English 9 Activity Sheet

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Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
Year &Section: __________________________ Subject: _ ___________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Theme Writing Formal Informal
Skill / Exercise / Drill Drawing / Art Others _________________
Activity No. 4.1 Activity Title: Active and Passive Voice
Learning Targets: Recognize active or passive in a sentence.
Reference Title: Essential English 9 (Work text in Literature and Language
Author: Carolina T. Gonzales
Values / Attitudes: Excellence
I- Essential Idea
Active voice
In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb.
    These examples show that the subject is doing the verb's action.

Because the subject does or "acts upon" the verb in such sentences, the sentences are said to be in the active voice.
Passive voice
One can change the normal word order of many active sentences (those with a direct object) so that the subject is
no longer active, but is, instead, being acted upon by the verb - or passive.
    Note in these examples how the subject-verb relationship has changed.

Because the subject is being "acted upon" (or is passive), such sentences are said to be in the passive voice.
Learning Experiences
A. Clarifying Understanding
Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentences.
1. The righteous shall flourish as the palm tree.
2. The camel is the ship of the desert.
3. Here is the smell of blood still; all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. 
4. The best part about music class is that you can bang on the drum.
5. She sells seashells by the sea-shore.
Analyze the elements of music in the folk song “ Little Silver Moon”. Identify the elements by
checking the correct answer under the box below.
____Nasal where the ____Narrow range ____Fast beat with 4
voice origin is through with 1-3 intervals in beats per second
the nose tones
____Head voice in ___ Moderate range ___Moderate beat
falsetto or has a light with 4-5 tones interval with 2 beats per
voice second
___Chest or speaking ___wide range with 6- ____ Slow beat with 1
voice or throaty 8 tones interval beat per second
___Guttural voice or
raspy or growling
Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
Year &Section: __________________________ Subject: _ ___________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Theme Writing Formal Informal
Skill / Exercise / Drill Drawing / Art Others
Activity No.: 1.3 Activity Title: Types of Context Clues: Examples, Mood or Tone Cause and Effect
Learning Targets: Define unfamiliar words with the help of context clues.
Reference Title: Context clues. Retrieved from
Values / Attitudes: Excellence
I- Essential Ideas
a. pictures c. confident
b. stories d. puzzles

Kongho – the instrument is similar to harp and aside from the right hand technique, it can also be played by the left
hand in vibrato.

The Membranophones Instruments

Pengling – Percussion instrument consisting of two bells made of bronze. It

adds beauty in rhythmic instrument in music ensemble and theater.

Muyu – is made from mulberry of carved wood and used by striking it

to produce sounds. It is used as musical accompaniment in Buddhist

The Idiophone Instruments

Dizi – is considered a traditional Chinese flute which can be

played through double or triple tonguing fluttered, and tonguing
and fluttered.

Xiao – it is also known as a wind instrument which is considered

As long flute. It is played in Chinese classical music for solo music.

Sheng – one of the oldest Chinese instruments and is named as “ Chinese Mount
organ “. It consist of 13 – 17 bamboo pipes in various lengths that are placed

II- Learning Experiences

A. Clarifying Understanding
Draw at least one traditional Chinese musical Instrument. With description.


Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
Year &Section: __________________________ Subject: _ ___________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Theme Writing Formal Informal
Skill / Exercise / Drill Drawing / Art Others _________________
Activity No.2.3 Activity Title: The Music of Korea
Learning Targets: Analyzes musical elements of selected songs and instruments pieces heard and performed,
listens perceptively to music of East Asia and sings songs of East Asia
Reference Title: The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION
Author:Ferdilyn C. Lacia Page Numbers: 40 - 42
Values / Attitudes: Perspective

I- Essential Ideas
Since the year 1948, the Korea has been divided into two; the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea (North Korea). So the music in these two regions of Korea may differ. In south Korea, the traditional
music is being preserved but western music has entered and influenced its people especially the young ones.

Texture and Rhythm

The texture of the Korean music is monophonic in nature. The modal structure of their music is based on a five-
tone scale influenced by the other Asian countries.
The pitch in Korean music is subtle in such a way that the Korean music and even their instruments are not able to
show variable pitch.
1. Sijo – it is known as the classical lyric song with an accompaniment of the following instruments; haegum,
taegum, piri and changgu.
2. P’ansori – it is Korean music where one person performs an operatic song with a barrel drum as a musical
3. Pomp’ae – one kind of genre in Korean Buddhist chant which is similar to Gregorian chant.
4. Hyangak – it is native court banguet music of Korea.

