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ANSWER KEY READING TEST ua we mc woe 20 1A 26.4 0 ae we 29.0 aA ac m0 30.8 ac Pry wc aA a8 6c we 2.0 ac 20 20.8 aA aA a8 aac ae oA 2.0 asc 00 10.0 2.0 36.0 OK me m.¢ a8 0 20 25.8 38h SLA aA 26.¢ 3.0 WRITING AND LANGUAGE TEST 18 ne 8 20 a ad a8 aA ac wc m0 5D 16.8 mA aA 6p m0 2D ay on aA 30.8, a8 20 auc 20 10. 32.0 ac ni 338 a8 5A sar pRACTICE TEST ANSWERS xPLANATONs (MATH—NO CALCULATOR 68 no 16.15 2A np 17.105 02072 a0 me wa on 19.10 10.0 we 20.505 MATH—CALCULATOR me mA 31.926 9.246 np 2A ne 40 wa 34.213 666 oF 667 Px 58 35.3507, oA 1A 36.3710 2A mA 373 or) 108 2A aasa ora 1.6 2.0 0.8 20.0 30.8 ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS READING TEST {A Study In Scarlet uA Ditty: Easy catagory Reading / Detall ‘Strategic Advice: Eiminateanswersthat go against yourunderstandingofthe characters inthe passage Getting to the Answer: The fist paraeraph ‘np states that tson'scurosty about Holmes “eyadualy deepened and increased” (ines 23). ‘Choice (A isthe correct answes 20 Difelty: Medium Category: Reading / Vocabin-Context Strategie Advice Substitute cach answer choice for “caw” t see which one makes the mast sense in the contest ofthe sentence, Getting to the Anewer Watson i expining that Holmes appearance is noceable even to someone \whohasrtseenhim very afte therefore (Discomect ae Demet: Easy Category: Reading / Inference Strategic Advice: Look for clues inthe passage About hw and why Holmes studles and leas. Getting tothe Answer Watson notes that Holmes hast studied anything "which might him fora degre" fines 2122, Thissuggests that hisleaming's rnotmativated by something external ike a degree, but by bis persona interests. Choe (C reflects Holmes’ motives or studying SAT PRACT TEST ANSMERSHEAPLANATIONS 55 ac Ditty: Medium ‘Category: Reaing / Command of Evidence Strategie Advice: Eiminte answer choles that dont explain why Holmes suds. A comect answer ilaliow youto make alogal guess as toHolmess motives for studying Getting tothe Answer: Chic) povidesthebest ‘evidence by illustrating that Holmes pursues topics ‘hate passionate about ather than studying for ‘enteral motvatons. 5.0 Diteulty: Easy category Reading / Glob Strategic Advice: The central dea inthis passage ‘shoul eflet the overall pcture the author pints ‘of Sherlock Holmes Getting to the Answer: The passage develops Holmessanunusualandeccentic character. Watson rmavels at Holmes’ failure pursue atypia path {oranintligent prion forexample, and deserbes in deta how Holmes behavior deviates fom the inary. Chole (0s the ony answer choice that is Airey supported by detaisin the passage, ec Difficulty: Mesum Category Reading / inference Strategie Advice: Closely rad Holmes own state- rents for cues about his views Getting to the Answer: Holmes clearly suogests thatthe brain can ony hada imited amount of Information so one shoul roe the things that are mast important. Therefore, (C) the corect 2D Dicuty Easy Category: Reacng / Command of Evidence Strategic Advice Reread each qotein the context ‘ofthe patiage. ind the one that supports the pre vous answer by giving evidence of Holmes own, Ideas about learing Getting tothe Answer Of all the answer choices, Holmer’ own statements about the brain being limited and proritiing useful facts most dlrecty ‘support the previous answer. Choice (Df the a Difiuty: Medium ‘Category Reading / Vocab n-Contoxt Strategic Advice: Use context cles 1 help you pred the maoning ofthe word si used inthe "entence nth sentence, the cntext hes provide ® contrast to the target word Getting tothe Answer: Watson says Holmes I usually “sharp” and "hawsie™ and as. great “alertness” except when he In a period of torpor (ines 740. You can predict thatthe meaning of “torpor wil be something close to the opposite of sharp and alert. Choice (8 isthe correct answet on Difficulty: Medium ‘Category Reading / Rhetoric Strategic Advice: Consider what ths figurative use ‘of ati helps reveal about the character of Holmes Getting to the Answer The author has Holmes ‘compare the human bran to an ati to hep ilus- trate Holmer: beliefs about useful fact versus ‘those not worth learning. Choice (A) the correct 10.0 Difficulty: Medium Category Reading / Rhetoric Strategic Advice: Thnk about what Insights the reader gains by having Watson naate the try Getting tothe Answer: The authorisableto estab sh Holmesasan intigung characte showingthe reader Watson's thoughts and reactns to Holmes Presumably readers wil wanttofindoutmore about Holmes because the naator depicts him at fase rating person. Choice (0 sti stuation. Woodrow Wilson Speech me Dieteuty: Easy category Reading / Rhetoric Strategic Advice: Examine the fist vo paragraphs “ry to paraptvase the reason Wikon@ives for make Ing the speech Getting tothe Answeriothe fist wo paragraphs, Wilson antipsts the end ofthe war and alludes to the “processes of peace” lines 1-2. although he refers to national sovereignty and conquest he states that his purpse Is oly outs program for Peace in the word, making () the erect answer 20 Ditfcuty: Meum ‘Category: eaing / Command of dence Strategie Advice: Remember that the conect answer wl provide information that ret relates to the answer to the previous queston. Getting tothe Answer: The correct answer tothe previous question deals ith Wisorsdese tomain tain peaceflrelations inthe word Lines 2627 read "The programme of the wold’ peace, therefore ‘our programme” making (D) the corect answer RA Difficulty: Medium Catagory Reading /Vocabi-Context Strategic Advice: Look fr context clues in the surrounding txt that wil help you determine the Getting tothe Answerinthe Ist of points he pes ents, kon is defining actions and pois that wil promote peace and pen communication between rotons. In ths context, “rank” suggests “in an honest manner’ making (A) the correct answet we Difficulty: Medium ‘category: Reading / Inference ‘Strategc Advice: Eiminate answer cholces that ‘cannot be infeed by the information provided in the pasage Getting to the Answer: t can be inered that, In the past, cetain nations id Indeed form secret understandings, or pacts, wth one another. Choice (6s corect 1A Ditty: Medlum category: Reading / Command of Evidence ‘Strategic Advice: The correct answer wlreference ‘a tal that provides evidence forthe answertothe previous question. Getting tothe Answer nthe fst paragraph of his speech, Wieonrefersto secret understandings that cannot exit anymore i here sto be peace among rations. Therefore, As comet. wc Ditty: Medium category: Reading / Vocab Context SAT PRACT TEST ANSWERSEPLANATIONS 57 Strategl Advice: Pretend the word I 2 blank in the sentence. Then predict wat word could be substituted forthe Blank. Getting tothe Answer: The sentence states that “ational armaments lb reduced to the lowest pointconsstentwith dome safety Inthis sense, ‘ison aime to assure natons that they wil til be able to pce primary importance on ther mm well-being reducing armanents othe extent that ‘agreeable withthe provision of domestic safety. Therefore, (Cth corect choice wD Diticlty: Hard catagory: Reading / hela Strategic Advice: Though the question is asking yovabouta specie tmakes sense to choosean ‘aner thats compatible with the broader context ofthe passage. Getting to the Answer: In the excerpted line Wilson Identifis the “adjustment ofall colonial Claims" a an iter nhs rogram fr word peace This means that he believes nations must address conflicts resulting trom colonization sf animpe: tll pursult, in order to safeguard world peace Choice (0) is correct. wc Difmeuty: Hard Catagory Reading Rhetaie Strategic Advice: Locate te thre points to which the question refers. notzonfuse them th ether numbered points in the spsech Getting to the Answer: Plas V through Vl refer to terol sovereignty, avacuaton of occupied lands, and restoration of ands, and these points lig with thecoim that ations have violated one ‘anothers tert sovereignty through Invasion fad occupation. This makes) the comect answer we Ditfcuty: Hort ‘category: Reading / Inference Strategie Advice: Be sre tht the answer you ‘hoosereflectsthe ideology and postions expressed ‘by Wilson in is speech, Getting to the Answer: Inthe passage, Wilson expresses that he IS in favor of Intemational cooperation to promote and sustain global peace, Chale) Isthecomect answer because decerbes ‘an approach to intermational relations thats analo ‘04 to Witon. 