experts’ qualifications and competence for the Assignment:
Excellent 100% Very Good 90%
Good 70% Poor 40%

Ethiopian Roads Authority 72

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

k. As indicated in the Section 3 of the RFP Document, experience of key staff positions of local experts in conducting research in road
design and/or construction projects will be merited 1 point. The point will only be merited for those who do not score the full points of
their respective marks and shall not exceed the allotted point of the respective positions. The research shall be published and/or
demonstrated with documentary evidences and this does not include students’ paper as part of the study program.
l. Educational Testimonies for Certificate, Diploma, B. Sc., M. Sc. or PhD will be merited in accordance with the specific award indicted /
mentioned in the Diplomas.
m. In the spirit of encouraging successive key staff development and capacity building, the Client have arranged the following alternatives
for key position recruitment:
ii. In all of the Adequacy for the Assignment (Specific Experience) requirements of Key Staffs, previous all experiences obtained as
an Assistant/Junior Engineer related to the respective key staff position will be partially considered as indicated int eh tables
above, for the assignment in the respective proposed position.
i. In addition, previous experiences obtained as support / key staffs related to only the respective key staff positions indicated
above, for example, Quantity Surveyor, Highway Engineer, Works Inspector and Office Engineer, as appropriate, will be
partially considered for Deputy Resident Engineer. Likewise, experiences obtained as a support/ key staffs related to the
required Key Staff Position would be partially/fully, as appropriate, would have been obtained working as key personnel in
the respective position, for adequacy for the assignment in the respective proposed position, provided that the proposed
personal attained the minimum educational qualification for the position.
ii. In additional, the Client has devised a mechanism in which the experience of professionals who have been working on Client’s
or Contractor’s side to be considered for the required Consultancy Service Position shown in the table above.
iii. Furthermore, Key Staff Positions or Support/Assistant Positions are to be considered for Key Staff Positions related to
Design/Quantifying/Claim Administration, provided that firms can demonstrate that the proposed staff has adequate experience
in tasks related to the proposed position, details of which is indicated above on the Adequacy requirement for the position.
iv. Junior Staffs who have participated in a single project can be employed as a Junior Staff or Support Staff till he/she meets the
minimum requirement for Key Staff Position.
v. Finally, for Key staff positions requiring B.Sc. / B.A. as a minimum educational qualification, the Client would consider
previous experience as follows: -
 Experience gained after attaining Diploma would be considered as 60% and
 Experience gained after attaining Certificate would be considered as 40%.
n. Only Key Personnel having the minimum educational qualification set shall be considered for evaluation; key personnel with
educational qualification below the minimum required will be rejected and merited zero (0) points. If the firm is found successful upon
the overall evaluation, the rejected professional position shall be replaced by fulfilling personnel with minimum total score of 60%,
prior to concluding the contract signing.
o. Personnel who scored below 60%, of the allotted points for their respective criteria, will be replaced by a better-qualified one, prior to
concluding the Contract signing. However, during replacement, personnel who scores less than 100% but greater than 90% of what the
originally proposed personnel for the proposed position has achieved shall be subjected to deduction of 10% of the respective fees (Fee

Ethiopian Roads Authority 73

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

and Reimbursable) quoted by the firm; and those who score below 90% of the originally proposed personnel shall not be accepted for
p. The induction of any staff including the intermittent ones shall be subject to the Client prior approval.
q. CVs of the support staff, junior staffs and the remaining keys staff not subject to evaluation during tendering shall be submitted when
and as required during the implementation period of the project.
r. Bidders are strongly advised not to propose professionals that have been suspended from ERA’s on-going and upcoming projects. If
bidders propose a suspended professional, the CV will be rejected and will be merited zero point out of the allocated points for that
professional. Please refer ERA’s website ( Accountability/Staff.aspx) for the list of

Qualification Criteria for International Competitive Bidding (Huge Projects (Contract Value > 2.0 Billion)
Adequacy for the Assignment (70% of the Qualification Requirement)

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
1. Resident Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as ≥ 10 Years of Experience as ≥ 10
Engineer Project Manager or ≥6~<8 Deputy Resident Engineer ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Construction Engineer in ≥ 8 ~ < 10
(Supervision) Resident Engineer in ≥4~<6 in Managing or ≥5~<8 Road Construction, ≥5~<8
Managing Road <4 Administering of Road <5 Upgrading or <5
Construction, Upgrading Construction, Upgrading Rehabilitation Projects
or Rehabilitation Projects
or Rehabilitation Projects
[70% of the Adequacy Years of experience as
for the Assignment, if the Pavement / Material
Subsequent Criteria is Engineer or Project ≥ 12
Applicable] Engineer or Project ≥ 9 ~ < 12
Coordinator in Managing ≥6~<9
or Administering Road <6
Years of Experience as ≥6 Years of Experience as ≥7 Years of Experience as ≥7
Project Manager or Deputy Resident Engineer Construction Engineer in
≥5~<6 ≥5~<7 ≥5~<7
Resident Engineer in in Managing or Road Construction,
Construction, Upgrading ≥3~<5 Administering of Road ≥3~<5 ≥3~<5

Ethiopian Roads Authority 74

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
or Rehabilitation of <3 construction, Upgrading <3 Upgrading or <3
Double / Triple or Rehabilitation of Rehabilitation of Double /
Bituminous Surface Double / Triple Triple Bituminous
Treatment or Asphalt Bituminous Surface Surface Treatment or
Concrete Road Projects Treatment or Asphalt Asphalt Concrete Road
[30% of the Adequacy Concrete Road Projects
for the Assignment, if OR
Applicable] Years of Experience as
Pavement / Material
Engineer or Project
Engineer or Project ≥8
Coordinator in Managing
or Administering of
Double / Triple ≥4~<6
Bituminous Surface <4
Treatment or Asphalt
Concrete Road Projects
2. Team Leader Experience as Highway 5 Years Experience as Highway ≥ 8 Projects Experience as Team ≥ 6 Projects
(Design) Engineer / Team Leader Engineer / Team Leader in 6 ~ 7 Projects Leader in Road Design / 5 Projects
in Road Design / Design Road Design / Design 4 ~ 5 Projects Design Review Projects 3 ~ 4 Projects
Review Projects Review Projects ≤ 3 Projects [70% of the Adequacy for ≤ 2 Project
the Assignment]
Years of Experience as 2 Years Experience as Pavement / ≥ 3 Projects
Team Leader in Road Material in Road Design / 2 Projects
Design / Design Review Design Review / 1 Project
/Projects Construction Projects None
Experience as a Highway 3 Projects Experience as Highway ≥ 10 Projects
Engineer in Road Engineer / Team Leader in 8 ~ 9 Projects
Construction Projects Road Design / Design 5 ~ 7 Projects
Review Projects [30% of ≤ 4 Projects
the Adequacy for the
3. Deputy Years of Experience as ≥6 Years of Experience as ≥ 10 Years of Experience as a ≥8
Resident Project Manager or Pavement / Material Construction Engineer in or

Ethiopian Roads Authority 75

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Engineer Resident Engineer in ≥5~<6 Engineer or Project ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Road Construction, ≥6~<8
(Supervision) Road Construction, Engineer or Project Upgrading or
≥3~<5 ≥5~<8 ≥4~<6
Upgrading or Coordinator in Managing Rehabilitation Projects
<3 <5 <4
Rehabilitation Projects or Administering road
Years of Experience as a
Years of Experience as OR OR
Quantity Surveyor/
Deputy Resident Highway Engineer/ Office
Engineer in Managing or Engineer or Works
≥8 ≥ 12
Administering of Road Inspector in Managing or
Construction, Upgrading ≥6~<8 ≥ 10 ~ < 12
Administering of Road ≥ 8 ~ < 10
or Rehabilitation Projects ≥4~<6
Construction, Upgrading <8
[70% of the Adequacy <4
or Rehabilitation Projects
for the Assignment, if the
Subsequent Criteria is
Years of Experience as ≥4 Years of Experience as ≥5 Years of Experience as ≥5
Project Manager or Deputy Resident Engineer Construction Engineer in
≥3~<4 in Managing or ≥4~<5 ≥4~<5
Resident Engineer in Road Construction,
≥2~<3 Administering of Road ≥2~<4 ≥2~<4
Construction, Upgrading Upgrading or
<2 construction, Upgrading or <2 <2
or Rehabilitation of Rehabilitation of Double / Rehabilitation of Double /
Double / Triple Triple Bituminous Surface Triple Bituminous
Bituminous Surface Treatment or Asphalt Surface Treatment or
Treatment or Asphalt Concrete Road Projects Asphalt Concrete Road
Concrete Road Projects OR Projects
[30% of the Adequacy Years of Experience as OR
Pavement / Material OR
for the Assignment, if Years of Experience as a
Engineer or Project
Applicable] Engineer or Project ≥6 Quantity Surveyor/
Coordinator in Managing or ≥5~<6 Highway Engineer/ Office ≥8
Administering of Double / ≥3~<5 Engineer or Works ≥6~<8
Triple Bituminous Surface <3 Inspector in Managing or ≥4~<6
Treatment or Asphalt Administering of Double / <4

Ethiopian Roads Authority 76

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Concrete Road Projects Triple Bituminous Surface
Treatment or Asphalt
Concrete Road Projects
4. Senior Years of Experience on ≥ 10 Years of Experience on ≥ 20 Years of Experience on ≥ 12
Pavement/ Road Road Design/ Road Design/ Construction
≥ 8 ~ < 10 ≥ 16 ~ < 20 ≥ 10 ~ < 12
Materials Design/Construction Construction Projects as a Projects as a Junior
Engineer Projects as a Pavement ≥5~<8 Junior Material Engineer/ ≥ 10 ~ < 16 Material Engineer/ ≥ 8 ~ < 10
(Design and Materials Engineer <5 Material Inspector / < 10 Material Inspector / <8
Supervision) Laboratory Technician Laboratory Technician (N/A
(N/A for Design) for Design)
Years of Experience as a ≥5 Years of Experience as a ≥ 10 Years of Experience as a ≥8
Pavement/Materials Junior Pavement/Materials Junior Pavement/Materials
≥4~<5 ≥ 8 ~ < 10 ≥6~<8
Engineer Related to the Engineer/ Material Inspector/ Engineer/ Material Inspector/
Scope of the Assignment ≥2~<4 Laboratory Technician ≥5~<8 Laboratory Technician ≥4~<6
(Asphalt Concrete or <2 Related to the Scope of the <5 Related to the Scope of the <4
(DBST&TST), Experience Assignment (Asphalt Assignment (Asphalt
on AC is applicable for Concrete or (DBST&TST), Concrete or (DBST&TST),
DBST & TST) Experience on AC is Experience on AC is
applicable for DBST & applicable for DBST & TST)
Pavement/ Years of Experience on ≥4
Materials Road Design/ Construction
Engineer Projects as a Junior
(Supervision) Material Engineer/
Material Engineer/
Material Inspector /
Laboratory Technician
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Pavement/ Experience
(Design and
5. Senior Years of Experience as a ≥ 10 Years of Experience as a ≥ 20 Years of experience as a ≥ 12

Ethiopian Roads Authority 77

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Highway Highway Engineer in ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Junior Highway Engineer ≥ 16 ~ < 20 CAD Engineer/Office ≥ 10 ~ < 12
Engineer Road Design / in Road Design / Engineer in Road Design/
≥5~<8 ≥ 10 ~ < 16 ≥ 8 ~ < 10
(Supervision) Construction Projects Construction Projects or Construction, Upgrading
<5 < 10 <8
or Rehabilitation Projects
OR ≥ 12
Years of Experience as a
Junior Highway Engineer ≥ 10 ~ < 12
in Road Design / ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Construction Projects <8
Highway Years of Experience as a ≥4
Engineer Junior Highway Engineer/
(Supervision) Highway Engineer/ CAD
Engineer/Office Engineer
in Road Design/ or
Construction, Upgrading or
Rehabilitation Projects
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Highway Experience
(Design and
Highway Experience as Highway 5 Years Experience as Highway ≥ 8 Projects Years of Experience as a ≥ 12 Projects
Engineer Engineer / Team Leader Engineer / Team Leader 6 ~ 7 Projects Office Engineer/ CAD 9 ~ 11 Projects
(Design) in Road Design / Design in Road Design/ 3 ~ 5 Projects Engineer in Road Design/ 5 ~ 8 Projects
Review Projects Construction Projects ≤ 2 Project or Construction, Upgrading ≤ 4 Projects
or Rehabilitation Projects

Experience as a Highway 3 Projects

Engineer in Road
Construction Projects
6. Senior Years of Experience as a ≥ 10 Years of Experience as a ≥ 20 Years of Experience as an ≥ 12
Structural Structural Engineer in Junior Structural Office Engineer in Road
≥ 8 ~ < 10 ≥ 16 ~ < 20 ≥ 10 ~ < 12
Engineer Road/ Bridge/ Railway/ Engineer/ Structural Design/ or Construction,
(Design and Dam Design / ≥5~<8 Inspector in Road Design / ≥ 10 ~ < 16 Upgrading or ≥ 8 ~ < 10

Ethiopian Roads Authority 78

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Supervision) Construction Projects <5 Construction Projects < 10 Rehabilitation Projects <8
(Provided that He/ She (Provided that He/ She
(SI) Demonstrates in Full Demonstrates in Full
Design of 2 Bridges) (N/A Design of 2 Bridges)
for Design)

Years of Experience as a
Junior Structural Engineer/ ≥ 12
Structural Inspector in
≥ 10 ~ < 12
Road Design /
Construction Projects ≥ 8 ~ < 10
(Provided that He/ She (SI) <8
Demonstrates in Full
Design of 2 Bridges) (N/A
for Design)
Structural Years of Experience as a ≥4
Engineer Junior Structural Engineer/
(Supervision) Structural Engineer/
Office Engineer/
Structural Inspector in
Road Design/ or
Construction, Upgrading
or Rehabilitation Projects
(Provided that He/ She
Demonstrates in Full
Design of 2 Bridges)
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Structural Experience
(Design and
7. Senior Years of Experience as ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 20 Years of Experience as ≥ 10
Geotechnical Geotechnical Engineer in ≥6~<8 Junior Geotechnical Geotechnical Engineer in
≥ 16 ~ < 20 ≥ 8 ~ < 10

Ethiopian Roads Authority 79

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Engineer Road/Railway/Dam ≥4~<6 Engineer in ≥ 10 ~ < 16 Road/Railway/Dam Design ≥5~<8
(Design and Design or Construction <4 Road/Railway/Dam < 10 or Construction Projects <5
Supervision) Projects Design or Construction
Projects OR

Years of Experience as a ≥ 12
Junior Geotechnical ≥ 10 ~ < 12
Engineer in ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Road/Railway/Dam Design <8
or Construction Projects
Years of Experience in ≥4
Ground Investigation, ≥3~<4
Testing, and Interpretation ≥2~<3 None
of Results for the Design of <2
Bridge Foundations [Design]
Experience in Slope
Stability Investigation, None
Analysis and Design
Geotechnical Years of Experience as ≥4
Engineer Junior Geotechnical
(Supervision, Engineer/ Geotechnical
Depending on Engineer in Road/
the Nature of Railway/Dam Design or
the Project) Construction Projects
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Geotechnical Experience
(Design and
Depending on
the Nature of

Ethiopian Roads Authority 80

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
the Project)
8. Senior Years of experience as ≥ 10 Years of Experience as a ≥ 20 Years of Experience as a ≥ 12
Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer/ Junior Hydraulic Engineer/ Junior Hydraulic Engineer/
≥ 8 ~ < 10 ≥ 16 ~ < 20 ≥ 10 ~ < 12
Hydraulic Hydrologist in Hydrologist in Hydrologist in Road/Railway
Engineer Road/Railway ≥5~<8 Road/Railway Construction ≥ 10 ~ < 16 Construction or Design ≥ 8 ~ < 10
(Supervision) Construction or Design <5 or Design Projects < 10 Projects <8
Senior Experience in Road ≥ 8 Projects
Hydrologist/ Design Projects with 6 ~ 7 Projects
Hydraulic Hydrological Analysis, 3 ~ 5 Projects
Engineer Design of Drainage ≤ 2 Project
(Design) Structures and Storm
Water Management
Hydrologist/ Years of experience as ≥4
Hydraulic Junior Hydraulic
Engineer Engineer/ Hydrologist or
(Supervision) Hydraulic Engineer/
Hydrologist t in
Construction or Design
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Hydrologist/ Experience
(Design and
Depending on
the Nature of
the Project)
9. Senior Years of Experience as a ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 16 Years of experience as an ≥8
Quantity Quantity Surveyor in ≥6~<8 Drafts Person/ Junior CAD Engineer/ Office ≥6~<8
≥ 12 ~ < 16
Surveyor Road Construction / ≥4~<6 Quantity Surveyor in Engineer in Road ≥4~<6
≥ 8 ~ < 12

Ethiopian Roads Authority 81

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
(Design and Design Projects <4 Road Construction / <8 Construction / Design <4
Supervision) Design Projects Projects (Shall
Demonstrate in the
Testimonial its
Involvement in
Quantification of Road
Years of Experience as a ≥ 10
Drafts Person/ Junior
≥ 8 ~ < 10
Quantity Surveyor in Road
Construction / Design ≥6~<8
Projects <6
Quantity Years of experience as ≥4
Surveyor Junior Quantity Surveyor/
(Supervision) Quantity Surveyor/ Office
Engineer/ Draft Person in
Construction or Design
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Quantity Experience
10. Senior Years of Experience as a ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 16 Years of Experience as a ≥ 10
Surveyor Senior Surveyor in Road/ ≥6~<8 Junior Surveyor in Road/ Junior Surveyor in Road/
≥ 12 ~ < 16 ≥ 8 ~ < 10
(Design and Railway Construction/ ≥4~<6 Railway Construction/ Railway Construction/
Supervision) Design Projects <4 Design Projects ≥ 8 ~ < 12 Design Projects ≥6~<8
<8 <6
Surveyor Years of Experience as a ≥4
(Supervision) Junior Survey/ Surveyor
in Road/ Railway
Construction/ Design
11. Road Safety Years of Experience as ≥ 10 Years of Experience as a ≥ 12

Ethiopian Roads Authority 82

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
and Safety Road Safety Audit ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Highway Engineer on ≥ 9 ~ < 12
Audit Engineer/ Specialist on Road Road Design and/or ≥6~<9
Specialist Design and/or Construction Projects. <6
(Design and Construction Projects.
12. Senior Claims Years of Experience as a ≥ 10 Years of Experience as a ≥ 20 Years of Experience as a ≥ 10
Expert Claims Expert in Direct Junior Claims Expert in Claims Expert on Road
≥ 8 ~ < 10 ≥ 16 ~ < 20 ≥ 8 ~ < 10
(Supervision) involvement in Handling Direct Involvement in Construction or
of Claims and/or ≥5~<8 Handling of Claims ≥ 10 ~ < 16 Rehabilitation Projects ≥5~<8
Disputes on Road <5 and/or Disputes on Road < 10 Representing Any of the <5
Construction or Construction or Parties
Rehabilitation Projects Rehabilitation Projects OR
Representing Any of the Representing Any of the Years of Experience as a
Parties Parties Junior Claims Expert on ≥ 12
Road Construction or ≥ 10 ~ < 12
Rehabilitation Projects ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Representing Any of the <8
OR ≥ 12
Years of Experience as a ≥ 10 ~ < 12
Project Engineer/Office
Engineer (Client’s or ≥ 8 ~ < 10
Contractor’s Side) in <8
Contract Administration
Experience in Direct ≥ 10 Projects
involvement in Handling
8 ~ 9 Projects
of Claims and/or Disputes
on Road Construction or 6 ~ 7 Projects
Rehabilitation Projects < 5 Projects
Representing Any of the
Claims Expert Years of Experience as a ≥4
(Supervision) Junior Claims Expert/ Claims

Ethiopian Roads Authority 83

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Expert/ Project Engineer in
Direct involvement in
Handling of Claims and/or
Disputes on Road
Construction or
Rehabilitation Projects
Representing Any of the
Junior Claims N/A 0 Years of
Expert Experience
13. Contract Experience in Contract ≥ 10 Experience in Contract ≥ 10
Engineer Administration or Administration or Contract
≥ 8 ~ < 10 ≥ 8 ~ < 10
(Design) Contract Engineer on Engineer on Road Design
Road Design and/or ≥5~<8 and/or Construction ≥5~<8
Construction Projects <5 Projects <5
≥ 8 Projects Years of Experience as a ≥8
Projects on Contract and Procurement Counterpart
6 ~ 7 Projects ≥6~<8
Tender Document Engineer of Road Projects
3 ~ 5 Projects ≥4~<6
≤ 2 Project <4
14. Senior Years of Experience as an ≥8 Years of Experience as a ≥ 16 Years of Experience as a ≥ 10
Environmentalis Environmentalist in ≥6~<8 Junior Environmentalist in Junior Environmentalist in ≥ 8 ~ < 10
≥ 12 ~ < 16
t (Design and Planning and/or ≥4~<6 Planning and/or Planning and/or ≥6~<8
Supervision) Monitoring and <4 Monitoring and ≥ 8 ~ < 12 Monitoring and Evaluation <6
Evaluation of Social Evaluation of Social <8 of Social Impact
Impact Assessment and/or Impact Assessment and/or Assessment and/or
Analysis of Environmental Analysis of Environmental Analysis of Environmental
and Social Impact and Social Impact and Social Impact
Assessments. Assessments. Assessments.
Environmentalist Years of Experience as a ≥4
(Design and Junior Environmentalist/
Supervision, Environmentalist in
Depending on Planning and/or Monitoring
the Size/ Nature and Evaluation of Social
of the Project) Impact Assessment and/or

Ethiopian Roads Authority 84

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Analysis of Environmental
and Social Impact
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Environmentalist Experience
15. Right of Way For B. A. in Sociology For B. Sc. / B. A. in Land
Management and Related Fields Administration
Specialist Years of Experience in Years of Experience in
(Design and Extensive Involvement in Extensive Involvement in
Supervision) Right of Way Related right of Way related tasks
≥4 ≥2
Tasks or Social Impact or Social Impact
Assessments, Monitoring ≥3~<4 ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2
Assessments, Monitoring
and Evaluation or ≥2~<3 and Evaluation or ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5
Preparation of Social <2 Preparation of Social < 0.5
Impact Mitigation Plans Impact Mitigation Plans
or Experience in or Experience in
Livelihood Restoration Livelihood Restoration
Activities. Activities.
Commendable Experience
in use of Basic Computer
Applications including
but not limited to,
Microsoft Excel, Access
and Word.
The Expert shall have a
Certificate issued by
Ethiopian Roads
Authority which
demonstrates its
Attendance of a Training
prepared for Right of
Way Management
Specialists and its Ability

Ethiopian Roads Authority 85

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
to Undertake the Required
16. Sociologist Experience as a ≥ 8 Projects Experience as a Junior ≥ 10 Projects
(Design and Sociologist on Projects in 6 ~ 7 Projects Sociologist on Projects in
8 ~ 9 Projects
Supervision) Social Impact Assessment 3 ~ 5 Projects Social Impact Assessment
and/or Resettlement ≤ 2 Project and/or Resettlement 6 ~ 7 Projects
Action Plans. Action Plans. < 5 Projects

Junior N/A 0 Years of

Sociologist Experience

17. Transport Experience in Projects on ≥ 8 Projects Experience as a Junior ≥ 10 Projects

Economist Road Feasibility Study 6 ~ 7 Projects Transport Economist in 8 ~ 9 Projects
3 ~ 5 Projects Projects on Road 6 ~ 7 Projects
≤ 2 Project Feasibility Study. < 5 Projects
Junior N/A 0 Years of
Transport Experience
18. Traffic Years of Experience as ≥ 10
Engineer Traffic Engineer/ Transport
≥ 8 ~ < 10
(Design and Engineer in Road Design/
Supervision) Construction Projects. ≥5~<8

19. Architecture Years of Experience as an ≥8

(Design and Architecture in Urban ≥6~<8
Supervision) Planning or Related ≥4~<6
Architectural Activities. <4
20. Geologist Years of Experience as a ≥8
(Design) Geologist in Subsurface and ≥6~<8
Material Investigation ≥4~<6
21. Gender Years of Experience in ≥4

Ethiopian Roads Authority 86

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Original Criteria Existing Succession Plan Newly Proposed Succession Plan

I.No. Position
Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/Rating Criteria Range/ Rating
Specialist Gender Programming/ ≥3~<4
(Supervision) Gender Needs Assessment/ ≥2~<3
Gender Analysis, <2
Development of
Materials/ Programs and
Development and
Execution of Gender
Sensitization Interventions/
Social Work Activities
21 CADD Experience in Working ≥ 7 Projects
Engineer with Computer Aided 5 ~ 6 Projects
(Design) Design and Drafting and 3 ~ 4 Projects
All Associated ≤ 2 Project
Computerized Survey
Data Techniques and

Also, the following Professionals could be deployed, if deemed appropriate:

 Tunnel Engineer
 Electrical Engineer
 Mechanical Engineer…

s. Percentage (%) Weights of the Rating Scales for Key Experts’ qualifications and competence for the Assignment:
Excellent 100% Very Good 90%
Good 70% Poor 40%
t. As indicated in the Section 3 of the RFP Document, experience of key staff positions of local experts in conducting research in road
design and/or construction projects will be merited 1 point. The point will only be merited for those who do not score the full points of
their respective marks and shall not exceed the allotted point of the respective positions. The research shall be published and/or
demonstrated with documentary evidences and this does not include students’ paper as part of the study program.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 87

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

u. Educational Testimonies for Certificate, Diploma, B. Sc., M. Sc. or PhD will be merited in accordance with the specific award indicted /
mentioned in the Diplomas.
v. In the spirit of encouraging successive key staff development and capacity building, the Client have arranged the following alternatives
for key position recruitment:
iii. In all of the Adequacy for the Assignment (Specific Experience) requirements of Key Staffs, previous all experiences obtained as
an Assistant/Junior Engineer related to the respective key staff position will be partially considered as indicated int eh tables
above, for the assignment in the respective proposed position.
i. In addition, previous experiences obtained as support / key staffs related to only the respective key staff positions indicated
above, for example, Quantity Surveyor, Highway Engineer, Works Inspector and Office Engineer, as appropriate, will be
partially considered for Deputy Resident Engineer. Likewise, experiences obtained as a support/ key staffs related to the
required Key Staff Position would be partially/fully, as appropriate, would have been obtained working as key personnel in
the respective position, for adequacy for the assignment in the respective proposed position, provided that the proposed
personal attained the minimum educational qualification for the position.
ii. In additional, the Client has devised a mechanism in which the experience of professionals who have been working on Client’s
or Contractor’s side to be considered for the required Consultancy Service Position shown in the table above.
iii. Furthermore, Key Staff Positions or Support/Assistant Positions are to be considered for Key Staff Positions related to
Design/Quantifying/Claim Administration, provided that firms can demonstrate that the proposed staff has adequate experience
in tasks related to the proposed position, details of which is indicated above on the Adequacy requirement for the position.
iv. Junior Staffs who have participated in a single project can be employed as a Junior Staff or Support Staff till he/she meets the
minimum requirement for Key Staff Position.
v. Finally, for Key staff positions requiring B.Sc. / B.A. as a minimum educational qualification, the Client would consider
previous experience as follows: -
 Experience gained after attaining Diploma would be considered as 60% and
 Experience gained after attaining Certificate would be considered as 40%.
w. Only Key Personnel having the minimum educational qualification set shall be considered for evaluation; key personnel with
educational qualification below the minimum required will be rejected and merited zero (0) points. If the firm is found successful upon
the overall evaluation, the rejected professional position shall be replaced by fulfilling personnel with minimum total score of 60%,
prior to concluding the contract signing.
x. Personnel who scored below 60%, of the allotted points for their respective criteria, will be replaced by a better-qualified one, prior to
concluding the Contract signing. However, during replacement, personnel who scores less than 100% but greater than 90% of what the
originally proposed personnel for the proposed position has achieved shall be subjected to deduction of 10% of the respective fees (Fee
and Reimbursable) quoted by the firm; and those who score below 90% of the originally proposed personnel shall not be accepted for
y. The induction of any staff including the intermittent ones shall be subject to the Client prior approval.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 88

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

z. CVs of the support staff, junior staffs and the remaining keys staff not subject to evaluation during tendering shall be submitted when
and as required during the implementation period of the project.
aa. Bidders are strongly advised not to propose professionals that have been suspended from ERA’s on-going and upcoming projects. If
bidders propose a suspended professional, the CV will be rejected and will be merited zero point out of the allocated points for that
professional. Please refer ERA’s website ( Accountability/Staff.aspx) for the list of

Ethiopian Roads Authority 89

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Annex 2: Qualification criteria

Ethiopian Roads Authority 90

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract


Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

70% of General
(1) Education

Resident Engineer, Deputy

Resident Engineer and Claims
M. Sc. and above Excellent
a. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering
or Construction Technology Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
and Management or Related

Pavement / Material Engineer

and Senior Geotechnical M.Sc. and above Excellent
b. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Geology, Geotechnical Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
Engineering or Related Fields

Highway Engineer, Structural

Engineer and Road Safety and M. Sc. and above Excellent
Safety Audit Specialist:
c. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering
or Related Fields to the Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Environmentalist: M. Sc. and above Excellent

d. Degree in Civil Engineering, B. Sc. Degree Good

Environmental Science or
Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Ethiopian Roads Authority 91

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Education for Hydraulic M. Sc. and above Excellent

e. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Hydraulics or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Quantity Surveyor:
M. Sc. and above Excellent
Degree in Civil Engineering,
f. B. Sc. Degree Good
Construction Technology
and Management or Related Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. Sc. and above Excellent

Senior Surveyor:
g. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Surveying or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. A. /M. Sc. and

Right of Way Management above
B. Sc. / B. A.
h. Good
Degree in Sociology, Land Degree
Administration or Related Disqualified
Below the B. Sc. /
B. A.

