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DON ona TINEN 2 fit Da 3 ah ANTON BEA LaEmPZe F. PETERS: ~~ pee Antorio Diabelli(« 1781 in Mattsee, +1858 in Wien), in der Jugend Chorknabe, erhielt durch Mi- chael Haydn musikalische Ausbildung. Er gehdrt, mehr Haydns Frobatur cuneigend, zu jenem rei - chen Kranze kleinerer Talente, die sich bald um Haydn, Mozart und Beethoven in Wien scharten. Seine Opern, Kirchen- und Kammermusiksachen waren rasch vergessen, seine instruktiven Kla- vierstiteke behielten dauernden Wert, Neben fruchtharer Kompositionstiitigkeit war er bis in die letzten Lebensjahre als bedeutender Musikverleger titig. Antonio Diabetit, torn at Mattsee in 1781, died at Vienna in 1858), on completing his studies at school, was educated as a musician by Michael Haydn. He inherited the cheerful disposition of Haydn, and belonged to that large circle of minor talents that soon gathered around Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven in Vienna. His operas, church- and chamber-music were very soon forgotten; his instructive works for the piano have retained their permanent value. Not only was he a fertile composer, but up to the last years of his life, he was busy and well known asa publisher of music. Antonio Diabelli (Mattsee 176t— Vienne 1858) fit ses études dans les choeurs d’église, sous la direction de Michel Haydn. Proche parent du naturel aimable et de la grace riante de Joseph Haydn, il appartient & cette phalange nombreuse de petits maitres qui se groupérent bientdt, 2 Vienne, autour de Haydn, de Mozart et de Beethoven. Ses opéras, sa musique religieuse et sa musique de chambre tombérent vite dans Youbli, mais la vaieur de ses compositions instructives pour piano assurait 4 célles-ci un plus durable avenir. Non content de son labeur fructueux de com- positeur, il dirigea, jusque dans les derniéres années de sa vie,une importante maison d’édition musicale. Eeition Petors. 8a 3 SONATINEN yon A. DIABELLL 1. 685 * 6. > tne Moderato. —— eee degen 4 6 pili aati 8 _ _— Modo ata ; dS ge tdeey s free tee wasepte Fue etapa Altegro moderato, 0.188 N07 ing nge 1. Sonatine, opus 151 Sol majeur = G major... Page. 2 » Wt Ut majour — CG major uy 10. 5 > BL NO Fa majeur — F major...» 16. ay > ASL NO 4. C dar Ub majour = © major nny 2 & o > 108 NOI F dur Fa majeur =F major. 80. 6. » 168 N92. dur Sol majeur ~ — G major. y 85. aD » 168.NP B.C dur Ut majeur = C major. y 40. a > 168 N94. B dur Si bémol majeur BY major. 4 45. By SNPS. Didar = RE majeur =D major nn. y BR 10. , 168. NOB. Gdur- Sol majeur — G major... 8D. uo, 168 .N9 7 A moll La mineur <= A minor uy 64. re Esition Ontore as SONATINE I. A.Diabelli, Opus 151, Andantino cantabile. Eaition Petore. 88 Eaton Petors. see Scherzo. Allegro. id Edition Peters a ution Peters ass ition Peters Edition Pet asa SONATINE IL. ee ee je printita ps BS Tale = gt be, SELL ibet see 24 t : . a fempo Esition Peters aint SONATINE IIL. Allegro moderato. | | tar fe = Et = S = 3. P : Pe Edition Petors 188 Sle <= = =| 189 sition Peters 2 Esiton Peters 7182 pie Cae be Bis oe pF ser see Esition Peters n1s8 a Andante cantabile. 4 Ve 23,4 — teers 2432 Ft dim. Allegretto. P Eaiton Peters na88 oes ny 44 pie ie t 2h Allegro moderato. 5 SONATINE IV. sition Peters Esition Peters ast 27 Largo maestoso. ee Rondo. Allegro, ma non troppo. " 5 Esition Peters, a . Esition Peters ane Edition Peters ass 30 SONATINE I. Opus 168. Moderato cantabile. Eaition Potors. use Esition Potors rsa Andante cantabile. rr] ep p ED 4 Sifted Edition Peters net 35 SONATINE II. derato. Allegro mot aie ae Eaition Petors 188 36 = see 3 a2 3 4 a ea = rit, Edition Peters. ms8 Andante sostenuto. 37 Gy Esition Peters 13— nasa Edition Peters. usa 40 SONATINE IIL Edition Petors asa Edition Peters. 183 a2 Andantino. oo. 4 $ 4 Eaition Peters usa 43 eR a aE | o ie [2 re i YY n180 Esition Peters SONATINE IV Allegro moderato. Lae Editon Potore 7188 sition Peters. 183 Andantino. 4 Pics legato ° Eaition Peters asa Za. Ve Edition Peters 88 pot ga Edition Potore. m8 Eston Peters. n188 Be SONATINE V. Tempo di Marcia. : 4 : Exition Petars. 188 56 Mareia funébre. Andante mae estas. A 3 ng _ } Rondo militare. Allegro, a) bs Edition Peters risa Esition Peters. 88 SONATINE VIL. Allegro moderato. 7 _4 a ae € ———— —— ea eee rs i ted pat éeg buptar: tS eT “Poly ain tempo % 4 | beni. Eee eee fi | as Rh pte sition Peters. ais ee bid OF Rondo. ride ety Ho he Po be tele, — f= ae aa ou sEI9e an tt that se a SONATINE VI. Allegro moderato. a 65 Zempa L. aoe ppl ritard. Euition Peters nis EetionPeters n88 Editon Peters. 183 Andante cantabile. 4 P ce ea pat Eton Peters. 83 69 Esition Peters ns0 Rondo. Edition Peters. 183

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