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the process of removing thin layer of necrotic tissue

a. sequential excision
b. sequential incision
c. tangential excision
d. tangential incision
2. process of removing small infected sebaceous cyst is
a. excision
b. excision and drainage
c. incision
d. none of the above
3. site of the lower tracheostomy
a. cricothyroid ligaments
b. 1 st and 2 nd tracheal ring
c. 2 nd and 3 rd tracheal ring
d. 3 rd and 4 th tracheal ring
4. indications of tracheostomy except
a. massive cervebral injury
b. fracture of the cervical spine
c. thyroid cancer undergoing chemical therapy
d. endothracheal intubation
e. penetrating tracheal injury
5. presence of crepitus in subcutaneous tissue is suggestive of
a. infection
b. air
c. fluid
d. a and b
6. knot commonly used during surgery most frequently used knot in surgery
a. simple
b. square
c. granny
d. surgeons
7. cutting edge suture needles may be in the ff. forms except
a. hageform
b. pie point
c. spear point
d. tracar point
e. none of the above
8. a type of knot where each of the vertical limbs passes infront of one of the horizontal limbs and behind the other horizontal
a. square
b. surgons
c. granny
d. slip
e. simple
9. the rough scrubbing means proper scrubbing of hands forearms just above elbow for
a. 1 min
b. 3 min
c. 15 min
d. 1 hr
10. the ff drains are closed tube drain except
a. thoracostomy tube
b. urethral foley catheter
c. nasogastric tube
d. Jackson plain drain
e. Hernovao drain
11. a piece or clip of gauze surrounded by a thin layer of elastic rubber
a. michelus drain
b. soft rubber drain
c. gauze drain
d. curettage drain
e. non of above

12. indications of pericardiocentesis except

a. determine cause of pericardial effusion
b. relive patient 1 st pomade
c. obtain sample for acid fast bacilli
d. introduce antibiotic drug
e. cytology and cell block
13. site of pericardiocentesis except
a. right of xyphoid
b. left costo elform point
c. 6th ICS left
d. Parasternal left
e. 4th ICS MCL left
14. complications of pericardiocentesis except
a. injury to myocardium
b. severe bleeding
c. injury to coronary vessels
d. injury to pleura
e. none of the above
15. positive efussion of the QRS complex in ECG tracing when doing pericariocentesis except
a. contact with pleura
b. contact with epicardium
c. thru and thru penetration of chest
d. tip of needle at the pericardial space
e. none of the above
16. indication of incision and drainage
a. incomplete homeostasis
b. retained foreing bodies
d. a and b only
e. none of the above
17. for small superficial wound incision and drainage should be done at
a. most dependent portion
b. area of pointing
c. left side of the wound
d. a and b only
e. all of the above
18. use of local anesthesia in abscess is rarely used because of
a. toxic effect of anesthesia
b. anesthesia is neutralized by the acidic reaction
c. anyway abscess is painful
d. a and b
e. all of the above
19. drains should be removed when
a. minimal drainage
b. as soon as possible
c. purulent discharge is noted
d. a and b
e. all of the above
20. Immediate incision and drainage should be done in
a. furuncle in axilla
b. abscess in forearm
d. perineal abscess
21. sutures in with face should be removed on
a. 1st day
b. 3rd day
c. 5th day
d. 1 week
e. 2 week

22. clean wound should be dressed

a. every minute
b. daily
c. every 2 day
d. when suture is removed
e. none
23. Dressing is done in
a. prevent contamination
b. absorb secretion
c. protect exposed tissues
d. a and b
e. all above
24. Dressing should be done
a. anytime
b. two people
c. by bare hand
d. during consultant wounds
e. none all above
25. bandage in general are used to
a. cover wound
b. support
c. alleviate pain
d. all
26. Gauge of needle used in intracetaneous injection
a. gauge 14
b. gauge 16
c. gauge 20
d. gauge 22
e. gauge 26