M. A. /M. Sc. and

Gender Specialist: Excellent
B. Sc. / B. A.
i. Degree in Sociology, Land Good
Administration or Related
Fields Below the B. Sc. /
B. A.

(2) Overall Experience Range Rating 30% of General Remarks

Ethiopian Roads Authority 92

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks


≥ 15 Excellent
Resident Engineer:
Number of Years of ≥ 12 ~ < 15 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥ 7 ~ < 12 Good
Construction and/or Design
Projects <7 Poor

Deputy Resident Engineer,

Highway Engineer, Claims Expert ≥ 12 Excellent
and Road Safety and Safety
≥ 9 ~ < 12 Very Good
Audit Specialist
Number of Years of ≥6~<9 Good
Experience in Road/Railway
<6 Poor
Construction and/or Design

Pavement/Material Engineer,
Senior Structural Engineer,
≥ 12 Excellent
Senior Geotechnical Engineer
and Hydraulic Engineer: ≥ 9 ~ < 12 Very Good
Number of Years of ≥6~<9 Good
Experience in
Road/Railway/Dam/Bridge <6 Poor
Construction and/or Design

≥ 10 Excellent
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
d. Number of Years of
Professional Experience in ≥5~<8 Good
Environmental Works
<5 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 93

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

≥ 10 Excellent
Senior Surveyor:
Number of Years of Relevant ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥5~<8 Good
Construction and /or Design
Projects <5 Poor

≥ 10 Excellent
Quantity Surveyor:
Number of Years of Relevant ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Experience in Road ≥5~<8 Good
Construction and /or Design
Projects <5 Poor

Right of Way Management ≥5 Excellent

Specialist for B. A in Sociology or
≥4~<5 Very Good
Related Fields:
Number Years of Experience ≥2~<4 Good
in Sociological Works or
<2 Poor
Related Activities
Right of Way Management
≥3 Excellent
Specialist for B. A/B. Sc. in Land
Administration: ≥2~<3 Very Good
Number Years of Experience ≥1~<2 Good
in Sociological Works or
Related Activities for B. Sc. / <1 Poor
B. A. in Land Administration

≥6 Excellent
For Gender Specialist:
h. ≥5~<6 Very Good
Number of Years of Relevant
Experience in Social Works ≥3~<5 Good

Ethiopian Roads Authority 94

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

<3 Poor

70% of Total
Points Allotted for
II. Adequacy for the Assignment
the Respective

a) Resident Engineer

Years of Experience as Project ≥8 Excellent 70% of the

Manager or Resident Engineer in Adequacy for the
Managing Road Construction, ≥6~<8 Very Good Assignment, if
Upgrading or Rehabilitation the Subsequent
≥4~<6 Good
Projects Criteria is
<4 Poor Applicable;
Otherwise, 100%
OR OR of the Adequacy
for the
Years of Experience as Deputy ≥ 10
Excellent Assignment.
Resident Engineer or Construction
≥ 8 ~ < 10
Engineer in Managing or Very Good
Administering of Road Construction, ≥5~<8
Upgrading or Rehabilitation
Projects <5

Years of experience as Pavement /

Material Engineer or Project ≥ 12
Engineer or Project Coordinator in Very Good
Managing or Administering Road ≥ 9 ~ < 12
Projects Good

Years of Experience as Project ≥6 Excellent 30% of the

Manager or Resident Engineer in Adequacy for the
Construction, Upgrading or Assignment, if

Ethiopian Roads Authority 95

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Rehabilitation of Double / Triple ≥5~<6 Very Good the Project is

Bituminous Surface Treatment or Paved;
Asphalt Concrete Road Projects ≥3~<5 Good Otherwise, Not
OR <3 Poor

Years of Experience as Deputy
Resident Engineer or Construction ≥7 Excellent
Engineer in Managing or
Administering of Road construction, ≥5~<7 Very Good
Upgrading or Rehabilitation of
≥3~<5 Good
Double / Triple Bituminous Surface
Treatment or Asphalt Concrete <3 Poor
Road Projects

Years of Experience as Pavement /
Material Engineer or Project ≥8 Excellent
Engineer or Project Coordinator in
≥6~<8 Very Good
Managing or Administering of
Double / Triple Bituminous ≥4~<6 Good
Surface Treatment or Asphalt
Concrete Road Projects <4 Poor

b) Deputy Resident Engineer

Years of Experience as Project ≥6 Excellent 70% of the

Manager or Resident Engineer in Adequacy for the
Road Construction, Upgrading or ≥5~<6 Very Good Assignment, if
Rehabilitation Projects the Subsequent
≥3~<5 Good
Criteria is
Poor Applicable;
OR Otherwise, 100%
OR of the Adequacy
Years of Experience as Deputy for the
Resident Engineer or Construction Assignment.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 96

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Engineer in Managing or ≥8 Excellent

Administering of Road
Construction, Upgrading or ≥6~<8 Very Good
Rehabilitation Projects
≥4~<6 Good

<4 Poor
Years of Experience as Pavement /
≥ 10 Excellent
Material Engineer or Project
Engineer or Project Coordinator in ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Managing or Administering Road
Projects ≥5~<8 Good

<5 Poor


Years of Experience as a Quantity ≥ 12 Excellent

Surveyor/ Highway Engineer/ Very Good
≥ 10 ~ < 12
Office Engineer or Works Inspector
in Managing or Administering of ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Good
Road Construction, Upgrading or
Rehabilitation Projects <8 Poor

Years of Experience as Project ≥4 Excellent 30% of the

Manager or Resident Engineer in Adequacy for the
Construction, Upgrading or ≥3~<4 Very Good Assignment, if
Rehabilitation of Double / Triple the Project is
≥2~<3 Good
Bituminous Surface Treatment or Paved;
Asphalt Concrete Road Projects <2 Poor Otherwise, Not
[30% of the Adequacy for the
Assignment, if Applicable]

Years of Experience as Deputy

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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Resident Engineer or Construction ≥5 Excellent

Engineer in Managing or
Administering of Road construction, ≥4~<5 Very Good
Upgrading or Rehabilitation of ≥2~<4 Good
Double / Triple Bituminous Surface
Treatment or Asphalt Concrete <2 Poor
Road Projects
Years of Experience as Pavement /
≥6 Very Good
Material Engineer or Project
Engineer or Project Coordinator in ≥5~<6 Good
Managing or Administering of
Double / Triple Bituminous ≥3~<5 Poor
Surface Treatment or Asphalt
Concrete Road Projects
≥8 Excellent
Years of Experience as a Quantity
Surveyor/ Highway Engineer/ ≥6~<8 Very Good
Office Engineer or Works Inspector
in Managing or Administering of ≥4~<6 Good
Double / Triple Bituminous
<4 Poor
Surface Treatment or Asphalt
Concrete Road Projects

c) Senior Pavement/ Materials


Years of Experience on Road ≥ 10 Excellent 60% of the

Design/Construction Projects as a Adequacy for the
Pavement Materials Engineer ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good Assignment, if
the Subsequent
OR ≥5~<8 Good
Criteria is
Years of Experience on Road

Ethiopian Roads Authority 98

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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Design/ Construction Projects as a <5 Poor Otherwise, 100%

Junior Material Engineer/ Material of the Adequacy
Inspector / Laboratory Technician OR for the
≥ 12 Excellent

≥ 10 ~ < 12 Very Good

≥ 8 ~ < 10 Good

<8 Poor

Years of Experience as a ≥5 Excellent 40% of the

Pavement/Materials Engineer Adequacy for the
Related to the Scope of the ≥4~<5 Very Good Assignment, if
Assignment (Asphalt Concrete or the Project is
≥2~<4 Good
(DBST&TST), Experience on AC is Paved;
Poor Otherwise, Not
applicable for DBST & TST) <2

Years of Experience as a Junior ≥8 Excellent

Pavement/Materials Engineer/
≥6~<8 Very Good
Material Inspector/ Laboratory
Technician Related to the Scope of ≥4~<6 Good
the Assignment (Asphalt Concrete
or (DBST&TST), Experience on AC <4 Poor
is applicable for DBST & TST)

d) Senior Highway Engineer

Years of Experience as a Highway ≥ 10 Excellent

Engineer in Road Design / 100% of the
Construction Projects ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Mark Allocated
≥5~<8 Good for Adequacy of
the Assignment
<5 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 99

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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks


Years of Experience as a Junior ≥ 12 Excellent

Highway Engineer or CADD
Engineer or Office Engineer in Road ≥ 10 ~ < 12 Very Good
Design / Construction Projects ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Good

<8 Poor

e) Senior Structural Engineer

Years of Experience as a Structural Excellent

Engineer in Road/ Bridge/ Railway/ ≥ 10
Dam Design / Construction Projects Very Good
≥ 8 ~ < 10
<5 100% of the
OR Mark Allocated
Excellent for Adequacy of
Years of Experience as a Junior the Assignment
≥ 12
Structural Engineer or Structural Very Good
Inspector/ Office Engineer in Road/ ≥ 10 ~ < 12
Bridge/ Railway/ Dam Design / Good
Construction Projects (Provided that ≥ 8 ~ < 10
the SI & OE Demonstrates in Full <8
Design of 2 Bridges)

f) Senior Geotechnical Engineer

Years of Experience as Geotechnical ≥ 10 Excellent Only for

Engineer in Road/Bridge/ 100% of the Requirement
Railway/Bridge/ Dam Design or ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
Construction Projects for Adequacy of Staff not
≥5~<8 Good
the Assignment Subject to
<5 Poor Evaluation

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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks


Years of Experience as a Junior ≥ 12 Excellent

Geotechnical Engineer in
Road/Railway/Bridge/Dam Design ≥ 10 ~ < 12 Very Good
or Construction Projects ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Good

<8 Poor

g) Senior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic


Years of experience as Hydraulic ≥ 10 Excellent

Engineer/ Hydrologist in
Road/Bridge/Dam/ Railway ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Construction or Design Projects ≥5~<8 Good

<5 Poor
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥ 12 Excellent Only for
Hydraulic Engineer/ Hydrologist in
100% of the Requirement
Road/ Bridge/Dam/ Railway ≥ 10 ~ < 12 Very Good
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
Construction or Design Projects for Adequacy of Staff not
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Good
the Assignment Subject to
<8 Poor Evaluation

Ethiopian Roads Authority 101

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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

g) Senior Quantity Surveyor

Years of Experience as a Quantity ≥8 Excellent

Surveyor or CAD Engineer or Office
Engineer in Road Construction / ≥6~<8 Very Good
Design Projects (the OE and CAD ≥4~<6 Good
Engineer Shall Demonstrate in the
Testimonial its Involvement in <4 Poor
Quantification of Road Projects) 100% of the
Mark Allocated
OR for Adequacy of
Years of Experience as a Drafts the Assignment
≥ 10 Excellent
Person/ Junior Quantity Surveyor
in Road Construction / Design Very Good
≥ 8 ~ < 10
≥6~<8 Good

<6 Poor

h) Senior Surveyor
Years of Experience as a Senior ≥8 Excellent
Surveyor in Road/ Railway
Construction/ Design Projects ≥6~<8 Very Good

≥4~<6 Good

OR <4 Poor 100% of the

Mark Allocated
Years of Experience as a Junior OR
for Adequacy of
Surveyor in Road/ Railway Excellent the Assignment
≥ 10
Construction/ Design Projects
Very Good
≥ 8 ~ < 10

Ethiopian Roads Authority 102

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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

i) Road Safety and Safety Audit

Engineer/ Specialist

Years of Experience as Road Safety ≥ 10 Excellent

Audit Specialist on Road Design
and/or Construction Projects ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good

≥5~<8 Good
Only for
<5 Poor 100% of the Requirement
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
OR OR Staff not
for Adequacy of
Excellent Subject to
Years of Experience as a Highway ≥ 12 the Assignment
Engineer on Road Design and/or Very Good
≥ 9 ~ < 12
Construction Projects.

j) Senior Claims Expert

Years of Experience as a Claims ≥ 10 Excellent 60% of the

Expert on Road Construction or Adequacy for
Rehabilitation Projects ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Representing Any of the Parties Good Assignment, if
the Subsequent
<5 Poor Criteria is
OR Applicable
Years of Experience as a Junior Excellent
≥ 12
Claims Expert on Road
Construction or Rehabilitation ≥ 10 ~ < 12 Very Good
Projects Representing Any of the
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Good

<8 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 103

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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks


Years of Experience as a Project ≥ 12 Excellent

Engineer/Office Engineer (Client’s
or Contractor’s Side) in Contract ≥ 10 ~ < 12 Very Good
Administration ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Good

<8 Poor


Experience in Direct involvement in ≥ 10 Projects Excellent 40% of the

Handling of Claims and/or Disputes Adequacy for
on Road Construction or 8 ~ 9 Projects Very Good
Rehabilitation Projects Good Assignment, if
6 ~ 7 Projects
Representing Any of the Parties the Subsequent
< 5 Projects Poor Criteria is

k) Senior Environmentalist

Years of Experience as an ≥8 Excellent

Environmentalist in Planning and/or
Monitoring and Evaluation of Social ≥6~<8 Very Good
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis ≥4~<6 Good
of Environmental and Social Impact
Only for
Assessments. <4 Poor 100% of the Requirement
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
for Adequacy of Staff not
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥ 10 Excellent the Assignment Subject to
Environmentalist in Planning and/or
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Monitoring and Evaluation of Social
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis ≥6~<8 Good
of Environmental and Social Impact
Assessments. <6 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 104

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

l) Right of Way Management


For B. A. in Sociology and Related

Years of Experience in Extensive
Very Good
Involvement in Right of Way Related ≥3~<4
Tasks or Social Impact Assessments, Good
Monitoring and Evaluation or ≥2~<3
Preparation of Social Impact Poor
Mitigation Plans or Experience in
Only for
Livelihood Restoration Activities. 100% of the Requirement
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
for Adequacy of Staff not
For B. Sc. / B. A. in Land the Assignment Subject to
Years of Experience in Extensive Excellent
Involvement in right of Way related ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2
Very Good
tasks or Social Impact Assessments, ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5
Monitoring and Evaluation or Good
Preparation of Social Impact < 0.5
Mitigation Plans or Experience in
Livelihood Restoration Activities.


Commendable Experience in use of

Basic Computer Applications
including but not limited to,
Microsoft Excel, Access and Word.

The Expert shall have a Certificate

issued by Ethiopian Roads Pass/Fail
Authority which demonstrates its

Ethiopian Roads Authority 105

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Attendance of a Training prepared

for Right of Way Management
Specialists and its Ability to
Undertake the Required Services.

m) Gender Specialist

Years of Experience in Gender ≥4 Excellent

Programming/ Gender Needs
Assessment/ Gender Analysis, ≥3~<4 Very Good Only for
100% of the Requirement
Development of ≥2~<3 Good Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
Sensitization/Training Materials/
for Adequacy of Staff not
Programs and Development and <2 Poor
the Assignment Subject to
Execution of Gender Sensitization Evaluation
Interventions/ Social Work

Ethiopian Roads Authority 106

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Engineer Positions (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)

ID. Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

a) Pavement/ Materials Engineer

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering, Geology, B. Sc. and with Min. Only for
Geotechnical Engineering or Related Fields above Required Requirement
Experience Purpose; Key
Years of Experience on Road Design/ Staff not
Construction Projects as a Junior Material ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
N/A Evaluation
Engineer/ Material Engineer/ Material Inspector <4 Unacceptable
/ Laboratory Technician

b) Highway Engineer

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related B. Sc. and with Min.
N/A Only for
Fields above Required
Experience Requirement
Purpose; Key
Years of Experience as a Junior Highway Staff not
Engineer/ Highway Engineer/ CAD ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
Engineer/Office Engineer in Road Design/ or N/A Evaluation
Construction, Upgrading or Rehabilitation <4 Unacceptable

c) Structural Engineer

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related B. Sc. and with Min.
Fields above Required Only for
Experience Requirement
Years of Experience as a Junior Structural Purpose; Key
Engineer/ Structural Engineer/ Office Engineer/ Staff not
Structural Inspector in Road/ Bridge/ Railway/ ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
N/A Evaluation
Dam Design/ or Construction, Upgrading or <4 Unacceptable
Rehabilitation Projects (Provided that He/ She
Demonstrates in Full Design of 2 Bridges)

d) Geotechnical Engineer

Ethiopian Roads Authority 107

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Engineer Positions (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)

ID. Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering, Geology, B. Sc. and with Min.
Geotechnical Engineering or Related Fields above Required

Years of Experience as Junior Geotechnical

Engineer/ Geotechnical Engineer in Road/ ≥4
Bridge/ Railway/ Dam Design or Construction <4

e) Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering, Hydraulics or B. Sc. and with Min. Only for
Related Fields above Required Requirement
Experience Purpose; Key
Years of Experience as Junior Hydraulic Engineer/ Staff not
Hydrologist or Hydraulic Engineer/ Hydrologist in ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
N/A Evaluation
Road/Bridge/ Dam/ Railway Construction or <4 Unacceptable
Design Projects

f) Quantity Surveyor

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering or
B. Sc. and with Min. Only for
Construction Technology and Management or
above Required Requirement
Related Fields
Experience Purpose; Key
Years of Experience as Junior Quantity Surveyor/ Staff not
Quantity Surveyor/ Office Engineer/ Draft ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
N/A Evaluation
Person in Road/Railway Construction or Design <4 Unacceptable

g) Surveyor

Degree in Civil Engineering, Surveying or Only for

Related Fields Requirement
Purpose; Key
Years of Experience as Junior Surveyor/ Surveyor ≥4 Acceptable N/A
Staff not

Ethiopian Roads Authority 108

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Qualification and Competence of Engineer Positions (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)

ID. Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

in Road/Railway Construction or Design Projects <4 Unacceptable Subject to


h) Claims Expert

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering or
B. Sc. and with Min. Only for
Construction Technology and Management or
above Required Requirement
Related Fields
Experience Purpose; Key
Years of Experience as a Junior Claims Expert/ Staff not
Claims Expert/ Project Engineer on Road ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
N/A Evaluation
Construction or Rehabilitation Projects <4 Unacceptable
Representing Any of the Parties

i) Environmentalist

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering, B. Sc. and with Min.
Environmental Science or Related Fields above Required Only for
Experience Requirement
Purpose; Key
Years of Experience as a Junior Environmentalist/ Staff not
Environmentalist in Planning and/or Monitoring ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
and Evaluation of Social Impact Assessment N/A Evaluation
and/or Analysis of Environmental and Social <4 Unacceptable
Impact Assessment.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 109

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Support Staffs (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)

A. Education Requirements for Support Staffs: Remarks

Acceptable with Min.

Soil Laboratory Technicians: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

a Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Acceptable with Min.
Material Inspector: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

b Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Acceptable with Min.
Structure Inspector: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

c Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Acceptable with Min.
Draftsperson: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

D Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Acceptable with Min.
Inspector of Works: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

e Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience

f Secretary: Acceptable with Min.

B. Sc./B.A. and above
Required experience

Ethiopian Roads Authority 110

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Support Staffs (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)
Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
B. Sc. / B. A. / Diploma in Secretarial
Science and Office Management or Acceptable with Min.
Related Fields Certificate
Required experience

B. Overall Experience for Technicians and Support Staffs:

Zero (0) Year Experience for

Soil laboratory Technicians: B. Sc. and above Required

a. Min. Three (3) Years’

Experience for Diploma Required
Years of Experience on Highway Projects
in Fields of Assignment Min. Five (5) Years’
Experience for Certificate Required

Material Inspector: Zero (0) Year Experience for

B. Sc. and above Required
Years of Experience on Highway Projects
Particular Inspection of Quality of
Min. Three (3) Years’
b. Construction of Materials such as, Soils Required
Experience for Diploma
(Sub-grade Borrow), Sand, Cement,
Aggregate, Re-bar, Water for
Construction etc. and a Relevant Min. Five (5) Years’
Experience for Certificate Required
Experience in Road Project.

Structural Inspector: Zero (0) Year Experience for

B. Sc. and above Required

Min. Three (3) Years’

c. Years of Experience on Highway Projects Required
Experience for Diploma
in Particular Inspection of Construction
of Bridge and Related Facilities and all Min. Five (5) Years’
other Major Drainage Structures. Experience for Certificate Required

Zero (0) Year Experience for

Draftsperson: Required
B. Sc. and above
Min. Three (3) Years’
Years of Experience on Highway Projects Experience for Diploma Required

Ethiopian Roads Authority 111

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Qualification and Competence of Support Staffs (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)
and Familiar in the use of CADD. Min. Five (5) Years’
Experience for Certificate Required

Inspector of Works:
Zero (0) Year Experience for
Years of Experience on Highway Projects B. Sc. and above
in Particular Inspection of Road Works
for Compliance with the Standards and Min. Three (3) Years’
Specifications of the Contract. The Required
Experience for Diploma
e. Inspection among others includes
Construction of Sub-grades, Capping
Layers and Filter Drains; Minor Drainage
Works; Ancillary Works; Temporary Min. Five (5) Years’
Works; and other Pavement Layers and Experience for Certificate
Wearing Course.

- Good Experience in use of

Computer in Word
f. Secretary Required
Processing and Spread Sheet
- Good Knowledge of English

Ethiopian Roads Authority 112

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Junior Assistant Staffs Qualifications and Competence for the Assignment

Min. Qualification
I.No. Junior Position

Junior Highway Engineer

1. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Materials and Geotechnical Engineer
2. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Structural Engineer
3. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Quantity Surveyor
Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Technology and Management
4. B. Sc.
or Related Fields
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Claims Expert
Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Technology and Management
5. B. Sc.
or Related Fields
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Environmentalist
6. Degree in Civil Engineering or Environmental Science or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer
7. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Surveyor
8. Degree in Civil Engineering, Surveying or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years

Ethiopian Roads Authority 113

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

a. Percentage (%) Weights of the Rating Scales for Key Experts’ qualifications and competence
for the Assignment:
Excellent 100% Very Good 90%
Good 70% Poor 40%
b. Experiences of Road Construction shall also including New Road Construction,
Rehabilitation, Upgrading, Overlay and Maintenance Projects.
c. Experience on URRAP projects will be considered by 60% for the adequacy requirement of
the related position.
d. Project Experience record with a period less than Two (2) Months for a Design and Six (6)
Months for a Construction Project will not be considered for evaluation for the Adequacy
for the Assignment Requirement.
e. As indicated in the Section 3 of the RFP Document, experience of key staff positions of local
experts in conducting research in road design and/or construction projects will be merited 1
point. The point will only be merited for those who do not score the full points of their
respective marks and shall not exceed the allotted point of the respective positions. The
research shall be published and/or demonstrated with documentary evidences and this does
not include students’ paper as part of the study program.
f. Educational Testimonies for Certificate, Diploma, B. Sc., M. Sc. or PhD will be merited in
accordance with the specific award indicted / mentioned in the Diplomas.
g. In the spirit of encouraging successive key staff development and capacity building, the Client
have arranged the following alternatives for key position recruitment:
iv. In all Adequacy for the Assignment (Specific Experience) requirements of Key Staffs,
previous all experiences obtained as an Assistant/Junior Engineer related to the
respective key staff position will be partially considered as indicated in the tables
above, for the assignment in the respective proposed position.
i. In addition, previous experiences obtained as support / key staffs related to only the
respective key staff positions indicated above, for example, Quantity Surveyor,
Highway Engineer, Works Inspector and Office Engineer, as appropriate, will be
partially considered for Deputy Resident Engineer. Likewise, experiences obtained as
a support/ key staffs related to the required Key Staff Position would be partially/fully,
as appropriate, would have been obtained working as key personnel in the respective
position, for adequacy for the assignment in the respective proposed position,
provided that the proposed personal attained the minimum educational qualification
for the position.
ii. In additional, the Client has devised a mechanism in which the experience of
professionals who have been working on Client’s or Contractor’s side to be
considered for the required Consultancy Service Position shown in the table above.
iii. Furthermore, Key Staff Positions or Support/Assistant Positions are to be considered
for Key Staff Positions related to Design/Quantifying/Claim Administration, provided
that firms can demonstrate that the proposed staff has adequate experience in tasks
related to the proposed position, details of which is indicated above on the Adequacy
requirement for the position.
iv. Junior Staffs who have participated in a single project can be employed as a Junior
Staff or Support Staff till he/she meets the minimum requirement for Key Staff

Ethiopian Roads Authority 114

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

v. Finally, for Key staff positions requiring B.Sc. / B.A. as a minimum educational
qualification, the Client would consider previous experience as follows: -
 Experience gained after attaining Diploma would be considered as 60% and
 Experience gained after attaining Certificate would be considered as 40%.
h. Only Key Personnel having the minimum educational qualification set shall be considered for
evaluation; key personnel with educational qualification below the minimum required will be
rejected and merited zero (0) points. If the firm is found successful upon the overall
evaluation, the rejected professional position shall be replaced by fulfilling personnel with
minimum total score of 60%, prior to concluding the contract signing.
i. Personnel who scored below 60%, of the allotted points for their respective criteria, will be
replaced by a better-qualified one, prior to concluding the Contract signing. However, during
replacement, personnel who scores less than 100% but greater than 90% of what the
originally proposed personnel for the proposed position has achieved shall be subjected to
deduction of 10% of the respective fees (Fee and Reimbursable) quoted by the firm; and
those who score below 90% of the originally proposed personnel shall not be accepted for
j. The induction of any staff including the intermittent ones shall be subject to the Client prior
k. CVs of the support staff, junior staffs and the remaining keys staff not subject to evaluation
during tendering shall be submitted when and as required during the implementation period
of the project.
l. Bidders are strongly advised not to propose professionals that have been suspended from
ERA’s on-going and upcoming projects. If bidders propose a suspended professional, the CV
will be rejected and will be merited zero point out of the allocated points for that
professional. Please refer ERA’s website
( for the list of

Ethiopian Roads Authority 115

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract


[Project value > 1.3 billion Birr and < 2 Billion Birr]

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

70% of General
(1) Education

Resident Engineer, Deputy

Resident Engineer and Claims
M. Sc. and above Excellent
a. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering
or Construction Technology Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
and Management or Related

Pavement / Material Engineer

and Senior Geotechnical M.Sc. and above Excellent
b. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Geology, Geotechnical Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
Engineering or Related Fields

Highway Engineer, Structural

Engineer and Road Safety and M. Sc. and above Excellent
Safety Audit Specialist:
c. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering
or Related Fields to the Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. Sc. and above Excellent

d. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Environmental Science or Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Ethiopian Roads Authority 116

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Related Fields

Education for Hydraulic M. Sc. and above Excellent

e. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Hydraulics or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Quantity Surveyor:
M. Sc. and above Excellent
Degree in Civil Engineering,
f. B. Sc. Degree Good
Construction Technology
and Management or Related Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. Sc. and above Excellent

Senior Surveyor:
g. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Surveying or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. A. /M. Sc. and

Right of Way Management above
B. Sc. / B. A.
h. Good
Degree in Sociology, Land Degree
Administration or Related Disqualified
Below the B. Sc. /
B. A.

