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1 2 3

Borîndel I. Bogdan-
Ionuț n n y
Brehoiu V. Marina n n n
Bulgaru D. Daniela-
Mihaela n n n
Constantin M. Marilena
y y y
Dociu P. Iuliana y y y
Enache A. Andreea-
Mihaela y y y
Floruț D.V. Alexandru-
Ștefan-Octavian y y y
Luca A. Gabriel-
Cristian n y y
Mazîlu G. Roxana-Alis n n n
Mincu G. Nicoleta-
Veronica n n n
Onisie G. Costina
Ionela y n n
Panait L. Alexandru-
Marian y n y
Paraschivescu A. Anca-
Adriana y y y
Păunescu S.A. Cristian-
Vlad y y y
Popa T. Tiberiu-Mihai n n n
Popescu F. Georgiana-
Cătălina n n n
Popescu I.D. Vlad n n n
Pricopi N. Bianca n n n
Stan I.T. Ioana Rodica n n n
Tiță G.S. Iuliana-
Alexandra y y y
Assignment 1
Give a short
about yourself
and tell if you
have even been
involved in
elaborating the
strategy of your
organisation (if
you were/are
Choose a word
from slide 8
(see the
document Assignment 2
attached Give a short
Strategic presentation of
management strategic
slides management stages
2019/2020) (steps in elaborating
and give a short a strategy)
explanation of Describe what the
that word. vision and mission of Assignment 3
Give some an organisation are What are the
definitions of and give some SMART objectives
strategic examples and give at least
management for public institutions 5 examples.
4 5 6 7 8

y n y y y
n n n n n

y y y y y

y y y y y
y n y y y

y y y n y

y n y y n

y y y y n
n n n n n

n n y y y

n n y y n

y y y y y

n y y n y

y n y n y
n n n n n

n n n n n
n n n n n
n n y y n
n n n n n

n n y y y
What are the
strategic planning
instruments useful
for and choose
from Excel sheet,
google sheet and
What are the balanced
Assignment 4 Assignment 5 key-performance scorecard to make
What is a SWOT What is a indicators and an example for a
analysis and give an stakeholders analysis give min. 3 public institution Optional - Design a
example for a public and give an example examples for (how to plan some strategy map for a
institution for a public institution public sector activities) public institution

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