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Excretory System

During today’s lesson you developed a model that helped you simulate kidney
filtration. As we have seen models make it possible to study phenomena that are
impossible to observe. In addition you watched and read about how kidney disease
can lead to total renal failure whereby a patient must depend on dialysis to stay
alive. Fortunate for those patients and their family members engineers have
designed machines that are able to simulate a real kidney, giving people time as they
anxiously await for a kidney transplant.

Your task in this assignment is to write an informative newsletter/pamphlet where

you explain the following in detail:

1) Overview of Excretory System

2) Kidney Function/ Disease
3) Roles of Engineers in Dialysis Machines

Newsletter Pamphlet

In the reference section of your newsletter/pamphlet include all resources

(video, ck12, kidney model lab) you used to write your newsletter/pamphlet.

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