M. A. /M. Sc. and

Gender Specialist: Excellent
i. Degree in Sociology, Land B. Sc. / B. A. Good
Administration or Related Degree
Below the B. Sc. /

Ethiopian Roads Authority 117

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

B. A.

30% of General
(2) Overall Experience Range Rating Remarks

≥ 12 Excellent
Resident Engineer:
Number of Years of ≥ 9 ~ < 12 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥6~<9 Good
Construction and/or Design
Projects <6 Poor

Deputy Resident Engineer,

Highway Engineer, Claims Expert ≥ 10 Excellent
and Road Safety and Safety
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Audit Specialist
Number of Years of ≥5~<8 Good
Experience in Road/Railway
<5 Poor
Construction and/or Design

Pavement/Material Engineer,
Senior Structural Engineer,
≥ 10 Excellent
Senior Geotechnical Engineer
and Hydraulic Engineer: ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Number of Years of ≥5~<8 Good
Experience in
Road/Railway/Dam/Bridge <5 Poor
Construction and/or Design

≥8 Excellent
d. Environmentalist:
≥6~<8 Very Good
Number of Years of

Ethiopian Roads Authority 118

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Professional Experience in ≥4~<6 Good

Environmental Works
<4 Poor

≥8 Excellent
Senior Surveyor:
Number of Years of Relevant ≥6~<8 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥4~<6 Good
Construction and /or Design
Projects <4 Poor

≥8 Excellent
Quantity Surveyor:
Number of Years of Relevant ≥6~<8 Very Good
Experience in Road ≥4~<6 Good
Construction and /or Design
Projects <4 Poor

Right of Way Management ≥5 Excellent

Specialist for B. A in Sociology or
≥4~<5 Very Good
Related Fields:
Number Years of Experience ≥2~<4 Good
in Sociological Works or
<2 Poor
Related Activities
Right of Way Management
≥3 Excellent
Specialist for B. A/B. Sc. in Land
Administration: ≥2~<3 Very Good
Number Years of Experience ≥1~<2 Good
in Sociological Works or
Related Activities for B. Sc. / <1 Poor
B. A. in Land Administration

h. For Gender Specialist: ≥6 Excellent

Number of Years of Relevant

Ethiopian Roads Authority 119

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Experience in Social Works ≥5~<6 Very Good

≥3~<5 Good

<3 Poor

70% of Total
Points Allotted for
II. Adequacy for the Assignment
the Respective

a) Resident Engineer

Years of Experience as Project ≥6 Excellent 70% of the

Manager or Resident Engineer in Adequacy for the
Managing Road Construction, ≥5~<6 Very Good Assignment, if
Upgrading or Rehabilitation the Subsequent
≥3~<5 Good
Projects Criteria is
Poor Applicable;
Otherwise, 100%
OR OR of the Adequacy
for the
Years of Experience as Deputy ≥8 Excellent
Resident Engineer or Construction
≥6~<8 Very Good
Engineer in Managing or
Administering of Road Construction, ≥4~<6 Good
Upgrading or Rehabilitation
Projects <4 Poor

Years of experience as Pavement / ≥ 10 Excellent
Material Engineer or Project
Engineer or Project Coordinator in ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Managing or Administering Road ≥5~<8 Good
<5 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 120

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Years of Experience as Project ≥4 Excellent 30% of the

Manager or Resident Engineer in Adequacy for the
Construction, Upgrading or ≥3~<4 Very Good Assignment, if
Rehabilitation of Double / Triple the Project is
≥2~<3 Good
Bituminous Surface Treatment or Paved;
Asphalt Concrete Road Projects Poor Otherwise, Not

Years of Experience as Deputy ≥5 Excellent

Resident Engineer or Construction
≥4~<5 Very Good
Engineer in Managing or
Administering of Road construction, Good
Upgrading or Rehabilitation of
Double / Triple Bituminous Surface <2 Poor
Treatment or Asphalt Concrete
Road Projects OR

Years of Experience as Pavement / ≥6
Material Engineer or Project Very Good
Engineer or Project Coordinator in ≥5~<6
Managing or Administering of Good
Double / Triple Bituminous
Surface Treatment or Asphalt <3
Concrete Road Projects

b) Deputy Resident Engineer

Years of Experience as Project ≥4 Excellent 70% of the

Manager or Resident Engineer in Adequacy for the
Road Construction, Upgrading or ≥3~<4 Very Good Assignment, if
Rehabilitation Projects the Subsequent
≥2~<3 Good
Criteria is
OR <2 Poor Applicable;
Otherwise, 100%

Ethiopian Roads Authority 121

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Years of Experience as Deputy OR of the Adequacy

Resident Engineer or Construction for the
Engineer in Managing or ≥6 Excellent Assignment.
Administering of Road
≥5~<6 Very Good
Construction, Upgrading or
Rehabilitation Projects ≥3~<5 Good

<3 Poor


OR ≥8 Excellent

Years of Experience as Pavement / ≥6~<8 Very Good

Material Engineer or Project
Engineer or Project Coordinator in ≥4~<6 Good
Managing or Administering Road
<4 Poor
≥ 10 Excellent
Years of Experience as a Quantity
Surveyor/ Highway Engineer/ ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Office Engineer or Works Inspector
in Managing or Administering of ≥6~<8 Good
Road Construction, Upgrading or
<6 Poor
Rehabilitation Projects

Years of Experience as Project ≥3 Excellent 30% of the

Manager or Resident Engineer in Adequacy for the
Construction, Upgrading or ≥2~<3 Very Good Assignment, if
Rehabilitation of Double / Triple the Project is
≥1~<2 Good
Bituminous Surface Treatment or Paved;
Asphalt Concrete Road Projects <1 Poor Otherwise, Not
[30% of the Adequacy for the
Assignment, if Applicable]

Ethiopian Roads Authority 122

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

OR ≥4 Excellent

Years of Experience as Deputy ≥3~<4 Very Good

Resident Engineer or Construction
Engineer in Managing or ≥2~<3 Good
Administering of Road construction, <2 Poor
Upgrading or Rehabilitation of
Double / Triple Bituminous Surface
Treatment or Asphalt Concrete
Road Projects
≥5 Excellent
≥4~<5 Very Good
Years of Experience as Pavement /
Material Engineer or Project ≥2~<4 Good
Engineer or Project Coordinator in
Managing or Administering of <2 Poor
Double / Triple Bituminous
Surface Treatment or Asphalt
Concrete Road Projects OR

OR ≥6 Excellent

Years of Experience as a Quantity ≥5~<6 Very Good

Surveyor/ Highway Engineer/
Office Engineer or Works Inspector ≥3~<5 Good
in Managing or Administering of
<3 Poor
Double / Triple Bituminous Surface
Treatment or Asphalt Concrete
Road Projects

c) Senior Pavement/ Materials


Years of Experience on Road ≥8 Excellent 60% of the

Design/Construction Projects as a Adequacy for the
≥6~<8 Very Good Assignment, if

Ethiopian Roads Authority 123

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Pavement Materials Engineer ≥4~<6 Good the Subsequent

Criteria is
<4 Poor Applicable;
Otherwise, 100%
OR of the Adequacy
OR ≥ 10 for the
Years of Experience on Road
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Design/ Construction Projects as a
Junior Material Engineer/ Material ≥6~<8 Good
Inspector / Laboratory Technician
<6 Poor

Years of Experience as a ≥4 Excellent 40% of the

Pavement/Materials Engineer Adequacy for the
Related to the Scope of the ≥3~<4 Very Good Assignment, if
Assignment (Asphalt Concrete or the Project is
≥2~<3 Good
(DBST&TST), Experience on AC is Paved;
<2 Poor Otherwise, Not
applicable for DBST & TST)

Years of Experience as a Junior ≥6

Pavement/Materials Engineer/ ≥5~<6
Material Inspector/ Laboratory Very Good
Technician Related to the Scope of ≥3~<5
the Assignment (Asphalt Concrete
or (DBST&TST), Experience on AC Poor
is applicable for DBST & TST)

d) Senior Highway Engineer

Years of Experience as a Highway ≥8 Excellent

100% of the
Engineer in Road Design /
≥6~<8 Very Good Mark Allocated
Construction Projects
for Adequacy of
≥4~<6 Good the Assignment

Ethiopian Roads Authority 124

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

<4 Poor

≥ 10 Excellent
Years of Experience as a Junior
Highway Engineer or CADD ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Engineer or Office Engineer in Road
Design / Construction Projects ≥6~<8 Good

<6 Poor

e) Senior Structural Engineer

Years of Experience as a Structural ≥8 Excellent

Engineer in Road/ Bridge/ Railway/
Dam Design / Construction Projects ≥6~<8 Very Good

OR ≥4~<6 Good

Years of Experience as a Junior <4 Poor 100% of the

Structural Engineer or Structural Mark Allocated
Inspector/ Office Engineer in Road/ for Adequacy of
Bridge/ Railway/ Dam Design / ≥ 10 Excellent the Assignment
Construction Projects (Provided that
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
the SI & OE Demonstrates in Full
Design of 2 Bridges) ≥6~<8 Good

<6 Poor

f) Senior Geotechnical Engineer

Years of Experience as Geotechnical ≥8 Excellent 100% of the Only for

Engineer in Road/Bridge/ Mark Allocated Requirement
Railway/Bridge/ Dam Design or ≥6~<8 Very Good Purpose; Key
for Adequacy of
Construction Projects Staff not
≥4~<6 Good the Assignment
Subject to

Ethiopian Roads Authority 125

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

<4 Poor Evaluation

Years of Experience as a Junior
≥ 10
Geotechnical Engineer in
Road/Railway/Bridge/Dam Design Excellent
≥ 8 ~ < 10
or Construction Projects Very Good

<6 Good


g) Senior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic


Years of experience as Hydraulic ≥8 Excellent

Engineer/ Hydrologist in
Road/Bridge/Dam/ Railway ≥6~<8 Very Good
Construction or Design Projects ≥4~<6 Good

<4 Poor
OR OR Only for
Years of Experience as a Junior Excellent 100% of the Requirement
≥ 10
Hydraulic Engineer/ Hydrologist in Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
Very Good for Adequacy of Staff not
Road/ Bridge/Dam/ Railway ≥ 8 ~ < 10
the Assignment Subject to
Construction or Design Projects Good
≥6~<8 Evaluation


Ethiopian Roads Authority 126

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

g) Senior Quantity Surveyor

Years of Experience as a Quantity ≥6 Excellent

Surveyor or CAD Engineer or Office
Engineer in Road Construction / ≥5~<6 Very Good
Design Projects (the OE and CAD Good
Engineer Shall Demonstrate in the
Testimonial its Involvement in <3 Poor
Quantification of Road Projects) 100% of the
OR Mark Allocated
for Adequacy of
Years of Experience as a Drafts the Assignment
Person/ Junior Quantity Surveyor ≥6~<8
in Road Construction / Design Very Good

h) Senior Surveyor

Years of Experience as a Senior ≥6 Excellent

Surveyor in Road/ Railway
Construction/ Design Projects ≥5~<6 Very Good

≥3~<5 Good

<3 Poor 100% of the

Mark Allocated
for Adequacy of
Excellent the Assignment
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥8
Surveyor in Road/ Railway Very Good
Construction/ Design Projects

Ethiopian Roads Authority 127

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

i) Road Safety and Safety Audit

Engineer/ Specialist

Years of Experience as Road Safety ≥8 Excellent

Audit Specialist on Road Design
and/or Construction Projects ≥6~<8 Very Good

≥4~<6 Good
Only for
<4 Poor 100% of the Requirement
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
OR OR Staff not
for Adequacy of
Excellent the Assignment Subject to
Years of Experience as a Highway ≥ 10
Engineer on Road Design and/or Very Good
≥ 8 ~ < 10
Construction Projects.
≥5~<8 Good

<5 Poor

j) Senior Claims Expert

Years of Experience as a Claims ≥8 Excellent 60% of the

Expert on Road Construction or Adequacy for
Rehabilitation Projects ≥6~<8 Very Good
Representing Any of the Parties ≥4~<6 Good Assignment.

<4 Poor
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥ 10 Excellent
Claims Expert on Road
Construction or Rehabilitation ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Projects Representing Any of the
≥6~<8 Good

Ethiopian Roads Authority 128

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

<6 Poor


Years of Experience as a Project ≥ 10 Excellent

Engineer/Office Engineer (Client’s
or Contractor’s Side) in Contract ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Administration ≥6~<8 Good

<6 Poor


Experience in Direct involvement in ≥ 8 Projects Excellent 40% of the

Handling of Claims and/or Disputes Adequacy for
on Road Construction or 6 ~ 7 Projects Very Good
the Assignment.
Rehabilitation Projects 4 ~ 5 Projects Good
Representing Any of the Parties
< 4 Projects Poor

k) Senior Environmentalist

Years of Experience as an ≥6 Excellent

Environmentalist in Planning and/or
Monitoring and Evaluation of Social ≥5~<6 Very Good
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis
≥3~<5 Good Only for
of Environmental and Social Impact
100% of the Requirement
Assessments. <3 Poor
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
OR for Adequacy of Staff not
the Assignment Subject to
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥8 Excellent Evaluation
Environmentalist in Planning and/or
Monitoring and Evaluation of Social ≥6~<8 Very Good
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis
≥5~<7 Good
of Environmental and Social Impact

Ethiopian Roads Authority 129

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Assessments. <5 Poor

l) Right of Way Management


For B. A. in Sociology and Related

Fields ≥4 Excellent
Years of Experience in Extensive ≥3~<4 Very Good
Involvement in Right of Way Related
Tasks or Social Impact Assessments, ≥2~<3 Good
Monitoring and Evaluation or
<2 Poor
Preparation of Social Impact
Mitigation Plans or Experience in
Only for
Livelihood Restoration Activities. 100% of the Requirement
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
for Adequacy of Staff not
For B. Sc. / B. A. in Land the Assignment Subject to

Years of Experience in Extensive ≥2 Excellent

Involvement in right of Way related Very Good
≥ 1.5 ~ < 2
tasks or Social Impact Assessments,
Monitoring and Evaluation or ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good
Preparation of Social Impact
< 0.5 Poor
Mitigation Plans or Experience in
Livelihood Restoration Activities.


Commendable Experience in use of

Basic Computer Applications
including but not limited to,
Microsoft Excel, Access and Word.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 130

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

The Expert shall have a Certificate

issued by Ethiopian Roads
Authority which demonstrates its
Attendance of a Training prepared Pass/Fail
for Right of Way Management
Specialists and its Ability to
Undertake the Required Services.

m) Gender Specialist

Years of Experience in Gender ≥4 Excellent

Programming/ Gender Needs
Assessment/ Gender Analysis, ≥3~<4 Very Good Only for
100% of the Requirement
Development of ≥2~<3 Good Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
Sensitization/Training Materials/
for Adequacy of Staff not
Programs and Development and <2 Poor
the Assignment Subject to
Execution of Gender Sensitization Evaluation
Interventions/ Social Work

Ethiopian Roads Authority 131

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Engineer Positions (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)

ID. Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

a) Pavement/ Materials Engineer

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering, Geology, B. Sc. and with Min. Only for
Geotechnical Engineering or Related Fields above Required Requirement
Experience Purpose; Key
Years of Experience on Road Design/ Staff not
Construction Projects as a Junior Material ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
N/A Evaluation
Engineer/ Material Engineer/ Material Inspector <4 Unacceptable
/ Laboratory Technician

b) Highway Engineer

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related B. Sc. and with Min.
N/A Only for
Fields above Required
Experience Requirement
Purpose; Key
Years of Experience as a Junior Highway Staff not
Engineer/ Highway Engineer/ CAD ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
Engineer/Office Engineer in Road Design/ or N/A Evaluation
Construction, Upgrading or Rehabilitation <4 Unacceptable

c) Structural Engineer

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related B. Sc. and with Min.
Fields above Required Only for
Experience Requirement
Years of Experience as a Junior Structural Purpose; Key
Engineer/ Structural Engineer/ Office Engineer/ Staff not
Structural Inspector in Road/ Bridge/ Railway/ ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
N/A Evaluation
Dam Design/ or Construction, Upgrading or <4 Unacceptable
Rehabilitation Projects (Provided that He/ She
Demonstrates in Full Design of 2 Bridges)

Ethiopian Roads Authority 132

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Engineer Positions (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)

ID. Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

d) Geotechnical Engineer

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering, Geology, B. Sc. and with Min.
Geotechnical Engineering or Related Fields above Required

Years of Experience as Junior Geotechnical

Engineer/ Geotechnical Engineer in Road/ ≥4
Bridge/ Railway/ Dam Design or Construction <4

e) Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering, Hydraulics or B. Sc. and with Min. Only for
Related Fields above Required Requirement
Experience Purpose; Key
Years of Experience as Junior Hydraulic Engineer/ Staff not
Hydrologist or Hydraulic Engineer/ Hydrologist in ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
N/A Evaluation
Road/Bridge/ Dam/ Railway Construction or <4 Unacceptable
Design Projects

f) Quantity Surveyor

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering or
B. Sc. and with Min. Only for
Construction Technology and Management or
above Required Requirement
Related Fields
Experience Purpose; Key
Years of Experience as Junior Quantity Surveyor/ Staff not
Quantity Surveyor/ Office Engineer/ Draft ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
N/A Evaluation
Person in Road/Railway Construction or Design <4 Unacceptable

g) Surveyor

Degree in Civil Engineering, Surveying or Only for

Related Fields Requirement

Ethiopian Roads Authority 133

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Engineer Positions (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)

ID. Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Purpose; Key
Years of Experience as Junior Surveyor/ Surveyor ≥4 Acceptable Staff not
in Road/Railway Construction or Design Projects <4 Unacceptable Subject to

h) Claims Expert

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering or
B. Sc. and with Min. Only for
Construction Technology and Management or
above Required Requirement
Related Fields
Experience Purpose; Key
Years of Experience as a Junior Claims Expert/ Staff not
Claims Expert/ Project Engineer on Road ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
N/A Evaluation
Construction or Rehabilitation Projects <4 Unacceptable
Representing Any of the Parties

i) Environmentalist

B. Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering, B. Sc. and with Min.
Environmental Science or Related Fields above Required Only for
Experience Requirement
Purpose; Key
Years of Experience as a Junior Environmentalist/ Staff not
Environmentalist in Planning and/or Monitoring ≥4 Acceptable Subject to
and Evaluation of Social Impact Assessment N/A Evaluation
and/or Analysis of Environmental and Social <4 Unacceptable
Impact Assessment.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 134

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Support Staffs (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)

A. Education Requirements for Support Staffs: Remarks

Acceptable with Min.

Soil Laboratory Technicians: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

a Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Acceptable with Min.
Material Inspector: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

b Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Acceptable with Min.
Structure Inspector: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

c Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Acceptable with Min.
Draftsperson: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

D Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Acceptable with Min.
Inspector of Works: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

e Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
f Secretary: B. Sc./B.A. and above Acceptable with Min.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 135

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Support Staffs (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)
Required experience

B. Sc. / B. A. / Diploma in Secretarial Acceptable with Min.

Science and Office Management or Required experience
Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience

B. Overall Experience for Technicians and Support Staffs:

Zero (0) Year Experience for

Soil laboratory Technicians: B. Sc. and above Required

a. Min. Three (3) Years’

Experience for Diploma Required
Years of Experience on Highway Projects
in Fields of Assignment Min. Five (5) Years’
Experience for Certificate Required

Material Inspector: Zero (0) Year Experience for

B. Sc. and above Required

Years of Experience on Highway Projects Min. Three (3) Years’

Experience for Diploma Required
b. Particular Inspection of Quality of
Construction of Materials such as, Soils
(Sub-grade Borrow), Sand, Cement,
Aggregate, Re-bar, Water for Min. Five (5) Years’
Experience for Certificate Required
Construction etc. and a Relevant
Experience in Road Project.

Structural Inspector: Zero (0) Year Experience for

B. Sc. and above Required

Min. Three (3) Years’

c. Years of Experience on Highway Projects Required
Experience for Diploma
in Particular Inspection of Construction
of Bridge and Related Facilities and all Min. Five (5) Years’
other Major Drainage Structures. Experience for Certificate Required

Draftsperson: Zero (0) Year Experience for

B. Sc. and above Required

Min. Three (3) Years’ Required

Ethiopian Roads Authority 136

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Support Staffs (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)
Years of Experience on Highway Projects Experience for Diploma
and Familiar in the use of CADD.
Min. Five (5) Years’
Experience for Certificate Required

Inspector of Works:
Zero (0) Year Experience for
B. Sc. and above
Years of Experience on Highway Projects
in Particular Inspection of Road Works Min. Three (3) Years’
for Compliance with the Standards and Experience for Diploma
e. Specifications of the Contract. The
Inspection among others includes
Construction of Sub-grades, Capping
Layers and Filter Drains; Minor Drainage Min. Five (5) Years’
Works; Ancillary Works; Temporary Required
Experience for Certificate
Works; and other Pavement Layers and
Wearing Course.

- Good Experience in use of

Computer in Word
f. Secretary Required
Processing and Spread Sheet
- Good Knowledge of English

Ethiopian Roads Authority 137

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Junior Assistant Staffs Qualifications and Competence for the Assignment

Min. Qualification
I.No. Junior Position

Junior Highway Engineer

1. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Materials and Geotechnical Engineer
2. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Structural Engineer
3. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Quantity Surveyor
Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Technology and Management
4. B. Sc.
or Related Fields
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Claims Expert
Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Technology and Management
5. B. Sc.
or Related Fields
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Environmentalist
6. Degree in Civil Engineering or Environmental Science or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer
7. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Surveyor
8. Degree in Civil Engineering, Surveying or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years

Ethiopian Roads Authority 138

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

a. Percentage (%) Weights of the Rating Scales for Key Experts’ qualifications and competence
for the Assignment:
Excellent 100% Very Good 90%
Good 70% Poor 40%
b. Experiences of Road Construction shall also including New Road Construction,
Rehabilitation, Upgrading, Overlay and Maintenance Projects.
c. Experience on URRAP projects will be considered by 60% for the adequacy requirement of
the related position.
d. Project Experience record with a period less than Two (2) Months for a Design and Six (6)
Months for a Construction Project will not be considered for evaluation for the Adequacy
for the Assignment Requirement.
e. As indicated in the Section 3 of the RFP Document, experience of key staff positions of local
experts in conducting research in road design and/or construction projects will be merited 1
point. The point will only be merited for those who do not score the full points of their
respective marks and shall not exceed the allotted point of the respective positions. The
research shall be published and/or demonstrated with documentary evidences and this does
not include students’ paper as part of the study program.
f. Educational Testimonies for Certificate, Diploma, B. Sc., M. Sc. or PhD will be merited in
accordance with the specific award indicted / mentioned in the Diplomas.
g. In the spirit of encouraging successive key staff development and capacity building, the Client
have arranged the following alternatives for key position recruitment:
h. In all Adequacy for the Assignment (Specific Experience) requirements of Key Staffs, previous
all experiences obtained as an Assistant/Junior Engineer related to the respective key staff
position will be partially considered as indicated in the tables above, for the assignment in the
respective proposed position.

vi. In addition, previous experiences obtained as support / key staffs related to only the
respective key staff positions indicated above, for example, Quantity Surveyor,
Highway Engineer, Works Inspector and Office Engineer, as appropriate, will be
partially considered for Deputy Resident Engineer. Likewise, experiences obtained as
a support/ key staffs related to the required Key Staff Position would be partially/fully,
as appropriate, would have been obtained working as key personnel in the respective
position, for adequacy for the assignment in the respective proposed position,
provided that the proposed personal attained the minimum educational qualification
for the position.
vii. In additional, the Client has devised a mechanism in which the experience of
professionals who have been working on Client’s or Contractor’s side to be
considered for the required Consultancy Service Position shown in the table above.
viii. Furthermore, Key Staff Positions or Support/Assistant Positions are to be considered
for Key Staff Positions related to Design/Quantifying/Claim Administration, provided
that firms can demonstrate that the proposed staff has adequate experience in tasks
related to the proposed position, details of which is indicated above on the Adequacy
requirement for the position.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 139

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

ix. Junior Staffs who have participated in a single project can be employed as a Junior
Staff or Support Staff till he/she meets the minimum requirement for Key Staff
x. Finally, for Key staff positions requiring B.Sc. / B.A. as a minimum educational
qualification, the Client would consider previous experience as follows: -
 Experience gained after attaining Diploma would be considered as 60% and
 Experience gained after attaining Certificate would be considered as 40%.
i. Only Key Personnel having the minimum educational qualification set shall be considered for
evaluation; key personnel with educational qualification below the minimum required will be
rejected and merited zero (0) points. If the firm is found successful upon the overall
evaluation, the rejected professional position shall be replaced by fulfilling personnel with
minimum total score of 60%, prior to concluding the contract signing.
j. Personnel who scored below 60%, of the allotted points for their respective criteria, will be
replaced by a better-qualified one, prior to concluding the Contract signing. However, during
replacement, personnel who scores less than 100% but greater than 90% of what the
originally proposed personnel for the proposed position has achieved shall be subjected to
deduction of 10% of the respective fees (Fee and Reimbursable) quoted by the firm; and
those who score below 90% of the originally proposed personnel shall not be accepted for
k. The induction of any staff including the intermittent ones shall be subject to the Client prior
l. CVs of the support staff, junior staffs and the remaining keys staff not subject to evaluation
during tendering shall be submitted when and as required during the implementation period
of the project.
m. Bidders are strongly advised not to propose professionals that have been suspended from
ERA’s on-going and upcoming projects. If bidders propose a suspended professional, the CV
will be rejected and will be merited zero point out of the allocated points for that
professional. Please refer ERA’s website
( for the list of

Ethiopian Roads Authority 140

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract


Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

70% of General
(1) Education

Resident Engineer, Deputy

Resident Engineer and Claims
M. Sc. and above Excellent
a. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering
or Construction Technology Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
and Management or Related

Pavement / Material Engineer

and Senior Geotechnical M.Sc. and above Excellent
b. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Geology, Geotechnical Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
Engineering or Related Fields

Highway Engineer, Structural

Engineer and Road Safety and M. Sc. and above Excellent
Safety Audit Specialist:
c. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering
or Related Fields to the Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Environmentalist: M. Sc. and above Excellent

Degree in Civil Engineering, B. Sc. Degree Good
Environmental Science or

Ethiopian Roads Authority 141

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Education for Hydraulic M. Sc. and above Excellent

e. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Hydraulics or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Quantity Surveyor:
M. Sc. and above Excellent
Degree in Civil Engineering,
f. B. Sc. Degree Good
Construction Technology
and Management or Related Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. Sc. and above Excellent

Senior Surveyor:
g. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Surveying or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. A. /M. Sc. and

Right of Way Management above
B. Sc. / B. A.
h. Good
Degree in Sociology, Land Degree
Administration or Related Disqualified
Below the B. Sc. /
B. A.