2.8 Diticaty: Medium Category Reading / Rhetoric Strategic Advice: When asked question ino: Ing the structure ofa passage, consider the ext 9, whale. Often the srectue is visually noticeable, Getting to the Answer: Wikon begins by stat ing his argument about the necessity fr counties ‘und the world to resolve thelr dferences, He then flows up with speci examples of how hi Ideas shouldbe cared aut Chace (Bs the correct Paired Passages—Meditation ae Difiuty: Medium Category: Reading / Global Strategic Advice: Consider what the pasage is ‘mostly about, ather than concentrating on sup porting deta Getting tothe Answer: Choice (8 corectydent- flesthe centralise inthe passage The other choles {are based on misinformation or are deal 2.0 Diemeuty: Hore ‘Category Reading / Inference ‘Strategie Advice Look for nformtion in the ps sage about each ofthe choices. Determine which fone canbe inferred a true, Getting to the Answer: Choice (0) s suggested by the passage andthe mot plausible 23.0 Ditfcuty: Mectum ‘category easing / Command of tvidence Strategic Advice: Be careful of ches that donot provide dec evidence to supportyout answer to the previous question The correct ansverwireate specifically tthe inference made thee Getting to the Answer: Chole (0) supports the Inference that some medical profetsonale accept ‘meditation as beneficial, mac Ditneuty: Medium Category: Reading / Rhetoric Strategie Advice: Remember that youre analyzing the author’ point of view on macation not Tim Ryans, Getting to the Answer: The fact tat the author chose to write about Tim Ryan and is interest n ‘meditation suggests that he or she values what meditation can offer. However, there is lite ‘evidence thatthe authors devotedto meditation, ‘Choe (C)eomecty reflects the author's point olview. 25.4 Difficulty: Medium Category Reading / Inference ‘Strategic Advice: Reread the passage and look for ‘les to Ryans personality. Determine what can be inferred about him from wat I state In the passage Getting to the Answer: Choice (A isthe corect answer Thisis suggested by what Ryan has done. 26.¢ Dilly: Medium category: Reading / Commend of Edence Strategic Advice: Be careful of choices that donot prove direct evdence to support the inference bout Ryan, The cocrect answer wil late spect cally that inference. Getting to the Answer: Choice (C) Is corect, [Mra shows tate acts on what he believes by "supporting legislation that encourages meditation, such a5 the ill syppoting the increase in holistic ‘medicine offered by the Department of Veterans Aas me Dieteuty Easy ‘Category: Reading / Vocabin-Context Strategh Advice: Reread the sentence and subst tute each answer choice fr the target word. The conectanewar wil relate cect othe context of the pasage Getting tothe Answer: Thecontextofthesentence suggests that only ts. 2A Ditty Easy category Reading /Vocabin-Context Strategie Advice: Reread the sentence. Then substtte each word forthe target word secular” ‘See which word males sense inthe context of the passge SAT PRACT TEST ANSWERS LERPLANATIONS, 59 Getting tothe Answer: Inthe context ofthe sen- tence “but rather Indcates that "seculr” means the opposite of“eigious”s0 (A Is the comect 2.0 Diemeuty: sy category: Reading / Rhetoric Strategic Advice: Reread the sentence to deter rine what connotatve meaning the author sg gests through the use of chatter? Getting to the Answer: The word “chat has a negative connotation that suggests back- ground nose or frequent tlk. Only (0) fs with this meaning 20. Difficulty: Medium category Reading / Synthesis ‘Strategl Advices Look for an answer hat fs with the information nboth passages Avo choices that are suggested by only ane ofthe passages Getting to the Ancwer Both passages tak about how attitudes are changing regarding the efflacy ‘of mindfulness mediation. Only (reflects this mA Difficulty: Medium catagory Reading /Synbiss Strategic Advice: xaminethe graphicandthe two pssages to flgure out which answer chokes sup- ported by al thee. Getting to the Answer: The gape shows that workers weremor praductveandhadfewernjuries ster beng n'a mediator progam. Choice (A) s ‘he only one that relates t the Information in the raphe. (60 savonacrice rest Answens 8 ELANATIONS Colony Collapse Disorder Passage 22.0 Ditfcuty Hard Category: Revding / Rhetoric ‘Strategie Advice: Tink of what the author wants ‘the reader to learn about bees This il help you ‘igure out the passage's purpose. Geting tothe Answer: Choice (0) isthe primary purpose ofthe passage is what the author most ants the reader to become oar of 2A icity Hare Category: Reading / Rhetoric Strategle Avice: Think back othe author's pu pose that you explored in question 32, Consider ‘what thspurpose suggests about the authors point of view Getting tothe Answer: The author seems know! ‘edgeable about honey bees and very concemed about ther loss. The author points out the many losses humans wouldhaveifbees were to sapped Therefore (As the correct answer ac Ditcuty Hare category: Reading / Rhetoric Strategie Advice: Examine the part of the passage thatdscuses how no bees aefound afteracolapee Getting tothe Answer: The author wats to stress ‘thefactthatresearch has shown that pathogens are ‘ot the ean for the eclony clase. Choice Cis the conectansner, asc Ditty Medium ‘category: Reading / Command of Evidence Strategie Advice Be careful of chokes that donot rectly support you answer othe previous ques tion, The correct answer wl elt special to the inference made there Getting tothe Answer in the context of ts par ‘Fp ins 31-3 provide evdenceto support the inference that the cause of colony collapse i not Pathogens. Choice (Cis the coret answer. 