II- Learning Experiences

A. Clarifying Understanding
Analyze the following elements of music from the Korean folk song “Doraji”. Identify the elements by
checking (√) the correct answer under the box below.
Timbre Nasal Head Chest/speaking Guttural voice
(voice voice/falsetto voice (throaty) (raspy/growl)
resonates (light)
through the
Melody Narrow range Moderate range Wide range (6-
(1-3 tones (4-5 tones 8 tones and
interval) interval) above interval)
Rhythm Fast Moderate Slow (1 beat/
(4beats/second (2beats/second second)
) )


Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
Year &Section: __________________________ Subject: _ ___________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Theme Writing Formal Informal
Skill / Exercise / Drill Drawing / Art Others _________________
Activity No.2.1 Activity Title: Arts of East Asia
Learning Targets: Analyze elements and principles of art in the production of arts and crafts inspired by the
cultures of East Asia and identify characteristics of arts and crafts inspired countries in East Asia.
Reference Title: The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION
Author:Ferdilyn C. Lacia Page Numbers: 108-112
Values / Attitudes: Creativity

I- Essential Ideas
The Chinese like to wear their traditional dresses in the Han Period Classical style fashion-loose robe with long sleeves. In
the course of time, they wore it with loose trousers, underskirts with belts.
1. A lady in classical formal wear
2. Casual wear of a laborer with a businessman in the fashion during the Yuan Period
3. The exquisite porcelain vase, for which China is famous.
Unlike the Koreans, the Japanese decorated their loose, one-piece robe with designs of flowers, cherries and birds. There
are plenty of outlines on their Kimono as influenced by the Classical Han Chinese attire. The style of the kimono varies
according to seasons. Fabrics made of cotton and rayon are preferred for kimonos.
The Japanese like to present their folk arts in miniature forms like the brass figurine of a samurai on extreme right side.
The Koreans’ mode of dressing and their folk arts were influenced by the Chinese because the Chinese beliefs and values
of Confucianism had spread and gained roots in Cheoson (Korea) for a long time. Thus, the Korean national attire is
patterned after the Hand-loose robe style with long loose-sleeves (right photo). However, the uniqueness of their jeogori
(upper robe) and Chima (Skirt) is that they are fashioned as not to be decorated, but have to remain plain in vibrant colors.

II- Learning Experiences

A. Clarifying Understanding


Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
Year &Section: __________________________ Subject: _ ___________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Theme Writing Formal Informal
Skill / Exercise / Drill Drawing / Art Others _________________
Activity No.2.1 Activity Title: Dating, Courtship and Marriage
Learning Targets: Defines basic terms (dating, courtship, marriage)
Analyzes behaviors that promote healthy relationship in marriage and family life and describes the factors that
contribute to a successful marriage.
Reference Title: The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION
Author:Ferdilyn C. Lacia Page Numbers: 254-257
Values / Attitudes: Open minded

I- Essential Ideas
One of the biggest decisions people make is to choose a life partner and be married. It is part of human sexuality. To be
able to look for a possible partner, they need to associate with other people.
Dating is a way to know more about new acquaintances and extend the friendship that has started. It aims to spend
time and socialize publicity with another person, treating one another as a couple. It is a way for people to be more
aware of who they are and to acquire social skills.
Courtship is the period when the couple has already established their romantic relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend
and decided to bring it on a more serious level.
Courtship and Dating give the couple the opportunity to regularly meet each other and have the chance to really know
each other’s personalities.
Marriage is defined as the most committed male-female relationship. It is also a legal contract held together by bonds
of intimacy and sharing.
Attitudes And Behavior Promote Healthy Relationship In Marriage And Family Life
Speak Up – Couple should talk about things that bother them. An open communication line clears the gap between
Respect – husband and wife should value each other’s ideas and opinions. Mutual respect is a big factor in a
Be Supportive – Husband and wife should encourage each other to further develop themselves and support each
other. As partners, you must always lift each other’s spirit up.
Respect Each Other’s Privacy – never forget that husband and wife are still two different individuals with different
hobbies and interest. Give each other space.
Compromise – Remember that husband and wife are two individuals and they sometimes have different way of
thinking and disagreements may arise. As they say, meet halfway. Compromise on whatever decisions the couple will
make, considering both sides.
Factors That Contribute to a Successful Marriage
1. Shared Religious Beliefs
2. Adequate Income
3. Shared Household chores
4. Faithfulness
5. Children
6. Agreement on Politics
7. Happy Sexual Relationship
8. Good Housing
9. Shared Tastes and Interest
II- Learning Experiences
A. Clarifying Understanding
Direction: put check (√) before each of the following statements that describes your attitudes and
________1. I can explain the importance of courtship and dating in choosing a lifelong partner.
________2. I can analyze behaviors that promote healthy relationship in marriage and family life.
________3. I can describe the factors that contribute to a successful marriage.
________4. I can differentiate between courtship and dating.
________5. I can analyze the importance of marriage.
Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
Year &Section: __________________________ Subject: _ ___________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Theme Writing Formal Informal
Skill / Exercise / Drill Drawing / Art Others _________________
Activity No.2.2 Activity Title: Maternal Health Concerns
Learning Targets: Discusses various maternal health concerns (pre-during-post pregnancy),
Discusses pregnancy-related concerns,
Explains the importance of maternal nutrition during pregnancy,
Discusses the importance of newborn screening and the APGAR scoring system for newborns.
Reference Title: The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION
Author:Ferdilyn C. Lacia Page Numbers: 258-259
Values / Attitudes: Open minded