M. A. /M. Sc. and

Gender Specialist: Excellent
B. Sc. / B. A.
i. Degree in Sociology, Land Good
Administration or Related
Fields Below the B. Sc. /
B. A.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 142

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

30% of General
(2) Overall Experience Range Rating Remarks

≥ 10 Excellent
Resident Engineer:
Number of Years of ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥5~<8 Good
Construction and/or Design
Projects <5 Poor

Deputy Resident Engineer,

Highway Engineer, Claims Expert ≥8 Excellent
and Road Safety and Safety
≥6~<8 Very Good
Audit Specialist
Number of Years of ≥4~<6 Good
Experience in Road/Railway
<4 Poor
Construction and/or Design

Pavement/Material Engineer,
Senior Structural Engineer,
≥8 Excellent
Senior Geotechnical Engineer
and Hydraulic Engineer: ≥6~<8 Very Good
Number of Years of ≥4~<6 Good
Experience in
Road/Railway/Dam/Bridge <4 Poor
Construction and/or Design
≥6 Excellent
≥5~<6 Very Good
d. Number of Years of
Professional Experience in ≥3~<5 Good
Environmental Works
<3 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 143

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

≥6 Excellent
Senior Surveyor:
Number of Years of Relevant ≥5~<6 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥3~<5 Good
Construction and /or Design
Projects <3 Poor

≥6 Excellent
Quantity Surveyor:
Number of Years of Relevant ≥5~<6 Very Good
Experience in Road ≥3~<5 Good
Construction and /or Design
Projects <3 Poor

Right of Way Management ≥5 Excellent

Specialist for B. A in Sociology or
≥4~<5 Very Good
Related Fields:
Number Years of Experience ≥2~<4 Good
in Sociological Works or
<2 Poor
Related Activities
Right of Way Management
≥3 Excellent
Specialist for B. A/B. Sc. in Land
Administration: ≥2~<3 Very Good
Number Years of Experience ≥1~<2 Good
in Sociological Works or
Related Activities for B. Sc. / <1 Poor
B. A. in Land Administration

≥6 Excellent
For Gender Specialist:
h. ≥5~<6 Very Good
Number of Years of Relevant
Experience in Social Works ≥3~<5 Good

Ethiopian Roads Authority 144

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

<3 Poor

70% of Total
Points Allotted for
II. Adequacy for the Assignment
the Respective

a) Resident Engineer

Years of Experience as Project ≥4 Excellent 70% of the

Manager or Resident Engineer in Adequacy for the
Managing Road Construction, ≥3~<4 Very Good Assignment, if
Upgrading or Rehabilitation the Subsequent
≥2~<3 Good
Projects Criteria is
Poor Applicable;
Otherwise, 100%
OR of the Adequacy
for the
Years of Experience as Deputy ≥6 Excellent
Resident Engineer or Construction Very Good
Engineer in Managing or
Administering of Road Construction, ≥3~<5 Good
Upgrading or Rehabilitation
<3 Poor


Years of experience as Pavement / ≥8 Excellent

Material Engineer or Project
≥6~<8 Very Good
Engineer or Project Coordinator in
Managing or Administering Road ≥4~<6 Good
<4 Poor

Years of Experience as Project ≥3 Excellent 30% of the

Manager or Resident Engineer in Adequacy for the
Construction, Upgrading or ≥2~<3 Very Good Assignment, if
Rehabilitation of Double / Triple the Project is

Ethiopian Roads Authority 145

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Bituminous Surface Treatment or ≥1~<2 Good Paved;

Asphalt Concrete Road Projects Otherwise, Not
<1 Poor Applicable.
Years of Experience as Deputy
Resident Engineer or Construction ≥4 Excellent
Engineer in Managing or ≥3~<4 Very Good
Administering of Road construction,
Upgrading or Rehabilitation of ≥2~<3 Good
Double / Triple Bituminous Surface
<2 Poor
Treatment or Asphalt Concrete
Road Projects OR

Years of Experience as Pavement / Excellent

Material Engineer or Project
Engineer or Project Coordinator in ≥4~<5 Very Good
Managing or Administering of
≥2~<4 Good
Double / Triple Bituminous
Surface Treatment or Asphalt Poor
Concrete Road Projects

b) Deputy Resident Engineer

Years of Experience as Project ≥3 Excellent 70% of the

Manager or Resident Engineer in Adequacy for the
Road Construction, Upgrading or ≥2~<3 Very Good Assignment, if
Rehabilitation Projects the Subsequent
≥1~<2 Good
Criteria is
Poor Applicable;
Otherwise, 100%
of the Adequacy
for the

Ethiopian Roads Authority 146

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

OR OR Assignment.

Years of Experience as Deputy ≥4 Excellent

Resident Engineer or Construction
Engineer in Managing or ≥3~<4 Very Good
Administering of Road
≥2~<3 Good
Construction, Upgrading or
Rehabilitation Projects <2 Poor


Years of Experience as Pavement / ≥5 Excellent

Material Engineer or Project
Engineer or Project Coordinator in ≥4~<5 Very Good
Managing or Administering Road
≥2~<4 Good
<2 Poor

≥6 Excellent
Years of Experience as a Quantity
Surveyor/ Highway Engineer/ ≥5~<6 Very Good
Office Engineer or Works Inspector
in Managing or Administering of ≥3~<5 Good
Road Construction, Upgrading or
<3 Poor
Rehabilitation Projects

Years of Experience as Project ≥2 Excellent 30% of the

Manager or Resident Engineer in Adequacy for the
Construction, Upgrading or ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Very Good Assignment, if
Rehabilitation of Double / Triple the Project is
≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good
Bituminous Surface Treatment or Paved;
Asphalt Concrete Road Projects Poor Otherwise, Not
< 0.5
[30% of the Adequacy for the
Assignment, if Applicable]

Ethiopian Roads Authority 147

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks


Years of Experience as Deputy OR Excellent

Resident Engineer or Construction
Engineer in Managing or ≥3 Very Good
Administering of Road construction, ≥2~<3 Good
Upgrading or Rehabilitation of
Double / Triple Bituminous Surface ≥1~<2 Poor
Treatment or Asphalt Concrete
Road Projects

OR Excellent
Years of Experience as Pavement /
Material Engineer or Project ≥4 Very Good
Engineer or Project Coordinator in
Managing or Administering of ≥3~<4 Good
Double / Triple Bituminous
≥2~<3 Poor
Surface Treatment or Asphalt
Concrete Road Projects <2


Years of Experience as a Quantity OR Excellent

Surveyor/ Highway Engineer/
Office Engineer or Works Inspector Very Good
in Managing or Administering of
Double / Triple Bituminous
Surface Treatment or Asphalt ≥5 Poor
Concrete Road Projects



Ethiopian Roads Authority 148

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

c) Senior Pavement/ Materials


Years of Experience on Road ≥6 Excellent 60% of the

Design/Construction Projects as a Adequacy for the
Pavement Materials Engineer ≥5~<6 Very Good Assignment, if
the Subsequent
≥3~<5 Good
Criteria is
<3 Poor Applicable;
Otherwise, 100%
OR OR of the Adequacy
for the
Years of Experience on Road Excellent
≥8 Assignment.
Design/ Construction Projects as a
Very Good
Junior Material Engineer/ Material ≥7~<8
Inspector / Laboratory Technician Good

Years of Experience as a ≥3 Excellent 40% of the

Pavement/Materials Engineer Adequacy for the
Related to the Scope of the ≥2~<3 Very Good Assignment, if
Assignment (Asphalt Concrete or the Project is
≥1~<2 Good
(DBST&TST), Experience on AC is Paved;
Poor Otherwise, Not
applicable for DBST & TST) <1

Years of Experience as a Junior ≥5 Excellent

Pavement/Materials Engineer/
≥4~<5 Very Good
Material Inspector/ Laboratory
Technician Related to the Scope of ≥2~<4 Good
the Assignment (Asphalt Concrete
or (DBST&TST), Experience on AC <2 Poor
is applicable for DBST & TST)

Ethiopian Roads Authority 149

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

d) Senior Highway Engineer

Years of Experience as a Highway ≥6 Excellent

Engineer in Road Design /
Construction Projects ≥5~<6 Very Good

≥3~<5 Good

<3 Poor 100% of the

Mark Allocated
for Adequacy of
≥8 Excellent the Assignment
Years of Experience as a Junior
Highway Engineer or CADD ≥7~<8 Very Good
Engineer or Office Engineer in Road
Design / Construction Projects ≥5~<7 Good

<5 Poor

e) Senior Structural Engineer

Years of Experience as a Structural ≥6 Excellent

Engineer in Road/ Bridge/ Railway/
Dam Design / Construction Projects ≥5~<6 Very Good

≥3~<5 Good

<3 Poor
100% of the
OR OR Mark Allocated
≥8 Excellent for Adequacy of
Years of Experience as a Junior the Assignment
Structural Engineer or Structural ≥7~<8 Very Good
Inspector/ Office Engineer in Road/
Bridge/ Railway/ Dam Design / ≥5~<7 Good
Construction Projects (Provided that
<5 Poor
the SI & OE Demonstrates in Full
Design of 2 Bridges)

Ethiopian Roads Authority 150

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

f) Senior Geotechnical Engineer

Years of Experience as Geotechnical ≥6 Excellent

Engineer in Road/Bridge/
Railway/Bridge/ Dam Design or ≥5~<6 Very Good
Construction Projects ≥3~<5 Good
Only for
<3 Poor 100% of the Requirement
OR Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
for Adequacy of Staff not
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥8 Excellent the Assignment Subject to
Geotechnical Engineer in Evaluation
Road/Railway/Bridge/Dam Design ≥7~<8 Very Good
or Construction Projects
≥5~<7 Good

<5 Poor

g) Senior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic


Years of experience as Hydraulic ≥6 Excellent

Engineer/ Hydrologist in
Road/Bridge/Dam/ Railway ≥5~<6 Very Good
Construction or Design Projects ≥3~<5 Good
Only for
<3 Poor 100% of the Requirement
OR Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
for Adequacy of Staff not
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥8 Excellent the Assignment Subject to
Hydraulic Engineer/ Hydrologist in Evaluation
Road/ Bridge/Dam/ Railway ≥7~<8 Very Good
Construction or Design Projects
≥5~<7 Good

<5 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 151

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

g) Senior Quantity Surveyor

Years of Experience as a Quantity ≥4 Excellent

Surveyor or CAD Engineer or Office
Engineer in Road Construction / ≥3~<4 Very Good
Design Projects (the OE and CAD Good
Engineer Shall Demonstrate in the
Testimonial its Involvement in <2 Poor 100% of the
Quantification of Road Projects) Mark Allocated
for Adequacy of
≥6 Excellent the Assignment
Years of Experience as a Drafts
≥5~<6 Very Good
Person/ Junior Quantity Surveyor
in Road Construction / Design Good
<3 Poor

h) Senior Surveyor

Years of Experience as a Senior ≥4 Excellent

Surveyor in Road/ Railway
Construction/ Design Projects ≥3~<4 Very Good

≥2~<3 Good

<2 Poor 100% of the

Mark Allocated
for Adequacy of
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥6 Excellent the Assignment
Surveyor in Road/ Railway Very Good
Construction/ Design Projects
≥3~<5 Good

<3 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 152

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

i) Road Safety and Safety Audit

Engineer/ Specialist

Years of Experience as Road Safety ≥6 Excellent

Audit Specialist on Road Design
and/or Construction Projects ≥5~<6 Very Good

≥3~<5 Good
Only for
<3 Poor 100% of the Requirement
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
OR OR Staff not
for Adequacy of
Excellent Subject to
Years of Experience as a Highway ≥8 the Assignment
Engineer on Road Design and/or Very Good
Construction Projects.

j) Senior Claims Expert

Years of Experience as a Claims ≥6 Excellent 60% of the

Expert on Road Construction or Adequacy for
Rehabilitation Projects ≥5~<6 Very Good
Representing Any of the Parties Good Assignment, if
the Subsequent
<3 Poor Criteria is
OR Applicable
Years of Experience as a Junior Excellent
Claims Expert on Road
Construction or Rehabilitation ≥7~<8 Very Good
Projects Representing Any of the
≥5~<7 Good

<5 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 153

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks


Years of Experience as a Project ≥8 Excellent

Engineer/Office Engineer (Client’s
or Contractor’s Side) in Contract ≥7~<8 Very Good
Administration ≥5~<7 Good

<5 Poor


Experience in Direct involvement in ≥ 5 Projects Excellent 40% of the

Handling of Claims and/or Disputes Adequacy for
on Road Construction or 4 Projects Very Good
Rehabilitation Projects 2 ~ 3 Projects Good Assignment, if
Representing Any of the Parties the Subsequent
≤ 1 Project Poor Criteria is

k) Senior Environmentalist
Years of Experience as an ≥4 Excellent
Environmentalist in Planning and/or
Monitoring and Evaluation of Social ≥3~<4 Very Good
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis
≥2~<3 Good
of Environmental and Social Impact
Only for
Assessments. <2 Poor 100% of the Requirement
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
for Adequacy of Staff not
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥6 Excellent the Assignment Subject to
Environmentalist in Planning and/or Evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation of Social ≥5~<6 Very Good
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis
≥3~<5 Good
of Environmental and Social Impact
Assessments. <3 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 154

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

l) Right of Way Management


For B. A. in Sociology and Related

≥4 Excellent
Years of Experience in Extensive
Involvement in Right of Way Related ≥3~<4 Very Good
Tasks or Social Impact Assessments,
Monitoring and Evaluation or ≥2~<3 Good
Preparation of Social Impact
<2 Poor
Mitigation Plans or Experience in
Only for
Livelihood Restoration Activities. 100% of the Requirement
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
for Adequacy of Staff not
For B. Sc. / B. A. in Land the Assignment Subject to
≥2 Excellent
Years of Experience in Extensive
≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Very Good
Involvement in right of Way related
tasks or Social Impact Assessments, ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good
Monitoring and Evaluation or
Preparation of Social Impact < 0.5 Poor
Mitigation Plans or Experience in
Livelihood Restoration Activities.


Commendable Experience in use of

Basic Computer Applications
including but not limited to,
Microsoft Excel, Access and Word.

The Expert shall have a Certificate

issued by Ethiopian Roads Pass/Fail
Authority which demonstrates its

Ethiopian Roads Authority 155

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Attendance of a Training prepared

for Right of Way Management
Specialists and its Ability to
Undertake the Required Services.

m) Gender Specialist

Years of Experience in Gender ≥4 Excellent

Programming/ Gender Needs
Assessment/ Gender Analysis, ≥3~<4 Very Good Only for
100% of the Requirement
Development of ≥2~<3 Good Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
Sensitization/Training Materials/
for Adequacy of Staff not
Programs and Development and <2 Poor
the Assignment Subject to
Execution of Gender Sensitization Evaluation
Interventions/ Social Work

Ethiopian Roads Authority 156

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Support Staffs (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)

A. Education Requirements for Support Staffs: Remarks

Acceptable with Min.

Soil Laboratory Technicians: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

a Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Acceptable with Min.
Material Inspector: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

b Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Acceptable with Min.
Structure Inspector: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

c Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Acceptable with Min.
Draftsperson: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

D Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Acceptable with Min.
Inspector of Works: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

e Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
f Secretary: B. Sc./B.A. and above Acceptable with Min.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 157

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Support Staffs (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)
Required experience

B. Sc. / B. A. / Diploma in Secretarial Acceptable with Min.

Science and Office Management or Required experience
Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience

B. Overall Experience for Technicians and Support Staffs:

Zero (0) Year Experience for

Soil laboratory Technicians: B. Sc. and above Required

a. Min. Three (3) Years’

Experience for Diploma Required
Years of Experience on Highway Projects
in Fields of Assignment Min. Five (5) Years’
Experience for Certificate Required

Material Inspector: Zero (0) Year Experience for

B. Sc. and above Required

Years of Experience on Highway Projects Min. Three (3) Years’

Experience for Diploma Required
b. Particular Inspection of Quality of
Construction of Materials such as, Soils
(Sub-grade Borrow), Sand, Cement,
Aggregate, Re-bar, Water for Min. Five (5) Years’
Experience for Certificate Required
Construction etc. and a Relevant
Experience in Road Project.

Structural Inspector: Zero (0) Year Experience for

B. Sc. and above Required

Min. Three (3) Years’

c. Years of Experience on Highway Projects Required
Experience for Diploma
in Particular Inspection of Construction
of Bridge and Related Facilities and all Min. Five (5) Years’
other Major Drainage Structures. Experience for Certificate Required

Draftsperson: Zero (0) Year Experience for

B. Sc. and above Required

Min. Three (3) Years’ Required

Ethiopian Roads Authority 158

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Support Staffs (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)
Years of Experience on Highway Projects Experience for Diploma
and Familiar in the use of CADD.
Min. Five (5) Years’
Experience for Certificate Required

Inspector of Works:
Zero (0) Year Experience for
B. Sc. and above
Years of Experience on Highway Projects
in Particular Inspection of Road Works Min. Three (3) Years’
for Compliance with the Standards and Experience for Diploma
e. Specifications of the Contract. The
Inspection among others includes
Construction of Sub-grades, Capping
Layers and Filter Drains; Minor Drainage Min. Five (5) Years’
Works; Ancillary Works; Temporary Required
Experience for Certificate
Works; and other Pavement Layers and
Wearing Course.

- Good Experience in use of

Computer in Word
f. Secretary Required
Processing and Spread Sheet
- Good Knowledge of English

Ethiopian Roads Authority 159

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Junior Assistant Staffs Qualifications and Competence for the Assignment

Min. Qualification
I.No. Junior Position

Junior Highway Engineer

1. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Materials and Geotechnical Engineer
2. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Structural Engineer
3. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Quantity Surveyor
Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Technology and Management
4. B. Sc.
or Related Fields
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Claims Expert
Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Technology and Management
5. B. Sc.
or Related Fields
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Environmentalist
6. Degree in Civil Engineering or Environmental Science or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer
7. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Surveyor
8. Degree in Civil Engineering, Surveying or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years

Ethiopian Roads Authority 160

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

bb. Percentage (%) Weights of the Rating Scales for Key Experts’ qualifications and competence
for the Assignment:
Excellent 100% Very Good 90%
Good 70% Poor 40%
cc. Experiences of Road Construction shall also including New Road Construction,
Rehabilitation, Upgrading, Overlay and Maintenance Projects.
dd. Experience on URRAP projects will be considered by 60% for the adequacy requirement of
the related position.
ee. Project Experience record with a period less than Two (2) Months for a Design and Six (6)
Months for a Construction Project will not be considered for evaluation for the Adequacy
for the Assignment Requirement.
ff. As indicated in the Section 3 of the RFP Document, experience of key staff positions of local
experts in conducting research in road design and/or construction projects will be merited 1
point. The point will only be merited for those who do not score the full points of their
respective marks and shall not exceed the allotted point of the respective positions. The
research shall be published and/or demonstrated with documentary evidences and this does
not include students’ paper as part of the study program.
gg. Educational Testimonies for Certificate, Diploma, B. Sc., M. Sc. or PhD will be merited in
accordance with the specific award indicted / mentioned in the Diplomas.
hh. In the spirit of encouraging successive key staff development and capacity building, the Client
have arranged the following alternatives for key position recruitment:
v. In all Adequacy for the Assignment (Specific Experience) requirements of Key Staffs,
previous all experiences obtained as an Assistant/Junior Engineer related to the
respective key staff position will be partially considered as indicated in the tables
above, for the assignment in the respective proposed position.
i. In addition, previous experiences obtained as support / key staffs related to only the
respective key staff positions indicated above, for example, Quantity Surveyor,
Highway Engineer, Works Inspector and Office Engineer, as appropriate, will be
partially considered for Deputy Resident Engineer. Likewise, experiences obtained as
a support/ key staffs related to the required Key Staff Position would be partially/fully,
as appropriate, would have been obtained working as key personnel in the respective
position, for adequacy for the assignment in the respective proposed position,
provided that the proposed personal attained the minimum educational qualification
for the position.
ii. In additional, the Client has devised a mechanism in which the experience of
professionals who have been working on Client’s or Contractor’s side to be
considered for the required Consultancy Service Position shown in the table above.
iii. Furthermore, Key Staff Positions or Support/Assistant Positions are to be considered
for Key Staff Positions related to Design/Quantifying/Claim Administration, provided
that firms can demonstrate that the proposed staff has adequate experience in tasks
related to the proposed position, details of which is indicated above on the Adequacy
requirement for the position.
iv. Junior Staffs who have participated in a single project can be employed as a Junior
Staff or Support Staff till he/she meets the minimum requirement for Key Staff

Ethiopian Roads Authority 161

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

v. Finally, for Key staff positions requiring B.Sc. / B.A. as a minimum educational
qualification, the Client would consider previous experience as follows: -
 Experience gained after attaining Diploma would be considered as 60% and
 Experience gained after attaining Certificate would be considered as 40%.
ii. Only Key Personnel having the minimum educational qualification set shall be considered for
evaluation; key personnel with educational qualification below the minimum required will be
rejected and merited zero (0) points. If the firm is found successful upon the overall
evaluation, the rejected professional position shall be replaced by fulfilling personnel with
minimum total score of 60%, prior to concluding the contract signing.
jj. Personnel who scored below 60%, of the allotted points for their respective criteria, will be
replaced by a better-qualified one, prior to concluding the Contract signing. However, during
replacement, personnel who scores less than 100% but greater than 90% of what the
originally proposed personnel for the proposed position has achieved shall be subjected to
deduction of 10% of the respective fees (Fee and Reimbursable) quoted by the firm; and
those who score below 90% of the originally proposed personnel shall not be accepted for
kk. The induction of any staff including the intermittent ones shall be subject to the Client prior
ll. CVs of the support staff, junior staffs and the remaining keys staff not subject to evaluation
during tendering shall be submitted when and as required during the implementation period
of the project.
mm. Bidders are strongly advised not to propose professionals that have been
suspended from ERA’s on-going and upcoming projects. If bidders propose a suspended
professional, the CV will be rejected and will be merited zero point out of the allocated
points for that professional. Please refer ERA’s website
( for the list of

Ethiopian Roads Authority 162

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract


Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

70% of General
(1) Education

M. Sc. and above Excellent

a. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering
or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Pavement / Material Engineer,

Geologist and Geotechnical M.Sc. and above Excellent
b. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
Geology, Geotechnical
Engineering or Related Fields

Environmentalist: M. Sc. and above Excellent

c. Degree in Civil Engineering, B. Sc. Degree Good

Environmental Science or
Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
Related Fields

M. Sc. and above Excellent

Transport Economist/ Engineer:
d. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Economics or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. Sc. and above Excellent

e. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Sociology or
Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Ethiopian Roads Authority 163

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Quantity Surveyor:
M. Sc. and above Excellent
Degree in Civil Engineering,
f. B. Sc. Degree Good
Construction Technology
and Management or Related Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. Sc. and above Excellent

Senior Surveyor:
g. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Surveying or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Right of Way Management M. A. /M. Sc. and

Specialist: above
h. B. Sc. / B. A. Good
Degree in Sociology, Land Degree
Administration or Related Below the B. Sc. / Disqualified
Fields B. A.
M. A. /M. Sc. and
Architecture: [Only when above
deemed necessary]
B. Sc. / B. A.
i. Good
Degree in Architecture, Degree
Urban Planning or Related Disqualified
Below the B. Sc. /
B. A.