36D Difficulty: Medium category: Reasing/ Vocab-n-Conoxt, Strategic Advice: Examine the context of he sen tence Substitute each choice for thetarget word t0 etermine which one makes the mest sense. Getting tothe Answer: nthe sentance, “omen Plight refestopestssuchas mites ingus and bac- tera, which farmers are used to seg in beehives In this context (0) “woubles ithe comet answer. me Ditcuty: Hard Category: Reading Rhetoric Strategie Advice: Notice thatthe word “nyse: ‘ously appears tonardthe beginningothe passage, tne the author frst introducing the top Getting to the Answer As the autor introduces the topic of colony eolase deercer inthe fist paragraph, the word “mysterious” helps emphasize how puzaling the csorder uly Croice (6 the ak Ditfculty: Hors ‘category Reading / inference Strategc Advice: eviw the passge and look for clues that would suggest which tatiment fe most probable Getting to the Answer: Choice (A) is coect “Though the author laments the disappearance of honey bees and says how challenging iis to soe the problem, the author end the passage on 8 cau ‘ously optimist note 33.0 Ditty: Medium Category Resding / Command of Evidence ‘Strategic Advices Be corfu of choices that might supportanincomectanswerinthe releus question. Getting to the Answer: Choice (0) is evidence that the authors eautoutly optimistic about the ature ofthe honey bee. 40.8 Ditfulty: Medium category Reading / Detail Strategic Advice: Watch outfor answer choles that right sound plausible but are not exp stated in the passage. Getting to the Answer: Choice (8) i omect: the Tost paragraph, sats that some towns and cies are relxing their regulations about beekeeping “in tespoase to the honey bee population crs" (ines a2 category Reading / Voce i-Context ‘Strategic Advice: Substitute each chole for the target word. Decide which one makes the most seose inthe context Getting tothe Anewer:The context of the sentonce rules out al but (0) the corect answer aan Difficulty: Medium category Reading / Inference Strategle Advice: Lok fot information inthe pas sage that tel what honey ees and human beings do for eachother Getting to the Answer: The passage states that ‘honey bees disappear people wll nat have cer tain foods; even the bee industry wil be affected ‘Therefore, humans depend on the bees to keep the environment and economy heathy. Choice §) iscorect Space Debris Passage aac Difficulty: Mesum Category: Reading / Global “Strategic Advice: Tinkaboutthe tea that seve ‘ped throughout the pasge. veld answers that refer only to supporting deal. Getting to the Answer Choice () is the comect answer because all the information nthe passage relates to the dangers posed by space debi re- ated by humans a8 Difficulty: Mecium category: Reeding / Command of Evidence Strategic Advice: Look atcach quot from the pas ‘sage and decide which most early supports the central idea, Getting tothe Answer r paragraph 3, the author ‘describes how space debis created by humans Is dangerous to spacecraft end the people inside of ‘them. Choie (8) s the conect answer. Category Reading / Rhetoric Stratege Advice: Consider the central idea that, you identified in question 43. entity the central dea of paragraph 2 Getting tothe Answer: The passages mostly about ‘the dangers assoited with human-made space debris Paragraph 2 contains deta about the types ‘of human-made space debris orbiting Earth thus ‘roving support forthe central idea. Choe (is the conectansvet 46.8 Difficulty: Medium Category Reading / Inference Strategic Advice: feead the information about rmeteooids atthe beginning ofthe passage, Think about how ths compares with the descriptions of Space debris in the flloning paragraphs Getting t0 the Answer: The author says that, slthough there were concems about meteorigs in the eat days of space travel, scents conclaed thattherskwassmall because meteoroide were ae The author goes onto expan that space debris cre: sted by himansisa concern in par because of how much of texts. Choice (A i the correct answer. mc Dieeaty Hore Category Reading / Rhetoric Strategic Advice: The author’ central clin nthe passages that space debr eft by humans i dan {gerous. Think about which ofthe ansver choices ‘most crecty supports that claim. describes how Styl fell to Earth Tis example strengthensthe lam, lstating thatthe debrief inspace canbe dangerous even on ath, Therefoce, (Os the cect answer. 4.0 Difuty: Medium Category Reading / Vocab in Context Strategic Advice: Eminte anes that are syn ‘onymsfor‘bsoete but donot make eseincontet Getting tothe Answer: Skylab sn longer in use inthis context “obsolete means ove 40 (0) [the correct answer, an Dietety: Hors Category Reading Inference Strategie Advice: Eliminate answer choices that ‘cannot be supported with informatn found inthe passage. ‘Getting tothe Answer: in paragraph the author Dicuty: Medium Category: Heat of Algebra nequtes Strategie Advice: Choose the bist strategy to Bnswer the question. Here, the factions make it look more complicated than it reali 50 start by clearing the factions by multiplying everything by the least commen denominator, 6 Getting tothe Answer: Youdontreedto separate this compound inequality ito pieces. Just remem: bbe whatever youd to ane piece, yeurust tall ‘vee pieces. Don forget ofp the nequaltysyn- bls you multiply or vide by anegative number. 0<6-2053 ~6<-205-3 aba Now, readthe inequality symbols careful. Thevalue of ais between 15 and 3, including 15, but net Including 3,500) s the comect answer. 20 Dieta: Hard ‘Category Heart of Algebra / Inequalities Strategle Advice: Some questions cannot be answered using brute fore, but rather by under ‘anding how equations and graphs ae related. ‘The ony way a system of naqultes can have no solutions ifthe graph consists oftwo paral ines with shading in apposite drections so that there no overap. Getting to the Answer: Start by witing each aqua tion in slope-terept form to help you envision atthe graphs willoktke, Youll need to mutipiy the second equation by -2, so dont forget to fp the inequality symbol. Nor got te gp heft ton ‘pee apc ta ands bo theme ne mondequtenabohne sept # Dutt pea of dh de se sar onacrie TEST aNowERSBexRANATIONS — 7S the ine. Thi means that ne matter what value ofk ‘sused other than 0 the tw ines ae parallel and ‘shaded in opposite directions, and thus there are Infinitely many values of kehat produce a sytem wth no salto, me Ditiutey: Hard ‘Category Passport to Advanced Math /Exponents Strategic Advice: When sobing a atonalequaton, start by geting a common denominator Then, you Can set the numerator equal and solve forthe vat- able, Dont forget however the answer produces 2eroinany denominator then isnot valid answer. Getting to the Answer: The denominators are almost the same already; you st need to multiply the top and bottom ofthe ist tem by 2, factor the denominator ofthe send ter, and youl be ready to solve the equation 2 ar), 26 3 | Be 2-7) ort He" Bea Now that the denominator seal the sre, you can solve the equation represerted by the numerator. 42270 fe carefl—thi lent the carat answer, Because there are variables in the cenominator you must ‘heckthe solution tomate seis’ extraneous, of nother weds doesnt causea nthe denominator ‘of any term, Unfortunatly x= 7; then al ofthe ‘denominators are 20 (andlivsion by zero is nok pesible so the equation his no solution 76 sarpancrie TEs ANSWERS a SxRLAMATONS we ‘Category: Adtonal Tops in Math / Geometry ‘Strategie Advice: Being able to convert equations to afferent forms i a viable sil to master. For ‘example when the equation of ice writen in the form (c= hP-+ Y= RF = P you can easy find ‘the center and the radu of the ce Getting tothe Answer: The shortest stance fom ‘Ato Bis through the center of the cl, along the damete, which tie the rads, 0 you need 0 finds Todothis completethe squareforthe terms and forthe -terms, tart by reordering the terms. ‘Then, take the coeficlent ofthe term and divide Ie by 2, square i, and add the rest to the two terms wth variables, Dothe same with the y-ter, Remember you ust alsoadd these amounts tthe othe ide ofthe equation. Ths creates a perfect, square of terms and tems, and the equation wal lok moe ike cle Pipe yan Prerty—y=2 Werner a Ha ears yaa ‘This means that the radu ofthe che is VB=5; sothediameteris 10, whichisabothedstance fom A 108. Note tet you can doa quick check of your work by looking atthe center: according othe equation, ‘thecenteris 3 2h which appears tomatch theloca- tion of he center onthe graph tore s 15.c Dirty: Hors Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Functions Strategic Advice: The key o answering tis ques tioniin ving aconceptua understanding func tion notation. Hee theinput(x phasalready been substituted and simpifed in the given function, Your jb st determine what the function would have lake tke had x been the input Getting tothe Answer To keep thngs organized, let u= x= ¥ the old input. This maans = + 1 Substitute this into g and simplify. Y= 3U+ PSH 7 =e 42+ BP Hou FS + 5U+S D+ Su+5—7 errareay ‘This means gu) = 32+ Na +1 ‘When working with function notation, you evaluate ‘the function by substituting a gveninput value for ‘the variable inthe parentheses Hr, f the input vale is then gf) =3e# he Diculty: Easy Category: Heart of Algebra / Sytems of Linear Equations Strategie Advice: Sometimes, blr abe to inte et a graph that models a real-world seanario is enough to answer a question, Just e sure to read the als labels carefully. Getting tothe Answer: The equllbvum price occurs ‘when the supply and demand are equal. Graphical, this means where the wo nes intset. The lines Intersect atthe pont (6, 15. You cn see fom the ax labels that pices pltted alorg the yas, so the equilibrium rice i $15. 