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CLOUDFLARE Workers for Gaming

My Vision -

The fundamental feature that differentiates Cloudflare Wokers with other

serverless providers is that, the given function is put into every cloudflare
edge nodes across all the 155+ datacentres worldwide, helping to reduce
latency and thereby improving the user experience. This when paired with
modern microservice architectures and AI capabilities, we can deliver
seamless experience to the users.

Opportunities & Plan of Action –

➔ The market share of the mobile gamers is set to increase exponentially

in the coming years, with this comes the challenge to industry on to
maintain decent package size for the games without compromising with
the quality of service & user experience.

The only solution being to operate the games as microservices.

If we at Cloudflare Workers can create a framework that packages,

deploys and manages these scalable microservices. It reduces the
complex architecture for developers as every update runs as service in
the cluster meanwhile the rest part of the game still works for the client.
This way it reduces the costs for developers, and moreover they can
focus on creating new game content and implementing value added
functions to the games.

➔ Data analytics play a major role in customer acquisitions and retention.

In gaming industry we can provide player recommendations and
improve fraud and cheat detections which otherwise can cost a huge
loss for the companies.
We at Cloudflare can build an Smart Analytics and AI system to
analyse the log data from the users of the games and generate reports
to certain use cases for the customers.

➔ We need to create a Cloudflare Workers SDK for Unity. Since, most of

the games are developed in Unity game engine. By creating an SDK
tool, developers can utilize the services of Cloudflare Workers.

Success Metrics –
Once into the market. The metrics such as how good is our scalability
and end user-experience estimates our success.

Risks –
➔ Poor execution of the service, may not grab the expected market share.
➔ Tolerance by the industry, since other alternatives exist.

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