(2) Overall Experience Range Rating 30% of General Remarks

≥ 15 Excellent
Team Leader:
Number of Years of ≥ 12 ~ < 15 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥ 7 ~ < 12 Good
Construction and/or Design
Projects <7 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 164

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

≥ 12 Excellent
Other Engineers:
Number of Years of ≥ 9 ~ < 12 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥6~<9 Good
Construction and/or Design
Projects <6 Poor

Pavement/Material Engineer,
Structural Engineer,
≥ 12 Excellent
Geotechnical Engineer and
Hydraulic Engineer: ≥ 9 ~ < 12 Very Good
Number of Years of ≥6~<9 Good
Experience in
Road/Railway/Dam/Bridge <6 Poor
Construction and/or Design
≥ 12 Excellent
Environmentalist: ≥ 9 ~ < 12 Very Good
d. Number of Years of
Professional Experience in ≥6~<9 Good
Environmental Works
<6 Poor

Transport Economist:
≥ 12 Excellent
Number of Years in
≥ 9 ~ < 12 Very Good
Planning, Design,
Monitoring or Evaluation of ≥6~<9 Good
Projects (Transport, Water,
Energy, Food Security, <6 Poor
Poverty Alleviation, …etc.)
≥ 12 Excellent
≥ 9 ~ < 12 Very Good
Number of Years of

Ethiopian Roads Authority 165

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Sociological/ Social Activities ≥6~<9 Good

<6 Poor

≥ 10 Excellent
Senior Surveyor:
Number of Years of Relevant ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥5~<8 Good
Construction and /or Design
Projects <5 Poor

≥ 10 Excellent
Quantity Surveyor:
Number of Years of Relevant ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Experience in Road ≥5~<8 Good
Construction and /or Design
Projects <5 Poor

Right of Way Management ≥5 Excellent

Specialist for B. A in Sociology or
≥4~<5 Very Good
Related Fields:
Number Years of Experience ≥2~<4 Good
in Sociological Works or
<2 Poor
Related Activities
Right of Way Management
≥3 Excellent
Specialist for B. A/B. Sc. in Land
Administration: ≥2~<3 Very Good
Number Years of Experience ≥1~<2 Good
in Sociological Works or
Related Activities for B. Sc. / <1 Poor
B. A. in Land Administration

h. Architecture: [Only when ≥ 12 Excellent

deemed necessary]

Ethiopian Roads Authority 166

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Number of Years of Relevant ≥ 9 ~ < 12 Very Good

Experience in the Field
≥6~<9 Good

<6 Poor

70% of Total Points

II. Adequacy for the Assignment Allotted for the
Respective Positions

a) Team Leader

Experience as Highway Engineer / ≥ 10 Projects Excellent 60% of the

Team Leader in Road Design / Adequacy for the
8 ~ 9 Projects Very Good
Design Review Projects Assignment.
5 ~ 7 Projects Good

≤ 4 Projects Poor

Experience as Team Leader in Road ≥ 6 Projects Excellent 40% of the

Design / Design Review Projects Adequacy for the
5 Projects Very Good Assignment.
3 ~ 4 Projects Good

≤ 2 Project Poor

b) Senior Highway Engineer

Experience as Highway Engineer / ≥ 8 Projects Excellent

Team Leader in Road Design/
6 ~ 7 Projects Very Good
Construction Projects
3 ~ 5 Projects Good

≤ 2 Project Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 167

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks


Years of Experience as a Junior ≥ 12 Projects Excellent

Highway Engineer/ Office
Engineer/ CAD Engineer in Road 9 ~ 11 Projects Very Good
Design/ or Construction, Upgrading 5 ~ 8 Projects Good
or Rehabilitation Projects
≤ 4 Projects Poor

c) Senior Pavement/ Materials


Years of Experience on Road ≥ 10 Excellent 60% of the

Design/Construction Projects as a Adequacy for the
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Pavement Materials Engineer Assignment.

≥5~<8 Good

<5 Poor

Years of Experience on Road ≥ 12 Excellent
Design/ Construction Projects as a
Junior Material Engineer ≥ 10 ~ < 12 Very Good
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Good
<8 Poor

Years of Experience as a ≥5 Excellent 40% of the

Pavement/Materials Engineer Adequacy for the
Related to the Scope of the ≥4~<5 Very Good Assignment.
Assignment (Asphalt Concrete or ≥2~<4 Good
(DBST&TST), Experience on AC is
applicable for DBST & TST) <2 Poor


Ethiopian Roads Authority 168

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Years of Experience as a Junior ≥8 Excellent

Pavement/Materials Engineer/
≥6~<8 Very Good
Related to the Scope of the
Assignment (Asphalt Concrete or ≥4~<6 Good
(DBST&TST), Experience on AC is
applicable for DBST & TST) Poor

d) Senior Structural Engineer

Years of Experience as a Structural ≥ 10 Excellent

Engineer in Road/ Bridge/ Railway/
Dam Design / Construction Projects ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good

≥5~<8 Good

OR <5 Poor 100% of the

Mark Allocated
Years of Experience as a Junior OR
for Adequacy of
Structural Engineer or Office ≥ 12 Excellent the Assignment
Engineer (OE) in Road/ Bridge/
Railway/ Dam Design / ≥ 10 ~ < 12 Very Good
Construction Projects (Provided ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Good
that the OE Demonstrates in Full
Design of 2 Bridges) <8 Poor

e) Senior Geotechnical Engineer

Years of Experience as Geotechnical ≥ 10 Excellent

Engineer in Road/Bridge/
Railway/Bridge/ Dam Design or ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
100% of the
Construction Projects ≥5~<8 Good Mark Allocated
for Adequacy of
<5 Poor
OR the Assignment
Years of Experience as a Junior Excellent
≥ 12
Geotechnical Engineer in

Ethiopian Roads Authority 169

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Road/Railway/Bridge/Dam Design ≥ 10 ~ < 12 Very Good

or Construction Projects
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Good

<8 Poor

f) Senior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic


≥ 8 Projects Excellent
Experience in Road Design Projects 100% of the
6 ~ 7 Projects Very Good
with Hydrological Analysis, Design of Mark Allocated
Drainage Structures and Storm 3 ~ 5 Projects for Adequacy of
Water Management Facilities. the Assignment
≤ 2 Project Poor

g) Senior Quantity Surveyor

Years of Experience as a Quantity ≥8 Excellent

Surveyor or CAD Engineer or Office
Engineer in Road Construction / ≥6~<8 Very Good
Design Projects (the OE and CAD ≥4~<6 Good
Engineer Shall Demonstrate in the
Testimonial its Involvement in <4 Poor
Quantification of Road Projects)
100% of the
OR Mark Allocated
for Adequacy of
Years of Experience as a Drafts
≥ 10 Excellent the Assignment
Person/ Junior Quantity Surveyor
in Road Construction / Design ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
≥6~<8 Good

<6 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 170

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

h) Senior Surveyor

Years of Experience as a Senior ≥8 Excellent

Surveyor in Road/ Railway
Construction/ Design Projects ≥6~<8 Very Good

≥4~<6 Good
<4 Poor 100% of the
Years of Experience as a Junior
Mark Allocated
Surveyor in Road/ Railway OR
for Adequacy of
Construction/ Design Projects Excellent
≥ 10 the Assignment

≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good


<6 Poor

i) Road Safety and Safety Audit

Engineer/ Specialist

Years of Experience as Road Safety ≥ 10 Excellent

Audit Specialist on Road Design
and/or Construction Projects ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good

≥5~<8 Good
Only for
<5 Poor 100% of the Requirement
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
OR OR for Adequacy of Staff not
Excellent the Assignment Subject to
Years of Experience as a Highway Evaluation
Engineer on Road Design and/or ≥ 12 Very Good
Construction Projects. ≥ 9 ~ < 12 Good
≥6~<9 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 171

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks


j) Senior Contract Engineer

Experience in Contract ≥ 10 Excellent 50% of the

Administration or Contract Adequacy for
Engineer on Road Design and/or ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Construction Projects Good Assignment, if
the Subsequent
<5 Poor Criteria is
Years of Experience as a
≥ 12
Procurement Counterpart Engineer Excellent
of Road Projects ≥ 9 ~ < 12
Very Good


Projects on Contract and Tender ≥ 8 Projects Excellent 50% of the

Document Preparation Adequacy for
6 ~ 7 Projects Very Good
the Assignment,
3 ~ 5 Projects Good if the
OR Subsequent
≤ 2 Project Poor Criteria is
Years of Experience as a
Procurement Counterpart Engineer OR
of Road Projects
≥8 Excellent

≥6~<8 Very Good


Ethiopian Roads Authority 172

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

<4 Good


k) Senior Environmentalist

Years of Experience as an ≥8 Excellent

Environmentalist in Planning and/or
Monitoring and Evaluation of Social ≥6~<8 Very Good
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis ≥4~<6 Good
of Environmental and Social Impact
Assessments. <4 Poor 100% of the
OR OR Mark Allocated
for Adequacy of
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥ 10 Excellent the Assignment
Environmentalist in Planning and/or
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Monitoring and Evaluation of Social
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis ≥6~<8 Good
of Environmental and Social Impact
Assessments. <6 Poor

l) Right of Way Management


For B. A. in Sociology and Related ≥4 Excellent

≥3~<4 Very Good
Years of Experience in Extensive Only for
Involvement in Right of Way Related ≥2~<3 Good 100% of the Requirement
Tasks or Social Impact Assessments, Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
<2 Poor
Monitoring and Evaluation or for Adequacy of Staff not
Preparation of Social Impact the Assignment Subject to
Mitigation Plans or Experience in Evaluation
Livelihood Restoration Activities.


Ethiopian Roads Authority 173

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

For B. Sc. / B. A. in Land

Administration Excellent
Years of Experience in Extensive Very Good
Involvement in right of Way related ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2
tasks or Social Impact Assessments, Good
≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5
Monitoring and Evaluation or
Preparation of Social Impact < 0.5
Mitigation Plans or Experience in
Livelihood Restoration Activities.


Commendable Experience in use of

Basic Computer Applications
including but not limited to,
Microsoft Excel, Access and Word.

The Expert shall have a Certificate

issued by Ethiopian Roads
Authority which demonstrates its
Attendance of a Training prepared Pass/Fail
for Right of Way Management
Specialists and its Ability to
Undertake the Required Services.

m) Sociologist

Experience as a Sociologist on ≥ 8 Projects Excellent

Projects in Social Impact
6 ~ 7 Projects Very Good 100% of the
Assessment and/or Resettlement
Action Plans. 3 ~ 5 Projects Mark Allocated
for Adequacy of
≤ 2 Project Poor the Assignment

Ethiopian Roads Authority 174

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks


Experience as a Junior Sociologist ≥ 10 Projects Excellent

on Projects in Social Impact
Assessment and/or Resettlement 8 ~ 9 Projects Very Good
Action Plans. 6 ~ 7 Projects Good

< 5 Projects Poor

n) Transport Economist

Experience in Projects on Road ≥ 8 Projects Excellent

Feasibility Study
6 ~ 7 Projects Very Good

3 ~ 5 Projects Good

≤ 2 Project Poor
Experience as a Junior Transport
≥ 10 Projects Excellent
Economist in Projects on Road
Feasibility Study. 8 ~ 9 Projects Very Good

6 ~ 7 Projects Good

< 5 Projects Poor

l) Geologist

≥8 Excellent Only for

Years of Experience as a Geologist ≥6~<8 Very Good Purpose; Key
in Subsurface and Material
≥4~<6 Staff not
Investigation Good
Subject to
<4 Evaluation

Ethiopian Roads Authority 175

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

o) CADD Engineer

≥ 7 Projects Excellent Only for

Experience in Working with
Computer Aided Design and 5 ~ 6 Projects Very Good Purpose; Key
Drafting and All Associated
3 ~ 4 Projects Staff not
Computerized Survey Data Good
Subject to
Techniques and Inputs ≤ 2 Project Evaluation

p) Architecture [Only when deemed


Years of Experience as an ≥8 Excellent Only for

Architecture in Urban Planning or Requirement
Related Architectural Activities. ≥6~<8 Very Good Purpose; Key
Staff not
≥4~<6 Good
Subject to
<4 Poor Evaluation

Ethiopian Roads Authority 176

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Support Staffs (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)

A. Education Requirements for Support Staffs: Remarks

Acceptable with Min.

Soil Laboratory Technicians: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

a Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Secretary: Acceptable with Min.
B. Sc./B.A. and above
Required experience

b Acceptable with Min.

B. Sc. / B. A. / Diploma in Secretarial Diploma
Required experience
Science and Office Management or
Acceptable with Min.
Related Fields Certificate
Required experience

B. Overall Experience for Technicians and Support Staffs:

Zero (0) Year Experience for

Soil laboratory Technicians: B. Sc. and above Required

a. Min. Three (3) Years’

Experience for Diploma Required
Years of Experience on Highway
Projects in Fields of Assignment Min. Five (5) Years’
Experience for Certificate Required

- Good Experience in use of

Computer in Word
b. Secretary Required
Processing and Spread Sheet
- Good Knowledge of English

Ethiopian Roads Authority 177

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Junior Assistant Staffs Qualifications and Competence for the Assignment

Min. Qualification
I. No. Junior Position

Junior Highway Engineer

1. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Materials and Geotechnical Engineer
2. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Structural Engineer
3. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Quantity Surveyor
Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Technology and Management
4. B. Sc.
or Related Fields
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Contract Engineer
Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Technology and Management
5. B. Sc.
or Related Fields
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Environmentalist
6. Degree in Civil Engineering or Environmental Science or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer
7. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Surveyor
8. Degree in Civil Engineering, Surveying or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
9. Junior Transport Economist/Engineer

Ethiopian Roads Authority 178

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Min. Qualification
I. No. Junior Position

Degree in Civil Engineering, Economics or Related Fields B. Sc.

Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Sociologist
10. Degree in Sociology or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years

a. Percentage (%) Weights of the Rating Scales for Key Experts’ qualifications and
competence for the Assignment:
Excellent 100% Very Good 90%
Good 70% Poor 40%
b. Experiences of Road Construction shall also including New Road Construction,
Rehabilitation, Upgrading, Overlay and Maintenance Projects.
c. Experience on URRAP projects will be considered by 60% for the adequacy requirement
of the related position.
d. Project Experience record with a period less than Two (2) Months for Design and Six (6)
Months for a Construction Project will not be considered for evaluation for the Adequacy
for the Assignment Requirement.
e. As indicated in the Section 3 of the RFP Document, experience of key staff positions of local
experts in conducting research in road design and/or construction projects will be merited
1 point. The point will only be merited for those who do not score the full points of their
respective marks and shall not exceed the allotted point of the respective positions. The
research shall be published and/or demonstrated with documentary evidences and this
does not include students’ paper as part of the study program.
f. Educational Testimonies for Certificate, Diploma, B. Sc., M. Sc. or PhD will be merited in
accordance with the specific award indicted / mentioned in the Diplomas.
g. In the spirit of encouraging successive key staff development and capacity building, the
Client have arranged the following alternatives for key position recruitment:

i. In all Adequacy for the Assignment (Specific Experience) requirements of Key Staffs,
previous all experiences obtained as an Assistant/Junior Engineer related to the
respective key staff position will be partially considered as indicated in the tables
above, for the assignment in the respective proposed position.
ii. In addition, previous experiences obtained as support / key staffs related to only the
respective key staff positions indicated above, for example, Quantity Surveyor,
Highway Engineer, Works Inspector and Office Engineer, as appropriate, will be
partially considered for Deputy Resident Engineer. Likewise, experiences obtained as
a support/ key staffs related to the required Key Staff Position would be partially/fully,
as appropriate, would have been obtained working as key personnel in the respective
position, for adequacy for the assignment in the respective proposed position,

Ethiopian Roads Authority 179

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

provided that the proposed personal attained the minimum educational qualification
for the position.
iii. In additional, the Client has devised a mechanism in which the experience of
professionals who have been working on Client’s or Contractor’s side to be
considered for the required Consultancy Service Position shown in the table above.
iv. Furthermore, Key Staff Positions or Support/Assistant Positions are to be considered
for Key Staff Positions related to Design/Quantifying/Claim Administration, provided
that firms can demonstrate that the proposed staff has adequate experience in tasks
related to the proposed position, details of which is indicated above on the Adequacy
requirement for the position.
v. Junior Staffs who have participated in a single project can be employed as a Junior
Staff or Support Staff till he/she meets the minimum requirement for Key Staff
vi. Finally, for Key staff positions requiring B.Sc. / B.A. as a minimum educational
qualification, the Client would consider previous experience as follows: -
 Experience gained after attaining Diploma would be considered as 60% and
 Experience gained after attaining Certificate would be considered as 40%.
h. Only Key Personnel having the minimum educational qualification set shall be considered
for evaluation; key personnel with educational qualification below the minimum required
will be rejected and merited zero (0) points. If the firm is found successful upon the overall
evaluation, the rejected professional position shall be replaced by fulfilling personnel with
minimum total score of 60%, prior to concluding the contract signing.
i. Personnel who scored below 60%, of the allotted points for their respective criteria, will be
replaced by a better-qualified one, prior to concluding the Contract signing. However,
during replacement, personnel who scores less than 100% but greater than 90% of what
the originally proposed personnel for the proposed position has achieved shall be subjected
to deduction of 10% of the respective fees (Fee and Reimbursable) quoted by the firm; and
those who score below 90% of the originally proposed personnel shall not be accepted for
j. The induction of any staff including the intermittent ones shall be subject to the Client
prior approval.
k. CVs of the support staff, junior staffs and the remaining keys staff not subject to
evaluation during tendering shall be submitted when and as required during the
implementation period of the project.
l. Bidders are strongly advised not to propose professionals that have been suspended
from ERA’s on-going and upcoming projects. If bidders propose a suspended
professional, the CV will be rejected and will be merited zero point out of the allocated
points for that professional. Please refer ERA’s website
( for the list of

Ethiopian Roads Authority 180

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract


Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

70% of General
(1) Education

M. Sc. and above Excellent

a. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering
or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Pavement / Material Engineer,

Geologist and Geotechnical M.Sc. and above Excellent
b. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
Geology, Geotechnical
Engineering or Related Fields

Environmentalist: M. Sc. and above Excellent

c. Degree in Civil Engineering, B. Sc. Degree Good

Environmental Science or
Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
Related Fields

M. Sc. and above Excellent

Transport Economist/ Engineer:
d. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Economics or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. Sc. and above Excellent

e. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Sociology or
Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Ethiopian Roads Authority 181

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Quantity Surveyor:
M. Sc. and above Excellent
Degree in Civil Engineering,
f. B. Sc. Degree Good
Construction Technology
and Management or Related Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. Sc. and above Excellent

Senior Surveyor:
g. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Surveying or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. A. /M. Sc. and

Right of Way Management above Excellent
B. Sc. / B. A.
h. Good
Degree in Sociology, Land Degree
Administration or Related Disqualified
Below the B. Sc. /
B. A.

M. A. /M. Sc. and

Architecture: [Only when above
deemed necessary]
B. Sc. / B. A.
i. Good
Degree in Architecture, Degree
Urban Planning or Related Disqualified
Below the B. Sc. /
B. A.

(2) 30% of General

Overall Experience Range Rating Remarks
≥ 12 Excellent
Team Leader:
Number of Years of ≥ 9 ~ < 12 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥6~<9 Good
Construction and/or Design
Projects <6 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 182

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

≥ 10 Excellent
Other Engineers:
Number of Years of ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥5~<8 Good
Construction and/or Design
Projects <5 Poor

Pavement/Material Engineer,
Structural Engineer,
≥ 10 Excellent
Geotechnical Engineer and
Hydraulic Engineer: ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Number of Years of ≥5~<8 Good
Experience in
Road/Railway/Dam/Bridge <5 Poor
Construction and/or Design
≥ 10 Excellent
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
d. Number of Years of
Professional Experience in ≥5~<8 Good
Environmental Works
<5 Poor

Transport Economist:
≥ 10 Excellent
Number of Years in
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Planning, Design,
Monitoring or Evaluation of ≥5~<8 Good
Projects (Transport, Water,
Energy, Food Security, <5 Poor
Poverty Alleviation, …etc.)
≥ 10 Excellent
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Number of Years of

Ethiopian Roads Authority 183

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Sociological/ Social Activities ≥5~<8 Good

<5 Poor

≥8 Excellent
Senior Surveyor:
Number of Years of Relevant ≥6~<8 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥4~<6 Good
Construction and /or Design
Projects <4 Poor

≥8 Excellent
Quantity Surveyor:
Number of Years of Relevant ≥6~<8 Very Good
Experience in Road ≥4~<6 Good
Construction and /or Design
Projects <4 Poor

Right of Way Management ≥5 Excellent

Specialist for B. A in Sociology or
≥4~<5 Very Good
Related Fields:
Number Years of Experience ≥2~<4 Good
in Sociological Works or
<2 Poor
Related Activities
Right of Way Management
≥3 Excellent
Specialist for B. A/B. Sc. in Land
Administration: ≥2~<3 Very Good
Number Years of Experience ≥1~<2 Good
in Sociological Works or
Related Activities for B. Sc. / <1 Poor
B. A. in Land Administration

h. Architecture: [Only when ≥ 10 Excellent

deemed necessary]

Ethiopian Roads Authority 184

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Number of Years of Relevant ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good

Experience in the Field
≥5~<8 Good

<5 Poor

70% of Total Points

II. Adequacy for the Assignment Allotted for the
Respective Positions

a) Team Leader

Experience as Highway Engineer / ≥ 8 Projects Excellent 60% of the

Team Leader in Road Design / Adequacy for the
6 ~ 7 Projects Very Good
Design Review Projects Assignment.
4 ~ 5 Projects Good

≤ 3 Projects Poor

Experience as Team Leader in Road ≥ 5 Projects Excellent 40% of the

Design / Design Review Projects Adequacy for the
4 Projects Very Good Assignment.
2 ~ 3 Projects Good

≤ 1 Project Poor

b) Senior Highway Engineer

Experience as Highway Engineer / ≥ 5 Projects Excellent

Team Leader in Road Design/
4 Projects Very Good
Construction Projects
2 ~ 3 Projects Good

≤ 1 Project Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 185

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks


Years of Experience as a Junior ≥ 10 Projects Excellent

Highway Engineer/ Office
Engineer/ CAD Engineer in Road 8 ~ 9 Projects Very Good
Design/ or Construction, Upgrading 5 ~ 7 Projects Good
or Rehabilitation Projects
≤ 4 Projects Poor

c) Senior Pavement/ Materials


Years of Experience on Road ≥8 Excellent 60% of the

Design/Construction Projects as a Adequacy for the
≥6~<8 Very Good
Pavement Materials Engineer Assignment.

≥4~<6 Good

<4 Poor

Years of Experience on Road ≥ 10 Excellent
Design/ Construction Projects as a
Junior Material Engineer ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
≥6~<8 Good
<6 Poor

Years of Experience as a ≥4 Excellent 40% of the

Pavement/Materials Engineer Adequacy for the
Related to the Scope of the ≥3~<4 Very Good Assignment.
Assignment (Asphalt Concrete or ≥2~<3 Good
(DBST&TST), Experience on AC is
applicable for DBST & TST) <2 Poor


Ethiopian Roads Authority 186

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Years of Experience as a Junior ≥6 Excellent

Pavement/Materials Engineer/
Related to the Scope of the ≥5~<6 Very Good
Assignment (Asphalt Concrete or ≥3~<5 Good
(DBST&TST), Experience on AC is
applicable for DBST & TST) <3 Poor

d) Senior Structural Engineer

Years of Experience as a Structural ≥8 Excellent

Engineer in Road/ Bridge/ Railway/
Dam Design / Construction Projects ≥6~<8 Very Good

≥4~<6 Good

<4 Poor
100% of the
OR OR Mark Allocated
≥ 10 Excellent for Adequacy of
Years of Experience as a Junior the Assignment
Structural Engineer or Office ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Engineer (OE) in Road/ Bridge/
Railway/ Dam Design / ≥6~<8 Good
Construction Projects (Provided
<6 Poor
that the OE Demonstrates in Full
Design of 2 Bridges)

e) Senior Geotechnical Engineer

Years of Experience as Geotechnical ≥8 Excellent

Engineer in Road/Bridge/
Railway/Bridge/ Dam Design or ≥6~<8 Very Good 100% of the
Construction Projects Mark Allocated
≥4~<6 Good
for Adequacy of
<4 Poor the Assignment

Ethiopian Roads Authority 187

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Years of Experience as a Junior ≥ 10
Geotechnical Engineer in Very Good
Road/Railway/Bridge/Dam Design ≥ 8 ~ < 10
or Construction Projects Good

f) Senior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic


≥ 5 Projects Excellent
Experience in Road Design Projects 100% of the
4 Projects Very Good
with Hydrological Analysis, Design of Mark Allocated
Drainage Structures and Storm 2 ~ 3 Projects for Adequacy of
Water Management Facilities. the Assignment
≤ 1 Project Poor

g) Senior Quantity Surveyor

Years of Experience as a Quantity ≥6 Excellent
Surveyor or CAD Engineer or Office
Engineer in Road Construction / ≥5~<6 Very Good
Design Projects (the OE and CAD Good
Engineer Shall Demonstrate in the
Testimonial its Involvement in <3 Poor
Quantification of Road Projects) 100% of the
OR Mark Allocated
OR for Adequacy of
the Assignment
Years of Experience as a Drafts ≥8
Very Good
Person/ Junior Quantity Surveyor
in Road Construction / Design ≥6~<8
Projects ≥4~<6

Ethiopian Roads Authority 188

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

h) Senior Surveyor

Years of Experience as a Senior ≥6 Excellent

Surveyor in Road/ Railway
Construction/ Design Projects ≥5~<6 Very Good

≥3~<5 Good

<3 Poor 100% of the

Mark Allocated
OR for Adequacy of
≥8 Excellent the Assignment
Years of Experience as a Junior
Surveyor in Road/ Railway Very Good
Construction/ Design Projects

<4 Poor

i) Road Safety and Safety Audit

Engineer/ Specialist

Years of Experience as Road Safety ≥8 Excellent

Audit Specialist on Road Design
and/or Construction Projects ≥6~<8 Very Good

≥4~<6 Good
Only for
<4 Poor 100% of the Requirement
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
OR OR Staff not
for Adequacy of
Excellent the Assignment Subject to
Years of Experience as a Highway ≥ 10
Engineer on Road Design and/or Very Good
≥ 8 ~ < 10
Construction Projects.
≥5~<8 Good

<5 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 189

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

j) Senior Contract Engineer

Experience in Contract ≥8 Excellent 50% of the

Administration or Contract Adequacy for
Engineer on Road Design and/or ≥6~<8 Very Good
Construction Projects ≥4~<6 Good Assignment, if
the Subsequent
<4 Poor Criteria is
≥ 10 Excellent
Years of Experience as a
Procurement Counterpart Engineer ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
of Road Projects
≥5~<8 Good

<5 Poor


Projects on Contract and Tender ≥ 5 Projects Excellent 50% of the

Document Preparation Adequacy for
4 Projects Very Good
the Assignment,
2 ~ 3 Projects Good if the
≤ 1 Project Poor Criteria is

Years of Experience as a ≥6 Excellent

Procurement Counterpart Engineer
of Road Projects ≥5~<6 Very Good

≥3~<5 Good

<3 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 190

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

k) Senior Environmentalist

Years of Experience as an ≥6 Excellent

Environmentalist in Planning and/or
Monitoring and Evaluation of Social ≥5~<6 Very Good
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis
≥3~<5 Good
of Environmental and Social Impact
Assessments. <3 Poor 100% of the
OR Mark Allocated
for Adequacy of
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥8 Excellent the Assignment
Environmentalist in Planning and/or
Monitoring and Evaluation of Social ≥6~<8 Very Good
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis
≥5~<7 Good
of Environmental and Social Impact
Assessments. <5 Poor

l) Right of Way Management


For B. A. in Sociology and Related ≥4 Excellent

≥3~<4 Very Good
Years of Experience in Extensive
Involvement in Right of Way Related ≥2~<3 Good
Only for
Tasks or Social Impact Assessments, <2 Poor 100% of the Requirement
Monitoring and Evaluation or
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
Preparation of Social Impact
for Adequacy of Staff not
Mitigation Plans or Experience in Subject to
the Assignment
Livelihood Restoration Activities. Evaluation
≥2 Excellent
For B. Sc. / B. A. in Land
Administration ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Very Good

Ethiopian Roads Authority 191

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Years of Experience in Extensive ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good

Involvement in right of Way related
tasks or Social Impact Assessments, < 0.5 Poor
Monitoring and Evaluation or
Preparation of Social Impact
Mitigation Plans or Experience in
Livelihood Restoration Activities.


Commendable Experience in use of

Basic Computer Applications
including but not limited to,
Microsoft Excel, Access and Word.

