Mathematical Methods Sample Examination Paper - Book 2

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South Australian

Certificate of Education

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Mathematical Methods
2017 Sample paper
Question Booklet 2
• Part 2 (Questions 11 to 16) 78 marks
• Answer all questions in Part 2
• Write your answers in this question booklet

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PART 2 (Questions 11 to 16)
(78 marks)

Question 11

§ dE ·
A 12-hour music festival started at 12 noon and finished at 12 midnight. The rate ¨ ¸ at which
patrons entered the venue over the 12 hours is modelled by the function © dt ¹
220te 0.4t  15 for 0 d t d 12 ,
where t is the number of hours after 12 noon and is the number of patrons entering the venue
per hour. dt

Before 12 noon there were no patrons inside the venue.

The graph of y  is shown below:









40 dt


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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(a) Find the rate at which patrons entered the venue at 12 noon.

(1 mark)

(b) Use your calculator to find the time when the rate at which patrons entered the venue was at
a maximum.

(1 mark)

(c) The model implies that patrons continuously entered the venue.
Identify the characteristic of the model that reflects this.

(1 mark)

(d) (i) On the graph of y , provide a representation of the number of patrons that
the model implies entered the venue between 1 pm and 4 pm. (1 mark)

(ii) Calculate the number of patrons that the model implies entered the venue between
1 pm and 4 pm.

(2 marks)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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§ dL ·
The rate ¨ ¸ at which patrons left the venue over the 12 hours is modelled by the function
© dt ¹
50te 0.15t for 0 d t d 12 .

dL dL
(e) On the axes on page 2, sketch the graph of y . Label your graph y . (3 marks)
dt dt

(f ) Find the time, to the nearest half-hour, when the rate at which patrons entered the venue
was the same as the rate at which patrons left the venue.

(2 marks)

§ dE dL ·
(g) Given that
³ ¨© dt  dt ¸¹ dt | 296
, state the meaning of the value 296 in the context of the

number of patrons inside the venue.

(1 mark)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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Question 12

A manufacturer produces nails and sells them in

500-gram packets.
For several years, records have shown that the weights
of the nails have a distribution with a mean and standard
deviation of P = 6.7 g and V = 0.17 g.

(a) As part of the manufacturer’s ongoing quality assurance program, the nails produced in
1 week are collected and randomly placed in groups of 25 nails. The weight W of each
individual nail is recorded and the sum of weights S25 of each group of 25 nails is also
Two histograms are shown below. One histogram illustrates the distribution of W and the
other histogram illustrates the distribution of S25 .

Histogram A

Histogram B

Identify which histogram, A or B, illustrates the distribution of W.

Explain your answer.

(2 marks)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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(b) (i) Let S 73 be the sum of weights of a random sample of 73 nails. According to the central
limit theorem, the distribution of S 73 will be approximately normal, provided that the
sample size is sufficiently large.
Is the sample size of 73 sufficiently large in this case? Explain your answer, referring to
part (a) as appropriate.

(2 marks)

(ii) Calculate the mean of S 73 .

(2 marks)

(iii) State the standard deviation of S 73 .

(2 marks)

(iv) Find an approximate value for P S 73 t 500 .

(1 mark)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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(c) The nails are sold in packets that have been filled by a machine. The machine stops filling a
packet when the packet weighs 500 g or more.

(i) Using your answer to part (b)(iii), state how likely it is that the machine will stop filling a
packet when the packet contains 73 nails or fewer. Explain your answer.

(2 marks)

(ii) The label on each packet states, ‘Contains at least 74 nails’.

Is this statement reasonable? Justify your answer.

(1 mark)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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Question 13

Let f x for x ! 0 .

(a) (i) Find f ′ ( x ) .

(1 mark)

(ii) Find the equation of the tangent to the graph of y f x at x 1.

(2 marks)

(iii) Find the x-intercept of the tangent to the graph of y f x at x 1.

(1 mark)

The graph of y f x is shown below. The tangents to the graph of y f x at x 2 and x 4

are also shown.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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(b) (i) The tangent to the graph of y f x at x 4 has the equation
1 3
y  x .
16 4
Find the x-intercept of this tangent.

(1 mark)

(ii) The tangent to the graph of y f x at x 6 has the equation

1 3
y  x .
12 6 2 6
Find the x-intercept of this tangent.

(1 mark)

(c) Consider the tangent to the graph of y f x at x a.

Let xa be the x-intercept of this tangent.

(i) On the basis of your answers to parts (a) and (b), make a conjecture describing how
xa is related to a.

(1 mark)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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(ii) Prove or disprove the conjecture that you made in part (c)(i).

(5 marks)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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Question 14

(a) State the properties that qualify a function as being suitable to be a probability density

(2 marks)

The continuous random variable X has the probability density function f, where

­°168 x 5 1  x 2 0 d x d1 .
f x ®
°̄0 elsewhere

(b) On the axes below, sketch the graph of y f x .

(2 marks)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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(c) What is the probability that X is less than ?

(2 marks)

(d) Calculate the mean of X .

(2 marks)

(e) Calculate the standard deviation of X .

