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Lars E Sjöberg, New Solutions to the Direct and Indirect Geodetic Problems on the Ellipsoid Fachbeitrag

New Solutions to the Direct and Indirect

Geodetic Problems on the Ellipsoid
Lars E Sjöberg

Summary 1 Introduction
Taking advantage of numerical integration solves the direct
and indirect geodetic problems on the ellipsoid. In general The direct and indirect geodetic problems on the ellipsoid
the solutions are composed of a strict solution for the sphere have attracted the attention of numerous geodesists in the
plus a correction to the ellipsoid determined by numerical in- past. Although ellipsoidal solutions are of less importance
tegration. The solutions are demonstrated by three numeri- in the space age, problems related with geodesics may still
cal examples. be relevant. Examples can be found e. g. in the application
of the Law of the Sea, military surveys and in the optimi-
Zusammenfassung sation of aircrafts’ and ships’ routes.
Die klassische Berechnung der geodätischen Hauptaufgaben The classical solutions of these problems were fre-
auf dem Rotationsellipsoid beruht auf der Entwicklung der In- quently in the forms of power series of the ellipsoidal
tegranden der elliptischen Integrale in Taylor-Reihen. In die- eccentricity. Some of the basic formulas used below are
sem Beitrag wird die exakte Lösung für die Kugel mit Kor- provided e. g. by Heck (1987). Today it is natural to take
rekturen für das Ellipsoid, die durch numerische Integration advantage of numerical integration by computers. Klotz
bestimmt werden, kombiniert. Als eine weitere Anwendung (1991) and Schmidt (1999) presented some pioneer work
kann die Fläche eines geodätischen Polygons mit dieser Me- along this line, and our solutions to the direct and indi-
thode berechnet werden. Die Lösungen werden anhand von rect problems will also rely on numerical integrations. Si-
drei numerischen Beispielen veranschaulicht. milarly, the area under the geodesic can be conveniently
computed by numerical integration (Sect. 4).

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Fachbeitrag L. E. Sjöberg, New Solutions to the Direct and Indirect Geodetic Problems on the Ellipsoid

2 The direct problem on the ellipsoid Hence, β2 can be determined by

Let us assume that the ellipsoidal parameters a and b, the

semi-major and -minor axes, are given. From these we  
sin β2 = 1 − c2 sin (s − ds)/ a + arcsin x1 / 1 − c2  , (4) )
compute the first eccentricity by e = a2 − b2 / a . More
details on the basic formulas used are presented in Heck where ds is preferably determined by numerical integra-
(1987), Klotz (1991) and Schmidt (1999). tion. As the upper integration limit depends on β2 , Eq. (4)
should be iterated. As a starting value ds can be set to 0.
North P2 (ϕ2 , λ 2 ) ? [One problem of Eq. (3c) is the singularity of the integral
for x = 1 − c2 .]
If β1 = β2 , of course, the above procedure does not hold,
but β1 = β2 can be checked by the formula
 x1 
s = a π − 2arcsin  + ds1 , (5a)
 1 − c2 
P1 (ϕ1 , λ1 )
Fig. 1: The direct problem on the ellipsoid
(1 − x 2 )dx

ds1 = −2ae . (5c)
Problem: Let us assume that the coordinates of latitude (ϕ1 )
and longitude (λ1 ) of point P1 are given. Also given are the
x1 (
1 − c2 − x 2 1 + 1 − e2 + e2 x 2 )
azimuth α1 at P1 and the geodesic arc length s to another
point P2. Determine the coordinates of P2 (see Fig. 1). Remark: If β1 ≈ β2 the iteration of Eqs. (3b) and (3c) may
be very slow or fail, which calls for a special investiga-
Solution: tion out of the scope of this article.
a) Let us first convert some trigonometric functions of the
geodetic latitude ϕ to functions of the reduced latitude β : c) If β1 ≠ β2 , the longitude λ 2 is given by the formula
(e. g. Heck 1987 or Schmidt 1999)
tan β = k tan ϕ ,
sin β = k sin ϕ / 1 − e2 sin 2 ϕ and 1 − e2 cos2 β dβ
λ 2 = λ1 + c ∫
cos2 β − c2 cos β
cos β = cos ϕ / 1 − e2 sin 2 ϕ (1) β2