7, 19500202 Diticatty: Medium ‘Category: Heat of Algebra / inex Equations ‘Strategle Advice: The key word inthis questions linear. Into senariothatinvolves acon stant ate change, youalmastalnysneed find ‘the slope andthe nal amount 0 you can write an ‘equation. The question states thatthe itl mass ‘ofthe larva was 10 grams, sal you need todo Is {nd the slope Gerting tothe Answer: Wie the information given inthe question as ordered pals time, mass so you ‘an fied the slope t= the lava has a mass of 10 grams $0 one pai (0 10 Net 48 hous, the larva has a mass of 14 grams, soa secnd pals (48,14. Now, use the slope formula a sgn cLeo0 rire raster shabu Stet the mas after 6 hours: 6) +1 grams § 10-1 S+10=105 i wa Ditty: Medium Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Functions Strategie Advice: The notation (ge indicates 8 ‘compotion of two functions which seed “fof 9 ‘of Rrmeans thatthe output when xissubstuted Ing becomes te Input for fa Getting tothe Answer: Fis use the tble on the fight to fin that gs 2. This your new input ‘Now se the table on the ett ind 2 whichis 18.10 Difiuty Medium category: Adsitonal Topics in Math Imaginary Numbers Strategic Advice: Mutipy the two complex num- bers jst as you would two binomials using FOI. Then combine ike terms. The question els you that 1=Ji.if you square both ies of the equation, thisiste sameas = 1 which sa more useful fact SAT PRACTICE TEST ANSWERS EXPLANATIONS 77 Getting to the Answer: (4430-29 —att-29-+301-29 4-5-6-9) 4-546 =10-5 ‘Te question ask for @ ina + i so the comect answer is 10. ‘Category Passportto Advanced Math /Scatterplots Strategic Advice: This quesion requires a concep: tual understanding ofmodeing dat and properties of quaratic functions. When a regression made hata corelationcoeffiientf I, t means tha he ‘mode exactly Ms the data. This els you that you can use what you know abeut quadratic functions to answer the question Getting to the Answer: The graph of 3 quadratic function ssymmenc with respect oitsaus of ym- retry Te ans of symmetry occurs at the xvalue ‘ofthe vertex which also happens to be where the ‘maximum (r minimur) ofthe function occurs. The ‘question tls you tisvalue—It'sx= 56.25. Because 905 33.75 (90-5625 = 3375) units othe ight ofthe ais of symmetry, you know thatthe valve wil be the same asthe pont that is 3375 units 1o the left ofthe axis of synmetry. This occurs at = 5625-2375 =225, Read the yalue fom the ‘rephing calculator sreensht to find the answer, leh 505. 7B sar pancTice TEST ANSWERS EXPLANATIONS (MATH TEST: CALCULATOR SECTION 1D Ditty: Easy category: Problem Solving and Data Anaiyss / Statistics and Probably Strategie Advice: A larger sample ss alvays they to result in lower margin af ert, so you can Immedatay eliminate Aand 8 Getting to the Answer: To reduce the margin of fer, the society should use 9 larger sample size Selected fom a better representation ofthe popu lation. The target population sal adults, not jst those that have gym memberships. Using oly {adults with gym memberships i key to shew the results because these respondents probably exercise consideably more than people who do not have ‘gym memberships. This means (0) conte, 28 Ditneuty Easy ‘Category: Heat of Algebra /Inequaltes Strategic Advice: Tinkaboutthis question concep tual, The boxcannot weigh more than 20 pounds, to sat there the box cannot weigh more than 2Opounds thlemeans Reanvrelgh20 pound ores, 50 the right haf ofthe inequality you ae looking foris <0. This means you can eliminate A and C Getting tothe Answer: Again think about the question. Aboxismade up of ballpoint pens, band ‘mechanical pencisym. Each pen weighs 0.3 ounces, ‘nd each pencil weighs 02 ounces. The total weight ofthe box woul be the numberof pens 8, rmulpledby ther weight, 03,addedtothe number of penis m tipi by ther weight, 250 the Inequality 0.36 + 0.2m = 20, ac Diteuty: Easy ‘category: Heart of Algebra Linea Equations Strategle Adviee: Finding an einercept Is easy ven you know the equation ofthe fne—its the Sale of when yi 0 Getting tothe Answer Everything you need to wit the equation Is shown on the graph. The _yinercept is § andthe line falls 1 unit and runs 3 units fom one point to the nests the slope is =}. This means the equation of th line, n slope Intercept form, is y=—Zx-+5. Now, set the equa tion qual to 210 and ve fora: Une Q wil intercept the axis at 1 40 Difeuty: Easy Category: Passport to Advanced Nath /Fnctons Strategic Advice: Understanaing faneton notation wean you valuable poets on Tet Day. When you See an expression suchas ft meansto substitute the given value for x in the functons equation. When there is mote than one furton involved, ay careful attention to which function should be fvahated ist. Getting tothe Answer: You ae ooking for the vale of eats =3. Because caine in terms of gi, evaluate g0) frst by subtuting 3 for in the expression x5. 9345-8 29) = 28) 3) sc Diet Easy ‘Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Fates, Ratios, Proportions and Percentages ‘Strategic Advice: Pay caefl attention tothe unt ‘As youread the question decide how and when you wil ned to convert units Getting tothe Answer: Workbackword—youneed tokrom bow many pages of cards wlbepintd To find this umber you fst need to know how many ards wl be prised, S, start with the umber of agents which tells you the numberof boxes) and ‘mulipyby the numberof ears per box 1 pos PE Bt Next ute the information about page to finish the calculations 1 pas $40 sa 0 el pane oA Ditficuty: Medium Cato Aon neues Sra ve on ing sts, so thinksbout how factions work Lage numer ‘eomitinige as 2 freer thn] and a dri edn ge values G for example, is greeter than 4 eng te Answer The ex poe whe of 7 Is found by choosing the largest possible value torlnbe mates ponte. 