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Psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg did research in the field of moral development for
nearly twenty years. His model is called Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral

There are three levels and each level has the stages.
In total there are six stages of moral development.

Level l: Preconventional stages:

This is common in children, although adults can also exhibit this level of reasoning.

Stage one: Punishment and obedience orientation:

Individuals focus on the direct consequences that their actions will have for themselves.
At this stage, a person will respond to the rules and labels of "good" and "bad" in terms of
those who frame these rules. For a wrong action, there is punishment. Getting a gift from
the suppliers is a bad act and punishment is certain if the person is caught.

Stage two: Instrument and relativity orientation:

In this stage, right behaviour is defined in terms of the best benefits for an individual.
Ethical decisions are based on an agreement that, "You scratch my back and I will scratch
yours". This stage is not based on principles of loyalty, gratitude or justice. A sales
person follows the law of the land in a foreign country. He is not following some
business principles of the country of origin.

Levell!: Conventional stages:

This stage is typical of adolescents and adults. The morality of actions is related to the
expectations of family and society.
Stage three: Interpersonal concordance orientation:
An individual considers the well being of others. The person gives importance to respect,
gratitude and relationships. For example, a production manager is sincerely implementing
the top management's decision of achieving a target of production. The achievement of a
target will benefit the company and all its employees. There is a concern for the welfare
of all.

Stage four: Law and order orientation:

An individual considers what is right in terms of his duty to society. The focal points are
duty, respect for authority and the maintenance of social order. Ideas are prescribed as
what is right and what is wrong. The violation of law is morally wrong. Privacy is given a
lot of importance.

Levell!!: Post conventional stages:

Self chosen moral values play an important role in this post conventional stage. There is a
realization that individuals are separate entities.
Stage five: Social contract orientation:
Individuals feel a sense of obligation to society. The promotion of general welfare is
given priority.
The greatest good for the greatest number of people is the major consideration. Ethical
programmes are conducted for employees.

Stage six: Universal ethical principles orientation:

In this stage, a person believes that universal ethical principles can be followed. Justice,
social welfare, human rights and dignity of individual human being are the basic
universal ethical principles. The laws or agreements are related to the premise of
A business man is concerned with the means of business and not only the ends. The
product or service sold should be justified.
(1) Kohlberg's model is explaining the evolution of morality.
(2) There are three different levels of concern, namely immediate self, society level and
universal level.
(3) The growth of morality is explained in terms of various stages.
(4) The idea of universal moral development is very much relevant in modern days of

(1) Kohlberg had selected only males as samples and this theory is criticised as a "male
approach" ignoring females.
(2) This theory emphasises only justice ignoring other values.
(3) Human rights and fairness are more important than morality.
(4) This theory is concerned more with moral thinking than moral action.

Kohlberg's theory suggests that moral development takes place through the three stages:
(a) In pre conventional stage, the needs and desires of individuals are given importance.
(b) In the conventional stage, the focus is on group centred values.
(c) In the post conventional stage, the basic rights, values and rules of society are

Section 'N
(1) What is cognitive moral development? (Moral development is related to the stage of
knowledge, exposure and socialisation. (2) What are pre conventional stages?
(3) Describe the conventional stages.
Section 'B'
(1) Describe the post conventional stages of moral development. (2) Examine the merits
and demerits of Kohlberg's theory of moral development.
Section 'c' (1) Evaluate the cognitive moral development model of Kohlberg.

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