= λ1 + c ∫ + dλ (6a)
cos β cos2 β − c2
where k = 1 − e2 . β1
 t 
= λ1 + arcsin i  + dλ
b) Compute Clairaut’s constant for the geodesic by the  t 0  i=1

c = cos β1 sin α1 . (2)
x2 =sin β2
dλ = −e2c ∫ , (6b)
If β1 ≠ β2 and starting from the following equation for
the given arc length s (Heck 1987 and Schmidt 1999):
x1 =sin β1
2 2
1 − c − x 1 + 1 − e2 + e2 x 2 )
1 − e2 cos2 β t i = tan βi and t 0 = 1 − c2 / c .
s = a∫ cos βdβ , (3a)
cos2 β − c2
The integral of Eq. (6b) can be determined by numerical
we arrive at the formula integration between the limits x1 and x2.
 x 
If β1 = β2 ≠ 0 , the longitude of the new point is given by

s = a arcsin + ds , (3b)
 1 − c2  x=x1
 1−c2
λ 2 = λ1 + 2c ∫ (1 − x ) 2
1 − c2 − x 2
+ dλ '
(1 − x2 )dx π t 
ds = −ae2 ∫ . (3c)
= λ1 + 2  − arcsin 1  + dλ '
x1 (
1 − c2 − x 2 1 + 1 − e2 + e2 x 2 ) 2
 t 0 

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Lars E Sjöberg, New Solutions to the Direct and Indirect Geodetic Problems on the Ellipsoid Fachbeitrag

where Solution:
a) First convert the geodetic latitudes ϕ i to reduced lati-
dx tudes βi .
dλ ' = −2e c ∫ . (7b)

x1 ( 1− c 2
−x 2
)(1 + 1 − e2 + e2 x 2 ) b) Then determine Clairaut’s constant for the geodesic
running through the two given points (Sjöberg 2005b).
As an alternative to the above equations we may take ad-
Three cases must be distinguished.
vantage of the similarities of Eqs. (3a) and (6a) to derive

c i) In the general case with β1 ≠ β2 , compute

∆λ = s + I + dλ1 , (8a)
t12 + t22 − 2t12 t22 cos DL
where t20 = , (11a)
sin 2 DL
i =2
x 2dx  t x i 
 c ∫ = arcsin i − c arcsin  ,
 x1 (1 − x ) 1 − c − x
2 2 2 
 t0 1 − c2 i =1 where t i = tan βi ,

 x1 ≠ x 2

I= DL = λ 2 − λ1 − dλ c (11b)

 1−c2

 x 2dx x1 t 
 2c

 ∫ = π (1 − c) + 2c arcsin − arcsin 1  ,
 (1 − x 2
) 1 − c 2
− x 2 
 1 − c 2 t 0
 and

 x1

 x1 = x 2 . x2
dλ c = −e2c ∫ . (11c)
x1 (
(1 − c2 − x 2 ) 1 + 1 − e2 + e2 x 2 )

 x2
x 2dx


 −ce if x1 ≠ x 2 Eq. (11c), with x i = sin βi , is conveniently integra-

x1 1 − c − x 1 + 1 − e2 + e2 x 2
2 2
( ) ted numerically. Clairaut’s constant is then given by
dλ1 = 

 x 2dx
−2ce2 ∫ if x1 = x 2 .

x1 1 − c − x 1 + 1 − e2 + e2 x 2
2 2
( )
c = 1/ 1 + t20 . (12)

In the special case that both given points are located on ii) If β1 = β2 ≠ 0 , Clairaut’s constant is given by the
the equator Eq. (8a) reduces to equation

x 2dx cos (Dλ )
∆λ = + π (1 − c) − 2ce2 ∫ c= , (13a)
a 0
2 2
1− c − x 1 + 1− e + e x 2 2 2
), t + cos2 (Dλ )

where (with x1 = sin β1 )
or, approximately,
λ 2 − λ1 dx
x dx 2 Dλ = + e 2c ∫ .
∆λ ≈ + π(1 − c) − ce2 ∫ 2 x1 (1 − c 2
−x 2
)(1 + 1 − e2 + e2 x 2 )
a 0 1 − c2 − x 2

cs c(1 − c2 )π 2
= + π(1 − c) − e . (10)
a 4
iii) If β1 = β2 = 0 , Clairaut’s constant is given by

