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Book: muslim characters

Chapter # 9 (fulfillment of promise)

o I believe in promises. The promises you make to somebody and the promise
that somebody makes to you are a sign of love, trust and commitment.
Promises define the true character of a person; a person either breaks or
keeps a promise and he or she becomes known for it. That someone becomes
either someone who you can trust and could promise you the world or they
are someone who would forget about the trust and commitment and break
what you gave him or her.

Subject matter
People make promises often times to please other people. They don’t realize that the
phrase “I promise” isn’t a pleasure phrase to be thrown around. A promise is something
to keep close to your heart, not a casual statement or action. If it is broken it can really
be hurtful or destructive. It can hurt a person’s reputation, friendships and integrity.
These effects of breaking a promise can destroy the person that the promise was made
to and the amount of respect you and others have towards them.

A true promise is made by someone who can keep it, someone who is true to him or
herself, and to you. A person who can keep a promise enhances that person’s character,
core, heart and integrity. Any body can make a promise, but it takes a true person to
fulfill one. Promises are a powerful and special commitment that should be held close,
this I believe.

"If some one has taken an oath, but saw an aspect of goodness in another thing, he may
break his oath and pay compensation (atonement), and should perform the act which is
better and has goodness

A promise is asking another person to trust you. If they do is up to them, but your
actions will make a difference in any case:

If you deliver on said promise, you are building trust.

If you break said promise, you are destroying trust.
Trust is essential for society to function. You trust other to obey the laws of the land, for
instance traffic rules. You trust others not to kill you, so you don’t wear armor. You trust
your bank to not run away with your money, and the clerk trusts your bank to honor
the bill you pay with your credit card. Life without trust would be unbearably difficult
since you have to put a lot of effort into safety measures of all sorts.

 Fulfillment of promise in Islam

o Allah the Most High said: “O you who believe, why you say that which you
do not do? It is most hateful to Allah that you should say that which you
do not do.”

In this chapter writer writes about the promise of “Anas bin Nadar”

"O Messenger of Allah! I was absent from the first battle you fought against the pagans.
(By Allah) if Allah gives me a chance to fight the pagans, no doubt. Allah will see how
(bravely) I will fight".

— Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Jihad, 2805 and 2806

 He fought against the polytheists in the Battle of Uhud until he was martyred. His
body was found with more than eighty wounds of swords and arrows. Only his
sister could recognize his body by his fingers.[2][3][

Factor eccential for fulfillment of promises

Fulfillment of promises depends on two factors.1 memory 2 determination

Alive and wakeful memory and remembrance is essential for fulfilling promises. A man
who forgets his promises and covenants, how can he fulfill them? That is why the
following verse has been ended on a note of admonition after giving command of
fulfilling them: It should be a determination which should be able to cross all the
difficult valleys and blocks and should be able to set an example of selfless sacrifice for

Greatest promis

For a Muslim the most honorable and the holiest covenant is the one which he has made
with his Lord, This is the meaning of this covenant which Allah has taken from all the

"When your Lord drew forth from the children of Adam-from their loins-their
descendants, and made them testify concerning themselves, (saying).. . Am I not your
Lord ( Who cherishes and sustains you)?' They said: .Yes, we do

'Our fathers before us may have taken false gods but we are (their) descendants after
them.. will you then destroy us because of the deeds of men who were futile?' Thus do
We explain the signs in detail in order that they may turn (to Us)."
A man can create a confident only if they conscider a full fillment of promise a duty
otherwise it is not possible

"And fulfill your promise. Verily, you will be answerable for your promises

Just as in the case of oath and vow, a covenant is also either conditional or absolute. An
example of an absolute covenant is when a man says, “I make covenant with Allah that I
shall perform such and such good action.” Then this shall become binding upon him. If
he does not do so he would have committed a Greater sin. In addition he also has to pay
the penalty. The conditional covenant is the one when the person attaches some
conditions. For example, he may say, “If Allah gives me a son, I will perform such and
such good deed.” Then that good deed becomes Wajib upon him only when he gets a
son. Once the condition is fulfilled it will also be Harā m for him to leave the deed
undone and he will have to pay the additional penalty also.

 Conclusion

In conclusion it can be said that promise should be taken if it is acceptable from the
Shari’a point of view. In any case promise should be taken when common sense
dictates that the promise serves some useful purpose, either by carrying out an action
or by abstaining from it. For example to walk and exercise etc. which are beneficient
and Mubah (permitted) actions, and to abstain from smoking which is harmful to health
although Mubah.

“Fulfill the covenant of Allah when you have taken it and do not break oaths after
their confirmation while you have made Allah a witness over you. Verily, Allah
knows what you do.”(Surah An-Nahl 16:91)

On the Day of Judgment, Allah will ask you about every promise that you made to
another and whether you kept that promise or not. It doesn’t matter if it was as small as
you promising to return a friend a pen or you promising to return a friend a huge
amount of money. Any promise that is unfulfilled will be asked about. And you must not
be in a situation where you have no answer for Allah. May Allah make it easy for us to
fulfill all our promises to people and the main promise to Allah to follow His path and
become good Muslims. Ameen

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