22 04 sar mace TEST ANSWERS RExpLaNATIONS — 79 Difficulty: Medium ‘category: Problem Solving and Osta Analysis / Stats and Probabity Strategic Advice: Results om a study con only be generalized tothe population from which the sample was taken. Aso, keepin mind that postive onelations do nt prove caso. Getting to the Answer: The study was conducted bythe American Academy ofPediatics on chieren in the United States under tee 0 the sample is “American children under te, which means con- lusions can ony be crawn about this population, ‘iso, because corlations donot prove cousin, the only conclusion that canbe drawn s that there san association between television time and atten tion dlsorders for American children under three yeas old, a0 Difficulty: Medium category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Statistics nd Probably Strategic Advice: The greatist change in absolute ‘value iniles ridden per week could be anncrease fora decease, Try organizing the changes ina table (ora simpe ts. Getting to the Answer: Moke 3 lst to show the ‘changesin miles ridden per weekbetween each pir ofconsecutve weeks, Youd’ haveto worry about whether the change fs posite or negative, soto eep things simple abvayssubtact the smaller rs- ber rom the ager number, Sav youretome ime by skipping weeks that ear have smaller changes, suchasbetween weeks 1and2and between weeks Band 4 Weeks 23:72-64=8 Weeks 5-6 85 -78=7 Weeks 67: 85-75 = 10 Weeks 7-8: 82~75=7 (OF the erences, the greatest fom week 6 to ook 7 which isa change of 10 ies, making (0) 9c Dicuty: Medium Category: Heat of Algebra / Liner Equations Strateple Advice: Given two points (even when the coordinates are variables the spe of he fine Getting to the Answer You ae given 2 numerical value forth slope and a ptr of coordinate points with vaibies Tofind he valu of a plog the points Int the slope formula, and then solve fra nom 0.8 Difmeuty: Hrd ‘Category: Heat of Algebra Systems of Linear Equations Strategic Advice: Questions about breaking even ‘usually involve creating asjtem of equations (one for cost and one for evenue sting the equations ‘ual to each other, and solving fo the variable Getting to the Answer: Create astern of equa tions at each price pont using n fr the numberof bathtub ifs Then solve each systen Note thatthe costequation willbe the same for bath systems, and Its aveady given to you inthe question ova pries¢ 250 + 3180; = 4890 cor 2254 3150=4500 s1s0=250 New price: € = 2250 + 3150; R= 350 cok 3150= 1500, dsr ‘the old price the company needadtosl ifs to breakeven tthe new prc, it needs to sell 21 its, 50it needs to sell 21 ~ 4 = 7 more tsa the new pice to break even ne Diieuty: Medium category AdtionalTopes a Mah / Geometry Strategie Advice: The amount of water needed to ‘eat the ie portion ofthe ext is another way of saying the volume ofthe ie. Sa yu need to find the wolume of the entre space and then subtract the volume of the cylinder that rns through the ice. The volume of a rectangular pis is given by V= 1x 93h, an the volume ofa eyinder equals the aea of ts baee times its hegh orm, Getting tothe Answer: To determine the volume ofthe le, start by decomposing the figure into ‘wo rectangular prisms and adding thelr volumes Youn decompose the figure lf to right or ont to back Front to back I looks Ike the folowing figure ii as-n=Yant ‘The prism in the back has @ volume of 32 11x 4 1408 cub ft The prism in the front has @ length of 5 ft and a height of but the with i missing. Find the missing width by subtracting 11 fram 25, which 4S, the volume ofthe prism In the font 15x 144 = 840 cube ft. The foal volume ofthe prisms i 1408+ £40 = 2.248 cubic ‘Be caeful—thats nt the answer. You stil need findtheamountof space taken up by the alycal pe and uitractit. The ameter ofthe pipes 24 0188 ‘aduss1 oot and the helght (or the lenath inthis ‘queston) is 3250 the volume srf)}2) = 1003, Cubic Tis means the amount of ice needed is 2288 ~ 10053 = 214747, or about 2150 cub. 0 Ditty: Medium Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Rates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages Strategic Advice: Let the units inthis question ‘guide you tothe answer. Youll abo need to use ‘the answer you fund in the previous question, whichisoftenthe casein questions thatare grouped tagetie, Getting tothe Anewer: The company will use two hoses, each of which pumps ata rate of 0 gallons ‘er minute, 0 the rate is actualy 120 gallons per ‘minute Conver the volume you found eater fom bic fet to gallons and then use the at to find the tne. ‘ar pmcrce est aNswesswexpLanarions 81 748 ge TR “TO gel ‘Theanswersare given inhoursand minutes sowie 134 minutes as 2 hours and 14 minutes, or about 2 hour ane 1S minutes 2150406 134 minutes ac Difficulty: medium ‘Category: Passport to Advanced Math / Quads Strategie Advice: Making connections between ‘equations and ther graphs wil save valuable tie ‘on thisquestion The graphef every qusdraticequa- tion a parabola, which may oF may not cross the _caxl depending on whereits vertex is and which way opens. Don’ forget the equation swt tenn vertex frm, y= at ~ +k then the vertex {sh and the valve of els you which way the parabola opens. Getting tothe Answer: The graph ofan equation that has no solution does rat cross the axis 50 {ty to envision the graph of each ofthe answer choles When a quadratic is writen In factored form, the factors tell you tre acintercepts, which means every quadratic equation that an be writ tenn factored frm (over the se of real numbers) ‘musthave solutions. Thismzens you can eliminate 8 and O. Now, imagine the graph of the equa- tion in A: The vertex (5,3 and as negative so the parabola opens downward and consequently rust cross the waxs. This means you an eimi- nate A, and (C) must be corect. The graph of the equation in (C) has a vertex of (5,3) and opens up, soit does not cass the x-axis and, theveore, has no solution. You could also graph each of the answer choices in your graphing ealeultor, but this is not the most time-eficient way to answer the question. wa Difficulty: Medium category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Rats, Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages Strategic Advice: Questions that involve distance, ‘ate, and time can almost aways be solved using the forma Distance = at time, Getting to the Answer: Use the speed, orate. of the plane from Boston, 360 mph, and its distance ‘tom Chicago 858 mito determine when tartved. You dont know the te, socal Distance = rate x time 64 = 3600 dant ‘This means took 24 hours forthe plane to ative ‘This emore than 2 ful hours, so multiply 24 by 60 to find the numberof minutes it took: 60x 24 = "¥44 minutes. Now determine how longi ook the plane rom Kansas iy, lf at 830 a ave 51036 a soi took hours and 4 minutes, or 124 ‘nutes. Tis means the plane from Kansas Cly arrived 144 ~ 124 = 20 minutes before the plane from Boston. 1s. Ditiatey: Hard Category: Problem Solving and Data Analss / Fates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages Strategie Advice: Sea the question into short Steps fst part of tp, second part of trip, cr ling overhead) Before selecting an answer, make sure you included the results of each step In your ‘oleuitions, Getting tothe Answer: To get started, youll need to find the distance foreach part of the tip—the _queston ont tals you the total stance Then, use the formula Distance = ate xtme fina how long the plane flew at 200 mph and then how long it flew 9 450 mph First part of tie: 51200 =300 mi 156090 minutes Seon pate: 2 450 2560-120 mints “This means the plane flew for a tol of 90+ 120 = 210 minutes Next, athe time th plane ceed cverhend 210 + 25 = 235 minutes. The total tp took 235 minutes (3 houts and 5 minutes which means the plane landed at 830 + Shou = 1:30 + 55 minutes = 1225 mu. 6A Difeaty: Medium Ccotegory Passport to Advanced Math / Functions Stratglc Advice: The range of fincton isthe set cof posible outputs or values ona graph Getting to the Answer: For all el values of ay ‘umber tthe vale of # cannot be negate. This ‘means the smallest possible valu of is © and consequently the smallest possible value of is Thus thenumber 1s not inthe range ofthe function, ‘Yeu could also graph the function h your graphing ‘alculator and examine the posse yvales. The ‘raph follows here: Notice thatthe lowest point onthe graph is, 3, which els you thatthe range ofthe function ks n= 3 mA