This completes the solution of the direct problem on the cos (DL)
c= , (14a)
ellipsoid. t + cos2 (DL)

where t11 = tan dβ11 , dβ11 < βmax being an arbitrary
but small latitude, and
3 The indirect problem
λ 2 − λ1 dx cdβ11
In the indirect problem the coordinates of two points (say DL = + e 2c ∫ − .
2 0 (1 − c2 − x2 )(1 − e2 + e2x2 ) 1 − c2
P1 and P2) are given.
Problem: Determine the arc length along the geodesic
between the two points and the azimuths of the geodesic In all three cases the procedures require iteration to reach
at the two points. the final determination of c.

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Fachbeitrag L. E. Sjöberg, New Solutions to the Direct and Indirect Geodetic Problems on the Ellipsoid

c) The arc length follows from Eqs. (3a) and (3b). If Alternatively, Eq. (20a) can be written
β1 = β2 , we may take advantage of Eqs. (8a)-(8c) to derive x1
f1 (x) − 1
T = b2 (α 2 − α1 ) + b2ck ∫ dx , (21a)
a g(x)
s = (∆λ − I − dλ1 ) . (15) x2
In particular, if β1 = β2 = 0 , the arc length can be ap- 1 1 1 + e 1 − x2
proximated by f1 (x) = + ln . (21b)
2(1 − e2 + e2 x 2 ) 4e 1 − x 2 1 − e 1 − x 2

a πe2 
s≈  ∆λ − π(1 − c) + (2 − c)(1 − c2 )  . (16)
c  4  In the above equations b = a 1 − e2 , ϕ1 and ϕ2 > ϕ1 are
the latitudes at the intersections of the meridians and the
geodesic, x i = cos ϕ i , α i = arcsin (c / cos βi ) and
d) The azimuths at points P1 and P2 are given by Clairaut’s
equation, Eq. (2): cos βi = x i / 1 − e2 (1 − x 2i ) . (22)

sin α i = c / cos βi . (17)

The integral terms of Eqs. (20a) and (21a), of order e2,
This completes the solution to the indirect geodetic pro- are suitable for numerical integration. Note that f1 (x) is
blem on the ellipsoid. well conditioned for any x in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 with
f1 (1) = 1 .

If ϕ1 = ϕ2 , Eqs. (20a, b) and (21a, b) are modified to

4 Area computation under the geodesic ϕmax
f (ϕ) − sin ϕ
T = b (π − 2α1 ) + 2b ck ∫
2 2
dϕ (23)
Following Sjöberg (2005a) the area (T) on the ellipsoid li- g(ϕ)
mited by the equator, a geodesic with the Clairaut con-
stant c and the two meridians with longitudes λ1 and and
λ 2 > λ1 can be written x1
f1 (x) − 1
T = b (π − 2α1 ) + 2b ck ∫
2 2
λ2 λ2 dx , (24)
∫ f (ϕ)dλ = b (α − α1 ) + b ∫ [f (ϕ) − sin ϕ ]dλ , (18a)
2 2 2
T=b 2 cos ϕmax
λ1 λ1

sin ϕ 1 1 + e sin ϕ cos ϕ max = kc / 1 − e2c2 and c = sin α1 . (25)
f (ϕ ) = + ln . (18b)
2(1 − e2 sin 2 ϕ) 4e 1 − e sin ϕ

In the last equality of Eq. (18a) we have taken advantage

of the following differential property of the geodesic: 5 Numerical examples
sin ϕdλ = dα . (19) We will present three numerical examples on the direct
and indirect problems and area computation on the ellip-
soid with a = 6378 km and e2 = 0.00694.
Expressing dλ in terms of latitude [e. g. Sjöberg 2005a,
Eq. (19)], we finally arrive at the solution Example 5.1:
a) Let P1 be defined by β1 = λ1 = 0 , s = 1000 km and
f (ϕ) − sin ϕ α1 = 60° . Compute P2 and α 2 .
T = b2 (α 2 − α1 ) + b2ck ∫ dϕ , (20a)
Solution: From Eq. (2) we get Clairaut’s constant:
where c = cos β1 sin α1 = 0.866025 .
By iterating Eq. (3b) and (4) we obtain β(0)2 = 0.078153 ,
g (x) = x  1 − e2 (1 − x 2 ) (1 − c2 )− (1 − e2c2 )(1 − x 2 ) , β(2) = β (3)
= β = 0.078524 , which yields
   2 2 2
(20b) β2 = 4°29'56''.81 .
Then the longitude of P2 is given by Eqs. (6a) and (6b),
k = 1 − e2 and x = cos ϕ .
yielding λ 2 = 0.136239 = 7°48'21''.45 .