The Expert shall have a Certificate

issued by Ethiopian Roads
Authority which demonstrates its
Attendance of a Training prepared Pass/Fail
for Right of Way Management
Specialists and its Ability to
Undertake the Required Services.

m) Sociologist

Experience as a Sociologist on ≥ 5 Projects Excellent

Projects in Social Impact
4 Projects Very Good
Assessment and/or Resettlement
Action Plans. 2 ~ 3 Projects Good 100% of the
Mark Allocated
≤ 1 Project Poor for Adequacy of
OR OR the Assignment

Experience as a Junior Sociologist ≥ 8 Projects Excellent

on Projects in Social Impact
Assessment and/or Resettlement

Ethiopian Roads Authority 192

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Action Plans. 6 ~ 7 Projects Very Good

3 ~ 5 Projects Good

≤ 2 Project Poor

n) Transport Economist

Experience in Projects on Road ≥ 5 Projects Excellent

Feasibility Study
4 Projects Very Good

2 ~ 3 Projects Good

≤ 1 Project Poor

Experience as a Junior Transport
Economist in Projects on Road ≥ 8 Projects Excellent
Feasibility Study. 6 ~ 7 Projects Very Good

3 ~ 5 Projects Good

≤ 2 Project Poor

l) Geologist

≥6 Excellent
Only for
≥5~<6 Very Good Requirement
Years of Experience as a Geologist
Purpose; Key
in Subsurface and Material ≥3~<5 Good
Staff not
Investigation Subject to
<3 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 193

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

o) CADD Engineer

≥ 5 Projects Excellent Only for

Experience in Working with
Computer Aided Design and 4 Projects Very Good Purpose; Key
Drafting and All Associated
2 ~ 3 Projects Staff not
Computerized Survey Data Good
Subject to
Techniques and Inputs ≤ 1 Project Evaluation

p) Architecture [Only when deemed


Years of Experience as an ≥6 Excellent Only for

Architecture in Urban Planning or Requirement
Related Architectural Activities. ≥5~<6 Very Good Purpose; Key
Staff not
≥3~<5 Good
Subject to
<3 Poor Evaluation

Ethiopian Roads Authority 194

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence of Support Staffs (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)

A. Education Requirements for Support Staffs: Remarks

Acceptable with Min.

Soil Laboratory Technicians: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

a Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Secretary: Acceptable with Min.
B. Sc./B.A. and above
Required experience

b Acceptable with Min.

B. Sc. / B. A. / Diploma in Secretarial Diploma
Required experience
Science and Office Management or
Acceptable with Min.
Related Fields Certificate
Required experience

B. Overall Experience for Technicians and Support Staffs:

Zero (0) Year Experience for

Soil laboratory Technicians: B. Sc. and above Required

a. Min. Three (3) Years’

Experience for Diploma Required
Years of Experience on Highway
Projects in Fields of Assignment Min. Five (5) Years’
Experience for Certificate Required

- Good Experience in use of

Computer in Word
b. Secretary Required
Processing and Spread Sheet
- Good Knowledge of English

Ethiopian Roads Authority 195

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Junior Assistant Staffs Qualifications and Competence for the Assignment

Min. Qualification
I.No. Junior Position

Junior Highway Engineer

1. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Materials and Geotechnical Engineer
2. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Structural Engineer
3. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Quantity Surveyor
Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Technology and Management
4. B. Sc.
or Related Fields
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Contract Engineer
Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Technology and Management
5. B. Sc.
or Related Fields
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Environmentalist
6. Degree in Civil Engineering or Environmental Science or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer
7. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Surveyor
8. Degree in Civil Engineering, Surveying or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
9. Junior Transport Economist/Engineer

Ethiopian Roads Authority 196

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Min. Qualification
I.No. Junior Position

Degree in Civil Engineering, Economics or Related Fields B. Sc.

Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Sociologist
10. Degree in Sociology or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years

a. Percentage (%) Weights of the Rating Scales for Key Experts’ qualifications and competence
for the Assignment:
Excellent 100% Very Good 90%
Good 70% Poor 40%
b.Experiences of Road Construction shall also including New Road Construction,
Rehabilitation, Upgrading, Overlay and Maintenance Projects.
c. Experience on URRAP projects will be considered by 60% for the adequacy requirement of
the related position.
d.Project Experience record with a period less than Two (2) Months for Design and Six (6)
Months for a Construction Project will not be considered for evaluation for the Adequacy
for the Assignment Requirement.
e. As indicated in the Section 3 of the RFP Document, experience of key staff positions of local
experts in conducting research in road design and/or construction projects will be merited 1
point. The point will only be merited for those who do not score the full points of their
respective marks and shall not exceed the allotted point of the respective positions. The
research shall be published and/or demonstrated with documentary evidences and this
does not include students’ paper as part of the study program.
f. Educational Testimonies for Certificate, Diploma, B. Sc., M. Sc. or PhD will be merited in
accordance with the specific award indicted / mentioned in the Diplomas.
g. In the spirit of encouraging successive key staff development and capacity building, the
Client have arranged the following alternatives for key position recruitment:

i. In all Adequacy for the Assignment (Specific Experience) requirements of Key

Staffs, previous all experiences obtained as an Assistant/Junior Engineer related
to the respective key staff position will be partially considered as indicated in the
tables above, for the assignment in the respective proposed position.
ii. In addition, previous experiences obtained as support / key staffs related to only the
respective key staff positions indicated above, for example, Quantity Surveyor,
Highway Engineer, Works Inspector and Office Engineer, as appropriate, will be
partially considered for Deputy Resident Engineer. Likewise, experiences obtained
as a support/ key staffs related to the required Key Staff Position would be
partially/fully, as appropriate, would have been obtained working as key personnel
in the respective position, for adequacy for the assignment in the respective

Ethiopian Roads Authority 197

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

proposed position, provided that the proposed personal attained the minimum
educational qualification for the position.
iii. In additional, the Client has devised a mechanism in which the experience of
professionals who have been working on Client’s or Contractor’s side to be
considered for the required Consultancy Service Position shown in the table above.
iv. Furthermore, Key Staff Positions or Support/Assistant Positions are to be
considered for Key Staff Positions related to Design/Quantifying/Claim
Administration, provided that firms can demonstrate that the proposed staff has
adequate experience in tasks related to the proposed position, details of which is
indicated above on the Adequacy requirement for the position.
v. Junior Staffs who have participated in a single project can be employed as a Junior
Staff or Support Staff till he/she meets the minimum requirement for Key Staff
vi. Finally, for Key staff positions requiring B.Sc. / B.A. as a minimum educational
qualification, the Client would consider previous experience as follows: -

 Experience gained after attaining Diploma would be considered

as 60% and
 Experience gained after attaining Certificate would be considered
as 40%.
h. Only Key Personnel having the minimum educational qualification set shall be considered
for evaluation; key personnel with educational qualification below the minimum required
will be rejected and merited zero (0) points. If the firm is found successful upon the overall
evaluation, the rejected professional position shall be replaced by fulfilling personnel with
minimum total score of 60%, prior to concluding the contract signing.
i. Personnel who scored below 60%, of the allotted points for their respective criteria, will be
replaced by a better-qualified one, prior to concluding the Contract signing. However,
during replacement, personnel who scores less than 100% but greater than 90% of what the
originally proposed personnel for the proposed position has achieved shall be subjected to
deduction of 10% of the respective fees (Fee and Reimbursable) quoted by the firm; and
those who score below 90% of the originally proposed personnel shall not be accepted for
j. The induction of any staff including the intermittent ones shall be subject to the Client prior
k. CVs of the support staff, junior staffs and the remaining keys staff not subject to
evaluation during tendering shall be submitted when and as required during the
implementation period of the project.
l. Bidders are strongly advised not to propose professionals that have been suspended from
ERA’s on-going and upcoming projects. If bidders propose a suspended professional, the
CV will be rejected and will be merited zero point out of the allocated points for that
professional. Please refer ERA’s website
( for the list of

Ethiopian Roads Authority 198

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract


Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

70% of General
(1) Education

M. Sc. and above Excellent

a. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering
or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Pavement / Material Engineer,

Geologist and Geotechnical M.Sc. and above Excellent
b. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
Geology, Geotechnical
Engineering or Related Fields

Environmentalist: M. Sc. and above Excellent

c. Degree in Civil Engineering, B. Sc. Degree Good

Environmental Science or
Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
Related Fields

M. Sc. and above Excellent

Transport Economist/ Engineer:
d. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Economics or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. Sc. and above Excellent

e. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Sociology or
Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Ethiopian Roads Authority 199

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Quantity Surveyor:
M. Sc. and above Excellent
Degree in Civil Engineering,
f. B. Sc. Degree Good
Construction Technology
and Management or Related Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. Sc. and above Excellent

Senior Surveyor:
g. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Surveying or Related Fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

M. A. /M. Sc. and

Right of Way Management above
B. Sc. / B. A.
h. Good
Degree in Sociology, Land Degree
Administration or Related Disqualified
Below the B. Sc. /
B. A.

M. A. /M. Sc. and

Architecture: [Only when above
deemed necessary]
B. Sc. / B. A.
i. Good
Degree in Architecture, Degree
Urban Planning or Related Disqualified
Below the B. Sc. /
B. A.

30% of General
(2) Overall Experience Range Rating Remarks

≥ 10 Excellent
Team Leader:
a. Number of Years of ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway
≥5~<8 Good
Construction and/or Design

Ethiopian Roads Authority 200

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Projects <5 Poor

≥8 Excellent
Other Engineers:
Number of Years of ≥6~<8 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥4~<6 Good
Construction and/or Design
Projects <4 Poor

Pavement/Material Engineer,
Structural Engineer,
≥8 Excellent
Geotechnical Engineer and
Hydraulic Engineer: ≥6~<8 Very Good
Number of Years of ≥4~<6 Good
Experience in
Road/Railway/Dam/Bridge <4 Poor
Construction and/or Design
≥8 Excellent
≥6~<8 Very Good
d. Number of Years of
Professional Experience in ≥4~<6 Good
Environmental Works
<4 Poor

Transport Economist:
≥8 Excellent
Number of Years in
≥6~<8 Very Good
Planning, Design,
Monitoring or Evaluation of ≥4~<6 Good
Projects (Transport, Water,
Energy, Food Security, <4 Poor
Poverty Alleviation, …etc.)

Ethiopian Roads Authority 201

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

≥8 Excellent

Sociologist: ≥6~<8 Very Good

Number of Years of ≥4~<6 Good

Sociological/ Social Activities
<4 Poor

≥6 Excellent
Senior Surveyor:
Number of Years of Relevant ≥5~<6 Very Good
Experience in Road/Railway ≥3~<5 Good
Construction and /or Design
Projects <3 Poor

≥6 Excellent
Quantity Surveyor:
Number of Years of Relevant ≥5~<6 Very Good
Experience in Road ≥3~<5 Good
Construction and /or Design
Projects <3 Poor

Right of Way Management ≥5 Excellent

Specialist for B. A in Sociology or
≥4~<5 Very Good
Related Fields:
Number Years of Experience ≥2~<4 Good
in Sociological Works or
<2 Poor
Related Activities
Right of Way Management ≥3 Excellent
Specialist for B. A/B. Sc. in Land ≥2~<3 Very Good
≥1~<2 Good
Number Years of Experience
in Sociological Works or <1 Poor
Related Activities for B. Sc. /

Ethiopian Roads Authority 202

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

B. A. in Land Administration

≥8 Excellent
Architecture: [Only when
≥6~<8 Very Good
deemed necessary]
Number of Years of Relevant ≥4~<6 Good
Experience in the Field
<4 Poor

70% of Total Points

II. Adequacy for the Assignment Allotted for the
Respective Positions

a) Team Leader

Experience as Highway Engineer / ≥ 6 Projects Excellent 60% of the

Team Leader in Road Design / Adequacy for the
5 Projects Very Good
Design Review Projects Assignment.
3 ~ 4 Projects Good

≤ 2 Projects Poor

Experience as Team Leader in Road ≥ 4 Projects Excellent 40% of the

Design / Design Review Projects Adequacy for the
3 Projects Very Good Assignment.
2 Projects Good

≤ 1 Project Poor

b) Senior Highway Engineer

Experience as Highway Engineer / ≥ 4 Projects Excellent

Team Leader in Road Design/
3 Projects Very Good
Construction Projects
2 Projects Good

Ethiopian Roads Authority 203

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

≤ 1 Project Poor
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥ 8 Projects Excellent
Highway Engineer/ Office
Engineer/ CAD Engineer in Road 6 ~ 7 Projects Very Good
Design/ or Construction, Upgrading
4 ~ 5 Projects Good
or Rehabilitation Projects
≤ 3 Projects Poor

c) Senior Pavement/ Materials


Years of Experience on Road ≥6 Excellent 60% of the

Design/Construction Projects as a Adequacy for the
≥5~<6 Very Good
Pavement Materials Engineer Assignment.

≥3~<5 Good

<3 Poor

Years of Experience on Road ≥8 Excellent
Design/ Construction Projects as a
Junior Material Engineer ≥7~<8 Very Good
≥5~<7 Good
<5 Poor

Years of Experience as a ≥3 Excellent 40% of the

Pavement/Materials Engineer Adequacy for the
Related to the Scope of the ≥2~<3 Very Good Assignment.
Assignment (Asphalt Concrete or ≥1~<2 Good
(DBST&TST), Experience on AC is
applicable for DBST & TST) <1 Poor

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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks


Years of Experience as a Junior ≥5 Excellent

Pavement/Materials Engineer/
≥4~<5 Very Good
Related to the Scope of the
Assignment (Asphalt Concrete or ≥2~<4 Good
(DBST&TST), Experience on AC is
applicable for DBST & TST) <2 Poor

d) Senior Structural Engineer

Years of Experience as a Structural ≥6 Excellent

Engineer in Road/ Bridge/ Railway/
Dam Design / Construction Projects ≥5~<6 Very Good

≥3~<5 Good

<3 Poor
100% of the
OR OR Mark Allocated
Excellent for Adequacy of
Years of Experience as a Junior the Assignment
Structural Engineer or Office ≥8
Very Good
Engineer (OE) in Road/ Bridge/
Railway/ Dam Design / Good
Construction Projects (Provided ≥5~<7
that the OE Demonstrates in Full
Design of 2 Bridges) <5

e) Senior Geotechnical Engineer

Years of Experience as Geotechnical ≥6 Excellent

Engineer in Road/Bridge/ 100% of the
Railway/Bridge/ Dam Design or ≥5~<6 Very Good
Mark Allocated
Construction Projects ≥3~<5 Good for Adequacy of
the Assignment
<3 Poor

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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

≥8 Excellent
Years of Experience as a Junior
Geotechnical Engineer in Very Good
Road/Railway/Bridge/Dam Design
or Construction Projects ≥5~<7 Good

<5 Poor

f) Senior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic


≥ 4 Projects Excellent
Experience in Road Design Projects 100% of the
3 Projects Very Good
with Hydrological Analysis, Design of Mark Allocated
Drainage Structures and Storm 2 Projects for Adequacy of
Water Management Facilities. the Assignment
≤ 1 Project Poor

g) Senior Quantity Surveyor

Years of Experience as a Quantity ≥4 Excellent

Surveyor or CAD Engineer or Office
Engineer in Road Construction / ≥3~<4 Very Good
Design Projects (the OE and CAD Good
Engineer Shall Demonstrate in the
Testimonial its Involvement in <2 Poor 100% of the
Quantification of Road Projects) Mark Allocated
for Adequacy of
≥6 Excellent the Assignment
Years of Experience as a Drafts
≥5~<6 Very Good
Person/ Junior Quantity Surveyor
in Road Construction / Design Good
<3 Poor

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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

h) Senior Surveyor

Years of Experience as a Senior ≥4 Excellent

Surveyor in Road/ Railway
Construction/ Design Projects ≥3~<4 Very Good

≥2~<3 Good

<2 Poor 100% of the

Mark Allocated
for Adequacy of
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥6 Excellent the Assignment
Surveyor in Road/ Railway
≥5~<6 Very Good
Construction/ Design Projects
≥3~<5 Good

<3 Poor

i) Road Safety and Safety Audit

Engineer/ Specialist

Years of Experience as Road Safety ≥6 Excellent

Audit Specialist on Road Design
and/or Construction Projects ≥5~<6 Very Good

≥3~<5 Good
Only for
<3 Poor 100% of the Requirement
Mark Allocated Purpose; Key
OR OR Staff not
for Adequacy of
Excellent Subject to
Years of Experience as a Highway ≥8 the Assignment
Engineer on Road Design and/or Very Good
Construction Projects.

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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

j) Senior Contract Engineer

Experience in Contract ≥6 Excellent 50% of the

Administration or Contract Adequacy for
Engineer on Road Design and/or ≥5~<6 Very Good
Construction Projects Good Assignment, if
the Subsequent
<3 Poor Criteria is
OR Applicable
Years of Experience as a
Procurement Counterpart Engineer ≥8 Excellent
of Road Projects
≥6~<8 Very Good

≥4~<6 Good

<4 Poor


Projects on Contract and Tender ≥ 4 Projects Excellent 50% of the

Document Preparation Adequacy for
3 Projects Very Good
the Assignment,
2 Projects Good if the
≤ 1 Project Poor Criteria is

Years of Experience as a ≥4 Excellent

Procurement Counterpart Engineer
of Road Projects ≥3~<4 Very Good

≥2~<3 Good

<2 Poor

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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

k) Senior Environmentalist

Years of Experience as an ≥4 Excellent

Environmentalist in Planning and/or
Monitoring and Evaluation of Social ≥3~<4 Very Good
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis
≥2~<3 Good
of Environmental and Social Impact
Assessments. <2 Poor
100% of the
Mark Allocated
OR OR for Adequacy of
the Assignment
Years of Experience as a Junior ≥6 Excellent
Environmentalist in Planning and/or
Monitoring and Evaluation of Social ≥5~<6 Very Good
Impact Assessment and/or Analysis
≥3~<5 Good
of Environmental and Social Impact
Assessments. <3 Poor

l) Right of Way Management


For B. A. in Sociology and Related ≥4 Excellent

≥3~<4 Very Good
Years of Experience in Extensive
Involvement in Right of Way Related ≥2~<3 Good Only for
Tasks or Social Impact Assessments, 100% of the Requirement
<2 Poor Purpose; Key
Monitoring and Evaluation or Mark Allocated
Preparation of Social Impact for Adequacy of Staff not
the Assignment Subject to
Mitigation Plans or Experience in
Livelihood Restoration Activities.


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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

For B. Sc. / B. A. in Land Excellent

≥2 Very Good
Years of Experience in Extensive
Involvement in right of Way related ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Good
tasks or Social Impact Assessments, ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Poor
Monitoring and Evaluation or
Preparation of Social Impact < 0.5
Mitigation Plans or Experience in
Livelihood Restoration Activities.


Commendable Experience in use of

Basic Computer Applications
including but not limited to,
Microsoft Excel, Access and Word.

The Expert shall have a Certificate

issued by Ethiopian Roads
Authority which demonstrates its
Attendance of a Training prepared Pass/Fail
for Right of Way Management
Specialists and its Ability to
Undertake the Required Services.

m) Sociologist

Experience as a Sociologist on ≥ 4 Projects Excellent

Projects in Social Impact
Assessment and/or Resettlement 3 Projects Very Good 100% of the
Action Plans. Mark Allocated
2 Projects Good
for Adequacy of
≤ 1 Project Poor the Assignment

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Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks


Experience as a Junior Sociologist ≥ 6 Projects Excellent

on Projects in Social Impact
5 Projects Very Good
Assessment and/or Resettlement
Action Plans. 3 ~ 4 Projects Good

≤ 2 Projects Poor

n) Transport Economist

Experience in Projects on Road ≥ 4 Projects Excellent

Feasibility Study
3 Projects Very Good

2 Projects Good

≤ 1 Project Poor
Experience as a Junior Transport
≥ 6 Projects Excellent
Economist in Projects on Road
Feasibility Study. 5 Projects Very Good

3 ~ 4 Projects Good

≤ 2 Projects Poor

l) Geologist

≥4 Excellent Only for

Years of Experience as a Geologist
in Subsurface and Material ≥3~<4 Very Good
Purpose; Key

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Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification and Competence for the Assignment (60 % Technical

30% of Total
I. General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) Points Allotted for
the Respective
Criteria Range Rating Weight Remarks

Investigation ≥2~<3 Good Staff not

Subject to
<2 Poor Evaluation

o) CADD Engineer

≥ 4 Projects Excellent
Experience in Working with Only for
3 Projects Very Good Requirement
Computer Aided Design and
Purpose; Key
Drafting and All Associated 2 Projects Good
Staff not
Computerized Survey Data Subject to
Techniques and Inputs ≤ 1 Project Poor

p) Architecture [Only when deemed


Years of Experience as an ≥4 Excellent Only for

Architecture in Urban Planning or Requirement
Related Architectural Activities. ≥3~<4 Very Good Purpose; Key
Staff not
≥2~<3 Good
Subject to
<2 Poor Evaluation

Ethiopian Roads Authority 212

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Qualification and Competence of Support Staffs (Not Subject for Evaluation During Tendering)

A. Education Requirements for Support Staffs: Remarks

Acceptable with Min.

Soil Laboratory Technicians: B. Sc. and above
Required experience

a Acceptable with Min.

Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Civil Required experience
Engineering or Related Fields Acceptable with Min.
Required experience
Secretary: Acceptable with Min.
B. Sc./B.A. and above
Required experience

b Acceptable with Min.

B. Sc. / B. A. / Diploma in Secretarial Diploma
Required experience
Science and Office Management or
Acceptable with Min.
Related Fields Certificate
Required experience

B. Overall Experience for Technicians and Support Staffs:

Zero (0) Year Experience for

Soil laboratory Technicians: B. Sc. and above Required

a. Min. Three (3) Years’

Experience for Diploma Required
Years of Experience on Highway
Projects in Fields of Assignment Min. Five (5) Years’
Experience for Certificate Required

- Good Experience in use of

Computer in Word
b. Secretary Required
Processing and Spread Sheet
- Good Knowledge of English

Ethiopian Roads Authority 213

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Junior Assistant Staffs Qualifications and Competence for the Assignment

Min. Qualification
I. No. Junior Position

Junior Highway Engineer

1. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Materials and Geotechnical Engineer
2. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Structural Engineer
3. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Quantity Surveyor
Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Technology and Management
4. B. Sc.
or Related Fields
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Contract Engineer
Degree in Civil Engineering, Construction Technology and Management
5. B. Sc.
or Related Fields
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Environmentalist
6. Degree in Civil Engineering or Environmental Science or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer
7. Degree in Civil Engineering or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Surveyor
8. Degree in Civil Engineering, Surveying or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
9. Junior Transport Economist/Engineer

Ethiopian Roads Authority 214

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Min. Qualification
I. No. Junior Position

Degree in Civil Engineering, Economics or Related Fields B. Sc.

Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years
Junior Sociologist
10. Degree in Sociology or Related Fields B. Sc.
Experience in Road Construction and/or Design Projects 0 Years

a. Percentage (%) Weights of the Rating Scales for Key Experts’ qualifications and competence
for the Assignment:
Excellent 100% Very Good 90%
Good 70% Poor 40%
b. Experiences of Road Construction shall also including New Road Construction,
Rehabilitation, Upgrading, Overlay and Maintenance Projects.
c. Experience on URRAP projects will be considered by 60% for the adequacy requirement of
the related position.
d. Project Experience record with a period less than Two (2) Months for Design and Six (6)
Months for a Construction Project will not be considered for evaluation for the Adequacy
for the Assignment Requirement.
e. As indicated in the Section 3 of the RFP Document, experience of key staff positions of local
experts in conducting research in road design and/or construction projects will be merited 1
point. The point will only be merited for those who do not score the full points of their
respective marks and shall not exceed the allotted point of the respective positions. The
research shall be published and/or demonstrated with documentary evidences and this does
not include students’ paper as part of the study program.
f. Educational Testimonies for Certificate, Diploma, B. Sc., M. Sc. or PhD will be merited in
accordance with the specific award indicted / mentioned in the Diplomas.
g. In the spirit of encouraging successive key staff development and capacity building, the
Client have arranged the following alternatives for key position recruitment:
i. In all Adequacy for the Assignment (Specific Experience) requirements of Key Staffs,
previous all experiences obtained as an Assistant/Junior Engineer related to the
respective key staff position will be partially considered as indicated in the tables
above, for the assignment in the respective proposed position.
ii. In addition, previous experiences obtained as support / key staffs related to only the
respective key staff positions indicated above, for example, Quantity Surveyor,
Highway Engineer, Works Inspector and Office Engineer, as appropriate, will be
partially considered for Deputy Resident Engineer. Likewise, experiences obtained as
a support/ key staffs related to the required Key Staff Position would be partially/fully,
as appropriate, would have been obtained working as key personnel in the respective
position, for adequacy for the assignment in the respective proposed position,

Ethiopian Roads Authority 215

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

provided that the proposed personal attained the minimum educational qualification
for the position.
iii. In additional, the Client has devised a mechanism in which the experience of
professionals who have been working on Client’s or Contractor’s side to be
considered for the required Consultancy Service Position shown in the table above.
iv. Furthermore, Key Staff Positions or Support/Assistant Positions are to be considered
for Key Staff Positions related to Design/Quantifying/Claim Administration, provided
that firms can demonstrate that the proposed staff has adequate experience in tasks
related to the proposed position, details of which is indicated above on the Adequacy
requirement for the position.
v. Junior Staffs who have participated in a single project can be employed as a Junior
Staff or Support Staff till he/she meets the minimum requirement for Key Staff
vi. Finally, for Key staff positions requiring B.Sc. / B.A. as a minimum educational
qualification, the Client would consider previous experience as follows: -

 Experience gained after attaining Diploma would be considered as 60% and

 Experience gained after attaining Certificate would be considered as 40%.
h. Only Key Personnel having the minimum educational qualification set shall be considered for
evaluation; key personnel with educational qualification below the minimum required will be
rejected and merited zero (0) points. If the firm is found successful upon the overall
evaluation, the rejected professional position shall be replaced by fulfilling personnel with
minimum total score of 60%, prior to concluding the contract signing.
i. Personnel who scored below 60%, of the allotted points for their respective criteria, will be
replaced by a better-qualified one, prior to concluding the Contract signing. However, during
replacement, personnel who scores less than 100% but greater than 90% of what the
originally proposed personnel for the proposed position has achieved shall be subjected to
deduction of 10% of the respective fees (Fee and Reimbursable) quoted by the firm; and
those who score below 90% of the originally proposed personnel shall not be accepted for
j. The induction of any staff including the intermittent ones shall be subject to the Client prior
k. CVs of the support staff, junior staffs and the remaining keys staff not subject to evaluation
during tendering shall be submitted when and as required during the implementation period
of the project.
l. Bidders are strongly advised not to propose professionals that have been suspended from
ERA’s on-going and upcoming projects. If bidders propose a suspended professional, the
CV will be rejected and will be merited zero point out of the allocated points for that
professional. Please refer ERA’s website
( for the list of

Ethiopian Roads Authority 216

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract



The qualifications and experience of key technical and supervising staff proposed for the
execution of the Contract, both on and off site are indicated under Table 2 of this document.

Minimum key staffs that are required for the execution of the project are shown below:

Key Staffs to be Evaluated during Tendering Stage.