I- Essential Ideas
Here are some Dos in preparing for pregnancy:
1. See your doctor for advice.
2. Have a dental check-up.
3. Ask your doctor if you need vaccination.
4. Discuss with your doctor your family health history.
5. Change your habits. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs which may affect the development of the
anticipated baby.
6. Have a healthy weight. If you are obese, lose weight.
7. Check if your workplace or your work is safe for pregnancy.
Food tips for the mother during pregnancy:
1. Eat food from each of the food groups every day. (Vegetables, fruits, grains/cereals, proteins, milk/dairy products)
2. Drink plenty of water.
3. Avoid caffeinated drinks like cola and coffee.
4. Eat small amounts of food high in fats, sugar, and salt.
5. Eat food that is freshly prepared.
6. Eat a balanced diet.
7. Take multivitamins.
APGAR means:
A – Appearance
P – Pulse
G – Grimace
A – Activity
R – Respiration
APGAR Scoring:
APGAR Sign 2 1 0
Appearance (skin color) Normal color all over Normal color ( but hands Bluish-gray or pale all
(hands and feet are pink) and feet are bluish) over
Pulse (heart rate) Normal (above 100 Below 100 beats per Absent (no pulse)
beats per minute) minute
Grimace ( reflect Pulls away, sneezes, Facial movement only Absent (no response to
irritability) coughs or cries with (grimace) with stimulation)
stimulation stimulation
Activity ( muscle tone) Active, spontaneous Arms and legs flexed No movement, “ floppy”
movement with little movement tone
Respiration (breathing Normal rate and effort, Slow or irregular Absent (no breathing)
rate and effort) good cry breathing, weak cry

II- Learning Experiences

A. Clarifying Understanding
Accomplish the concept map below. After you accomplish, compare your answer with your seatmate’s. Do
you have the same answer?

Rapid population
Name: _________________________________ Date: _______________________
Year &Section: __________________________ Subject: _ ___________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Theme Writing Formal Informal
Skill / Exercise / Drill Drawing / Art Others _________________
Activity No.2.1 Activity Title: Progress in Fitness
Learning Targets: Undertake physical activity and physical fitness assessments.
Conduct physical activity and physical fitness assessment of family/school peers.
Set goals based on assessment results
Recognize barriers (low level of fitness, lack of skill and time) to exercise.
Prepare a physical activity program.
Discusses the importance of newborn screening and the APGAR scoring system for newborns.
Reference Title: The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION
Author:Ferdilyn C. Lacia Page Numbers: 181-185
Values / Attitudes: Perseverance

I- Essential Ideas
Program in Fitness
The journey to fitness is not just a snap of your fingers which you can achieve with just little effort and discipline. Your
fitness expedition will contain preparation through procedures, as you progress in better understanding of your body.
The following are the reasons why one does not progress in fitness even if he/she tries hard to do it:
1. A person does not have goals.
2. No schedule set for training.
3. Improper diet associated with exercise.
4. No monitoring of progress.
The following are the recommendations to progress in fitness and in health and achieve fitness goals:
1. Make exercise be a part of your habit.
2. Set reachable goals.
3. Support exercise routine with healthy lifestyle.
4. Get a workout partner.
5. Make sure that you have time to work out even on your rest day.
II- Learning Experiences
A. Clarifying Understanding
Put a check (√) before each of the following statements that describes your skills, attitudes, and
feelings during and after doing the activities in this lesson.
__________1. I undertake physical activity and physical fitness assessments.
__________2. I can conduct physical activity and physical fitness assessments of family/school peers.
__________3. I have set my goals based on assessment results.
__________4. I can recognize barriers (low level of fitness, lack of skill and time) to exercise.
__________5. I can prepare a physical activity program.


Subject: Mapeh 8
Expert Teacher: Ms. JossanaElvie A. Lade
Activity No: 2.2
Topic: Volleyball and Baseball
Learning Target: Describe the nature and background of the sport.
Execute the skills involved in the sport.
References: Ferdilyn C. Lacia. The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION Manila Philippines:
Rexpublishing.com.ph page 186-192
Values/Attitudes: Courage
I- Essential Ideas
The game volleyball is one of the team sports that can be played either indoors or outdoors. It is played by two
opposing teams of six players each in a court with the dimension of 18m x 9m with the objective of landing the
volleyball into the opponent’s court to gain a point or a score.
The event has set

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