Ditfculty Medium ‘category: Heart of Algebra / systems of Linear Equatons Strategle Advice: Graphically the solution to a system of equations i the point or points where ‘the graphs Intersect. Whenever 9 graph with no ‘tenes or ais labels is shown, you are usually interested primarily inthe sgn ofthe coordinates (of pont not the actual values Getting to the Answer: The graphs intersect in ‘Quodkant2of the coordinate planes the vale ofthe pont of intersection (ora) 5 negative, and the yaalue (or 6) postive. The question states that =-3b, so youcan eliminate ight anay—the ‘coocdnates would have tbe equal If thelr sum a5 0.Now try Picking Numbers. Let b= 1 which mesns.a=-3 and the sum of 2+ bs -2, which fot one ofthe answer colces. ry another pa: (b= 2 then o = 6, and the sum is 4, This si rot one of the answer chee, but you should see {pattem —the sccoodinate wil aways overpower the coordinate, resting in a negative sum, the core answer must be (A we Ditty: Medium category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Statistics and Probably ‘Strategle Advice: When comparing two datasets for conssteney,considerboth the data center mean ‘oF median and the spread standard deviation of range, Getting to the Answer: Eich set of data has 2 ‘mecian of 0 and Thermostat A alo has a made of (Both of these measures inckate good test ests However, Thermostat Ahasz greater ange of dat. Ifthe company chooses thisthermostathe cooling fan is kely to engage anywhere fom -9 degrees below the target temperature to 10 degrees above the target temperature. Athough ths is within the safe temperature range, ts nat a5 consistent 235 Thermostat 8, which engaged the fan within {degrees on eter side of the target temperature This means (8s corect. we Ditiutty: Mecium category Passport to Advonced Math /Quadates Strategic Advice: When aquatic function wit teninfatored form, youcanfinditszeosby setting teach factor equal 00 and sling forthe varable. ‘Knowing this wil sve aluadle time on Test Day. Getting tothe Answer: ach ofthe answer choices te wten in fctored frm, 20 mentally slve each fone by aking yourself what number would make each factor equal to 0, Then ind the sum of the resus Choice A: 3 + (-3) = 3 Einate Choice 84+ (-1) 3. Einats, Choice 1 + (4) = -3, 40) is comet Choice 0:6 + (3) -3.Eininate Ditty: Hard category Passport to Advanced Math Functions 84 sarPRACTCE TST ANSWEHS&EOLANATIONS Strategic Advice: A constant aed or subtracted Inside afuneton wl shift the fntion let «Hight ‘la constant added or subtracted fom the out side wil shift the function vp or down, Getting to the Answer: Be careful youre ooking forthe value of po but the raph shows pd ~ 4 hich means the orginal raph has been sited ‘own 4 units. You'l need to find the value of the ‘19ph when x= 0, then add 4 to get back uP to ‘the original function, The graph pases through the point (0,7 50 pO) ~ 4 = 7. Add 4 to both sides of ‘he equation to get pO) =7 + 4= 11 Difiuty: Meum ‘Category: Heart of Algebra / Linear Equations Strategle Advice: Sometimes writing an equa tion isthe quickest route to answering a quer tion Assign 2 variable tothe unknown, write the {equation n words, and then translate om English Into math, tting tothe Answer: The unknowninthisqueston tthe number of times Geraldine can wrap the wie und the prism, Calthism,Now write an equation Inwords: Total amountof wire equalsistance around ‘the prin times the number of wraps ps the extra fon the ends, To fil the numbers youl need to ‘ake afew calculations, Because the meio of ‘the pm ae gen in inches, conver the amount of ire to inches a wel = 18 12 = 26 ches [Net four othe stance around the prism sng the pure, Dor forget, you have to go al the way sound: 15435 +15-+35= 1Onches nally ead ‘the question agin to determine thatthe extrac the endsis3+ 3 inches. Now you're ready to tans from Engh into math to write your equation, and then solve 216= 10046 20 100 aan Geraldine can wrap the wire arand the prism 21 times. 2A Ditfcuty: Meum ‘category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Statitis and Probability Strategic Advice: dat ets sewed tthe ff the tal the part that gets smaller and smal i longer on the left. and itis skewed heh ifthe tal islonger on the right. An oui a data point thats set apart rom the est ofthe data Getting tothe Answer: The tal othe data shown in the graph longer onthe left sd, so the data is shew othe lf. This means yu con eliminate ‘Cand D. The fist bar onthe let ie ofthe graph eal represent outles since it set apar frm the rest ofthe data To choose between (A and B recallthatin abistogram the high ofthe bars tell you how many data pols ft in theglven category. ‘The height ofthe bars 2,50 the dota has two out fs, which means A) core. 23.0 Ditficuty: Medium category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis Rates, Ratios, Proportions, nd Percentages Strategie Advice: Try adding numbers to the graph. Getting to the Answer: Aad reascrable numbers to the graph to help you answer the queson. An example flows p Le rN Tine 30 Use the numbers to help you evaluate each sate ‘ment took Lam and Arianna each 30 minutes to vraikhome,soA and Bare ncomect Alanna walked Siresin 30 minutes, he Lam ony walked 2 es in 30 minutes: ther ates are not the sme, so Cis also incorrect. This means (©) must be tue Avianna Started out farther amay than Liam, so she must have walked at faster rte to arve at home inthe same amount of tine, m8 Difficulty: Medium ‘Category Hart of Algebra / Linear Equations Strategic Advice: The slopesbetween sets of points thatle on the same ine are equal You can find the slopebetween point sing the slope forma or by looking for pattems Getting tothe Answer: fore immediately jump: Ing tthe slope formula, take a peek atthe answer choier—llthes-coordnates ofthe pontsaremul- ples of 4 s0lking fora pater is the quickest way to answer this question t may help to put all the pont in table (including thse given inthe ‘question stem), withthe coordinates aranged from smallest to largest, and then see which pot doesn ft the pattern s|s|—|a|o|a [a Notice that all the scoordinates increase by 4, ile most ofthe y-coordnates increase by 3 For the slope between each pair of points to be feaual the y-coordinate at x = 4 would need t0 bbe -2, not ~1, 0 the point given in (@) does not He onthe tne. 25.4 Difiutty: Medium category: Problem Solving and Oata Analysis / Statist and Probabilty Strategie Advices dently which pieces of informa tim rom the table you nee The question asks for the probabilty that a andomly chosen person rom the study is employed and fsa cllege degree, so you need the total ofboth females and males with Cllege degres who ate employed compared tall the partipant inthe stud Getting to the Answer: Thre are 188 employed females with» colege deve and 177 employed rales with a collage degree for 2 total of 365 employed people with college degre out of 00 participants, o the prbabity Is 365, which reduces to 73. 