No. Position
1. Project Manager
2. Construction Engineer
3. Pavement/ Materials Engineer
4. Office Engineer
5. Chief/ Senior Surveyor
6. Equipment Manager

Additional staffs required to be deployed by the Successful bidder:

No. Position
1. Deputy Project Manager
2. Claims Expert
3. Quantity Surveyor
4. Draft Person
5. Superintendent
6. Laboratory Technician

Ethiopian Roads Authority 217

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification Criteria of Contractor’s Personnel: (100 points)

General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) (30 %)

Criteria Range Rating Weight

(70 %)of General

1. Education Qualifications

Education for Project Manager, Deputy

Project Manager, Construction Engineer, M. Sc. and above Excellent
Office Engineer and Claims Expert:
a. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering or
Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
Construction Technology and
Management or related field

Education for Pavement / Material M.Sc. and above Excellent

b. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering,
Geology, Geotechnical Engineering Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
or related fields
B. Sc. / B. Ed. Excellent
Education for Chief Surveyor:
Diploma Good
c. Degree / Diploma / Certificate in
Civil Engineering, Surveying or Certificate Poor
related field
Below Certificate Disqualified

B. Sc. / B. Ed. Excellent

Education for Lab. Technician:
Degree / Diploma / Certificate in Diploma Good
Civil Engineering, Construction Certificate Poor
Technology and Management or
related field Below Certificate Disqualified

Education for Quantity Surveyor, CADD B. Sc. / B. Ed. Excellent

Engineer/ Draft Person: Diploma Good
Degree / Diploma / Certificate in Civil Certificate Poor
Engineering, Surveying or related field Below Certificate Disqualified

Ethiopian Roads Authority 218

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Qualification Criteria of Contractor’s Personnel: (100 points)

General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) (30 %)

Criteria Range Rating Weight

Education for Equipment Manager: B. Sc. / B. Ed. Excellent

f. Degree / Diploma / Certificate in Diploma Good
Mechanical Engineering, Auto mechanics Certificate Poor
or related field Below Certificate Disqualified

B. Sc. / B. Ed. Excellent

Education for Superintendent:
g. Diploma Good
Degree / Diploma / Certificate in Civil Certificate Poor
Engineering or related field
Below Certificate Disqualified
(30 %)of General
2 Overall Experience Range Rating

≥ 12 Excellent
For Project Manager:
≥ 9 ~ < 12 Very Good
a. Years of experience in
road/railway/dam construction ≥6~<9 Good
and/or Design Projects
<6 Poor

For Deputy Project Manager, ≥ 10 Excellent

Construction Engineer, Pavement/
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
b. Material Engineer and Claims Expert
Years of experience in ≥5~<8 Good
road/railway/dam construction
<5 Poor
and/or Design Projects
≥8 Excellent
For Office Engineer
≥6~<8 Very Good
c. Years of experience in
road/railway/dam construction ≥4~<6 Good
and/or Design Projects
<4 Poor

Chief Surveyor B. Sc. and above: ≥6 Excellent

Years of Relevant experience in ≥5~<6 Very Good
road/railway construction and /or

Ethiopian Roads Authority 219

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification Criteria of Contractor’s Personnel: (100 points)

General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) (30 %)

Criteria Range Rating Weight

design projects ≥3~<5 Good

<3 Poor

≥8 Excellent
Chief Surveyor Diploma:
≥6~<8 Very Good
Years of Relevant experience in
road/railway construction and /or ≥4~<6 Good
design projects
<4 Poor

Chief Surveyor Certificate: ≥ 10 Excellent

Years of Relevant experience in
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
road/railway construction and /or
design projects ≥5~<8 Good

<5 Poor

Quantity Surveyor and CADD Engineer/ ≥4 Excellent

Draft Person, Laboratory Technician B.
≥3~<4 Very Good
Sc. and above:
Years of Relevant experience in ≥2~<3 Good
road construction and /or design
<2 Poor

Quantity Surveyor and CADD Engineer/ ≥6 Excellent

Draft Person, Laboratory Technician
e. ≥5~<6 Very Good
Years of Relevant experience in ≥3~<5 Good
road construction and /or design
projects <3 Poor

≥8 Excellent
Quantity Surveyor and CADD Engineer/
Draft Person, Laboratory Technician ≥6~<8 Very Good
≥4~<6 Good
Years of Relevant experience in

Ethiopian Roads Authority 220

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Qualification Criteria of Contractor’s Personnel: (100 points)

General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) (30 %)

Criteria Range Rating Weight

road construction and /or design <4 Poor

≥4 Excellent
Equipment Manager B. Sc. and above:
≥3~<4 Very Good
Years of Relevant experience in
auto mechanics and related ≥2~<3 Good
engineering works
<2 Poor

≥6 Excellent
Equipment Manager Diploma:
≥5~<6 Very Good
f. Years of Relevant experience in
auto mechanics and related ≥3~<5 Good
engineering works
<3 Poor

≥8 Excellent
Equipment Manager Certificate:
≥6~<8 Very Good
Years of Relevant experience in
auto mechanics and related ≥4~<6 Good
engineering works
<4 Poor

≥4 Excellent

Superintendent B. Sc. and above: ≥3~<4 Very Good

Years of Relevant experience in
≥2~<3 Good
road design/construction activities
<2 Poor
≥6 Excellent

Superintendent Diploma: ≥5~<6 Very Good

Years of Relevant experience in
≥3~<5 Good
road design/construction activities
<3 Poor

Ethiopian Roads Authority 221

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification Criteria of Contractor’s Personnel: (100 points)

General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) (30 %)

Criteria Range Rating Weight

≥8 Excellent

Superintendent Certificate: ≥6~<8 Very Good

Years of Relevant experience in
≥4~<6 Good
road design/construction activities
<4 Poor

70% of Total
Points Allotted
3. Adequacy for the Assignment Range Rating for the

Years of experience as ≥4 Excellent

Project Manager or
≥3~<4 Very Good
Resident Engineer in
road construction, ≥2~<3 Good
upgrading or
rehabilitation projects <2 Poor

Years of experience as ≥5 Excellent
Assistant Resident
Engineer, Deputy ≥4~<5 Very Good
General Manager or
≥2~<4 Good
a) Project Construction Engineer in
Manager managing or <2 Poor
administering of road
construction, upgrading
or rehabilitation projects

OR OR Excellent
Years of experience as ≥6
Pavement / Material Very Good
Engineer or Project ≥5~<6
Engineer or Project
Coordinator in Poor
managing or <3
administering road

Ethiopian Roads Authority 222

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification Criteria of Contractor’s Personnel: (100 points)

General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) (30 %)

Criteria Range Rating Weight

construction, upgrading
or rehabilitation projects
in construction contracts

Years of experience as ≥3 Excellent

Project Manager or
≥2~<3 Very Good
Resident Engineer in
road construction, ≥1~<2 Good
upgrading or
rehabilitation projects <1 Poor

Years of experience as ≥4 Excellent
Assistant Resident
Engineer / Construction ≥3~<4 Very Good
Engineer/ Deputy
≥2~<3 Good
General Manager in
managing or <2 Poor
b) administering of road
construction, upgrading
or rehabilitation projects
Engineer OR
Years of experience as
≥5 Excellent
Pavement / Material/
Office Engineer/ Works Very Good
Superintendent/ Project ≥2~<4 Good
Engineer or Project
<2 Poor
Coordinator in
managing or
administering road
construction, upgrading
or rehabilitation projects

Ethiopian Roads Authority 223

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Qualification Criteria of Contractor’s Personnel: (100 points)

General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) (30 %)

Criteria Range Rating Weight

≥6 Excellent
Years of experience on
Senior ≥5~<6 Very Good
c) Material/
Pavement ≥3~<5 Good
projects as a Pavement
Materials Engineer <3 Poor

For B. Sc. Degree: ≥3 Excellent

Years of experience as a ≥2~<3 Very Good

Senior Surveyor in road/
railway construction/ ≥1~<2 Good
design projects Poor

For Diploma: ≥5 Excellent

Years of experience as a ≥4~<5 Very Good

d) Senior Senior Surveyor in road/
Surveyor railway construction/ ≥2~<4 Good
design projects Poor

For Certificate from ≥7 Excellent

Technical school:
≥5~<7 Very Good
Years of experience as a
Senior Surveyor in road/ ≥3~<5 Good
railway construction/
<3 Poor
design projects

For B. Sc.:
Years of experience as a
Quantity Quantity Surveyor/ Office Acceptable with Min. Required
Surveyor Engineer in road experience
construction / design

Ethiopian Roads Authority 224

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification Criteria of Contractor’s Personnel: (100 points)

General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) (30 %)

Criteria Range Rating Weight

For Diploma: ≥2 Excellent

Years of experience as a Very Good
≥ 1.5 ~ < 2
Quantity Surveyor/ Office
Engineer in road ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good
construction/ design
projects < 0.5 Poor

For Certificate from

≥4 Excellent
Technical school:
Years of experience as a ≥3~<4 Very Good
Quantity Surveyor/
≥2~<3 Good
Office Engineer in road
construction/ design <2 Poor

For B. Sc.:
Years of experience as a
Acceptable with Min. Required
Draft Person/ CADD
Engineer/ Office Engineer
in road construction /
design projects

For Diploma: ≥2 Excellent

CADD Years of experience as a ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Very Good

f) Engineer/ Draft Person/ CADD
Draft Person Engineer/ Office Engineer ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good
in road construction /
< 0.5 Poor
design projects

For Certificate from ≥4 Excellent

Technical school:
≥3~<4 Very Good
Years of experience as a
Draft Person/ CADD ≥2~<3 Good
Engineer/ Office Engineer Poor
in road construction /

Ethiopian Roads Authority 225

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification Criteria of Contractor’s Personnel: (100 points)

General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) (30 %)

Criteria Range Rating Weight

design projects

Years of experience in
direct involvement in ≥6 Excellent
handling of claims
and/or disputes on road ≥5~<6 Very Good
construction or
≥3~<5 Good
rehabilitation projects
representing any of the <3 Poor
Years of experience as a OR
Project Engineer
(Client’s Side) in
g) Claims Expert Contract ≥8
≥6~<8 Excellent
Engineer (Contractor’s
Side) in Contract ≥4~<6 Very Good
Administration (In both
cases, provided that he / <4 Good
she can demonstrate
with full evidence /
testimonial clearly
indicating his/her
involvement on Claim

For B. Sc.:
Laboratory Acceptable with Min. Required
h) Years of Experience on
Technician experience
highway projects in
fields of assignment

Ethiopian Roads Authority 226

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Qualification Criteria of Contractor’s Personnel: (100 points)

General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) (30 %)

Criteria Range Rating Weight

For Diploma: ≥2 Excellent

Years of Experience on ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Very Good

highway projects in
fields of assignment ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good

< 0.5 Poor

For Certificate from ≥4 Excellent

Technical school:
≥3~<4 Very Good
Years of Experience on
highway projects in ≥2~<3 Good
fields of assignment Poor

For B. Sc.: ≥2 Excellent

Years of Experience on ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Very Good

Maintaining, Servicing
and Managing ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good
Construction Equipment Poor
< 0.5

For Diploma: ≥4 Excellent

Years of Experience on ≥3~<4 Very Good

i) Equipment Maintaining, Servicing
Manager and Managing ≥2~<3 Good
Construction Equipment Poor

For Certificate from ≥6 Excellent

Technical school:
≥5~<6 Very Good
Years of Experience on
Maintaining, Servicing ≥3~<5 Good
and Managing
<3 Poor
Construction Equipment

Ethiopian Roads Authority 227

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Qualification Criteria of Contractor’s Personnel: (100 points)

General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) (30 %)

Criteria Range Rating Weight

For B. Sc.: ≥2 Excellent

Years of Experience as a ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Very Good

Superintendent in
Managing Road ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good
Construction Projects Poor
< 0.5

For Diploma: ≥4 Excellent

Years of Experience as a ≥3~<4 Very Good

j) Superintendent Superintendent in
Managing Road ≥2~<3 Good
Construction Projects Poor

For Certificate from ≥6 Excellent

Technical school:
≥5~<6 Very Good
Years of Experience as a
Superintendent in ≥3~<5 Good
Managing Road
<3 Poor
Construction Projects


a. Percentage (%) Weights of the Rating Scales for Key Experts’ Qualifications and
Competence for the Assignment:

Excellent 100% Very Good 90%

Good 70% Poor 40%

b. Score: Weight x Percentage (%) Rating / 100:

c. Educational Testimonies for Certificate, Diploma, B. Sc., M. Sc. or PhD will be merited in
accordance with the specific award indicted / mentioned in the Diplomas.
d. In all of the Adequacy for the Assignment (Specific Experience) requirements of Key
Staffs, previous all experiences obtained as an Assistant/Junior Engineer related to the
respective key staff position will be considered as equivalent to 50% of the experience
that would have been obtained working as key personnel in the respective position,

Ethiopian Roads Authority 228

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

for the assignment in the respective proposed position.

e. Only Key Personnel having the minimum educational qualification set shall be considered
for evaluation; key personnel with educational qualification below the minimum
required will be rejected. If the firm is found successful upon the overall evaluation, the
rejected professional position shall be replaced by fulfilling personnel with minimum
total score of 60%.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 229

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract



a) Personnel Requirement for the Design Crew

Key Staffs to be evaluated during Tendering Stage.
1. Highway Design Engineer
2. Pavement/ Materials Engineer
3. Structure/Bridge Design Engineer
4. Senior Hydrologist/ Hydraulic Engineer
5. Geotechnical Engineer
6. CAD Engineer
7. Chief Surveyor

Additional staffs required to be deployed by the Successful bidder:

1. Environmentalist
2. Sociologist
3. Road Safety Engineer
4. Traffic Engineer
5. Quantity Surveyor

b) Personnel Requirements for the Construction Crew

Key Staffs to be evaluated during Tendering Stage.
1. Project Manager
2. Construction Engineer
3. Pavement/ Materials Engineer
4. Office Engineer
5. Chief/ Senior Surveyor
6. Equipment Manager

Additional staffs required to be deployed by the Successful bidder:

1. Deputy Project Manager
2. Claims Expert
3. Quantity Surveyor
4. Draft Person
5. Superintendent
6. Laboratory Technician

Ethiopian Roads Authority 230

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Criteria Range Rating Weight

Qualification Criteria of Contractor’s Personnel: (100 points)

General Qualifications (General Education, Training, and Experience) (30 %)

(70 %)of
1. Education General

Education for Project Manager, Deputy

Project Manager, Construction Engineer, M. Sc. and above Excellent
Office Engineer and Claims Expert:
a. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering or
Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
Construction Technology and
Management or related field

Education for Pavement / Material

Engineer and Geotechnical Engineer M.Sc. and above Excellent
b. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering, Geology,
Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
Geotechnical Engineering or related

Education for Highway Engineer, Traffic M. Sc. and above Excellent

Engineer, Road Safety Engineer and
c. Structural Engineer: (Design) B. Sc. Degree Good

Degree in Civil Engineering or related Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

fields to the position

Education for Environmentalist (Design): M. Sc. and above Excellent

d. Degree in Civil Engineering, B. Sc. Degree Good

Environmental Science or related
fields Below the B. Sc. Disqualified

Education for Hydraulic M. Sc. and above Excellent

Engineer/Hydrologist (Design):
e. B. Sc. Degree Good
Degree in Civil Engineering, Hydraulics
Below the B. Sc. Disqualified
or related field

Ethiopian Roads Authority 231

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Criteria Range Rating Weight

M. Sc. and above Excellent

Education for Quantity Surveyor: B. Sc. / B. Ed. Very Good

f. Degree / Diploma / Certificate in Civil Diploma Good

Engineering, Construction Technology
Certificate Poor
and Management or related field
Below Certificate Disqualified

B. Sc. / B. Ed. Excellent

Education for Chief Surveyor: Diploma Good

Degree / Diploma / Certificate in Civil Certificate Poor
Engineering, Surveying or related field
Below Certificate Disqualified

B. Sc. / B. Ed. Excellent

Education for Lab. Technician:
Diploma Good
h. Degree / Diploma / Certificate in Civil
Engineering, Construction Technology Certificate Poor
and Management or related field
Below Certificate Disqualified

Education for Quantity Surveyor, CADD B. Sc. / B. Ed. Excellent

Engineer/ Draft Person: Diploma Good
Degree / Diploma / Certificate in Civil Certificate Poor
Engineering, Surveying or related field Below Certificate Disqualified

M. Sc./M.A. and
Education for Sociologist (Design):
j. Good
B. Sc./B.A. Degree
Degree in Sociology or related fields
Below the B. Sc./B.A.

Education for Equipment Manager: B. Sc. / B. Ed. Excellent

k. Degree / Diploma / Certificate in Diploma Good
Mechanical Engineering, Auto mechanics Certificate Poor
or related field Below Certificate Disqualified

Ethiopian Roads Authority 232

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Criteria Range Rating Weight

B. Sc. / B. Ed. Excellent

Education for Superintendent:
l. Diploma Good
Degree / Diploma / Certificate in Civil Certificate Poor
Engineering or related field
Below Certificate Disqualified
(30 %)of General
2 Overall Experience Range Rating

≥ 12 Excellent
For Project Manager:
≥ 9 ~ < 12 Very Good
a. Years of experience in
road/railway/dam construction ≥6~<9 Good
and/or Design Projects
<6 Poor

For Deputy Project Manager, Construction ≥ 10 Excellent

Engineer, Pavement/ Material Engineer,
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
b. Highway Engineer and Claims Expert
Years of experience in ≥5~<8 Good
road/railway/dam construction
<5 Poor
and/or Design Projects

For, Highway Engineer, Structural ≥ 10 Excellent

Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, Traffic
Engineer, Hydraulic Engineer, Road Safety ≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
c. Engineer:
≥5~<8 Good
Years of experience in
road/railway/dam construction <5 Poor
and/or Design Projects
≥8 Excellent
For Office Engineer
≥6~<8 Very Good
d. Years of experience in
road/railway/dam construction ≥4~<6 Good
and/or Design Projects
<4 Poor

≥8 Excellent
For Environmentalist:
e. ≥6~<8 Very Good
Years of Professional experience in
Environmental works ≥4~<6 Good

Ethiopian Roads Authority 233

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Criteria Range Rating Weight

<4 Poor

≥8 Excellent

For Sociologist: ≥6~<8 Very Good

Years of Professional experience in ≥4~<6 Good
social works
<4 Poor

≥6 Excellent
Chief Surveyor B. Sc. and above:
≥5~<6 Very Good
Years of Relevant experience in
road/railway construction and /or ≥3~<5 Good
design projects
<3 Poor

≥8 Excellent
Chief Surveyor Diploma:
≥6~<8 Very Good
f. Years of Relevant experience in
road/railway construction and /or ≥4~<6 Good
design projects
<4 Poor

≥ 10 Excellent
Chief Surveyor Certificate:
≥ 8 ~ < 10 Very Good
Years of Relevant experience in
road/railway construction and /or ≥5~<8 Good
design projects
<5 Poor

≥4 Excellent
Quantity Surveyor and CADD Engineer/
Draft Person, Laboratory Technician B. Sc. ≥3~<4 Very Good
and above:
≥2~<3 Good
g. Years of Relevant experience in road
construction and /or design projects <2 Poor

Quantity Surveyor and CADD Engineer/ ≥6 Excellent

Draft Person, Laboratory Technician
≥5~<6 Very Good

Ethiopian Roads Authority 234

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Criteria Range Rating Weight

Years of Relevant experience in road ≥3~<5 Good

construction and /or design projects
<3 Poor

≥8 Excellent
Quantity Surveyor and CADD Engineer/
Draft Person, Laboratory Technician ≥6~<8 Very Good
≥4~<6 Good
Years of Relevant experience in road
construction and /or design projects <4 Poor

≥4 Excellent
Equipment Manager B. Sc. and above:
≥3~<4 Very Good
Years of Relevant experience in auto
mechanics and related engineering ≥2~<3 Good
<2 Poor

≥6 Excellent
Equipment Manager Diploma:
≥5~<6 Very Good
h. Years of Relevant experience in auto
mechanics and related engineering ≥3~<5 Good
<3 Poor

≥8 Excellent
Equipment Manager Certificate:
≥6~<8 Very Good
Years of Relevant experience in auto
mechanics and related engineering ≥4~<6 Good
<4 Poor

≥4 Excellent

Superintendent B. Sc. and above: ≥3~<4 Very Good

Years of Relevant experience in road ≥2~<3 Good
I. design/construction activities
<2 Poor

≥6 Excellent
Superintendent Diploma:
≥5~<6 Very Good
Years of Relevant experience in road

Ethiopian Roads Authority 235

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Criteria Range Rating Weight

design/construction activities ≥3~<5 Good

<3 Poor

≥8 Excellent
Superintendent Certificate:
≥6~<8 Very Good
Years of Relevant experience in road ≥4~<6 Good
design/construction activities <4 Poor
70% of Total
Points Allotted for
3. Adequacy for the Assignment Range Rating
the respective

Years of experience as ≥4 Excellent

Project Manager or
≥3~<4 Very Good
Resident Engineer in
road construction, ≥2~<3 Good
upgrading or
rehabilitation projects <2 Poor

Years of experience as ≥5 Excellent
Assistant Resident
Engineer, Deputy ≥4~<5 Very Good
General Manager or
≥2~<4 Good
Construction Engineer in
managing or <2 Poor
a) Project
administering of road
construction, upgrading
or rehabilitation projects
OR Excellent
≥6 Very Good
Years of experience as
Pavement / Material ≥5~<6 Good
Engineer or Project
≥3~<5 Poor
Engineer or Project
Coordinator in <3
managing or
administering road
construction, upgrading
or rehabilitation projects
in construction contracts

Ethiopian Roads Authority 236

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Criteria Range Rating Weight

Years of experience as ≥3 Excellent

Project Manager or
≥2~<3 Very Good
Resident Engineer in
road construction, ≥1~<2 Good
upgrading or
rehabilitation projects <1 Poor

Years of experience as ≥4 Excellent
Assistant Resident
Engineer / Construction ≥3~<4 Very Good
Engineer/ Deputy
≥2~<3 Good
General Manager in
Deputy General managing or <2 Poor
b) Manager/ administering of road
Construction construction, upgrading
Engineer or rehabilitation projects
Years of experience as
Pavement / Material/ ≥5 Excellent
Office Engineer/ Works
≥4~<5 Very Good
Superintendent/ Project Good
Engineer or Project
Coordinator in <2 Poor
managing or
administering road
construction, upgrading
or rehabilitation projects

Years of experience as ≥6 Excellent

Highway Engineer in ≥5~<6 Very Good
road design /
construction projects ≥3~<5 Good
c) Highway
Engineer OR <3 Poor
Years of experience as an
≥8 Excellent
Office Engineer/CAD
Engineer in road design/ ≥6~<8 Very Good
or construction,

Ethiopian Roads Authority 237

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Criteria Range Rating Weight

upgrading or ≥4~<6 Good

rehabilitation projects
(able to demonstrate <4 Poor
involvement in design of

Years of experience as a ≥6 Excellent

Structural Engineer on ≥5~<6
Senior Very Good
d) road and / or bridge
and/ or railway ≥3~<5 Good
construction and/or
bridge design projects <3 Poor

≥6 Excellent
Years of experience on
Senior Material/ road ≥5~<6 Very Good
e) Pavement design/construction
≥3~<5 Good
Engineer projects as a Pavement
Materials Engineer <3 Poor

For B. Sc. Degree: ≥3 Excellent

Years of experience as a ≥2~<3 Very Good

Senior Surveyor in road/
railway construction/ ≥1~<2 Good
design projects Poor

For Diploma: ≥5 Excellent

Years of experience as a ≥4~<5 Very Good

f) Senior Surveyor Senior Surveyor in road/
railway construction/ ≥2~<4 Good
design projects Poor

For Certificate from ≥7 Excellent

Technical school:
≥5~<7 Very Good
Years of experience as a
Senior Surveyor in road/ ≥3~<5 Good
railway construction/
<3 Poor
design projects

Ethiopian Roads Authority 238

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Criteria Range Rating Weight

For B. Sc.:
Years of experience as a
Acceptable with Min. Required
Quantity Surveyor/ Office
Engineer in road
construction / design

For Diploma: ≥2 Excellent

Years of experience as a ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Very Good
Quantity Quantity Surveyor/ Office
Engineer in road ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good
construction/ design
< 0.5 Poor

For Certificate from

≥4 Excellent
Technical school:
Years of experience as a ≥3~<4 Very Good
Quantity Surveyor/
≥2~<3 Good
Office Engineer in road
construction/ design <2 Poor

For B. Sc.:
Years of experience as a
Acceptable with Min. Required
Draft Person/ CADD
Engineer/ Office Engineer
in road construction /
design projects
h) CADD Engineer/
Draft Person
For Diploma: ≥2 Excellent
Years of experience as a ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Very Good
Draft Person/ CADD
Engineer/ Office Engineer ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good
in road construction /
< 0.5 Poor
design projects

Ethiopian Roads Authority 239

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Criteria Range Rating Weight

For Certificate from

≥4 Excellent
Technical school:
Years of experience as a ≥3~<4 Very Good
Draft Person/ CADD
≥2~<3 Good
Engineer/ Office Engineer
in road construction / <2 Poor
design projects

Years of experience in
direct involvement in ≥6 Excellent
handling of claims
and/or disputes on road ≥5~<6 Very Good
construction or
≥3~<5 Good
rehabilitation projects
representing any of the <3 Poor

Years of experience as a
Project Engineer
i) (Client’s Side) in
Claims Expert
Contract ≥8 Excellent
≥6~<8 Very Good
Engineer (Contractor’s
Side) in Contract ≥4~<6 Good
Administration (In both
cases, provided that he / <4 Poor
she can demonstrate
with full evidence /
testimonial clearly
indicating his/her
involvement on Claim

j) Environmentalist Years of experience in ≥5 Excellent

Planning and/or

Ethiopian Roads Authority 240

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Criteria Range Rating Weight

Monitoring and ≥4~<5 Very Good

Evaluation of Social
Impact Assessment ≥2~<4 Good
and/or analysis of <2 Poor
Environmental and
Social Impact
Assessment of road

≥6 Excellent
Years of experience as
Senior Geotechnical Engineer ≥5~<6 Very Good
k) Geotechnical in road/railway/dam
≥3~<5 Good
Engineer design or construction
projects Poor

Years of experience as ≥6 Excellent

Senior Hydraulic Engineer/
≥5~<6 Very Good
l) Hydrologist/ Hydrologist in
Hydraulic road/railway ≥3~<5 Good
Engineer construction or design
projects <3 Poor

≥6 Excellent
Years of Experience as
road safety audit ≥5~<6 Very Good
specialist on road design
and/or construction ≥3~<5 Good
<3 Poor
Road Safety and
m) Safety Audits OR OR
Specialist ≥8 Excellent
Years of Experience as a
Highway Engineer on ≥6~<8 Very Good
road design and/or
construction projects. ≥4~<6 Good

<4 Poor

Projects in Social Impact > 4 Projects Excellent

n) Sociologist Assessment of roads Very Good
3 Projects
and/or Resettlement

Ethiopian Roads Authority 241

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Criteria Range Rating Weight

Action Plans. 2 Projects Good

< 1 Project Poor

For B. Sc.:
Acceptable with Min. Required
Years of Experience on
highway projects in
fields of assignment