(2 marks)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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(f ) For this probability density function, the median value of X is the value of the random

variable x for which P X d x .

(i) Show that 168 x 5 (1  x) 2 168 x 7  336 x 6  168 x 5 .

(1 mark)

(ii) Hence find the median value of X.

(3 marks)

(g) What feature of the graph of y f x reflects the fact that the mean of X is less than the
median of X ?

(1 mark)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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Question 15

(a) A seed wholesaler is selling a large quantity of seeds. To determine the proportion of these
seeds that will germinate and grow into seedlings, the wholesaler plants a random sample of
100 seeds and finds that 87 germinate and grow into seedlings.

(i) Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the proportion of seeds that, when planted, will
germinate and grow into seedlings.

(2 marks)

(ii) On the basis of the confidence interval that you calculated in part (a)(i), the wholesaler
claims that at least 80% of the seeds will germinate and grow into seedlings.
Explain why it is reasonable for the wholesaler to make this claim.

(1 mark)

Assume, now, that 80% of the seeds will germinate and grow into
The manager of a plant nursery has purchased these seeds and
is planning to germinate them in trays consisting of six pots (as
shown in the photograph).
Only trays with one or more seedlings in all six pots can be sold.
The manager wants to make sure that more than 90% of trays tray with six pots
can be sold.

(b) The manager decides to plant two seeds in every pot.

(i) Calculate the probability that, if two seeds are planted in a single pot, at least one of the
seeds will germinate and grow into a seedling.

(2 marks)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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(ii) Using your answer to part (b)(i), calculate the probability that, if two seeds are planted
in each of the six pots in each tray, at least one of the seeds in each pot will germinate
and grow into a seedling.

(2 marks)

(c) If three seeds are planted in each of the six pots in each tray, is it likely that more than 90%
of trays could be sold? Show calculations to support your answer.

(4 marks)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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Question 16

In drag races, cars are initially stationary on the

starting line and then travel 400 metres in a straight
line in as short a time as possible.
Car A (shown in the photograph) competes in drag races.
The design features of Car A are considered in the
development of a mathematical model to predict the
speed (vA in metres per second) of the car t seconds
after it leaves the starting line.
The model assumes that all the components of Car A
Source: ©
work optimally and that the driver attempts to finish in as
short a time as possible. The model is useful for predictions only for the first 7 seconds after the car
leaves the starting line.
The model is shown below:
vA  4.9 for 0 d t d 7 .
1  19e 2t

(a) Find the maximum speed of Car A according to this model.

(1 mark)

(b) (i) Calculate ´ vAdt , correct to the nearest whole number.


(1 mark)

(ii) Interpret your answer to part (b)(i) in the context of Car A competing in a drag race.

(1 mark)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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(c) Complete the following table according to the model on page 16.

t (seconds) 0 2 4 6
distance (metres) travelled
by Car A after t seconds
(1 mark)

The photograph shows Car B, a drag-racing car under

The design features and the same assumptions that apply to Car A
are considered in the development of a new mathematical model
to predict the speed (vB in metres per second) of Car B, t seconds
after it leaves the starting line.
The model for Car B is shown below:
vB  8.5 for 0 d t d 7 .
1  9e 3t

(d) Complete the following table according to the model above.

t (seconds) 0 2 4 6
distance (metres) travelled
by Car B after t seconds
(2 marks)

(e) If Car A races against Car B, which car would win the race, according to the models?

Explain your answer.

(2 marks)

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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dy 1
(f) (i) Find if y ln (e 2t  k ) , where k is a positive real constant.
dt 2

(2 marks)

(ii) Hence show that ´
µ  4.9 dt
49 ln e 2 t  19  4.9t  c .
¶ 1  19e 2 t

(3 marks)

(iii) Hence determine the time Car A takes to travel the 400 metres, correct to two decimal

(3 marks)
This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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You may write on this page if you need more space to finish your answers. Make sure to label
each answer carefully (e.g. ‘Question 13(c)(ii) continued’).

This sample Mathematical Methods paper shows the format of the examination for 2017.

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The purpose of this sample paper is to show the structure of the Mathematical Methods
examination and the style of questions that may be used. The following extract is from the 2017
subject outline for Mathematical Methods:


Assessment Type 3: Examination (30%)

Students undertake a 3-hour external examination.
The examination is based on the key questions and key concepts in the six topics. The
considerations for developing teaching and learning strategies are provided as a guide only,
although applications described under this heading may provide contexts for examination questions.
The examination consists of a range of problems, some focusing on knowledge and routine
skills and applications, and others focusing on analysis and interpretation. Some problems may
require students to interrelate their knowledge, skills, and understanding from more than one topic.
Students provide explanations and arguments, and use correct mathematical notation, terminology,
and representations throughout the examination.
A formula sheet is included in the examination booklet.
Students may take two unfolded A4 sheets (four sides) of handwritten notes into the examination
Students may have access to approved electronic technology during the external examination.
However, students need to be discerning in their use of electronic technology to find solutions to
questions/problems in examinations.
All specific features of the assessment design criteria for this subject may be assessed in the
external examination.

Source: Mathematical Methods 2017 Subject Outline Stage 2, p 44, on the SACE website,

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