26.8 Ditty: Medium category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Seateplts Strategic Advice: Transat lrom English into math ‘The number of cls inthe original sample means the value of the function at hours, or). The est sevalue onthe graph is 4, rt 0, so youl need to ‘se the values shown inthe calculator screenshot te write an equation forthe model Getting tothe Answer Notice thatthe y-values Inthe eaeulator screenshot double a the valves Insese by 1 This means tit the model ian expo ‘ental growth function ofthe form F(x) =) Choe” point from the calalator screenshot such 35,126) substitute the vues int the function, and solve or FOF 136 =f 0-21 136 =f(016 0, 85 =f The yaxis tie tls you that the numbers ar ven In thousands, so there were 8500 wit blood cel permicalterin he original sample, You could aso work backward from the eaeutor screenshot by ving by 2 four times trom Ahours 03 hours, 3 hours t 2 hours, 2 hous to 1 hour and 1 hour to before the patent contacted the (seas) Theresuts 136+ 2°= 136+ 16=B5, which In thousands 8500, 2.0 Dirty: Hort ‘Category: Addtionl Topics in Math / Geometry Strategie Advice: Drang a sketch isthe key to answering this question Notice that two rai and a arc fm each ection, 450 the amount of steel needed for one tection is ‘the length ofthe rade times 2, pu the length of the outer are. Once you know this, you can simply smatipy by 4 Getting tothe Answer: Yousre given the totale, hich means youcan find theradusby substituting (6 for An the are formula, A= nr in= ne a For auctions, the arenas divided ito 12 equal ec: ‘ons though the center 4 divide 360 by 1240 find thatthe central angle measure fr each section is 30% Now use the ae length formula: ‘The amount of steel needed for one section is 28.4 Dirty: ars ‘Category: Heart of Algebra / Linea Equations Strategic Advice:Towitetheequaton af ine,you need wo things—the stating amount -nereeps) {and the rat of change ope), Substute these val Uuesint lope intercept form af ane y= mx +b, and you have your equation. Getting to the Answer: The intial amount of water inthe tank on Saturday is 70galons, so you aiready know & To find m yout ned to use the Information given in the quesios to write two datapoints. The amount of water in the tank pends on how long Lena has been filing i 30 che number of gallons is the dependent variable and time i the Independent variable. This ells you thatthe data pointe shoul be wntenin the for me, alo. At time =O on Saturday, the numberof gallons is 7, so the data point i (0, 70). Aer 1 hour and 50 minutes, which is 69 + 50 = 19 mines the ‘tanks fll 400 gallons, so another data pints (10, 400 Now, use the slope format find that therateofchange's #22 minute Substituting mand b to sope intercept form rests inthe equation y = 33+ 70, so (As 29.0 Dita Hare {Category Problem Solving and Data Analysis Rates Ratios, Proportions and Percentages Strategic Advice: Read the question, organizing Important information as you go. You need to find the ratio of smal units to large unis. You're ven two eatis: small to medium and medium to age Getting to the Answer: Both ofthe given ratios containmedium sie uit butthe mesium amounts (Gand3} are notidenteal Todrecty compare them, finda common multiple (5 Mutipy each ratio by the factor that wil make the number of medium unis equal to 15. small t9 mediums 5) x (33) ‘Now that the number of medium units needed is the sme in both ratios, you can merge the two ratios to compare small to large direct 95:0. ‘Tero, the prope aio of small unis to lvge ‘isi 5210 30.4 Diftclty: Hard ‘category Passport to Advanced Math /Exponents Strategle Advice: Think ofthe rate gen in the ‘quesion in tem of the constant term you see ‘on the righthand side ofthe equation. Working together, the two ar puis can lean the an 7 hows. This equivalent to saying that they can dean 2 ofthe alin 1 hou 7 1 Getting tothe Answer: f+ the potion of the tir the wo pues can dean together in 1 hour, ‘then each term on the left se ofthe equation repretents the potion that each purifier ean clean SATORACTICE TEST aNSuaRSeB@LINATONS — 87 Indvidvalin one hour. Size the new model is 3 ‘times as fast as the older model, 2 represents the portion of the airthe new medel ca cleanin 1 hour and > represents the porton ofthe a the older model can ean in 1 hour 2. 9726 01.46 Ditfculty: Easy ‘Category: Heat of Algebra / Linear Equations Strategle Advice: Choose the best strategy to answer the question. Distribute the fractions bbeauiethe numbers insdeeachset of parentheses ae evenly dlisbeby the enominatorsofthe ree tions by which they are being mulled. Getting tothe Answer: Difficulty: Mecium category Passport to Advanced Math /Exponents Strategie Advice: When soving ay type of equa- ‘on, you should always think of inverse operations. ‘heim ga any ote & power raising it tothe 2 power Getting to the Answer: Siminate the exponent ‘sing inerse operations and then go from there Now, you have two choices—you can enter this value into your caluator as 3212/5) or you can evaluat the number using rules of exponents: a (Va) -2=4 23. 601 Ditfcuty: Hard Category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis Rates, Rails, Proportions, and Percentages Strategic Advice: raw a chart or agram dealing the various rice reductions for ach 30-day period Getting tothe Answer: You nee to make several ‘aeulations, 50 don't round unt the final answer Resulting Price an. 15 S888 06, Feb. 3108.0 x 085 Marchi [594248 085 = $001.18 ‘You can stop here because the item was sold on March tth. Before gidng In your answer, check ‘tht S01 isnot les than 308 ofthe original price: (030 «51,848 = 5554.40.’ nots the fina sling rice rounded tothe nearest whole dol, was 801 34, 2/3 06607 667 Diticaty: Hard ‘Category Adional Topics in Math /Tigonomety Strategle Advice: Tig functions usualy apply to right anges, sodrawin the altude ofthe triangle toget beter picture of which parts ofthe triangle ‘are useful Then use the identity con Getting tothe Answer: Two angles ofthe angle have equat measures, 20 the tangle loses, ‘which means that drawing an alitde from the top to the base wil bsect the base, esting in two smaller ght tangles as shown hee: 8 2 b= & which canbe simplified to 2 35. 3500722 Ditty: ars ‘Catagory Heart of Algebra / Linea Equations Strategic AdvicerRmemberthat pallies have the same slope Use the slope formula m= tole the slope of @ Getting to the Answer: ZB pases though the points (0,0) and 2,45), 50itsshpe i $3—8 225, Une Bhas the sae slope and pase trough (0 $0 you can use the spe formula again to find the _yecordnate ofthe gen pont. 2. a0 2asatd met “The coordinate ofthe pont 35 36. 310 Dieteaty: Hrd Category Problem Solving and Data Analysis / Rates Ratios, Proportions, and Percentages Strategic Advice: Whenever ates ae given in ferent unis, start by converting othe same units. In mot cases, converting to the smaller unit avoids fractions and decimals Getting to the Answer: Start with nickel because ‘the weight already In ounces: $1008 + 24= $042 percunce Now find the pe-ounce ate fer copper. "rere 16 ounces none pound, so three pounds 1s 48 ounces $864 + 48 = $018 per ounce. So, if ‘person were to bringin equal amounts ofeach, he ‘would receive $018 per ounce of copper and $0.2 per ounce of ick. To fin the rational portion he ‘would civ fromthe copper set upacomparson betwen the amount received for copper and the total amount received, $018 + $042 = $060. The porta ote tl aunt heres tom oper woud be 238, which reduces 0 an Ditty: Easy ‘category: Problem Solving and Data Analysis / seater Strategie Advice: Tis question ake just bit of patence an atful acing and interpretation of the soph Getting to the Answer: Each gine along the vertal ais represents 5 unt, s lok fr polnts that are at lest two gridsines away fom the ine ‘of best fit The people who have BMIs of 20,25, and 28 have LOLs that are 10 of more mg/dl eater ‘than the LDLs predicted by the line of Best This reprcsante 3 people 3898 Difteuley: Hard Cetegory: Problem Solving and Osta Analysis / Scatterpots Strategic Advice: Percent erorshowsthe deviation cfonactalvalefromanexpectedvalue Therma orig Bepewe value — Actual value tc er Atal vaue ‘To ed the expected value, youl need to fd the equation ofthe ine of best using the datapoints ‘ven inthe question, Getting tothe Answer Ft, determine the equé- tn ofthe line of best fit. The slopes 20-10 Sofa, the equation looks Ike ether ofthe two pont tofind De by Newt, use yore “The equation i for person with 3 BM of 5s 725) ~ 30 = 15. ‘The doctors patient had an LDL of 160, 30 the percent ears es—te0) 5 1 "160 000375 ese tfollow directions Rounded tothe nearest tem ofa percent the conect answers 84. 