27. site of emergency cutdrain for rapid intravenous injection

a. basilica vein
b. cephalic vein
c. great saphrenous vein
d. Lesser saphenous vein
e. external jugular vein
28. Good site intravenous injection should be made in
a. superficial vein in dorsor of hand
b. superficial vein in ankle
c. superficial vein in cubital fossa
d. a and b
e. all
29. a sensation of give indicate that needle
a. is inside the vein
b. is outside the vein
c. penetrated the tunica
d. penetrated the muscle
e. need the sq tissue
30. Paracentesis abdominis is used to
a. examine fluid
b. introduce scope
c. administer dialysis
d. a and b
e. all

write a if 1,2,3 are correct b if 1,3 are correct

c if 2,4 are correct d if only 4 is correct e if all above

31. used in suturing intestine - D

1. hagedom needle
2. japaved needle
3. double needle
4. round needle
32. x-ray used studies may be helpful in Dx. Foreing bodies like - A
1. fish hooks
2. broken glass
3. needles
4. woos splinter
33. potency of thoracostomy tube is noted when - A
1. there is bubblirg of H2O in the drainage bottle
2. upward / downward movement of meniscus
3. increased fluid in drainage tue
4. no rahes on auscultation
34. physical method of sterilization
1. sunlight
2. UV ray
3. x-ray
4. a
35. synthetic origin suture
1. vicryl
2. dexon
3. cotton
4. nylon
36. used to cauterize appenditial stump
1. gentian violet
2. Zephiran
3. Silver nitrate
4. phenol
37. Example of antiseptics
1. sals of heavy metals
4.hydrogen peroxide
38. complications of paracentesis abdominis
1. infection
2.injury o towel
39. contraindications to removal of foreign body
1.when FB is lodged in the cervical plexus
2.whe FB is symplometric
3.when FB is non infected
4.when FB migrates into vital area
40. x-ray studies may be helpful in diagnosing forign bodies like hooks
2.broken glass
4.wood splinter
41. Emergency airway establishment use in choking
2.endotracheal intubation
42. Usual site of paracentesis abdominis
1.para median
2.lateral flank
3.supra umbilical midline
4.infra umbilical midline

43. Becks triad of pericardial

1.distant heart sound
2.engerged neck vein
3.low BP
4.Peradoxical pulse
44. Kinds of badages
2.pleated gauze
3.four talled bandage
4.figure of eight

Match column B with column A

Methods of sterilization
X 46. Bone wax A. autoclave
B 47. metzen baum (x) B.zephlran solution
C 48. surgeons C. betadine scrub solution
A 49. surgical towels D. bolling water
E 50. floors and tables E. roccal
A 51. linen X. hot air oven
A 52. kidney basin (x) Z. non of the above

Suture materials
A 54. plain A. absorbable
A 55. vicryl B inert
C 56. cotton C. non absorbable
C 57. abacca fiber
C 58. wire
A 59. dexon
B 60. plastique

Bandaging or immobilization
D 61. unstable leg due to fall A. figure of eight
A 62.sprained ankle type I B.plaster of parts cast
A 63. clavicle fracture C. spiral bandage
B 64. sprained ankle type III D. splint
D 65. mallet finger E. valpeau bandage
B 66. colles fracture F. none of the above
A 67. third rib fracture

D 68. chick test A. intravenous
C 69. insulin heparin B. intramuscular
B 70. Tetanus toxoid C. subcutaneous
A 71. penthotal D. intracutaneous
D 72.Tuberculin E. none of the above
A 73. penicillin
A 74. gauge 20 needle
Matching type
75. Jackson B A. open
76. Penrose A B. Closed
77. Thoracostomy B C. none
78. nasogastic tube A
79. hemonse B
80. cigarette A

True or False
81. T A negative paracentesis does not rule out ruptured viscera
82. T anesthetic is not required in emergency cricothyroidectomy
83. when in doubt do not drain
84. T blood letting is obtained best in superpicial vein
85. T The fastest and easiest access to emergency cutdown is the great saphenous vein
86. All foreing body should be removed from the body
87. wood splinters embedded in feet should be removed with the aid of fluoroscopy
88. Embedded glass in the hand should be dx by x-ray studies
89. bullet slugs pose a high incidence of secondary infection
90. T draining sinus is the sequel of a foreing body that is secondarily infected
91. T figure of eight bandage is used to support breast
92. SQ injection should be made is pleshy area of the body
93. thoracocentesis for pneumothorax should be done at 5 ICS MDL
94. T drain should be removed from body
95. Miculic is a strip of gauze surrounded by thin layer of elastic rubber
96. T when doing pericardiocentedis for fluid patient should be in lying position
97. T phrenic nerve cannot be injured during throracentesis
98. T Debribement is the revomal devitalized tissues from traumatic wound
99. there is absolute sterilization during scrubbing
100. in hot air oven materials are subjected to 300 c for 120 min

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