For Diploma: ≥2 Excellent

Years of Experience on ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Very Good

highway projects in
o) Laboratory ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good
fields of assignment
< 0.5 Poor

For Certificate from ≥4 Excellent

Technical school:
≥3~<4 Very Good
Years of Experience on
highway projects in ≥2~<3 Good
fields of assignment Poor

For B. Sc.: ≥2 Excellent

Years of Experience on ≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Very Good

Maintaining, Servicing
and Managing ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good
Construction Equipment Poor
< 0.5

For Diploma: ≥4 Excellent

p) Equipment
Manager Years of Experience on ≥3~<4 Very Good
Maintaining, Servicing
and Managing ≥2~<3 Good
Construction Equipment Poor

For Certificate from ≥6 Excellent

Technical school:
≥5~<6 Very Good
Years of Experience on

Ethiopian Roads Authority 242

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Criteria Range Rating Weight

Maintaining, Servicing ≥3~<5 Good

and Managing
<3 Poor
Construction Equipment

For B. Sc.: ≥2 Excellent

Years of Experience as a
≥ 1.5 ~ < 2 Very Good
Superintendent in
Managing Road ≥ 0.5 ~ < 1.5 Good
Construction Projects
< 0.5 Poor

For Diploma: ≥4 Excellent

Years of Experience as a
≥3~<4 Very Good
q) Superintendent in
Managing Road ≥2~<3 Good
Construction Projects
<2 Poor

For Certificate from ≥6 Excellent

Technical school:
≥5~<6 Very Good
Years of Experience as a
Superintendent in ≥3~<5 Good
Managing Road
Construction Projects <3 Poor


a. Percentage (%) Weights of the Rating Scales for Key Experts’ Qualifications and Competence
for the Assignment:

Excellent 100% Very Good 90%

Good 70% Poor 40%

b. Score: Weight x Percentage (%) Rating / 100:

c. Educational Testimonies for Certificate, Diploma, B. Sc., M. Sc. or PhD will be merited in
accordance with the specific award indicted / mentioned in the Diplomas.
d. In all of the Adequacy for the Assignment (Specific Experience) requirements of Key
Staffs, previous all experiences obtained as an Assistant/Junior Engineer related to the
respective key staff position will be considered as equivalent to 50% of the experience
that would have been obtained working as key personnel in the respective position,
for the assignment in the respective proposed position.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 243

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

e. Only Key Personnel having the minimum educational qualification set shall be considered
for evaluation; key personnel with educational qualification below the minimum
required will be rejected. If the firm is found successful upon the overall evaluation, the
rejected professional position shall be replaced by fulfilling personnel with minimum
total score of 60%.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 244

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Annex 3: Assignments and Responsibilities of Staffs

Ethiopian Roads Authority 245

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Task Assignments and Responsibilities of Supervision Staffs

Position &
Area Of Major Tasks
1. Key experts
 Liaise with and assist the Client (ERA) and regional officials as required.
 Assisting ERA in reviewing Contractor’s Performances Bound, retention
bond & Bank Guarantee for advance payment and other guarantees if
 Ensure the fulfillment of the obligations and duties of the Engineers
Representative as described under the works contract agreement
 Participate in the design review process and prepare proposals for the
clients approval
 Prepare modifications/amendments or design changes assisted by other
 Issue the contractor with all copies of contract documents and design
Resident  Planning and scheduling project activates
Engineer  Prepare or review Quality Assurance Manual
 Organize documentation and filing system on the project site
 Supervise site supervisory staff
 Review, check, comment and approve contractor’s work schedule.
Method statement, equipment and man power
 Monitoring the progress of all activities of the project including budget
and time
 Review and certify payment certificates
 Assess variation and prepares variation orders
 Technical assistance in every activities
 Report on the contractor’s financial and time extension claims,
 Team coordination, organizing , assigning duties and checking the
performances of the team
 Check if reports, drawings and photographs are recorded
 Inspect facilities of the supplier’s and contractor’s personnel as required

Ethiopian Roads Authority 246

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Position &
Area Of Major Tasks
by the contract
 Responsible in arranging regular meetings between the Contractor’s
client and supplier
 Enforce works to comply with works contract
 Prepare all the reports
 Monitor environmental mitigation measures and follow up the
implementation of alleviation programmer for STD including HIV/AIDS
 In coordination with the site supervisory staff, provide on Job-Training
to Employers personnel
 Inspect the road and prepare defect lists and arrange joint inspection
among parties for provisional acceptance
 Issue substantial and final completion certificate to the contractor
 Inspect the road during defect liability period and arrange fine joint
inspection among parties and prepare defect lists.
 Assists the RE for the tasks assigned to him and be delegated for RE
during his absence from the project site,
 Acting within the delegated authority given by the resident engineer,
 Management of the site staff in his control,
 Liaison with service providers to ensure that the construction works does
not affect supplies.
Deputy Resident  Provision of assistance to ERA during construction to ensure the
Engineer assessment of compensation for property owners is dealt with correctly.
 Maintenance up-to-date records of labor and plant used by the contractor.
 Maintain records, working, drawings, as –built drawing, test data,
derails of variations etc, assisted with the other respective staffs
 Ensuring that the contractor uses safe working practices.
 Reviewing the design of the scheme and communicate through the RE to
ERA on the need to issue instruction to amend the design
 Taking of regular digital photographs.
 Arranging traffic counts

Ethiopian Roads Authority 247

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Position &
Area Of Major Tasks
 Will direct all activities of staff engaged on the checking , inspection and
testing of all construction materials and laboratory technicians , He will
also co-operate with the inspection as necessary for the use of surveyors
to locate borrow pits and quarries.
 In respect of the laboratories he will oversee the conducting of sample
preparation and testing. His formal responsibility will be the evolution of
the test results and on the basis thereof approve the application of
material or the rejection of the same.
 Assist the resident Engineer in approving or rejecting construction
material to be used by the contractor
 Review pavement design and prepare design change
 Control setting up contractor’s field laboratory establishment , test
procedures, crushing activities, concrete mix designs etc
 Undertake construction material investigation.
 Assist the Resident Engineer in the preparation of the standard
Senior Pavement supervision forms, quality assurance plan
Engineer  Material investigation and testing
 Assist the Resident Engineer in the preparation of reports
 Traffic Analysis
 Review the pavement design in the pre-construction stage
 Perform pavement design and material type changes if necessary
 Periodically review test results and recommend types of test to be
conducted on the construction materials
 Assist the Resident Engineer during defect liability period
 Inspect the quality of works accomplished periodically
 Others as required
Senior  Review the detailed engineering design regarding the land slide and
Geotechnical Structures foundation
Engineer  Undertakes Ground Investigations including drilling for structural

Ethiopian Roads Authority 248

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Position &
Area Of Major Tasks
 Undertakes test, analysis the test results and recommends the foundation
type to be used in consultation with the structural Engineer,
 Others as required
 Review, comment and approve all structural design and calculation for
drainage structures
 Undertake structural design if required to be revised additionally
 Assist the RE/ARE in reviewing structural or bridges construction
program submitted by the contractor.
 Review and comment on the working drawings & As – Built drawing of
Senior structural
the structures submitted by the contractor.
 Training ERA staff regarding supervision of structures.
 Regularly and as required inspect structural layout and structural
construction activities
 Inspectors to set inspection procedures for the structures
 Outline checklists of all important items to be checked by the inspectors
to set inspection procedures for the structures
 Check and prepare quantities of structures
 If required make design changes of structures
 Others as required
Senior Highway  Responsible for the design review regarding the design standard and
Engineer geometric design of the road
 Plan, coordinate and supervise activities of design changes
 Undertake design changes as required.
 Checks the control stations and their accuracies
 Checks that the control stations and other references indicated on the
drawing clearly represents the actual
Senior Quantity  Checking Contractor’s working drawings if according to drawing
Surveyor including templates
 Calculate quantities of earth work, structures, pavement etc.

Ethiopian Roads Authority 249

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Position &
Area Of Major Tasks
 Review and confirm himself and RE the contract quantities and
 Monitor measurement process and BOQ’s of works
 Record the measurement and quantities
 Check the contractor’s payment certificate
 Reporting findings to the Resident Engineer
 Others as required
Senior  Leads all Surveying activities of the staff
Surveyor  Identify all survey ground control stations (beacons and bench marks)
which have been established by the design Consultant
 Verify the accuracy of survey stations
 Establish the damaged, altered or missing survey control station,
 Perform all surveying activities
 Check contractors survey results of setting ours, lines, levels and cross
sections and conduct joint construction surveying as required
 Check other survey results and accept or reject and recommend
 Record daily survey progress & data
 Check setting outs
 Others as required
Senior Claim  Review the contract documents including technical specification during
Expert the contractor’s mobilization period.
 Verify inconsistencies among the contract documents or deficiencies and
recommend any amendments necessary if any
 Advise the Resident engineer to take actions timely to cases for potentials
claims to protect the clients from financial or time extension claims.
 Assist the client in negotiations with contractor on the rates for any
unscheduled items of work that may arise
 Analysis the financial and time extension claims of the contractor and
report his recommendations to the RE:

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Position &
Area Of Major Tasks
 Assist the client in any process of adjudication or arbitration and farther
analysis of contractor’s claim
Senior  Verify the contractor’s environmental protection plan recommend
Environmentalis additional mitigation measures as required
t  Monitor the implementation of Environmental and social impacts
mitigation measures.
 Liaise with the local Authorities for consultation to minimize the negative
Senior  Review of hydraulic design prepared by the designer
Hydrologist  Verify sufficiency of hydraulic structures
 Assists the supervisory staffs for any activities (except activities that go
beyond the scope of the RFP, Service) related to hydrology.
Road Safety and  Prepare a plan and activity schedule for the road safety assessments and
Safety Audit inspections
Specialist  Prepare checklists for road safety assessment, inspections and recording
of deficiencies identified

Review of Pre-construction phase Road Safety Audit Carried out as part of

the project design:
 Assess the project from the completed design plans and Review the
Geometric design of the road for Road Safety Aspects;
 Review previously recorded road safety deficiencies;
 Review the Road Safety Measures incorporated and proposed in the
design of the road. This shall be carried out upon review and further
investigation of the latest road safety statistics, with particular attention at
the national and regional level (as appropriate), and by showingin
category fatalities and serious injuries due to road traffic incidents.
 Identify and review the locations of all the schools along the length of the
designed road, and sections of higher pedestrian concentration along the
road, both for crossing points, and where pedestrians walk along the road.

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Position &
Area Of Major Tasks
Review the safety measures incorporated for such points and other
accident black spot areas.
 Prepare a special report for “review of road safety audit” of the design of
the road with necessary improvements of the safety measures, for
consideration in further optimization and changes in geometric design.
Record road safety deficiencies and recommend remedial measures in
harmony with other revisions/changes made on the design.

Carryout Evaluation of Road Safety During Construction Phase:

 Both During the Road Works& At completion of Construction (Pre-

opening for Traffic):

- Assess the project from the construction Plans (latest design plans), for
potential road safety risks; i.e. the assessment must go beyond assessing
the conformance to standards.
- Assess the project by inspecting the site, both during day and night
- Observe the site during peak and off-peak operating conditions;
- Conduct safety inspections under adverse weather conditions such as
fog, rain, snow, etc (as appropriate), if the opportunity arises
- The assessment must be conducted along all approaches from the
perspective of all the relevant different road users
- Record all road safety deficiencies that are identified, completing the
agreed checklist..
- Make review/analysis of crash/accident history based on available
- Prepare a special road safety audit report; which will also form part of
the relevant progress report of the consultant.
Carryout Evaluation of Road Safety for the Post- Construction Phase:
- Gather and review all information/material for the road safety audit

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Position &
Area Of Major Tasks
- Assess the road and road related areas, for potential road safety risks;
i.e. the assessment must go beyond assessing the conformance to
- Assess the project by inspecting the site, both during daylight and night
lighting conditions
- Observe the site during peak and off-peak operating conditions;
- Conduct safety inspections under adverse weather conditions such as fog,
rain, snow, etc (as appropriate), if the opportunity arises
- The assessment must be conducted along all approaches from the
perspective of all the relevant different road users
- Record all road safety deficiencies that are identified, completing the
agreed checklist.
- Make review/analysis of crash/accident history based on available
- Prepare a special road safety audit report; which will also form part of the
relevant progress report of the consultant.
Right of Way  Please refer the tasks under Section 6: Terms of Reference, Item No. 3:
Management Scope of the Services, B.5: Enforcing the Right of Way Removal Process:
Intermediate  Is Responsible for the whole tasks assigned for the position/ post in
Position staffs relation to the outcome/quality of services
 Assign tasks and oversee the activities of the Junior Engineer and
Engineer, as appropriate.
 Works in collaboration with the Resident Engineer
2. support Personnel and Junior Assistant Staff
Position Major Tasks
Junior Assistant  Assist In executing construction works in relation to Road Geometry.
Highway  Assist the Highway Engineer.
Junior Pavement  Assist in exciting construction works in relation to soil and material.
/Material  Assist the Material Engineer

Ethiopian Roads Authority 253

Engagement and Succession Plan of professionals on consultancy service and Works Contract

Position &
Area Of Major Tasks
Junior Structural  Assist in executing construction works in relation to structural and
Engineer drainage works
 Assist the structural engineer
Junior Claims  Assist in construction claim handing, management works
Expert  Assist the claim Expert
 Assist in Monitor the implementation of Environmental and social impacts
Junior mitigation measures
Environmentalist  Assist the Environmentalist
Surveyors  Assists the Senior surveyor
 Perform construction survey as per the design and specification
 Verify the accuracy of the survey stations and re-establish any damage or
missing stations
 Take all line and level measurements of setting outs and finished works
 Others as required
Soil Laboratory  Inspect all Laboratory tests such as tests for gravel wearing course, fill
Technician material, Sand, aggregate tests, structural Foundations, Asphalt Take
recodes of all activities including daily progress of works, delays,
weather, personnel, equipment.
 Jointly as required perform tests such as acceptance tests, performed
 Inspect all field tests
 Check and follow-up contractor’s laboratory results
 Keeps records of all test results and report to the RE
Material  Soil and Material survey
Inspector  Follow up all activities on the site and keeping daily dairy of the daily
activates including daily progress of works, delays, weather, personnel,
 Jointly as required perform tests such as acceptance tests, material quality
tests and check tests for the acceptance of rejection of the material
 Carrying out in –sits tests and monitoring tests conducted by the

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Position &
Area Of Major Tasks
 Keep record of all tab or in-situ tests
 Perform assignments as per the direction of the other experts and submits
 Others as required

Structural  Inspection of drainage structure works including the quality and

Inspector procedure of form works and false work erection , quality and dimension
of masonry works, superstructures, construction of anti erosion works,
guide posts etc, placement of reinforcement steel, some tests such as
slump test, mix ration etc.
 Reject on site the structural work if it does not comply with the
speciation, drawing or the agree method of construction.
 Follow up all activities on the site and keeping daily dairy of the daily
activities including daily progress of works, delays, weather, personnel,
and equipment.
Works Inspector  Inspection of Earthworks
 Inspection of Pavement works including proper compaction and moisture
contents are being achieved
 Supervise contractors site laboratory and Engineers facility construction
Drafts Person  Responsible of checking existing drawings
 Inspect the contractors working drawings
 Make Change to the drawings
 Review and check as built drawings
 Others as required
secretary  Typing of all correspondence, reports and other clerical duties:
 Handles filing system
Chain man  Assist on surveying activities
Laboratory  Assist on laboratory and field tests

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Task Assignments and Responsibilities of Design Staffs

Position & Area

Major Tasks
Of Expertise
2. Key experts
 Act as Liaison with ERA and facilitate consultation with stakeholders
 Shall involve with full responsibility for tasks and sub-tasks of the TOR
 Coordinate and direct the entire execution of the project
 Mobilize the design team and author the inception report
 Organize the quality management plan
 Allocation of tasks to the design team members
 Program the work
 Monitor the progress of the work and prepare progress reports
 Accomplish series tasks of the methodology
 Undertake the overall responsibility for the performance of the project to the
appropriate standard of technical excellence
 Oversee the input of other key personnel and arrange for specialist input as
Project Team
 Coordinate the efforts of the design team to insure that the final design of
the road is optimized within the limit imposed by the materials, geometric,
hydrological and environmental constraint of the site
 Determine the corridor for selection of alternative alignments
 Propose alternative alignments
 Determine the Corridor to be covered by detailed surveys and investigations
 Supervise Preparation of Bid Documents and Cost Estimate
 Review Engineering Report, Technical Specification and Engineering
 Check if all reports are prepared in accordance with ERA manuals, review
and submit required documents and reports
 Shall organize and prepare the design standards report and agree with the
client the standards to be adopted

Senior Highway  Identification of route alternatives based on aerial photographs and surveys.
Engineer  Condition survey of the existing road

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Position & Area

Major Tasks
Of Expertise
 Hydraulic and structural condition surveys
 Conduct the DTM
 To manage the preliminary and final geometric design of the horizontal and
vertical alignment; and different elements of geometric design.
 To check the coordination of the geometric alignment with the hydrological,
geotechnical, etc., alignment
 Reviewing of the final drawings and advise the CAD Engineers on the CAD
 Preparation of the final preliminary Engineering Findings report and
Engineering Design Standard report

 Carryout a complete preliminary geotechnical investigation for the project
road which include, sub grade soil, and construction material sources
investigation to approved standards
 Prepare program or schedule for the sampling and testing of the sub grade
soils and construction material sources in accordance with the new ERA soil
and material investigation manual
 Carryout sub grade soils and construction material sources investigation to
Senior approved standards
Pavement/  Carryout a general study on the existing pavement condition, sub grade soils
Materials and construction materials along the route
Engineer  Prepare sampling and testing program for the sub grade soils and
construction material sources in accordance with the new ERA manual
 Guide extensive field and laboratory testing and material description of the
sub grade soil in order to establish the suitability of the sub grade for
incorporation into the pavement design.
 Carry out preliminary soil and material investigation to determine the
conditions for alternative alignments of the road, which includes;

o Developing a site investigation program;

o Reviewing of printed literatures, maps, etc;

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Position & Area

Major Tasks
Of Expertise
o Research on Project Setting, Geology and Site Conditions,
Condition Survey of the Road;

o Identification and Evaluate Potential Material Sources

 Based on the result of the preliminary materials investigations, produce

material utilization diagrams, which shall optimize the haulage of pavement
materials and other construction materials.
 Carry out final Sub grade soil investigation on new alignment sections and
existing Pavement and carry out Construction materials investigation which

o conducting in situ tests such as DCP and in-place density where


o Location, sampling and laboratory testing of construction

materials, for embankment fill, sub base, aggregates, sand and

 Pavement design based on the test results of sub-grade, existing pavement,

construction materials and the traffic data,
 Preparation of relevant reports: Soils and Materials Report, pavement design
report and special report (whenever necessary) etc.

Senior  Carry out preliminary geotechnical investigation

Geotechnical  Identify Problematic Areas including Landslide, Sub-Excavation and Water
Engineer Problem Areas, expansive soils, etc.
 Organize and conduct geo- technical investigation for Detailed Engineering
Design of bridges;
 Based on the recommendations on the Preliminary Geotechnical
Investigations, carry out final geological investigation on the final selected
alignment of the road,
 Conduct geotechnical stability analysis and provide design
 Supervise the ground investigation for roads and structures,

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Position & Area

Major Tasks
Of Expertise
 Interprets test results for the design of structural foundations;
 Issue Geo-technical design criteria for the road structural team;
 Provide recommendations and solutions for potential geo-technical
problems of roads and structures;

The Structural Engineer shall have the following, task assignment and responsibility
during rendering of the service but not limited to;

 Determine the location plans for the bridges and their approaches along with
dimensions of the structural members of the bridges for the selected locations
based on the field survey and hydrological studies
 Determine the proposed bridge type, span, location and height of piers (if any)
and abutments, leading to produce the layout and section plan in addition to
other relevant dimensions of the respective bridges elements in due
consideration of the climate, economy, availability of material, compliance with
Senior Structural the geometric requirements and loading combinations in accordance with
Engineer ERA’’s Bridge Design Manual for the acceptable standard proposed
 Identify potential scouring problems on substructures, natural riverbanks,
nearby ecology and include proposal for protection methods and/or structures
together with the proposed hydrologist in the team
 Produce plan and longitudinal profile (elevation) of bridges
 Prepare main girders and deck slab or main girder frames and corresponding
toppings of structural details including cross-sections of members
 Prepare railing, bearing plates, bearing shelves and miscellaneous bridges super
structure details and details of abutments, piers and wing walls
 Propose details of the approach road; cross-section side drains, pavement
thickness, camber, super elevation and pavement widening
 Include general notes for the bridge including preliminary bill of quantities

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Position & Area

Major Tasks
Of Expertise
Senior Quantity  Assess the expected data for the amount of work to be performed
Surveyor  Prepare the Bill of quantities
 Prepare the measurements of quantities for all bill items
 Estimation and quantification of the volume of work to be performed
 Preparation of cost estimates of works
Senior  Organize and monitor the surveying team to carry out the survey works
Surveyor  Establish benchmarks, horizontal and vertical control points.
 To carry out detailed roadway and cross section survey along the road
alignment, bridge crossing sites based on different criteria and gathering
geometric information for design.
 Downloading the filled data from card reader to computer
 Layout and foundation checking of major and minor drainage structures,
checking of surveying field data including vertical and horizontal alignment
 Monitoring all field surveying works.

Senior Contract  Prepare technical specification based on technical reports and drawings.
Engineer  Prepare tender document based standards approved by ERA depending
on type of bidding.
 Review and updating of Bill of Quantities
 Verification of completeness of contractual documentation

Senior  Decide on scoping of the EIA study

Environmentalis  To collect, evaluate and present baseline data on the physical, biological,
t socio-economic (including gender issues) and other sensitive environmental
issues from a variety of sources such as existing records, field survey and
consultation with local residents and government agencies.
 Determine the road corridors and all the surrounding areas that will be under
significant influence.
 Determination of Potential Impacts and Impacts on the Proposed Roads
during the project location, design, construction and operation;
 Determining the potential impacts to the proposed alternative alignments
 Propose mitigation measures and mitigation plan comprising feasible and

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Position & Area

Major Tasks
Of Expertise
cost effective measures for each adverse environmental impacts
 Design appropriate monitoring plan
 Use the latest version of GIS and based on this GIS, will produce a base
map that will indicate possible relocation sites, land acquisition, sensitive
habitats, both biophysical and socio cultural and resettlement patterns along
the project roads and other important farmlands or grazing land to be
expropriated or taken permanently or temporarily from the farmers n the
Senior  Carry out all the necessary hydrological/hydraulic study for the respective
Hydrologist / crossing
Hydraulics  Investigate and interpret aerial photography and available maps along the
Engineer rivers routes and bridges alignments for hydrological/hydraulic assessment
of the crossing
 Determine important parameters which include catchments area, rainfall
intensity, runoff coefficients, runoff duration intensity relationship,
catchments runoff characteristics from which the design discharge is
 Will collect the above and study/determine the flood characteristics from
which the design discharge is obtained
 Determine the flood characteristics of the streams crossed, including the
elevation of the highest water level for a recurrence interval of 100 years
 Check the adequacy of the sizes of the proposed bridge opening to
accommodate the discharge.
 Investigate the flow velocity as well as the chocking condition of the bridge
to avoid scour and afflux
 Collect relevant data on rainfall from natural metrological service of
 Study the scour susceptibility of the respective river beds and foundation
materials during the study
 Assess the adequacy of existing waterways and recommend for ensuring the

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Position & Area

Major Tasks
Of Expertise
Senior Transport  Collect and review all traffic data and make analyze traffic forecasting and
Economist  Collect all relevant data from ERA and outside agencies
 Guide and supervise the traffic count, Origin – destination survey and axel
load survey
 Perform the traffic forecast
 Undertake traffic analysis
Senior  Collect and review relevant project specific data including documents with
Sociologist the background information about the project area as well as legal and
policy issues that have a bearing on the sociological assessment and the
preparation of the Land Compensation Report/Planning;
 Identification of institutions responsible for resettlement activities;
 Carry out socio economic survey and cadastral survey of the project road
including Existing lead use and vegetation, cultural and historical sites, etc.,
 Provide eligibility criteria with a definition of displaced persons and criteria
for determining their eligibility for compensation;
 Carry out valuation of losses; determine the replacement cost and describe
under local law and supplementary measures considered necessary to
achieve replacement cost for local assets;
 Carry out public consultation, discussion with major stakeholders and
 Provide a description of the package of compensation and resettlement
 Provide a detailed description and procedures for site selection site
preparation , and Relocation
 Prepare an implementation schedule covering all resettlement/ rehabilitation
activities from preparation through implementation;
 Prepare itemized cost estimates for all resettlement activities;
 Will describe arrangement for monitoring of resettlement activities by the
implementation agency;
 Prepare report for Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)

CAD Engineer  To carry out preliminary and final geometric design of the horizontal and

Ethiopian Roads Authority 263

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Position & Area

Major Tasks
Of Expertise
vertical alignment; and different elements of geometric design.
 Preparation of final CAD geometric design of the proposed alignments
using an appropriate road design software.
 prepare horizontal and vertical curve control criteria to justify that the
design is as per the requirement of the design standard
 Preparation of plan profiles, typical cross sections, major and minor
drainage structures. This includes layout plan, Longitudinal plan and profile
sheets, Access to the road and Details of drawings for structures.
Intermediate  Is Responsible for the whole tasks assigned for the position/ post in relation
Positions to the outcome/quality of services
 Assign tasks and oversee the activities of the Junior Engineer and Engineer,
as appropriate.
 Works in collaboration with the Resident Engineer
2. support Personnel and Junior Assistant Staff
Position Major Tasks
Junior Assistant  Assist In executing construction works in relation to Road Geometry.
Highway  Assist the Highway Engineer.
Junior Pavement  Assist in exciting construction works in relation to soil and material.
/Material  Assist the Material Engineer
Junior Structural  Assist in executing construction works in relation to structural and drainage
Engineer works
 Assist the structural engineer
Junior  Assist in executing Hydraulic/Hydrology works
Hydraulic/Hydrol  Assist the Hydraulic/Hydrology Engineer
ogy Engineer
Junior  Assist in executing environmental works
Environmentalist  Assist the Environmentalist
Junior Contract  Assist in tender document, cost estimate and spec preparation
 Assist the contract Engineer

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Position & Area

Major Tasks
Of Expertise
Junior Surveyors  Take part in route location from aerial photographs and maps
 Conduct topographic survey in accordance to acceptable international
standards under the guidance of senior surveyor
 Carry out detailed ground survey along the length and approach of the
proposed bridge sites to set out bridge benchmark and coordinate points
 Carryout detailed surveys for the proposed crossing location including a
sufficient length upstream and downstream to the proposed bridge structures
as directed by the team leader
 Establish permanent painted concrete posts for later reference and make use
of the automatic total station, GPS and the accessories collected data on all
topographical features of the area that will be used to form a precise digital
terrain model of the corridor which will in turn be used to prepare the
corresponding plan and design

Junior Transport  Assist the Transport Economist

Junior Sociologist  Assist in executing social related works
 Assist the Sociologist
secretary  Typing of all correspondence, reports and other clerical duties:
 Handles filing system

Ethiopian Roads Authority 265

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