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Lars E Sjöberg, New Solutions to the Direct and Indirect Geodetic Problems on the Ellipsoid Fachbeitrag

b) Let P1 and P2 be defined from a). Compute s and α1 . 6 Concluding remarks

Solution: First c is iterated twice by Eqs. (11) and (12) We have demonstrated how to solve the direct and indi-
to 0.866025. This yields rect problems on the ellipsoid by adding the strict solu-
α1 = arcsin(c / cos β1 ) = arcsin 0.866025 = 5959'59''.83 . tion for the sphere and an ellipsoidal correction determi-
Then the arc length is determined by Eqs. (3a) and (3b) to ned by numerical integration. By employing numerical
s = 999.9999979 km. integration, the routines of which are usually available in
current computer software like MATLAB®, the problems
of classical geodesy are easily solved to desired precision.
Example 5.2: Remaining problems to be solved are related with the case
a) Let λ1 = β1 = β2 = 0 , λ 2 = 50 . Compute s and α1 . that the two points of interest on the geodesic are loca-
ted at nearly the same latitude, implying that the propo-
Solution: First c is determined by Eqs. (14a) and (14b). sed solutions for the direct and indirect problems become
As the integrand of Eq. (14b) becomes singular at numerically unstable.
the upper integration limit, it was approximated by
1 − c2 − 0.005 . After 2 iterations c = 0.999403 had sta-
bilized. Then the arc length and the azimuth at P1 were Acknowledgement
computed by Eqs. (16) and (2) to s = 5557.26246 km and The author is indebted to Dr. Ming Pan for the numeri-
α1 = 1.536261 = 88116' ''.62 , respectively. cal computations.

b) Let P1, s and α1 be given according to a). Compute the

coordinates of P2.
Solution: First the latitude of P2 was searched by Eq. (4), Heck, B.: Rechenverfahren und Auswertemodelle der Landesvermes-
sung. Herbert Wichmann Verlag, Karlsruhe, 1987.
which did not converge. Then, by assuming that also Klotz, J.: Eine analytische Lösung kanonischer Gleisungen der Geodä-
β2 = 0 , Eq. (10) yielded λ 2 = 50.00'00''.00 . Then, using tischen Linien zur Transformation ellipsoidischen Flächenkoordina-
Eq. (16), we obtained s = 5557.26247, which value thus ten. Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, München, Reihe C, Nr. 385,
agrees with its given value in a). Thus we have verified 1991.
Schmidt, H.: Lösung der geodätischen Hauptaufgaben auf dem Rota-
that P2 is located on the equator, and the direct problem tionsellipsoid mittels numerischer Integration. ZfV 124: 121–128,
is solved. 1999.
Sjöberg, L. E.: Determination of areas on the plane, sphere and ellipsoid.
Survey Review, 2005a (Accepted.)
Sjöberg, L. E.: Precise determination of the Clairaut constant in ellipso-
Example 5.3: idal geodesy, 2005b (Submitted to Surv. Rev.)
Compute the area under the geodesic limited by the me-
ridians through P1 and P2 in Example 5.1.

Solution: The azimuths are given by

α1 = arcsin(c / cos β1 ) = 1.04719674 and Author’s address
α 2 = arcsin(c / cos β2 ) = 1.05257549 . Lars E Sjöberg
Royal Institute of Technology, Division of Geodesy
From b = a 1 − e2 one obtains the approximate area SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
T1 = b2 (α 2 − α1 ) = 217283.20 km2. Phone: +46 8 790-7330, Fax: + 46 8 790-7343

Furthermore, ϕ1 = 0 and
( )
ϕ2 = arctan tan β2 / 1 − e2 = 0.0787968 , which
inserted into Eqs. (20a) and (20b) yields

f (ϕ) − sin ϕ
T2 = bck ∫ dϕ = 2.36 km2
g (ϕ)

and, finally,

T = T1 + T2 = 217285.56 km2.

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