90 saronacrce rst answets 8 ESSAY TEST RUBRIC The Essay Demonstrates... a havanced heading) A song ably to comprehend the souce ten cudng Ws canal eas and important tals and how they intertelate and effec se evidence (quotations, paraphvases, or bath from the source tet. + (Analysis A strong ability to evaluate the authors ue of evidence easing. and fo styfitic and persuasive elements, andor other features ofthe students own choosing; make good use of relevant, suffient and strategically chosen support for the dims or points made inthe student's essay; and focus consistently on features ofthe source text ha re most relevant to adesing the tsk “(writing A strong abity to provide a precise central claims creat an effective ‘exganization that includes an introduction and conclusion, as wel lear po ‘rssion of ideas: successfully employ avarety of sentence stuctues use precise word choice; maintain a formal style and objective tone: and show command of ‘the conventions of standard witen English so tha the essay ie of errs 3 Proficient Reading) Satstactory abit to comprehend the source ext, nding ts cental ideas and importantdetalsand how they interrelate; and ue evidence quotations, _araphases, or both) from the source text. + (Analysis Satisfactory abit to evaluate the author’ se of evden, soning, ‘ondior syste and persuasive elements, andor other features ofthe student’ ‘un choosing: make use af relevant and suficant suppor forthe chim or points ‘made nthe student’ essay: and focus primarily on features ofthe source tent that ‘re most relevant to adeessing the tak. (Writing) Satisfactory ability o provide a central lim create an organization that Incudes an introduction and condo, 3: well sa clear progres of ideas employ a variety of sentence structures use precise word choice maintain an ‘appropriate formal style an objective tone and show control of th conventions of standard written English so thatthe essay i fee of signicant ero. Paral Reading Listed ability to comprehend the source text including eval eas {and important detals and how they intertlate: and use evidence (quotations, paraphrase, or bth rom the source text, + (Analysis Lite ability to evaluate the authors use of evidence, reasoning, nd ‘oF stylistic and persuasive elements, andor other features ofthe tudents own choosing make use of support for he clams points mainte student sess and focus on relevant featres ofthe source text + {Writing Limited abit to provide a ental clans rete an effect organization | forideas employ avait of sentence structures use precise word choice maintain {an appropriate style and tone show control ofthe conventions of tandrd wt ten English, resulting in certain eros that detract rom the qualty ef the writing. Reading] ie or no sily to comprchend the source terror use evidence om] the source text. «analyse Ute or no blty to evaluate the authors use evidence reasoning andlor syste and persuasive elements: choose support lms or pont: o focus on relevant fitures ofthe source txt | wting) Lite or no ability to provide a central am, orgarlzation,o progression cfideas employ varity of sentence strturesuse preciseword choice; manta fanapproprate syle and tone of show contol ofthe conventions of standard wrt ten English, resulting in numerous errs that undermine the qualty ofthe writing. SAMPLE ESSAY RESPONSE #1 (ADVANCED SCORE) ‘Anjonewho watches NEL otal every Sunday sont ly avare that the athletes nthe eld mate a sig ‘art amour of money forte efor, The NFL generates alt of azme fom tleison contrac, corporate Sponsors ond aerisers, a he tase theses bent fom Ucket ar mechan alo, The payers t ‘lmarepadmortet appropiate axis Aryone wha watches calgefootal apes or Saturday wllsee slr it alghty younger atten yet how much are thooe payers malay? The author of thi arte correctly notes ‘hese ayes det earn salary, and that's somthing he wuld Ike to comer. Hs anumere? Callegeathietos devere compensation or ther ork just ke ary other empoee. “The authr begin by dtaling how much money corporations ahlic conference. and urveries mate from bhertaing and oponse revenue The Paces? conteence, fr example “sired tloision gta deals worth ‘SB tlon” Speaking of tdevioen CBS and Tuer Broadcasting made alt of money 20 wath seconds of commer averting rn the Fil Four cost $700,000. Scho wih ouzzesoi rogram ale do wel. The [Side ponte out tht he rat of Teas otha program netted 97729 mln 2011-202 he astor aes ths ednce to portray orpraton,ahiztle conferences. ad ureretio a the uscrie paloss tc20rs from a Dicken nv” Those falar with Dickens can pcture more than one wealthy character (ho doze cae forthe wrk poor feng ou miserable nr ory, Ad io are thee wrtng poo Studer atles of courte The author uss the Dckero metaphor to cone the reader tht corpo loa athetccofrenconandurierties donot ha the stuart stetesitereatsatheart. He then pote ‘toon much the achctes make for thor efforts on bea f the "uwcrupulus tycoons'—abeelutely roth, How chlo the average student schlrchip wot? Accrdng tothe author mostleaea few vous dolars bryeary out pocat expense fo the stuler nape ofa average forty hours aed” dedicated to ther por. Andi an thot ie web to pay duet my. eve hat schlarotp money cn be revoked. The author {es th information to compare a otadencahltewth an amlcye who benefits tron federal and state bor town The conparonspafly car and made evermore 0 whe he autor poo that student ateten donot have the nght co unionize ‘Troughout Wo eoeay the author as efecto parted a Ockesian picture which student ates tral nwt eran and tol under the watchful eye of her areretien we chosen power rake in los of dobre ‘he evdence yroened cnvncinaly leads the reader to ore concur that student athictes deseve tobe compensated SAMPLE ESSAY RESPONSE #2 (PROFICIENT SCORE) ‘Ayone ho watches NFL foothal Sunday ows that those players make alot of mony. Thay make so mh more because the teams nd the league ake money fom tein and aerbing But whit aout calege ‘otha layers or other colegeatietes? They do make ay money ata. The author thnks that ti gh He argues tat studot athletes sud get pl for the wor ut Me argon oe Te author talks about hw much money schol, canlrences, a coporations mate of ol clegeoports Ie alot of money For example a tlaision deal wae north $3 illon forthe Patio 12 conference anit cot {$700,000 fe television commercial dg the ral Fourbacketbaltrrnnt. The ator cues ths to ae the po that other pore matea bt of money. but student thieves don. Tsp the wader feel wre _eynpatiy forthe payer ar suports the author arguanent tt they shou be pal “he author then sum to acemparcon of student athltes ad ployee. Studer athetes dt cam salaries They do get a scholarship ut that sil leaves mary of them hore of money to pay the ila. They wor ory hour a week. thay are hit hen they may lose Car scarp because they en play. The author tls _ostth to compare how stuart atheves ary money wh how peal enoyeos ear maney Employers have legal its, ut student athletes don realy have ay. Tha goed comparson, andi mato he radar blore ‘hat ohn athletes shouldbe pak ogloyes whichis the authors conan pt.

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